The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, May 30, 1919, Image 1

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    Wkt M o rth
No. 40
Cunip FIro Notqs
Miss Layton, former guardian of the
I'loneor group, leaves Friday for her
homo in Fairbury. She will attend
the state camp at Crete In Juno ana
act as guardian to several of the
Kfliolocho and Wlnonaha groups whoso
guardians can not attend.
Tho Wlnonaha group will meet with
their guardian, Mrs. Ginn, Saturday
evening. Their charter has arrived and
thoy can now hold their regular meet
ings. Mrs. Koch, guardian of the Kihelo
cheo group, lcavos in a few days on a
trip to tho coast, and Helen Bird will
net as assistant guardian In her ab
sence. -
The Pioneer girls are keeping up
tho good work advocated bv tho Twen
tieth Century club, and aro busy dig
ging dandelions.
Tho Nlcafigee group hold theh
weekly meeting at tho homo' of their
guardian, Mrs. Crosby, last night.
Tho party who took small kodak
from Gummere-Dent's store is known
and had better return to avoid any
i ne oun
Moodman Blind
William Farnum
Mutt and Jefif' Comedy
"In tor 30 Days"
May Allison
Fatty Arbuckle Comedy
"BKnainl Trail"
Monroe Salisbury
To To Comedy
Mrs. A. M. Schwerdt, one of the
pioneer women of Lincoln county,
passed away at her homo In this city
Tuesday night, and thofuncral was
held this afternoon from the home of
her son-in-law. Wm, Adamson, at
G01 east Sixth.
Shortly after the civil war Mr. and
Mrs Schwerdt left Pittsburg to make
their home in tho west, and in the
early seventies came to Lincoln
county and Mr. Schwerdt homestoaded
eighty acres which now forms the
cast part of the state sub-station
south of town. There they resided
until the death of Mr. Schwerdt some
fifteen years ago. Later the land was
sold to tho state and Mrs. Schwerdt
moved to town.
The death Of Mrs. Schwerdt was due
to troubles incident to old age ag
gravated by a case of the flu several
months ago She had reached her
sevonty-sixth year.
Tile children bereft are Georco
i Schwerdt who lives in town, Lawronce
who Jives on a farm soutlj of town.
Phillip whoso home is In Laramie, and
Mrs. Theo. Lowe and Mrs. Will Ad
amson, both of this city.
Notice to Red Cross Workers.
All garment quotas being completed
tho work rooms will bo closed until
fall. -All ladles having garment please
finish as soon as possible and hand in
to the secretary. MRS. EARL STAMP,
Chairman Hospital and Refugeo
Our knitting quota Is only about
half completed; if each lady will come
and get enough yarn for one small
garment we can easily finish and have
a vacation during the warm -weather.
Tho knitting room is still open Mon
day, Wednesday and Saturday afternoons.
-: :o:
Hundreds of beautiful new silk
waists in all the wanted stylos and
shades, made of best aua'llty silk
crepe and georgette and formerly sold
up to $7.50, on sale Saturday at $3.48
and $4.98, at BLOCK'S.
Mrs. W. V. Hoagland was hostess
Tuesday complimentary to the girls of
the graduating class. Tables were
spread on the wide veranda and a de
licious four course luncheon was serv
ed. Table decorations, . were yellow
and white". S
Tho Catholic Girls' club' met Weti
nesday evening at the 'homo of Marie
Stack, entertained by Misses Marie
Stack. Hazel Smith, Bessie Chamber
lain and Marie Scllatz 'Cards1 were the
order df the evening, Mrs. Omar Hun'
winning first prize and Mrs. Ed.
Grelser the second.
Mrs. D. M. Leypoldtand Mrs. L. E.
Jones leave this evening for Belvldere,
Neb., where they will snend Memorial
Day with friends.
:o: :-
For Snlo
One 50 foot lot with sidewalk, city
water, sewer and heat, in 1200 block
west Fourth street. Inquire of Carl
Hollman, H. & S, Agency. Brpdbeck
building. 39-2
coariwjssiONEJts settle the
Tho county commissioners settled
the Wlckersham damage case this,
week by paying tho widow $2,000 It
cash and allowing funeral expencos
of $255.56, a total of; $2,255.56. Thd
settlement was mado through Chair
man Koch, who went to Grand Islnnd
for that purpose. Mrs. Wlckersham
demanded $3,.000 for a settlement, but
finally nccepted $2,000 and funeral ex
penses. The claim presented to the
commissioners, and upon which they
deferred action for over a year was
This case grew out of an accldoui
which occurred on the road leading to
tho state farm on September 1st, 1917.
Maxwell Wlckersham, whoso homo
was In Wood River, was passing
through in an auto. On tho road re
ferred to an old culvert had partially
caved In, leaving a bad holo around
which no protection had been placed
or danger signal posted. Wlckersham,
traveling at a hlch rate of speeu,
struck this hole,, nnd his car was ov
erturned and in the accident he lost
his life.
Colored Men's Hall Team
The colored men of tho city have
organized a ball team and selected
George Walker as manager, Sam Ab
ernathy assistant manager, and Eu
gene Baker captain. The players list
consists of fifteen, all of them men
who have had lots of experience on
tho 'diamond, and one of their pitch
ers Is said to be a real twlrler. The
team will begin practice next week
on tho grounds at the city' Dark.
In a week or two this colored team
will take on all comers and demon
strate to North Platte people their
ability as ball players.
Mrs. Hall Dies.
Mrs .W. H. Hall, who was brought In
from McPhersOn county Friday of last
week suffering from burns on tho boaj
received while attempting to move a
can of burning gasoline, died at the
Twinem hospital Tuesday night. The
remains will be taken to McPherson
county and the funeral services hM
Friday forenoon at tho cemetery near
Tryon. The deceased leaves a hus
band and eight children, six of thfe
later ranging in age from five to fif
teen living at home.
(ComDlete stock of warm weather
apparel such as colored voile and
gingham dresses, middles, smocks,
wash skirts. In cotton and silk, silk
sweaters, etc.. now on display at
On Friday, June 6th. a team repre
senting" the laymen of tho Northern
Baptist convention will visit the
North Platte church. In the afternoon
a meeting for men and women will be
hold at three oe'leock. At seven
o'clock a banquet will be served to
the men of the congregation. Rev. J.
C. Robbins. D. D formerly of the
Philippine Islands, now home secre
tary for Baotlst missions Itf" India,
and a layman from New York state,
will be tho principal speaker.
P 8. 1 IH
The National Summer Suit.
We Have them in a large Va
riety of Patterns and Models
Win. Nelson 'left Wednesday for
Geneva to spond Memorial Day.
Will Strauss and Carl Nicholson, of
Loxingtou, visited frlonds In town
Miss Hazel Preston , has returned
from a two weeks.' visit In Kansas
Willi her parents.
B. A. Humphroy and J. F. Humphrey
both well kuown residents of Suther
land, are visitors In town today.
75 children's dresses In ginghams
and percales in all sizes, on sale for
Saturday only 98c at BLOCK'S.
Mr. and 'Airs. Luke Haley will leavo
Sunday for Denver where thoy will
visit for several months.
,H. M. Smith, now an Arthur county
farmer, drovo down In his car yester
day to look after some business mat
ters. iWe Insure anything of any value.
Try us. Ciabaugh, 618 Dowey. 39-1'
Miss Florence Stack has rcsumoa
h6r duties at tho Clinton store aftor
ah absence of several months duo to
111 health.
Mrs. J. J. Hantaan entertained
twelve ladles at bridge yesterday af
ternoon complimentary to Mrs. R. L.
Save those spuds from tho bugs.
Buy tho dope at Gummcrc-Dpnt's.
See our prices olsowhero. 40-2
F. J. Ross, of Ft. Dodge, who had
been visiting his brother W. S. Ross
for a couple of weeks, left for his
home this morning.
Down In the south part of town cot
tontail rabbits are maklne Inroads on
tho gardens. J. T. Murphy succeeded
In killing two-yesterday that had eat
en up his cabbage plants.
Dr. L. J. Krause, Dentist, room 3
McDonald Bank building.
Perry Sawyer and three others
caught fifty-four pike Monday, seven
ty-four Tuesday and seventy-five Wed
nesday. Other fishermon have beeu
fully as successful.
W. S. Ross, for many years a resi
dent of Myrtlo precinct, has moved to'
tho former Bickley farm of i60 acres
four and one-half miles west of town
which he recently purchased.
Quito freqently wo anticipate and
do havo a rain on Memorial Day. but
Observer Shilling says no precipita
tion in sight. A good rain at this time
would not como amiss as it is getting
somewhat dry.
'Clinton & Son' will
take 'caro of your Eye
Chass trouble; wo guar
antee to give you satis
faction. Sign of tho Big
Ring.' Son Is with Uncle Sam in Ger
many, will be homo soon. .
With the promise of a fair day to
morrow the number of North Platte
people who are planning to spond the
day'at the national cemetery Is un
usually large. The rcadn to the cem
etery are In very fair condition
though somewhat dusty.
Saturday, the very last day of our
stock reducing sale, will bo tho big
gest day of the sale, with greater bar
gains, and greater Drico reductions
on all tho remalninc suits, coatu,
capes, dreses and waists, offered at
See Gummere-D.ent before buying
your Paris Green. Thoy havo lots of
It at tho lowest prices. 40-2
Members of Sioux Lookout Chapter
Daughters of the American Revolution
will entertain their husbands nnd fam
Hies at a picnic supper in the can
yons near the Experimental station on
Monday evening, June 2nd. All those
planning to attend aro requested to
nipet In front of tho court Iioubo
promptly at six o'clock.
The sympathy of North Platte peo
ple is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Harr
G. Knowles in tho loss of their daugh
ter Mary who died Tuesdav evening at
tho J. C. Wilson home on west Fourth
street from a complication of bowel
trouble. Mr Knowles has beeh con
ducting tho evancellstlc meetings at
tiio Christian church and Mrs.
Knowles and little ono had como a
fpw days before to visit him and
friends. Tho remains were taken to
Fairbury last evenlmr for burial.
Maxwell Tclcpost Items.
Tho Standnrd Oil Co. has asked tho
village board for an ordlnonco per
mlttlng an oil station to bo installed
by tho company horo.
Ike Smith sold his rosldonco prop
erty hero to Mllo Trldlo a short tltno
ago, and left Tuesday with his family
for Ogden, Utah, whero thoy will make
their futuro home.
Steele Holcomb, formerly of this
place, but now residing in Oma.ha, will
leave fob Egypt In July whero ho will
enter upon a six year Y. M. C.
A. work.
HueIi Banks and Ernest Snkraw
wont to North Platte Tuesday to per
feet nn organization for tho now tele
phone lino north of town T;ho poles
havo arrived and work will soon bo
gin. Word from Mrs. J. W. Fetter is to
tho effect that sho Is enjoying her visit
at Dunning vory much but sho will
return to North Platto again in Juno
and will probably locato there.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Golso left Mon
day night for Philadelphia whero they
will visit with their son John, ami
wlfo. Before returning they expect to
visit Washington, New York. Niagara
Falls and other nolnta of Interest In
the cast.
Mrs. Everott York entertained tho
Royal Nolghbors Wednesday after
noon. Assisting tho hostess woro Mes
dames Fred Donaldson, John Sherman
and E. E. Elliott
Word has been received of tho birth
of a daughter to J. W. Crockett, of Og
don, on May 23rd. Mr. and Mrs.
Crockett aro former residents of this
Tho graduation oxerctscs of tho Lin-'
coin county eighth grade will bo hohi
nt tho Franklin nuditorlum next Sat- .
urday when diplomas will bo present
ed to 172 pupils' who havo successfully
passed that grade. An Interesting pro
gram of music and readings will be
presented by membors of tho graduat
ing class. Rev. Patrick McDald will
mnko the address to thd class, and .
County Supt. Cochran will pro
sent tho diplomas. Tho public Is In
vited to attend these cxerclsos.
Don't overldbk seeing tho "Marriago
Prlco" with beautiful Elslo Ferguson
at tho Crystal last time Friday night.
Geraldine Farrar in
One woman, two men and the
law of love.
But oh, what he does to the wise guys that fasten the name
on him
Smiling Bill Parsons in "A MASTER OF MUSIC"
Remember how excited you were the day dad took you to'
the circus years ago? Well, that's the feeling "The Goat"
will bring back. See it at the
keith theatre Monday and Tuesday
Keith Theatre Friday Night
TOM MIX in a new 5-part Western Picture
Treat 'em Rough
The story of a westerner who stopped the great stampede,
and Tom Mix learned the west from the saddle.
The Sennett Comedy
One Night Only and a Program You'll Not Soon Forget.
Starting Something.
Tho household was comparatively
ntilet when the ten-year-old son looicea
up from the last page of a recent Issue
of tho News and Inquired of both par
ents sitting near: "What's funny about
this herc.'Abo Martin? There's never
anything t' eat In a home where th'
wife Is on an allowance.' " "Tho Joke,
my son," his father replied, "Is that In
stead of spending the allowance for
oats, tho wife blows It in for clubs,
lothes, enndy and conventions." "No,
- in," said the mother, "the fact is that
i!io allowance Is not largo enough to
- rovldo a hotel menu, though the men
vom to think It Is. And that is no
i )ke, cither." Indlnnnpolls News.
Bullet In Brain Twenty Years.
After living for 20 years with a
bullet In. his brain, Edgnr Wllgus, an
Insurance broker of Trenton, N. .7., was
killed by n 5-foot fall on the granite
stops of n New York hotel. Tho med
ical examiner, discovering the bullet in
the man's bruin, thought at first that
he hud been unaccountably shot, but
learned by telephoning to his homo
how long he had carried tho bullet la
Save Your
TlIXlG e
Just call The Rexall Drug Store, Phone No. 4.
We will mail or deliver your order FREE
We have just received one ton of
Paris Green and a large quantity of
other sprays and disinfectants.
Try us firstQuality, Service and the Right
Price. Money back if not satisfied.
The Rexall Store
his head.