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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 13, 1919)
THE SEMI.WEEKLY TRIBUNE, NORTH PLATTE, NEBRA8KA. Ml JYg tne a e man a a i:cv In the HealUaand Strcmrti t-, dll JJ of the Wives and Mothers 4 Rests the Future Integrity of the Nation. We must preserve our womanhood. There la need, greater than ever for strong women. Apparently, tho race is not as sturdy as formerly or our women aro victims of an over-civilization and less Thousands suffer ntwl ih nilnnnrln more nre destined to suffer from that roost Insidious of diseases, catarrh. Ninety-seven per cont of the people have catarrh. It is not confined to the head, nose and throat as many suppose. Catarrhal Inflammation may attack tho stom ach, bowels or any portion of tho body where there are mucous lin ings. It lo no renpector of persons or position. Everyone la llablo to attack. Mrs. Mary Frlckc. 607 Bornman Bt., Belleville, 111,, was one of Its victims. She says: "I have weighed as little as 100 pounds. For years I suffered with my stomach, cramps and severe headaches. After read ing Dr. Ilartman's Health Book, I decided to try Peruna. The first bottle brought good results, but as I was bound to get well, I took twelve. Fifteen yeara ago. I started with Peruna and I wouldn't bo without It. My weight Is now around 200 pounds and I am halo and hearty at tho age of 63, I can do as much work as my daughter.1' Tho use of Poruna for forty-five years In the American family has proved Its worth. If you aro sick, do not glvo up. try Porunn. "Write Tho Peruna Company, Dept. B, Co lumbus, Ohio, for Dr. Hartman'a Health Book. It Is free. Peruna Is sold everywhere In llculd and tab lets. Insist upon having Dr. Hart man'a Famous Peruna Tonlo. Aslc your dealer for a Peruna Atmanao In fonl or fonl nt foot, having Distemper or Influenza, or any other form of Contuglous Dlsensc, tnny with ab solute snfety to Mare and Foal, he given SPOHN'S DISTEMPER COMPOUND It Is also the very best Remedy to prevent marcs slip ping foals, and should be given to all Mures, Colts, Stallions and all others, In bran or oats, or on the tongue. Then you will have very little trouble with tekness of any kind among your horses. Sold by druggists. Write for booklet. SPOHN MEDICAL CO., GOSHEN. INDIANA The Wise Man's Comment. "Women will vote the way their husbands tell them to." "Guess you haven't had much experience with women." Brides and horses both require grooms. Of Two Evils. Wife Richard, I wish you would lake care of the baby for an hour or two. I am going to have a tooth pulled. Husband Sec here, dearie, you mind the baby, and I'll go and get a couple of teeth pulled. Cartoons Magazine. Oomrtcrfelter Caught! The New York health authorities had a Brook, lyu manufacturer sentenced to the penitentiary for selling throughout ha United BUtea millions of "Talcum powder" tablet as Aspirin Tablet. Don't ask for Aspirin Tablets Always say "Bayer." Don't buy Aspirin in a pill box! Get Bayer package! Always say, "Give me genuine TBayer Tablets of Aspirin.' " Insist you want only the Bayer package with -the "Bayer Cross" on the package and on the tablets. The genuine "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" have been proved safe by millions 'for Pain, Headache, Neuralgia, Toothache, Earache, Rheumatism, Lumbago, Colds, Grippe, Influenzal Colds, Joint Pains, Neuritis. Proper dose in every "Bayer" package. American owned! Boxes of 42 tableta-rBottles of 24 Bottles of 100 AUo Capsules, flniltla U &a trada mark of Bayer Manufaetur. of MonoaccUcaddcaUr of SalicrUcacM (pay Never. "One thing that need never expect any sympathy when It's down " "And that Is?" "Tho thermometer." The Difficulty. "Why doesn't your wife "run over of an evening sometimes to see us?" "She'd like to, but the cook won't let her havo an evening out." OLD AGE STARTS WITH YOUR KIDNEYS Science sara that old age begins with weakened kidnejs and digestive organs. This being true, it Is easy to believe that by keeping the kidneys and diges tire orcans cleansed and in proper work ing order old ago can be deferred and Uf prolonged far beyond that enjoyed by the average person. ' For over 200 years GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil has been relieving the weaknesses and disability due to advanc ing years. It is a standard old-time home remedy and needs no introduction. GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Is Inclosed In odorless, tasteless capsules contain ing about 6 drops each. Take them as you would a pill, with a swallow of water. The oil stimulates tho kidney action and enables the organs to throw off the poisons which cause premature) old age. New life and strength Increase as you vcontinuo the treatment. When completely restored continue taking a capsule or two each day. GOLD MED AL Unarlcm Oil Capsules will beep you in health and vigor and prevent a return of the disease. Do not wait until old ace or disease have settled down for good. At the first sign that your kidneys are not working Eroperly. co to your druggist and get a ox of GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules. Money refunded If they do not help you. Three sizes. But re member to ask for the original imported GOLD MEDAL brand. In sealed packages. . PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM A totUt preparation of merit. nlp to .radloata dindruO. ForRottarins Color and Beauty toCray or Faded Hair. Ma and IL00 at Drurtiita, THEPAXTON HOTEL rmiha. Nebraska EUROPEAN PLAN Aooma from tl.00 up alngle, 75 cents up double. OATE PRICKS REASONABLE. and supplies, bouse In tho Largest west. AM KODAK riuinlllUA rCHIdliinU turn poatago on fin THE ROBERT DEMPSTEB CO.. 1813 Far nam Streal Eastman Kodak to. Kaatman goods, we par re- aisning Omaha. Neb. aetata! lie buya, lb. of .our wonderful llerba; onvea moat atubborn rbeumatlam entirely out tt ayatera. Ithounatlira Herb Co., Venice, Cal. W. N. U., OMAHA, NO. 18-1919. Spain's Harvest Offlclql statistics as to tho 1018 har vests In Spain show that tho crops were as follows, In metric tons: Wheat, 3,093,420: barley, 1,070,343; oats, 442,. 330; rye, 773,339; corn, 013,225; rice 207.048, and chickpeas, 110,727. . Fine clothes do not make tho wom an, but they sometimes break tho husband. ftA . A Wholesome, Cleansing, H liUl Refreshing and Healing X XJTMA Lollon-MurineforRed C? , ness, Soreness, Granula rVftfi tion.ItchingandBurninfc T?J.7f 0 the Eve3 or Eyelids; 7 props" After the Movies. Motoring or Got! will win your confidence. Ak Your DrUKdist for Murine when ymir Evts Nred Cure. M-U &X urine Kye nraedy Co., Chicago COTTONSEED MEAL FOR HENS Experiments on Government Farm Show It May Be Fed to Chickens With Good Results. (Prepared by the United Slates Depart ment of Agriculture.) Cottonseed meal In rather limited amounts has been fed with excellent results, to a pen of 30 pullets on the experiment farm of the United Slates department of agriculture. These pul lets averaged f2.3 eggs each In 20 weeks, from November 1 to March 20. which Is practically equal to the best egg yield received during the year from any of the other experimental A Combination of Utility and Standard Quality. rations. No bad effects have been noted from this feed, either In the eggs or in the condition of the fowls, and the bens eat It freely. The ration fol lows : Scratch Mixture Dry Mash 1 pound cracked corn 2 pounds cottonseed 1 pound wheat meal 1 pound oats 2 pounds beef scrap 4 pounds bran 6 pounds middlings 9 pounds corn meal Tbc scratch mixture is fed sparingly so that the hens eat about equal parts of this mixture and of the dry mnsh. A lnrge per cent of cottonseed meal In a dry mash without any beef scrap has not given satisfactory results. Put. lets fed a ration with 33 per cent cot tonseed meal averaged only 33.2 eggs apiece in one yenr. A considerable per cent of these eggs had discolored yollcs, with green or brownish-green spdts, making them unfit for mnrket. These results appear to Indicate thnt cottonseed meal can be fed at the rate of about 10 per cont of tho mash, or 5 per cent of the total ration, with nn equal per cent of beef scrap with ex cellent results. In sections where cot tonseed menl Is produced, half of the beef scrap in the mash apparently can be replaced by cottonseed meal with excellent results. PROFITABLE TO CULL FLOCK Aest Virginia Raiser Reduces Number of Hens OncHalf and Gets as Many Eggs. (Prepared by the United States Depart ment of ARrlculture.) Thnt it does not pay to keep poultn in tho winter that Is, some poultry has been demonstrated to at least on' AVest Virginia poultry raiser nnd his neighbors. Lost fall he followed tlx advice of the poultry extension sp clnltgts and culled his flock. From flock of 81 liens ho'culled out 39 un-' sent them to the market. To his sur prise the remaining 42 birds produce-' as many eggs as the original flock on-i his feed bill was nearly halved. Severe hot weather Is hard on llttl chicks. e Hastily collected eggs lor hatching are likely to be disappointing. A turkey gobbler has strong wings and strong feet; when he gets cross lie can do serious damage to children Never market good, strong, vlgorou pullets, us those will make your earlv layers. A good layer Is "more active and nervous and yet more easily handle"! than a poor layer. Clover and alfalfa buy should bp fed In the mash mixture. Some farm ers throw a forkful or two of clover In the henhouse occaslonully. Early broilers nre the most profit able and their production requires the use of an Incubator and a satisfac tory system of brooding. Early hatched pullets properly grown and matured will begin to lay during the full and early winter when fresh eggs are scarce and when egg prices are at their ve.ry highest point. Physicians Recommend Castoria know the real human dootors right around in your neighborhood : the dootors made of flesh and blood just liko you : the doctors with souls and hearts : those men who are responding to your call in the dead of night as readily as in tho broad daylight; they are ready to tell you the good that Fletcher's Castoria has done, is doing and will do, from their experience and their love for ohildren. Fletcher's Castoria is nothing new. We aro not asking you to try an experi ment. We just want to impress upon you tho importance of buying Fletoher's. Your physician will tell you this, as he knows there are a number of imitations on the market, and he is particularly interested in the welfare of your baby. Children Cry For BHaaBamaB.aaiBaani 1 II'." J i-T-jH ... r.u it nmim.-:i ran ujio. UV,wU ..... i, mm mm mm raws? M Aciabterrcparauoa&fAs m !l:tZt!nA .rrlt hvIMula- mi sis; Ills fefe fpilr r-nntontg lBTluid Draohmj I!" tP r T mr.-iTr.nri-TTTTPTTT mm T T T Ti 1 1 im Tli(trlVomoUnDiic Hhecrfulasss andRcstCofltaosl neither (tola m,MofpWnc nor Mineral. NoTNAcpTIOjj 1 i. f ... AhclpfulRcmedyfcC t::f" nnri nhrrt!Dca nnd 1 Wlshncss and rMSImllcSiSl,01 JnzCEKIAOTCOKPMDt Do the People Know? ' Do you know why you are asked to call for Fletcher's Castoria when you want a child's remedy: why you must Insist on Fletcher's? For years we havo been explaining how the popularity of Fletcher's Castoria has brought out innumerable imitations, sub stitutes and counterfeits. To protect the babies: to 6hield the homes and in defense of generations to come we appeal to the better judgment of parents to insist on having Fletcher's Castoria when in need of a child's med icine. And remember above an things that a child's medicine is made for children a medicine prepared for grown-ups in not Inter changeable. A baby's food for a baby. And a baby's medicine is just as essential for the baby. The Castoria Recipe (it's on every wrapper) has been prepared by the same hands in the same manner for so many years that the signa ture of Chas. H. Fletcher and perfection in the product are synonymous. MOTHERS SH0UID READ THE BOOKLET THAT IS AROUND EVERY BOTTLE OF FLETCHER'S CASTORIA GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears Exact Copy of Wrapper. Bears the Signature of Br TH GINTAUN COMPANY. NIWYOHK CITY. "As You Were" Defined. A Hritlsh olllcer who hus Just re turned from German Enst Africa tells nn nmuslng story of tho Asknrl re cruits whom he wns training. Mis takes In tho drill were frequent, nnd, In consequence, "As you were" became un order rapped out with increasing severity of expression. Later the ofll cer overheard n conversation between two natives in tho squad. "What does our officer mean by 'As you were?' " Inquired one Askarl. "'Asuwer,' replied tho other, 'Is a word the Englishman has Invented for when ho wants to say 'I um sorry, I havo made a mistake.' " A man likes to be called a brick, but refer to him us n lump of common clay nnd ho will get mnd. Unnecessary. "Oh, my," yawned tho wlfo ns hub by pleaded with her to nriso nnd pre pare his breakfast, "you never let mo have my beauty sleep I" "But you don't need n beauty sleep, dear," answered hubby. And It cnnio to pass that wlfey quickly arose, and thero have been no inoro late breakfasts In that house hold, even unto thlB day. Judge. A Chesterfield In the Rough. Lady 1 think you oro the worst looking tramp I havo ever seen. Tramp Lady, It Is only In tho pres enco of such uncommon beauty that I look so bad. Some men are better satisfied with failure than others are with success. Beyond Pardon. "An Infernal scoundrel over at Sand Mush shot his brother-in-law tuther day," related Gap Johnson of Rumpus Ridge. "Well, such things will happen," re plied a neighbor. "That Is about nil brothers-in-law 'pear to bo created for, and". "Yes, but after shooting him this yur demon went and writ a piece of poetry about it for tho pupcrl" Kan sas City Star. A fellow reeling makes us wondrous kind unless It's a fellow feeling for our pocketbook. Always look at your Joys With a mlcroscopo and at your sorrows with tho wrong end pf an opera glass. I ? Have you ever heard thisl "My balding powder," says the smooth solicitor, "costs less than Royal." But he omits to say that it often leaves a bitter taste, that food made with it is likely to stale in a day and that it contains alum, which is con demned by many medical authorities for use in food. England and France prohibit the sale of alum baking powders. Baking Powder is made from Cream of Tartar derived from grapes Royal Contains No Alum Leaves No Bitter Taste X