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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 27, 1919)
THE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE, NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. Air Smuggling Is New Problem Customs Officers Puzzled to Find Way to Prevent Threat ened Evil. HARD TO ENFORCE RULES Treasury Department Bombarded .With Requests for Rulings Air planes and Hydroplanes Classed as Automobiles for Time Being. Washington. Smuggling ly nlrplano Bounds exciting, and Is proving so to the customs division pt the trensury, which Is, so to spenk, "up In the nlr" nbout It. For the time being, the de portment hns ruled thnt nlrplanes and hydroplanes are automobiles so far ns It Is concerned, but It Is well aware that calling n bird a wagon will not bring It down to earth where It can tell whnt kind of n bird It Is. So far thero has been no report of Illicit Importations by air line, hut ex pectation "of such traffic Is not denied. How to prevent It is a perplexing prob lem, growing inoro nnd more pressing ns requests for rulings come from dep uty collectors on. our northern and fiouthcrn borders. In the Intter Case they have had to do with tobacco lirought In from Cuba by way of Key "West and Tnmpa. Here Is nn entirely new problem for 1li! trensury to deal with In the col lection of revenue through customs du ties. It Is one to be solved by treas ury regulations (born of decisions) for which no additional legislation Is need ed. Thnt It may he solved hj a com prehensive order Is almost dospnlred of because the best thought of the de-1 partment, although the need of deal ing with the situation has been long foreseen, hns not been able to hit upon a method to close this door to secret Importations thrown open by a mod ern method of transportation most dif ficult, If not Impossible, to control. May Require Registration. It Is believed that some scheme may 1)0 worked out whereby all .airplanes leaving the country will be registered nt the nearest custom house on the border, where a certltlcnte will ho Is sued to bo presented nt any custom house in returning, ns Is done now In the case of nutomobllcs. This would in most cases be n mcro formnllty, but would permit search In suspicious cases nnd would tend to keep down smuggling. "Will ho registered" Is rec ognized ns putting It strongly, ns It Is admitted It would bo Impossible to compel such registration of a mnchlno miles nhovo the clouds. The auto moblllst finds It best to comply be cause without his certificate to surren der on return ho must prove hts car Is of American make or pay perhaps 45 per cent ad valorem duty. Thero would bo no way to stop the flying mn chlno, coming or going. Deputy Collector Ilnyden L. Moore, at San Juan, Porto Itlco, seems to think ho tins them olng, If not com ing To til in airplanes nre not auto mobiles hut seagoing vessels. Serious Inquiries from business men on the Island have caused him to make this riding: "In the absence of speclllc Instruc tions from the department, I shall re quire airships clearing fromJ'orto Itlco for foreign ports to bo properly documented under the rules of the de partment of commerce In the snmo manner ns seagoing vessels are regu lated, entries nnd clearances to be mado and all dues paid nt custom houses In districts where bindings arc effected or voyages started." This Is very slmplo, hut nlrplnnes nru peculiar In their mode of travol. The colletcor does not say how he pro poses to enforce this requirement, and has received suggestions from some of the Porto Itlcnns that nn nvlatlon school for customs men he established to bestow degrees of "sky Inspector" and "custom ace." Service windows In tht- custom lume also art- nrgtJ bear ing the legends "Airships entered" and "nlrshlps cleared." Deputy Collector Hrngassn, at Key West, has his troubles over what Is nn nTrplnno. He recently wrote to Collec tor Arthur O. Watson, nt Tampn. that It was almost a dally occurrence for nlrplnnes to go over to Cuba and re turn. One day his messenger hoy over heard a mnn who hnd been n pnssen gei on n boat from Hnvana tell thw difference between traveling thnt way and by nlrplnne. Ho snld he had Just paid $20 duty on n lot of cigarettes, when the other day he had brought the same amount home by nlr and did not pny u cent. Collector Brngassa want ed to know, "How nbout It?" Collec tor Watson told him to tnlk to tho navy people about It. He replied: "I have conferred with Admiral Decker, who has Issued Instructions to tho Key West nlr station thnt clvlllnn passengers will not bo permitted to bo carried In airplanes unless permission lias been granted by the customs -officer Jn charge of the port, and also have Issued Instructions that nil airplanes nrrlvlng nt this port from foreign countries will comply with the navy's end of the regulations In connection with the reporting to the customs of ficer the arrival of American naval vessels from foreign ports." Greek Refugees Tell of Outrages Snlonlkl. High upon the hills of the bustling Macedonian city Is a pic turesque settlement where 3,000 Oreek refugees, driven from Asia AJInor by the mnssncre of 10M, make their homes. Hundreds of other Greeks who were Interned by the Bui gnrlans In Dobrudjn during the war liuve Joined them recently. The houses In this refugee camp were con structed by the Greek government. A space equivalent to n largo New York furnished room Is allotted to. a fam ily of from five to eight. The settlement hns been given the pretentious nnme of "Tho Qunrter of the Trluirivlrato" In honor of Greece's three grent modern pntrlots Premier Venlzclos, Admiral Kountourlotls and Genernl Danglnls, who, repudiating King Constantino, espoused the cause of tllo allies when Germany sought "to win over the Greek army. Grateful to United States. Many of the peoplo hnve been helped by tho American Bed Cross nnd spenk gratefully of the United Stntes nnd Its people. ,Ab the Associated Press correspond ent was visiting tho village, two ox enrts loaded with Greek refugees who had been driven by the Turks front the villages along the sen of Marmorn In 1013 and 1011, nnd who. during- tho present wnr, were expelled from Mace donia by tho Bulgnrs, mndo their way slowly up the steep mountnln road. Tho refugees had Just come from Dobrudjn, to tho south of Itoumanln. where they were practically exiled by tho Bulgars. They had been nearly two months on tho wny, nnd virtually nil the food and aid tlioy got came from tho American lted Cross, which has relief posts along the Tine leading BIG GUNS OF THE BATTLESHIP IDAHO from Bulgaria Into Mncedonla. Manj were little tots from one to five yenrt old. The wonder was how these lib le ones, -sickly nnd under-nourished. were nblo to survive the long trip by rain, motortruck nnd ox cart. The faces of these returning refu gees woro an 'Inexpressibly sad and hnrrnssed look. For live years they were driven hither nnd yon by Turk and Bulgnr, nnd hnd never known whnt It was during thnt time to have n rdof and shelter. Under the Bulgars hey were forced to live In the open fields or In dugouts or stables.. Eight een hours u tiny at hard labor under constnnt intimidation wns the lot of. some of them. Three-fifths of n pound of black brend a day wns tho pitiful recompense they received from tho Bulgars. Often those too weak to work were beaten by their ruthless mnsters., One refugee declared to the corre spondent thnt nt one time there were more than sixty deaths a day among tho refugee colony In Dobrudjn from malnutrition, exhaustion nnd expos ure. In certnin sections, ho snld, the GroekR were forced to live largely on the rinds of wntermelons which the Bulgarian soldiers threw In tin streets. Tell Bitter Experience. The older residents of this refugee "suburb" of Snlonlkl, most of whom hnd fled from different pnrts of Asia Minor during tho wholesale massacres there In 1014. hnve bitter experiences to reluto about their treatment by the Turks. Some of these people lived in the city of Phocis, where the whole Christian population cither had been driven out or were killed by tho Turks. The women wept ns they told about the outrages of tho Moslems. The worst story was that told by nn Intel ligent pensnnt woman, who declnrod that In n butchershop opposite her homo In Phocis she snw the Turks tnke a young girl who was considered the most nttrnctlvo In town nnd cut her body Into pieces. They hung the pieces on ment hooks and offered them for public sale, she said, to show the Turks' contempt for Greek Chrls tlnns. Whnt most Impresses tho eye of tho visitor In spenklng with these unfor tunnte people Is their sad, wan and furrowed faces. They hnve been driven nbout by tho lnvndlng foe until they hnve reached tho point al most of despnlr nnd distraction. Graceful Evening Wrap 2 An evening wrap, to be worn with n variety of evening dresses, may bo In a color, but cannot exceed, nnd rarely equnls. a wrap of black satin for ele-ganr-e and good style. ..Therefore tho evening wrnp of black satin Is ri per ennial that comes to bloom with each new sunson ; nn institution In tho wnrd robe. There nre some new wenves In silk, very soft nnd rich, that have n lus ter ns high ns that of satin, nnd they ore competing with it for favor in evening wraps. Therc Is not much choice between them, ns tliey are very much alike In appearance. Tho now fabrics have the advantage of novelty, While satin has n wonderful record behind It, but whntever the fabric, the fetyles In wraps made from them nre tho same. This season's evening wrnps nre long and ample, capolike affairs thnt narrow at the ankles and nre as wide as the body. To fulfill their destiny they must bo sumptuous looking and grticeful. Many of the new models have voluminous collars and some of them hnve short sleeves. A- beautiful example of the black sntln wrap appears In the Illustra tion. It is n loose, short cape with a shawl collar, to which tho body ol the wrnp Is Joined by an embrolderod band. The band Is nnrrow with fig ures In brilliant colors that remind one of Jewels. Tho same colors aro used In. the largo embroidered disks that adorn the wrnp nt each side of the front. Even a very youthful brldo Will bo regaj looking In a wrap of this kind, especially If she wears n crest of plunfes-lh her hnlr like Gulncvero ot old. Pretty and Practical Negligees Cook Wanted. Portland, Oro. Advertising doesn't nlways bring results. Tho city has been unsuccessfully advertising for some time for n cook lri tho municipal smallpox hospital. Three gobs looking out or the utuxV.lcs of Hie big gum on our latest and I largest battleship that was recently launched nt Philadelphia. Tho Idaho Is tho largest ship In tho United StatcH navy. Millions Have Malaria. Washington. Tho United Stntes public health service estimates that over seven million peoplo In tho United States aro Infected with malaria. SAVED BY A FAITHFUL WIFE Suffered Thirty Years With 8tom- oh Trouble and Hemorrhages of the Bowels. Th 8tory of a Wonderful Recovery There Is hardly any ono who does not oxperlonoo some troublo with tho stomach. It Is bo common that wo frequently pa7 lit tle or no attention to It Tot, tho stomach la very easily upset, and catarrhal Inflam mation of tho mu cous lining devel ops, grows worse the pain and dis tress is Incessant and tho truth. dawns that wo have ohronlo stom ach troublo. Tho caso of Mr. Louis Young; 205 Merrlmao St, Rochester, N. T., la typical. Ho writes: "1 Buffered for thirty years with chronlo bowel. trouble, stomach troublo and hem orrhages of tho bowels. Wo bought a bottlo of Peruna and I took It. faithfully. I began to feel better. My wife persuaded mo to continue and I did for some tlmo as directed. Now I am a well man." Mr. YounBe experience Is not unusual. If you suffer from catarrh In any form, whether of tho head, stomach, bowels or any other part of the body, try Peruna. It may bo Just what you need. Peruna comes in either liquid or tablet form and In sold everywhere. Tour dealer has It or will get It for you. Ask for Dr. Hartman's World-Famous Pe runa Tonlo and Insist upon having It If you want your health accept nothing else. All the sick and suffering aro In vited to write The Peruna Company, Dept. 78, Columbus, Ohio, for Dr. Hartman's Health Book. The book Is free and may help you. Ask your dealor for a Peruna Almanao. Kodak Finishing Expert work. Prompt return. Special mail order department We pay return postage, Write for price list. The Robert Dempster Co., Dox 1138, Omaia, Keb, CALIFORNIA Faclfio OroT with It Ideal cllmata f moua lum'mcr and winter rtaort city eharmlna Monterey Bay 12S mllea aouUY of Ban Franclaco. Wonderful flihlns: world- renowned auto drive along rugged anorea and In beautiful pine, oak and cypres. foreat. Free literature. Addreta Cnaanaar ef Commerce, Paolflo Grove. CaL Substitutes for Glass. Materials of many kinds, more or less transparent, are being tried in Europe to replace window glass, which Is unobtainable. Cellulose films are- made practical by mounting on metnf gratings, light wire screen, or cloth.. Glue Interlaced with hemp strands be tween two sheets of pnper; albumen' and casein products; sheet gelatin,, and an nrtlflclai resin mado by condensing phenol with a formaldehyde solution. all aro Imperfect but ready makeshifts. More nearly resembling glass, but comparatively expensive, are an oxide of silica made by fusing It with add oxides of titanium or zirconium, and a combination of greensnnd marl with magnesia, bauxite, and nn alkali, melt ed In an electric furnace. Somo of these glass substitutes are flexible. Popular Mechanics Mngazlne. He Knew Them. "1 told you," said the merchant, "to- mark this box 'Handle with core.' What's this gibberish you've scrawled on itr "That," replied the college graduate. "la the Latin for 'Handle with caro.' " "Huh I How do you expect a bag gageman to understand that?" "He won't, nnd therefore ho wdn't ge mod nnd smash tho box." Boston. Transcript. Baby's llttlo dresses will Just simply dazzlo If Red Gross Ball Blue Is used In tho laundry. Try It and see for your self. At all good grocers, 5c. Slender Returns. "Did you raise anything on your promtso to pay?" "Oh, yes; I raised a smile." Platonic love Is a sort of prologue- to the real thing. WORK FOR DISABLED iTcchnlcal Agriculture Offers Thousands of Positions. iflerve as Stepping Stones to Higher Promotions and Better Com. pensatlon. i Washington. Technical agriculture Offers thousands of positions as nssoel i&teB, assistants, helpers, extension workers and county ngenis, nnd this work 1b pnrtlculnrly suitable for re I trained, disabled men, according to a statement Issued by tho federal board tor vocational education. Theso positions servo as stepping .atones to higher promotions nnd bettor compensation soon In tho agricultural 'colleges, experiment stations, agricul tural extension sorvlco and In state agricultural movements. Theso Insti tutions and employment lost thou sands of men from their student bodies, their faculty and their staffs. Hundreds of men formerly agricultur al extension workers nnd agricultural county agents will never return to thoso occupations. Theso places were temporarily filled by unprepared sub stitutes who will bo replaced by trained men ns rapidly as possible. Tho experience abroad, wherein op portunity was given fo study tho In-tensh-Q nnd scientific agriculture of Franco nnd other countries, has great ly stimulated Interest In those lines, and disabled men with a background of agricultural experience nro mani festing keen Interest In training for tho lines mentioned. Many others who, by reason of their disabilities, nro compelled to equip themselves In other lines, nnd preferably for out-of-door occupations, nro also manifesting a keen dcslro to take up tho special ized branches of agriculture in tho trulnlug offered by the fedorul board. PLAN TO ENDOW MOTHERHOOD British Family Endowment Committee Seeks to Increase Marriage and Birth Rate. London. Tho . fnmlly endowment commltteo would endow motherhood. Tho proposnl, as laid beforo tho nn tlonal birth-rate commission, Is thnt tho state provide a regular weokly In como for families with children undei 15 years of age.' Emllo Burns, representative of tho family endowment committee, con tends that tho effect of tho endowment would bo to Induco earlier marriages and tend to remove tho economic re striction of the birth rate. Tho cost to" the government would bo about $1,200,000,000 a year. Old Boiler 8afe. Nelllsvllle, Wis. Tho boiler In the Wren sawmill, near the city, was test ed after 87 years of almost continuous use nnd was found In perfect condition, being submitted to 100 pouuds of hy drostatic pressure. When negligees como up for consid eration In the bride's trousseau It Is bard to bo In the least degree prac tical. Thero Is so much latitude for this most Intimate dress that design ers can give free rein to fancy and let It piny with the ancient fnbrlcs, tho filmiest laces, crepes nnd nets, tho gnyest ribbons and nil the lovely llt tlo silk nnd satin llounces thnt lure them to extravagances. They Indulge In mnny caprices and draw Inspira tion from all qunrters of the world. But thero nro negligees thnt are prnctlcnl ns well as pretty and two of them are shown In the plcturo above. Ono of these Is n simple, graceful garment, which Is very much like the regulation Japanese kimono. But It follows tho lines of tho figure moro closely nnd has sleeves that aro set In. with n point nt tho top and nil seams outlined with n narrow fancy imi M Tho length of tho fliruro is tint liroken by n wldo sash, ns In tho rage In gnmlshlng dinner gowns, then- Jnnnncso garment, but n nnrrow glr- tor n,ut-v Rowns and wraps and even - - , .... 'it... iln. ,1nl..H I . georgette, and n coatee, In which crep nnd plain nnd printed silks arc all combined In a novel wny. It has an effect of angel sleeves made by ex tending the crepe, which forms tho short front of tho coat, Into llontlng draperies ut the back. A silk cord, sometimes put on In loops nnd some times straight, finishes the edges of the crepe nnd three strands of this cord, nre prettily nrrnnged about tho neck. Rhinestone Rage Is With Us. An oveiilng gown of monotone red sntln Is trimmed with narrow bands of pule blue velvet spangled with small rhlnestones tliut glitter lights In red nnd white nnd purple. Theso bnuds tell the story of the rhlnestono die of sntln defines tho waistline. This negligee Is mado of bright-colored satin nnd cannot bo Improved upon for a lounging robe. The negligee nt the right of the ulcturo hns u plntted skirt which Is mado either of a thin silk or of crepo tho toilets for demure afternoon teas Colored Hose In Demand. Owing to tho number of dlffercnv colors in tbe new lines of woman's shoes, tho demnnd for colored silk hosiery has been greatly Increased. Back Lome and Achy ? There's little peace when your kid neys are weak and while at first thero may be nothing more serious than dull backache, sharp, stabbing pains, head aches, dizzy spells and kidney irregu larities, you Tnust act quickly to avoid the more serious trouble, dropsy, gravel, heart disease, Bright's disease. Use Doan's Kidney Pills, the remedy that is so warmly recommended everywhere by grateful users, A Nebraska Case C. T. Evans, paint er ana pupor nuuger, Seventh St.. NeWras-m Jj ka City, Nebr.. says: 0&3 "I naa ooon teeiing miserable although I stuck to my work until I bad to gtve up and go to bed where I remained for fully five months. My limbs and body be gan to bloat ana was impossiDie me to out my c Intf on. The kidney secretions were high ly colored. I betran using Doan's Kidney Pills and thoy soon removed all the trouble." Cat Doan's at Any Stors, 60c a Bos DOAN'S KPxiJLK9v FOSTER-MILBURH CO, BUFFALO. N. Y. fly bo-fl and It I le for' 8 1 H 1 . ay W. N. U.. OMAHA, NO. 20-1919.