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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 2, 1919)
if Victory Loan McDonald St.ate Dank $6700.00 W. H. McDonnld 2100.00 1 A. Coolcdgo 1000.00 Francos Montague 1000.00 MJtf. C. P. IddlngB 1000.00 Sholver 1000.00 rthVr Connor 700.00 J. T. Lister 500.00 Anna V. Hansen 500.00 1 Henry I'. Hansen . 500.00 Julius Hahler 500.00 Clias. II. Stamf) 500.00' Brodbeck & Son 500.00 Dr. J. S. Twlncm 500.00 ' Lester Adams 500.00 Raymond R. Johnson 500.00 John II. Day 200.00 Gilbert Adams 500.00 Catherine Dick 400.00 P A. Hansell 300.00 E. M. Holcomb 300.00 Lemuel L. Steele 250.00' J. G. Murdock 250.00 Charles W. Saunders 250.00 F. D. Westenfeld 260.00' J. T. Allstrom 200.00 - Harold Mann 200.00 Georgo Pullman 200.HP W. P. Shecdy 200.00 ITr-Miwalgcr 200.00 Sr B' Hartly 200.00 ifeorgc Hansen 200.00 G. P. Ilookwalter 200.00 1 P. E. Kronquest 200.00 J. H. VanCleave 200.00 Hirschfeld Co. 200.00 It. A. Garman 200.00 C. V. Turpie 200.00 A. F. Streltz 200.00 A. M. Lock 200.00 Joe E. Nelson 150.00 John H. Uoyle 150.00 Donald McFarland 150.00 Vaunita M. Hayes 100.00 Charles Adamson 100.00 John J. DeUolf 100.00 Lloyd II. Hazen 100.00 IE. Mathlas D. Ellas 100.00 William J. Owens 100.00 Theodore Tottonhoff 100.00 Ira L. Blakemau 100.00 Albert U. Hill 100.00 Rubin Carter 100.00 Ju'Jus II. Zillman 100.00 Matson 100.00 111 H .1 W . i 1 I, IH, I 1 1, 1, J IUIiVU hn H. Cook 100.00 Mike McGraw 100.0! W. W. Yates 100.00 Casper F. Sivits 100.00 Maude M. Hondy 100.00 I. L. Stebblns 100.00 Prank Turpie 100.00 W. J. Landgraf 100.00 Wm. J. Hendy IOO.oJA. W. E. Starr i 100.00 John G.-Anderson 100.00 Samuel Goozee. 100.00 I F. J. Dentler.. 100.00 D. C. Congdon . lOO.Oo! T t ifntii. 1 nn nn Eva Dick 100.00 Duncan McNIcol 100.00 .J. Hirschfeld 100.00' Andrew Anderson . 100.00 J. M. Moonoy 1 100.00 N. McCabo 200.00 B. B. Boatman 100.00 C. J. Cornwell 100.00 Chas. A. Moore 100.00 Owen Jones 100.00 Arthur Burton 100.00 E.VJ. Dleko 100.00 Carl Grulke 100.00 Carlton I. Capron 100.00 THE AULTWAN & TAYLOR New Century Thresher Is built in sizes to meet your needs. Tins thresher is noted for its simplicity, durability, and and its ability to get the grain out of the straw, which by the way is no small item with wheat at $2.25 per bushel. We refer you to men that have had work done by the AULTMAN & TAYLOR. Catalogue free. HOMER MYLANDER, Phone 784F2 North Platte, Neb. INCORPORATED 1887. Mutual Building and Loan Association, Of North Platte, Nebraska. RESOURCES OVER ONE The Association has unlimited funds at its command to assist in the building or purchase of homes for the people of North Platte. If you are interested, the officers of this Association will render every assistance and show you how easy" it is to acquire your own home. T. C. PATTERSON, BESSIE F. SALISBURY, President. Secretory. Subscribers. L. Lloyd 100.00 J. A. Markeo - 100.0U Mrs. Mary Connor . 100.00 C. II. Watts 100.00 P. L. Wcinbarg 100.00 Chris VanKncton 100.00 William Adair 100.00 Georgo Lannln 100.00 W. A. Buchltnck 100.00 Clarissa T. Kane 100.00 .Gertrude Uakcr - 100.00 Andrew G. Wossburg 100.00 Mrs. Emma Lannln 100.00 Thomas A. Smith 100.00 Arthur G. Know 100.00 Charles Hendy 100.00 James Grimes . 100.00 C. H. Paulson 100.00 Ella Crook 1 100.00 Leon White 100.00 I. V. Griffiths 100.00 Alfred Harding 100.00 J. A. Decker 100.00 Earl Stamp 100.00 Androw Hesnan 100.00 J. C. Ilakcr 100.00 J. A. Ilakcr 100.00 II. Wessburg . 100.00 J. G. Sawyer 100.00 J. W. Jungles 100.00 A. A. Stoadman 100.00 II. E. Shuman 100.00 Ray Singleton 100.00 Frank Olcott j 100.00 W. W. dimming 100.00 O. II. Huff 100.00 W. M. Welsh 100.00 C. P. Reams 100.00 E. E. O. J. M. Lelghton 100.00 C. Kosbau 100.00 L. Hess 100.00 D. Cox 100.00 C. R. Morgan 100.00 Victor Anderson 100.00 Thos.Orton ,100.00 J. L. Bookman 100.00 J. Horen 100.00 A. M. Seibert 100.00 Herman Schleuter 100.00 John Schleuter 100.00 J. P. Roddy . 100.00 J. P. Enzminger 100.00 G. A. Zcntmeyer 100.00 H. P. Henckel 100.00 J. A. Guyman 100.00 L. A. Drake 100.00 Chas. Maupln 100.00 H. II. Gates 100.00 II. L. Hecker L 100.00 G. H. Drake 100.00 J. T. Murphy 100.00 R. Sawyer 100.00 W. A. Loftus 100.0.1 Oliver Moody 100.00 P. Gerlo 100.00 ,E. C. Lambert 100.00 R. V. Caldcr 100.00 W. A. Powers 100.00 Joe Weber 100.00 Belvln Darrah 100.00 Leslie Plymell 100.00 J. T. Bailey 100.00 J. W. Peters 100.00 H. C. Robinson 100.00 Francis P. Norrls 100.00 Max T. Burgin 100.00 Clark R. Paulsen 100.00 John M. Griffith, 100.00 Algle V. Phipps 100.00 Jesse F. Baker 100,00 Nick Economos 1 100.90 Charles Miller 100.00 John H. Schwartz 100.00 George M. Wilson . 100.00 Hrfrry A. Ackerman 100.00 MILLION DOLLARS. John A. Buckley - 100.00 Charles Hannlft 100.00 ! Harry E. Jones 100.00; William T. Lannln 100.00 1 Arthur O. McEvoy 100.00. Bruce M. Wilson 100.00, Frank J. Coonoy 50.001 William E. Mather 50.tK Maurice GulUlaumo 50.00 Arthur O. Arzt 50.00 Hoy II. HltlliiKcr 50.00 George II. Atchey 50.00 Crawford L. Alkons 60.00 Dale Li. Potter CO.Oo Charles A. Barrett 50.00' John Hamilton 50.00' IMorre A. Hocquell 50.00 Joseph H. Doncgnn 50.00; Hoy C. Haildorf 50.00, Howard E. Appleby 50.001 William E. Scharmann 50.00 Hobcrt A. Schell 50.00 Charles J. Krowartz 50.00 Archlo 11. Lloyd 50.00 Frank Weeks 50.00 John C. Norrls 50.00 Glfford Neor 50.00 1 Gudrcn 15. Oippen 50.00 Walter A. Gilchrist - 50.00 ( Archlo E. Eaton 50.00' Elmer F. Strnud 50.00! Asa Snyder 50.00 Wm. Speck 50.00 Leo Crltchflold 50.001 J. I. Shaffer 50.00 ; Ed Babbitt 50.00. G. F. Coffmnn 50.0U W. M. Sherman 50.00 1 II. AV. Leonard 50.0U E. II. Savin 50.00 1 S. C. Meroraull to.uo II. C. Johnson 50.00 W. A. Selbe 50.00! F. T. Fllllon 50.00 1 Hobert Curley 50.00 i J. G. Palmer 50.00" E. 13. Sanders 50.00 Kurt Mycr 50.00 C. Scott 50.00! W. F. Stack 50.00; A. Ostergard 50.00 H. Lutholtz 50.00 W. II. Stegall 50 00 Wayne KoUey 50.00 Arthur McKee 50.00 S. B. Besack 50.00 Chas. Frleburg 5000, C. P. Campbell 50.00 C. J. Colton 50.00 G. W. Maxwell - 50.00 1 E. It. Clark Julia Campbell 50.00, R. J. Klrchner 50.00 T. T. McCabo tu.uu J. W. McXeel &"""! J. II-. G. Chamberlain , T. J. Long 50.00 it. R. T.owoll 50 00 II. D. Baldwin 50.00 J. Forstedt C. R. Kophart oU-O" John Guymnn 50.00 Jos. Roddy 50.00 Peter Rasmusscn H. W. Westphall E. C. Hardenbrook 50.U0 E. Strayer 50.00 B. Applegate 50.00 A. Morehouse 50.00 L. McDufflc r 50.00 Emerlck 50.00 C. H. K. A. II. Mary Schllntz 50.00 Elliott 50.00 Lowe - 50.00 Purdv 50.00 A. A. Theo. L. V. H. M. Johnson 50.00 A. Baker E. F. Taylor - 50.00 Wm. Guthrie 50.00 II. E. Evans 50.00 C. H. Bloomberg 50.00 E. L. Funk 50.00 Wm. Fisher 50.00 M. R. Buchtel - 50.00 II. L. Fletcher 50.00 Harold Seaburg - 50.00 J. G. Anderson 50.00 Max Freiberg , 50.00 Timothy J. O'Keefe 50.00 purtls A. Wilson 50.v Elmer Bcdker 50.00 Arthur D. Gray 50.00 ( barley C. Nichols 50.00 Julius Hoga 50.00 Tellie G laves 50.00 W. H. Haught 50.00 Cecelia Hilgert 50.00 David R. Anderson 50.00 Phineas E. Bluo - 50.00 Richard J. Carroll 50.00 Wylio D. Grandey 50.00 Carle F. Gerlo 50.00 John D. W. Lincoln 50.00 James Adamson 50.00 Paul A. Gullllamo 50.00 Hans A. Johnson 50.00 Dave Wing 50.00 James E. Dixon 50.00 Georgo Thomas 50.00 James E. Dorcey 50.00 George A. Chorpenning 50.00 Herman W. Frederick 50.00 Harry G. Steuve 50.00 Floyd J. Grimes 50.00 Chozo Kumagai 50.00 George E. Wilson 50.00 James Karls 50.00 Herbert E. Brestel 50.00 Herman Holier 50.00 Mathow J. Walsh 50.00 Patrick F. McEvoy 50.00 Georgo H. Atchey 50,00 Elmer H. Bell 50.00 Fred Wecsner 60.00 Archie H. Berry 50.00 Bert J. Brown 50.00 Noah W. Coffman 50.00 John C. Hopkins 50.00 Maurice Phillips 50.00 Peto M. Petttt 50.00 Godfrey G. Pierce 50.00 Jack P. Husband 5000 Gordon O. Love 50.00 Paul Brotzer 50.00 Joseph K. Browning 50.00 William D. Adamson 50.00 Jessie Babbitt 50.00 John H. Carroll 50.00 Edwin A. Weeks 50.00 Herbert W. Baker 50.00 Geo. II. Barron 50.00 W. A. Kelso 50.00 Bluford Anway . 50.00 M. E. Collins 50.00 J W. Collins 50.00 J. G. Harden 50.00 C. S. Bethel 50.00 E. B. Caruj) 50.00 Joseph Shaw 50.00 Wm. Lunkwitz 50.00 Hazel Lierk .. 50.00 Albert Schlientz 50.0J E. M. Falk 50.00 W. I. Shaffer 50.00 U. J. Leth 50.00 C. M. Barton 50.00 Georgo Mang 50.00 L. R. Ness 50,00 A. wyman 50.00 IfflflW 11! tM. MT... mii,: ' 1 "!! t.i.i.1.. rj:i:1;... ':( i lhkrWK,il.' C'wl WROUGHT BY WAR Many Thing: Wpvt Been Brought to Pass That Would Shock Old time 0'o:ervcr8. Quite a nutnln r of things have hap pened during or In consequence of the war which never happened before. No British king hnl ever pnssed under Napoleon's Arc de Trioinpho until King Gt urge's recent visit to Paris. No British army had hefore helped to defend Fmnce against nn Invader. BritWh and Prussian troops had never previously tried cmiclusinns. Never before the war had nrmles from India, America. C-mndn, Australia. New Zea land or S:ni!li Africa landed in Europe. Until Mr. WIImiii. no "reigning" president of the United States bud crossed tin' Atlantic during his term of ofllco. though px-presldcnts have done so. Jerusalem, Dnmasdus and Bagdad had never before been captured by modern Knropean armies, nor hud British '-uidlers ever previously marched through Mesopotamia. The British Is the first standard of a Christian nation to- float over Con stantinople as" that of a conqueror since the t:iklng of the city by the Turks over four centuries ago. No king of 1'iussln had ever lost his throne or been driven Into exile be fore; and no war had ever brought misfortune on so many rulers or led to so mni.y new states being set tip. G00DBY TO FATHER WINTER No Doubt That Spring Is Here, With All the Joyousness That the Season Should Bring. The Ik rtiingers of spring are numer ous, tlinii-b often obscure. It does not take initio warmish days nt this time of the v;ir to ninke the heart of nnl- j mnte Nut nro, Including mini, to throb with hope. We have been filled with forebodliu's. All of our mild December we said Mint the autumn was lingering long tlii- yenr. In equally mild Jan uary we prognosticated that we would "get It" in February. We are still a little fe.irful that old Father Winter mny hne some Ice and snow for us Iti his stun bouse and so we try not to be too r rward looking. But n complete plan of the garden drnwn i" 11 scale, with every radish and ben n and cabbage located Is not mshlng Mie season, and It Is a mighty pleaMin: thing to make out these dnys. Stewart Fdward White says he always gets mi Ills book of fl'es In February, furbl-li s up the old ones and replaces the nil-lng favorites, and dreams, the while, "f pools and rnplils. The house keeper s-lgliR at the sight of grimy wall pnper and then hopefully begins to liouse lean the spare room. A few hopeful robins came buck this week, as well as some blackbirds. They say the skunk cabbages tire blooming nlong Big Purity's rocky shore. Spring Is on the way I Ohio State Journal. Healthy Men Defied "Flu." An observant hospital corps innn of the navy became so thoroughly con vinced that lowered resistance wns always tho determining factor in con tracting Influenza, that he and some of his mates volunteered to test the ill A CJoodi Day's Get the most from your tractor in harvest time with Perfection Kerosene Oil. It provides clean depend able fuel for tractors and all kcrosenc'burning engines. Perfection Kerosene Oil gives the tractor utmost power. Nothing in it to settle in vital engine parts, clog operation, and result in shutdowns for repairs or replacements. Gives engine energy that con tinues nil day without break or let up. Perfection Kerosene OH vaporizes readily burns clean and with uniform power every gill of it. Its uio will speed up harvestiog and save money. Perfection Kerosene Oil is the same depcndcblo product that lias been uied in your borne for years, for cooking, lighting and beating purposes. Telephone our nearest agent and ho will arrange for Immediato delivery of Perfection Kerosene Oil in any quantity. For gasoline burning machines uso Red Crown Gasoline. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (Nebraska) i.t. . truth of his theory The offer was ac cepted and 10(1 enlisted men who vol unteered were submitted to exhaus tive experiments by naval surgeons, the outcome of which seems to con firm the theory. These men were all In the best of physical condition, and during the experiment their health was looked after carefully. Live cultures of Influenza bncllll were sprayed In their thronts and noses hourly. The germs were Introduced Into their food. They were kept In close contnet with patients suffering from the dlsense. Rome members of (he group received various preventive Inoculations, but others were not thus protected. Not a single case of Influenza was de veloped. "Great Tom" Not In Abbey. Westminster abbey hells, which nro now being overhauled against the cele bration of pence, do not, as mnny peo ple think, Include the famous bell "Great Tom of Westminster," which was formerly rung on all Important occasions. Great Tom hung for centuries In the clock tower of the roynl palace of Westminster, hut when In 1715 the tower was no longer strong enough to stand the vibration and was taken down the bell wns sent to St. Paul's cathedral Instead of being taken to the abbey. Great Tom's duties nro now con lined to striking the hours and tolling for royal and Important deaths and burials. Merely Wanted to Know. Alvln comes to see me dally. On each visit I usually glvo him some thing, candy or whatever I have. Hap pening to have an exceptionally good box of sweets I gave him a piece, whereupon he returned the second lime that day and Inquired i "Ilnvc you got any more of that good candy?" Iteprovlng him for asking for It he re plied, "I didn't ask to guh me any; I dust want to know If you dot any more." Chicago Tribune. Contradictory Emotions. "Something I can't understand," mused Senator Sorghum, "Is the way contradictory emotions simultaneously develop." "Iteferrlng to what'" "livery time I begin to talk about universal peace some suggestion oc curs that warms up my fighting blood." :o::- Mlss M. Sieman, steam baths and Swedish MasBtige, ladies and gentle men. Phono 897. Brodbeck bldg. 85tf OUR SPRING AND SUMMER ASSORTMENT OF STYIES. In Stai 'lard Custom Garments of. Chicago is now in and ready for your inspection. We will be pleased to take your order now. We also make Uniforms for Conductors and Brakemen from $26 up. Call on us and see our new line of goods Yours truly, Over Hirschfeld Clothing Store. CARL GERIiE Wor Omaha . ,1!', j Pi, .1! I'! .It i i,Hi!n - it,M(iii! ti "til mi. .lit ,1 lp "I J; LED TO RESCUE BY DREAM Tug Captain's Confidence In Vlsloli He Had Proved Fortunate for Two Fishermen. Guided bjv n drenm, Cnpt. Adam Pncr.ocba of a Lake Michigan tug found two men who had been drifting about helpless In u broken motor launch for fotr days. The rescue was Just In time to save the men's lives, for the feet ( one were frozen and the other's bauds were frostbitten and they were exhausted from cold nniV .hunger. Captain I'nczocba had bis dream while taking a nnp at his home In Mil waukee one nfternoon. When he awoke be described to his family how he had seen a launch drifting about helpless In the storm-swept lako and how he had swung his boat alongside and saved two men. "I'm going to thai them," said the captain, nfter telling of tho dream vi sion. lie set out the next morning and by mldaftcrnoon ho had located the launch. The two men in the launch were George Costlgiut and Joseph Bud slecz, Jones Island fishermen who had met with misfortune while out hauling In-their nets. Driven about by a sud den storm that arose on the lako they sought to make shore until tho gnso llne engine in the launch gave. out. Then they drifted about helpless. The rescued men's first request wns for cigarettes. They had been unnhlo to smnko for four days becnuso their matches had become wet. Less Crime, Fewer Carpets. There does not at first glance seem to be much connection between crime and carpets, says tho London Dally Mall, but It Is a fact that tho decrease In crime brought about in India, as elsewhere, by the war has led to a decrease In the supply of Indian car pets. The reason Is that most of these carpets, especially the liner nnd more expensive kinds, are made by convicts, notably In the grent Jail at Peona. They are made entirely by hand, so It is a case of few convicts few carpets. Hard to Distinguish. "in Shakespeare's day the liver wns thought to be the seat of love." "Maybe the Kllzahethans were not so far wrong, after all. The symp toms of love and an acute bilious at' tack are very almllur." -: :o: :- Tho Harrington Mor. your Hay and Grain. prices boforo you sell. Co. will buy Obtain our tf