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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 9, 1919)
cmt-33feklu Sribuns. X IRA h BAKE, EdHor nnd Publisher SUBSCRIPTION HATES: Ono lar by JInll, In mljronco..1.7B Oho Year by Carrier, In ndvnnco, $2.00 Eutorod at tho North Platte, No'oraska Postofflco us Second Class Mattor. t'JM HAY, 31 AY Mil, 1010. GENU UAL ARRANGEMENTS FOK MEMORIAL HAi uiioLin"".-. Attention 1b called to Memorial Day.j May 30th, und Memorial Sunday.May 25th. At a meotlnt? of tho conference committees of the G. A. U. and W. R. C last Saturday arrangements worci made to havo nil mo cnuruiiua patriotic Hocletlos nnd citizens Join In Momorlal services at tho I-ranklln Auditorium at 8 o'clock 1 M. Sunday, May 25th. All the ministers of the city are specially Invited to ho present ut such mcotlng and aro kindly re quested to refrain from holding ser vices In their respective churches dur ing that evening, and to ask their momhors to attend tho memorial sor- vico. , . Comrado T. C. Patterson was select ed as a committee with full charge of all arrangements for the Sunday Momorlal Sorvlco. On Memorial Day A p'arndd Is to ho organized at 9 A. M. at tho court house squnro by Cap tains Shilling, Vic Hnlllgan and Leon ard Bobinson, who were solccted as n committgo with full charge of overy detail regarding tho parade. It is de sired that all veterans of tho Civil war, SpanlBh American war, World war and high school cadets, tho W. B. C, Bod CrosB, Sammy Girls, pupils of our public schools, civic societies and citizens generally take pu'rt In the parado olthor as marchers or in auto mobiles, and all persons who aro willing to furnish auto nccommoda-i tlons for tho ladles of the several societies, and aged veterans, are re quested to roport tho number thoy can enrryio tho parado commltteo on or boforn Mny SOtli. nnd hnvo their nutos nearjtlio court house square at 9 A. M. May 30th. The march will ho to tho cemetery, whoro tho graves of all deceased sold iers of all wars thoro found will bo de corated under tho supervision of tho W. B. C, which has chargo of the flow.ors and decoration oxorclses. A short G. A. B. memorial sorvlco will be hold nt tho G. A. B. plot In the coinotory, and service by tho W. B. C. for tho unknown dead. Comrade J. F. Schmalzrcld Is In chnrgo of procuring flags and Com rado Ashley Potors will noe that each soldier's gravo is properly marked. Comrndo Arthur Hammond is plac ed In full chargo of tho decoration of soldier's graves In tho South SIdo Comotry with power to solect assist ants for such duty. Comrailo J. B. Evans will havo chargo of tho publlo memorial exercis es at tho Franklin auditorium nt 2;30 r. M. and tho program for such exor cises will bo prepared by Mr. Evans nnd Mrs. Ward. All patriotic 'citizens should nttond, this meeting In memory of thoso who gnvo tholr lives, that wo might llvo. might peacably enjoy our rights of llfo, llborty, and tho pursuit of happiness. "JlIclMiorHon National Cemetery. Eight hundred und utety-rvon sol M i. 1s7a:Ii? i-l!fc, Wa,.!!lf 'IF! diers He beneath the grassy mounds In the beautiful cemetery at old Ft, Mc Phor8on, twonty mllos oast of this city. It is tho only National Cemetery in Nebraska and undor, a law of tho G. A. B. of this stato it Is the duty of the Department Commander to mako the Memorial Day address at such cemotcry or furnish a substitute ' Therefore J. S. Hoagland, tho present , Dopnrtment Commander of tho O. A. B., will mako the principal memorial address1 at McPhorson. Major Leon-1 ard A. HolI, In charge of the National i Coinotory will co-opornte with Com rado Hoagland In nrranglng a program' for decorating graves there from 11 j A. M. to noon and exorclsos of music , and speaking will commonce at 1:3U P. M. Mrs. Ueula Davis, of Omaha, Prosldont of tho W. B. C, Department of Nebraska. Is expected to bo present and take part In tho exorclsos at the ! National Cemetery. Everybody is In-' vltod qnd there will no doubt bo a large crowd of patriotic people there to honor tho memory of our dead heroes. If there arc some slngors Inj North Platte who contemplate golnj to tho National Cemetery on Memor-1 lal Day, and win Kindly consent to assist on the program, thoy will ploaso mako themselves known as soon as possible to J. S. Hoagland, by letter or phone. . I This, the first Momorlal Day after! tho closo of tho most destructive war In tho history of tho world should be tho most Impressive, the moat Im portant and of greater Interest to our peoplo than any over boforo observed. Three wars havo been bravely fought j for tho right of our peoplo to enioy life, llborty and self government. Throo times has victory been written In tho history of Old Glory with the j blood of our bravo soldiers. Our vie-. tory In tho war Just ended has been J o decisive against the rule of kings, i imperors nnd military nutocraclcs, I 'hot (ho world's people aro beginning renllzo that bloody and destructive vers of aggrossloiv ennnot longer bo tolerated und that peaceful means mint be found to nrovont future wars between nations. Such charming con ations will no doubt be brought about "! a result of this war. The price ""Id for audi victory has boon onor- - Mnn thousands of our bravo brothers nnd sons havo given tholr melons live for our comfort and -nntnoso. an' the memory of their nrouie sncrifleo Impels us to honor -"-! nnd rosolvo that our noblo dead hnvo d!rd liwnln. t R. ttOAGLAND, Secty. Joint Com- -mttees. COMMISSIONERS' l'ROCEEBINflS. ' May 5, 1919. Board met pursuant to adjournment, prosont Koch. Hormlnghauson and county clerk. T. G. Bowloy was appointed assessor for Miller precinct and bond approved. E. A. Moore's bond as assessor for HInman precinct approved. Alfred Leth appointed overseer Dis trict 9 to fill vacancy. Bond of H, C. Colin, road overseer District 15, approved. Harry Bced uppolntcd road overseer and bond approved. L. A. Curtis appointed rond ovorseej District No. 7 to All vacancy. Claims were allowed as follows: E. Llndblad, grader tongue. $G.00. E. 13. Fcnglns, road work, $72.00. Win. Diamond, bridge work, $57.60. J. B. Bltner and sundry persons, rlp rapplng, $604.10. Sam Palmer, bridge work, $42.00. Paul Moyer, office rent, $15.00. Perfection Kerosene Oil makes any kerosene burniiii traclor do its best. It is clean, honest iuel with n punch. It burns clean and vaporizes readily- keeps the engine delivering full horse power all day lon?. Your spring plowing and harrowing proceed without ,a stop you get the work done sijrcly and at least cost, with Perfection Kerosene Oil. Use it in ony kerosene burning engine for energetic, economical power that's every day alike. Don't take chances with engine fuels. The best Is none too good. Perfection Kcroteno Oil is the same dependable product that has been used in your borne for years, for cooking, lighting and heating purposes. Telephone our nearest agent and he will arrange for immedi ate delivery of Perfection Kerosene Oil in any quantity. For gasoline burning machines use Bed Crown Gasoline. STANDARD OIL COMPANY fMf.K An Artistic Give your home added attractiveness by finishing your walls and ceilings in a sanitary, artistic, lustre less oil paint finish. Its durability makes it economi cal. It is more sanitary than wall coverings stuck on with germ-breeding paste, more artistic than glossy paint or enamel, and more lasting than kalsomine. LINCOLN W ALAMO Is the ldonl finish for or walls and ceilings. It combines the durability of an oil paint with the soft, velvety beauty of water color or fresco. Wo carry a full assortment of desirable colors, and will gladly assist you In planning your decorative effects and will estlmato the quantity required, whether you buy or not. v Derryberry Fred Tobas, road and bridge work, $45.00. J. B. Hemphill & Son, printing, $12. H. H. Hobbs, road work, $G.00. J. W. Botor, road work, $33.00. Win. Blodgett, road work, $31.00. C. P. Carson, road work, $33.00. W. F. Crawford refund of taxes on cattle, $28.00. A. H. Myers, road work, $3.60. I W. C. Knight, county poor, $4S.O0. I North Plntto Water Dept., services, $12.G0. Sundry persons, road work District 18, $27.50. 3 Western Disinfecting Co., $9.00. N. D. Wolls, road work $18.00. Earl Foar, road work, $35.00. Fred Loudon, road work, $10.50. ErwlnvBlohl, road work, $1.80. W. T, Elliott, bridge work, $105.00. Carl Fletcher, dragging. $7.50. John Discoo. road work, $6.50. Harold Brooks, road work, $1.50. John Discoo, dragging, $18.25. L. L. Burton, road work, $8.00. Chris Burton, road work, $8.00. Chas. O. Burton, road work, $11.40. W. F. Llnncmoyer, road work, $61.50, Mrs. Bohort Dean, rent, $12.00. Honry Llnnemeyer road work, $4,,00 Adjourned to May 12, 1919. ::o:: , Church of Our Snvlour KiNcopnf , Divine services for next Sunday third Sunday after Easter. , Holy communion 7:30 a. m. Sunday school 9:45 a. m. Morning prayer and sermon 11 a. m. Evening prayer and sermon 7:30 p. m. Sundny school on North side In St. Paul's chapel 3 p. m. B. O. MACKINTOSH. Bector. Omnhn A A Lustreless Oil Paint for Walls and Ceilings Wall Finish. & ForbeSc TERMS OF TBEATY, 1 MADE TO GERMANS 1 The treaty which Germany Is asked I to sign calls upon her not to respect any understanding with any of her allies hold prior up to this time. The Germans must restore all de- vastated Belgium, Franco and othe I territory invaded by her army. Germany must acept lnternationali- I zatlon of the Saar valley. Interna ! tionallzatlon of Dantzlg is also insist ed upon. German must make certan. territorial concessions to Denmark and Belgium, to protect their future. The Germans must renounce all tei dltorlal claims and conflno herse If to tiUropo, oven politically. Tho German army is limited to one hunderd thousand men and officers conscription Is to be abolished. All German fortifications within fifty nines or tno Ithtne must be disman tled. Allied occupation of Germany to remain in force until nil peace re quirements are met with. The German navy reduced to six bat tleships, twelve cruisers, no subma rines. Building of additional fortifica tions forbidden. All Heligoland forts i to be dismantled. Kiel canal fortifl cations dismantled and canal open to all commercially. Germany must reimburse the allies for all property damage done, the 'first payment to be twenty billion dollars All allied shipping destroyed must bo restored, ton for ton. The ex-kaiser must bo tried by a military interna tional court and Gdramny must also I give up for trial any others Implicated I in bringing about the war. No Hack Pay Coming. Judge O. D. Wheeler in a decision ijust handed down In district court at ' -11 7 1 1 . . 11' . 1 .. .1.... .. 1 .. 1 . . .nn.1 council iiiuua 1UIU3 ujul )iuu masters do not come within the pro, visions of tho Adamson law. The de cision was in the case of Charles E. Thompson, against the Union Pacific railroad company and Director Hlnes, in which Thompson sued to recover i $1 snr n imnk nnv. under tho act. covering a period of employment from .Tpnuary 1, 1917, when the law went Into" effect, to February 23. 1918. He was employed as night yard master in i Council Bluffs. 1 ::o:: VM SA1.K I Avery tractor 12-25, 1918, plowed 50 acres; 4-bottom P. & O. plow, perfect I condition. $1,200 or will sell tractor alone. Avery tractor, 12-35, plowed 100 acres Rood condition, $925. Titan 'tractor, 10-20, with 3-bottom plow, out ' one year, plowed 80 acres, haB stcer ilnc device and heavy gear. Titan tractor, 10-20, with 3-bottom plow, ' 1 . 11 r .1 nnmlltinn Ht f) piOWUU UU ucrus, KUUll tuuuiiiyu, " bargain. 1917 2-cyllndor Molino trac tor, cost $825, used ono season, will sell for $350. Avery tractor, 8-1G, useu two seasons, plowed 100 acres, good condttlqn, at a bargain. C. G. Catlin Co.. Falrburv. Neb. 33-2 , - - - . W. E. FLYNN ATTOBNEY-AT-LA Offlco over McDonald Bnnk. Offlco Phono 113G Res. Phone 112(! Ootnto -Nv 14S nf Mnrv 13. Evarts. dc censed, in tho County Court of Lin coln County, NebrnsKa. The State of Nebraska, To all por tions Interested In Bald estnto take notice that a potltion has boon tiled for the probate of an Instrument purport- im' tn lin tlm Inst will nnd toRtament Of Mary E. Evnrts and the appointment of jolin A. uvnriH as executor ui bjiiu tnte, which has been set for hearing on May 17, iuiu at y o-ciock a. m. Dated April 19, 1019. wm ii n -vvooniiunsT. n22m9 County Judge. NOTICH TO GHKIHTOHS Estate No, 1024 of Walter O. McNeol decoasod, In the County Court of Lincoln uoutuy. NeurnsKn. The State of Nebraska, ss: Crodltors or suKl estate. will tako notice tnnt tno time ltmltud for nresentation and 111- lnir of claims nbnlnst said estftte Is August 16, 1019, nnd for settlement of said estate u Ainrch 7, luzo; that i win sit nt tha county court room in said county, on May is. iia. at a o'ciock n m.. and on Autiuat 1G. 1919. at 9 o'clock th.. tn rAPAlvn nYnmlnn hnnr. nllow. ' or adjust an cjaims nnu oujociions duly mod. WM. H. C. WOODIIUUST. Arrange for your Gas be fore the spring rush isvon Ranges from $27 to $60 NORTH PLATTE LIGHT & POWER COMPANY THE TWINE3I HOSPITAL, 100S WEST FOURTH STBEET, North l'Iautfebr. For tho treatment of Medical, Surgical and Obstetrical Gses. A place where the sick are caed for so as to bring about normal conditions In tho easiest, most natural and scientific manner. Phone 110. Nrirt'li Plntte, Neb. Office phone 241. Res, phone 217 L . C . DROST, Osteopathic Physician. North Platte, -. - NebraaKu. Knights of Columbus Building. Offlco Phone 340 Res. Black 376 DR. SIIAJTER, Osteopathic Physician Belton Bldg. North. Platte, Nob, Phono' for Appointments. 1)11. REDFIELD Physicinn, OJjstctrictan Surgeon, X-Ray Calls Promptly Answered Night or Bay Phone Office 612 Residence G7G DRS. STATES & STATES Chiropractors r, G, 7 Building & Loan Building. Office Phone 70 Bcs, Phono Bed 1009 DR. L. E. VANBITER Physician and Surgeon Rooms 5-6 McDonald! Bank Bldg., North Platte, Nob. GEO. B. DENT, Plisyiclan and Surgeon. Special Attention GItcu to Surgery and Ohstrerrlcs. Office: Building & Loan Building Phones: Offlco 130, Besldence 116 Phone 308 ALBERT A. LANE, t Dentist Rooms 1 and 2 Belton Building North Platte, Nebraska Hospital Phone Black 633. House .Phone Black 633 W. T. PBITCIIAR1), Graduate Veterinarian Elht years a Government Veterlnar Ian. Hospital 218, south Locust St one-half block southwest of th Court House. DOCTOR D. T. QDIGLEY Practice Limited to Surger? and Rndium Thernp) 728 City National Bank Building. Omuha, Nebraska. II Service Service S NEW Ford Repair Shop 722 N. Locust. Phone 152. ft $ A Trial Will Convince You, i j t . ..,.......... Highest Cash Prices Paid for Hides and Junk. L. LIPSHITZ. DERRYBERRY Ss FORBES, Licensed Embamers Undertakers and Funeral Directors Bay phono 41 Night phone Black SS XOTICK f)K PHTITIOX Estato Xo. 1653 of -Dave A. Keynolds, deceased, In the touuty court or coin County. Nebraska. The Stato of Nebraska, To all per eons Interested 111 tho estate take no tlco that a petlttqn -has been ftled for the appointment or .;U. Jveuy as nu mlnlstrator of said estnte. which ha been set for heartiiK on Muy 31. 1919. at nine o'ciock a. m. Dated May 1. 1919, SKAL WM. It. C. WOODBURST. NORTH PLATTE ..General Hospital.. (Incorporated) One Hall Block North ol Postoftice. Pbone 58 A modern institution for tha scientific treatment of medical, Burgical and confinement ensea. Completely equipped X-Ray and diagnostic laboratories. Staff: Geo. B. Dint. M. D. V. Lucas, M. D. J. B. Redfield, M. D. J. S. SIMMS, M.D. NOTICE Cnne JVo. lflS2. In th Nc ,iir'"' ,-uu" OI Lincoln Countv. IVtrmeb?0,r ?f 'he Estate of Louis UtS.i",nl? f the Petition of that a hoarfnV n " ""LIV?. "-gored Lto ntwl on,.,; ...... ncl Ior alay ti,e oRth itio oJlVf!! r hand. and seal of the cou (Se ill wat1 '? J Am" 1919- l" WM. TT. r wnnntr,.T.o ni -- . uuuL.nuil.M', wuaiy juage. MSfJAI, JVOTIOK t(vh.-nCiU"ty Court of L":l Coun- Ir ty. Hivensr Deceased. l" KStato of Lou,s t ""Persons Interested In the Eh. VU; 1?. t Anrll "ist inio A. . , 1,118 curt thlnLs thnJ Pray,lnS anions oth. ,ult nELl!1-. decreed by this nlmin. nee Clark, be decreed to be the f,l1M(Jro,Vand so,e only heirs of rtl1 M,'a 9Iark. ."vine at the time of the uuuia Jiiivens, ueceased ni tha KS".tVLT .5'- oo o IVWUUUK8T, 'J J County Judge. SIIEItlPISSALE. liV V I r 1 1 1 n n f . County Nebraska,. upTn" adecTr in sa.1lCurt - . ..o ...iiiui .nouse or Fold.i ,ii . , V .. utJl"unis, ana to Mnv loiCnCd; I V1 ?n 31t day or r ,V&2.'f.kP "-. at the east Platte T. ,',"u . "k??."? 'n No-t ! at publlp Kaction to the highest bidder property, to-wlt: Tho Southeast Quar ter and the South Half of the Nor Ui- e...i " m3 imai iiail or tile Southwest Quarter and Lots Ono. Five SIX ntlil Savon nil l oi i( . L ,VL, Shin r.r'v",S" ' l'on TOWIl- ,.rci'' "i iinnse Thirty- Sixth r- " L1" Dated April 28, 1919. A29M30 A. .T. RAT.Tsminv oi 'j.iiiii i , omjriii. XOTICK OK l.C01UOUATIO. Notion Iff llBrnl.v . nOratln.i hn i7' .T ,nc?r- mum uuij tun eu UlUlor llVl?&e ,St of Nebraska, thl TiT.n i ia iortn I'latt Home Thev general nature of tho business TO lift trnnilnntnil 1... l.l,i , ""..v.. iiuo uuriiorntioit .. i 'J10 .V"1'1". e"n. leasing r; I umurwias iioiuiiifr or real for itn".l 'orsonfl1 Property, either roi Itselt or ns aent, representative or trustee for others; the contracting for ii , e eonstructlne and orectinp of bulldliiKS of any and nil kinds, nnd all the appurtenances thereof; to loan borrow, and Invest money, take ami dive security or obligations thorofor; and to do a general contracting busi ness; to deal in all kinds of building materials, fnnf nn.i ntu .""i,r,"?. , V ' ...... j . hi; i .wiiiuiuuiiie: and said corporation shall have power " u execute all Klnils of con tracts nnd obligations including deeds leases, and mortgages of real estate and personal property and bills of salo and shall have power to take hold own, use, improve, lease, sell, assign', mortgage and convey real estate and all other, kinds of property or Interests therein, Including Its own capital stock, .for Itself or as agent, repre sentative or trusteo for others; and to take, hold, hypothecate, nsslgn and col lect all kinds of obligations for Itself, or ns ngent, representative or triiBtee for others, Including power to tako, hold, collect, assign nnd transfer stock In other corporations ns well as of Its own for Itself or as agent, representa tive or trustee for others; and said cor poration shall have general power to do nnd perform all things necessnry or ixppdlent In the carrying out of the purposes nforesald. It shnll havo pow or to conduct Its business In its prin cipal place of business nnd at any branch ofllco established by It, and to maintain nn ofllco of said corporation within the State of Nebraska, or in any other part of tho United Stntes. District of Columbia and tho United Statos territories. . The authorized capital stock Is $25,000.00, $10,000.00 of which Is fully paid, tho balance to be sold and pay able subject to tho order of tho Hoard of Directors. 'Tho highest amount of Indebtedness or liability to which tho corporation may nt any time subject Itself shall not exceed two-thirds of tho capital stock. Tho time of commencement of this cor poration shnll be the 1st day of May, 1919. and the same shall continue for a period of fifty years. The affairs of the corporation nre to be conducted; by a Hoard of five di rectors Ritd suah other oftlcers as may be (provided for by tho Hoard of Di rectors. Dated April 26. 1919. J. C. HOLlArAN, I J. 13. SEBASTIAN, , C. F. TEMPLE. in5m30 (HlflAUJ 16ma County Judie mS-23 ' County Judge