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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 2, 1919)
THE 8EMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE, NORTH PLATTE NEBRASKA. 1 Iteinnrkablo cnmouflngo of n bridge southwest of Montdldler, France, which wns entirely covered with n cont of "grass." 2 Belgian veterans with tnnchlne gun dog tcnm, who huve come to America to nld in the Victory lonn ennipnlgn. 3 John K. Onldwcil, Amerlciui consul ut Vladivostok, Slberln. RELATIVES BRING FOOD TO BOLSHEVIK PRISONERS BUILDING THE OTAY DAM NEAR SAN DIEGO The now Otny dmn, nenr Sun Diego, Cnl., rising on the slto of the dnm which was washed out in 1010 with n loss of 25 lives and a property loss of $2,000,000, Is being rushed to completion by the municipal engineers of San Diego. When completed tho dnm will be 450 feet above sea level and will have an estimated storage capacity of 10,000,000 gallons. FIRST SEAPLANE LAUNCHED AT THE SUEZ CANAL A scene outside the city prison nt Ekaterinburg, Russia, where political prisoners, bolshevlkl, are Imprisoned. Scenes like this can be seen dally, tho women bringing food and notes to the prisoners. The feeding of the prisoners hns become a serious problem on account of the shortage of food In Russia. BATTLE FLAG FROM METZ FORTRESS 1 . i mm mL ft J&Lml& The German flag that flew over the fortress of Metz wheu tho allied troops occupied It has been brought to tho United States by Commander Howard Ilinkle of the Salvation Army, who has turned It over to the Philadelphia Victory loan committee for use during the campaign. Commander Ilinkle was at Metz when the Germons left nnd took possession of the flag. The French government hns claimed It nnd It will bo returned to France when tho Victory loan drive Is finished. BIG GUNS OF THE BATTLESHIP IDAHO NEW FLAG OVER OLD CASTLE mam The first seaplane ever luunched at tho Suez canal is here shown being put Into the water In the presehco of Brit ish o Ulcers. MRS. BICKNELL DECORATED This new Hog marks tho headquar ters of tho American Fourth nrmy corps. Tho town in the background across tho river Is Kond. A variety of Hags has flown above the ensile at various times In Its history. The cas tle Is located nt Cochem, Germany, and the river Is the Moselle. .. fc- Time, Gentlemen. Midnight. The clock on tho innntel pleee hud jusj. struckthe mystic hour, and one or two of 'the card players suggested It wns time to go home, as they were perhaps Vros'pnssing on thq kindness of the mistress of the house, who, by the way, wns not present. "Not at nil," said the host, with a gracious wave of his hand. "Tlmo Is of no account. Piny ns long us you like. I'm czar here." "Yes, gentlemen, play ns long ns you like," echoed u sweet little voice from the doorway, and they all rose to their feet us tho mistress of the mansion entered. "I'lny us long us you like," she repented, "hut, ns It Is twelve o'clock, the czar Is going tc bed 1" SKD V(ilrn Ntwipaptr Union w'3i4.ij?K Three gobs looking out of the muzzles of the big guns on our latest and largest battleship that was recently luunched nt riillndelphla. The Idaho is the largest ship In the United Stntes navy. Touching. "My grandfather," said an English, man, "was u very great man. One day Queen Victoria touched Ills shout der with a sword and inndo lilm a lord." "Ah, that's nothin'," tho American hoy replied. ()m, day un Indlnn touched my grandfather on tho head with a tomuhuwk und mndo lilm an un gel." Life. Mrs. Ernest P. BIcknell, In charge of a Bed Cross burcnu In Paris, hns been decorated by the queen of Belgium for distinguished service. Mr. BIcknell has recently been In chargo of Belgian relief work for the Bed Cross, and their daughters ure doing cuutecn work, FINE HEADQUARTERS FOR YANKS This Is "Burg Cochem," the hendqunrters In Germnny of tho Fourth Amer ican army corps. Too Much to Believe. Nntc Snlsbury of the Chicago Post, hns an entirely new version of "tlier ain't no sech anlmllo" story, which he told to members of the American Press Humorists' association whllo the con vention was being held In tho Windy city. Tho "hero" of this yarn was n wabbly individual who stopped to gaze Into the window of a restaurant where some proud fisherman had placed on display a hugh inuskellunge nicely mounted on a board. The man gazed at the trophy for some time, and then, as ho turned to go, he put his whole soul Into the ex ciumntlon : "Well, tho man who says he cnught that fish Is u doggone llur." Youngs town Telegram. Depreciation. Ho My friend wus very much sur nrlsed to find how bright our boy wns. She No wondor he was surprised after associutlng with you. DECORATING A YANKEE HERO i Cnpt. Harry II, Semmes, one of the heroes of the St, Mlhlel salient drive, being decorated with the Distinguished Service Cross. He wns the skipper of n Yankee tank which tumbled. Into the Bupt de Mud nnd wus completely sub merged. The cnptuln, ufter escaping through the turret door, found that Ida driver had been unable to get out. Cuptaln Semmes, under uiuchlne gun lire, returned nnd rescued lilm.