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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 27, 1919)
lll!llllllllllllllilllllllllll!M V 03IAIIA BUSINESS MEN GIVEN ESTEIlN WELCOME Union Pacific Watch Inspoctor Largest Stock of Watches, Dia monds nnd Kindred Lines in Western Nebraska. tjA modern Optical Department "i fn'ti'r fVin Chartfe of n. thor- : .:JfiUL'hly Competent Optometrist COLUMBIA GRAFANOLAS A. Sll t JfiWELER AND OPTOMETRIST 1 NORTH PLATTE. EXPERT WAtCIl REPAIRING 4 ff. NEB. May 27,' 1919 To Relatives and Friends of 1919 Graduates. Dear People: We arc just in 'receipt of a very fine assortment of articles suitable .for graduation presents, both-for the young man and young lady for whom you will toon wish to select an article which will be both pleas ing and of lasting quality, v Wo have prepared tw'tTof our show windows especially for the display of these articles, one for the young man, the other for the young lady gradate. In these windows you will find numerous suggestions that will me'et with the approval of the young person you wish to remember.. For the Young Lady Graduate we are Suggesting: 'V WRIST WATCH ' EAR RINGS RINGS SLIPPER BUCKLES CORDAVA BAGS CAMEO BROACH LAVALIERE PEA'RL BEADS Handkerchief Holders NOVELTY BEADS MESH BAGS FANCY COMBS WATCHES FOUNTAIN PENS BILL FOLDS WALDEMAR CHAIN For the Young Man We Are Suggesting: DIAMOND RINGS RUBY RINGS SIGNET RINGS. SCARF PIWS CUFF BUTTONS BELT BUCKLES And every show case in our store is resjjlendaiit with articles suit able for Gifts for this occasion. We invite you to calland it will be a pleasure for us to show you these beautiful things, and should you not find anything to your liking .you will not be obliged to purchase. . . Goifrteously yours, EVER SHARP PEN CIL KNIFE EE Service Quality Reliability- fHIIIIIIIIIIM LOCAL AND PERSONAL Miss Dorothy Ilinman will leavo in a fow days for Detroit to visit ho ulster. Bring your oyo trouble td'H.'Dlxon & Son, oyoslght specialists, Mrs. Coador, of Loxlngton, visiteo relatives and friends in town ovor the week end. Lonso grinding done in our own lonso-grlndjng plant. Ono day service on broken louses. II. Dixon & Son. Olins. Pass will lcavo next week for Washington, D. C, to visit his son Leo for. three or four week. Mr. and Mrs. Saml. Goozoo left yes terday for Omaha whoro they will niakQ their future homo. J. C. Don and R. D. Birgo headed a pafty wJijBh loft yesterday on a fish nlgvtrlp to'Rat lake. Mrs. John Hillebrand will leavo to morrow for Victor, Iowa, for a visit with relatives and friends. Miss M. Sleman, steam baths and Swedish Massage, ladies and gontla men. Phono 897. Brodbock bide. 85tf Clarcnco M. Wilson and Hazel N. Cross, both of Ilershey, were united in marriage by Judge Woodhurst Fri day. Miss Helen Aldon, who has been at tending tho university at Lincoln, ar rived homo Saturday for tho summer vacation. Tho Harrington Mor. Co. will buy your Hay and Grain. Obtain our prices before you 'soil . tt CXI North Platte Says TREMENDOUS! Absolutely the Biggest and Best Picture Ever Shown on the Screen. never IBMk like it "Tuc Lienor f ui iMnMnv Allon Wolubari- Sbper Production starring DOCOTfiV PHILLIPS Special Stage Effects - Special Music A wonderful picture presented in a wonderful way "The Heart of Humanity" The Picture that Will Live Forever. ONLY TWO MORE DAYS Do Not Miss Seeing this Masterpiece. Sun Theatre Matinee 2:30 Nifeht 7:30 and 9:30 Prices Children 25c Adults 50c ThoUch the ono hundred nr morn Omaha business men who spent i. I week out on the road meeting custom ers and boosting Omaha as the "mar kets town"- had travoledt-hrough Wy oming and Montana,' It was not until they reached Lincoln county thnt they wero given a real-western welcome(?). This remlrtder of old western days oc curred. about 7:30 Saturday evening when tlio special train In which they wero traveling was 'held up"!at Bird wood' siding by a half dozen br more armed masked men. As the train came to a' stop, tho masked men lined the engine and train crewa along u wire fence and? guarded them while the others entered the cars and the excursionists L'cro terrified, not knowing that tills stunt was part of North Platto'B reception to them, and they made haste to secrete their valu ables. Tho passengers were notmo lested, however, with tho exception of Joo Hedficld, who travels for the Klopp-Bartlctt Co. He was . taken from tho train, hurried to town in an auto in which tho masked men trav eled, and stripped of the greater part of his clothing was tied to a mule. In this condition, and under the escort of the bandits, he headed the parade which was held by tho Omaha men up on the arrival of their train. Following the parade, which was led by tho Omaha colored jazz band,, the excursionists were given an auto ride to tho state farm" and around the city, and following this they were entertain ed at thojEllcs home with songs by the Elks' quartette, with several gtunts that vividly reminded them of their homo town and with short speeches by Randall K. Brown who spoke for tho Omaha men and by J. J. Hnlll gan representing tMs city. Tho ex cursionists left town at 11:30 p. m., expressing pleasure at the novelties Introduced for their entertainment. :o: : Miss Nell Hartman has accepted a position as bookkeeper nt tho Brooks Btudlo and will assume her new duties tho first of June. The W. R. C. will hold a social' itliis afternoon at tho homo of Mrs. Harry Cramer, 513 north Elm. Tho publicVls cordially Invited. V Mrs. Ella Mao Lanyon spent Sunday In Kearney attondlng tho dedicatory services of a now Christian Scienco church. Tho final dance of tho Young Mar ried People's Club will be. held at tho 7 - n 1. 1 1 mt . T-i i iv. j. nun MiiurHuuy. iucu memuci la requested to take a guest. Tho county commissioners met 'in weekly session , yesterday, considered and allowed claims on file and looked up matters pertaining to roads. Saturday a half dozen Sammy Girls circulated petitions nsklng tho com missioners to call a court house elec, tlon and secured five or six hundred signers. $90.00 baby carriage for sale cheap Ball bearing wheels, reversible bod Inquire No. 4 south Maplq street. 3C-tf Lovo Is the only excuse for niar riago; other reasons have been tried out -nnd proven to bo failures. Seb the "Marriage Prico" at tho Crystal Thursday and Friday. All Spanish "War Veterans aro re quested to meet at the court house yard Friday morning at 9:45 sharp to participate in tho Memorial Day parado and exercises. E. E. Moody, Commander. Travelers In from tho west part of tho stato say that wheat is beginning to show tho need of rain. In certain sections of this county it Is said oats need rain, but that wheat is doing well. Corn is coming up with a good color. Eyesight Specialists Harry Dixon & Son. Last Sunday hundreds of fishermen and fisherwomen lined tho Platto riv er between North Platte and Brady, attracted thereto by some lino strlngi. of piko that wero caught last ween. Tho success of most of tho Sunday fishers was slight. See "Clinton & Son about your Eyos nnd i satisfied. Son Is over on tho Rhine, will bo homo soon. Sign ot the Big Ring. Judgo Woodhurst has moved his homo from tho Burlington right-of-way to a cornor lot on A street which ho recently purchased. Ho will ox cavato a basement, put In a high foun dation, instnll a heating plant and mako other improvements. Wo will bo pleased to havo you call and look ovor Qur lino of gradua tion gifts. Something for each young lady or gentlomnn. Our time is yours. C. M. AUSTIN, Jowoler. Word received Frldav nlnht nw. nounced tho arrival of Ernest Casey ana won jonnson nt Now York from ovorseas duty. Thoy wero with tho Elchtv-ninth Division nml worn fo. sovoral months stationed in Germany wiui xno army or occupation. ROV D. Schoflolil. of Wnvnrlv Til and Thoresa Shorden, of Lowellenj wore unueu in marriage yesterday foronoon by Rov. Hess. Both aro ed ucators, tho groom teaching school In Illinois, tho brlrio linvlnir linnn n.. " ployed 4is a teacher at Lowellen. A Creditable l'lay "Hicks at College," the 1919 class play, was presented at tho Keith the atre Friday evening to a capacity house, and the big audience was well pleased with tho stago work of those included in tho cast. Murl Maupln, Donald Newton, Elsld Waltemath and Clara Sorenson, whu took tho leading roles, were clever for nmateurs and feavo a very good portrayal of their respective character. Tho remainder of the cast filled in very nicely with their work. Tho play as a whole gave evidence of good coaching and natural stago ability. Miss Alma Waltemath And J. T. Keofo coached, tho play and to therii part of tho' credit for the success of the play Is due.' : :o: : Geiscs Sell Ranch. Henry Geiso and son J. H who live northwest of Maxwell, were business visitors in town Saturday, and re ported that thoy had sold their ranch of 25C0 acres to a Mr. Lummlck, of Cozad. About 100 head of cattle were Included In tho sale. They received $15,00 per acre for tho land. Henr RftiRO . will nrnliJililv rntlrn from ranchfng. but J.; H. 'will look up an other and smaller place. LOCAL NEWS New Line of Automobiles Sold in North Platte. A, E. Bell Enters the Business Selling The Auburn Beauty Six. ALSO DISTRIBUTOR FOR WESTERN NEBRASKA 111 the selection of a fine Motor Car, the more discrim inating purchasers are as much concerned about the his tory of its manufacturers as about the particular model they are considering. They don't want to be left with an "orphan" on thei? hands. Perhaps I had better explain that "orphan" is a term used among dealers to indicate a car whose makers, have gone out of business. Not only is it difficult to obtain parts fcir an "orphan," but It is almost impossible to sell one on the used-car mar ket. Many purchasers, therefore, will buy from builders whose past record reveals a conservative, manufacturing policy and consistent growth. Such conditions aro found in the building of the AUBURN BEAUTY SIX. The Auburn Manufacturers have been in existence long enough and its reputation is established, having had over nineteen successful years in the manufacture of The Auburh Cars. I, therefore, take great pleasure in introducing to the people of. Western Nebraska, the new line of AUBURN Cars, especially the Beauty Six, and ask the Public to ex amine our cars before buying elsewhere. Satisfaction guar anteed and adjustments guaranteed for six months on these cars. El Class 4,A" Garage. Phone 235. , Dealer, 721 North Locust. North Platte. W. J. Rath left Samrday night on a business trip to Omaha and Lincoln. Louis Peterson spent the latter part of last week In Cheyenne visiting his son Henry. Dr. Walter Crook has returned from a buslnes trip to Omaha and Kansas City. J. B. Weeks, of Grand Island, Is spending this week In town visiting relatlvea. W. It. Harcourt returned tho latter part of last we6k from a business trip to Omaha, Kansas City and Denver. 22 oz. Pure Fruit Jam 35c at Stegemann's. Piatt White returned tho latter part ot last week from a protracted visit in Omaha, and will spend tho summer in town. iR. M. Cathers, foreman at the U. P. Ice houses, returned Saturday from Omaha where he spent sovtral days on business. ' For Sale Registered White Face bull. Address Frank Hood, Motor Route A, North Platte, Neb. 33-8 A party of twclvo young ladles en- Joyed a picnic at tho canyons Satur day evening, returning In time for the Omaha Booster parade. On Memorial Day next Friday- there will bo no city delivery of mall, but tho delivery windows at tho post off Ico will bo open from 9:30 to 12 a. m. We havo only a few of thoso $90 Columbia Grafanolas left. Either mahogany or American walnut. Easy terms. Edison and Columbia records for Juno now on sale. Dixon's. Earl Smiley, who acted as judgo at sovoral of tho Lincoln county poultry shows, spent the latter part of last week In town. Ho recently returned from tho Marshflold aviation field, and is now In tho employ of tho govern ment as a poultry oxport and organ lzor of poultry associations. O. A. R. Memorial sorvlces at tho Franklin auditorium Sunday evening wero largoly nttended, tho soveral churches uniting in tho service and tho ministers assisting. Rov. Mack intosh, of tho Episcopal church de livered a splendid sermon, and the music under tho direction of Miss Antonldcs proved a feature and an original poem by Judgo Hoagland wns 'appreciated. Tho owners of homes in tho east part of tho city aro not bothered with smoko from railroad shops and round house, with switching, nolsos or nuis ances of any kind. All thoso things havo been moved far from this part of tho city. This makes the lots of Trusteo's and Rlvordalo additions all tho more valuablo as a resldonco dis trict. Lots arc all Improved with side walks, sower, graded streets, etc. (Prices $450 to $625. Liberty bonds accepted same as cash without dis count. Easy terms to thoso desiring same. For sale by Wm. E. Shuman, KNIGHTS OF PYTHJAS, VlAZEPPA LODGE No. 115. Meeting Nights Second and Fourth' Wednesdays of each Month. JK, P. Hall, 602 Dewey, Phone Black 720. Harry 11. York, C. C, phone Black 425, 502 South Pine. 0. E. Elder, T. C, phone lied 242 214 South Sycamore. I). M. Hogsett, 1 phono Red COS C21 West Fifth- C. L. Vnsldns, M. W., phone 91, Building & Loan Building:. S. M. Sondcr.'K. It. S., phono Red 425, C01 South Dewey. J. E. Sebastian, M. l phone Bed S48, 011 East Second. . Boy Mchlmann, M, E., phone Black, CS4, 209 South Locust. " C. M. Anstln, M. A., phone Black 1128, 410 West Second. J. W. Rowland, I. G., phone Bed 497, 220 East E. W. E. Starr, 0. G., phono 577, 320 West Fifth. THANK YOU! BUSINESS IS GOOD DICK STEGEMANN DEALER IN STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES AND CONFECTIONERY A Trial Order Means a Steady Customer. Phone 212. 815 North Locust h ft :.: :.t j.t i.t t.t t.t If' ft i.t :.t I i.t ft 55.00 Ordora Delivered Tho 355th Infantry, S9th division, will ston ovor In Omaha for three hours one day this week while en route to Camp Funston for demobiliza tion. Omaha is preparing to give the boys a big demonstration. Mrs. W. H4 Hall, of Ringgold, was brought to tho Twlnem hospital early Saturday morning, having sustained very serloUs burns from tho Ignition of a can of gasoline. Mrs. Hall is the wifo of a well known McPherson county rancher who In the earlier days played more or less ball with tho North Platto team. Wo havo only a fow of thoso $90 Columbia Grafanolas loft. Either mah igany or American walnut. Easy terms, Edison and Columbia records for June now on sale. Dixon's. J. V. Romlgh reports tho salo of a Dodgo Sedan-to H. T. Woodgate; Dodge touring cars to M. J. Colin of Maxwell, G. W. Brown of Hershoy, A. E. Elliott. B. F. Dolson, of the city, W. F. Relchenborg of Arthur; Dodge commercial cars to Harry Cramer and .it II. Stcck, and a new model Chand ler to C. W. Groves, also a Chandler "Dispatch" to W. G. Harbold. Wanted 1000 or more tons of hay to bale. Will accept contract until Sept. 1st. Address C. L. Thompson, Sidney, Neb. 3G-4 Now that tho paving on Fourth street seoniB certain, property owners on Third and Fifth streots aro beginning to urge tho pacing of thoso streets also. One or two parties aro clrcu-. latlng a protest. against tho paving of Fourth stroot, but it is not thought that they can got nenr enough signers, Some claim that tho prlco will be as much as $1000 a lot, but tho figures of tho city engineer snow that tho cost for a GO foot lot, if tho paving is 40 feet wldo, will bo $566.33 upon tho basis of contracts which havo been let this season. The property owners aro not required to pay this in. a lump sum but may pay ono-tonth of It each year with their taves. Tho unpaid balance draws Interest at seven per cent. During the year 1018 one thousand and nineteen divorces were applied, for in tho district court of Douglas coun ty. During tho same year tho number of marriage licenses issued In Doug las county was 2,420, For very twelve licenses granted there were fivo petitions for divorce filed. In Omaha marriage seems to be a failure. Wo Insure anything of any value Try us. Clabaugh, 618 Dewey. 39-4 1 it-. Our Aim is to Please Our aim will bo to enrry n complete line of Staple nnd Fancy Groceries, nnd plcaso tho people of North Platto nnd community.. Cash pnid for Butter and Eggs- l(ero nro a few of our prices: 8 packages of Yeast ,10C 1 package Soda 8c 1 can Carnation Milk 10c 2 cans llcbo 3111k . 25c 4 lb. sk. Bed Moon Pancake Flour ."c 2 cans of Corn 85c 1 can Lewis Lyo IIl2c 4 bnrs Bob White Soap 25c 4 bars Flako Whit Soap 25c 1 pint bottle Blueing 9c 1 box Safe Homo Matches 7c Gamble with Springer, 622 North Locust. V