THE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE, NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. WOMAN'S NERVES MADE STRONG By Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Winona, Minn. "I suffered for moro than a year from norvousncss, and waa i it' I. bo cau x couia no. rost at night would lie awake and got so ncrvoua I would havo to got up and walk around and in tho morning would be all tired out. I read about Lydia E.Pinkham'B Vegetable Com pound and thought 1 would try it My nervousness Boon nf ran T nlnnn well nnd feel fine in the morning and ablo to do my work. I gladly recom mend Lydia E. Pinkhom'a Vegetable Compound to make weak nervea trong." Mrs. Albert Sultze, 603 Olmntcad St. Winoqa, Minn. How often do we hear tho expression among women, "I am so nervous, I can not sleep," or "it seems as though I sborildfly." Such women should profit by Mrs. Sultzo's experience and giv;o this famous root and herb remedy, Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound, a trial. For forty years it has been overcom ing such serious conditions as displace mcnts, inflammation, ulceration, irreg ulnrities, periodic pains, backache, diz tiness, and nervous prostration of (vomen, and is now considered tho stan uara remeay ior sucn aliments. r.. i fiCHI All Flies! "MS" 'M anywnere, UAlbX trux KILbiut attracts and ilia all flic. Neat, elean, ornamental, eonrenlcnt and chtap. uiutiim on. Made, of metal. can't aolll or tin otak will not poll or Injure B'tune. liuaranieoa. DAISY FLY KILLER at roar dealer or S by EXPRESS, prepaid. 11 St. HAROLD B0MEU3. 1M Ue Kalb An.. Brooklyn. N.I, HAIR BALSAM A toilet preparation of merit Belpe to eradicate dandruff. For Restoring Color and B.autrtoGravorFadedHair. Mo. and SLOP at Drorgtita. Immediate Action Necessary. Kind Old Gentleman What are you crying for, my little man? Tommy Tuft I can't think of a name fer dat guy. K. O. G. And why should It be necessary for you to think of a name, my little chap? T. T. Ycr wouldn't ask that If yer beard the one he called me. Catarrh Cannot Be Cured 7 LOCAL. AP.PLJCAT1UNS, as thaj iannot reach the seat ' of the disease. Catarrh Is a local disease, greatly lntlu mced by constitutional conditions. MALL'S 2ATAKRH MEDICINE will cure catarrh. It is taken internally and acts through (he Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the System. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE la composed of some of the beat tonics Known, combined with some of the best Mood purlllers. The perfect combination f the Ingredients In HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE Is what produces such won terfUl results In catarrhal conditions. Druggists 75c Testimonials free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Props., Toledo, O. Cross-Examlnatlon. Mistress So you are the brother of y cook? Her only brother? Policeman I hope so. FRECKLES lew U tlio Use to Get Rid of Then Ufly Spall There'! no longer the sllfbttst need o'f feeling uhtmed of your freckles, ai Othlne double rtrength la guaranteed to remOTS tbete homtl (pots. 81mpl7 get in ounce of Othlne double itrength from jour druggist, and'appljr a little f It night and morning and 70U ibould soon aee that .Ten the wont freckles hare begun to dl appear, while the lighter onea bare rantahed en tire!. It li seldom that more than one ounce to needed to completely clear tbe skin and gain beautiful clear complexion. Be sure to ask for the double strength Othlne, as this U sold under guarantee of money back If It falls to remore freckles. Adr, Superficiality. "Thero are two sides to every ques tion." ' "Yes," replied Senator Sorghum. And too many of us chaps who pose is powerful thinkers don't take th trouble to got to tho Inside." BOSCHEE'S SYRUP will quiet your cough, soothe the In flnmmntlon of a sore throat and lungs, stop Irritation In the bronchial tubes, insuring a good night's rest, free from coughing and with ensy expectoration tn tho morning. Made nnd sold In America for fifty-two years. A won derful prescription, assisting Nature Ic building up your general health and throwing off the disease. Especially useful In lung trouble, nsthmn, croup bronchitis, etc. For sale in all civil ized countries. Adv. Norte Satisfied. Officer But surely you, n million aire, havo little to complain about Munition Magnate Oh, I don't (mow. Tho multimillionaires treat us like so much dirt. London Opinion. Shave With Cutlcura Soap And double your razor efficiency as well as promote skin purity, skin com fort and skin health. No mug, no slimy soap, no germs, no waste, no irritation even when shaved twice dally. Ono soap for all uses shaving, bathing and shampooing. Adv. Always look on tho bright side of things and if you are buying them look on both sides. Vj"ik,vM Granulated Eyelids, OILIm Eyei inflamed by expo turetoSm.DHlajidWisd E7'a r. st quickly relieved by Maries, V EyeKeswdy- NoSmarting, juet Eyo Comfort. At Your Druggists or by mail COc per Bottle. For Bek ai tbe Eye free write t Murtae Eye Remedy Ce CklMfft, ai ike CAPITAL Why This American Grandmother Gets Passport WASHINGTON. The state department Is still sitting on the passport lid, nnd the American who goes oversells these days must have renl business. Hut Mrs. Adeline Wagner, a little old woman of ISellalro, O., Is' going to I ranee. Her story, at first unhelleved, has been Investigated and found to be true In every pnrtlculnr. When the war broke out Mrs. Wngner's one son Joined the -French army as a private In the One Hundred and Korty-elghth-Infantry regiment. His wife and two children were In Bel glum arid smv their village fall Into tho hands of the Germnns. Tho husband was killed In action on the Somiiie, nnd his widow com mitted n crime. She cave a French soldier a drink of water. She and her son were hustled oft to thb village square where a dozen or more villagers were awaiting death. Ghastly humor actuated one of tho German olllcers when he saw the widow and her hoy, a youth of twelve. Ho handed the youngster a rifle and explnlncd to him Hint both he and his mother would he saved from punish ment If ho killed one of the helpless villagers before them. Ho thrust the rifle Into the boy's hands. "When I count three," he explained, "you lire and you kill." Then he counted. A shot rang out. The hoy had wheeled about and Ilrcd at tho hulking form In gray. The Germnn officer was dead. In an Instant tho lntter's com panions liad killed both the mother and son. The baby girl, then six months old, wns not hold culpable by the Germnns nnd she escnped. The grandmother today thinks neighbors havo cared for her and she wants tho child. Sho will also search for three graves. Is It any wonder that the stnte department granted n passport to this grandmother? Farmers Want Soldier Sons, and Want Them Now TP nE farmers of the country uro up In arms over'the refusal of the war de partment to release from the army camps thousands of soldiers desperately needed to plnnt the crops this spring. Senators and representatives have been Inundated with appeals for relief from tno agricultural sections In wlilcn tlio shortage of farm labor Is so acute as to threaten a diminution of food -crops nnd the secretary of war Is being bom barded by the statesmen. Altogether a showdown between the farmers and the war department nppear Imminent. In n vigorous letter to Acting Sec retary of War Crowell, Representative Frank L. Smith of Illinois has voiced the demands of the farmers and their lack of comprehension of a demobiliza tion system which realises tnousunds of men without Jobs whom the govern ment Is expending hundreds of thousnnds of dollar to aid In procuring employment, while retaining In the service thousands of farm hands clamoring to be discharged in order to return to the Jobs wuiting for them. The war department bus-contended thnt only lndispensnble soldiers were being retained In tho service und that the war emergency Is not ended. Official utterauces hnve broadly Intimated that," us a large army Is still necessary to back up tho president In forcing the enemy to conclude a satisfactory peace, It Is little short of unputrlotlc If not disloyal to demand discharges so numer ous as to weaken our forces under arms. Tho fnrmers retort that the forces would not be weakened If men returned, from overseas without jobs In sight were assigned to army camps to replace the farm hands. Each case Is a desperately urgent case at this time, because If a farm Is not planted soon It must He Idle. II' HUsbsW V TsC5S "Plus War Tax" Now in Shopkeepers' Vocabulary prAJS wnr tnx" nas been added to the vocabulary of the sales person In L "women nnd mlspes" garments. Tho 10 per cent luxury tnx to help defray the expenses of the recent excursion to Europe went into effect Muy 1. Lingerie alone Is exempt from the levy. Based on the minimum taxable values, mllndy's outfit on a summer uuy win represent n tax or .i).au on a t, Cl $53 wardrobe, not including Jewelry, as she will be seen Sundays, holidays, and matinee days. In brief, It will cost a wamnn 10 per cent more to dress up with tho luxury tnx plastered on. And 3 per cent more to "make up." Tho 3 per cent tax Is placed on toilet soaps, perfumes,, essences, ex- rWi-sTiiiii 7) ex tracts, toilet waters, cosmetics, tutlr oils, pomades, hnlr dressings, hair restoratives, tooth and mouth wnshes, dentifrices, nronintlc cnclioufi, and petroleum products. The ladles' wearing apparel tax stnrts on silk stockings costing 52 or over; shoes for which $10 or more Is paid; hats, $15; petticoats and waists, $15; pnjniniis, $5, nnd the accessories Include fans, 51 ; parasols, $4, nnd vanity cases, 825. There Is a 10 per cent tax on things to wear made of fur, hide, or pelt. Trunks selling at $50 come under the tax. As toUiats, the government seems to renllzo the necessity of a good hat for a woman. Men are taxed for their millinery jin anything over $5, while women may spend ns high as $15 without being hit. Toilet articles, however, are taxed 1 cent for each 25 cents or fraction thereof. Persons with deformed feet, whoso shoes have to be made especially for them, may go over the $10 mark without penalty. As n mntter of fact, the tax Is so small that, while In the aggregate It will mean much to the government, It will not burden the Individual very heavily. Million Homes Needed; Uncle Sam Quits Building ONE million new houses und apartments nre needed throughout the country, the department of lnbor estimates. The war caused such n slackening of the building industry In everything except wnr essentials thnt the demand for homes is now the greatest in tho his- tory or tho country. Heturns have been received from several hundred localities and In every one of them, ex cept a few where houses were built by tho government for war needs, a short age of housing Is reported. New York city shows tho greatest need of hous ing, shelter for 75,000 fnmllles being needed. In Philadelphia 25,000 are needed. Detroit's figure Is 30,000. Efforts are being made by the de pnrtment to get this vast amount of building under way at once. To usslst in homo building tho lubor department pluns to ask the next congress to establish a system of homo loan banks to loan money for building homes, Just ns the farm loan banks now loan money on farms. A tentative draft of a bill provides that tho homo loan banks shall bo formod out of the now private home loan and building associations. On the other hnnd, houses of nrtlstlc appearance nnd good material, havliig every convenience, can be built at costs which have 'prevailed during and since the war, for amounts varying from $2,000 to $5,000 euch. This has been proved by tho United States Housing corporation, which built during tho wur many thousand such houses. It work wns Interrupted by the nrmlstlce nnd It Is now engaged In closing out a $100,000,000 business on short notice. ' N Unlike Engluntl, the United States government will not build any house j n reconstruction measure. YIELD BIG CROPS Grain Seeds From Western Can ada Do Well in Ohio. Demand for Them l Bound to Add Value to the Land of Our North, em Neighbor, Now to "Be Had Cheap. A Inrgo area of tho land In several counties In Ohio prepared for spring seeding will he seeded with Mnrquls whent a spring vnrlety. This wheat is Imported from Western Cnnndn.'lt wns about thrco years ago that the first of this Reed was Imported Into the States, nnd the result, watched each succeed ing year, proved that Ohio soil nnd spring seeding wns n success. The dtmnnd for the seed has now become so great thnt one of the InrgeRt seed houses In the stnte, that has been pur chiming from Western Canada fnrmers and Importing It, hns decided to pur chase a large block of land In thnt fonntry for tlio purpose of growing the grnln themselves. They will devote a considerable portion of their West ern Cnnndn holdings to growing oats, barley andy rye. Their nctlnn Is a strong Indorsement of the product. For some tlme'pnst n considerable qnnn tlty of seed onts has also been Import ed The prolific yield reported wns what prnhnhly gnve nn Impetus to tho Introduction of wheat. It was found, though, after n couple of years the quality of the onts, ns well as the yield, began to deteriorate when grown seed wns used, making It necessary for fresh Importations every couple of yenrs. It Is possible thnt tho snme experience may follow tho growing of Western Cnnndn whent. Tn fact It Is quite probnble, and the Ohio farmer will find It necessary to Import every two years. With the success that has followed the Ohio farmers' experiments with this Imported seed It is possible other states now growing winter wheat will begin growing spring whent. It mny therefore be tnken for granted thnt Western Canada, In addition to Its nblllty to produco hundreds of mil lions of bushels of whent possessing the greatest percentage of gluten of any whent In the world, will shortly be cnlled upon to provide the seed thnt will he grown on the nddltlonnl acres In the United States that may be devoted to spring whent. It Is a well-established fact that the further north nny product of the farm can bo brought to a stnte of maturity, the more vigorous It becomes. This has been proven In the grains that have been produced In Western Can ada; it has been shown In the devel opment of Its horses. Its cnttle, Its sheep and Its hogs; also In Us people. The neighbor to the north renlly hns a splendid future before him, nnd many yenrs will not have pnssed be fore the lands thnt aro selling todny at much less tlinn their producing value will bring prices more commen surate with their truo worth than they do today. Think of Innds thnt yield In their operation a profit of from fifteen to twenty-five dollars an acre n year selling nt figures less than $40 nn ncre. It docs not require n mathematician to figure the percentage of prollt. It is unfair to these lands to ask them to continue these profits for long. So It Is safe to make the prediction thnt In a very few years they will plnce themselves on n parity with other Innds thnt todny produce less nnd sell for much more. Advertisement. THE MOST DANGEROUS OF ALL DISEASES N8 organs of the human bod are so Important to health and long lit o as tho kidneys. When they alow up nnd com mence to lag in their duties, look outl Danger is in slcht. Find out what tho troublo iswith out delay. Whenever you feel nervous, weak, dizzy, Buffer from sleeplessness, or havo pains in tho back, wake up nt once. Your kidneys need help. These aro signs to warn you that your kidneys aro not performing their functions properly. They aro only half doing their work and aro allowing itupiirltica to accumulate and bo converted into uric ncld and other poisons, which are causing you distress nnd will do etroy you unless they are driven from your system. Get some GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules nt once. They nre an old, tried preparation used all over the world for centuries. Thoy contain only old-fashioned, soothing oils combined with strength-giving and system-cleans-ing herbs, well known and used by phy sicians in their doily practice. GOLD MEDAL Hnnrlcm Oil Capsules aro im ported direct from the laboratories In Holland. They are convenient to take, and will either give prompt relief or your money will be refunded. Aak for them at any drug store, euro to get the original imported GOLD MEDAL brand. Accept no substitutes In sealed packages. Three sixes. WATCH YOUR COLTS For CouKhn, Colds and Distemper, and at the arat symp tom's of any such ailment, bIvc small doara of that won derful remedy, now the most used in existence. SI'OIIN'S niSTICMl'KH COMPOUND Safe for all ag-es, Colts, Mares in foal, Stallions and all others. An exccll-snt preventive as well as a cure. Sold by druggists. SI'OIIN MICDICAI. CO. Mfr. (loshen, Ind, V. 8. A. Nebraska Directory Vain Escape. "I am not rich enough to give you n Inrgo contribution to this cause." "That Is a. poor excuse." Omaha Auto Tinners Expert Radiator Repairers 2107 Funun Stmt, Omtht, NiV. Prompt attention to out of town shipments. THE PAXTON it BEST BUVERS"SELLERS catui hogsimshecp STOCK YARDS'OMAHAt II gJSliMlftfil MAKE YOUR OLD FORD NEW One ton Ames Unit for Fords and UnlTcrsal cars. Bend for Price I.lst. Dealers' Territory Open O'Rourke-Goldstrom Auto Co. Distributors of Ames-Bllt Touring and Commercial Bodies 3701 S. 24th St Phone South 399 OMAHA, NEBRASKA The Master Truck Matttr of tht Load on Any Road HOTEL "maha, Nsbnuki EUROPEAN PLAI Rooms from 11.00 up single, 75 eenU tip donbla CAFE P1UCKS REASONABLE 0rJl0J37SrftW aOOHOOHt I4,hjPv'M I fc .. -wt 'Clitf ' Aie rcoHOH? I Lrit Iirlailr B rw a. 4 L'm4 Stor a4 OQm Hitxr UlMMtta. W Orj Onr 11,000 t.ur tl. OMAHA FIXTURE & SUPPLY Ca S. W. Cor. lllh raid DousUs Stt. Omaha, Nett Ufa of MODERN STORE, OFFICE tnd BUNK FUTURES Pbone Douglas J734. All e aak la achane to bid Highest Prices for Cream Ship direct to manufacturer and ellmtnats the mid dlem&n. Ship any day at ws will cle you bensfll of ell raise Iri price tihlle cream is In transit, wi euarantee service and (rood satisfaction. ALAM1T0 DAIRY CO., Omaha, Neb, Our crude oil requirements 'hxt permanently provided; that's why Deep Rock products can tx depended upon because you know you can get them the same uniform quality always assured CONSUMERS REFINING CO. OMAHA. NEBRASKA DR. BRADBURY, DENTIST 30 YEARS IN OMAHA. Painless Dental Work guaranteed 1 0 years. Fillings, Crowns, Bridco-work, Plates and Extracting. Home treatment for Gum Diseases, tightens teeth and presorves health. It will pay you to como for this Quality Work, Send for Booklet. Dai WOODMECN OP WORLD OUIUOINQ, OMAHAi NBJ The best automobile truck made at a price within i mo rcacn 01 au. viaiers nioira. w ma or call on us a you rant a truck or our ssencr proposition. TRUCK tnd TRACTOR CORPORATION. Dlrtrllutors fr Ktbruki, Western lows md Soatlitra So. DilsU 1310 Jackson Street. OMAHA, NED. I Save BIG Money by Having Clothes. Hats, Rugs, ETC. CLEANED, DYED, REPAIRED OR REMODELED Dreshers pay express or Parcel Post one way on any shipment. Most modern plant. Guaranteed work. References, anybody In Omaha, Nebraska. D RES HER BROS., Cleaners and Dyers Drssbcr Bldg., 22nd and Parnam Btraots, Omaha, Nek Just Beginning. Mm. Klncbrcd "Is yours nn old fnmlly, Mr. Nowpop?" Mr. Nowpop "Mercy, nol We've been mnrrlcd only n your." Much of mother'B populnrlty with her children In duo to tho fact that sho is willing tn watt on them. The Beginning of Economy. Uusbund We'll havo to ccouomlie, denr. Wife Well. lct'B smolid less. A buzz saw can tench an Inquisitive man moro tn n minute thun the best Instructora cun teach him In a lifetime. I (lit (.! Betty Said She Could Bake "I knew she never had baked a cake and I was doubtful. But I told her to go ahead. "She got my treasured Royal Cook Book, my can of Royal Baking Pow der and all the fixings and sailed in. "Honestly, it was the best cake we. ever had, and now I believe anyone who tries can bake anything with Royal Baking Powder , Absolutely Pure Made from Cream of Tartar derived from grapes Royal Contains No Alum Leaves No Bitter Taste The Royal Cook Book, containing over 500 recipes for oil kinds of cookery, mailed free. Write for a copy to ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., Dept. H, 130 William Street, Now York