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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 13, 1919)
&t Jlortlt f3r. .f Hi WW- Bom THIRTY-FIFTH YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEB., MAY 13, 1919. No. 35 TS'OItTH PLATTE DISTRICT KHACIIES ITS QUOTA i 1 "Up to yesterday noon $240,000 had boon subscribed to tho Victory Loati by residents of tho North Platto dis trict, which Is about ?1,000 abovo Its quota. Word from Sutherland states that district has reached its quota and Maxwell is nearing tho goal. The Horshoy district is about $10,000 short but efforts will bo mado to como in under tho wiro by tho end of this wook, and from Brady comes tho as surance that tho quota will bo reached. Tho only weak district reporting la tho south part of the county, where only a partial canvass has been made. If tho solicitors in that district get busy Hits week it Is believed that the quota of tho county can be reached. Tho quota for tho county If $470,000 and up to yesterday tho amount sub scribed had reached something over $400,000. It is probable that by tho end of tho week tho total of tho North Platto dis trict will reach at least $250,000. : to, t Ensign Ernest Rincker arrived home Saturday night on a flvo days' leave of absence and will return tonight to tho Great Lakes' training station where lie holds a position in the insuranco branch of tho paymaster's office. En tering tho hospital branch of tho navy in Juno. 1917, Ensign Rincker was sent to Goat Island, California, and later transferred to Mare Island. In April, 1918, he was transferred to Quantico, Va., where ho was given and passed tho examination for paymaster ser vice. Ho was sent to New York City for a month's instruction, thonco to Princeton college . for sixty days, thenco to tho Holton school of finance In Philadelphia, and upon completion of the course was sent to tho Great Lakes station. His present rank is equivalent to a lieutenancy in the In fantry. Mothers, don't figure on making summer wash suits, rompers or waists you can buy them hero bettor than you can mako and for less. The Leader Mercantile Co. Mr. and Mrs. I. A. Gilbert went to Cozad Sunday to attend the funeral of Saml. B, Arnold, who died Friday at hospital in this city. PROPOSE MONUMENT TO LINCOLN COUNT!' SOLDIERS. If plans now proposed aro carried into effect, and they aro almost cortain to materialize, a monument to Lincoln county soldiers, sailors and marines will bo erected at tho court houso park. Tho plan originated with Victor Beck, tJlm Sobastlan and Charley Teniplo, and Mr. Beck is now drawing specifi cations for the shaft which will bo six feet square at tho base and twenty feet high. It is. proposed to use rc-in-forced concreto as tho building ma terial, and imbedded in the shaft will bo a bronze dedicatory tablet properly Inscribed. Architect Beck is drawing n plan of the shaft and will have It on exhibi tion in a few days. so; ;- Tho Tribune received yesterday a Httlo souvenir from Jio director of publicity of tho Tenth Federal Re servo District In the shape of a medal made from a captured German can non. These medals havo been son,, out to all newspaper publishers as a reminder of the government's appre ciation of their loyalty in assisting to put over tho various Liberty loan's1. On one side of the medal is a cast of tho treasury building, a wido spreau eaglo and tho words Victory Liberty Loan; on tho reverse side "Awardeo. by tho treasury department for patri otic service in behalf of tho Liberty loans mado from captured German cannon." The medal is tho size of a silver fifty cent piece. Capt. Claudo Selby and Mrs. Selby aro expected to arrive today, Mrs. Sel by having left last Friday for Chicago to meet her husband. Captain Selby had been in service as a member of tho medical corps for two years and had been overseas for over a year. The Lincoln county teachers' exam inations will bo held Friday and Sat urday, May 23 and 24, nt tho usual places. The Reading Circle examina tion will also be given at this time. Now during the manufacturers sam ple sale of women's and misses' man tailored suits of tho very latest cre ation of styles, you can save your self from $5.00 to $15.00 on any suit you select at Tho Leader Mercantile Co.'s. ' . The ItcrlTiil Nectlinrs. Tho meetings at tho Christian church under tho loadorshlp o Knowlos arid Tuttlo are creating, n wide fntorost. -Tho chorus that fills tho platform Is In attendance night ly. In most places visited by tho evangelists Saturday night meetings aro omitted, but it was asked by tho Friday night congregation to use thli. night also. Splendid crowds aro in attendance each night. Tho sor moiiB aro interesting In tho extreme. Mr. Knowles has had a wido oxporl-) enco In many of tho larger cities of tho United States since ho left North Platto two and a half years ago, which has added materially to his. then ex-1 ccptional ability. Sunday night tho church was packed and tho speaker. hold the .attention perfectly. Mr. Tut tlo Is proving a very popular leader of the community singing. If there isn't nny sing In a fellow ho makes him whistle. Tonight Mr. Knowles' sub ject will bo "No Man's- Land," and Mr. Tuttlo will sing "Havo a Smile." A cordial invitation is extended during the month. Three havo responded to theso services which will last during the gospel invitation to date. IX) AWAY WITH POSITION OF 1'ASSENflEU 1)1 HECTOR -: ;o: :- Attractions nt The Sun. ' Wednesday evening Baby Mario Os born in "Tho Old Maid's Baby." Thurs day evening Bessie Love in tho "Lovo Not." Thp Farmers' Stato Bank of Wal laco moved into its new building Sat urday and eolebrate'd tho event by keeping "open house." Tho occasion was attended. by a largo Jiumbcr of people. Tho building Is of light pressed brick with brown trimmings, and tho interior is handsomely fur nished In golden oak with tile iloor. F. C. Plelstickor, who is ono of tho directors of tho bank, went to Wal lace to attend tho opening, as did also Elmer Coates. Have you heard tho splendid chorus sing nt the Christian church I Hear them tonight. Tho Twentieth Contury club will meet this afternoon nt tho homo oi Mrs. C. F. Baker.1011 east Fourth street. Tho subject will be tho "Fu ture of Ireland," with Mrs. Georgo Frater as leader. John J. Mcllvane, Union Pacific pas K' ngor director at tho dopot, was noti fitd last evening that tho position ho held would bo abolished at once. It N understood that Mr. Mcllvano has boon offered a loss lucratlvo and less desirable position with tho company. Tho abolition of tho offlco camo as a surprise to nil, largoly because It is one of great convenience to the traveling public, and without (his official there is certain to bo much confusion at tho depot as regards tho departuro of trains, especially in tho morning when three passenger trains leavo thia terminal following tho arrival of No. 19 Beginning tomorrow Gonl. Pas senger Agent Orr will look after tills work so far as his other duties will Ik rmlL Mr. Mcllvano has filled the position in a most efficient manner. His cour teousness lias always been commona. ed and his popularity with tho travel ing public extends from Omaha to Ogdon. His services and prosenco at tho depot will bo greatly missed. Tho abolition of tho offlco Is along the lino of retrenchment which has been Inaugurated by tho director gen eral of railroads, and which Ho far has affected North Platto to tho e.t. tent of reducing tho round houso force by tho dismissal of thlrty-fivo men ana n big reduction in the num ber of freight crews. ::o;: , Tho unmarried mombors of tho .Travel and Study Club entertained the married members at a dinner last evening at tho homo of Mrs Blanche Field. A vory onjoynblo course din ner was served. Miss Minnie Slcman, who purchased one of tho Tift housos In tho 300 block on east Sixth, Is having tho Interior remodeled and will movo her bath and massage plant thereto. I Call 212 for 'nice clean grocorlos. One trial means a steady customer. Wo deliver orders of $5 and over Dick Stegemann, 815 north Locust. Bungalow aprons on salo at Tin. Leader Mercantllo Co.'s at 95c, $1.25, $1.45, $1.95 and up. Don't bother try ing to make theso aro bettor. U. S. W. V. Encampment. Tho United Spanish War Veterans will hold tholr twelfth annual en campment nt York, Neb., May 19 to 21 and a largo delegation from tho local camp oxpects to attend. York Is mak ing great preparations to glvo tho voterans a royal good tlmo and they expect a Inrgo turnout of tho Spanish Amorlcan War Votcrnns from over tho stnto. Dopartmont Commander A. W. Shilling nnd Department Adjutant a. E. Boll expect to leavo Sunday morn ing so ns to bo early at tho encamp ment to register the comrades as they arrive. Harry E. Brown Cnmp No. 11 will bo roprosonted by Commander E. E. Moody, Sonlor Vlco Commander J. W. Rowlnnd, Junior Vlco Command er, W. D. Adnmson and dologatcs Luther I. Tucker, Clms. Haner, J. I. Shaffer and J. B. Farusworth of Kim ball, Eugcno Beals of Ogalalla and W. J. House. Alternates elected woro K. M. Sturtevant, C. W. Likes. F. C. Mc Mlchaol, J. C. Crow, II. R. McMichaol and R. L. Murdoch. Past Commandors Leonard Robinson, A. W. Brown and Julius Hoga havo n voto in tho en campment nnd aro ajso going with tho rest of tho delegates from North Platto. A rato of ono and one-half faro has been granted by tho director general of railroads to tho vetorana, their auxiliary and families. Tho Woman's Homo Missionary so. clety of tho M. E. church will meet Friday afternoon with Mrs E. O. Cool, 521 west Elovonth Dtreot. Tucsdny night "No Man's Lniuh" Wednesday night ,A Scrap of Toper." Hear KnoVlcs nt Christian church. Louis Kolly nnd Charley Hupfer re turned this morning from a visit In Omaha. For Sale Now milnns from nntu sweet and tender. L. I. Tucker. Christian Solution nnrvtnn Qiimlot. 11 a. m. Wednesday evening mcotings L n . nn . ..... u.v-ij nuvn. ub o:uu. A COrUiai HIVI- tation is extended to nil to attend theso serrlces. Buildlnc? r.nnn i.n,i -..ow "M ing, room 25. HAltSIIFIELl) CASE TO HE HEARD IN MINNEAPOLIS Attorney J. J. Halllgan left Sunday night for Minneapolis whoro ho will nrguo in tho enso of J. A. Harshficld in tho United States appellate court. Harshfleld, who lives north of Sutherland and is a woll to do Btock nian, was arrested last spring on thw charge of making unpatriotic re marks. Tliero woro threo count? against him nnd tho trial was. hold in tho Unitod States court in this city boforo Judgo Woodrough. On two ot of tho counts Hnrshfiold was found not guilty, but on tho third tho jury brought In a verdict against him and ho waB assessed a heavy fine. Harshfleld carried tho case to tho United States court of appeals which is in session in Minneapolis this week, and Attornoy Halllgan goes thero to appear In Harshfiold's behalf. :o:: Clinniber of Commerce Dinner. Thursday night tho Chamber ot Commorco will hold another of thoir justly ffnmous dinners, plnco to bo an nounced lator. Through tho kindness of Mr. Stnckhouso, formerly of tho Ex perimental Farm forpo, tho principal address of tho ovonlng will bo deliver ed by Mr. E. P. Porrlno, of Denver. Mr. Pcrrlno Is noted throughout this country fortho "Porrlno Monoy Logues," nnd ho will address tho bus iness men on th"Bettcrment of Bust ness through Betterment of Salesman ship." Every business man should bo present nnd should sco that his sales forco Is also provided with' tickets. Arrangements, for tho dinner aro in tho hands, of Messrs. Blrgo, Buckley and Mungor, who will havo full chargo of tho program. That in itself wlir assuro a llvo wiro ovonlng. Tickets will bo on salo at ono dollar each atia thero Bhould bo at least ono hundred live business men on deck. ::o:-: Children's gingham drosses on salo nt Tho Lcador Mercantllo Co.'s. at 95c. $1.45, $1.95, $2.45 nnd $2.95, to fit girls In ages 3 to 14 years. 21 st Year Model 45' A 8-CyIlndcr Pacemaker Model 37-A 6-Cyltnder Touring Whether your choice is an Eight or a Six Touring Car, Roadster, or Pacemaker, you will find in the Oldsmobile line precisely the model you are looking if or a real and faithful performer, strikingly individual in appearance, richly finished, deeply upholstered and moderately priced. We will be glad to demonstrate the Olds mobile of your preference if you will call, phone, or write to (734 M) JULIA ARTHUR IN- THE GAVELL CAI THE WOMAN THE GERMANS SHOT The story of Edith Cavell, the British Red Cross Ityrse, whose shooting inllamed the world. The story of the Red Cross heroine who &ave her Jife to save the lives of several English soldier boys. 11c, 17c and 22c, Including Tax. ..Wednesday and Thursday.. Weak Voice and its Cause Health Talk No. -Mjy DRS. STATES THE CHIROPRACTORS Lost or weakened voir la nn ailment that Is quite, frequent. Most slneers hn.v anffAvori linrinrlfj nf vnnnl vron1mntnr'...i. ui. i - wy.n .? VWllligQWUlUH failed to respond to care and nursing. Often such weakness is accompanied by seri ous results affecting health and efficiency. . The trouble is one of tho nerves and tho cause can bo removed by spinal adjustments which remove nerve pressure and give Nature a chance to act in a normal way. Singers, speakers, and many others not so dependent on the voice, have found Chiropratic ad justments a boon. FHEE Consultation is free. Wo aro glad when you aro from Missouri mid vrnnt to bo "shomi." DRS. STATES & STATES Tho P. S. C. Chiropractors. HaUdlng and Loan Building CHOKLXG SPELLS DISAPPEAR I had been In poor health slnco I was about fourteen years old. I would havo choking spoils with my throat that they could hear ine. breathing across tho street. Hyperder mlca afforded the only relief, and yet they affected my heart and mado mo loso my volco entire ly. I havo not had a choking spell slaco I bogan taking Chf ropractio adjust ments. Ask about Caso No. 1005. North Platte, Nebraska. DURBIN AUTO CO., Model 37 6-CyllnJer Roadster