The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, May 30, 1919, Image 5

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    .ye comfort
near view
and dfotance-
do the work
of two r
parrs ot
Eye Sight Specialists
Wc - Grind Our. Own Lenses.
"Moral Suicide"
7 Reel Special
Also "HAN OF MIGHT" No. 13
Tuesday Wednesday
Harold Lockwood
in his super feature
The Zetn Gauia Zeta society will
hold an exchange at the Maloney
store Saturday.
Gage Hiilloajj, cashier of tho Hon
ry State Bank-, was transacting bus
iness In town Wednesday.
The most wonderful waist values for
women at $1.00, $1.50 and $2.50 ot.
sale by The Leader Mercantile Co.
Mrs. W. J. Tlloy, Mrs. W. V. Hoag
land and Miss Florenco'StaniD attend
ed tho Rebekah meeting at Gothen
burg Wednesday.
Rev. A. C. Hull has returned from
Denver whore ho spent several days
attondlnc the sessions of the Northern
Baptist convention.
Dr. Morrill. Dontfst. Office
Wilcox 1 apartment Store.
Porry Sitton, of Rawlins, Wyo., ar
rived Wednesday to spend Memorial
Day and visit at the Butler Buchanan
Count your time at its worth pur
hour and flguro what headaches are
costing you. Its "good business" to
remove the cause and eliminate the
loss. Seo Dr. States today.
Paris Green only 65c in 10 pound
lots at Gummere-Dent's. See our ad
elsewhere. 40-2
No delivery of city mail by carrier
will be made tomorrow, but delivery
windows at tho postofflco will be open
irom nlno to twelve o'clock in the
Paris Green only C5c in 10 nmmri
lots at Gummere-Dent's. See our ad
elsewhere. 40-2
Mrs. Guy Swope. Mrs. Ed ,Vander-
hoof Mrs. Geo. Frater, and tho Misses
Fayo Elder, Essie Wessberg. Feme
Watts and Elaine Bundy attended the
Rebekah meeting at Gothenburg Wea.
Geo. Frater made a buslnesf trip to
Grand Island Wednesday.
Rev. Ives, of Sidney, visited friends
In town the first of the week.
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Baldwin, have
gone to Excelsior Springs to remain
for thirty days.
Women can save from $5.00 to $15.00
;and buy their this season's stylo suit
of Tho Leader Mercantile Co.'? ,
The Red Cross work on hand has
. been completed and the workroom will
be closed for some time
Wanted Competent housekeeper.
W. E. Shuman.
Paul Simon returned Tuesday from
Kearney where he had been attending
the state normal.
Miss M. Sleman, steam baths and
Swedish Massage, ladies and gentle
men. Phone 897. Erodbeck bide. 85tf
Cy. Askwlg, W. il. Slmants ami
Perry Carson transacted business in
Grand Island Wednesday.
Miss Hazel Barber has returned
from Lincoln where she had been at
tending the state university.
Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Weeks, who had
been visiting relatves in town, left
Wednesday for their home In Los An
geles, where Jim is emnjoyed as a
conductor on tho Southern Pacific.
Christian Science service Sunday 11
a. m. Wednesday evening meetings
every week at 8:00. A cordial invi
tation Is extended to all to attend
these serrlces. Building & Loan build
ing, room 25.
Frank Weeks, of Ft. Scott, Kan., has
been visiting relatives and friends in
town this week. He is in the, emplo?
of an electric company and this Is his
first visit to his old homo town in
eight years.
I have a buyer for a quarter sea
tion of good farm land with or with
out improvements south of south riv
er. Clabaugh, C18 Dewey. 3U-4
When headache attacks you the day
is lost. Why live in anticipation of
it? Why sacrifice time to it? Remove
the cause by taking chiropractic ad
justments and be rid of headaches.
See Dr. States today.
Tho Harrington Mer. Co, -will buy
your Hay and Grain. Obtain our
prices beforo you soil, tf
Henry Clark who 'landed In New
York last week Ironl overseas service.
Is expected to arrive, homo this Thurs
day n(ght, having left Now York Tues
day night. As a member of a casualty
company ho was not required to go
to a camp to bo demobilized.
Tho Twentieth Century club met
Tuesday with Mrs. R. F. Cottorell
This being the last business meeting
of tho year, it was decided that a
"get together" meeting and banquet
will bo hold on Tuesday, June linn
when the officers for tho coming year
will bo installed.
Seo 'Clinton & Son'
about your Eye troubles,
satisfaction every time,
Son is over In Germany,
will be homo in a few
weeks or month3. Sign of the Big
Mrs. D. C. Congdon, who has been
visiting in Chicago, writes her hus
band that sho has purchased a Jordan
six cylinder, sever pasenger touring
car. The car will bo left In Chicago
until next fall, when Mr. and Mrs,
Congdon will go to that city and start
on a tour of tho south where they will
Bpend the winter. The car purchased
ranks with tho well known Cadillac.
Sammlc Olrls' Banquet.
The Sammlc Girls wero guests at a
banquot given at tho Episcopal church
basement Tuesday evening, the Sam
mlc members, of tho graduating class
and their mothers being tho honor
guests. The" decorations wero Jn
green and yellow, tho senior class col
ors. A greon lattice entirely con
cealed tho stace nnd the orchestra.
Table decorations wero pink roses atyl
snap dragons, with a buttonlero of
yellow daisies and ferns at each plato
as a souvenir.
Mrs. McGraw. tho Sammlc mothor,
was toastmlstress, Mrs. R. L. Cochran
and the Misses Helen Seibert and Hol
en Bonner responding to toasts. Miss
Sadie Trovlllo and 'Cecelia Hilgcrt
sang solos nnd Rev. Mackintosh closed
tho evening with a short talk.
Junior-Senior lliiuquot
Tho anunl banquet given by the
members of tho Junior clnss compli
mentary to tho Sonior class, was helu
at tho Presbyterian church last Sat
urday evening. Tho decorations wore
In green and yellow and wero unique
in that the dining room hnd seemingly
been converted into a summer hous ,
Banks of palms and ferns hid tho or
chestra. Great baskets of Ophelia1
roses, ferns and snap dragons graced
tho tables and tho color scheme wnsj
carried out in tho green nnd yellow;
candles and tulle bow s on tho can
dle sticks. Under tho soft lights of
our grandfather's time a delightful
flvo course banauct was served, after
which Lester Langford presided as
toastmaster. ,
. ::o::
Jas. Kennedy Passes Away.
James Kennedy, who was taken to
Council Bluffs to a private hospital
the early part of this month, died
Have Dixons take care of your eyes, ,.,m t. v.i"i rMi"...iV..
rri.i- i .i ii, I ii. i t uciu ui. tvitiuw ittiuuu minor-
Their service Is of the highest quality. w tll P,nnn nnnnmn!,tllo,,
Beads of all colors at Dixon's. Seo., t .."':.i !
their wonderful stock. rp,, ,,., xTm. tm-..
Dr. J. Van ?ess, wife and daugh- about ten years ago and accented a
ter, of Iowa, are visitinc Lochlel position as brakeman and nrovioi.j
Johnston and family. They have to his suickness had been running a
spent the winter in tho south and are : trajn. His death was due to the after
on their way home. Dr. Van Ness is ' ffects of a bad case of tho flu. Bo-
Mrs. Johnston's brother. reaved aro a wife and young child.
Whatever them Is loft in puim. ::o::
coats and capon we roing to s?1.! ! JHnrrlcu In Omaha.
Saturday, the last day of our ?tonr 1 R- L- Cantlin and Mrs. Bonnio Love
reducing sale, at actual cot and le.-qfwero married in omaiia Kriday of last
than cost.
Come and be convinced
Heinle Landgraf, who is now locat
ed in Portland, has become a member I
of the General Electric bowling team
and Is rolling them well In two
matches played last week ho was high
man in his team, averaging 19G in one
of tho matches and 198 In the, othei
A civil servico examination for
clerk-carrier in tho North Platte
postofflco will be held Rthe federal
building June 14th nnd for a rural
route carier at Brady at the same
place, on Juna 28th. Further infor
mation can be obtained by applying
to Mrs. Gleason at the postofflco.
Our great stock reducing sale will
positively end Saturday, May 31st.
The auto tourist traffic is starting
in heavy, and it Is predicted that trav
el by this mode will be- heavier this
year than in any previous year. This
predicitlon is based on tho fact that
there aro more car owners who de
prived of vacations during the wa
will avail themselves of .this oppor
tunity this summer.
Silk Taffeta and Crepe do Chine
dresses on sale at $14.85, values up to
$2G.50. The Leader Mercantile Co.
Rev. Fianklin Koch returned this
morning from Fn mont when ho at
tended the sessions of tho Nebraska
Svnod of the Lutheran church. The
synod voted for tho establishment of a
univer&itv in Fremont and for tho re
moval of Midland college, Atchison,
Kan., to Fremont. The removal of th"
college to Fremont involves the pur
chase of Fremont college for $85,000.
Expense involved in the establishment
of the new college and the removal of
the school from Atchison to Fremont
is close to $500,000.
Hundreds of beautiful new silk
waists in all the wanted styles and
shades, made of the best quality silk
.frepo and georgette and formerly sold
up to $7.50, on sale Saturday at $3.48
and $4.98, at BLOCK'S.
: :o: :
Cano Seed for Sale.
Extra good quality, guaranteed to
grow. Address Claus Anderson, North
Platte, or phono 788F3. 38-2
week and arrived homo Monday. Mr
Cantlin had been In Washington, D.
C, attending a conference of labor
delegates and the federal war labor
board, and Mrs. Love had journeyed
to Omaha to meet him a few days pre- i
vloiis to' tho ceremony. They are "nt
homo" to friends In the former Schalz
house on east Fifth street which Mr.
Cantlin recently purchased. ,
: :o: :
Cattle For Sale.
Wo have for sale 50 head of grade
Short Horn cattle consisting of steers,
cows and calves and young heifers.
Will sell all or any part. Can Bhow
nny time, which are close to North
Platte, Neb.
: :o::
Ramsey Sentenced to the Pen.
Charles B. Ramsey, charged with
forging checks In Sutherland and who
pleaded guilty In the county court, ai?
peared before Judgo Grimes Tuesday
and asked to bo given his sentenr1.
The Judge gave him an indetermlnnte
sentence of from one to twenty years
in tho penitentiary.
: :o: :
On account of chango of manage
ment, those knowing themselves iu
lcbted to the Best Laundry we would
bo pleased to have you call before
Juno 1, as after that date tho hooka
will be In the hands of a collector.
39-2 . C. E. McLANE.
Rapt 1st Church
10:30 Sunday school and church.
11:00 Sermon. "The All-sufficient
Christ." An interpretation of tha
Northern Baptist convention at Den
ver. v 7:00 B. Y. P. U.
8:00 Rev. C. C, Clark, harp cveu
gellst and chapel car missionary who
is passing through North Platte on his
return from tho Northern Baptist con
vention, will preach and sing, ac
companied by the harp.
A welcome for all.
REV. A. C. HULL. Pastor.
' i '
Miss Dorothv HInman will lenve
Sunady for Akron. O., to visit her sit
ter, Mrs. E. L. Ford. Gladys Hall will
serve as clerk In the dispatcher's of
flco during her absence..
Get Thorough Cultivation
Without Hard Work
Do you still find that making a
cultivator do the right kind of work
is a tiresome, tedious job ?
Wouldn't you be interested in a
tltivator that puts thoroughness in
cultivation and takes the hard
vrk out?
That is just what the use of our
John Deere KC Cultivator assures,,
The "K C's" rigs, in shifting stay
parallel. Its shovels always face
squarely to their work. They never
track or trail on crooked rows. No
uncultivated spots nor no deep
trenches are left. Over all of the
field, on crooked rows, as well as on,
straight rows, the "K C gives thor
ough cultivation the kind that most
effectively destroys weeds and con
serves moisture.
The rigs shift quickly in response
to slight pressure on the foot levers.
Guiding the rigs is as natural as
You fan maintain thorough cultivation
without delaying work to make adjustments.
No wrench work is necessary. You don't
have to leave tho seat. Simply use the handy
levers. These levers enable you to meet
quickly and accurately every field condition.
We want you to get into the seat of thi3
cultivator and seo for yourself how handy
and 'reliable it is. Wc'va never seen its
equal in single-row cultivation for time
saving, labor-saving, weed-destroying work
in the field
Dcn't fail to come in early and get
acquainted with this cultivator.
You can get a "KC9 furnished with the famous John Dzere
Method equipment slip-point hoof shovels and sweeps.
Berryberry & Forbes Implement Co.
411 Locust Street Phone 234
Petitions for a referendum on tho
ratification of the prohibition amend
ment to tho national constitution will
bo circulated In Omaha and suround
Ing territory starting today under au
thority of tho Omaha Central Labor
Similar petitions will bo circulated
broadcast through Nebraska by tho
various labor bodies today or Friday,
It was said by President T. P., Rey
nolds of the Omaha Central, Labor
"Petitions of this sort are already
going tho rounds In Lancaster county,"
B.ald ho. "Lincoln Is tho headquarters
of tho state organization, and the work
started thero first."
See Us for Insecticides.
We sell and carry more of them than all the other North
Platte dealers combined. We ask you to look at our prices
because we know they are rigbt.
One-half lb 40c
1-lb 75c
5-lb. lots, per lb .. . 70c
10-lb. lots, per lb. ...... ..... C5c
14-lb. lots, per lb v.i.,. 63c
25-lb. lots, per lb...,. . ; 60c
100-lb lots, per lb , 57c
Insecto, , 80
Arsenate Lead .'65
Gummere-Dent Drug Co.
Their Grownup Ways Started Old.
Fashioned Woman on a Pessimis
tic Train of Thought.
The Woman Who Sees had Just
boucht n new veil and had hurried
into the dressing room of the shop to
adjust It, says the New York bun.
Crowds of women wero edging their
way to the mirrors to preen them
selves. Sho managed to squirm into a
space Just vucated by a gorgeous
creature In purple velvet. As she
glanced Into the mirror sue noticcu
two vonnirHters stimdlnc bcfUdc her.
They were both sweet-loolclng little
thing's. "Not a day over fourteen,"
sho murmured to herself, nnd tnen
stared with wonder. The elder of tho
two pulled out a tiny vanity case nnd
proceeded to powder the tip of her
pert little nose. She next arnfnged a
curl over her shoulder to its very best
ndvnntnge, while her companion stood
bnck admiringly. Then sho preened
her eyebrow with the tips of her
fingers nnd smiled complacently. Sho
was pretty and she knew It.
"Are you going to tho frat meeting
Monday evening, Dot?" queried her
companion. Dot rnised un eyebrow
and drawled nonchulnntly, "Perhaps,
denrie; it depends entirely on tho
mood I'm in." That was the straw
that broke the camel's back. The
woman gave a convulsive gusp and lit
erally bolted. Moods I Sho was
amused and yet It was pitiful. Sho
Is not nn advocate of corporal punish
ment, but sho would havo enjoyed
spanking those youngsters, What
kind of women will they make? Tho
woman is puzzled.
Must Sign or bo Blockaded
Tho allied blockado council at Paris
has completed nil arrangements for
putting tho blockado of Germany
again in forco in caso tho German del
egates rofuso to sign tho peaco treaty
while complete plans have been work
ed out for tho fullest co-operation be
tween tho military and economic
forces which will bo employed In caso
of necessity.
Immediately following a failuro ot
tho Germans to Blgn tho treaty, Ger
many will be given soventy-two hours'
notice of tho termlntlon of tho ar
mistice On tho expiration of this per
iod tho British, French und Ameri
cans will ndvanco Into Gormnny. Sim
ultaneously tho blockado will bo en
forced as tightly as possible.
::o:: '-r-
Boys' bib overalls on salo at Tho
Leader Mercantile Co.'s. nt 75c, 95c,
for tho littlo follows nnd 85c, 95c. $1.25
and $1.45 for tho larger boys.
NC-1 Wins Air Itnce.
Tho Atlantic ocean has been spai.
ncd through tho nlr and to tho AmorU
can navy falls tho honor and tho glory
of tho achievement. This achieve
ment was written into history Tues
day afternoon when tho navaly sea"'
piano, tho NC-4 In commnnd of Liout
Commander A. C. Read, landed at Lis-'
bon, Portugnl, from Pota del Gnda,
completing tho last lap of tho flight
from Trepassoy, N. F.
Tho NC-4 mado tho trip frpm Pontu
del Gnda to Lisbon, a distance of ap
proximately -800 miles in nlno hours
and forty-threq minutes. Tho actual
timo consumed for the cntiro flight
from Trepassoy was twenty-six hours
and forty-ono minutes.
Tho cherry croi in North Platte thi.
year will bo a bumper, nnd wo pre-'
sumo tho crop In tho valley will ha
equally as largo, as tho spring has
been very favornblo for fruit,
Taxi nnd Liyery
riiono 008,
Black SOS
Mutual Building and Loan
Of North Platte, Nebraska.
The Association has unlimited funds at its command to
assist in the building or purchase of homes for the people of
North Platte. If you arc interested, the officers of this
Association will render every assistance and show you how
easy it is to acquire your own home.
President. Secretary.
In Standard Custom Garments of Chicago
is now in and ready for your inspection. We
will be pleased to take your order now.
We also make Uniforms for Conductors and
Brakemen from $26 up. Call on us and
see our new line of goods Yours truly,
Over Hirschfeld Clothing Store. OARL GOERIjE