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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 13, 1919)
APPOINT COMMITTEES FOH I Graduation Gift Store . YOUNG LA1UES: Slipper Buckles lien ds Wrist Wutcli DininQiiil Ilin$ Set lUng v t r & Conlovia Leather Bag ' Mesh Bags Silver ivnro A J; ' Brooches ' . Cnmco King nml Vlvfr Ivory ,-.' ' t';--Cut Glnss - - lint Pin Enr Kings Pearl Necklace YOUNG MEN Belt Buckles Watch Diamond King Kuby King Watch Chain Pocket Comb Knives Cuff Links Scarf Pins Watch Charms Ivory Toilet Sets Desk Sets Cordova Pockethook Bill Folds Picture Frames fr. V At this time the friends of the graduates feel that it is ncccs snry to give presents that will ho nu everlasting reminder of the giver. 1$ ; s j . ff HARRV DIXON ?f JJ THE QIJ VL1TY JEWELER DR. 0. H. CRESSLER, Graduate Dentist Office over the McDonald State Bunk. CITY AND COUNTY NEWS. The P. E. O. will meet with Mrs. ai. E. Crosby Wednesday afternoon. Loren" Hastings drove over from Curtis and spent the week end with the home folks. Taxi day and night service. Phono 918 qr Black 398. Herb Hamilton. Leslie Bare came down from Chey enne to spend Saturday and Sunday with the home folks. Mrs. H. B. Ham has been confined to her bed the past week with a very serious case of tonsllitis. Wanted 100 head of cattle to pasture. H. E. Norton. Phone -798F2. 32-4 Word recelv.edJFrlday .announced the arrival of Corporal Leonard B. Red mond In New York, after about a year's servlco overseas. For Sale An 8-room house. Mod ern in every way. W. E. Pease, phono Black 491. ' 35-b Dr. D. A. Foote, of Omaha, was in town last Friday, coming to tho Twinem hospital to perform an op eration upon Miss Gertrude Mannery. C. J. McNamara who is engineer in hcargo of street paving at Lexington, has been at that place for the last week. He will spend most of his time thero until the paving is completed. For Sale Child's white enamel bed, Phone Black 11G1. 35-2 Art Nellis, North Platte's wrestler, was defeated at Sutherland Thursday evening by Reynolds of Cedar Rapids, la. Reynolds secured tho first fall in twenty-three minutes, and tho second in ten minutes. THE TRIBUNE VASTS SOME CLEAN COTTON HAGS FOR MA CHINERY WIPING PURPOSES. R. L. Coleman assumed ownership of the Best laundry on Locust street yesterday, having purchased tho plant of C. E. McLane. The latter is unde cided as to his future course, but may conclude to locate in California. . For Sale Four room house, mod ern except heat, 514 west 8th street. Apply at tho premises. 32-5 Arthur McCabe, radjo operator on the U. S. ship Laruspur arrived nome the latter part of last week on a fur lough. Tho Larkspur is in tho patrol servlco on tho Atlantic coast. Arthur entered the service at the Great Lakes training station where he was assigned to wireless telegraphy and later took a course in radio at Harvard unlver ity. Mrs. Geo. Austin went to Omaha Saturday to visit her daughter, Mrs. Joe Hayes .Miss Lena Baskins returned to Om aha Sunday after spending n few days hero visiting tho home folks. Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Voss, of Omaha, have been guests qt the C. M. Trotter nome for a couple or cays past. Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Jefferies left Sunday for Nowood, Wyo., to visit their daughter, Mrs. Elmer Mills. Spend an hour and thirty minutes at tho Christian church tonight. Hear Knowlcs and Tuttlc. Herman LeDioyt left Sunday for Cleveland to attend the convention of the B. of R. T. held thero this week. A year's subscription to tho Deline ator for $1.10. Offer good for a few days only. Wilcox Department Store. Mrs. Ed Grieser returned Friday trom Spauldlng and Hustings whero she had been visiting for tho past two weeks. Mrs. J. W. Hunt left Sunday for Omaha and Council Bluffs' for a month's visit with relatives ana friends. R.' L. Newborn and family returned Saturday to their homo In Cheyenne after a week's visit here at tho Dan Valerius home. ' The Lutheran ladies of tho First and Second wards will meet Thursday af ternoon with Mrs. Chas. Hirsch, 709 east Fifth street. H. A. Brooks and family, Miss Mar garet Brooks, and Rev. Hess, will leave tomorrow for three days of bass fishing at Rat Lake. Mrs. Arthur McMullcn left Sunday' for Cleveland to attend tho conven tion of tho B. of R. T. Ladies Auxiliary to which she is a delegate. My combination book caso and writ ing desk, one bed and a washing ma chine are not yet sold. Call at once, Wm. Albeo, 1021, north Pine street. Glen Rltnor arrived yesterday from Newport News on a thirty day fur lough, Tho ship on which ho was sta tioned was turned back to tho owners and ho is now awaiting assignment to another vessel. The character of "Maggie Pepper" which Roso Stahl played so ably on the legitimate stago will bo shown at tho Crystal Thursday and Friday with Ethel Clayton playing the part. It is a great story of every day life. Tho story of what envy will do in working conditions. For Sale General household goods Phono Red 690, or .all 612 east Fifth street. 35-3 Tho Nebraska Stato Board of Agri culture places tho Lincoln county ac reage of wheat at 57,000 acres and rated the condition on May 1st at ninety-eight per cent. Tho estimated production of tho Nebraska wheat crop this year is placed at seventy million bushels, amMho value of tho Lincoln county crop at $240,000. A number of railroad emnloves and business men held n meeting Friday, evening and made preliminary at - i rangements for tho division safety flrBt meeting which will bo held In th'J city Wednesday, Juno 11th. At this, meeting there will bo present Union Pacific officials, government safety first officials and employes to the number of sixty or sovonty, and in cluded among tho officials will be Gen eral Manager Jeffcrs, Supt. Woodruff, and perhaps President Calvin. Near ly all those present will come froh. the Wyoming division. Committees wore appointed to ar range for all tho necessary details, which include autos for a rldo around tho city and out to tho state farm, halls in which to hold the business meeting and the banquet, arrange tho speakers' Ht and the sale of banquet tickets to railroad employes and bus ines men. Covers for two hundred will be laid at the banquet. Tho business meeting in tho after, noon will bo opon totho public and it is hoped that many of our citizens will attend. : :o: : Proclamation. Friday, May 30th, being designated as Memorial Day by our National Gov ernment, when each citizen Is expect ed to pay a trlbutb of love to our sol dier dead: Therefore I, A. F. Strcltz, Mayor of North Platte, do earnestly request tlnu each patriotic citizen of North Platte, and also those strangers tiojournlng with us, lay aside business and labor1 for this day, and repair with the vari ous committees in charge, to do honor to those heroes of past wnrs at their graves, and to honor those heroes of our great world war and whose re mains are still in Franco or burled at sea, at our City Park, whero a tree has been planted to represent eacn one. Let us hold such sorvlces as were Intended and thnt will make this a holy day and not a holiday. i'.ax ! Announcement Since my return from servlco in tho army I have purchased the Willard Service Station at 419 Locust street. Since taking possession I have put in now and the best equipment it is pos sible to obtain. L am now ready tt. give to the public REAL WILLARD SERVICE and a squaro deal to all. DAVID M. BROOKS. - : :o: : PInnts for Sale Transplanted Tomato 20c per doz. Plantbod Tomato 10c per doz. Cabbage transplanted, 20c per doz. Cabbage, plantbed 10c per do. Celery, transplanted, $1.25 per -100. Cauliflower 20c per doz. Sweet Potato 70c per 100 L. I. TUCKER, 35-2 221 Chestnut. Phone Red 1003. ' i V. W 1 Tho Junior pupils of Florence Mac Kay will give a recital for tho benefit. of war orphans at tho Presbyterian church this evening at eight o clock Those taking cart are Teddy Wein- gand, Lois Hart, Mary Dick, Mary Jane Twinem, Murlin Johnson, All! son Yost, Lois Davis, Nancy Mitchell, Elmer Coates, Trulio Forbes. Vir glnla Scott, Dorothy Cummlngs, Maur- ino Yates, Alice Edwards, Dorothy NORTH PLATTE NORTH PLATTE, NEB.Ii COW BRAND There is More "Cow Brand" Eaten in North Platte than all other brands added together QUALITY FIRST' THAT'S THE HEASON. Witfo,,i,iiMo7aiW.3. THE UNIVERSAL CAR The Ford One Ton Truck with manganese bronze worm drive is delivering expectatatiohs, as well as mer chandise, produce, machinery, baggage; etc. Economi cal, reliable, durable, no limit to the service it will give in city and country. It Does all You Expect; Truck Chassis, $550; Runabout, $500; Touring Car, $525; Coupe, $650; Sedan, $775. These prices are f, o. b. Detroit. We will be pleased to take your order and make as prompt delivery as possible. Normal pro duction at the Factory has not yet been reached, so it is suggested that the sooner you leave your order, the soon er you get your car. HENDY-OGIER AUTO CO., Ford Authorized Snlcs ninf Service. 031 AHA BUSINESS 31 EN' TO HE HERE 31 AY 21. The Omaha trade excursion train of ten cars will reach North Platto from tho west at 6:40 p. m. Wednesday, MA"y 24th and remain until 11:00 p. m. On this excursion will be about one hundred Omaha jobbers and manufac turers who arc visiting towns in west ern Nebraska and eastern Wyoming; are getting better acquainted, with the merchants who do business with them. It Is probable that tho local Chamber of Commerce will provide some sort of a greeting or entertainment for the visitors during tho few hours they remain in town. : :o: : Mr. and airs. Chas. Singleton and two children from Ilershey, wero vis iting friends In town Saturday. 'Charley Kuhns, of aiaxwell, was in town yesterday enrouto to Douglas, Wyo., to visit a brother. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OP THE ino Yates, auco Kuwaras, Dorotliy nf t i i n. . r l Shuman, Lois Johnson, Ruth Rector J MCIOnalu OiUlQ Dailk. T7!1mn TVTnv Prn r n nml 1Tnln1fns Tlll1 I onsderfor. . ailss Esther Antonldes, Rttn nf Nhrnnka m tim cioso of hua- win sing a group or songs and Miss . ucbs May 3, 1919. nr..,i -...ill i.. - ii j RESOURCES Hiltu will KJUUIUKU III t i ,ii.7 n0 n,i 01 iMCgro uiaiect. nvonlrnfta 2.709.89 For Sale-Two seated surrey, three BoX2VrB:iuaBna... 15.G00, scaieu spring wagon anu tnreo neati otnor assets, LjDeriy uonu of horses, weighing about 1100 each. I "n,a. Wn!' Savings stnmps w.r, nn,i APi " f . , , Banking house, furniture I'none ilea 401, or call at G09 westl nn(i fixtures Sixth. 35-2 Other Ileal Estnte ... Duo from nat'l and A troop train containing members of stnte banltH ..$79,438.19 tho 18th Engineers passed west Sun-1 Che,clts and ,temB ,C(.nB1 day. This is the unit to which Will ' (.u0' ShanB0. V 10 873 00 Stuart and John Burroughs, former : Hold ' Coin C05.00 North Platto boys belonged, but much Silver, ntckles and Predicts Labor Shortage. Colonel Wood has Issued a warning to manufacturers over tho country against a coming shortngo of labor. He advises thnt all firms hiro as many extra men as they could possibly handlo, to guard against tho labor shortage which is certain to manifest Itself during tho next year. Ho pre dicts that skilled labor will bo Impos sible to obtain whllo common labor ers will bo at n premium. : :o: : - Tho ladies' aid society of tho Pros' bytorian church will moot in tho church parlors Thursday afternoon, entertained by aiosdamcs Butler, Per ry and Prank Buchanan. DELCO LIGHT. 00 33,100.91 lfi.B10.C2 7.C09.22 to the regret of rolatlves in town the unit was spilt at Chicago and Stuari and Burroughs wero among those who went west over tho southern route cents 4,194.01 108,971.34 Total $072,732.21 LIABILITIES Canltal stock "paid In $100,000.00 The 18th Enelneers wore nmone the Surplus fund 20,000.00 i no lam Ynfcinctrs w ere among uil ( rn,Uvl(le(1 ronts, net 0,207.00 in si. Aiiiui itiiii uuuua iu lllliu in Indlvldiinl rlnnnn- France. :o: IMg 'Wrestling 3ratch Thursday Night. The big match to a finish betweei. Sgt. Prehn of Camp Dodge, and Joe Stakes, of Silver Creek, will bo held at tho tent pavilion on tho carnival grounds Thursday night, aiay 15, In stead of tho firemen's hnll ns pre viously advertised. Please remem ber this change of place, and come. : :o: : For Snlc. Iron rango $40: oil stovo $3; kitchen cabinet $5; baby bed and springs $1.50; baby carriage $2; iron bed and spring - : sowing machine $5; pedestal dln- nlg table $G; divan $3; sanitary daven port $8. Phono black 1123. 35-1 C41, 303.57 0,221.04 Its nubloct to check 342,950.30 . Demand certifi cates of depos its 11.219.08 Time certificates of deposit ... 104,823.19 Certified checks 310.00 Duo to national and stato banks 21,995.31 Depositor's guaranty fund Totnl $072,732.21 State of Nebraska, County of Lincoln, bb I. tv. E. Starr, casnier or uie almvn named bank do hereby swear that tho above statement is a correct and true copy of the report made to tno Ktato uankine uoara. W. E. STARR, Cashier Attnst W. II. McDONALD, Director. N. V. REYNOLDS Director. Subscribed and sworn to boforo me this 12th day of May. 1919. W. II. MUNGER, Notary Public. We have the Delco Light Agency for North Platte and vicinity. All who are looking for a good efficient Farm Lighting and Power System are in vited to call at our office, 106 East Sixth Street, where we have a plant installed for your inspection. W. J. STEBBINS, Dealer FINANCIAL STATEMENT LINCOLN COUNTY CHAPTER RED CROSS 3IARCII AND APRIL A. F. STREITZ, Secy. CASH RECEIVED Balanco on hand March 1st $C802.08 Lister Sunday School 3.70 Over tho Top Auxiliary 3.00 Sundry Amounts during Roll Call 5.30 aiatorlal and Coffee Bold 51.40 Annual aiemborshlps, Christmas Roll Call 7022.00 aiagazlno aiemborships, Christmas Roll Call 140.00 . Contributing aiemborshlps, ChrlBtmas Roll Cnll 35.00 Sustaining aiemborshlps, Christmas Roll Call 10.00 Junior aiembership, Christmas Roll Call 27.25 2nd War Fund Allotment 420.G2 $15,120.35 CASH PAID OUT. aiaterlals and Supplies purchased 39.70 Transportation on Supplies , 3.34 Canteen Servlco J 879.29 Homo Service Section 150.00 Error in subscription , 2.00 Junior Roll Cross 27.25 Gas and Light 7.25 Office Salaries 175.00 Phono Rent a 4.40 Postage, Printing, for Xmas Roll Call Roll Call 278.25 Jtemlttanco for aiemborshlps 3923.50 - (Division Bulletins and Service Badges 45.00 Balanco on hand aiay 1st 9585.31 $15,120.35 Junior Red Cross Balanco on hand aiay 1st 227.48 Tho Sammy Girls' club aro furnishing tho Red Cross Canteen with the necessary number of doughnuts, Clean Threshing Takes Lots of Power "Grain in the barn not on tho straw pile" takes lots of steady, dependable power that only correct engine lubri cation can give your tractor. And tractors need a special lubricant because of their high operating heat especially when kerosene is the fuel. Tractor Oili is manufactured for thi9 particular service and is endorsed by the leading tractor manufacturers. It stands the high cylinder heat and protects every moving part, bearing and valve with a cushioning oil film that prevents de structive friction and keep9 tho engine at par tho year round Keeps overhauling and repair bills small, -f Ask your dealer for this oil or write us for information. ! ' . p::-T ' i j ' ''' '"''''U'iill'HiiA . i I'tMjjy'ij1 inn