The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, May 06, 1919, Image 3

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Ask for "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" in a Bayer
package -marked with "Bayer Orosj."
Tou must shy "Bayer." Never ask
lor merely Aspirin tablets. The name
"Bayer" means you are getting the
genuine "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin,"
proven safe by millions of people.
Don't buy Aspirin tablets In a pill
box. Insist on getting the Bayer pack
ate with the safety "Bayer Cross" on
both package and on tablets. No oth
er way I
Beware of counterfeits! Only re
cently a Brooklyn manufacturer was
sent to the penitentiary for flooding
the country with talcum powder tab
lets, which he claimed to be Aspirin.
hi the Bayer package nro proper di
rections and the dpse for Headache,
Toothache, Earache, Neuralgia, Rheu
matism, Lumbago, Sciatica, Colds,
Grippe, Influenznl-Colds, Neuritis and
pain generally.
"Bayer Tnblets of Aspirin," Ameri
can made nnd owned, arc sold In vest
pocket boxes of 12 tablets, which cost
only a few cents, also In bottles of 24
and bottles of 100 nlso capsules.
Aspirin Is the trade mark of Bayer
Manufacture of Monoacetlcacidestcr
of Sallcyllcacld.
Ever Try It?
Smith 1 understand Jebbs Is learn
ing to run a typewriter. Whnt system
Is he using, tho touch system?
Brown No; ho says It's tho hunt
and poke system; mostly poke. -
Important to all Women
Readers of this Paper
Thoutnnds upon thousands of women
Slave kidney or bladder trouble nnd never
suspect it.
Women's complaints often prove to bo
nothing else but kidney trouble, br the
result of kidney or bladder disease.
If the kidneys are not in a healthy con
dition, they may cause the other organs
to become diseased.
You may suiter pain in the back, head
ache and loss of ambition.
Poor health makes you nervous, irrita
ble and may be despondent; it makes any
one so.
But hundreds of women claim that Dr.
Kilmer's Swamp-Root, by restoring
health to the kidneys, proved to be just
the remedy needed to overcome such
Many send for a sample bottle to see
what Swamp-Root, the great kidney,
liver and bladder medicine, will do for
them. By enclosing ten cents to Dr.
Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y.,you
enay receive sample size bottle by Parcel
Post. You can purchase medium and
targe size bottles at all drug stores. Adv.
Use for Old Batteries.
In open fireplaces, especially where
wood is used for fuel, n gorgeous colored-fire
effect may be produced, says
Popular Mechanics maganzine, by
placing one or two old dry cells among
the hot coals. The substance with
which the top of tho bnttcry is sealed
soon burns away, and tho hent sets
np a chemical action, produciug a gas
which burns with a flame of vivid
blue, purple and green. One old dry
cell will continue tho spectnelo for
from hnlf to three-quarters of an hour,
depending upon the hent of- the fire
In which It Is placed. No" danger at
taches to tliis production of colored
fire. It costs nothing, inasmuch ns old
dry batteries are ordinarily worthless,
but It will provide both pleasure nnd
amusement at fireside gatherings.
Well, Isn't It?
-Clifford, Avhnt Is an Island?"
Clifford had not studied his geogra
phy lesson, and was stumped for a
moment by his teacher's question.
"Well," ho said, pnusing between
words to think, "nn Island is a place
where, If you haven't got a boat, you
can't get off."
Wounded British Officer Insisted
Waiting for His Turn to Havo
Hospital Attention.
The British officer, whatever ills pro
fessional qualifications, always has
courage, solicitude for his men nnd a
strict sense of Justice.
I hnvo wondered, tays Mr. Charles
W. Whltehalr In his recently published
book, "Out There," nt the grcnt love
and sympathy that seem to exist be
tween tho British officer nnd his men.
I hnd .seen It In India before the war.
I have seen It In all parts of the Brit
ish empire. I know the reason now. I
have yet to see a British officer among
the wnlklng wounded who goes ahead
of his men to have his wounds dressed.
Outside of one dressing station sat
a young colonel with a bad wound.
One of the secretaries noticed him and
said, "You had better get Into the
dressing station nt once." '
"It Is not my turn. I will not go out
of turn."
Some four hours Inter, the secretary,
passing out food und drink, again no
ticed tho colonel.
"Here I Why haven't you had your
wounds dressed?" he exclaimed.
"I am waiting for my turn."
"But It was your turn long ago."
"Are you sure?"
"Of course I nm. Come, let me help
Into the dressing room he staggered.
He had no Idea that lie hnd doite a
heroic thing.
The Man He Was Looking For.
The Sydney Bulletin tells a new
story of the shirker caught nt his own
game. It was a soldier, who said:,
"Plea?e, sergeant, may I be. ex
cused from church parade? I am an
"Don't you believe In the Ten Com
mandments, then?"
"No, I don't."
"Not even the one about keeping the
"Well, you're the very man I've been
looking for to scrub out the canteens."
Hnt From the Sweet Girl.
"I'd kiss you If I hnd a reasonable
"The family In tho tint above Is
named Mistletoe," coyly responded the
girl. Kansas City Journal.
Woman may be the weaker vessel,
but Bhc sometimes contains the strong
er spirit,
Women Should Carry Pencils.
"Now that there are getting to be
so many women In business," .com
plained ah office man, "every business
house In tho course of the day has
many women cnllers, but I never have
found one yet who carried a pencil.
"Frequently you have to give thera
an address or a memorandum of somo
sort. Invariably the first request Is,
'May I borrow a pencil?'
"If women are going to bo really
efficient in the work world they've got
to remodel their clothes und provide a
pocket for pencils."
Flrst-Hand Knowledge.
Belle What's the floor tax?
Nell Why, the one they put on' car
pets, of course.
8 I
Means Family Comfort
a when the boiling pot of Postum sings its S
H song of health and satisfaction on tho E
kitchen stove. 2
I Postum Cereal I
led the way to comfort for many, a family
of coffee drinkers, for with the coming
of Postum, away went the headaches,
nervousness, sleeplessness and irritability
that so often follow the the use of coffee.
i You can still buy that original Postum
5 from your grocer an invigorating drink
of rare, delicious flavor a beverage that
I is really part of the meal, not merely
1 lomething to drink.
"There's a Reason"
I Two sizes, usually sold at 15c and 25c
Mcattiro thy llfo by loss Instead of
Not by tho wine drunk, but tlio wine
poured forth;
For love's strength stnndeth In lOVo's
And whoso suffers most hath most to
1 1 1 1 ill iLiwjt-n
Cheese Is one of our most valuable
foods und one which Is mucli slighted.
There are many
who hnvo a wrong;
iilcn In rognrd to
the digestibility of
cheese, calling it
I iWG i iWuyMfeQ) periinonts Imvo
boon mnde upon a
large number of people. The report
from these Is that cheese Is not hard
of digestion and Is one of our most
nutritious foods. The Idea which has
caused cheese to bo put on tho black
list for digestibility Is probably that
(hecse is often eaten nt the end of a
henvy menl nnd the attack of Indiges
tion Is attributed to the cheese when
tin whole menl Itself is to blame.
The varieties of cheese are many
nnd bewildering. To one interested it
is a most pleasant study. Tho origin
nnd history of cheeses mnko very In
teresting reading.
Tho right kind of cheese to serve
with certnln courses is a puzzle to
many an entertainer, for It Is quite n
breach of culinary etiquette to serve
the wrong variety at any course of
the dinner.
Some of the popular cheeses, begin
ning with our own American, which
Includes the rich cheeses well ripened
mnde In Wisconsin, are called New
York, Brick, Limberger, Swiss, Sage.
Other cheeses foreign made, though
now produced many of them In this
country are Edam, Stilton, Cheddar,
Hoquefort, Canieinbert, Grnyere, From
age do Brie, Sapstgo and Parmesan.
For macaroni dishes nnd an grntln
dishes there Is no cheese more popu-
lat tlinn the rnrmesnn. It is very
hard nnd is usuully on tho market
grnted ready for use. If bought In
the Italian market you are sure to get
the real article.
For rarebits, soufllos and nil linked
d'shes a rich, well-ripened cheese
should be used, the Wisconsin cheese,
so-called New York, Is the best; In
fact is good anywhere nt nny time.
Cheese should be used freely as
flavor and as food. It is twice ns
nutritious pound for pound ns stenk,
with vei- little waste.
Love took up the hnrp of Life, and
On nil tho chords with mlKht
Smotc tho chord of Self, that trambllna
In music out of bIkIU.
Wlii-n cleaning door knobs, brass tit
meta' handles on furniture or knock
ers, slip n ptoco of pastes
board, at: oblong with n
slit in the side, around
the article, to bo cleaned
and the woodwork will
not then ho injured.
When lending a booh,
to n friend, mako a note
of it and the date, so II
forgotten It may bo located.
Api'ios should bp carefully washed
before giving them to children as ther
may ho many unseen germs ou the skit
which might cause harm.
A candle Is n good traveling com
panion When carrying bottles thnt are
prone to spill or leak and spoil the,
best garment In the bag or trunk pout
a bit of the molted wax around tlui
corks before starting on the trip and
carry a candle to resenl thenk
A normal salt solution, onolfaspoon
ful of salt to n quart of hot ivater, Is
a fine drink to Hush tho system. Take
it a hnlf hour before eating. It will
not be absorbed, but will wash the en
tire digestive tract.
When it Is necessnry to drink boiled
water, aerate it by pouring It from
one dish to another and serve It cold.
The Hut taste will be removed by tills
The sink makes a nice dlshpnn,
using one of the rubber sttippers to
cover the drain. It Is roomy nnd by
using a wire drainer all the washing
and rinsing may bo done In the sink
Keep tho clasp of bends and pearls
In front when wearing a wrap or heavy
coat ns the clasp is often easily
pressed open nnd the pearls are lost.
Old pieces of flannelette make fino
absorbent floor and cleaning cloths.
A few rules for those who feel thu
pressure of years eat Ugh1., nutrition
food, plenty of milk and seasonablo
Never let an elderly person feel h
or she lias outlived his usefulness
such an attitude townrd life Is onlj
another method of sulcldo.
No man or woman of the humblest
sort can really be strong, Kontlc, pure
nnd good without tho world's being
better for It, without somebody's being
helped and comforted by the very ex
istence of that goodness. Philips
One truth I have learned, and I know
the, cost;
The depth of all tragedr
Is not In the things we have had nnd
But tho things that can ntver bo. '
Unve your kitchen on the side of
the house with the best view, the best
light, sunshine and air.
Keep a low rocking
chair in the kitchen!
where one may relax a
moment or two when
watching the oven.
Plan the meals n
week ahead, providing In
a general way for left
overs. It will solve the
ever-present problem nt least for a
week of"whut to havo for dinner."
Make your kitchen u workshop and
keep all tools within easy rench of
the hand that uses them.
Do not uso wornout and antiquat
ed utensils; hnve mensurlng cups
Fjioons, spatulas and wooden spoons
for stirring; good working egg beat
ers, meat grinder nnd broad mixer.
Snvo much waste of time, materia
and strength by availing yourself of
others' experience. One way Is the
rending of good household magazines
nnd conference with other house
wives. Experience Is often dearly
bought and she Is indeed wise avIio
will avail herself of that which has
been proved by others.
Tnke time even In the busiest life
to piny a little every day. Play "In
your own way, it will make work light
er, cares less hflrivy and homes hap
pier. There Is no modern convenience
equal to an alert mind, In a healthy
body. Do not overwork, take plenty
of sleep nnd try to have at least an
hour In the open air every day. A
sleeping porch hns snved tho life of
many a housewife. Plan all work, and
follow some system. "Work well be-1
gun Is hnlf done." I
Tench the children so thoroughly !
thnt they will-never forget the knowl
edge, that when clothing is atlre to
smother it by rolling on the ground or
floor or with n woolen garment. So
mnny lives hnvo been' lost because the
victim lost Ills bend or didn't know
whnt to do in an emergency.
Antidotes for poisons, first aid to
the Injured nnd knowledge for com
mon accidents should bo taught with
tho A B C's.
Bo interested in what Is going on in
tho world. Keep busy, hnve plenty of
sleep, at least nine hours, in a well
ventllnted room.
Wenr warm clothing, exorcise mod
rately, keep vtlve and cheerful.
NlUIIkl -
A sound, health? man is never n back
number. A man can be as vigorous and
able at seventy as at twenty. Condition,
not years, puts you In the discard. A
system weakened by overwork and care
less living brlugn old age prematurely.
Tho bodily functions are impaired and
unpleasant symptoms npnenr. xne weaic
snot is generally tho kidneys. Keep
them clean and in proper working con
dition and you will generally find your
self in uiass a. unite uuliU aihuaij
Uaarlcra Oil Onnsulcs neriodicallr and
your system will always bo in working
order. Your spirits will bo enlivened,
your muscles supple, your mind active,
ana your noay capauio or. naru worx.
Don't wait until you havo been reject
ed. Commence to bo a first-class man
now. Go to your drurglst at once.
Get A trial box of GOLD MEDAL
Haarlem Oil Capsules. They are made
of tho pure, original, imported Haar
lem Oil the kind your great-grandfath
er used, two capsules each day will
keep you toned up and feeling fine.
Money refunded if tuoy do not help you.
Remember to ask for tho imported
GOLD MEDAL Brand. In three sizes,
sealed packages. Adv.
Common Lack,
"llo cortnlnly Is a wonderful lin
guist. Is thcro. u tonguo ho hasn't
mastered?" k
"Oh. yes; his wife's."
has been a household remedy all over
tho civilized world for more thnn hnlf
a century for constipation, intestinal
troubles, torpid liver and tho generally
depressed feeling that accompanies
such disorders. It is a most vnlunblo
remedy for Indigestion or nervous dys
pepsia and liver trouble, bringing on
headache, coming up of food, pnlpltn
tlon of heart, and many other symp
toms. A few doses of August Flower
will relieve you. It is n gentlo laxa
tlve. Ask your druggist. Sold In all
civilized countries. Adv.
Saturn boasted of his rings.
"What good nro they without a cir
cus?" sneered Earth.
Cutlcura Soothes Itching Scalp
On retiring gently rub spots of dan
druff and Itching with Cutlcura Oint
ment. Next morning shampoo with
Cutlcura Soap and hot water. Mako
them your every-day toilet preparations
and havo a clear skin and soft, white
hands. Adv.
Don't forget that pecuniary charity
is often n curso to humanity.
It's Clean, Sweep, Wash
The Live Long Day!
When yon
feci worn out,
tirft La
lp HWsB Ml fhhousehold
duties cook
ing, scrubbing,
cleaning, dust
ing (it all
cornea in the
day's work in
tho household)
turn to the
right remedy
to strengthen
you. Tho poor woman whoso back feeU
ns though it would break, who feel
dixiy, whose head aches, or black speck
appear before her eyes, all nro due to
troubles essentially feminine which should
bo overcome
The greatest boon to womankind .
temperance tonio mado up of herbs,
which makes weak women strong and
sick women well. Tina is tho "Prescrip
tion" of Dr. Pierce, used by him in aotiva
practice many years, and now sold by
almost every druggist in tablet or liquid
form. It has had a half century of suc
cessful results in most of tho dclicaU
derangements and weaknesses of women.
If she's overworked, nervous, or "run
down," she finds new life and strength!
Send lOo to Dr. Piorco's Invalids' Hotel,
Buffalo, N. Y., for trial package or writ
for frco confidential medical advico.
Allen's Foot-Ease
For the Feet
Sprinkle ono or two Allen's Foot-Ease
powders in the Foot Bath and soak and
rub tho feet. It takes the sting out of
Corns and Bunions and smarting, aching
feet. Then for lasting comfort, shake
Allen's Foot-Easo into your shoes. It
takes the friction from the shoe, rests
tho feet and makes walking a delight.
Always use it for dancing parties and U
break in new shoes. All dealers sell U.
Arenlit 62o buya lb. of our wonderful Ilerbai
drives moit stubborn rheumntlim entirely out
of system, Rheumatism Herb Co., Venice, Col
Nervousness and
Headaches Caused
by Acid-Stomach
Those of us who havo still on hunt)
many kinds of Hour which we like to
continue using will en
Joy the following:
Spoon Corn Dread.
Mix one cupful of corn
jiionl with one cupful of
milk, and otic and one
half cupfuifT of bolllna
water, simmer for live
minutes, lttmove from
tin heat, ndd a teaspoonful of salt,
two tablespooiifuls of shortening, tins
. 'II -bent en yolks of two eggs, then
c-imi and fold in the beMon whites,
rdi! a teaspoonful of baking powder
iiml pour Into a greased dish, llako
In a hot oven thirty jvlnutes and
st no from the dish at nice.
Oatmeal Biscuits. Mix and sift
two eupfuls of ont Hour with tlvu
ti:ipoonfuls of baking powder, one
l'nii teaspoonful of salt; add a table
spoonful of- corn sirup, one egg and
ciM'luilf cupful of milk. Drop by
f.pMinfuls on greased puns. Hake flf
it i ii or twenty minutes In a hot oven.
Butter Scotch Pie. Ml together
on. cupful of mnple sirup, two table-
si nfuls of corn starch, two eggs, i
tfiiiiespoonful of-butter, three-fourths
of ii cupful of milk, ntul cook In a
C.t utile holler until thick. Cover with
u meringue and bake.
Dried Peach Custard. Take ono
cupful of dried peaches, soak and
stew them, mash and add Mirce table
spoonfuls of sirup, the rlrn't and Julco
of a lemon, two eggs, cinnamon und
put meg for flavoring. Save the egu
flutes for the meringue. Unke nnd
cuMT with meringue, then brown.
French Bread. Mix together one
cupful of ontmenl, two eupfuls of
I. oiling wnter, one cupful of cornmeal,
in' cupful of mashed potatoes, ono
upful of sirup, two teaspoonfuls of
miIi and n yeast enke dissolved In two
ti iipooiifuls of lukowtirm water. Pent
mill knead, adding whent flour; ndd
cupful of raisins after the first
n-iiig, mold Into loaves nnd let rise
iifi'ln. ISnko in a hot oven forty-llvo
Storms Carry Birds to Far North.
erlnln Instances of birds found
sinuly far to the north of their usual
range, nro possibly to bo explained by
tlio whirl of our cyclonic storms, Tho
wind, turning counter-clockwise, blows
ofl shore In tho south and carries the
bird out to sea. Hut sooner or later, If
the bird has the good fortune to last
out the experience, the farther spin
of the storm tends to bring him urhiire
ly.illl. -
There is a much closer connection
between the stomnch nnd brain than
most people imagine. It Is because of
this close connection that Indigestion,
belching, sour, gassy stomach and
other stomach miseries all of which
re sure signs of ncld-stomnch are so
often followed by severe attacks of
blinding, splitting headaches.
Nervousness, sleeplessness, Irritabil
ity, mental depression, melancholia and
many other disorders which nlrect tno
brnln can also nearly always be traced
to tho same source acid-stomach.
So often you hear people 6ay "I am
bo nervous I think I'll fly to pieces";
or "It seems I never get a good night's
aleep nny more, my nerves" nro nil on
idge." Little do they dream that acid
stomach Is the direct, cause of their
troubles because very often there nro
no pains In the stomnch at all. So you
ree, you can't nlwnya Judge an ncld
stomnch condition by the wny your
stomach, Itself, feels.
If you are weak, nervous, unfit If
you nro not up to your old tlmo form
If you Inclc your accustomeu enttiu
Blasm, energy nnd pep make this test
and sue If It Isn't ncld-stomach that Is
holding you back robbing you of your
health, strength, and vigor, uet n
big box of EATONIO the wonderful
modem medicine that so quiciuy puts
an acid stomnch to rights. It Is In
the form of pleasant tasting tablets
thot you eat like a bit of candy.
EATONIO rids tho stomach of excess
acid. Brings Instant relief from Indi
gestion, heartburn, sour belching, food
repenting, bloat and gas nnd makes
tho stomnch cool, pure, sweet and
Dentists wnrn us against the bad
effects of ncld mouth, pointing out
thnt the acid cats through the enamel
of the teeth, causing them to decay.
You can easily Imagine then the
amount of damage excess ncld will
cause to the delicate organization of
the stomach 1
Thousands of people are using
EATONIO nnd tho results obtained are
so remarkable as to bo almost unbe
lievable. Yet their letters of grati
tude, many of which are received
dally, prove absolutely that EATONIO
docs all and even more thnn we claim.
Tho medical profession, too, recog
nizes the great valup. of this wonder
ful remedy. A leurned Michigan doc
tor wrote recently: "I hnve hnd such
wonderful success with EATONIO that
VI want every ono to know how quick
ly It will neutralize the acidity of the
stomach (acid-stomach) and the stom
nch will soon be sweet and normal
again, nnd the sick man well and
happy once more."
So be sure to get a big box of
EATONIO from your druggist today.
If It falls In any way to give you the
kind of satisfaction you want, take It
back he will refund yeur money. Ha
doesn't want one penny of your money
unless EATONIO helps you.
. IH A
FOR YOUR acid-stomach; v
ricratt ax V3J&Jxnf
4fkrf- "T" sr .mv ri
years has helped to feed
the world the same responsi-
buitv or oroaucuon ttui rests uoon aer.
Wlille Man prices for Grain, Cattle and Sheep
are sura to remain, price of land is much below its value.
Land capable of yloldlns20 to 45 bush
els of wheat to tho acre can be had on
easy 'terms at from $15 to $30 per
acre good grazing land at much loss.
i. Kauuiff
Railway and
I-BtulComnflnleanfffrunuiutl inducement! to Home Seek
ers. Forms may oe stocked by loans at moderate interest.
western uanaaa oners low taxation, eooa maricns uu wuy
pin a: free schools, churches and healthful climate, v
Vnm MrfUlM mm tn mArMA nlM IfV.Mrtn of Ofn.
trotodltmtar. tic. pob to 8 opt. of lmm(g OtUws. Cmu, or
W. V. BEHHETT, Roeat i, Be Ealldlifc OMAHA, RtV,
Canadian Qovsmment Arent