The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, May 06, 1919, Image 1

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    $fw Ilorth
NORTH PLATTE,'- NEB., MAY 6, 1919.
No. 33
Chief Mocombor through tho kind
ness of his heart, has been very tol
erant with auto owners who havo fail
ed to take out tho 1019 license and
those who fracture the law and run
from twonty-flvo to forty miles an
hour on the residence streets, but af
tor giving tho violators a friendly
warning which many havo failed to ob
serve, ho says that forbearance has
ceased to bo a virtue and henceforth
there will be arrests. Quite a number
who havo beon warned to take out a
license havo complied with tho re
quest before the now law becamo ef
fective, while those who havo neglect
ed to do bo now find that they are com
pelled to pay from seven to twolvo dol
lars moro than they would had they
taken Chief Mocombcr's advice. Theso
owners dislike to pay tho advance In
the license fee and arc dllly dallying,
a course that Chief Mecombcr will no
longer countenance
He has also "called down" a number
of speedsters, but thoy, too, havo fail
ed to heed tho warning, and tho officers
Auothor bootleggor was arrested
Saturday night as train No. 4 pulled
Up to last Saturday night Lincoln
u 7 i 6 n Vi 1 county had subscribed for I033 than
Into the depot, this time a negro who .. ".;... lVfi.J.. t.,'
gavo his name as Reuben Rasborough. " MU" ",'" "4 '
and In tho grip which ho carried was 8- T1l q ta,n totrU 1 ! w
found ten pint bottles of booze. He 76,200, and up to the end of las
was apprehended by one of Gus Hy-,weok "ie, tta,1 PrnOnr0Pvr t
ers' state booze hounds and placed aniountcd to but $207,250. The North
under arrest by ShorifT Salisbury, who ,p,a,ttc dlstr ,ct vl"V q"oUlf ?238,,?,
filed tho information ,mtl subscribed $102,500; Brady with
Rasborougli was arraigned bofore ?u'n J n?51;0C0 Imd , 8ubscrJbo0d
Judge Woodhurst yesterday afternoon, $"'200 Sutherland's quota Is Im
pleaded guilty and fined $100 nnd costs. 350 and her citizens had subscribed
Not having a hundred iron dollars In 25,800 i Maxwol with a quota or $29,
hln nossnsslnn. he wns renum.led tn Inil B00 had subscribed $11,000; Hershey
and will lay out tho fine.
.had subscribed $11,500 of its $54,300
quota and tho south part of the county
I with a quota of $07,400 had reported
From several sections of the county
Return from Convention.
Sgt. D. Crlppon, Pvt. Jollne Antonl-
Ji"difL' . ?'Ur"Id Chairman Temple has assurance that
m nvtttn nfn. it'll 1 Ka ,1 41. 1.
vcntlon of the American Legion which "Va . wih,.. ILZV
was held at Lincoln. Lt. Carl. Steb-- ?0" ' P.i.' P"0.11.
uuiuvo iiiiu ounuuuis rupurL aw mi biu
ns, nlso one of the delegates, went ,.. ., , . , ., ' .
on to Missouri Valley to visit his ?k- n"L lL h1 i Rl 1 ,0"gh
uiutum wuuiiij' win iui iiiu iirsi iiiuo
fall to too tho mark in loan subscrip
follks. They report an excellent con
vention that accomplished all neces-
1 .. .. mi. . j.. ... 1
I " rv lninlnOHH. Punt. Virtnr Hnlllrnn "u"- ,B J"81 ilM monuj
propose 10 gra uusy wiuioui luruior,- Leo'd Rob nson were so- ln tno count now ns thero wns dur"
warnlng aiiTj there will be arrests, ap-1 an(J g. enaru "omnson w ere so- . h , , camnalcns
nearanens ln courts nnd tho nsqpqslnirl looted to represent Lincoln county at ;" , , Ci.mPaiBns,
pearances in courts anu tno assessing nntinnni nnrn-ontlnn it qt Tmila nnd to cannot be lack of finances that
of fines and costs. na ,c"" ,5omV0", causes such a small subscription
I rt 1 I tVlilVjfl II 111 tJV UUIU J II WIVf Ul-ll) Vtll UIIU
A baby daughter was born Sunday to
10 th of this month
Tho organization in this vicinity will
throughout tho scounty.
' Here in North Platte,
where wo
Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Ennis, of Williams. be a nve wire nnd every soldier sail- WGro '?75000 short up t6 Saturday
Arizona. Mrs. Ennls was formerly' ,, 0i,m.m on n.A't i,in night, an effort will be made to make
-mr 1 a t , . I J 1 uiiu lliui IIIU i3lsutu Hill V itiw . , , , , .
miss mauae uwens 01 uns city. ,nmn i nnrr,ni tVntnii fnr nn- Kooa tno quoin tms weeK. subscrip
nminnAmont. nf nnft mootlno- Tnllr U tlOHS are Still Coming in through the
advertise lt boost it come. , Vanks railroad men are still coming
-ax "o:
The Si
"A Man
In the Open"
And Lyons & Moran
A. H. Woods presents
"Common Clay"
The history of a lovely wom
an who stooped to folly
"For the Colonel's lady and
Judy are sisters under the
skin." Kipling.
New York critics unanimous in praise
Evening SunOne of the
big successes of the season.
Herald Most widely dis
cussed play this season.
Times A graphic illustra
tion. The Sun TK$Y
forward with subscriptions, thouch
11 1 l A 1 T. ' ,
The American AVar Mothers club gan a clean-up campaign yesterday,
will give a dance at tho Masonic hall Thf e lu,to a bunch of these boys
on Wednesday evening, May 14th for nd fts.thy nrf 7 energetic solicit
all returned soldiers, sailors and ma- lUMiPnSn th?y " mGC2S2 n"
rines. A good time is promised, and ln than $10,000 and possibly $20,000
order that the boys may be easily dls- J'l0.f w"o have not yet subscribed.
! tim,uished and shown every courtesy, I those who wish to increase their
they are asked to be present in unl- subscriptions can do so through the
form. Tho party Is for the boys from J uoy bColusj t
service and their ladles and the Wan . .0::
Mothers club urges all to be present. Just received large shipment of the
::o:: latest Edison Diamond Disc Records.
The lljance committee of the city Henr the Unwnllnn Instrumental
council finds there are about $22,000 Itccords. Different from nnythlng yon
worth of outstanding registered war- ac ever ncnrii. Jinrry Dixon,
rants on which the city is paying sev- 1, 0. 0. P. Attention! Class InlHa
en"per cent interest. Payment of 1918 tlon Tlnirsduy Ytnliis,', Maj 8th.
real estate taxes, which are now due,! t t a . a
will enable the council to pay off some thur laflt nIght to attend the court
debtodness romalninc. Just how this' Alterations free with tho discpunt
Indebtedness is to bo wiped out is a n suIts and coats- E. T. Tramp &
problem which tho council will at-, Sons-
tempt-to-solve. Ben Johnston; who has ben iirser-
One of the chorus girls of the "fur's , vice overseas for a year past, is ox7
and Frills" company was taken sick j pooled to return homo in two weeks
anu couia not accompany the others) Sgt. Francis J. Saridall, who Is -still
east tlua mo- ning She Is quartered in service overseas, is at present tak-
at the Hotel McCnbe, and hopes to be a course in tho A. B. F. farm
sufficiently Inn re ml to rejoin the school In France,
c wumuy i uniiiu Jsianu tomorrow wlu thoso who ,mve completed
b i(,ni. French hospital shirts or children's
1- or baie or neni bix room cottage, refugee aprons please bring them in
Phono Red 160. as we are about ready to ship. Chair-
A heavy rain fell last night, with man Red Cross Work Rooms.
more or less thunder accompanying Mr. ami Mrs. R. L. Cochran left
the storm. This rain was forecasted Saturday night for Washington, D. C.
in yesterday morning's weather re-, where Mr. Cochran will look after
Prt- j business matters for the state. They
Save from $5.00 to $15.00 by buying expect to be gone about ten days,
your spring suit at iil,ouk'S amy suit The Catholic Girls club will bo en-
saI- tertalned Thursday evening by the
D. M. Leypoldt arrived home this Misses Ethel Frye, Efflo Christ, Ruth
morning from a trip to the east part of Hubbard and Mrs. John Hlllebrandt at
tho state. the homo of Mrs. Clyde Cook.
ave the Money
Secretary oi the Treasury Glass appeals to the
people of the United States to come to the aid of the
Victory Loan. With but one week ol the campaign
left only about one-half of the sum needed has been
subscribed. This appeal is made directly to the people
of Lincoln county and to every section where the peo
ple have been slow to subscribe.
Lincoln county people must wake up if they are to ,
maintain the good record which they made in previous
lo.ans. This county has subscribed only about half its
quota, which is a reflection on our good citizenship.
If you have not subscribed do so today; if you
have already subscribed, double your subscription.
The government needs the money; it must have it.
Be loyal to your government.
Victory Loan Committee.
The Ford Coupe, the ideal two-passenger
Ford car for every day in the year;
a car as handsome as it is comfortable.
The Coupe, $650;j Sedan, $775; Touring Car,
Ford $525; Runabout, $500; Truck Chassis, $550.
C'OUpe These prices are f. o. b. Detroit.)
We will be pleased to take your order and make as
prompt delivery as possible. Normal production at the
Factory has not yet been reached, so it is suggested that
the sooner you leave your order, the sooner you will get
your car.
Ford Authorized Snlos and Service.
That Lincoln county will havo a
strong chapter of the American Co
glon, the now war society U) bo
formed by boys who havo been In tho
service, Is evidenced by tho Interest
that Is being taken not only by North
Platte's soldiers, sailors and marines,
but by those living In all sections of
the county. Tho county delegates
who attended the state convention at
Lincoln Saturday state that tho meet
ing was a most enthusiastic one, and
they return full of "pep." This week
( apt. Vic Halllgan and Leonnrd 13,
Robinson go to St. Louis to attend tho
national convention, and upon their
return tho work of organizing a chap
ter will be taken up and pushed until
tlie name of every soldier, sailor and
marlno Is enrolled on the member
ship. With a possible membership of four
millions, tho American Legion will be
ilie most powerful patriotic organiza
tion this country has over known, and
with the bolshovlc propaganda now
i.elng circulated In the country, wo
i ortainly need such an organization to
counteract the work of thoso whoso
elilof aim Is to destroy tho government
and all our economic laws.
: :o: :
IJuy Another $."ifl or $100 Bond and
Jluy It Through tho Hoy Scouts.
Commencing Monday, with Just one
moro week of tho Victory Bond drivo
left, we are Bhort ln tho North Platte
District $75,000 of our quota. I havo
nsked the Uoy Scouts to save tho day
and sell this $75,000 of bonds. You
must help by buying another bond
$50, $100 or $500 more, regardless
f what you havo bought. Wo must
put Lincoln county over the top, and
help the boys to do It.
C. F. TEMPLE, County Chairman.
I Victory Liberty Loan Committee.
' There wll bo a regular meeting
l.f Signet Chnpter O. E. S. Thursday
j ' veiling. Initiation.
! A big now lino of purses and hand
i i-ags for ladles at E. T. Tramp &
J sons.
All members of tho G. I. A. aro ro
i nested to bo present at tho K. P.
' 11 at 2:30 Friday afternoon.
I Mrs. John Horrod was called to
I'-nver tho latter part of last week
M tho Illness of her slstor, Mrs. M. C.
If you aro still to buy your now
P'!ng suit, capo or dollman, don't fall
to t;iko advantage of tho big bargains
now offered at tho May coat and suit
nale now on at BLOCK'S.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Weeks held a
family reunion Sunday evening ln
honor of tho forty-seventh wedding
I anniversary of tho former's parents,
i Mr. and Mrs. Josoph Woeks, of Grand
! Island, who nro visiting in town. A
l number of out of town rola(,ivcs were
A United States hospital train of
eight or ten cars passed through Sun
day evening enrouto to San Francisco,
having on board two hundred
wounded, sick and convalescing sol
diers. A medical staff nnd two nurses
accompanied tho train, which mado
its start from Now York City. Three
of tho cars wero fitted up with cots
on which reclined thoso most serious
ly indisposed, while others occupied
seats ln sleeping cars. The enrs were
scrupulously clean, and In every berth
or on each cot wero a profusion of
(lowers. Tho men on tho cots wero
dressed ln pajamas, and a majority of
them wero in a Jovial mood and free
ly talked and laughed with tho visit
ors who passed through tho cars. Tho
two rear cars wore occupied by
wounded officers and to theso cars
visitors wero not admitted.
Tho boys said they were being roy
ally cared for and that Undo Sam,
through tho attendants, was giving
them everything that would add to
their comfort.
Theso men had beon overseas for
moro than a year.
::o: :
1. 0. O. Attention! Class Initia
tion Tlinmlny cvcnlnpf, May 8th.
Joo PIzor, of Grand Island, spoilt tho
week end with his cousin, Harry PIzor j
Mrs. Thos. Hoaloy, of Omaha, arriv
ed this morning for a visit with local
W. R. Malonoy returned this morn
'rnm a business trip to Omaha and
Tho Mothodlst ladieit'' aid will' meet
Thursday afternoon In tho church par
lors. A full attendance is desired.
Nothing rosorvod, any sprlpg suit in
tho storo now offored at a discount of
20 off regular price at BLOCK'S.
Mr. and Mrs. E. 11. Goodman and son
John returned Sunday night from Om
aha, whoro thoy had beon visiting for
thrco weeks,
Franco's most popular song Is "Mad
olon," nnd means tho snmo to them
that "Over Thero" means to tho Amer
icans. Wo havo both theso songs on
Edison Diamond Disc records. Dixon.
"Furs nnd Frills" was presented to
a capacity houso at tho Keith last ev
ening. This comedy abounds with
tuneful music, thoro Ib clover dancing
and. Richard Carlo creates laughter by
his witty sayings and acting.
Tonight - Tomorrow
Constance Talmad&e
in her latest comedy success
"Good Night, Paul"
adapted from the musical
comedy of the same name.
Thursday - Friday
Lots of people keep money
in their shoes but whoever
thought that romance and
thrills could be found in
keith theatre Tuesday and Thursday
"Why I Would Not Marry"
A young girl deceived four times by men who professed
undying love, comes to believe nil men are brutes and then
comes disillusionment.