The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, May 13, 1919, Image 4

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    Farm Loans! Farm Loans!
Money on hand to close Loans
, Promptly. '
Lowest Rates and Best Terms,
Tax, Free Farm Mortgages Bought and Sold.
Room 2, Building & Loan Building.
Miss Hlldognrde Clinton, S. N., and
Dean Richardson, A. II. C, wjjre mar
ried on Sunday afternoon at' 4: 30, ai
the Episcopal church, Rev. Roland 0.
Mackintosh performing the coromony.
To the strains of the Lohengron wed
iilhi; march, nlavcd by Mrs. Earl
Stamp. Mr. Richardson attended by
Albln Sandall as best man entered and
took his place bofore the altar. Miss
Maymo Pizor, wearing an afternoon
dress of dark blue taffeta silk, was the
bride's only attendant.
MIhs Clinton entered on the arm ol
her father, who gave her away. Miss
Clnton wore the street uniform of the
army student nurse. Mr. Richardson
and Rev. Mackintosh wore also in uni
form. Immediately after the coromony
ft reception was held at the home of
the bride s parents.
Mr. Richardson, who is with the
American Red Cross, was able to se
cure but a four days' fourlough, so
aftr-r spending a day hero with the
bride's parents, tho happy couple left
this morning for Fort Riley where Mr.
RIehardson is stati.oncd.
Miss Dora Slllasen spent the weel.
end in. Keystone with nor parents.
MlssHazol Preston left Saturday
.on an niltomobllo trip to Kansas.
Tho Third ward Lutheran aid will
meet Vlth Mrs. A. E. Tlmmcrmau
Thursday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Prior and baby,
of Maxwell, were in, town Saturday
looking aftor business inattofa.
-Mrs. H. V. Temple, of Lcxingtpn,.is
visiting nor slBter, Mrs. C. P. Spencor.
Or. L. J. Krauso, Dentist, room &
McDonald Bank building. " "s- f
Mrs. John Ferris Wont toDonT6r
Sunday for a short visit with rela
tives. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Melton and son,
of Wallace, visited at the, Tim HrinnlOa
home Saturday. ' ' v
The first of tho pro-nuptial affairs
for Miss Hildcgardo Clinton was held
Friday evening at th& home of Mrs. J.
S SImms, when Mrs. SImms and Miss
Mirtlo Beeler entertained at a silk
hoso shower. The decorations wen.
apple blossoms and flags. Bridge was
the order of the evening, after which
delicious refreshments, featuring a
largo white wedding cake, wreathed.
with pink roses and surmounted by a
tiny bunch of flags, were served.
About sixteen intimate friends of the
bride-elect were present.
Mrs. George Finn and Mrs. J. W.
Payne entertained tho Mothers' club
and tho girl friends of Miss Clinton at
a linen shower Saturday afternoon at
tho home of Mrs. Payne. The deco
rations were red, white and blue, and
I Miss Clinton, who had just received
her discharge from the army nursing
corps, wore her street uniform, giving
the party a truly military air.
Mr. and Mrs O. F. Farmer returned
Saturday from Excelsior Springs, Mo.
Mrs.L. W. Schwcdhclm, who had
been tho guest of Mrs. Arthur Tramp
for tho past week, returned aunuay 10
her homo nt Omaha.
II. N. Getty, who Is taking tho baths
at Excelsior Springs, spent tho past
week hero with his family, returning
totho Springs yesterday.
Mr and Mrs P. A. Jacobson spent
- Saturday with Gcorgo Frater. Mr. and
Mrs. Jncobaon wcro driving through
from Louisville, Neb., to their homo
at Bayard.
The heaviest rain of tho spring sea
son foil Sunday, starting early in tho
morning and continuing all day. It
came ccntly and Boakcd in as it foil.
Tho local weather bureau reports this
precipitation at 1.01 inches.
AV. A. Towner, of Greeley, has spont
tho nnBt week in town visiting frlondu
nri'd waiting for tho roads to get into
HlTano aKaln. Mr. Towner Is driving
out to Chugwater and Douglas, Wyo.,
to look aftor land Interests.
Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Sceborgcr will
make an aulo trip to Omaha in tho
near future. It was their intention to
hayo started Sunday but tho rain in
torferred, and they will leave as soon
nitho roads get In condition.
,The most wonderful glnghnm dress
08 for misses and womon on sale at
The Leader Mercantile Co.'s at $4.85,
?5.8&, ?, $7.4& anu up. no dress
maker can mako any better than these
are made.
Soven men applied at tho local em
ployment bureau in tho federal build
ing yostorday morning, but could not
at that timo bo placed. Two of thoso
wanted plnces on farmB. Thoso need,
lng farm hands or other classes of la
bor should phono tho bureau so that
their wants may bo listed.
Tho oxtorior work on tho new Luth
ornn church hns boon complotcd and
tho inBido work has boon started. It
is not probablo, however, that the
building will bo fully complotcd be
fore September 1st. Tho furnisliingB
and tlio plpo organ wore purchased
Bomo tlmo ngo and are ready foi
ahlpmont any day-.'-j'' 4 ;
Tho production of "Maggio Popper"
is one of tliOBO rnro.prodilota which
can stand on Its ownmorlts but Its
valuo is greatly enhanced by tho im
personation of Ethel Clayton. Her
IVnllnco Tutllo sings "Calvary" Il
lustrated by twenty slldcd nt tho
Christian church tonight.
Mrs. Burt Lambert, of New York
City, is" vistlng at tho homo of Mr. and
Mrs. -B. L. Lambert, having arrived
Friday night.
Miss Mary Temple and Miss Lcona
Neff, of Lexington, spent Sunday with
Miss Tomple'B aunt, Mrs. L. C. Mc-
A boy baby was born to 'Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Turpio Saturday morning
at tho Gonorel hospital. The mother
nnd son are doing nicely.
Mrs. Arthur Tramp entertained Fri
day afternoon complimentary to her
mother Mrs. Krauso of west Point nnd
Mrs. Sclwedhclm, of Omaha.
Mrs. Frank Beclnr haB been serious
ly ill for some tlmo, and it Is tho In
tention to take her to Rochester, Minn.,
within tho noxt week for an operation.
Saml. B. Arnold, who enmo to tako
trcatmont at a local hospital, died Fri
day and tho remains woro shipped to
Cozad, whero ho had mado his home.
A nlno and ono-half pound baby boy
was born to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Stearns
on east Ninth streot tho latter part of
nst weok. Mother and son nro doing
J. C. Den, O. E. Elder, W. J. Boll and
Ed Rcbhausen loft Sunday morning for
a week's fishing trip nt Rat Lake. At
Stnploton they wcro Joined by Dick
Supt. Woodruff nnd Senator Warroir
camo down from Choyonno Sunday
morning nnd woro mot hero by Gcnl.
Supt. Hnmol and tho party went to
For Rent Thrco rooms and bed.
521 wcstJUwith. Phono Red 1017. 34-2
Mrs Slyvfa Wntts, formerly of thtr
city, who has been teaching at Bill
ings, Mont, during tho past year, has
beon rfc-oloctcd for tho coming year.
Miss watts is well pleased with her
work in, Billings.
A num'ber of Lincoln county boys
who have; beon In scrylco overseas
hnvo .started homoward. Tho 89th
Divisions which formed part of tho
army 'of occupation In Germany, in
now eithor at Brost waiting for ships
or aro on tho wntor. Quite a fow Lin
coin county boys aro in this Division.
Dr. II. C. Brock. Dentist. X-Ray
Diagnosis. Roynolds Bldg. Phono 148
Mrs. Emma Pulvor left Sunday for
Pomona, Cal., In rosponso to a tolo-
1 . .. i .fHn T.-n.ln lm.l
Mr. and" Mrs. W. II. Munger and
daughter returned Sunday evenfhg
from a week s stay In Omaha.
Miss Edna Sullivan and her brother
Robert spent tho "week end in Omaha
vistiingownawda sc,dition,7-3az,yE
visiting relatives.
Mrs. W. II. C. Woodhurst is expect
ed home today from Kearney whore
Bho has been visiting her sister for six
Tho Harrington Mer. Co. will buy
your Hay and Grain. Obtain our
prices beforo you soil. tf
A. L. Mischo is expected homo this
: :o::-
What Our Service Jfcnns to You.
A business, like a person, should
cultivate a personality peculiar to it
self. A business to be progressive
must be different.
So in otfr business, we aim to mako
it distinctive. We want to givo "a lit
tle more" rather than "a littlo less"
service. Wo want to scrre you after
we have sold you. And when wo sell
you, our guarantee is Absolute Sat
Behind our professional fitness aro
wido experlenoo and thorough train
ing, the results of which aro best test
ified to by the hundreds of people wo
have served to their entire satisfac
Trust your eyes to us. You owe
them the best possible service obtain
Eyesight Specialists.
Dance For Soldiers.
The American War Mothers' club
will give, a danco at tho Masonic hall
Wednesday evening, May 14th, for all
returned soldiers, sailors and ma-
wnnk frnm r.lifnnpn whom ho linn Wn rines. me moiuers IiaVO aSKeU tliat
trnnonntlnn- huslnnao for ton tlnva tin tllO "OyS appear In Uniform if POSSl-
blo, but wish every boy to bo present,
wnemcr in unuorm or citizen's at-
trausactlng business for ten days. Ho
will bo associated with Charley Her
rod in tho salo of the electric rofrls
oratorB and has been in Chicago stud
ylng tho construction of tho rotrigera.
Dr. Morrill, Dentist, onico over
Wilcox Department Store.
Clias McDonald, who reported his
homo as near Hershoy, is wanted on
tho chargo of issuing and signing
tire. Tho mothers aro also all urged
to bo present to help mako tho party a
success and give tho boys and their
ladies a rousing good time.
: :o: :
Patrons Show Interest in Library.
During tho past week Mrs. Mary
Elder presented a four volumo set of
orty hrco dollar chi na lloX HIstory of Civilization, and a
ffi --!,C-J?.V" SKdVS number of instructive children's books
10 CoTwn It liter devoid 'l?- !s
he had no funds In tho bank on wnten
tho check was drawn.
Wanted 100 head of stock to pas-
turo on land five miles east of North
donated Tho Book of Knowledge. This
set comes in ten well bound volumes.
It is especially adapted for tho use of
children botweon tho nges of five and
sixteen; but it contains a great amount
personality seoniB to bo tho nice beon stricken wltlf paralysis. Mrs
combination of fomlnlno Bwootnoss
nnd highly cultivated Intelligence typ
ical of our boat Amorlcau girls.
Crystal thentro Thursday and Friday.
Kado was n former residont of North
Plntto and la woll remembered by
many of our peoplo who will regret
to learn of her Illness.
Platte. Plenty of water. Address Clyde of inatorial which is interesting to the
muiYiuu ui imuuu imti. duu crovn UD9
Chas. Turner, colored, who was con
victed of tho illegal possession of lln- Big Combination Sale.
uor and given a fine of ?100 and costs, Saturdny afternoon, May I7th, at
and who gnve notico of appeal to the Col. IL M. Johansen's barn, known
district court, walked Into tho county formerly as tho Besack barn. Bring
Judges s offlco Saturday evening and in this week anything you havo to
Rmitireil tin with thn ludirn nnd thiiRlsnll.
tho enso becomes only n costly mem- '''
ory to Turner. That dancing is popular In North
Mlsa M. flieman, Bteain baths anil PJntto Is attested by the announcement
Swedish Mnssfiiro. Indies and centle- or a aanco eacn ovoning tins week. If
- ' . - - I . III.. !!.... I - 11 .
men. Phono 837. Brodueck bide. 85tr " "a ujimuna wuiu unvo io ino reai
Glenn Rltnor, who Is in tho navy bonc,' 1 01 cmun ty Interests wo
trnnsnnrt sorvlro. nrrlvnil tmmn frnn. woum proviuo Ul least u low enier-
wmv-nnrt Vnw.a i-n0nr,inv n M.irf,. tnlnmcnts that would prove more ben-
day furlough. Ho will return to Now J euclal nn,d less oxpensivo to the
port Nows Juno 10th. Glenn has ;,UU"BV ' uu 'b-
crossed tho Atlantic several times, his tl,cr,0 ,8 ,iBoIuto y no consistoncy in
vnSHol havlntr honn nni?nmi1 In rnn - i:u'B uuuuiuk n o mil 10 mi
vovinc ammunition to tho American n fln8or toward providing' other amuse
(lchtlnir forces. Ho Is lnnldnir flnn nn,l "onts' ou can't oxpect tllO young
" i . ..l .1.1.. i : . l. .i
IUUI1U Ul illio UUjr IU Sll ill 11UI11U illlU
twiddle their thumbs; they demand
recreation and amusement and they
avail themselves of the opportunities
that aro offered.
: :o:
From vicinity of Myrtle two steers
and one cow, Whlto Faces, registered,
branded with JJ connected on left
sldo or hip. Liberal reward. John
Meeting Nights Second and Fourth
Wednesdays of each Month.
K, P. Hall, 602 Dewey, Phone Black 720.
Itnrry B. York, C. C, phono Black 125, 502 South Pine.
0. E. Elder, Y. C, phono Bed 2-12 211 South Sycamore.
I). M. Hogsett, P., phono Bed C03 C21 West Fifth.
0. L. Basklns, M. phono OJ, Building &, Loan Building,
S. M. Soudcr, K. B. S., phono Bed 425, C01 South Doivey.
J. E. Sohnstlnu, M. l phono Bed 818, Oil Enst Second.
Boy Mehlmaun, 31. E., phone Black, GS1, 200 South Locust.
C. M. Austin, M. A phono Black 1128, 410 West Second.
J.W. Rowland. I. phono Bod 107, 320 Enst E.
TV; E." Starr, 0. phono 577, 820 West Fifth.
feels as good as ho looks.
Julia Arthur, who plays the part of
Edith Cavell, tho Red Cross Nurse in
''The Cavoll Case" left tho stage at tho
height of a highly successful career to
marry and take up tho duties of a
home. Sho hns emerged from retire
ment only when hor interest in this
noted enso moved hor to take tho part.
Soo hor at tho Keith Wednesday nno
A. Jackson, Motor Route B, North
Platto, Nob. 33-4
scalps aro brought into tho county
clork's offlco each month for which a
bounty of ouo dollar each is paid. This
monthly averngo of coyotes has been
maintained for twenty or moro years
past, and it would soom that through
this long period tho nnimnls might be.
como extinct On tho contrary, how-
ovor, coyotes aro Just aa plentiful as
For Salo Registered Whlto Faco
bull. Address Frank Hood, Motor
Routo A, North Platte, Neb. 33-
Two of tho Dawson county com
missioners met with the Lincoln
county board yostorday and consid
ered tho quostion of condemning that
portion of tho Union Pacific right-of-way
on which tho Lincoln Highway is
located botwoon North Platto and Lex
ington. By doing this federal and
stnto aid for tho highway could bo
secured, wlioroas so long as tho high
way is on tho uncondomued right-of-
in the well known stage
"Maggie Pepper"
Charles Klein's tory of de
partment Btore life.
v-ViiN ......
Mutual Building and Loan
Of North Platte, Nebraska.
The Flow of Meat
Two-thirds of the live stock in the
United States has to be raised in
the West.
One-half of the consumers of meat
live in the East.
In other words, most of the live
stock is one or two thousand miles
distant from most of the people who
need it in the form of fdod.
Fifty years ago, when live stock was
raised close to every consuming cen
ter, the country butcher could handle
the job after a fashion.
But the job got too big.
Now millions of animals have to be
moved hundreds of miles to millions of
people. Somewhere on the way they
have to be turned into meat.
The packers solved the problem.
They set up plants where the "live
haul" and the "meat haul" were in
the right balance. They built up
distributing systems refrigerator cars,
refrigerating plants, branch houses.
They saved time, money and meat
everywhere. The stockraiser bene
fited in better markets and higher
prices; the consumer, in better meat
and lower prices.
As the country grew, the packers
had to grow, or break down. Because
of its present size and efficiency,
Swift & Company is able to perform
its part in this service at a fraction of
a cent per pound profit
Swift & Company, U. S. A.
The Association has unlimited funds at its command to
assist in the building or purchase of homes for the people of
North Platte. If you are interested, the officers , of this
Association will render every assistance and show you how
easyjit is to acquire your. own home.
President. Secretary.
In Standard Custom Garments of Chicago
is now in and ready for your inspection. We
will be pleased to take your order now.
We also make Uniforms for Conductors and
Brakemen from $26 up. Call on us and
see our new line of goods Yours truly,
Over HlrBcnfeld Clothing Store. CARIi GGERIjE
way this cannot bo secured.