The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, May 02, 1919, Image 4

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    Let Your Graduation
Gift Teach Thrift
Thr'K '8 "c opposite wastefulness
or cxtraTnpuncc. It Is not stinginess,
miserliness, hoarding. It Is cconomN
ail practice; good mnnat'cmcni.
The graduation gift of gold Jewelry
from Clinton's leaches thrift. It Is a
present which will endure for years,
it Is a continuous reminder of good
buying Judgment. It Is a concrete les
son in thrift.
llnr Plus
Neck Chains
- 'Set Kings
Coat Chains
Cuff Links
Kelt llucklcs
Tie Claps
At the Sign of the lllg King.
Gonoral Manager Jcffors, of tho Un- street.
E. S. Davis, who represented Lin
coln county In the lower house of the
legislature, 'fdtilfrfe'd'Udm'o Monday ev
ening. Mr. Davis unys he enjoyed his
work as a lawmaker and passed an
pleasant winter at the state capital.
Beginning yostorday tho price of soft
drinks at the various parlors were
advanced ten per cont In order to cov
er the new War tax which became ef
fective. A ten cont drink now costs
eleven and' a fifteen cent drink sev
enteen cents.
I have two registered Hereford
bulls. Wish to sell ono for cash and
trade the other for a registered bull.
E. Sodorman. 29-4
Richard Carle never falls to prosont
something worth while In the way of
dlvorslon but when he appears at the
Kolth Theatre, May 5, It will be founa
that his now vehicle "Furs nnd Frills"
gives tho public rather more than the
ordinary Carlo value.
Some very nice catfish are being
caught In the river by such skilful
flBhormon as Arthur Allen nnd Will
Rltncr. Wednesday they caught a
number that weighed from two to
three pounds each, and the day hofore
ono weighing nearly four pounds.
Dr. Morrill, Donttst. Office over
Wilcox department Store.
lit Is expected to do considerable
work tills spring on tho Lincoln high
way botweon Ilrady and tho east line
of tho county. Tills stretch of road Is
so sandy that few travelers use it,
Mrs. Raymond Tight left Tuesday I LOCAL KAILItOAl) MEN TELL
for awo weeks visit ljapxe.nnjj jvith A SMOOTH I100ZK STOItY.
Claude Cobb tills week purchased
tho F. J. Dunn lot in the 1000 block" on
west Fourth street for $1500. This is
the lot on which the house burned
several months ago. Mr. CoblJvlll
Use tno noor pians oi mu lorjner
Local railroad men tell tho follow
ing booze story which they vouch for
as having happened a short time ngo.
A car was billed from Kansas City
to Cheyenne, the bill of lading reading
"empty whisky barrels." When the
train reached a blind aiding southeast
,CTi., ;; rnv nt tho found on reaciieu a blind aiding
n7r HlVnr t e erection of a lSme 'm ""ngs "ns particular car WaB
E tht till t future 2 I set out on account of ft ll0t x. A
In the immediate future. (ay or tWQ mtGr th(j cRr
Complimentary to Mr. and Mrs. Sahi- up. taken Into Hnstings, new brassos
uol Goozoo and in rocognltlonoffjMr. I put in and the car sent on its way to
Goozee's services as secretary of the ' Cheyenne. Upon arrivcl there the
Mutual Ilullding and Loan Association consignee was notified who wont to
for thirty-three years. Mr. and Mrs. T. , the freight depot paid tho freight but
u. I'miursuu wjij i-mciia H . upon opening the car round It empty,
ors of tho nsociation and their ladies though tho seal did not seem to have
nt a dinner at their home next Tgos-j been disturbed. Ho sought the
day evening. freight agent and suggested that thcro
Two more carloads of uougq uroth-must no somo mistake in tho car num
ors cars arc on the road. Wo are do- Iber. The bill of lading was looked un
Ing our best to keep In touch with the and everything -found correct. This
wonderful demand for goou cars and seemcu 10 satisfy tho consignee and he
will list you for nn early delivery If ion witnout further protest. Tho ker
you will got your order filed at once, "el of the story is that whon the car
J. V. Romlgh, Dealer. i left Kansas City It contained barrels
m. -vra Arthur nrvilnrmnn. nflflHl with whiskey: that an ex-rall-
.San Pedro, Cal., have been yWUng i rld mtn ro(lp the train and saw .that,
fr onds In town this week while on. tMs particular car "run hot" by meth-
route cast on a three montns' pleasure mmoiui men at a paru
trln Mr Crvderman left North Platte !cu,ar Point on its journey; that while
Mrs. E. N. MoNamnr, of I'axtonwaa ' Mis Harriot Murrinhna. beeh.', ill
a busiilcss visitor In town yesterday. with tonsllitis for a week past. 1
A girl baby was born Tuesday at the ! TherVwIU bo a RofletfoTi kqnsington
General hospital to Mr. nnd Mrs. Ven- this afternoon In- the Odd "'Fellows'
t" ., ' , Hall. , '
MIss.Mhrio Martini came down from Tahmdgc Wiilte,lbf Horsliey, was in
Horshey yostorday to attend the May to vn yesterday looking nftor business
twelve years ago after having spent
his boyhood days In town. Ho is as
sociated with his father and brother
in tho auto tire and accessories busi
ness in San Pedro.
Indian Runnor ducks and eggs, for
nrnfnrrlnr in flin rnnrl nnltdi nt tlio '
rlvor in traveling between tho two .nl nr tr.ulo for chickens. Phone Red
I towns. I or call at 703 west Elevdnth
i 1 will havo dahlia bulbs on sale for i gtrcet . ' 28-5
i the next week. Mrs. J. H. Donegan. I ' . c "j win play nt the Kolth
i O. H. Thoolocko has purchased two L,"'' North Piatto. in his latest
t tl.n Al Witt lmuaia .. ..lit . Tn,-at, I 1 110BU O, "l" ' . ' .
"" ui.ou.i.i. .,,l1 nnmiu V "FllM anU 1'TIIIS.
Mr. Tift , is selling off tho "r.,, " nAVi vrllls". the newest-of
tho car was lying on the blind siding
tno wiusKey was unloaded, and the
billing of the car through to Cheyenne
was merely a "frame up." It was cer
tainly a smooth piece of work on the
part or tho booze peddlers.
::o:: .
Olson Weds in Omnhn.
Elizabeth Winans, who has prepared
uie excellent meals nt tho bachelors'
bungalow for a couple of years, dis
appeared tho later part of last week.
I he bungalow bunch wore nlarmed:
could it be possiblo that this treasure
or theirs had boon been abducted and
carried away?
Ion Pacific, and Mrs. JofTors, camo Krcatcr part of his real estate hold- ncf"rJ cua", musical comedy offer
up from Omaha last evening to attend Ings , town and making Investments I "'f''"?.! nt tho Keith
tho onglncors' May Party. , in Omaha.
ii ,
Tho W. II. U. Will IIOKJ II HUUUW iu T af Hntnl.n1 off t,iv nnr lintwnnn .,1 H-l
Odd Follows' hall Saturday afternoon .. .. , . g.,tilorinil on nortll 1 vllM, nA beauty
at four o'clock to which tho public road, containing Wnlkor Music Co. ' equipment provided for tho Casino six miles east of town; at least the
coruiauy luvuuu. stationery. Notify Walker Music uo. Theatre engagement in acw rurjt two journeyed to Omaha, and tho dnllv
last season.
Tf wna n nt until T1..
Thentro, North Platte, May 5, with a i day that thq mystery cleared. Eliza
splendid cast ot any. a uimnu . ui uetli Had been ct
and the scenic yr Olson, a
carried away by ono P.
prosperous farmer living
Wanted Girl for gonoral house- Roward. 31
work. Phono 59. j This ovenng Walla Walla fodgo will
A. B. Hoagland has boon spond ng , colobmt0 the ono hundredth anni
tho past two weeks in Paxton auditing orfiary of 0(U FollowsllIp An ln
the books vof tho co-operative grain Cresting program has been prepared
and elevator company. 'which Includes an address by Rev.
Mrs. V. McCormick, who with her Mackintosh who will tell of somo of
husband moved a short timo ago to a , tho oxpcdrlences on tho battle front
farm thoy purchased soutli of Paxton, i overseas.
visited friends in town yesterday. I the tWQ
Wanted Housekeeper wltli expo- youngor children loft Wednesday for a
rlcnco. Good wages. Phono 309. visit with friofids in Kentucky.
John Walz, who was down from tho in a trip to tho Jack Morrow flats
north part of tho county this week, Tuesday evening Sheriff Saisbury was
Bays small grain in that section looks surprised to find all low places filled
flno and that tho pastures aro com- with water, that section having been
lng along In fine shapo. (visited by 'a very heavy rain a day or
Richard Carlo, tho most popular of two previous.
all America's comedians, will be tho
drawing card at tho Kolth Theatro
May C when ho will present his now
musical comedy "Furs and Frills."
Wanted 100 head of cattlo to pasture.
II. E. Norton. Phone 798F2.
Dr. H. C. Brock. Dentist. X-Ray
Diagnosis. Reynolds Bldg. Phono 148
All tho trade journals aro giving
I "Tho Girl Dodger" with Charles Ray
ii..- .....iii 0 1 . .. i . 1 1. i.. i t
32-4 uruuit ui uuiuk 0110 oi uiu uuhl iiu-
itures mndc in tho last few months.
Ono Kcnrnoy man subscribed for, They also say it is tho best picture
$25,000 wortli of Victory loan notes. A Ray has mado slnco "Tho Clodhopper
fow subscriptions of this kind from It will bo shown nt the Crystal for the
Lincoln county men who aro In shapo last timo tonight so you had bttcr ar
to do so would bo a big help toward range to sco it.
aecurlng our quota. j Taxl(ny and nght sorvlco phono
Wanted Cattlo to pasture. Plenty 918 or Black 398. Herb Hamilton.
Alien T. Woods, Aorth Piatto, Nob tf 2QQ m fro,ght fQr tho rallroadSi
Commissioner Koch will put a ganL I at a price 150 por cont above nor
of road makers on that stretch of tno mal. Tho cars havo been delivered
Lincoln highway between Sutherland 'nnd now tho railroads must build now
nnd tho Koith county lino; This piece ' sidetracks to tako caro of them. Is
of road whon completed will lit in it surprising thnt tho railroad deficit
with tho federal aid road between continues to climb up and up and
North l'latto and autuoranq. '"over tho top?" Kearney Hub
Wanted Contracts for plowing, an
nt 075 No. Locust. Phone Red 55G. W
Tho question is, if you read In the
paper that you had inherited 4U mil
lion dollars in real money and you
were eating a 30c dinner at tho time,
which was the first square meal you
had had in two days would you fin
ish tho meal bofore going for tho mon
ey? You think you would! Well try
it; just get somebody to leave yoiu0
millions and see. In case you can OTd
no ono willing to leave you that
amount come to the Keith Saturday
night and sec how it is done.
72 h. p. in a motor with a' car weigh
ing loss than 3000 pounds is one of th
erasons for Chandler performance on
tho roads and in the hills. Force feed
oiling for tho engine, silent chains for
all driven shafts, Bosch high tenslftn
magneto for ignition, aro a fow of tlje
other high grade features which, give
tho long lifo to this good family car
the Chandler. Como and try out-,:a
Chandler car and see if it fits your
needs for a fine family car. Jt.-SV-
nnn.tnli Tinning ' ijllf
Tho Cemetery board had a liie
numuor or trees set out in tno ccjmo
tory this week, and the city park
board has had a mulberry hedge some
1200 feet In length placed around tho
grovo in tho Fourth ward park, In ad
ditlon to replacing elm trees that had
died. The park board is -making ar
rangomeilts to sink a well nnd Install
a pumping plant to furnish water for
Irrigation purposes, the two-Inch main
leading to tho park being insufficient
to supply the demand.
f Off Site Goes2i
I Tho car starts instantly runs with steady, sustained power animated with
1 Red Crown Gasoline. Every drop of Red Crown ,is converted into gas " I
1 does its bit in propelling the car. You feel a forco behind the throttle that
I springo to life the instant you give it rein. You cover ground you get
g there miles don't count. A filling of Red Crcwn is packed with- them. '
a Fill the tank at home or a hundred miles distant Red Crown never varies
in , quality or performance. The. Red Crown Sign marks the place to buy it
1 PoBarine is a perfect year-round lubricant that saves power.
. .... . c. (Nete.-,) dmaha
i nj
a' i 3 i
i lf ; C CROWN 3
I f f; - x L A$OiINE J
at 'mini mi m m mminwnnmiij wwMiiwMWMii
papers announced that Poter and EHz
abeth had been made ono by lecal
process and through the ministration
of a clergyman.
ino bungalow bunch declnre that
Peter has secured a jewel, and Tho
Tribune congratulates Elizabeth that
she has secured so good a man as
: ;o: :
Woman IJctcctlvc.
It developed this week that tho
Pnlon Pacific has a woman In its cm
ploy as a detective, and It is said that
sho is very clever in her work. For
.iome time past sho has been devoting
special attention to bootleggers board
ing the trains at Cheyenne' for points
In Nebraska. This woman detective
spent Tuesday in town and was pre
sent at the railroad hearing given
Brakeman Clarence Vroman, who was
arrested Saturday night for having
liquor in his possession. At this hear
ing four company1 detectives were
present and they named six different
dates on which Vroman had carried
liquor from Cheyenne to North Platte.
: :o: :
Furniture For Sale.
' Bed room suite and other articles.
505 west Sixth street. 32tf
Mrs. Forsytho and daughter, Miss
Mario, of Ogalalla, spent Wednesday In
town visiting friends.
Some' sneak thlof entered tho Der
ryberry & Forbes store Tuesday during
business hours nnd took from the safe
a fllo containing a number of notes of
value only to the firm. A reward of $100
Is offered for the return of the file and
W. H. Blalock and son Harold have
purchased the two Waldo lots on south
Locust. It is the Intention of W. H.
to at onco begin the erection of a du
plex bungalow on one of tho lots, and
Harold will build either a duplex
or a single bungalow.
J. V. Romigh reports tho sale of a
Chandler touring car to Guy Cover, a
Chandler Speedster to William Walto
math, Dodge touring cars to W. E.
Wilson, George Weinberger and Rev.
J. H. Curry, and many orders for
both Chandler and Dodce for doliverv
as feoon as possible.
Anita Stewart and
Enrle Williams in
From Headquarters
A gripping police drnmn nnd
Fatty Arbuckle
Pricilla Dean in her
newest picture
A Silk Lined Burglar
and a Harold Lloyd Comedy
'When Clubs are Trumps"
Malinee 2 o'clock Night 7:30
Kitty Gordon in
'Her Code of Honor
And Episode No. 10
Richard CarJe and a few of the very pretty chorus
girls in the brilliant musical comedy success, Furs and
Frills, at the Keith Theatre Monday evening, May 5th.
Curtain at 8:30.
Health Talk Xo. 2 by
The nerves that serve the eyes leave ttie
backbone between ..joints in the neck region.
Those who read much with the head in a
bent position, not only strain the eyes but cause
such distortion of the spine as to
bring about even as serious a
thing as blindness.
Hundreds of cases of faulty
vision have been restored as a re
sult of spinal adjustments.
FREE Drop in today
' and find out what can be
done in your case. There
is no obligation.
The P. S. C. Chiropractors.
Itiiildint,' nnd Loan Ilullding
Nortli Platte, - - Nebraska.
"Three years ago I
suffered a nervous
breakdown. I was
unable to walk a
cross tho room. My
eyes wore so affected
I seemed to see five
or six objects. I
doctored ; for six
months without re
sults, then turned to
chiropractic adjust
ments. After three
months my eyes and
walking became nor
mal." Ask About Case
No. 1001.
Sworn Stnlciiicni
on fllo Chiropractic
Research Service,
Indianapolis, Ind.
? tlN-CO-LAC
K1 ' aesr lAg&A
For Furniture, Floors
and Woodwork
Stains and Varnishes
Transform Shabby Surfaces
Chairs, tables, and sh abby furniture of all kinds can
easily be made like new, o r finished in any of the popular -lardwood
effects, such as walnut, oak or mahogany, by
Lincoln Lin-Co-Lac
Lincoln Lin-Co-Lac stains and varnishes at one op
eration. Gives perfect imitations of expensive hardwood.
Just the thing for marred or shabby furniture. It gives
old pine or soft wood floors the appearance of expensive
Ask to see color samples of these stain effects at
Derryberry & Forbes.
JW W . yy-JM