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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 27, 1919)
THE SEMI-WEEKLV TRIBUNE, NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. A Feeling of Security You naturally feel secure when you .know that the medicine you are about to take U absolutely pure and containa no 'harmful or habit producing drugs. Buch a modicino 1a Dr. Kilmer's Swamp. Root, kidney, liver and bladder remedy. The same standard of purity, strength and excellence is maintained in every 'bottle of Swamp-Root. It is scientifically compounded froa -vegetable herbs. It Is not a stimulant and is taken la teaspoonful doses. It Is not recommended for everything. It la nature's great helper in relieving and overcoming kidney, liver and blad der troubles. A sworn statement of purity is with every bottle of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Soot. If yon need a medicine, you should have the best. On Bale at all drug stores la bottles of two sizes, medium and large. However, if you wish first to try this great preparation send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., for a sample bottle. When writing bo sure and aaantion this paper. Adv. An Easy Promise. "John," said tho wifo tenderly, "promise mo Unit If I should bo taken away you will never marry Nancy Tarbox." -"Certainly, Marin," replied tho hus band reassuringly. "I can promlso you that Sho refused mo three times when I was a much handsomer man than I am now." ,If Evo hadn't been forbidden to eat that applo the chances are that it -wouldn't have happened. THIN PEOPLE SHOULD TAKE PHOSPHATE Nothing Like Plain Bltro-Phoephat to Put on Firm, Hoalthy Ploah and to Inoreaas Stroncrth,' Vigor and Norvo Foroo. Judging from the countless preparations and treatments which are continually be ins advertised for tha-purpose of making thin people fleshy, developing; arms, neck and bust, and replacing ugly hollows and angles by the soft curved lines of health -and beauty, there are evidently thousands of men and women who keenly feel their excessive thinness. Thinness and weakness are usually du to starved nerves. Our bodies need more phosphate than Is contained In modern -foods. Physicians claim there is nothing that will supply this deficiency so well as the organic phosphate known among drug Cists as bltro-phosphate, which Is inex pensive and is sold by most all druggists under a guarantee of satisfaction or money back. By feeding the nerves directly and by supplying the body cells with the neces sary phosphoric food elements, bltro-phosphate quickly produces a welcome trans formation in the appearance; the Increase In weight frequently being astonishing. This increase in weight also carries with it a general improvement in the health. Nervousness, sleeplessness and Jack of energy, which nearly alwayB accompany excessive thinness, soon disappear, dull eyes become bright, and pale cheeks glow with the bloom of perfect health. CAUTION: Although bltro-phosphate la unsurpassed for relieving nervousness, sleeplessness and general weakness, It should not, owing to its remarkable flesh growing properties, be used by anyone who does not desire to put on flesh. Now Is the Time to Buy a Farm in Good Old U.S.A. Although th war U ovei, the de mand for food continues. The business of producing things to eat, therefore, Ives promise of paying satisfactory dividends. The U. S. RAILROAD ADMINIS TRATION offers the co-operation of Us HOMESEHKKHS' BUREAU to those who wish to engage in farming, stock, raising, dairying, poultry raising, fruit growing, and kindred pursuits. Free Information will be furnished about farm opportunities in any State on request. Writ today, dive me the name of the State you want Information about: say what line of farm activity you wish to follow, and the number of aores you will need, and let me know what kind of terms you desire. The more particulars you can semi regard ing your requirements, the better I oan erve you. (Uthlaf t Sell. Only Infonnitlon to Gin. J. L. HOWARDS, Manager. AcrL Section, U. 8. Railroad Adminis tration, Room 2000, Washington. D. C. Stop Losing Calves You can Stamp Abortion Out of YOUR HERD and Keep It Out By the use of DR. DAVID ROBERTS' "Anti-Abortion" Small Expense Easily Applied. Sure Results. Used succeMiuuy lor to year. Consult Diu DAVID ROBERTS about all animal ailments. In formation free. Send for FREK copy of "The Cattle Specialist" with full infor mation on Abortion la Cows. DR. DAVID ROBERTS VETERINARY CO ICO Grind Are, Wtukutu. Wlte. Send for Catalogue on the 1919 Barley-Davidson Motorcycles and BICYCLES Also list of used machines we are offering at big bargains VICTOR H. ROOS "The Cycle Man" 2701-03-03 Leavenworth SU Omaha, Neb. largest Motorcycle nouse In the Middle West. HELP US PLACE before your neighbors an enterprise of great value to the community and direct profit to farmers. You Can Earn Big Money and besides will bo civon personal assist ance. This la not a plan to got your money but a suro way for you to nulce some. WRITE TODAY for details to 044 WORLD-HERALD BLDG., OMAHA White Diamond IMionogroph Needle Co., Min neapolis. Minn., offers 160 cash for best Ut r describing merits of Its needle, pkg. I60 WJsslsslppI Furnis Ranches, ideal climate, - (cellent schools, plenty rainfall, good roads, rtlls soils. Mlu Land Co., Canton, Miss. PIG CLUBS HELP SWINE INDUSTRY Direct Effects of Work of Boys and Girls Evident in .Many Parts of Country. IS FULFILLING ITS MISSION Practical and Constructive Means of Meeting Various Problems Utili zation of Wastes, By-Products and Grazing Crops. (Prepared by the United States "Depart ment of Agriculture.) Evidence In abundance Indicates Hint the boys and girls'" pig club work plays u promising part lu stimulating the swine Industry. The direct effects are very evident In various suctions of the country. They show that .tho work Is fulfilling Its mission, that it Is a practical and constructive means . of meeting the problem In swine husbandry and stress ing economy of production through the utilization of wnstcs, by-products, and grazing crops; through tho use of good breeding stock, and their proper care, feeding and management. These Excellent Type of Brood Sow and Hei Family. objects are accomplished through the innato nppenl of animal life to young people, and their faith, optimism nnd determination, which, together with their responsiveness to Instruction, 'cad to successful achievement. To provide work thnt may meet the leed In the different sections of the country nnd the need of the members is they ndvance, the following projects re offered nnd are In common use: 1. Feeding project, (n) Fatten ing phnse, In which the member feeds 1 pig or a number of pigs for pork production. (b) Breeding phase, In which a weanling purebred sow pig (or boar snd In somo cases both) Is raised by the member to breeding size and age. 2. Sow and litter project. . In this project the member lias a sow (either the one raised in project 1, or another bred gilt) which ho or she cares for until the sow has weaned the litter; Uiat Is, this project covers the practi cal breeding and raising of pigs. 3. Herd project. In sections where tho swine Industry Is well established the members In many ccscs have had experience in enring for swine and are not interested In a unit of one or two pigs, such members may, with their parents consent, handle all tho hogs on the farm in either meat production or breeding work, under the fnther's direction, yet following the club regu lations and Instructions. NOT ALWAYS AS GOOD LAYERS Undersized Chickens Will Not Mako Good Hens for Winter Cull Out Undesirables. Not all of the eurly-ha'tched pullets will mnke good winter layers, accord ing to K. II. Wlegand, state poultry club leader, of ICansns. "An early-batched pullet thnt Is un dersized at this season will never make a go)d hen," he says. "If proper care Is given It should begin laying In mid winter. Don't waste feed on .any except tho promising pullets. They should haVe good care and good feed at all stages. "It Is Impossible to grow pullets carelessly and on short rations until they reach the age when they should bo full grown nnd mature, nnd then bring them forward quickly by a short course of good management. "The pullet that Is worth keeping as a layer Is worth good care and full rations all the time. One that Is not considered wortli keeping should bo enten or marketed. Undersized birds will not pay for tho feed they eat dur ing winter." EAT COWPEAS AND SOY BEANS Usefulness as Human Food Recognized Only Recently In This Country, Says Houston. Secretnry Houston of tho United States department of ngrlcuituro, says tho usefulness of cowpeas and soy beans ns human food has been recog nized only recently In tills country. Existing conditions warrant the plant ing of nil tho available seed of varie ties known to do well In the several sections. The soy bean In particular has proved sufllclently reslstrnt to cold In spring nnd to adverse .weather dur ing summer to wnrrant heavy plant ing. The value of the beans for oil production, as well as for human food, hns become recognized so quickly nnd so generally during tho last yeatthat Iho crop has acquired a commercial standing far In excess of Its previous status. .5 1 ALFALFA INSECT IS DANGEROUS TO CROP Chalsis Fly Is Principal Cause of Blighted Seed. Damage Is Especially Severe In Cat. Ifornia and States on Pacific Slope of Rocky Mountains Basis of Control Work. (Prepared by ""the United States Depart ment of Agriculture.) The alfalfa-seed chalsis fly, an Insect the size of a gna't, Is the principal cause of bllglited alfalfa seed. Its range covers practically tho whole of tho United States. While Its ravages extend to clover and bur clover, the largest damage Is done to nlfalfa seed Damage occurs wherever on alfalfa seed crop Is grown, but Is especially severe In California nnd tho states on the Pacific slope of the Hocky moun tains. Tho ""fly deposits Its eggs through the seed pod directly Into tho green seed, where the larva Is hatch ed and grows to maturity. All changes, both larval and pupal, nre effected In side the seed. The adult Insect emerges through n hole cut at one end of the seed, leaving only a hollow shell. Tho egg of tho ehalcls fly Is so small as to bo lnvlslblo to the nnked eye. Even the presence of the living larva In the seed Is hnrd to detect except by oppnlng the seeds and exnmlnlng them under n microscope. There Is somo modification, however, of tho shnpe of the seed In which larvae nro feeding. The color, nlso, Is likely to bo darker and the surface less glossy. Tho basis of control work Is to al low no seed pods to develop nnywhero before thoso of the regular seed crop and to leave no Infested pods In fields or around stacks In which the larva or pupa may overwinter. MOVING ARMS ON SCARECROW Contraption Has Proved Quite Effec tive In Frightening Away Birds From Fields. -A scarecrow which, if not very life like, proved effective In frightening away the birds, was provided with, "arms" to be revolved, by the wind. On the end e-f the crossbar were mount ed two sticks of pine, one inch square. To one end of these sticks were fustened disks of bright tin, seven Inches In diameter; the other Tho Scarecrow Waves Its Arms With Great Rapidity Whenever a Slight Wind Blows, and Is Very Effectlvo In Keeping 'Away the Predatory Birds. end was rounded off, nnd a pl 0 of Iron or lend pipe was driven on ns a weight. The holes through these arms wcro placed at tho points found by bnlanclng tho arms after the disk- and pipe weights were applied; tlm- tho slightest breeze would cause tli"in to revolve. They will move somewhat more freely if washers are placed be tween them nnd the crossbar. ylvn nui Van Aken, .Port Ewen, N. V., In Popular Mechanics Magazine. EXCELLENT FOR DAIRY STOCK Silage Should Be Combined With Some Leguminous Feed, Such as Clover or Alfalfa. (Prepared by the United States Depart ment of Agriculture.) While silage is nn excellent fe-d for dairy stock, It should be combined with somo leguminous feed, sueh ns clover, cowpeas, or alfalfa, owing to Its Insufficient productive quality. Tho leguminous mnterlal will tend to corv rect tho deficiencies of the sllnje In dry matter, nroteln. nnd mineral con stituents. BIG YEAR FOR HONEY According to predictions mAdt by tho department of agriculture at Washington, the beekeeper may look forwnrd confidently to n prosperous season during the coming summer and fall. The department nt Washington re ports thnt tho Increase in tho cost of honey, owing to tho big export demand- created by the war, makes It safe to predict thnt the coming year will sco the greatest effort over made to further beekeeping. During the last half of 1018. honey to tho value of perhaps $2,000,000 was exported. This wns. about ten times tho valua tion for any year before tho beginning of tho war, which In dicates that honey litis censed to bo n luxury lu the minds of tho allied peoples. Tho home demand for honey hns also Increased. ROAD BUILDING DRAINAGE FOR GOOD ROADS Essential Feature of an Improved Highway Another Requisite Is Firm Foundation. (Prepared by tlio United States Depart ment of Agriculture.) An essential feature of an Improved road Is adequafV drainage. Thorough dralnngc Is so necessary that it Is practlcnlly Impossible to mnlntnlnii sat isfactory road unless It bo given prop er attention. Another prime require ment wherever a hard surface road Is to be constructed Is a firm nnd unyield ing foundation. As the qunlity of the soli has nn important Influence on the piopeu method of dralnnge and the type of foundation to be employed, much care and study must be devoted to the nature, type, nnd character of the soils In the section through which It Is pioposcd to build n road, Tho most Important primary soils are classified as gravel, sand, and clay, but often ninny of the secondary or mixed soils, because of their more gen eral occurrence In connection with ood-bulldlng operations, are equally Important. Such types us loam, marl, gumbo, nnd hnrdpan nro representa tive of this order. In the design of a rond the drainage structures arc planned to tako euro of water under three general conditions rnln that falls on a road surface or grado; rain thnt falls on contiguous land and flows in accumulated volume toward the road; and ground water from any Immediate source. To meet these conditions use Is found for spe cial structures, Including longitudinal side ditches, usually parallel, or ap proximately parallel to the center lino: Intercepting ditches to accommodate water whose approach so close to the rondwny ns the side ditches Is likely to cnuso Injury; lateral ditches or cul verts to conduct accumulated water awuy from or under tho rond; and subdralns. In order to plan Intel ligently a systenrof drainage for any particular road, It Is necessary to con- Water Drains Readily From This Typo of Highway. slder not only the local character of the soil composing the roadbed, but nlso the topography of the adjacent land, the amount and rate of rainfall and the availability of material sulf uhle for use In constructing drains. Surface dralnnge systems for roads consist of side ditches along the rond, paved gutters (which are a develop ment of side ditches and replace them) open Intercepting ditches constructed to prevent water from reaching tho road, and Intern! or relief ditches to carry -off the. water which collects In the side ditches or In the Intercepting ditches. Culverts nnd Inclosed drains, which nre constructed for the purpose of removing storm wnter from the side dllches or gutters, are essentially a part of the surface drainage system, and are not fo be confused with sub drains which serve an entirely differ ent purpose. Where the . grade of a road Is so steep thn,t file ordinary earth sldo ditches cannot be maintained satisfac torily at a reasonable cost, or where earth side ditches would be Insanitary or appear unsightly, it Is customary to provide paved gutters for removing the surplus water. Drop Inlets and catch basins nro need to conduct water from side ditch es or gutters Int.") underground drains or culverts. On country roads they are used most frequently on side hill loca tions where tho water collecting In the upper sldo ditch or gutter can bo re moved from the road at Intervals by means of a culvert across to the low er side. Drop Inlets usually are sufTf clout, and catch basins seldom are used In country road work, except where It Ih especially desirable to prevent the silt nnd other foreign mnterlal carried by the water from getting Into the underground drainage structure. GOOD ROADS PREVENT FIRES National Forests Must Be Equipped With Highways, Trails and Look out Stations. National forests cannot be ecenom Ically nnd elllclently protected against fires until they aro well equipped with roads, trails, telephone lines und lookout stations, says the uiinuti re port of the chief forester of the UV.ted .States service. Fish Day. He By Jove, Betty, yon look nlco though to cat. She Well, don't forget this la Friday. Boston Transcript What is Caste ri a C ASTORIA Is a harmless substitute- for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It 1s pleasant. It containa seither Opium, Morphine nor othor Narcotic substance Its ago is its guar antee. For more than thirty ycaw It has been in constant uso for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverish ncss arising thorofrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aid the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea -Tho Mother's Friend. " . Tho Kind You Havo Always Bought, and which has bcon in uso for over 80 years, has borno tho signature of Chas. H. Flotcher, and has been madonnder bia personal supervision sinco its infancy. Allow no ono to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations nnd "Juat-aa-Good" aro but Experiments that triflo with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experionco against Experiment sj-fl-trfz Genulno Gastorltt always bears thc-fiigunturcol T-vtaX -teccuAA Tuition Will Do Free. "8ho says she's going to glvo sing ing lessons." ''She'd havo to. No body'd ever pay her for them." Authorities differ ns to whether a poker room should be classed ns an onto room or drawing room. There Is nothing more idiotic than tho smile of a pretty girl when rcctcd toward some other fellow. Ask for "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" in a Bayer package marked with "Bayer dross." Don't buy Aspirin tablets In a pill box. Insist on getting tho Bayer pack ago with tho safety "Bayer Cross" on both packago and on tablets. No other way I You must say "Bayer." Never ask for merely Aspirin tablets. Tho namo "Bayer" means you aro getting tho genuino "Bnycr Tablets ef Aspirin," proven safo by millions of people. Beware of counterfeits I Only re cently a Brooklyn manufacturer was sent to tho penitentiary for flooding tho country with talcum powder tab lets, which ho claimed to bo Aspirin. Danger In Abbreviation. Even tiie school nurso has her fun. In a talk before tho central philan thropic council tho other day, Miss Helen It. Stownrt of tho board of health told of one little boy who, after ho had been examined by tho nurse, went to tho teacher In tears, .complaining thnt tho nurso cnlled him names. When tho teacher expressed her surprise tho boy sought to provo his case by handing her tho card tho nurse had given to him ns her record of the examination. "Look nt thatl" ho cried. "Poor nut," rend tho card. "Poor nutrition," explained tho teacher, finally sending the child away with a better opinion of tho nurse. Dallas Nows. Von Tlrpltx a Pauper. Tho Tribune do Geneve Is Informed that Grand Admiral von Tlrpltz Is staying at Wlldegg. Switzerland, ns tho guest of Lcut.-Colonel Wllle, Bon of tho former coinmnnder-ln-chlcf of tho Swiss army. Tlrpltz has lost all his fortune. His son Is u clerk In a bank at Zurich, and his daughter Is 11 governess In a Zurich family. To avoid paying the German war tax of 1018 Tlrpltz Invested his money In Italian securities, with tho result that ho Is now penniless. What a patriot I Economy Boil Postum as long as you please, and you will extract only healthful goodness. You'll get no caffeine the coffee-drug for there's nono in Po3tum. The Original Postum cereal in fact, should be boiled fully 15 min utes, and if desired the pot can be kept going from meal to meal, adding more Postum and water for the new service. Postum is the favorite of large numbers of former coffee-drinkers and can be secured from grocers everywhere. Two Sizes, usually sold at 15c end 25c M Delicious, Invigorating and Healthful Brink "There's Proving It. Pussyfooting is a calamity." "I jupposo It Is somqthing of a cat astropho." Rely On Cuticura ForSkinTroubles All drnraltts BoipiS, Qlntmflnt IS W, Talcum JB. Bumplo rich f rm ot "CaUcsrs, B, BMtsa." I When a man begins to discuss mat dl-lrlinony with a widow tho result U I usually a tic. WHEN BUYING ASPIRIN ALWAYS SAY "BAYER" In tho Bayer packago aro proper dl rcctlons nnd tho dose for Headaches Toothache, Earache, Neuralgia, Rheu matism, Lumbago, Sciatica, Colds, Grippe, Infiuenzal-Colds, Neuritis and pain generally. "Bnycr Tablets of Aspirin," Ameri can mndo and owned, aro Bold in vest pocket boxes of 12 tnblets, which cost only a few cents, also In bottles of 24 and bottles of 100 also capsules. Aspirin Is tho trado mark of Bayer Manufacture of Monoacotlcacldester of Sallcyllcacld. Information Needs Confirmation. "Old Dorsey Dudgeon prides him self on knowing whero tho conflagra tion Is as soon ns ho hears tho fire bell ring," related tho landlord of tho Petunia tavern. "By the tlmo half a dozen whangs havo changed he hns scrabbled Into a garment or two nnd Is out on hln front porch, hollering to tho people running by Just whero ho knows the flro Is." "Ho should bo of considerable a slstance to tho volunteer firemen and others In sending them In tho proper direction," commented the Interested guest. "Eh-ynh 1 Ho would bo If he dldnt nine times out of ten know It wrong." Kansas City Star. Glossing Over the Facts. "Pa, what Is n. euphemism?" "I'll havo to explain that by giving you nn exnmple, son." "Yes, pa." "The dictionary says n euphemism. Is 'a figure of speech by which a word or pliraso more agreeable or less offen sive Is substituted for one moro ac curately expressive of what Is meant' as In the ense of the society reporter who states thnt a widow who haB been married threo or four times Is 'led to tho altar' by a wealthy old codger who never hnd the slightest notion of get ting mnrrlcd until ho faced tho preach er." Birmingham Age-Herald. in Postum a Reason' 9t