The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, May 06, 1919, Image 5

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    Keith Theatre, Wednesday, May 7
Dised on the Book
AComfcrGromUps flntungftlks Enjoy
PRICES I.OO, sl.SO AND $2.00
Under Same Mnnngcinent ns Country Cousin Co. Curtain nt S:.'50 p. 111.
Graduate Dentist
Ofilce over the McDonald
State Bunk.
Rev. A. C. Hull reurned Saturday
from Grand Island.
I. 0. 0. F. Attention! Class lultla
lion Tliurtidnj- cvtnlnp, arny Sth.
Mr. and Mrs. McWillinms were
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Sleuter
last week.
Our discount on suits and coats still
continues; real merchandise at real
bargains. -E. T. Tramp & Sons.
James Nelson returned Saturday
from Omaha where he had been visit
ing friends for several days.
Mrs. Frank Hoxlo left Sunday night
for Illinois where she will visit her
mother for a couple of weeks.
For Sulc Registered White Face
bull. Address Frank Hood, Motor
Route A, North Platte, Neb. 33-8 -
Genl. Supt. Hamcl, of Omaha, and
Supt. Woodruff, of Cheyenne, were in
town Saturday looking after Union
Pacific matters.
Mr. and Mrs. P. S. Evans,, of. Kearney.
former 'residents' 6t NortlfPIattc; have'
been spending the week eml here with
For Sale Forty-five head of Here
ford mixed cattle. Address Claus An-
derson, Route 3, North Platte, Neb.,:
or phone 7SSF3. I
, A car of gold bullion passed through
on the second section of train No. 5 1
Sunday night. The car was in charge
of four armed guards'. i
Judge Woodhurst officiated at a Jap'
wedding Saturday forenoon when he!
united Seihichl Yago and Miyo Sakeno '
both residents of the city. j
r TIT T.nit.. 1f(- Inn I1.. -I... I
V'. .11. tiUUCl JULL 1.1DI IllgML 1UI lUl-
aha and will drive back a Hudson car,
having taken the agency for the Hud
son and has already sold two.
state library board, was the guest of
Miss Annie Kramph Sunday and yeft
for the west yesterday morning.
W. D. Fisher and Fred Ouimette re
turned Friday evening from Rat Lake
where they spent several days fishing
for bass. They were successful In
catching a large number, some weigh
ing three and four pounds each.
Attention! . Public in General!
For the next ten days I am going to make a reduction on old
house wiring in order to get better acquainted.
An A No. 1 Vacuum Cleaner for $30.00
An A No. 1 Electric Flat Iron, 6 pounds for 5.50
A Hot Point for G.25
One of tho best on the market for 7.00
I can furnish all these in 32 volt to be used on farm sized
plants at a small advance.
Attention Mr. Garage Man:
Havo you ever thought of the nice profit that is passing by
your door every day by not charging your own batteries? I can sell
you a battery charging set on tho Installment plan ?17.50 cash and
$10 a month. Can you afford to let this go by?
Motors and charging sets, all sizes, on the same plan.
Our jobbers inform us there is going to bo a shortage on Fans
this year, so get your order in early
Attention Mr. Farmer and Out-of-Town Trade.
If you aro putting in a farm light plant it will pay you
and pay you big to get my prices on wiring your house or storo.
Also prices on Fixtures of which we carry a very complete lino.
1 believe our prices on Fixtures are tho best In tho west.
I can put a fixture in every room of a seven-room house for
$21.55. Think of it. And these fixtures aro not dinky affairs but
nice largo up to tho minute fixtures. Order a set by mail. If you
don't like them after you get them ou can send them back and I will
refund every cent you pay.
Yes wo do motor repair work, gas engines, automobile, and in fact
a general rep'riir business. Send for a catalogue.
The Electric Shop,
2 Blocks west First National Unnk. Corner Sixth nnd Vine. Phono
Red 21G. I
Klaw.k Erlanger J GeoigeCTylei;
The Glad Play"
of the Same Name bvElcjnor H
S. U. Parr ha9 purchased the Louie
Peterson house In the BOO block on
west Fifth east of the Iddings resi
dence and will shortly take posses
sion. House dresses nnd aprons, a com
plete lino in all sizes, even ns largo
as size 50. Wo can fit you. E. T.
Tramp & Sons.
There will be a Rebekah kensington
held at Odd Fellows' hall Friday, May
9th. All members and their friends
are invited. Refreshments will bo
served. 33-2
The Woman's Christian Temporanco
Union will meet at the nome of Mrs.
C. J. Prichards, 423 west Tenth street,
Tuesday afternoon. Lunch will bo
Tho Harrington Mer. Co. will buy
your Hay and Grain. Obtain our
prices before you sell. tf
Miss M. Slieman, steam baths and
Wm. Ensminger has sold his pro
perty at 1003 east'Flfth street to Chris
Hermanson. Mr. Ensminger expects
to purchase a lot and build a new
The Howard prize drama by Cloves
Kinkaid which ran a solid year at the
Republic theatre New York. See
"Common Clay" at the Sun Thursday
and Friday.
Swedish Massage, ladies and gentle
men. Phono 897. Erodbeck bldg. 85tf
Geo. W. Vroman, A. R. Adamson,
Andy Wcssburg and J. R. Minshall
,wcre,r among the .Union Pacific pen
sioners " who " went' to Omaha yester
day to attend the annual meeting and
Just received large shipment of the
latest Edison Diamond Disc Records.
Hear the Hawaiian Instrumental
Itrcords. Different' from anything yon
have over heard; Ilnrry Dixon.
Mr. and Mrs. Luclan Smith loft Sat
urday for the Smith wheat farm south
of Julesburg where they will spend
the summer. Mr. Smith has two thou
sand acres of wheat which promises a
big yield.
Indian Runner ducks and eggs for
sale or trade for chickens. Phono Red
934 or call at 703 west Eleventh
street. j 28-5
Tho Garfield table was the first div
ision of the county to subscribe its
quota of Victory loan notes. Cyrus
Fox, the solicitor for that section
brought in the subscriptions the latter
part of last week.
W. L. Richards will leave about May
15th for Chicago to attend tho regional
railroad safety first convention which
will be in session for two days. Mr.
Richards goes as one of the delegates
from the Union Pacific system.
Supt. Woodruff, of tho Wyoming div
ision who was in town Saturday, nn
nounccd that the Wyoming division
snicty nrst meeting will bo hold In
this city in June. This will bo tho
first tlniO II division innntlm lino Imnn
held in North Platte, nnd it will bring
to mo city rrom fifty to ono hundred
visitors, lncludlnc rail
government safety first men, and train,
engino nnu track employes.
It will bo an nll-d fIV moot til tr n ml
will bo hold in one of tho halls of thq
city that will accommodato a couple
hundred people, ns citlzons will bo In
vited to attond. In tho evening a rido
uiuuHu me city win no given tho visit
ors nnd tills Will tirnlinhlv 1. rn...
od by a banquet and an entertainment
ui huiiiu sore.
Mills Safotv first nin.To.
was inaugurated by tho railroads flvo
or six years ago has minimized tho
number of accidents to both employes
and the nubile nnd it u xnn.Mn. r
such importance that monthly moot
ing uiu uoiu ai an terminals, division
meetings monthly at some point on
tho division, nnil
intervals. At those meetings plans for
oiueguarmng nvos and property aro
discussed, and tho need of cnrefulnoss
impressed upon tho employes. In tho
saieiy nrst movmnnnt tim ii,n
asked to co-operate with tho railroads
but the response, wo understand, lias
uui. uuon acariy.
in every phase of industrial work
the government In tnatit,in .
paign for safety first but perhaps in
no other lino hns this work reached
tho high state of development that is
now in workintr order fill tlin rnltn1n
undor Uncle Sam's minimi.
Formerly tho larcnr nt thnn
- 1-1 - .uuau OUIVIJ'
meetlntrs on rnllrnmi avatn,a
held at division headquarters but in
order to moro thoroughly ncquaint tho
people with tho methods and import
ance of this work It
to hold these gatherings from time to
nine ai uiuerent important terminals
throughout tho year.
uetailcd plans of Mm omin,. i.
held in North Platte will bo forthcom
tUK at an earlv dntn rind mlinn m.
- ' i nun WIVOU
nave been furnished It win imi, nnxm
North Platte to see that these attend
ing onicors and employes are treated
in a manner beflttinc tmests nf mir
town and the meetlnir mndn imi, n
SUCCeSS that OUr Citv Will ho fnrHinn
sought out along this line.
: :o: :
Seeing Is Helloing
If you like EOOd thlntrs in ont ti.Dt
look at our window display of Pyrex.
oeeing is believing.
When you see this d
you will know why we are selling so
mucn i'yrex.
Sales of City Property.
ThO II. & S. Annnov ronnrfa tJ.o
. il bUU
sales of tho following properties:
Jiast Cth. to Minnie Stommi fnr
H. L. Pennincton.
215 South Sycamore, to J. II. Ilnmn.
ton for G. W. Monks.
420 South Walnut to Mr.
for Wilcox & Halligan.
G22. Garfield Ave., to Mr. Jacobson
for Wilcox & Hulligan.
S04 East Cth St.. to Coi-noHna 'Pitt.
man for J. E. Sebastian.
Lot sales are too numerous to men-
: :o: :
To Auto Drivers.
All auto drivers are warned against
speedinc within the citv limits. Tim
state law and city ordinance prohibits
a speed exceeding twelve miles an
hour. Thoso who run their cars at
an excessive speed may expect an
arrest and fine.
33-2 Chief of Police.
Pollyanna." a coined V of irond nil nor
by Catherine Chlsholm Cushlncr. imsod
upon Mrs. Eleanor H. Porter's tremen
dously popular stories of the glad-girl,
will bo brought to tho Keith theatre on
Wednesday by Klaw and Erin
George C. Tyler. Grown-uns who
know life and know how hard it is for
some folks to find 1ov In it nm tim
most loyal admirers of the orphan op-
niiiini., uuu oi mo most fascinating
characters between book covers or up
on tho stigo. How sho sweetens up
soured natures and put troublo to
flight by sheer forco
ample, is all good comedy, with some
touches of sentiment and romance, for
i-unyumiu is not only seen in Bhort
skirted clmokod frlm-i,..,,, i, i . L
Mm diiffv 0 K'tifeham but later In
...w ...,, w, onuui, Hovenieen, in
the flllttorlnrr n,itr..,.... o ,. n .
lovo. Miss VlnH iin, !, I K-ntativo or trusteo for others; and to
ost !n,in i J "arnor, the young-' t.iko. hold, hypothecate, assign and col
aai icauing lady on tho American stage i-et all kinds of obligations for itself,
plays the leading part, that of Pollv-i'"' a8 nKe"t, reprosontatlvo or trusteo
anna Whitticr; George Alison Horhort 1 ,f0i , othf1rs'. Including power to take.
FVirtlot. nin.,i. n "Oruert hold, collect, assign nnd transfer stock
roruer, uinncho Douglas, Winifred m other corporations ns well as of its
iianiey, Master, Billy Blalsdcll Fred- own for """If or as agent, ropresenta
erlck Carlton. .Taok- tnptnn nn.i'.i "vt or trusteo for others; and said cor
aro DromlnnnV in id tIl0r8 noratlon shall havo general power to
aro prominent in her support. Mo and perform all things necessary or
.;;o;;- xpedlont in the carrying out of tho
Final Warnlntr purposes arorcsaid. It shall havo pow-
I cr to conduct Its business In Its nrin-
,t Vi.m.1 Vim .. ,mv. Ia,lea 10 take
A . ,,; v"u "ot warning.
Arrests will nromntlv fnllnw rn
to take out a llcensn TI'o authorized capital stock Is
o r.' r.n. !$2n.Ono.OO, $10,000.00 of which is fully
b. C. MECOMBER, paid, tho bnlanco to bo sold nnd pay
Chief of Police 1 subject to the order of tho Hoard
- -ft. . ' I of Directors.
n, ,... . rue nigiiest amount or indebtedness
Trrr; A'orr,I1 Donttst. Office ovor I or liability to which the corporation
Wilcox Department Storo. ! ,nfty any time subject Itself shall not
.1 execod two-thirds of tho capital stock.
I' rank Mntson, who recently received' Tno ttme of commencement of this cor-
hls discharge after nine months' Ror-1 In0,1'0",8!1,"11 bo tne, ls,1 (1ny,of Mfty
vlon nvnrsMo la Li7i ,ufUUH Bor 1919, and tho snmo shnll continue for
vico overseas, s visiting his cousin, I n period of fifty years.
Airs. ii. A. Lawhead. Mr. Matson who The affairs of tho corporation aro to
was wounded and spent about thro,- 1,0 cnlucted by a Honrd of five dl-'
months In n linr.ltn ol I , rectors and such other olllcers as may
monuis in a Hospital at Camp Dodgo bo provided for by tho Hoard of Dl-
aftor rotnrnliii tn t,n :
w.uvvu WW
is onrouto to his homo in Montana
: o uiu uiiituu ntaLPH.. 1
: :o: ;
Furniture For Sale.
Bed room sulto and other artlclos
505 west Sixth street. 32tf
From vicinity of Myrtlo two steers
and ono cow, White Paces, registered,
branded with JJ connected on left
Hldo or hip. Liberal reward. John
A. Jackson, Motor Route B, North
Platte, Nob. 33.4
Mlsa Lillian Sturges, who has bcon
ompoyed In ono of tho fedornl de
partment bureaus in Washington for
a year or more, will nrrlvo horn
shortly and tako tho position of secre
tary of tho Homo Builders' Associa
tion. Wanted Cattlo to pasture Plonty
of water nnd salt. $1.00 per month.
Allen T. Woods. North Platto.
Lmll Von Bergon, trnvoling for tho
Carpenter Pnpor Co. of Omaha and woli
known In this city,' dropped dead in
Donvor Thursday of last weok at tho V.I
M. C A. rooms. Ho was In town tho i
oarly part of last week onrouto to
Donvor nmj wn8 Iu ,i3 nornmI con.
A ncoro or more flshormon nro plan
ning a trip to Rat lako May 18th and
will spend sovernl days there fishing
for bass. Tho fishing Is roportcd good
in that lake, which is nbout ninety
miles north of town. Tho road load
ng there Is through the sand hills nnd
is pretty stiff pulling for a loaded car.
For SaleFour room houso, mod
ern oxcept heat, 514 west 8th streot.
APPiy at the promises. 32-5
A farmer living near town writes I
Tho Tribune that ho nnd his nolghbors
are very much dlHsntlafimi wuu n.n
daylight saving time and wants to
Know if the business men of North I
Platto Will lint rovort hnolr ..1.1 i
u..vv ij uiu UIU .
tune. Lexington nnd other towns in
tho state aro back on the old time.
Mrs. W. J. rVfV.llnnr Atluu T
nilrox and MIfu PnjiBtnimn r.vfnP,i .
havo n-turned from Lincoln where
they Dttcnded Mm
the il Botta Phi at tho Lincoln hotel 1
Saturday ovening. Covers were laid
ror oiguty-four. about half of whom :
were alumnea mnmlmra Hvltur n Atr.i
forent parts of the state. j
Wanted 100 head of cattlo to pasture.
II. E. Norton. Phono 79RF2. no .a
W. R. Harconrt. rot urn ml Rut
from the Smith wheat farm south on
Julesburc. Where ho snout !
days. Ho savs wliont In flint I
Is six Inches high and promises to
yield thirty or forty bushels per acre. '
mu mini upon wnicn tins wheat Is'
growing could havo been bought three
or four vonra no- r
. u iui tun uuuuia Jiur
acre. It Is now soiling for fifty
dollars per acre. i
He Wns a SlllrtWrooki'il snllnr n n fl
wnmlered Into Toxats wlmro lm na
taken In hand bv Mm
ho became tho tool of a crook and the
victim of an adventuress. But tho
man showed that ho wns mndn nt tim
right stuff, for eventually ho won out.
jusi now no uiu so Is interestingly
told in "A Man in the Open," starring
Dustin Farnum. nt tim Si in tnrlnv nnrl
tomorrow. thnn thn "TJo-lif f
Western Stars."
for' sali:
Averv tractor 12-2K. 1018 ninu-o.i Kn
acres; 4 -bottom P. & O. plow, perfect
COndit on. $1,200 or will soil frnotnr
alone. Avery tractor 12-35. nlowed
infl HOroa fror.fl ortnrlttl tfllK mUn..
trtietor, 10-20," with 3-bottom plow, outj
Ing devico and hoavv ironr. Tltnn
tractor, 10-20, with 3-bottom plow..
plowed CO acres, uood condition, nt a
bargain. 1917 2-cyllnder Molino trac
tor, cost $825. uflcd one season, will
soil for $350. Avery tractor, 8-10. used
two seasons, plowed 100 acres, good
condition, nt a bargain. C. G. Cntlln
Co., Falrbury, Neb. 33-2
Notice Is hereby given that nn Incor-
liorntlfltl linu .llllv tr.t...fwl iimlnK
tlif laws of tho State of Nebraska, the !
iiamo of Avhlch Is "North I'lntte Home '
Iluildcr, Incorporated." I
The principal plnco of transacting
luisinoss Is In tho City of North Platte,
Lincoln County, Nebraska.
Tho general nature of tho bUHlnoss
to bo transacted by this corporation
Khali bo the buying, Belling-, lenslng, '
rtnttng. or otherwise holding of real
I'stato nml personal property, olthor ,
for Itself or ns agent, representative or,
trusteo for othors; the contracting for,
and the constructing nnd erecting of
buildings of any nnd nil Kinds, and nil
i lie appurtenances thereof; to lonn,
borrow, nnd invest money, tulto and
isive security or obligations therefor;
and to do a general contracting busl- '
noss; to deal In all kinds of building'
materlnls, fuel nnd other commodities; ,
and snld corporation shall havo power'
to make nnd exocuto all kinds of con- I
1 1. icts nnd obligations Including deeds,;
Kinfinu nml inniti.iiirna nf rani ntiintn
and personal property and hills of snlo
and shall havo power to tako. hold,
own, use. Improve, lease, sell, nsslgn,
inortgage and convoy real estnto and
U other kinds of property or interests
eroiii, inciuuing us own capnai
slock, fnr ttnnlf or ns ntrnnt. roni'H-
ripnl place of business and at any
' "iwirict oi i;oiuin
Ktntes territories.
Dated Anrll 2fi.
C. P. TI3MPL13.
Office OTcr JIcDonnld Hank.
Ofllco Phono 1136 Itos. Phono 1120
3 Present
Tho Season's Notable. Success
Keith Theatre Wednesday, May 7th. Gu
fnin nt ft' 30
Injured Soldier Learning Telegraphy
Theso men are learning to bo telegraph operators, despite thulr Iom
of arms in tho war. A largo part of tho money to be raised in tho Victory
loan will bo used for tho physical rooonBtructlon of disabled aoldlors.
Meeting Nights Second and Fourth
Wednesdays oi each Month.
K, P. Hall, 602 Dewey, - Phone Black 720.
Hnrry II. York, C. C, phono IHnck 125, C02 South Fine.
0. E. Elder, V. C, phono lied 212. 214 South Sycamore.
1). M. Hogsett, V., jihono Jtcd 003 (521 West Fifth.
C. L. IlaskliiH, M. W., phono 01, ittilldlng & Lonn Building.
S. M. Soudcr, K. 11. S., phono lied J2G, C01 South JJowoy.
J. E. Sebastian, 91. FM phono Itcd S18, Oil Enst Second,
ltoy Mohlinann, M. E phono Black, (131, 209 South Locust.
C. Austin, M. A., phono Black 1128, 410 West Second.
J. IV. Rowland, I. G phono Itcd -107, 220 East E.
T,Y. E. Starr, 0. 0., phono 577, 20 West Fifth.
worth purrs J