The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, May 30, 1919, Image 3

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6y Mary Graham Bonner- 111
The Closing Scenes
of the Great War
Between the States
-N THE bright noon of a
brilliant spring day In
Virginia General Grant,
with his staff, rodo into
the little village of Farm
vlllc, a place that will be
memorable as the one
from which he opened
correspondence with Lee
regarding the surrender
of the Confederate forces.
There he met n Doctor
Smith, formerly an army
officer nnd relative of
General Ewell, then a prisoner of the
Federals. Doctor Smith told Grant
that the Confederate generals had de
cided the game was lost when they
crossed the line of tlio Jauiest river.
Soon after came word that Sheridan
had captured the last remaining provi
sion trains of Lee's troops.
Lee made his dispositions for further
fighting. Like n wounded Hon brought
to bay, the gray troops struck this way
and that at the ring of tormentors
about them. At flvo o'clock the nfter
noon of April 7 Grant sent his first
note to Lee. It read:
"General It. E. Lee, Commanding C.
S. A.: The results of the last week
must convince you of the hopelessness
of further resistance on the part of
the Army of Northern Virginia in this
struggle. I feel that It Is so, and re
gard It as my duty to shift from my;
self the responsi
bility of any fur
ther effusion of
blood by asking of
you the surrender
of thnt portion of
the Confederate
states army,
known as the
Army of Northern
Lieutenant Gen
eral." General Leo re
plied saying he
would d 1 8 c u s a
terms with Gen
eral Grant Meanwhile the fighting
went on. Sheridan throw his troops
across Lee's front In n final surge of
heroism the worn and hungry Confed
erates fixed bayonets and drove Sheri
dan's cavalry almost in a rout Even
the Infantry was disorganized. For a
few brief minutes hope surged back
Into Confederate breasts. Perhaps
after all they would break the blue
cordon, escape to tho South, unite with
,tho army of Gen. Joseph E. Johnston,
and then in tho hills of western Vlr
Iglnla' reorganize a forco that would bo
I the bugbear of the Union again, But
jit was only a dream.
Memorial Day This
Year Has New and
Great Significance
EMOniAL DAY, the day
of America's soldier dead,
has grown with the sweep
ing growth of America's
destiny In this great war.
Twenty-five years ngo
May 30 was the day of re
membrance of tho Union
soldier. The Grand Army
met on the village street,
and the Woman's Relief
corps fell In behind It; n
carriage bountifully laden
with lilacs and mock or
ange blossoms, sometimes with roses,
brought tip tho rear, and the cortege
moved to tho cemetery, where, with
prayers and bared heads, tho voteran3
nnd tho people strewed tho flowers
upon graves which were marked with
little flags.
Then came the day, 25 years ago,
when the Spanish emplro was wiped
off tho map. Not that we had anything
against the Spanish empire; but on
that day an irresistible and unforeseen
destiny moved our nation, and tho
world with It, on a glorious path, In
volving far more than we know. Then
we had new graves to decorate not so
many, pcrhnps, but graves about which
n glorious symbolism clustered.
But see what a new stride It has
now taken. Memorial day comes again,
nnd we see tho marshal of Franco,
and with him tho representatives
not only of tho
French republican
government but of
T-Iln w1 Unlit
standing bv many (H
now-made graves of
American soldiers
in a far foreign
land, and reverent
ly laying wreaths
and palms upon
them, with tears
for our dead tears
and emotions of joy
ns well, for tho
deed which theso
American soldiers
performed In dying
was one which has
sealed tho unity of the free peoples of
tho world.
Marshal Foch, Premier Clemenceau
and tho other French leaders who
participate in tho decoration of tho
graves of our soldiers In France know
well that they aro celebrating an ovent
much vaster than tho mcro honor
ing of tho heroic boys themselves who
had gono to the aid of their cause.
They know that they aro celebrnting
tlio birth of thfjjold world revivified
and liberated the coming of tho
new world t r fair fields devas
tated by wa
IngersolPs Tribute
To Those Who Died
for Their Country
E cover tho graves of th
heroic dead with flowers
The 'past rises before
mo, as It were, like n
dream. Again we are In
tho great struggle for na
tional life. We hear the
sounds of preparation
tho music of tho boister
ous drums, tho sllve:
voices of heroic bugles.
Wo seo the pale cheeks
of women and the flushed
faces of men, and In those assemblages
we seo nil tho dead whoso dust we
have covered with flowers. Wo lose
sight of them no more. Wo are with
them when they enlist In tho great
army of freedom. We see them part
with those they love. Some are walk
ing for tho Inst time in quiet woody
pluces with tho maidens they adore
Others are bending over cradles kiss
ing babes that aro asleep.
We see them all as they march
proudly away, under tho flaunting
flags, keeping time to tho grand, wild
music of wnCr marching down the
streets of the great cities, through the
towns and across tho prairies, down tc
tho fields of glory, to do and to die for
tho eternnl right. We go with them
one nnd nil. Wo stand guard with
them In the wild storm and under the
qnlet stnrs.( Wo
aro with them In
ravines running
with blood, In the
furrows of old
fields. Wo aro
with them be
tween contending
hosts, unablo to
movo, wild with
thirst, tho lifo
away among tho
withered leaves.
Wo seo them
pierced by balls
and torn with
s n e 1 1 s in tho & w w
trenches, by forts and in tho whirl
wind of the charge, whero men become
Iron with nerves of steel. Wo nro at
homo when tho news comes that they
aro dead. We see tho maiden In tho
shadow of her first sorrow. Wo see
tho slivered head of tho old mun
bowed with tho last grief.
Theso heroes nro .dead. They sleep
under tho solemn pines, tho sad hem
locks, tho tearful willows and tho cm
bracing vines. Earth may run red with
other wars they aro at peace. In tho
midst of battle, tn tho roar of tho con
flict, they found tho Berenlty of death.
I have one sentiment for tho soldier
living and dead cheers for the living,
tears for tho dead.
"Hello, AHco Alligator," said Annlo
"Hello, Annie," said Alice.
"The zoo is nice today, isn't It?"
asked Annie.
"What mnkes you sny that?" asked
"Well," said Annie, "I Just think
"But you must havo somo reason
for thinking so, haven't you?" asked
"I suppose I have," said Annie.
"Then you hnd better tell it to me,
hadn't you?" asked Alice.
"I supposo I had," said Annie.
"Pray do," said Alice, "and don
waste so much tlmo about It."
They were swimming around the
tank In the zoo. Their claws were
out wide ns the claws of alligators
are when they swim. Their tolls
were also helping them to move along.
"Well." snld Annie Alligator, "in
tho flrst placo wo have had a lot of
food today, and to an alligator food
Is the most Important thing In life.
"In fact," continued Annie, "we're
worse than pigs when it comes to food."
"When what comes to food?" asked
"Dnn't be stupid," said Annie rude
ly, "I mean when food Is around nlli
gators behave ns badly as pigs. And
In n way alligators are worso about It.
"Pigs are interested in other things,
digging, mud, nnd such things. They
like to squcnl and grunt and they nro
far more Interested In lifo nnd tho
countryside nnd the pigpen."
"How can wo bo interested In tho
countryside nnd the pigpen when we're
in the zoo?" asked Alice,
"We enn't be interested in tho coun
tryside nnd tho pigpen," snld Annlo,
"but we're not naturally given to be
ing Interested In anything but our
food. You know perfectly well that
when our children come we will leave
them, nnd when we're hatching them
out wo will not pay any attention to
them If It is mealtime."
"That's so," said Alice. "That Is
true enough."
They still swam around, their claws
They Were Swimming. Around.
out wldo nnd their tails helping them
a great denl.
"When we pay any attention to tho
keeper," said Alice, "It Is because he
gives us food. Otherwise wo sleep
and lend our lazy lives around here.
"Now oven the snakes nro more In
terested In other things. I don't won
der that the people who come tq this
house In the zoo pay more attention
as n rule to the snakes than to us.
"Tho snakes think of new skins, or
of new clothes or new suits or what
ever you call them. They're chang
ing their skins quite often.
"They go blind, or almost blind
when they're changing their skins, nnd
that is Interesting nnd different. It
Is always interesting to be n little dif
ferent." "Well," said Alice, "we're different
I don't see many creatures walking
around like ourselves. In fact I don't
see nny crentures like alligators ex
cept of cpurso tho crocodiles.,
"We've got our own ways, our own
habits, our own fondness for sleep and
food, our own bnnky homes and our
own wnys of swimming.
"Alligators don't copy snakes, and
they don't copy people. They're like
themselves nnd they're satisfied. I
don't seo why you talk so much any
way, Annie."
"You were talking quite a lot your
self," said Annie.
"That's so, but I stopped In time,"
said Alice.
"Well, I'll stop In time, too," said
Annie. "I've said all I had to say.
That Is I think I have."
"Be quite sure," said Alice, "for I
will listen for a moment more to you.
Aftor thnt I must go to bed that Is
I must sleep on the bank."
"I've snld everything I hnd to say,"
Annie answered, "except I'd llko to
say ngaln what a nice day it has been
with the good food the keeper has
given to us."
Pleasure as a Business.
Thero nro a grcut many young peo
ple who, If they wero honest, would
acknowledge that, In their estimation,
having a good time Is tho main busi
ness of life. They may work, but that
is because they must, and tho hours of
recreation aro tho only ones they con
sider really worth while. Such young
folks never feel tho Joy of ambition,
and their pulses never thrill with tlio
prldo of achievement. In making
pleasure the main business of life
the-y lose their power to find enjoy
ment In everyday work. Glrl'c Companion.
Whero tho Producer It
(Prepared by tho United Stntea Depart
ment of Agriculture.)
Community markets hnve helped to
Bolvo tho problem of better utilizing
locally grown food products In mnny
parts of tho country, particularly In
tho Now England states. In almost
every community thero nro usually n
number of farmers or small gardeners
who produco above their own needs n
smnll surplus of food products, nn
amount often too Binnll In tho Individ
ual enso to command much, If any,
consideration from tho wholesale deal
ers or even retail grocers. These
email surpluses represent in tho ag
gregate n very considerable addition
to tho community's food supply and,
Bays tho bureau of markets, depart
ment of agriculture, If such supplies
con bo economically plnced in tho
homes they nro well worth utilizing,
especially In this day of high living
costs and need of conservation of
both supplies nnd transportation.
To conserve this source of food nnd
to benefit both producers and consum
ers a number of cities Inst year set
aside portions of streets, public
squares or vacant pieces of property
on which tho fanners nnd gnrdenors
could offer their products for sale. At
theso community or public markets
tho consumer deals directly with tho
producer and gets fuesh fruit and veg
etables often nt n lower price than
could bo possible at retail stores.
Community Market Successes.
One such market in a Massachusetts
town last year reports that SO farmers
nnd 1,800 customers were In attend
ance in n single day, and tho business
done during tho four months through
which tho market was conducted
lotnled about $45,000. Another open
market in tho ennio state reports that
within two nnd one-half hours farm
ers sold ten tons of produco for $1,(300,
and this lot of foodstuffs was carried
away by tho purchasers.
Tho community market Idea docs
not appeal to all producers. Tho com
mercial truck gardener or tho farmer
who grows nnd markets n considerable
amount of produco usunlly prefers to
sell In wholesale quantities. lie con
elders that the difference between
wholesnlo and. retail prices Is not suffi
cient to offset tho value of nn equal
amount of time devoted to his regular
farm work. The small producer, how
ever, whoso time Is not so fully oc
cupied with his farming operations,
Operation Improves Quality of Prod
uct, but Does Not Appreciably
Improve Wholesomeness.
(Prepared by tho United States Depart
ment of Agriculture.)
Experiments conducted by tho Unit
ed States department of agrlculturo
furnish tho following facts regarding
tho value nnd proper' uso of milk
strainers :
Sediment In milk Indicates careless
ness In Its production or handling.
Keep dirt out
Strnlnlng takes out only tho coarso
particles of dirt nnd removes neither
tho bacteria nnd fine dirt nor disagree
able flavors.
Proper straining improves the com
mercial quality of milk, but docs not
nppreclnbly improve Its wholesomo
ness. Filter cloth and absorbent cotton
between layers of cheesecloth aro ef
ficient mnterials for strainers.
Cheesecloth alone, oven when folded
several times, Is relatively Ineffective.
WIro gauzo falls to removo any but
tho very coarse Impurities.
Change straining cloths whenever
they becomo soiled. Wash and sterl
llzo them, nfter each using. Uso a
fresh absorbent-cotton filter at every
For detailed information on milk
strainers write to tho dairy division,
United States department of agricul
ture, Washington, D. 0.
Much Help Can Be Given by Consum
ers by Careful Handling and
Prompt Returning
(Prepared by tho United States Depart
ment of Agriculture.)
Consumers enn help by careful han
dling nnd prompt return of milk bot
tles to dealers or their avflhorlzed
Drivers can collect nil bottles
promptly and handle them with moro
Milk dealers can develop more effec
tive plans for marking bottles, collect-
Hla Own Middleman.
often finds It possible to dovoto a part
of certain days in disposing of hla
products at a community markot, tak
ing tho dlfferenco between wholesnlo
and retail prices for his service as
Making Markets Pay.
Community markets havo not been
successful In nil Instances, but where
thero are n reasonable number of pro
ducers who can ho interested in at
tending n market which Is convenient
ly located for tho purchasing public,
success In mnny cases has been
marked. To bo most successful tho
market should bo supported by soma
jCibllc-spIrlted organization, such as'
tho chamber of commerce or n
woman's club, nnd , tho city govern
ment should bo interested In the move
ment. Expcrlcnco shows thnt. thero
always develops n need for a market
master who will havo direct supervi
sion over tlio conduct of tlio market
and seo thnt all rules are- enforced.
Every mnrkct should have regulations
ns to allotment Of selling space, uni
form opening nnd closing hours, no
price-fixing or profiteering, fair
weights and measures, no loud solici
tation of trade, and tho proper dis
posal of refuse.
Local conditions of supply and de
mand will dctcrmlno whether tho mar
ket should bo held daily or less fre
quently. In most places two or thrco
days n week will bo all that Is re
quired. It Is better to havo n flourish
ing market for short hours on two
days a week than nn unthrifty ono on
three or moro days. Simple knock
down counters or tables for the dis
play of vegetables nnd other products
may bo provided, or sales inaysbo mado
direct from tho wagons. Ench pro
ducer should bo required to pay a
nominal price for his stand or prlvl
lego of selling, this money to go for
tho upkeep of the mnrket.
Prices nt tho community market to
attract farmers must bo higher than
wholesale quotations, while if they
nro not lower than at retail stores
tho consumers gain nothing In pntro
nlzlng them. Somo markets havo
found It desirable to have a bulletin
board In n conspicuous place upon
which aro given current wholesnlo
nnd retail store prices to be used as
n guide In estnbllshlng prices of prod
acts on the market. Growers aro then
wther encouraged or compelled to sell
nbout midway between the two.
lng thoso which nro lost, and return
ing them to tho owner.
Legislators and public officials may
assist by providing laws, ordinances,
nnd regulations to curb wasteful and
dishonest practices, including tho sup
pression of the milk-bottle traffic by
Junk dealers.
Inspectors and tho courts may glvo
valuublo service by strictly enforcing
laws and regulations.
Tho press has nn Important servlco
to perform In pointing out thnt milk
bottles nro private property, In the
aggregate of great value, and a ma
terial factor in tho cosfof milk service.
Cholera kills more hogs than all oth
er diseases combined.
Worms cause the death of a great
many hogs every year.
Cholera can bo controlled by disin
fection, quarantine and vaccination.
In raising orphan pigs, they can bo
Lfed with a bottlo and nlpplo the samo
as an orphan lamb.
The late lambs should bo given tho
best possible start, and growth should
bo pushed from tlio first.
Thero Is no reason why u good
flceco cannot bo grown on the back
of a good plcco of llvo mutton.
Cholera Is pnstly spread by streams,
dogs, stray hogs, visitors and utensils
moved from ono hog lot to uuother.
Thero nro sheep that will ferow
enough wool to pretty well make up
tho cost of feeding, leaving tho mut
ton as a profit
It would he much better for the colt
and In tho end for the bank account
of his master If thero was an open lot
of two or maybe three acres close to
the barn.