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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 3, 1919)
Wrwmt KM ht 0 a ml THIRTY-FIFTH YEAR. NORTH PLATTE; NED., JUNE 3, 1919. No. 41 "FEDERAL COUHT WILL RE HELD HERE NEXT WEEK. Judge Woodrough and his federal court officials will bo hero next Mon day to hold a session tliat may con tinue throughout the week. On thn docket are about thirty criminal cases, nearly all of tho defendants bolng charged with n violation of tho llquoi laws. A number of these men have already been convicted In tho county court and paid tho fines assessed, but must now face Judge AVoodrough on tho charge of fracturing tho federal prohibition law In transporting liq uor from a wet to a dry state. These violators may not get off quite so easy in tho federal court a3 they did in tho county courts in which they woro arraigned. ::o:: l'etersoii in Hospital A letter received yesterday by P. C. Peterson stated that hip son Sergeant Fred Peterson is in a base hospital at Nenonahr, Germany, recovering from an operation for appendicitis, which was performed May 16th. Ho was reported as getting along nicely when tho letter was written. Tho Fourth division, to which Fred belongs, was duo to Icavo Germany for homo May 27th, but it was not expected thai Fred would -bo able to leave at that time. This will probably delay his arrival homo for a month or more. -::o::- Marguerito Roddy and Marie Schwaiger returned Sunday from Lin coln whore they had been taking n week's canning course at tho state farm. Tho girls are members of the .North Platte canning team which cap tured soveral prizes at tho state canning contest last year. John Baker landed at New York fin fli t1 n r n f f rti ntmnof n i-wi rt In - i . UUJ ULlVt UWUUOb U J UU1 til U - I orsoas service. Ho went over with the 341st Field Artillery, but immediately, after the signing of tho armistice was , transferred to division headquarters of tho 89th Division. Dorothy IN "EXTRAVAGANCE" A dramatic lesson in high finance and worthless matrimony' Keith Theatre, Thursday and Friday. I KEITH THEATRE EVELYN NESBIT ,N , rtA FALLEN IDOL" In which the devil wore cupid's mask, hut he tore it oft and tossed it into the sea when he had his victim at bay. The Ford Sedan, always a handsome car of refinement and comfort, is more than ever the car for social life, in city and country. Delivery reasonably prompt The Ford Sedan production at the factory has not yet been . reached, so it is suggested that the sooner you leave your order, the sooner you will get your car. HENDY-OGIER AUTO CO., Ford Authorized Sales and Service. ENTERTAINMENT RY PUPILS OF ST. PATRICK'S SCHOOL Tonight and tomorow night tho pu pils of St. Patrick's school will give nn entertainment nt theschpbl hall. Tho first part of the program will bo tho samo each evening, but 'thp sec ond part will be entirely dlftorent each overling. The program this evening will be an opening choruB, a piano quartette by Amy Elder, Helen Smith, Lucille Mar tini and Agnes Miles, vocal duet bj Lucille Martini and Reglna Frazler; piano quartette by Mario Burgner. Zlta Doncgan, Ruth Donelson and Anna Drost; pltino solo by Lucille Martini and piano quartetto by Pearl Brodbeck, Regina Frazicr, Catherine Gifford and Viola Rauch. The seconu part will consist of a , humorous sketch by Urban Simon and Chas. Ken worthy, the operetta "Dorothy" by tho pupils of tho 7th to 11th grades and a pageant by the girls of the 2d, 3d and 4th grades. Tomorrow evening tho second part will consist of a Jumping Jack drill by the boys of tho 2d and 3d grades, the operetta "Boys of '7.C" and a pageant entitled "One Sweetly Solemn Thought." ::o:: Don't bo stampeded or hurried la J your purchaso of your new car. Con sider and compare values, and then he satisfied to wait a short time to got any one of about six standard makes, cars which are made first to give ser vice and to last. Many cars of todaj aro made first to soil, and you wry seldom find an owner who buys a second car of tho some mako. You will find though, that many owners of bucIi cars as Ford, Dodge, Buick and Cadillac, have a pride and knowledge of the value of their purchases and buy the same car again and again. Buy a standard car from an establlsir ed dealer and you will have a perma nent satisfaction. With the present shortage of good cars, better order today. J. V. Romlgh, dealer. Dalton smug? t Wednesday & Thursday THE UNIVERSAL CAR Sedan, $775; Coupe, $650; Touring Car, $525; Runabout $500; Truck Chasis, $550. These prices are f. o. b. Detroit. We will be pleased to take your order and make as quick delivery as possible. Normal Funeral Service of Jlrs. Rnldwin " Mrs. Brunton, of Los Angeles, nieco of thp late Mrs. Baldwin, who recently died In that city and tho body cre mated, will' arrive In North Plntto this afternoon with tho residue. Fun eral sorvlcos, conducted by tho East ern Star, will bo hold at tho Masonic hall Wednesday afternoon nt three o'clock. To this service tho frlonds of tho late deceased are invited. The urn containing tho ashes will be de posited on the lot In which lies the romalns of Judge Baldwin. The Liberty Land Company The Liberty Land Company, with S. M. Soudor and T. F. Henley as tho di recting energy and potentinl factors, has at last, after two weeks of effort, been able to securo an office room over tho Jlexall drug store and an nounce their readiness to do business. This company has listed for sale ft choico lot of farm and ranch lands in Lincoln and adjoining counties, and also a number of choico city proper sties, both Improved nnd unimproved. If you aro In tho market for a farm, ranch or city property, or If you have real ostato you wish to sell, call at the Liberty Land Co. of fice and you will get renl service. ::o:: Community Welfare The geeneral committee will meet at tho basement of the public library this evening at 7:30. It Is desired that each member bo .promptly on time as business of vital importance Is to be considered. ::o:: Graham Duder, husband of Nellie Birkinshaw, formerly of this city, died at his home In Ottawa, 111., Wednes day of last week. Mrs. Fred Elliott, who was a close friend of Mrs. Duder, received a telegram that Mr. Ducter could not live, and left for Ottawa Wednesday noon. A few hours later a wire was received stating that Mr. Duder had passed away. Eighty-one hundredths of an Incn of rain fell Saturday night and Sun day, falling gently during the greater part of Sunday. Tho ground had be come tluite dry on top and tho rain was therefore of the million dollar kind. This rain was general over the state. Considerable snow fell Sun day In eastern Wyoming. The Travel and Study Club met at the home of Mrs. If. C. Brock last ev ening and elected officers for tho en Biilng year as follows: President, Mrs. Blanche Field ; vice-president, Mrs. Ira L. Bare; secretary, and treasurer, Mrs. W. H. McDonald. -A big new shipment of georgotto blouses just arrived In a big variety of styles and colors. E. T. Tramp & Sons. WHO'S THE GOAT? Why Fred Stone of course KEITH THEATRE TONIGHT. LOCAL AND PERSONAL tr. tU Wilt lit 1'f J I I11U 1 friends In town Saturday. For Sale A 'kitchen range. Cull black 214, or nt 208 cast Third. 41-2 Mrs. Clyde Cook returned Sundny from Victor, Iowa, whoro Bho had been visiting rolntlves fr n week want. A big lino of tho slip over sweat ers at T. Tramp & Sons'. jGi-o. X. Glbbs nnar H. L. Penning ton have purchased 100 acres of tho Siind place, west of town, for $12,000. jl'ownsond Dont is oxpected to ar rive home todny from Atchison, Kan., where ho hns boon attending Midland college. Mrs. John Hlldobrand roturned Sun day from Victor, Iowa, where she visited relatives and ' friends for tho pnst week. Tho S. & R. Sorvice Station means real sorvice. High grade oil and gas. iTho Lutheran ladles of tho First and Second wards will meet Thursday af ternoon at tho homo of Mrs. Frod Thompson, Mrs, Mary Patteo. of Wellington. Kansas, and Miss Agnes O'Connor, of umana, arc guests at tho Mrs. Fred Hanlon home. fclaudo Peters visited friends In town last week and returned to Lin coln Sunday to attond tho summer school nt tho state university. Mrs. C. A. Wior and daughter, Miss Elizabeth, returned Friday to tholr home at Grand Island after n short visit at tho P. M. Soronson home. Have your gas tank filled at tho S. & 11. Service Station, Gth and Locust. The' now real estate firm composed of S. M. Souder and T. F. Healoy havo secured a room over tho Rexall drug store and are now fitting it up for nn office. Mrs. J. R. McWilliams and daugh ter Miss Minerva and Mrs. Geo. Vo seiplta, went to Denver yosterday for a peek's visit with relatives and friends. See "Clinton & Son' l.'out your Eyes and satisfied. Son Is over oh tho Rhine, will be homo soon. Sign ot tho Big Ring. Mnrringe bans wero published Sun day for tho first time of Helen Martin, of Ogalalla and Adam Christ. Mr. Christ has just recently received his discharge from sorvice. Christian Sclenco service -Sunday 11 a. ttn .Wednesday evening meetings every -week at 8:00. A cordial invi tation la. extended to all to attend theso services. Building & Loan build ing, room 25. Tho Baptist groups will meet Thurs day afternoon, tho bible group at tho church, tho Hazeltlne group with Mrs. 'Neumeyer, 310 east Fourth, and tho Q. E. group with Mrs. Valerius, GO!) west Fourth. Navy blue silk hosiery to match your suit at E. T. Tramp & Sons'. A messago received yesterday from Sgt. Charles Rincker, stated thnt ho was leaving Washington, D. C, for Camp Dodge to receivo his discharge Ho expects to reach homo about Sun day. All members of tho O. E. S. and vis Xing members of tho order aro re quested to moot nt tho Masonic hail Wednesday afternoon at 2:45 to attenu the funeral services of Sister Baldwn, Mhlch will be held at tho hall at thrco o'clock conducted by tho O. E. S. IT. Dixon & Son have tho best equipped crystal department in tho weatorn part of tho state. They aro equipped .with tho latest of instru ments nnd in connection with their optical departcmnt they grind their own lenses. Infant's wearing apparel now on display at E. T. Tramp &, Sons'. Dr. Mnrie Ames has purchased cf G"o. W. Finn tho residence property on Fourth street west of tho -Streltz homo for a consideration of $3,500. Mt Finn purchased tho proporty about two months ago for ?2,800, thus making $700 on tho buy. Tho famous Whlto Rose and Red Crown gnsollno for sale at tho S. &; R. S. rvico Station. Tho managers of tho Keith, Crystal and Sun theatres extended tho cour tesy of free admission to tho Wy oming and Colorado troops of tho 89t'i Division who woro in town for thrco lmurs Saturday ovenlng. Rain fol. during tho greater part of tho time tho hoys wero in town and tho picture shows proved an agrecablo entertain ing feature for them. For Snlo Dining room table, f iiairs, china cnbinet and sldoboard. 4i Vine street. Last Saturday licenses to wed were l ued to Earl Inman of this city and I sio Hoover of Hersney, to Roy Gey ei of Big Springs and Neda Reynolds this city, to Miles Hart of Cozad a '1 Editli Abercromble of Brady and t Roy Grimm of Cozad and Maude Nico of Gothenburu. On tho samo day Judgo Woodhurst married Arlan MarMn of Buda and Margaret Fry of, Kenrnoy. s , BMs for the construction of tho club hoits - on tho Country Club grounds worr- oponed last evening by tho com mittee, Four bids wero filed, each of which was in tho neighborhood of ten thousand dollars, or about $3,000 higher than tho estlmato of tho architect. All bids wore rejected nnd It Is probable tho dimensions of the building will bo cut or tho plans al tered so that tho cost will not exceed $8,000. mm THIS CITY I'ltOHAMiK LANDING SITU IN PLAN 12 FLIGHT Lieut. Conklin, oi tho Omnhn bal loon school, spent yostorday in town seeking n landing plnco for nn alr plano lllghl from Now York to Stin Francisco which will bo mndo under government supervision. Tho piano selected to mnko tho (light is ono of tho bombing nodels, propollcd by four "800 horso power Llborty motors, with a tnnk capacity for 700 gallons of gasoline, fifty gallons ot oil and manned by fourteen men. Tho piano will stnrt on its flight as soon nftor Juno 10th ns tho weather will per mit. Threo landings will bo made, tho first at Chicago, tho second nt North Plntto, and tho third at or near Ogdon. Lieut. Conklin was driven out to tho Country Club grounds, and also to a tract of land enst of tho river, by Messrs. Carroll and Pennington, which wero suggested ns possible lnndlng sites, nnd Lieut. Conklin will recommend ono of theso two sites. -::o::- Tho Episcopal guild will meet in tho church basement Thursday afternoon. Whlto wnshablo silk petticoats for ladles. E. T. Tramp & Sous. Miss Dorothy Carothors, of Maxwell, attended tho county eighth grade graduation oxorcises at tho Franklin auditorium Saturday. Mrs Frod Warren and two children left Saturday for Hamlin, Kansas, where they will spend tho summer with relatives. AT THE CUM "PUO A nmTO THURSDAY FANNY "THE YELLOW TICKET" -ALSO 'MUTT and JEFF' Comedy Porch and Lawn Furniture Our wide selection of this furniture will satisfy the most4 discriminating. It is very substantially built to withstand hard usage and weather exposure, yet very good looking. Made in old hickory, light maples, oak or green decorated. W. R. MALONEY CO. Save Your Time Just call The Rexall Drug Store, Phone No. 4. We will mail or deliver your order FREE OF CHARGE. We have just received one ton of Paris Green and a large quantity oi other sprays and disinfectants. Try us first Quality, Service and the Right Price. Money back if not satisfied. The Rexall Store Extends Tlmnks For kindly and courteous assistance during our war on dandelions, tho Twentieth Century Club wishes to ex tend thanks to Mayor Stroltz for giv ing us two days of tho street com missioner's time, Street Commissioner Snllsbury for tho days hauling, tho editors of tho Telegraph and tho Trlbuno for publicity, Professor Tout and tho tenchors of tho grndo and parochial ischools for assisting in weighing and disposing of tho obnox- m ious weed, and tho school children whoso pcrsovornnco .nnd hard work took them over tho top with moro than five thousand bushels. Miss Murray, Washington, Miss Diencr, .Lincoln nnd Miss Graham nt tho Jefforsou school were tho winning rooms in t he contest, nnd n prlzo of a. sack of pea huts was given to each child in tho champion rooms. Wo regret that tho stnto of our finances docs not permit of our continuing our vigorous cam paign at tho prcsont time, but it our earnost wish that the war ot ex termination continue, and wo urgently ask tho Commercial Club, Elks' Clur nnd all othor organizations whoso treasuries rcscmblo nntlonnl bauks to assist In this good cause. Howard Wilcox, driving a Poogoat enr, won tho GOO-mllo rnco at Indian apolis Friday in 5:44.21. avoritglnc S7.12 mllos per hour. Arthur Thur mnn, a driver, was killed when his car overturned, and nnothor drivor and his mechanic woro burned to death, tho car overturning nnd burn ing gas covering them. New fancy wash dresses for misses and Indies at E. T. Tramp & Sons'. WARD in e 5. V