The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, May 02, 1919, Image 5

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The Man that Makes Millions Laufch
Every Year
In the Funniest, Brightest Musical Com
edy pf his career
All Fun., Melody, Dancing and Pictorial Beauty
Victory. Notes Drag.
It is with tho pace of a lame snail
that tho Victory notes campaign creeps
toward tho quota sot lor Lincoln coun
ty and unless on awakening occurs not
much more than fifty per cent of tho
quota may bo expected. Tho lnck of
enthusiasm has been noted from tho
first day of the campaign, and though
efforts have been made to arouse tho
people ns to the need of this loan and
that it is their duty, Just as much now
as during tho war, to subscribe tho re
sponse has boon weak.
Tho fact that this lack of enthusl-
i9m is notlceablo all over the country
is no valid excuso for Lincoln county
not meeting its quota. It is not be
cause of lack of money that wo have
not so far subscribed ns liberally as
wo should, for tho doposits in the
bankB of the county arc as largo, if
not larger, than ever before in our
history. It looks very much as though
our patriotism to country develops
only when wo arc in the throes of a
One and Only Original New York
Casino Theatre Company
Prettiest Girl Chorus ever assembled.
Superb Production. Tuneful Melodies.
Seats on Sale FRIDAY, MAY 2 at 2 p. m. Curtain 8:30
DR. 0. 11. CRESSLER,
Graduate Dentist
Oflice over the McDonald
State Bunk.
Mrs. Sullivan, of Brady, was a busi
ness visitor in town yesterday.
Mrs, Joseph Quinn, who had been
visiting hqr mother in Cheyenne, came
home Wednesday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. H. I. Block and baby
will leave Sunday for Columbus for a
visit with Mrs. Block's sister.
Found Gold ring with set. Owner
can have the same by proving prdper
ty and paying for this notice. Please
call phone number black S57.
For Sale Four room house, mod
' ern except heat, 514 west 8th street.
Apply at the premises. 32-5
. i t -iir ni 111 . . i
ir. turn mi a. v . i. wucux rtiLuriiuu
this w;eek from California, where they
had been spending several weeks.
Mrs. Ralph Smith returned a few
days ago from a pleasant visit with
relatives and friends in Chicago.
Mrs. Buchflnck and her sister, Miss
Margaret Gorham, returned from
Grand Island the first of the week.
Lieut, and Mrs. Cody Boal returned
yesterday nforning from a ten day visit
in Cody, Wyo., with Mrs. W. F. Cody.
Miss Bessie Chamberlain, who had
been in Denver visiting her sister,
Mrs.' Helgerson, returned Wednesday"
Mrs. Blanche Fields returned Tues
day from Detroit, Mich., where she had
been spending the winter with rela
tives. A baby girl was born yesterday to
Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Norton, of Grand
Island. Mother and baby are doing
Edward Reynolds, of the Reynolds
Edwards Co., is expected to return to
day from a visit in Beaver City with
Mrs. Joseph Karbush, nee Antonette
Landgraf, of this city, returned to
Chicago Wednesday evening after vis
. itlng her mother for two weeks.
Father Dovelan, who had been the
guest of the Rev. P. McDaid for1 sev
eral months, left a few days ago for
Denver to enter a sanitarium.
Leonard Robinson, Jr., who had
beon in servico overseas for a year
'past, has resumed his former position
as stack inspector at the U. P. round
The Woman's committee of the Vic
tory loan wish to thank Mr. Gnrman
for the use of tho Keith theatre for the
war picturo "Tho Price of Peace," nlso
tho Doucet orchestra for their services.
John Tucker has purchased one of
the Xeville houses on cast Fourth
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Rasmussen, of
Maxwell, spent yesterday in town with
Edward Grieser has been off duty at
the U. P. round house for three weeks
on account of illness.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry M. Johnston
and daughter expect to leave shortly
for Omaha to make thOir iiome.
Mrs. James Morrow and mother have
returned from Indianapolis where they
were called by tho death of a relative,
Mrs. Homer Handley, formerly a
resident here.came from Chappell yes
terday to visit her mother Mrs. Ida
Elizabeth Hanlon and George Han
Ion have purchased the Neville house
on east Fourth street where they have
resided for a number of years.
On ono of tho extra pages of this
'issue will be found tho names of
about 250 subscribers to tho Victory
loan. Another list similar in length
will bO published Tuesday.
Save from . $5.00 to $15.00 in buying
your new spring suit at BLOCK'S
May suit sale.
1 will have one of the new Series
Chandler touring cars with bevel edge
straight linet bodies for your inspec
tion this week. Come and look it
over. J. V. Romigh, Dealer.
Tho numbe'r-df real estate transfers
in town this spring eclipses that of
1 ' . -. . ml f . . . .
any previous jtyu. Mills, iuo, in nice
oi me iaci inai tne price oi ty pro
perty, generally speaking i3 nigh.
Dr. and Mrs. Claude Selby have rent
'1 the Hi Smith bungalow on east Sixth
street. Mr and Mrs. Smith are mak
ing arrangements to move to their
, farm in Arthur qounty.
Miss Elizabeth Adamson, formerly
of this city, who has resided In Doug
las, Ariz., for several years, visited
. Mrs. A. F. Streitz this week while en
I route to Detroit to make her home
i with her sister Mrs. Chas. Jennings.
' Every day that passes adds to the
number of houses that will bo erected
in North Platte this year. Indications
now are that we will exceed in number
cur beforo the war average of one
; hundred.
The local Mooso lodge was notified
, yesterday that the Philadelphia lodge
i had purchased .$50,000 worth or Vic
tory loan notes. This makes $150,000
that lodge has invested in tho five is
' sues, certainly a fine showing.
! Save from $5.00 to $15.00 in buying
'your spring suit at BLOCK'S May
! suit sale.
Word was received here Wednesday
that Clarence F, Turner, a former
resident of this city, had died a few
days before at Loavonworth Springy.
Ho leaves a wife, who was formerly
Miss Catherine Moran of this city and
four children.
SJhrve Wednesday, lay 7th
KI,.W . "nitLAXfiHlt
mill CiKOlKJi; C. TVI,KIt Mill present
Tho Season's Notable Success
From the World FnnioilH Honk of the
Some Annie by ICIenuor II. Porter ,
mill the orlKlmil X, Y. City fceenle
Bring tho "Kiddles" to see Polly
nnna." She has the same mischiev
ous appeal to children as Tom Saw
yer r.nd Huckleberry Finn They'll
love her.
An Intimate Toll; With
Theatre OoerM
Some eighteen years nno
Klaw & Urlnnner pave to
tho world the Immortal'
drama of "Ben-IIur,'' from
Dho widely-read book of
the time. Season after sea
son this virile masterpiece
has delighted and astoundr
ed the millions. Now comes
"Pollyanna" In a different
vein, but with quite as dis
tinct purpose. Countless
peoplo havo read about her
she has Inspired helpful
clubs and societies all over
the world. So she steps
from pago to stage this
girl who plays the "Bind
game" who sees a bright
lining to every dark cloud
to shine Into your lives
just as the sun does!
10,000,000 People Have
read "Pollyanna"
1,000,000 people hnve ween
the play.
CPATQ RFflnV Monday, May 5. Prleen 9I.OO, II. SO, 9",
31-n I O ntHU I plu nnr tax. fiet journ early mid lie
glad.. Ho lint wait, or you may lie too late. Under Name iiinuiiKement
UN Country Couulu Co. Curtain SiltO.
Plant Memorial Trees.
Tho Twontieth Century Club'has ob
tained the names of twenty-six Lin
coln county boys who passed away
Aiiile in servico, and will plant a me
morial tree for oncli of the boys. It
was tho Intention to plant these trees
along the Lincoln Highway just cast
of town, but we understand that on
account of the protection tho treos
would need along the highway that a
change in tho plans lias bcfn mndo and.
tho treos will bo set out today along
the north side of, the city park in tho
First ward.
Another Star Shell.
By tho invention of a new "stur"
shell the night fighting elllcleney of
the navy will be increased at least 25
per cent, the war department has snid
In an official statement. The shell Is
suitable for guns of from three to five
Inch caliber. Its value lies In tho fact
thnt Its Increased Illuminating power
tuny be uod without betraying the po
sitlon of the craft using It. Navy Life
Magazine. i
: :o: :
llenii Supper u Success.
The bean sftpper given Tuesday
evening by the Spanish War Veterans
in honor of tho return of L. B. Robin
son, a member of the organization,
from servico overseas, was largely
attended' by members of the U. S. W.
V.. the G. A. R., and the W. R, C.
Plates were laid for one hundred and
six. Following the supper excellent
addresses were made by Judge Hoag-
land and J. E. Evans.
Buys Residence.
Tho AI Tift house in tho COO block
on west Fourth street, which has beon
occupied for several years by E. C
Coates and family, was sold Tuesday
to H. L. Pennington, who it is under
stood made the buy for speculative
purposes. The consideration for the
present is withheld. .
: :o: :
Another Operation on Peters'.
A letter from tho Red Cross at Camp
McPherson,. Georgia,. to Ashley Peters
states that another operation had been
performed upon his son Ray, making
the sixth operation since ho entered
the service. Ray's trouble is an ab-1
scess on the lungs, which the physi
cians seem unable to combat.
-: :o: :
ToIlynnini" May "tb.
Next Wednesday night is "Pollyan
na" night at the Keith theatro. You
will meet there all who bavo a feel
ing for the bettor things of. character
and life. The principle of happiness
which does not eat itself away in self
ishness will glow like a wild flower,
and none will be so poor in spirit that
ho shall not have tho scenes of glad
ness with a feeling that his hard lit
eral world is no longor a thorn. AH
the bands and trappings of toll will
bo loosened for the evening by the
hands of imaginative sympathy. The
spirit of play will lead tho way and
curling and snapping with tho joy of
living not oven a shadow of caro can i
get by the gates of your heart. It will
be a night at tho theatro that will ,
Cling to memory like Ivy and harvest
thoughts that will put a tonic quality
into living. The essence of happiness
will bo yours by bringing others to on
Joy the red letter night and learn "tho
glad game." Get your seats early and
bo glnd. Tho appeal of "Pollyanna'
Is so absorbingly human and refresh
Ing tno ono can afford to miss It.
Miss Viola Harper, the youngest
loading lady on the Amorican stage
will play tho leading part, that of Pol
lYanna Whittier. and prominent Id
her support will bo George Alison
Herbert Fortier, Blancho Douglar.
Winifred Hanley. Master Billy Blain
doll, Frederick Carlton, Jnck Morton
and others.
: :o: :
First Lutheran Church.
Morning worship 3:30, subject "Tho
Contagion of Sin." Evening worship
8:30. subject, "Tho power of Example
Sunday school at ono o'clock. You nrr
cordially invited to attend all services
Toward the end of this week I will
show and demonstrate ono of tho nlf
tlcst small cars which It has boon my
pleasuro to see a now four pnssen ,
ger Dodgo SpeedsterEverything you
could ask for in equipment and class.
J. V. Romigh, Dealor. '
Christian Science sorvlco Sunday 11,
a. m. Wednesday evening meetings
overy week nt 8:00. A cordial invi
tation is extended to all to attend
those services. Building & Loan build
ing, room 25. ' '
A few Rogistored Hereford Bulls 1
Thoso bulls aro grandsons of Mousel.i
tho great Beau Mischief, nnd are j,ood
individuals. Phono 780F4. Fred
McClymont, two miles east of state
farm. - 29-1
fok sale!
My 5G0 aero ranch, well improved,
4 mllos southeast of Tryon. McPher
son county. Will tako good city
property in part payment.
T A 1 Until nr 1 t.rt t . . ne
iv. .uurjiiiumN w. mono itou faz
if.- ."
Telephone Rates
Must Be Higher
Telephone expenses have gone up rapidly the last few years.
Telephone rates have not advanced in proportion to the cost of
furnishing the service. N
The cost of furnishing telephone service has advanced because of
the increased cost of material to the telephone company and the in-: I
creased living expenses of employes.
Everyone realizes the necessity of paying more for rent, for food,
for clothing, for wages and for transportation. ,
The telephone industry has been affected by the same conditions
wltfeh have produced higher prices in all the necessities of life. ,
... If thte Company Is to continue to furnish dependable tele
phone service to tho public it must obtain such ratosas will pro
duce u revenues sutliciont. to cover the cost of providing thesurvico
Thursday Evening, 3Iiy
Sth at 8 O'clock
Can anything kill a young girl's
llrst lovo? Surely, If anything could,
Roso Peter's lovo would havo died In
the tortures she Buffered In "From
i Headuarters," the Vitagraph feature.
which will bo seen in tho Sun theatre
on Thursday and Friday. The moth-,
erlcss child loved and trusted her first ,
employer and ho betrayed that trust.
What could ho do; what did sho do?
"From Headquarters" is tho greatest
police story ever written, and tho rolo
of Rose, ns portrayed by beautiful
Anita, is tho greatest piece of emotion-,
al acting ever seen on the screen. 1
Tho picture was directed by Ralph
I nee. '
: :o: :
Special Notice.
On and after May 1st wo will give a j
discount on goods bought from us.
Sales will bo cash only. Ordors of $5
. over delivered.
Parties indebted to uh, please call
and settle by above date. j
31-2 East Front ntreet
Richard Carle, accompanied by a
large and talented cast of fifty and a
chorus of superior beauty, comos to
tho Keith theatro Monday in his
new musical comedy success, "Furs
and Frills." Tho production has al
ready scored a notablo Now York suc
ces and has proved a winning attrac
tion in many of tho largo cities of tho
country. Critics havo been unlvorsal
in pronouncing Mr. Carlo's work tho
best of his career. Seats aro now on
Would you pay $285.00 for some
thing that cost $3,000,000.00. Sco tho
Now Edison at Dixon's Jowolry store.
Something pntlroly different.
-: :o: :
For four years partor of the local
hrlstlan chinch needs no Introduc
tion to the people of North Platte. As
to his ability as a speaker no word of
omment Is needed. Remember the
date, beginning May .8th and lasting
tour weeks.
North Plntto, Nebr.
For tho treatment of Medical, Surgical
and Obstetrical Cases. A place
whero tho sick aro cared for so as to
bring about normal conditions in the
easiest, most natural and scientific
Phono 110. North Plntto, Neb.
Ho is a community song leader and
soloist of national reputation nnd will
havo charge of tho chorus work and
music in general. Ho comos to us
with tho highest of commendations
These meetings led by theso nblo
men will 'bo of great interest from tho
start. Make your plans to attend.
: to:
1 Trainmaster Charley Wolr camo up
I from Grand Island to attend tho May
I i'arty and fox trotted andtwo-stepped
I with nB much case and grncofulness
as ho did nt tho initial May Party
thirty-six years ago.
: jo: :
For Snlo
2,4 acres, alfalfa, choicest soil, good
7 room house with basement, carncc.
chicken houso, prlvato- irrigation
plant, An Tdcal Home. Acroago can bo
sub-divided into lots. Phono mo about
"Bully for you and your medal of bonorl'
That Victory Liberty Loan button shows
that you helped to pay for the Victory
we helped to win it's just as much a
decoration for the performance of duty
as though you'd won it under fire.
Get your button today!
Victory Liberty Loan Committee
7hi$ pact contributed by
North Platto, Neb.