The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, May 16, 1919, Image 8

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    The White Year
(Ckpjrlght, 1016, bj WMtern Newipiptr Cnloi.)
At the nc ot twenty-two, acting un
dcr nn Impetuous Impulse he could not
restrnln, Walter Merrill wroto a let
ter to the girl ho lovetl, confessing
his direction and miking Hint she nwnrd
lilm happiness or licnrtbrenk accord
ing ns she rcclprocnted his fervent de
votion or did not, us tho ense might
be. There enmo no reply. As If ut
terly disdainful of his plen, he learned
that Myrtle Pnrr had started away on
n visit to u relative at sonic distance.
Merrill was n being of deep sensitive
ness. Ho vanished completely from
ftnyvlllo and his motive and where
hboufs beenmo n mystery to his for
mer friends.
. Ills gloomy faco made no new
friends, his half-hearted Interest In
seeking employment discouraged at
tention. Very soon his surplus money
ftas gone. Idleness led to dissipation.
IIo snnk lower nnd lower, and at tho
end of a fow months was u street wan
derer nnd his companions men of reck
less mold.
Ills eyes wero bleared, his clothing
in tatters, his gait unsteady, as ono
day crossing n street tho shnrp tdpt
'of nn nutomobllo horn caused him to
look up. Two ladles In tho machlno
wero agonlzcdly screaming to their
chauffeur. Directly In tho path of
tho uuto a little child wus rolling her
doll carriage. Morrill miulo a. leup.
Not a second too soon ho snatched tho
imperiled child from her position,
swung her spinning to one side, nnd
himself stumbled and fell.
'Thoro was a contact, dull and dead
ly, and Merrill disappeared undqr tho
!o'y of tho vciilclo. Then ns It backed
1)0 lay In a pool of blood, his face
brulaed and cut, his eyes closed and
his body rigid.
It was like n transition Into a new
sphere to tho Injured man to recovor
ecnslbill.ty nmld comfort and cleanli
ness. Ho was alono In bod In n huff
darkened room, but (ho door commu
nicating with tho adjoining apnrtmcnt
was ajar and ho could discern that
Bovcrnl persons wero thoro. A feminine
volco spoke, gentlo and finite anxious.
"He will live, doctor?" It Intoned.
"Oh, yes, there Is nothing wrong of
n serious nature outside of tho lower
part of both limbs."
"IIo enn benr removal to a hos
pital" began the doctor.
"No," spoke Miss Altlten Dnrrow,
nnd the negative was enforced strong
ly by her slater, Murcln. "Wo owo
to this man not only money repara
tion, but sympathy and enro. IIo Is
poor, perhaps homeless. Sister und I
.will glvo him a home until ho has en
tirely recovered." "
Somo new emotions camo to Walter
Merrill as he heard himself thus com
mended, no learned that tho two
spinsters were ladles with menns, given
to deeds of charity. They lived well,
and ns ho got about In nn Invalid's
chair, a room on tho ground floor was
fitted up for him. Dally ho was wheol
cd out Into tho garden. Kvory
body seemed glad to bo of help to him.
Kindness toned down his ruggednesa
nnd reckless Indifference.
At first, until his Injured limbs re
covered their original strength Merrill
nctcd as chauffeur for his thought
ful patronesses. Then his quick In
telligence recommended him to them
for a trustworthy position of looking
nftcr their proporty. IIo attended to
rents nnd repairs, nnd nothing was
pleasanter than tho frequent trips
from plnco to place, nnd very often
tho little child whoso llfo ho had saved
was his welcome companion.
Ono day Walter Merrill never nfter
wnrrt forgot that eventful occasion
on n business mission ho camo within a
fow miles of IJayvllle. Tho tempta
tion to seo tho old town was lrroslst
lble. IIo wns driving tho machlno
slowly down a troo-shaded strcpt,
when n lad of about sixteen abruptly
darted from tho sldownlk, shouting his
; "Qh, Mr. Merrill I" ho hnllod. "Plenso
please, Just a moment." Then ho
ndded breathlessly: "Oht you must
cpmo to our houso right away.
'Allco wants to seo you, and at onco."
Merrill well remembered Allco
Wayne. Slto had always ovlnced a
predilection for his compnny, but lovo
lip had never thought of. Morrill won
dered nt tho earnestness of tho ex
alted lad. Ho drove (ho mnchlno to
,tho Wnyno home. Ills guldo led him.
into tho house. Morrill was shocked
'as ho saw upon a couch tho girl who
had been a blooming beauty when last
ho hnd seen her. Dlscnso and suffer-
ing hnd wnsted her away, und death
was in her face,
i An Infinite relief wns expressed in
that wan faco as Allco Wayno clusped
tho hand of Merrill fervidly. Sho'sont
her brother from tho room. Thon
'camo a contosslon that amazed her
.visitor. Allco confessed that sho hail
destroyed a letter Myrtlo had given
her to mall, tho "hon-urrlynl of which
had started him upon tlio downward
path. When a fatal disease had over
cpmo her sho had lyiffored from In
Icredlblo remorse. SJio had sent for
Myrtlo and had confessed tho truth.
(Now, with feeblo breath sho Insisted on
sending for her girl friend thnt tho
great wrong sho ha3 wrought should
lie mended.
I All nlong Myrtle Farr had loved and
taiourned for Morrill, nis confession
Bfton brought about a porfoct undor-
'etanuing. ite.ueqineu vy ins "vnito
year." Myrtlo Farr had no fear to dd
Jtor her from trusting her happiness to
ls loving carp. - , .J
A Runaway
(Oopjrliht, 1B1B, bj Wtnttn Ntmpiptr Uili.)
He had not spoken und Dora Morton
had broken her spell of bondage nnd
her chance of happiness by acting
rashly but definitely. Ho wns Husscll
Ulnko and Dora loved him. Had Wnko
dronmed of tho truth for a single mo
ment he would have lost no tlmo in
telling her of his undying devotion.
Uccausc he feared to be presumptuous
nnd because he hoped 10 win her re
gard by giving her time to make up
her mind consistently, ho had been
friendly but respectful, attentive but
reticent us to the real state of his
Itussell IJIako did not know that,
while on the surfaco Abel Wllde, tho
guardian of Dora, was suave, smiling
and did not particularly resent his
frequent calls upon his charming young
ward, tho hypocrite was persecuting
her In a way that aroused all tho
spirit that was within her. Dora had
a llttlo fortune coming to her and
Abel Wllde wns trustee for tho same.
IIo nlso hnd a son, Hartley, whom
tie was determined to marry to Dora.
Pho' was as resolute In n contrary di
rection. When she hnd fully discerned
the purpose of her guardian sho stren
uously objected to ncccpt IJnrtley
Wllde ns a suitor. Then thero wns
war. Abel Wllde, cruelly persistent,
faced her with his absolute control
of her means nnd her actions until
sho wns 21. IIo threatened to send
her to a private seminary whero sho
would bo under tyrant rule, nwny
from friends nnd nwny from Wnko.
"ncard the nows?" n friend asked
of Wnko one morning.
"What about?" queried tho young
"Dora Morton hnS run away from
homo. Old Wilde kept It quiet for
half a week, but the fact has leaked
out. Thero wns n terrific family row,
n household servant says. That old
bnrbarlan threatened to lsolnto Dora
like a nun nnd his gawky son Insisted
sho should mnrry him forthwith. Then
tho housekeeper locked Dora In her
room, but during tho night sho mndo
her oscopo from nn upper window.
Thojr hnvo been trying to trnco her
ever since, but sho bus left no trail
bohlnd her."
Of course Ulnko was disturbed ; more
than that, anxious nnd upset. IIo knew
of the plot of tho Wildes to force tho
young heiress to comply with their
wishes. Tho Impulse wns strong with
Illnkc to license the old schemer to his
face of his plotful turpitude, but It
wns not tho part of policy to do so.
IJIako controlled his latent rngo and
Indignation, mot Abel Wllde In a ens
uul way and sought to gain somo hint
ot tho possible wherenbouts of his
vnnlshod love. In this ho wns unsuc
cessful, but he wns certain that Dora
hnd fled of her own volition.
Ulako made diligent Inquiry nmong
Dora's girl friends, but gained no In
dication of nny distant refuge to which
nho might hnvo fled. IIo wns sentcd In
his office ono afternoon, unablo to con
centrate his thoughts upon nny sub
ject save tho fact of Dora's vanish
ment, when tho telephone boll rang
IIo took up the receiver to bo In
formed that It was a long dlstnnco call.
Thero was n brief lapse nnd then n
voice that thrilled him enmo over the
"Dora I" ho breathed, his soul In nn
Instant aflame.
"Is this Mr. Ulnke?" spoke the ills
tnnt voice. "I am Dora Morton. You
have been my good friend nnd I wished
you to know, nnd to tell other friends
that I shall not return to Ferndnle,
think you know tho reason why."
"Uut whero aro you? Impetuously
inquired lUulce.
"No, no I must not tell you. I hnvo
nn opportunity to go as nurso to n
lndy who Is to llvo In California.
Good by, nnd thank you " "Over tho
top, hurrah I I'm n Yank I Rah! rah I
rah!" Jangled In nn nmnzlng Interrup
tion. IJIako realized that tho accents
wero thoso of n pnrrot. Wlro com
mnnlcntlon was cut off, and he stood
In a maze, his senses vibrating with
sentient emotions of longing, disap
pointment nnd uncertainty, commin
gled. Then ho nroused himself to act
with necessary celerity. IIo phoned
central, asked tho sourco of the call
nnd learned that It had como from
Staunton. Had Ulnko been less stirred
up nnd anxious ho might have endenv-
ored to secure tho number of the phono
sending tho message, but tho fact thnt
ho hud located tho city whoro Dorn
wns seemed sufficient as a hopeful
. starting point.
Bioko reached Staunton thnt after
noon. Two facts wero within his clear
understanding: Dorn was hi hiding
Botifawhero In that plnco, tho house
from vllch sho had phoned hnd n
Pfirrot. His only nnxlcty now wns that
Dora might start on her proposed trip
as n nurso before ho had tlmo to lo
cal o her.
ft at,o favored him most auspiciously.
Chancing to pass a bird storo ho wns
soon engaged in conversation with Its
proprietor. Tnrrots wero not common
In Staunton. Ho had furnished all four
ol tho only ones ho knew of In tho
"Tho ono you aro Inquiring about,
lie told TUnke, "must bo tho patriotic
pit of a widow lady, Mrs. DnYton,"
attd ho gnvo her address.
And there tho persistent lover found
Dora. DlaUo did not hold back his sen
ttmcnts now. Ho had only to tell
Dora' of his lovo to hnvo her content
to rturn to Ferndalo as his wife.
- -
(Oepjrliht. 1010, br WMtern Ktwipiptr Union.)
Robert Leeds, self-contained old
business veteran, relaxed from his usu
al severity of facial expression nnd
tone whenever he dictated n Jotter to
Miss Davis, the lnad stenographer of
the great business establishment ho
dominated. Somehow she wns different
from tho nvernge run of typewriters.
"She doesn't pound tho keys ns If
she wero hnndllng a hammer," observ
ed Mr. Leeds to his manager. "Then
again she doesn't wear bunches of hnlr
over her cars, and therefore never has
to have a sentence repeated to her."
Then, too, the pleasant, but digni
fied young woman In question had de
veloped a co-operating business enpa
blllty that nroused the profoundest np
preclatlon of her employer. It hnd
pleased him to recounlzo how quickly
sho had uccommodnted herself to her
new environment, how speedily sho
learned the system of the establish
ment. Sho took n real Interest In all
tho routine of business, dull us It wns,
and ono day. nmazed her employer by
pointing out a dlsi-repnncy In somo nc
counts, wh'lch led to tho discovery that
n group of employees wero systemntl
colly robbing him. It led to tho sub
stitution of more trustworthy men nnd
a permanent stoppage of a leak In the
profits of tho business.
Mr. Leeds hud dictated sevcrirl let
ters to n traveling salesman who hnd
charge of what was known ns tho
Chnrlestown district, complaining of
his Inability to produco an much busi
ness ns ho hnd formerly turned In.
Tho snlcsmnn had become resentful
nnd resigned In the midst of n busy
senson. Mr. Leeds fumed nnd fretted,
advertised for n snlesmnn, but nono
of the nppllcnnts wns acceptable.
"Mr. Leeds," sold Nina one dny, In
her quiet nnd Impressive wny, "I think
I might help you out of your dilemma.
I have a u relative at Charlestown, a
very rellablo and estlmnblc young man,
nnd If you enro to try him I think ho
will bo able to hold your business In
tho district."
I think It due to you nfter your
demonstration of business nblllty In
tho past to trust your good Judgment,"
responded Mr. Leeds. "It would bo a
grent relief to me to have this bother
somo matter off my hands."
Nlnn's face wore a pecullnrly happy
expression ns sho sat about typing a
letter. Sho made surp no ono In the
office got a glimpse of It. A fow days
later sho spoko to Mr. Leeds about
tho matter again.
"I wroto to my my relntlve," sho
said, "and gnvo his nnmc to the busi
ness manager, who will send him sam
ples nnd Instructions."
"Vory good," nodded Mr. Leeds, nnd
after that ho made It a custom to
stop nt her desk ouch morning when
ho camo In nnd speak a few plcnsnnt
words to her. During twenty years
hnrd, systematic dealings with his em
ployees, she was tho first ono to penc
trnto the crust of his stern, systematic
nature. Alnn Uurt, tho new mnn In
tho Charlestown district, mndo good
from tho start. At the end of tho
first month Mr. Leeds Miss
Dnvls with a pleased face.
"Your relative has made n record,
Miss Davis," he told her, nnd she her
self seemed ns' delighted ns himself
over the success of her "relative." A
fow days later Mr. Leeds came to her
late In tho afternoon.
"Miss Davis," he spoko, "I have men
tloned you n good mnny times' to Mrs
Leeds, nnd sho hns directed mo to
bring you home with mo to dinner.
You know sho Is a confirmed Invnlld,
nnd you will be conferring a pleasure
upon both of u. Our home llfo Is
n lonely one. We hnd n son, but never
mind that " " nnd the tones grow
If tho business capability of Miss
Davis had appealed to her employer,
her gentlo ways nnd charming faco
completely won his Invnlld wife. Ito-
pcatedly Nina wns asked to tho Leeds
home. Then cnnn the stnrtllng stnto-
ment from Mr. Leeds ono dny.
"Miss Davis, my wife wants you
nnd needs you not ns a mere friend
and companion, but ns ono of ourselves.
Wo both lovo you. Will you become
our ndopted dniiKhter?"
You you must glvo mo tlmo to
think over your kind, your very kind
proposition," replied Nina breathlessly,
tho tears filling hr eyes.
Sho camo to him ngnl.n Inter In tho
dny. "Mr. Leeds." sho said stondlly,
but with an evident effort, "I hnvo a
confession to make my being In your
employ has been part of a plot. I am
not Nlqn Davis. I am Nlnn Leeds, the
wlfo of your son. llertrnm Leeds."
Mr. Leeds stood spellbound. Sho
went on: "Bertram nbnndoned nil his
reckless ways when ho beenmo my
husbnnd. IIo Is a new man and n good
man, but not very fortunnto In a
business way until you employed him
ns your representative nt Charles
town." "What I That Is that Is your 'rel
ative, Alan Burt I' "
A-n assumed name, like my own,"
confessed Nlnn. "Mr. Leeds lather
for the sako of the longing lovo of
your wife, our mother, tnko back tho
boy who has seen the error of his ways
arid craves forgiveness."
Robert Leeds sat for a fow moments
overcome by tho bowllderlng devel
opments of tho occnslon. Then that
strong spirit broke down. Ills
fell Into his outstretched arm' ns he
uttered brokenly:
"You have won his redemption. Yes,
como both of you, to tho homo neatl"
Submarine Signals.
During tho war, ns is well known,
submarine sound-slgnnltng mndo great
strides. In Schlfflmu an account Is
given of n device employed In Ger
many. In this device the receiver Is
secured to tho outer layer of the ship's
hull from Inside nnd Is filled with wn
tcr, the liquid being In contact
with the outer plating of the
vessel. The essential point In this de
vice nppcars to be that the means for
producing the sound nre placed ex
ternally on the wall of the liquid tank,
whereas In most cases tho sounding de
vice hns hitherto been nrrnnged In
side tho tank or receiver. Another
speclnl feature Is an automatic ar
rangement for maintaining constant,
or adjusting, the level of the wnter,
which can bo mnnlpulnted externally.
Scientific American.
Wrong Kind of Clothes.
Little Jrngedlcs occur to the men
who have to chronicle the larger ones.
On Thursday evening our "special cor
respondent" (arrayed In a silk hat and
tho best morning costume) nrrlved to
find his mission mennt the lnte train
to Whitehaven nnd n plunge Into n
burning mine.
He telephoned nt onco for the prop
er clothes, but the messnge must hnvo
miscarried In the ear of the careful
maid, who pneked up a valise of dress
clothes and shirts for the mnn who
wns to go down tho mine. London
Got It Bad.
The young man about town had Just
been accepted by "the one girl In the
world," who, nevertheless, wn, n mem
ber of n forty-strong benuty chorus.
"So you think you lovo her?" smiled
his father.
"I know I lovo her I" swore the in
fatuated youth.
"Are you sure you love her as much
ns you think you do?"
"I'm sure of more than that. I love
her ns much as sho thinks. I do I"
Making Success.
Muko today successful. Bend your
energies townnl accomplishing some
thing within the next 24 hours which
you can think of with satisfaction
when you put your head on your pil
low nt night. Enough successful days
make a life success, nud there Is no
other way of doing It. Girl's Compan
Notice is hereby given that sealed
bids will bo received at the office of
the C ty Clerk of North Platte. Ne
brnska, up to 5 o'clock P. M. May 22nd,
lfll!) for thn ("(instruction or the ex
tension to Sewer Lateral B, 660 ft.
more or less and extension of Sewer
Lateral "D."' 320 ft. more or less, all In
accordance with the plans and specifi
cations now on me in the omce or the
City Clerk of said city.
Certified chock on local bank or 6 per
cent of amount bill will be reaulreil to
insure entering into contract. Satisfac
tory bond to be given when contract Is
signed. Mayor nnd City council re
serve right to reject nny or all bids.
By Order or Council.
ml3m23 City Clerk
General Farm Snles n Specialty.
References nnd Dates nt First Na
tional Bank, North Platte, Neb.
Phone 1000.
Y. S. Ross, May 21st,
Office over McDonald Bank.
Office Phono 11.16 Res. Phono 1120
Notice Is hereby Klven that by virtue
of a chattel mortgnge, dated on the
ifUU ilav of Sentombcr. 1915. and duly
filed and recorded In the office of the
Countv Clark of Lincoln county. Mo
hranka, on the l"th d.xy of Vecu
1915, and executed by A. F. Klaas to
CoateB Lumber & Coal Company, a cor
narntlon. to Hocuro the uayment of the
sum of Five Hundred Sixty-One and
No-100 ($561.00) Dollars, with Intoroat,
nn tlm lfith dav of Sent.. 1916. and upon
wlilnh tlinrn IH lOW 01UO tile sum OI
Seven Hundred Sixty-Five and 14.100
($765.14) Dollars. Default having been
made In tho payment of said sum, and
no suit or other nroceedlnp: at law hav
Ing been Instituted to recover said debt
nr nnv nart thereof, therefore I will
sell tho property therein described,
viz: Carpenter shop, building, and all
machinery consisting of machine lathe,
gas engine, ripping macnine macnine
tool sharnoner. etc.. and all hardware,
lumber nnd building material on hand,
alBO all ladders, horses anu Dencnes,
etc., and all carpenter fools, chests and
uppurtenancos ai puuiii' nucuuu ui
the shop of A. F. Klaas on Lot 3, Block
ks. in th cltv of North Platte in Lin
coln county, on Saturday, the 31st day
of May, 191U, at a i'. ni. or sau uaie.
Dated aiay 7tn, iviv.
M12M30 Mortgagee.
Tn Pnnnur Mnnrw. defendant:
Vnn nrn liornliv notmeu inai on uie
Hth day of January, 1919, the plaintiff,
Mary Moore nlod her potltion for abso
into divorce' from you in the District
r-nnrf nf Lincoln county. Nebraska. alleg
tltlon ns her grounds for
said divorce that you have been guilty
of oxtromo cruelty toward said plaintiff
nn,i timt vnn hnvn whollv failed to pro
vide maintenance for her. although of
BUlllclent ability to uo so, anu wnii
you have been guilty of oxtromo cruol
tv tn nthnr rnnnncts as set forth In her
potltion now on file. That plaintiff has
liio nftnr duo and roasonable
Inquiry and search, to determine your
placo of address, and has therefor ob
tained an order for service upon you Jjy
publication and that plaintiff Is asking
an absolute divorce from the bonds of
matrimony. ...
n ronuirAd to nnswer this petl
.i i,,. !, QSrrf iIav of June. 1919, or
Judgment will be tnlton against you as
Dated May 8th, lilARY MOOnB.
Mnifi Hor Attorney.
Arrange for your Gas be
fore the spring rush is on
Ranges from
$27 to $60
North Platte, Nobr.
For tho treatment of Medical, Surgical
and Obstetrical Cases. A place
whero tho sick aro cared for so ns to
bring about normal conditions In tho
easiest, most natural and scientific
Phone 110. North Platte, Neb.
Office phone 241. Res. phone 217
Osteopathic Physician.
North Platte, - Nebraska.
Knights of Columbus Building.
Office Phono 340
Res. Black 376
Osteopathic Physician
Bolton Bldg. North Platte, Nob.
Phono for Appointments.
Physician, Obstotrictan
Surgeon, X-Itay
Calls Promptly Answered Night or Dny
Phono Onice 612 Residence G7G
5, C, 7 Building & Loan Building.
Office Phone 70 Res. Phone Red 1009
Physician and Surgeon
Rooms 5-6 McDonald Bank Bldg.,
North Platte, Neb.
Fhsylclnn and Sorgoon.
Special Attention Given to Surgery
ana Obstretrlcs.
Office: Building & Loan Building
Phones: Office 130, Residence 115
Phone 308
Rooms 1 and 2 Belton Building
North Platte, Nebraska.
Hospital Phono Black 633.
House Phone Black G33
Graduate Veterinnrinn
Elzht years a Government Veterinar
ian. Hospital 218, south Locust St.
one-half block Bouthwest ot the
Court House.
Practice Limited to
Surgery and Radium Therapy
728 City National Bank Bunding.
Omaha, Nebraska.
I Service Service
Ford Repair Shop y
722 N. Locust. Phone 152.
A Trial Will Convince Yon,
Highest Cash Prices
Paid for
Hides and Junk.
Licensed Embamera
Undertaken) and Funeral Director
Day phone 41
Night phono Black 589
vnnrinrc nr I'HTITION
Estate No. 1653 of Davo A. Reynolds,
deceased, In the county uourt or un
coin County, Nebraska.
Th RtntB of Nebraska. To all per
sons Interested In the estato take no
tice that a petition has been filed for
thn nnnointment of J. II. Kelly as ad
ministrator of said estate, which has
been sot for hearing on May di, iviv, av
nine o'clock a. m.
Dated May 1, 1919.
m5-2S County Judge.
..General Hospital..
(Incorporated) f
One Hall Block Nortb ot PostoVce.
Phone 58
A modern Institution for th
scientific treatment of medical,
surgical and confinement cast.
Completely equipped X-Roy
nntf diagnostic laboratories.
Geo. B. Dent. M. D. V. Lucas, M.D.
J. B. Redfic!d.M.D. J. S. SIMMS, ftj.D.
Cnsc No. 1052.
In tho County Court of Lincoln cAunty.
Nebraska. gj, r ' i
In tho Matter of tho Estate X. Als
Armbruster, Deceased. V M
Unon examining of tlm Pntfl. m of
Kate Crocker with a certified cttw of
proceedings In tho District CoiS-t of
Mnrshall County. Iowa, nurnortlae to
be a copy of the last will and testumont
of L. Armbruster, deceased, whoso true
name Is alleged to have been Louis
Armbruster. and the nrobato of such
will in said Court; It Is hereby ordered
mai a nearing on me matter or the
probato and allowance of said will In
this court be sot for May tho 26th.1919.
at 10 o'clock A. M., at tho County Court
room In North Platte, Lincoln County,
ineurasKa, ai wnicn timo ana piaci any
person Interested may fippear and con
test the same. Notice hereof is or-lered
published three wuoks successively In
Tho North I'latto Tribune, a newsaaper
iiuuu.iicu in cum vuuuiy.
Witness my hand nnd seal of the
court this 29th day of April, 1919.1
tseaij war. H. C. WOODHURST,
ni2-23 Countv Jndiro.
I "
In tho Countv Court of Lincoln flniin-
ty, Nebraska.
In the matter of tho EstatV'H'"ii'
Havens, Deceased. T
To all persons interested inW -m.
tate of Louis Havens, deceits. a
notice: That Georgo J. Taylor.. Ali
tor of the estate of Louis HaveiSiSle
ceased. nied his netltion In tlilHinrt
on April 21st, 1919, praying among oth
er things that it be decreed by thin
court upon a hearing of said petition
hhil me lonowing named persons, to
wlt: Efflo Lafarge, neo Clark, Harry
Sherman Clark, and Edna Sophia Flan
nlgan, neo Clark, bo decreed to be the
children nnd sOle and only heirs of
Letltla Clark, living nt tho time of the
death of Louis Havons, deceased, and
mm iney ue Hecreea 10 oe tne persons
mentioned In the last will and tstn.
ment of Louis Havens, deceased, at' tho
devisees of an undivided one-nfth In
terest In and to the real estate and
personal nronortv holonirlnir tn tho nM
Louis Havens, deceased. ,
ou aro further notified that Bald
matter will be heard at tho coAntv
court room at North Platte, Nebraska,
on May 20th. 1919, at 9 o'clock A.Jt.
a23-3 County Jilge.
I !
By virtue of an order or salo Issued
from the District Court of Lincoln
County, Nebraska, upon a decree? of
foreclosure rendered tn said Curt
wherein Tho Banking House of Fdlda,
a corporation, is plaintiff, and Henry
Neltfeld et al., are defendants, anj to
me directed, I will on the 31st dai of
May, 1919, at 2 o'clock P. M., nt tho ijist
front door of tho Court House In Nrth
Platte, Lincoln County, Nebraska, hell
at public auction to the highest bl(Wer
for cash, to satify said decree, inteiest
and costs, tho following described
property, to-wlt: The Southeast Quar
ter and tho South Half of the Noith
east Quarter and the East Half of tho
Southwest Quarter and Lots One, Five,
Six and Seven all In Section Six, Town
ship Eleven, North of Range Thirty
three, West of tho Sixth P. M Lincoln
County, Nobraska. l
jjaieu April za, 1'JIV.
BURY, Shejlff.
Notice Is hereby given that aiT"i?S;.
porauon nas been duly formed uiKer
the laws of the State of Nebraska. ie
"nn of which Is "North Platte
Builders, Incorporated." J
The principal place of transacting
business is in the City of North Place.
Lincoln County, Nebraska.
The genernl nature of tho buslnl-ss
io uo transacted uy this corporation
shall bo the buying, soiling, leasing-,
renting, or otherwise holillncr nr
estate and personal nronertv. eltiYnr
for Itself or as agent, representative or
trustee for others; the contracting for
and tho constructing and erecting of
buildings of nny and all kinds, and all
the appurtenances thereof; to loan,
borrow, and invest money, take and
give security or obligations therefor;
and to do a general contracting busl-
i.coo, iu uuiii in nu Kinus or building
materials, fuel and nthpr rnmnn.ii..
and said corporation shall have power
iv inuie mm execute an Kinds of con
tracts and obligations including deels,
leases, and mortgages of real estate
and personal property nnd bills of salo
mm snau nave power to take hold,
own, use, improve, lease, sell, assign,
mortgage and convev rpnl sutnti. on.t
"11 other kinds of property or interests
iiiuieui, including us own capital
stock, for Itself or as agent, repre
sentative or trustee for others; and to
take, hold, hypothecate, assign and col
lect all kinds of obligations for Itself,
or as agent, representative or trustee
for others, Including power to t&ht
hold, collect, assign and transfer,fiia.
In other corporations as well ns osBfr"
own for itself or as ngent, represeriW"
tlvo or trustee for others; and said cor
poration shall have general power to
do and perform all things necessary or
oxpedlont in tho carrying out of tho
purposes aforesaid. It shall have pow
er to conduct Its business In Its prin
cipal place of business nnd at anv
branch olllce established by it, and jo
iimiiii.wii nu iiiiico ot said corporation
within tho State of Nebraska, or :n
nny other part of tho United States.
nml Uta.
States territories.
The authorized capital stock la
$25.000.00 . $10,000.00 of which is fully
paid, the balance to bo sold and pay
able subject to the order of the Board
of Directors.
T!1.a J?.'Fne8t amount of Indebtedness
or liability to which the corporation
may at any time subject Itself shall not
excoed two-thirds of the capital stock.
The timo of commencement of this cor
poration shall be the 1st day of Mav
1919, and the same shall continue for
a period of fifty years.
The affairs of tho corporation are to
..u lui.uutiTO jr u uoarn or nvo dl
uviu.a niiu ouuu omer omcers as
be provided for by the Board of
Dated April 26, 1919.
r -,a c- TEMPLTJ.
mGnttO '
District or coiumh n