The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, May 13, 1919, Image 8

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    Clara Kimball Young
A gripping drnma of the home in which young girl's,
youth and dreams arc sacrificed to the arrogance of an un
reasonable parent.
Tonight and Tomorrow Crystal Theatre
IltA L JIAKK, Editor and Publisher
Olio Tear by Mull, in advance. .$1.75
Ono Year by Carrier, In ndvance, 2.00
Entered at tho North Platte, Nobraska
Postoffico as Second Class Mattor,
TUESDAY, MAY 13, J019.
(Jarnisliment Order Rescinded.
Tho ordor lsued some time ago by
tho federal administration of railroads
protecting railroad employes from
garnishment of their wages has been
rescinded. A copy of tho order or re
vocation has been received by tho
Btato railway commission. It becomes
effective May 16. Tho order revoked
Is general order No. 43. That order
was Issued Soptembor 5, 1018. It pro
vides that no moneys or property un
.dor federal control or derived from op
oration of carrlors whllo under federal
control shall bo subject to garnish
ment, attachment or othor like process
when in tho hands of such carriers or
of any employes or officers of the
United States railroad administration.
SInco then questions have arisen ns to
tho enforcement of this ordor.
Tho fedoral administration now an
nounces that it is considered best to
lcavo tho question of garnishment to
bo determined by tho courts pursuant
to the act of congross called tho fed
ral control act, and such, stato statutes
ns may bo applicable thoroto.
: :o: :
Daso Ralls Sell High.
In Now York City last Thursday bas.
balls sold for $1,000,000 a ploco In
Wall street. Campaigning for the
Victory loan, "Christy" Mathowson,
Arthur Fletcher and Larry Doylo of
tho Now York aiants)0 Invaded tho
"streot" and auctioned off a score of
horBohidos bearing tuolr autographs.
Purchasers who paid $1,000,000 a plcco
for balls wore John D. Rockefeller,
J P. Morgan and J. W. Ilarrlman. Tho
othors woro sold for smaller suniB.
At 11 o'clock that night $143,000,000
In subscriptions had been taken at a
victory loan mass meeting at tho Met
ropolitan opora Iioubo, at which "Wil
liam II. Tatt was tho principal
Sell 100,000 Homos.
During tho war It la estimated that
Nebraska Bold 100,000 horses to tho
allied governments at an avorago prlco
of ninety dollars a head, or a total of
nlno million dollars, Thoro aro still
left on tho farms of tho stato over ono
million head of horflo's.
Wanted Cnttlo to pasture Plenty
of water and salt. $1.00 por month
Alien T. Woods. North Platto, Nob. tf
Victory Loan Oversubscribed
Tho fifth and last popular war loan
of tho United States has bc$,n oven
subscribed. Although the approximate
total subscriptions will not be known
for nearly two woeks, figures available
show that tho American people had
responded generously to tho appeal to
"finish tho Job."
Llko all of its predecessors tho vic
tory loan suddenly Jumped tho last
day of the campaign above tho mark
set as Its limit. . Tho day brought an
avalancho of subscriptions, which
banks could not attempt to count until
next week. None of Saturday's har
vest was included in tho total of $3,
849,638,000 subscriptions officially tuD )
ulated laBt night by tho treasury, and ,
officials would not be surprised to sec!
tho ilnul figures go to nearly six bll-
Hub. Only $4,500,000,000 will bo ac
rinds Only Ono Coni'lusltm
Only one rational conclusion can bo
drawn from tho statistics of railway
earnings and expenses for tho first
threo months of 1919. tho Railway
Agd declares in an editorial in Its cur
rent Issue. This is, that tho railroads
aro today a bankrupt Industry and
"that iTb increase of traffic, or in
creaso in efficiency of operation, or in
crcaso in both, which thore is tho
slightest possibility will occur, woulu
leavo tho railways anything but n
bankrupt industry, if existing wages
and existing freight and paasongcr
rates woro both retained." Tho Ago
"Tho deficit Incun cd by tho railroad
administration continues to grow
fastor oven than tho most pessimistic
havo foanJu. "It" was $58,000,000 in
March. This mado tho total deficit
fpr tho first threo months of tho year
approximately $130,000,000, or almost
ono and a half million dollars a day."
: :o: :
Prussians arc Reliant.
Dr. Ludwig Jlasa, minister of tho
interior of Bndon, in nu articlo In tho
Tabeblntt of Berlin, declares that uu
less tho peaco terms aro altered, Ger
many's only salvation Is to reject them
regardless of conscquonces.
A dispatch from Bromberg to tho
Tagoblatt says that tho population of
East Prussia is determined to uso all
its resources to prevent acceptance
of tho treaty. Domands nro being
mado by somo that tho population of
tho eastern provinces bo armed. Tho
Gorman peoplo's council of West
Prussia, It is added, has resolved hov
or to submit to "nn act of violence."
About April 1, from tho Wyman place,
2 miles west of town, 2 dark groy 3 yr.
old colts, 1 light groy 2 year old colt.
One woro haltor when laBt seen.
Tho L. Y. P. M. S. will meet at the
The following is an extract of a lot
tor received by Mr. and Mrs. O. D.
Shanor, of Maxwell, from a irlond of
tho family, a young man who is stilt
In tho service.
"I got back from my seven day leave
at 11:30 today; five letters,
including tho ono from Mrs. Shaner.
I noticed somo of tho 42nd woro com
ing in and others I learned haa already
gone aboard so after dinner I'madel
hasto to stop somo Rainbows and in
quire. They ' all told m5 tho lC5th
had gone nboard; oven an infantry
captain affirmed It. Nevertheless I
wont to Lt. Loudon for further help
and in flvo mlnutos, by tho aid ofj, the
telephone I had plain directions of
company's plat and that thoy would
go on board at 7 o'clock In tho morn
ing. How wonderful it wns nil work
ing out! How glad I was to absolute
ly have tho information In my hands to
find out about my bluo star friend The
rain was pouring, but I wont almdst
straight to the very orderly's tont
door and told the captain I had a pal
by tho name of Elmer Shaner in his
company. His first words wore "come
In." Yes he was killed instantly at
Chateau Thierry July 29, 1918, while
ho, with a party, wero carrying am
munition forward. A shell exploded
and six were killed. It was near the
town of Villers Sur Fcro and ho Is
burled with many others of Company L
on a little hill flvo hundred yards from
a church which was also hit during
tho battle. Ho came Into tho 42nd
Division April 2, 1918, in tho first re
placement. Ho went through three
days' battlo at Champalgno, July 14.
15 and 16. Ho was a stretcher bear
er; ono of those fearless ones that go
through tho battle firo to the fore
most front and carry back wounded
comrades. Whllo tho officer talked,
tho company clerk and boys who knew
him gathered around and paid to him
tho highest trlbuto a Boldior can get
"ho was a good soldier." How much
lt all meant to mo! How they gathered
around mo and nsked, "you know him?
You lived in tho same town?" That
Is all. The soldier from the front says
littlo. You know feel and see tho rest.
His captain's nnmo is Merle Smith
now Major Smith. Of tho 250 original
Company L men, only G5 got back. El
mer was with tho regiment whllo they
won threo of tho nlno combat rings.
Tho regiment lost ono officer, five
sergeants, eight corporals. Tho 42nd
Division held the first A. E. F. B.qqtor
in France. They gained fifty-five
kilos, hiked 911 and by train made 763.
The present captain was glad of the
opportunity of getting word to Elmer's
folks and frankly attested., to Elmer's
loynl service. Tho company clerk.
Thos. McGuiro, 393 Press St., Brook
lyn, N. Y., said ho had written to El
mer's folks and would bo" glad to glvi
any further Information. I feel that
my efforts havo been weak in gather
ing a few last threads of a comrade s
life. I wish I might talk with you a
littlo Just now of what I know musi
havo boen his lot while serving. But
tho greatest is ho did all and gave all
I almost felt guilty of reaping tho re
ward of another on that furlough. His
death was noble, but that dopn't
brighten tho hearthstone except when
wo think of all lt stands for. And
from what tho boys Bald I could see
that Elmer was n christian man to tho
last ditch."
homo of Margaret Frodorlcksen
Thursday ovonlng at 8 o'clock.
Extend Victory Loan
Tho Victory Liberty Loan drive In
Nebraska is extended "to May 17, In
cluding Saturday this weeki This of
ficial announcement Was received Into
last Thursday. It is stated that tho
extension is mnde becauso tho drlvo
work has been delayed in many rural
districts because of poor road condi
tions and tho like, making it Impos
sible to hold meetings to carry out
direct campaigns ns planned.
The oxtonsln of time will glvo thous
ands an opportunity to enroll on tho
Victory loan honor roll, those who"
havo delayed such action in the past
three weeks. Tho state quota has not
been reached, it is admitted, but the
drive is ncarlng Its mark and lt Is be
lieved that tho total will bo subscrib
ed boforo the week passes.
: :o: :
Hincs Explains Deficit.
Director General Hlnos in a discus
cusslon of recent railroad earnings dis
closed Unit:
"Tho government's deficit in operat
ing the railroads for the first threo
months of this yenr or tho difference
between net earnings and one-fourth
of the guaranteed annual compensa
tion was about $192,000,000 for all
roads under federal management.
The entire government loss incurred
in fifteen months of federal opera
tion was $418,000,000.
Marked reduction of freight traffic
under records of similar periods of
tho last two years wero responsible
for the bad financial showing and con
ditions In April though not yet report
ed fully show no promise of improv
ment. Despite tho big government deficits,
the director general docs not contem
plate any general Increase In the level
of rates but prefers to wait restora
tion of normal business conditions.
The government also Incurred a de
ficit of about $14,540,000 in eight
months operation of the American
railway express company, tho Consoli
dated Express corporation, up to
March X, 1919."
; :o: :
Selling Experience Not Necessnry.
Ono of World's largest Grocers,
(Capital over $1,000,000.00) wants am
bitlous man in this locality to sell di
rect to consumer nationally known
brand of groceries, teas, coffees, splc
es, paints, oils, stock foods, etc. Big
line, easy sales. Values beat any com
petlyon. Earn big money. No ex
perfence or capital required. Coin.
pleto sample outfit and free selling
Instructions start you. Long estab
llshed rellablo house. Write today.
John Sexton & Co., 352 W. Illinois St.,
Chicago, 111.
Notice Is hereby given that sealed
ilds will bo received at the offlco of
tho CMy Clerk ,of North Platte, No
brnskn, up to G o'clock P. SI. Slay 22nd,
I'll!) fnr tin. nnnRtrilpt nn nf tho n v
tension to Sewor Lntoral "B," C60 ft.
more or less and extension of Sewor
Lateral "D.'' 320 ft. more or less, all In
accordance with trio mans and snecm
cations now on file In the otllce of the
City Clerk of said city.
Uertllled clieck on local bank or 5 Der
cent of amount bid will be required to
nsurc entering iinto contract. Hatlsrac
tory bond to bo given when contract Is
signed, mayor and City Council ro-
sorvo right to reject any or all bids.
uy uruer or council.
m!3m23 City Clerk
Earl Thompson a former resident'
of North Platte, who has been In ser
vice at an eastern camp, visited the
McKoown family yesterday while en-
routo to Cheyenne to bo discharged.
i - . .
No excess carbon to pije up engine
trouble. No thinning out at high
est engine heat
That's Polarine oil for motor cars.
Efficient lubrication all the time.
Power leaks plugged up tight at the piston
That's Polarine, too. v-
To keep the engine running " smooth as a
whistle, look for the sign when you need oil
for your motor car. When you need gas
the Red Crown brand means more mile
age per gallon.
Arrange for your Gas be
fore the spring rush is on
Ranges from
$27 to $60
..General Hospital..
One Hall Block North ot Postoflice.
Phone 58
A modern institution for th.
scientific treatment of medical,
surgical and confinement casta.
Completely equipped X-Ray
and diagnostic laboratories.
Geo. B. Dent. M. D. V. Locas, M. D.
J.B. Rcdfield, M. D. J. S. SIMMS, H.D.
North Platte, Kcbr.
For tho treatment of Medical, Surgical
and Obstetrical Cases. A place
where tho sick aro cared for so as to
bring about normal conditions in the
easiest, most natural and scientific
Phono 110. North Platte, Neb.
Office phone 241, Res. phone 217
L . C . DROST,
Osteopathic Physician.
North Platte, - - Nebraska.
Knights of Columbus Building.
the Countv f!oiirt nf T.lnrnl
Nebraska. '
i tho Matter of the Estate of Louis
.firmurusier, uccenscu.
TTnnn pvntnlntnn' nf .tin Tin t It) n.. M
Kate Crocker with a certified copy of
proceedings In 'the District Court of
Marshall County, Iowa, purporting to
u iv tuiij ui me lust win anu testament
f L. Armbruster, deceased, whoso true
nilin Iff nllntrail In Imt.n l.nnM T nuln
Armbruster, and tbo probate of bucIi
will in said Court; It Is hereby ordered
that a hearing on tho matter of tho
probato and allowance of said will In
this court bo sot for May the 26th, 1919,
at 10 o'clock A. M., at the County Court
rnnm In Vnrtli rl n t t l nnin .-..., ...
Nebraska, at which time and place any
iiuiauu interested may appear and con
tost tho same. Notice hereof Is ordered
published thran wprtlia Riinnnaatimi.. i..
The North Platte Tribune, a newspaper
published in said County.
witness my hand and seal of tho
court this 29th day of April. 1919.
voeau wm. h. c WOODHURST.
-23 County Judge.
Offlco Phone 340
Res. Black 376
Osteopathic Physician
Belton Bldg. North Platto, Neb.
Phono for Appointments.
Physician, Ohstotiictan
Sunreon, X-Ray
Culls Promptly Answered Night or Day
Phono Offlco G12 Residence G7G
5,J5, 7 Building & Loan Building.
Offlco Phono 70 Ites. Phono Red 1009
6 :
Physician and Surgeon
Rooms 5-6 McDonald' Bank Bldg.,
North Platte, Nob.
General Farm Sales a Spcclnlty.
References and Dates at First Na
tional Rank, North Platte, Neb.
Phono 1000.
W. S. Ross, 3Iuy 21st,
Phsylcinn, and Surgeon.
Special Attention Glren to Surgery
and Obstretrlcs.
Offlco: Building & Loan Building
Phonos: Offlco 130, Residence 115
Offlco over. McDonald Rank.
Office Phono 1130 Res. Phono 1120
Notice is hereby given that by vlrtuo
of a chattel mortgage, dated on the
lutn day or Huptember, 1U1&, and uuiy
tiled and roconled In the office of tho
County Clerk of Lincoln county, No
brtclin, on tho l' th day of Deou ill. or.
1915, and executed by A. F. Klaas to
Coates LiUinbcr & Coal Company, u cor
poration, to securo tho payment or tho
sum of Flvo Hundred Sixty-One nnd
No-100 ($561,00) Dollars, with interest,
on the 10th day of Sept., 1910. nnd upon
which thoro is now due tho sum of
.Seven Hundred Sixty-Five and 14.100
($7(15.14) Dollars. Default having been
made in tho payment of said sum, and
no. suit or other proceeding at law hav
Ing been Instituted to recover said debt
or any part thereor, thereforo I will
sell the property therein described,
viz: Carpenter shop, building, and all
machinery consisting of machine lathe,
gas engine, ripping machine machlno
tool sharpener, etc.. nnd all hardware.
lumber and building material on hand,
alBO all ladders, horses and benches,
etc., nnd all carpenter tools, chests nnd
itppurtennncos at public unction at
tne snop ot a. i Kinns on Lot 3, mock
83. in the city or North Platto In Lin
coln county, on Saturday, the 31st day
ot amy, iyiy, at z v. m. or said date.
Dated May 7th. 1919.
M12M30 Mortgagee
To Connor Moore, defendant:
You aro hereby notified that on tho
14th day of January, 1919, tho plaintiff,
Mary Moore, filed hor petition for nbso
lute dlvorco from you In tho District
Court of Lincoln county, Nobrnsko, alleg
ing in saut potition ns her grounds ror
said divorce that vou havo boon guilty
of oxtrenio cruelty townrd said plaintiff
nnd that you have wholly failed to pro
vide maintenance for hor. although of
suiiiciout amuiy to do so, nna that
you have beon irulltv of extrnmo cruel
ty In other rospects as set forth In hor
petition now on nlo. Thnt plaintiff has
been nimble. nf tor dun niul runsonnliln
Inquiry and search, to tletormlno your
piaco or address, nnd hns thoreiore ob
tained an ordor for service upon you by
publication mid that plaintiff is asking
nn absolute dlvorco from tho bonds of
You are required to nnswor this peti
tion by the 23rd day of Juno. 1919. or
Judgniont will be taken ngalnst you as
prnyeu in piainuit's petition.
Dated May 8th, 1919.
maiiy MoortE,
Phono 308
Rooms 1 .and 2 Belton Building
North Platto, Nebraska.
Hospital Phone Black 633.
House Phono Black 633
Graduate Veterinarian
Elht years a Government Veterinar
ian. Hospital 218', south Locust St
one-half block, southwest 'of the
Court House.
Practice Limited to
Surpory and lladium Therapy
728 City National Bank Building.
Omaha, Nebraska.
JV.V.W.V.... ...... .....WW... ......
8 Service
Ford Repair Shop
722 N. Locust. Phone 152.
A Trial WiH Convince You,
Highest Cash Prices
Paid for
Hides and Junk.
Ltconsod Embamors
Undertakers andFuneralDiroctora
Day phono 41
Night phono Black S88
Estate No. 1653 of Davo A. Reynolds,
deceased, in tne uounty uouri oi xin
coin County 'Nebraska.
The State of Nebraska. To all per
nrnn Interested In the estate take no
tlco that a petition has been flled for
thn nnnolntment of J. II. Kelly as ad
ministrator of said, estate, which has
been set for hearing on May si, ivvj, at
nine o 'clock a. m.
Dated May 1. 1919.
Cnxc No. 1 (),"-'.
In the Countv Court Of Lincoln rnnn.
ty, Nebraska.
In the matter of thn TCstnt nf Tn..i
Havens, Deceased.
To all persons Interested In tho Es
tato of Louis Havens, deceased, tnkn
notice: That Georpe J. Taylor, execu
tor of the estate of Louis Havens, do
ceased, flled his petition In this court
on April 21st, 1919, prayhie among oth
er things that It bo decreed "by thin
court upon a hearing of said petition
nun me louowing named persons, to
Wlt: Eltle Lafarirn. nun f!lnrlr
Sherman Clark, and Edna Sophia Flan-
u. Kan, neo wi.irK, oo aecreou to bo tho
children and oole nnd nnlv hnira nf
Lotltla Clark, living at the time of the
ueain oi xouis Havens, deceased, and
that thoy be decreed to be the persons
mentioned In tho last will and testa
ment of Louis Havens, deceased, as the
devisees of an undivided one-fifth In
terest in anu to the real estate and
personal Dronertv belonirlncr tn tvm oni.i
Louis Havens, deceased.
you are further notified that said
matter will be heard at tho county
court room at North Platte, Nebraska,
on May 20th, 1919, at 9 o'clock A. M.
a29-3 County Judge.
- - -" - ... " v mtiu laaucu
frntn tllo n atrlnf Pnii ... T t 1 . -
County, Nebrnskn, upon a decree of
luictivsuio jcmiereu in saiu uourc'
wherein The Banking House of Folda,
a corporation, Is plaintiff, and Henry
Noltfeld et al., nre defendants, and to
mo directed, I will on the 31st day of
May, 1919, nt 2 o'clock P. M., at the east
uvui ui mtj uuun rauuse in XNoriu
Plnttrt T.lnnnlw Or........ VAl...t.n 1,
nt public auction to the highest bidder
iui tumi, iu mimy sain uecroe, interest
and costs, the following described
property, to-wit: The Southeast Quar
tor and the South Half of tho North
east Quarter and the East Half of tho
Southwest Quarter and Lots Ono. Five,
Six and Seven all In Section Six, Town
ship Eleven, North of Range Thirty
three. West of the Sixth P. M Lincoln
County, Nebraska.
Dated April 28, 1919.
A29M30 A. J. SALISBURY; Sheriff.
Notlce Is horeby given that nn lnnor.
poration has been duly formed under
tho laws Of the State of Nfihrnslrn. thn
name of which is "North Platte Home
uuiiuers, incorporated."
The principal placo of transacting
business Is in tho City of North Platte.
Lincoln County, Nebraska.
xno general nature of tho business
to be transacted Jiv this cnrnnrntlni.
shnll bo the buying, selling, leasing,
renting, or otherwise holding of real
estate and personal property, either
for Itself or as agent, representative or
trustee for others; the contracting for
nnd the constructing nnd erecting of
buildings of any and all kinds, and all
the nppurteuajices thereof; to loan,
borrou-, and Invest money, take and
give security or obligations therefor;
and to do a general contracting busi
ness; 10 ueai in an kinds of building
mntorlals, fuel nnd othor commodities:
nnd said corporation shall havo power
iu iuuko ami execute nu Kinus or con
tracts nnd obligations including deeds,
leases, and mortgages of real estate
and personal property and bills of sale
and shall have power to take hold,
own, ufee, improve, lease, sell, assign,
mortgage and convoy real estate and
all other kinds of property or interests
therein, Including its own capital
stock, for Itself or as agent, repre
sentative or trustee for othors; and to
tnko. hold, hypothecate, assign nnd col
lect all kinds of obligations for Itself,
or as agent, representative or trustee
for others, Including power to Jnke,
hold, collect, assign nnd transfer stock
In other corporations ns well as of Its
own for itself or as agent, representa
tive or trustee for others; nnd said cor
poration shall have general power to
do and perform all things necessnry or
expedient in the carrying out of the
purposes aforesaid. It shall have pow
er to conduct Its business In its prin
cipal place of business and nt any
branch olllco established by It, nnd to
maintain nn office of said corporation
within the State of Nebraska, or in
any other part of tho. United States,
District of Columbia and the United
States territories.
The authorized capital stock Is
$25,000.00, $10,000.00 of which Is fully
paid, tho balance to be sold and pay
ablo subject to tho order of the Board
of Directors,
The highest amount of Indebtedness
or llnblllty to which tho corporation
may at any time subject Itself shall not
exceed two-thirds of the capital stock,
Tho time of commencement of this cor
poration shall be tho 1st day of May,
1919, and the same shall continue for
a period of fifty yenrs.
The affairs of tho corporation are to
bo conducted by a Board of five di
rectors and such other ofllcors as may
be provided for by the Board of Di
rectors. Dated April 20, 1919.
M9J6 Hor Attorney,
raB-2S . County Judge,