The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, May 09, 1919, Image 4

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Your Boy Deserves
A Good Watch
Jim Elliott camo up from Maxwoh
I Wednesday and spent the day- visiting
rolatlvos and frlondB.
Verno I'owcll, a son'of wirrovvoTl,
! and a formor North Platte boy, arrived
at New York April 23d from nearly a
When a boy urndnntcs lie Is nt tlie year's servlco overseas. He wns with
V, ti t , n, in ilfn 'the 130th Klcld Artillery of the Head-
fllnrtlnp point of a man's ork In life. rlorg DlvlflIon ttnd took part In the
Yon have trhen liiru tlio proper educa. Argonno fight.
lion. JIc lias done his part well. Now Wanted 100 head of cnttlo to pasture.
i.i... ,w..,i.....n,i i, win Imtn II. B. Norton. Phono 798F2
ITV Jlllll 1111 ;ijiiiriiivii .... f v t
practical use for dally a good watch.
Choose n high grade movement Hint
will last him n Iifcllme. S gift will
express your pride In Iflm so well.
A. briKadlor general, accompanied
by two French refuge orphan girls
whom he had adopted, passed through
Thursday on No. 19. The girls havo al
ready acquired a straight, military
bearing and are exceedingly proud of
There Is none he will be more proud ti,0jr now goldlcr daddy
Our long experience In selling watch
es, largo. stock anil big values, make
Clinton's the hvM place to buy wutch-
At the Sign of the Big King.
Buv your carnation for Mother from
the Nlcaflgeo camp lire girls Saturday.
John C. Merrol, of Maywood, and j
.Emily Larson, of Wollflcet, wore mnr-
! rled by Judge woodhurst Wednesday.
Beads Deads Heads. See our win
dow. II, Dixon, Jeweler.
Harold E. Brooks and Miss Martha
Knlzloy, both of this city, were united
In marriage, by Rev. Mackintosh Wed
nesdays N
Beads Beads Beads. See our win
dow. II. Dixon, Jowcler.
, ,Uhb Twentieth Century club will
1 meet 'Tuesday afternoon at the homo
of Mrs. S. C. Baker, 1011 east Fourth
For Sale Registered White Face
bull. Address Frank Hood, Motor
Route A, North Platte, Neb. 33-8
A social dance will be given nt the
Iv. G. hall by the Zota, Gamma Zeta
society on Monday ovenlng, May 12th.
The public is cordially1 invited.
Miss M. Stcman, steam baths and
Swedish Massage, ladies and gentle
men. Phono 897. Erodbcck bide. 85tf
"Pollyanna," the glad play, attract
ed a largo audience to the Keith Wed
nesday ovenlng, and the attendants
wero well entcrtnlned by the capable
.. Dr. Morrill, DenMst. Office over
Wilcox 1'opartmont Store.
Plko fishing at the Sutherland dam
1b now attracting the attention of the
dlclplcs of Izaak Walton. It Is re.
ported that some very nlco catchoa an
being made.
Tho Harrington Mor. Co. will buy
your Hay and Grain. Obtain our
prices boforo you soli. tf
Ivan Berry "returned. yesterday from
eight montliB servlco ovorsens. Boforo
entering tho servlco he had been cm
ployed nt tho stato farm, and may con
clude to return to work nt tho farm.
Never In tho history of styles havo
beads been so populnr as they will
bo this summed and winter. See Dix
on's window.
i For Salo Four room house, mod
ern oxcopt heat, 514 west 8th street,
i Apply nt the premises. 32-C
E. II. Evans and Albln Sandall, who
wore discharged from the navy ten
days ago, arrived homo Wednesday
evening aftor a servlco of twenty-three
months, a good part bf which tlmo wns
spent In foreign waters. Tho boys
look.woll and say they feel fine.
I Wanted Cattlo to pasture. Plenty
of wator and snlt. $1.00 per month,
i Allon T. Woods, North Platte, Nob. tf
Cyrus Fox, one of tho early settlora
of Garfield precinct, who Bpent yester
day In town, says that he never saw
small grain look so promising as it
doe this spring. Farmers are woll
along with their work and corn plant
ing will bo In progress beginning noxt
Pearl car rings. Ulxon, hnijk. just1
rcceivqu a largo snipment.
Louis Bcunlsou who appears In a
waatorn rolo at tho Crystal Theatre
Saturday and Monday Is now to tho
screen, but ho Is, tho stuff o( which
stars are made. Ills comedy Is rich
and true an absolutely new typo, of
humorist. All of you arc certain to
like' him.
Dr. II. C. Brock. Dentist. X-Ray
Diagnosis. Reynolds Bldg. Phono 148
Miss Annie Krnmph expects to leave
In a-week or ten days on a trip to
Portland to visit her sister. From
Portland she will go to Frisco and Los
Angles, and thence homo over tho
southern route, stopping In Arizona to
view tho peerless beauties of tho
Grand Canyon of the Colorado.
Taxi day and night Bervico."'Phono
918 or Black 398. Herb Hamilton.
Chairman Temple reported yester
day afternoon that tho North Platto
district was still short about fifty
thousand dollars on Its Victory loan
quota. Tho Boy Scouts are still at
work and doing very well considering
that nearly all of tho subscriptions
taken by them are In sums of $50 and
$100 and it requires many to mnko
much of n showing.
Tho engine power of tho Chandler
car, its riding ease, and its ability to
stand up in service, havo placed It in
a preferred class through tho country
Tho salo of this good car has been lim
ited only by tho ability to got tho can
and ovcry large dealer in tho country
roports ho Is short of Chandler cars.
Tho fact that the price is from $300
to $700 loss than any of Its old price
mates, has mado it an especially do
slrablo buy. Bettor spend a day with
ono of those cars, and decide If you
would not caro to mako this your noxt
car. You aro welcome to drlvo ono
of our cars and mako your own tests
at any time. J. V. Romigh, dealor.
Miss Graco Mooney returned tho
early part of tho week from a visit In
I i i I lllilMHIilNlltMIIIil
SATURDAY Keith Theatre.
"The Way of a Man With a Maid."
It's n great life if you havo the price nnd if
you haven't see what Washburn does.
The Dimpled Punmaker Bill Parsons in The Potum of Swat.
Christian Science service Sundny 11 !
a. m. wcunosuay ovenlng meetings
ovory wook at 8:00. A cordial Invi
tation Is extended to all to attend
thoso services. Building & Loan build-'
Ing, room 25.
Just rccolved 350 new strings of
orlontal beads. Se our window. Dix
on, tho Jowolor.
Rloliard HADllI loft last nlghtf for
Clnclnattl as a delegate to tho national ,
convention of railway clorks. Mrs.
Dill nccoinpnnh?d him as far as Chlca-1
go where she will visit for two weeks
Tho auto transport service between
thlB city anil McCook established May
1st by tho Davis Auto Co. Is proving n
success, tho outgoing freight bolng in
excess of expectations. The present
Borvico Is trl-wcckly, going south one
day and returning tho noxt.
Tom Cox says he would Hko to sco
tho color of the hair of the Individual
who poisoned his bull dog tho early
part of tho week. As the dog never
loft the premises there seems to have
been no cause why the animal should
have been poisoned.
Wc carry a complete line of Edison
and Columbia phonographs, both
standard machines. They are unsur
passed. Don't take something "just
ns good." Dixon's. I
John Davis Is expected homo Sunday
from tho east whcreT he has been
spending two weeks at auto factories
hurrying up shipments. He has visit
ed the Nash factory at Kenosha, tho
Chevrolet works at Flint, and the
Stearns factory and finds them all
away behind In filling their orders.
Silver slipper buckles set with brll
lants, aro tho very newest. See Dix
on'B window.
Wo needed a little carpenter work
dono at tho house and tho first boss
carpenter told us he had more work
than he could do, the second said he
might bo able to do the work in thirty
or sixty days, and tho third didn't have
time to do anything but build houses.
Wo attempted to secure the services of
a painter and found conditions just the
Charley Herrod leaves about Ma
15th for Denver, thence to Los Angles.
Mr. Herrod has taken the agency for
an electric refrigerator which gener
ates its own refrigeration as well as
makes Ice, and for his selling territory
has secured a number of tho largo
pities between the Missouri and the
Pacific coast. His family will go to
St. Louis to visit relatives while he
gets tho business established and
solects his headquarters.
When D. W. Griffith 'makes a photo
play it is of known quality. Ho
doesn't make many but the pictures
testify to their own worth. For ni
stance, "Tho Birth of a Nation". "In
tolerance," Hearts of tho World," The
Great Love" and now the "Tho Great
est Thing in Life" which will be shown
at tho Keith Theatro on Monday and
For Sale My household goods', con
sisting of ono 9x12 all wool art sauaro
rug, linoleum, a combination book case
and writing desk, refrigerator, tables,
cupbords, chairs, beds, dresser, wash
ing machine, Ironing table, fruit jars,
and many other things. Also ono
team, wagon, hay rack, two sets har
ness, grind stono, chains, lawn mower
and other tools. WM. ALLBEE. 1021
north Pino street.
Earl Esholman arrived homo this
morning having received his honorable
(iiscimrgc irom uncle Hams a,rmy.
Earl was with tho 10th Ry. Engineers
and saw active servlco In France. Ho
Is certainly looking flno and sayB he
lind many exciting experiences and
saw many Interesting plnces, but, like
tho rest of tho boys "wouldn't give
15o to go through it again." Hrrshey
Tho supplying of electric energy tc
Brady from North Platto seems to be
off now. Clerk Johnson received a let
tor from tho officers In Omaha this
morning saying tho host proposition
they could make to tho town was to
receive a guarantee of $2,400 per year
and additional charge of 5c per k. w. h.
for all curront used. This would bo
guaranteeing them something around
four thousand dollars per year, which
J out of tho question. Brady Vindica
High Operating Expenses
Increase Telephone Rates
Telephone Revenue Must Cover Operating Expenses
Your business will fail unless you take in enough mon
ey to pay your expenses. s '
So will any other business.
.The necessity for enough revenue in any business to
pay operating expenses needs no explanation.
For several years the cost of providing telephone ser
vice lias been advancing with the increasing cost of mater-
ial to the telephone company and the higher living expenses
of employees.
Everyone realizes the necessity of paying more for rent,
for food, for clothing, for wages and for transportation.
The telephone industry has been affected by the same con
ditions which have produced higher prices in all of the neces
s sities of life.
If this Company Is to continue to furnish dependable tele
phone service to the public it must obtain such rates as will pro
duce a revenue sulllclent to cover the cost of providing the service
Health Talk JTo. 8 by
It is easy to associate lumbago with the spine.
People appreciate without argument or explana
tion, that the seat of the pain is in the spine.
Like other bodily ailments which are not so
readily associated with pinched spinal nerves,
tho cause is due to nervo pressure brought about
by lack of correct alignment of the
joints of the backbone. When by
spinal adjustments this condition
is corrected, Nature restores
health. Tho lumbago disappears.
There is no method more sim
ple and certain than adjustments,
the thousands who havo quickly
found health will testify.
Tho P. S. C. Chiropractors.
Rulltllng and Loan llulhlliig
Norlh Platte, - - Nebraska.
For ten years I had
pains in my back
which tho doctors
called lumbago. 1
was treated by sov
oral. Thoy all help
ed mo, but whon I
quit taking medlclno,
tho troublo always
camo back.
I concluded to try a
Chiropractor. Aftor
a fow adjustinonts
my troublo loft, and
now aftor twelve
months of health
and no return of tho
trouble, I think I am
Ask about case No. 3,
Relievo Germany Will Slpn.
.Germany will mnko her decision
with rogard to nccopting or rejecting
tho tonus of the peace treaty well
within tho tlmo limit of 15 days, al
lied representatives bollovo. Al
ready reduced to military and naval
jmpotonco, tho German nation realizes
thnt it wll fnco economic annihilation
In enso of ub refusal to accept tho
Tho blockade division of tho su
premo economic council, acting under
tho direction of tho "big three" is mnk-
plans for a drnstlc blockndo which
can bo clamped on Instantly If tho
Gormnn refuse to sign tho treaty. Tho
now blockndo will bo much moro far
reaching In Its-effect thnn any which
hns been In force precvlously.
rremlor Clomonceau made clear
yesterday that tho allies will bo ready
to sign tho pact at any time that It Is
brought in by tho Germans, within tho
fifteen day limih It Is considered llke
lv thnt tho treaty will bo signed boforo
May 20.
Carnation Snle.
Tho Nlcaflgeo camp fire girls will
hold a sale of carnations, cake and
candy In Derryberry and Forbes win
dow on Saturday afternoon.
Pupils' Recital.
Tho junior pupils of Miss Florence
MacKay-wlll give a recital at the Pres
byterian church next Tuesday evening.
May 13th, beginning at eight o'clock.
An offering for orphan relief will be
taken. Recitals given in the paBt by
Miss MncKay's pupils have proven very
enjoyable, and attendants next Tues
day are assured a pleasureable even
ing. : :o: :
Library Notes.
Miss Templeton, secretary of the
state library commission, visited the
library tho first of the week arid was
much pleased, with the work of the
North Platto public library.
The ninth hl-ennlal report of the
Nebraska Public Library Commission
shows North Platte library having" the
greatest number of patrons, and larg
est circulation of books of any town of
Its size in the state.
Library hours Week days 2 to 6
and 7 to 9 p. m. Saturday 9 to 12 a. m.
Sunday reading room 3 to G p. m.
' : :o: :
I. W. (JrifiMi's Great Story
of Victory.
Tf you had but one wish what
would you ask for if tho gods decre
ed that the ono thing that you wanted
you could have? You'd want the
greatest thing In life wouldn't you?
Woll, what Is tho greatest thing In
life? Victory? Money? Lovo?- Th
Distinguished Service Cross? Tho
sight of homo at tho end of tho war?
Or is it tho glorious thing that an un
.envled American youth found in
Franco in the midst of battlo, tho thing
that brought him all that's really
worth while? D. W. Griffith has tho
answer for you in his newest product
ion which wjll bo shown at tho Keith
Monday and Tuesday.
From vicinity of Myrtle two steers
and ono cow, White Faces, registered,
branded with JJ connected on left
sldo or hip. Libornl reward,. John
A. Jackson, Motor Routo B, North
Platto, Nob. 33-4
: :o: r
Work horso for sale cheap. W. D.
N. P. H.
Keith Theatre
To Connor Moore, defendant:
You nro hereby notlrted thnt on tho
Hth dny of January, 1919. tho plaintiff,
Mnry Mooro. flloil hor petition for abso
lute divorce from you In tho Dlxtrlct
Court of Lincoln cqunty.NobrnHka.alloK
tnir In said notltlon ns her irromuiu for
aid divorce thnt you havo been nuiltv of
extreme, cruelty townrd Bnld plaintiff
nun inai you nnvo wnowy inuou to pro
vide mnlntennnco for hor. although Qf
oumuiuiti utility iu uu hu, nnti milt
you havo boon Kiilltv of extreme mul.
ty in other respects ns set forth In her
petition now on nie, That plaintiff hns
been unnble. nftor duo nnd rnnsnnnhin
Inquiry mid search, to determine your
inutu ui uuuresB, mm nns inoroioro on
tnlned nn order for Bervlco upon von bv
publication nnd thnt plnintlff Is HHkliiR
nn nbBoluto divorce from the bonds of
You nro ronulrod to nnswor this net!
tlon by tho L'3rd day of June. 1919. or
Judgment will bo taken nfirnlnst you n
imtyuu in pimiiwu s pennon.
Dated May 8th, 1919.
Waldo, phone black 529.
Comedy Night
and the
II Admission 50, 75c and $1.00
Including War Tax
Mutual Building and Loan
Of North Platte, Nebraska.
The Association has unlimited funds at its command to
assist in the huilding or purchase of homes for the people of
North Platte. If you are interested, the officers of this
Association will render every assistance and show you how
easyjit is to acquire your own home.
President. Secretary.
With George Stone
Buddy Messinger
Sennet Comedy
"Whose Litle Wife Are You?"
In Standard Custom Garments of Chicago
is now in and ready for your inspection. We
will he pleased to take your order now.
We also make Uniforms for Conductors and
Brakemen from $26 up. Call on us. and
see our new line of goods Yours .truly,
Over Hlrschfeld Clothing Store. CA.RH1 GJ-ERLE
Her Attorney.