The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, May 02, 1919, Image 2

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A Brief Digest of All Measures Passed by the Senate
and House and Signed by the Governor Which
Constitute the Session Laws of 1919
Compiled by FRANK E. HELVEY Expressly
for Western Newspaper Union New Service
Lincoln Th fnltmxrlnt- .11
faws enacted by the 191D Legislature
una ueon prepared with care from tho
original bills slcnetl liv tho imvornnr.
Laws enactod as "emergency" ni ens
ures take offect lintncdlatoly on being
ikuou oy tne govornor in tno follow
Jag digest all such cmergoncy acts aro
indicated by nn asterisk f) appear
ing boforo the number of tho bill. All
Huch laws are now In offect. All oilier
laws tnko offect on July 18th, next;
Ihrce months after adjournment of tho
Tim governor's "Civil Administration
Code" bill, Senate File 2, juosents nn
Unusual slllliltlnl mill nmaf I
oldered In connection with the digest
vi mws nsteu doiow. in the last hours
01 tno session forty-threo of the Indc
pendent measures Aiiarterl hv tim nnn.
ato and house nt this session were
araondod Into, and made a part of tho
podo. Should tho Code bo ordered
to a referendum of the voters It will
be Inoperative until passed upon nt
the oloction while tho forty-three meas
ures above refcrrod to will remain ns
mo law ana continue as tho law should
tno code be rojectcd by tho people
Tho Independent measures so Intro
ilUced Into tho Codo aro: Scnato FIlos,
65, 57, 58, 59, 89, 100, 101, 112, 116,
jh, 134, 140, 1D7, 244, 250, 258.
jiouse kous, v, 12, 41, 40, 83, 107, 143,
ICS, 181. 188. 213. 215. 220. 9.21). 559
298, 299, 45G, 429, 461, 473, 474, 428,
toi, 4bs, uoa. ir uio codo Is to remain
tho -law tho rc-cnactmont of tho fore
going bills was necessary to place
vuoir uuuviuos uiuicr tno now depart
inont created by the Codo.
The Codo bill In Its final form oia
braced nearly
tlon to establishing a new form of
administration It Includes a rowrltlng
-o. nunureus or sections of the existing
law without substantial chango of
meaning. Tho Codo abolishes many
boards, centralizing authority In tho
uuiius oi mo governor, it croatos six
administrative departments, each
dlrocted by a secretary appointed by
tho governor for a term or two years.
Those secretaries receive ?5,000 per
yearono at tho head of each of tho
following departments: Finance, Agri-
culture, Labor, Public Wolfare, Trado
ana Commorco, Public Works. The
governor Is empowered to appoint all
.assistants and clorks and to fix tho
amount of salary.
1-, .Joint resolution ratifying national
-prohibitory amendment.
i ?' Governor McKelvle's "Civil Admln-
of the civil administration of tho state
uovernment In nil executive departments.
o-4.'.Jo!nt restutIoii memorializing U. S.
-25.?. t.'..nM a "al'omU ainendnient for
T-vumaii sunrago.
6. County boards to nppolnt a Jail
filled? tt SM matro ,f female is
publloNom?e!en 1,0,11 Rn ftPPln"v
n?nibh,.b,t?,n,,lc oncers from appointing-
an alien to any public olllce.
.J; i,DItrA JlE8s to receive $15 per
lion B aa board ot cn5omha-
. AH publics notices by corporations
to be nied with county cleric In home
county and with secretary of state.
15. County board proceedings, tnx
Bales, etc.. to be olllolally published lE
English language newspapers only.
18. Authorizes counties, townships.
and spot caboose at stations,
Salary of court bailiffs In Douglas
and Lancaster counties. 1, 8
23. County, city and village bo-int
tnust publish proceedings w fin JO Uys
also an annual Itemized financial state-
-?4,i Prohibits the use of any other than
72ngllah language In nil schools, put'llo!
Private or parochial, below tho 9th gradu.
J,0,k Increas.cs alary of county assessors
on basis of population and precinct
assessor to 15 per day, w
.n27'mM5loroaHe8 maximum school levy to
100 mills on approval of CO per cent of
the voters In districts of 160 pupils or
39. Increases maximum levy general
fund In cities of one to fl v. thousand
population from 16 mills to 25 mills.
43. Extends llfo of supreme court com
mission two years.
48. Pupil In high school may nnlsh
uchool year without payment of tuition
when parents remove from district.
49. Allen can not vote at school lec
tions or district meetings.
30. Increases foes of county surveyors
and provides fixed salaries at discretion
of county board In counties under 50.000
population, '
51, Increases salary of counts- lileh.
way commissioner and permits surveyor
lo bo also commissioner and fixes salary.
"sr. Stnte bank niay carry two-firths
wt caBh reserve In Liberty bonds.
Iiel'?v.e" 8tale ba.n,c trat require
rnonts of stato reserve law If bank con
forms to national reserve system!
59. Permits state bank to loan nfteen
times the amount of capital and surplus
Un-dlsoount privilege Bame as nitiona
bank ir member of federal reserve system.
61. State railway commission to
liave specific authority over safety, suffi
ciency and efficiency of common carrier
M. Increases salary of probation oin
oer n Douglas county.
67. County surveyor to be highway
commissioner in counties under C07ooo if
qualified. ' "
u r. ...... . . . ....
.i . ""'ivj uuatua unucr tu.UUU PODU-
Sulpn may improve county roads on
najrlty petition and provides the zone
jmbIs ot assessing cost of improvements.
- 79: .Maximum sahool levy, cities over
J.600, increased to 100 mills. School bond
way Issue without vote on petition of 51
per oent of all legal voters.
ri. Repeals law relating to approprla
tlon of seepage water.
73. Course of study In district school
hall embrace all subjects required tor
.cond grade certificate,
7i. Cities of 5 to 26 thousand may vote
UIOO.OOO bonds for city hall. Jail, audi"
torlum or other public building.
, n; .cu,,ca.i P.t0 J5. thousand may re
fund bonded debt at 6 per cent on two
thirds vote of council.
80. DIstrlot court reportor at request
f litigant shall record all statements of
the Judge mado In the presence of the
82. Omaha Bchool district may borrow
70 per cent of unexpended school levy at
C per luuit.iclvlng one year note.
85. Outlines course of study in 8 grade
school which pupil must pass with 75
average to be entitled to free high school
86, Alt sailers of automobiles and
tractors to carry a stock of repairs and
parts for same at some point in tho state.
89. HcvIrcs osteopath law and provides
ror new board. Permits use of drugs un
der prescribed conditions.
on a niu.j i . . .
'lumui ijh cuies oi iirsi nnu souinu
class to purchase and operato privately
..,i.;n jjuumu uiiiuien inrougn specim con
uemnatlon proceedings.
!... 1. .... . ... l 1
children for defective sight, hearing, teeth
vuiiiiiiuiitvuuic uineuse,
94, Increases salary of county attorney
on basis of population.
!00. Hepeals dally report law relating
In Wat- I. I ..-I !... 1 ... I. .1 . .... I
OW11PMI tn fnntull vullfrA tn aVmu nmnltnt
of water used.
103. Whn ritnl a.tnta rrn rrn o tl
not be taxed against the mortgagee,
owner of real estate to pay taxes on full
vm.uu ul i cut esiuio,
irvi . i i i i
( iv-r -AciiiiiB iiuiii pityBiutit cxiiiittim-
h i ?p)"cants ''or fraternal accident and
106. Makes legal the acltnowletlRe-
mnnlu tnt.n I... K.I1U..I... tnnA.. ii
documents nfrectlng title to reul estate.
107. Itcqulres sheriffs, police chiefs
and Institution heads to report monthly
the commitment of ullens coming under
their custody.
1 1 fl 1tll.pan.aa mnwlm.iin 1 . . . . . tnwt
county high school 6 to S mills. Exempts
certain districts from county high school
111 rirt .,. 1 1 t . .. 4 , .. i . . .
determlno If eligible to commission form
vt KWV VI Itllll'lll.
112, State highway odlclals may pur
v..,uau muua icuttiiK ruitu tiiuiertiits, oper
ato plants for producing such materials
fl Mil tn anil unit. tV ,1
iw ami duiiic ni tusk .ut rum! purpuaes.
116. Creates state trade commission to
pnforco "blue sky" law. Expand, regu-
to cover minutely such transactions.
117. Prmlts Nebraska Insurance com
panies to Insure ocean marine risks, auto
Collision find rAHllltlnir rinrnnirn tn tha nni.
son of owner.
119. PrAMnrlhAa nlinllnintlnn nt rila-
tcred niirnPM. Lnwnra fun tn tft nnrl rt.
quires 3 years high 1 school and defines
standards of nursing school.
120. Compels eradication of barberry
bush by land owners.
191 Tllvanllr. t . .. . 1 I r . 1
Jurisdiction In wlfo and child abandon
ment excopt where county court is
awarded concurrent Jurisdiction.
122. One district Judgo shall act a
"Juvenile Judge" during his term.
191. nh... ii.ii i
.v. i .... jui uuiiB kumi juiiauiuiiun til
all cases of divorce and alimony Involving
custody of children. Court may alter de
cree as to children on Us own motion.
-.w. lllUAllliUIII UUIIUUU unut
In second class cities and villages for
19t lM.Pn. B n B .,..! 1 , ..1 .1.1..
mum uuiisirucuon i ruin iu 10 10 mills.
127. Increases Interest limit on sewer
from 5 to 6 per cent, ,
128. Defines cooperative associations
wiin prontB distributed on basis of patron
s. i-uiiiuiB miuv oi uuimiiy.
129. AmAnrlmfllit in Hmnlin nlat-ln.
Water Board law. Gives widely increased
11A TaV.I1.I. k.,1.11. ...III...
acatilrlnir rlirhtM hv putnniml nt nnclnrtt
of the city.
131. Gives control of gas or electric
plant to Omaha Water District If acquired
uy ma cuy. '
133. llules for trrnillnfr nnr.lnt ahln.
ments of potatoes.
134. Lowers specific gravity test of
illuminating oils from 42 to 40 degrees.
1 T", TrrteilMn ...... n v n , 4 A 1 .1 .
ww. . u. u.uiu ,.,iiiu.,kVIUII lit IU1IU3
adjacent to Lincoln by mayor and council.
140. Amends workman's compensation
taw. ueurui increusa oi uoneuis to tne
141. Authorizes construction of court
uuusa lur i-iuiia couniy ai uoiumuus,
148. Increases salary of clerks of dls
trlct court based on nonulatinn.
151. Forming post-oradlcatlon district
uii (ioiiiiuii ui pur uuin reniuuiu land
owners and tonants.
153. Salo of lots by cemetery associa
tions If assessment remains delinquent 3
166. Regulating acquiring of title to
renl estate by non-resident aliens and
157. Common carrier to pay attorney
fee wl)en appeal Is taken on loss or dam
age In transit and carrier loses the appeal.
IBS. Corrects error In Omaha school
district taxation with adjacent districts.
169.. Omaha real estate taxes become
lion on property May 1st of the year fol
lowing assessment.
171. Omaha may limit height and bulk
of buildings and creato districts limited
to upecllled business uses.
172. Organization of Farm Bureau by
SOO farmers and county omploy county
agricultural agent. County to pay ex
penses up to $5,000 when recognized by
Btata Agricultural College.
178. County board exclusive overseer of
the poor Including cities, towns and vil
lages. 178. Repeal of former law relating to
the caro of the poor by towns and minor
177. Railroad to furnish car at two
siaiions lor norses ana inuies when com
bined shipment makes car loud.
180, Radical revision of law concerning
ruiiwuiea ui scnoui lencners. ADOllslics
nil but state and county certificates.
Limits term of certain certificates.
..184. City or vilfaee may build and
operato Ice plant. Permits 3 mill levy or
bonds on vote of tho people.
189. Candidate for atate superintendent
tnust hotd the highest grade certificate
Issued by the state at the date of his
election to be eligible to the olllce.
192. Revised method of condemnation
of property for sohool purposes.
196. Drastlo revision of law confiscat
ing veh cles used In unlawful transporta
tion of liquors. Boats and airplanes added
to the. law.
198. Authorizes state prohibition ofll
cera to block public highways leading into
the state with ropes, chains, etc., and
stop all traffic for examination.
200. Prohibiting the advocacy, teaching
ptn. .' ' w .nnm ui viuicufjo iu ac
complish Industrial or political ends and
prohibiting the use of buildings for tuch
meetings, Penalty fines and imprison
ment. 203. Owners of abutting property to
pay nil cost of lading water mains.
204. (Salaries of county comptroller'
assistants In Douglas county.
209. Candidates i on non-partisan ballot
must file petition 30 days prior to primary
214. Restricts mother's pension act to
ISPAI dPn?ent and having less than
13,000 or without relatives capable of
giving support.
215. Extends boundaries of sanitary
drainage d strict to Include adjacent lands
and municipalities.
217. Provide for Constitutional Con
yentlon to asssinbl. in Lincoln Dea. a.
218. Resolution urging Congress and
Nebraska delegation to support soldlars'
compensation aot and give soldiers addi
tional pay ns a bonus.
225. Revision of inltlatlvo and refor-
pnuuui act. ftw resnif nous an iu pen
tlrinti ali1 rlfMifu tnrm
226. Cooperative companies to distrib
ute profits to patrons and hold stock in
oilier ro-otm
236. Governor may remit court costs
wiien lBNUini; nnmnn in rnnvici.
237. AH public meetings must be con
ducted In the Kngllsh language. .Relig
ious teaching. Instruction or worship and
lYiuitiruwH pruicuuun in ituiii.m-
tee fund from new state bank until 2
ftnll 11,1.1. a . n .........
jrau in in urgunizanun.
250. Rewrites tho laws relating to
registration of births and deaths and all
. . 1 1 .. I
vivni aiminiiua,
254. Gnvnrnnr'n tuptnnrliil tn Gen.
Pershing requesting discharge of Ne
braska soldiers overseas an rapidly as
255. Extends term of water bonds from
2u in iu years in cities or scconu cubs ana
256. Oovnmnr'a til 1 1 minim' unlsirv of
rtiiji. ueni. imod. wan. uuaru 10 3,vUii
nun iiRsi, Aaji, ueni. to jz.iuu.
OKT ilnliaMn'H 1.111 1 1 .. T"l . ,
w, . vwvc.,iu, a Ulll ctvtlLIIIH IC,ll
Inent of Justice headed by Attorney Oen-
arnl nlAU ,.,... . . . , .. vi.vun .LLiuiiicy Keiieiiti nutici VID1UII
of all actions brought by any department
w mo oiuie, ut tut crtininut prtceeutiitfs
and equal power In all counties with
county attorney.
258. Governor's bill extending authority
of state fire commissioner to tear down
iiuiiKt-rouH or condemned nuiiciings.
259. Ito-establlshing conservation and
son survey bureau.
260. Governor's bill. County boards
may ueciaie roads to rural high schools
as "county roads" and give "same Im
provement, 261. Governor's bill rodlstrlctlng the
school districts of the slate with standard
district of 25 square miles. Exceptions.
in iccuure aim protest noted in great de
tall. .
262. Repeal of "Soldier's voting law"
imaseu uy me special session or 1918,
rnor. State Engineer and three appointed
nv trovrrinr. tn nmnt nw air .ftni
lllJIlrlltlsr. T-nvIrm 1 Ii milt tnv !
r1 ' m , ' 14 i.iiii UlA lul V J CUiD
u. luiui ui uuuui nve inimon uonars.
fi. Annrnnrlnti 11 nil nt ot)n
iuhu iur purcimHe oi uooks.
6. No pay for Juror on days excused
rrn m nnitrt Trft - w ... 1 1
uiscreiion or court.
- , " VV wiiiiuo .Aim iiiiiuaKU Ul
7. nitlAti nf R in Of". V,rv.., j-
lOr miinfclUal llllhlln lltlirtf on tiv mnlnrtv
8v Gift to religious or charitable in
stitution not to bo Invalidated by uncer
tainty of person designated as beneflclarv.
9. State bnnk real estate and fixtures
may equal one-third of capital and sur-
12. Monthly publication of list of per
sons registering motor vehicles.
25. Publication of ofllclal and legal
nuuues auu proceedings In English lan
guage newspapers onlv.
2?'. siate t0 Pay ror extermination 'of
i" "ma uuk on siaie lana.
28. Names "written in" non-partisan
ballot nt primary for county Judge or
ouiioiiiiicnumii. miaii noi receive nomina
tion unless voto equal to 10 per cent of
VOtQ cast fnr nnvrnni. rtl h ln
. "-.' . ..... bDII'
ernl election.
33, Attempt to steal auto a felony.
Vic tlon iuipuouHiuBjit un tun-
34. Defines conspiracy to commit
connected therewith.
35. TI nl fnr rn rallmoil -.Ui.t
Hutu TTnlnn TnUin AmJr
width through tho state.
37. CreiltflR nfllnr, nt rlnnln. .t..i,
count v nltnrnav nt - ... oi.
ary, 11,800 ner annum.
41. Liquidated state bank must deposit
its guarantee fund ''with state treasurer
to credit of special gunrantee fund.
42 State to pay cost of commitment to
asylum of any Inmate of another state
46. Authorizes mutual Indemnity asso
ciations by physicians and dentists.
50. Sheriff to offer same reward for
auto thief as for horse thief.
51. Appropriates proceeds of normal
endowment fund for use of state normal
52. Appropriates UOS.OOO for payment
of legislative salaries.
64. Increases pay of deputy state sur
veyors and increases fees charged for
their services.
55. Appropriates 120,000 for payment
of Incidental expenses of legislature.
57. Appropriates proceeds of one mill
levy to uso of State Normal Schools.
5B. Appropriates normal library fund
for use of normal libraries.
59. Appropriates normal cash funds for
use of normals collecting the same.
60. Appropriates $2,800 for additional
cemetery land at Soldier's Home. Grand
61. Creates state boundary commission
to locate lino of Sarpy-Douglas county.
Neb., and Pottawattamie county. Iowa.
Appropriates 15,000 for expenses.
64. Provides that private denomina
tional and parochial schools shall bo gov
erned by the general school laws as to
grades, certification and qualification oi
teachers and promotion of pupils. Course
of study supplies and equipment equal to
that of public school. Requires course In
American history, civil government and
such patriotic exercises as may be desig
nated by the state superintendent. No
Interference with religious Instruction.
Inspection by county school ofllcer. Un
Amerclan propaganda forbidden. Penalty
for violation fine or Imprisonment and
closing of the offending school.
66. Increaso salary for sheriff's assis
tants and deputies In Douglas county.
69. School district to pay tuition of pu
pil In another district when free trans
portation Is lacking In the home dis
trict. '76. Increased salaries for oflWrn l
- - " ........ . v .1 1 L. 1 unii-riE
cltleslof five to twenty-live thousand.
78. fj
Mfnnr n m n ti rl mi - n I nff.All t . .
imiieny oi nusuanu or wire when spouso
is Insane.
80. Raises bounty on coyotes $1 to 13.
wolves 13 to 16. Payment of bounty by
county made compulsory.
83. Creates state board of chiropody.
84. Minor amendment In administra
tion of estates.
85. Prohibits sale of any oil burning
tractor after July 1st unless approved by
State university and requires tractor
companies to maintain a servico station
--- - -. ....,v I.HUI.IIHII duiq ut
mm tlir intl IUIII1 Hie SlUe,
fi2. Tmilrtfflffl rMtil. nm.Hl..
seventh to tenth Judicial district.
Enjergency appropriation of 13,000
for state board of health.
98. Appropriates 115,000 for sub-sta-
tlon af HtntA UnIi hntnlm-i. in r i ..
............ i . . .sunny
105. Ailmltn vt
Stnte Home for Soldiers and Sailors.
106. All Hplinnl ,.. ....
zens of the UMlted States.
1 07. Pa r m 1 1 n phlrnnriiKiafa n -.1 t
later drugs. Dertnes practice.
108. Permit nnt
than his county of residence by nilng
bond In alt counties where he acts.
110. ITrtlrtt itlnv 1 1
dftmai?e in estate matters when court an
proves such compromise.
ballVfi tonClLC.00.ettlnry f SUPreme C0Urt
114. PedillArn iniif tviint ltn... .
.... - -"--- .".... .(v.ciio llltllt-
ber on wagon.
11K. PrnlilliltQ nul.tln .l.-i . .
.... ....... i'muni, nnuut icncners
slgnin . biu, uina ur in-
11R. Pnnll. nt f n. .. 1, .
falling to supply cars within seven days
W tlJVtttlUl(
1ffO. Itn llrmitt mint nAlHni..i..i...
f.6.1.1?1! of. m,M,mBe clalm. "led by .shipper,
within ten days, '
121. Railroads must act on shipper's
ilumiige t'lulm within 90 days. Allows In
terest and attorney fees.
125. I)ra Ilia t7t llllitl(ot In Iniwii ,t.,1.
1.000. Petition to l signed by two- rds
Of fl'rlinlllra mill n ).nPn..r.l ...
Jorlty Vote. " ' "
197. ITvl.llrl. ...... . !.., .
i.. . i Ji . ii in ut tiiuniL-ipui court
judges In Omaha two years. Incumbents
19J. Annrnnrtnln. tin aaa - -
minis at SritXi. .wi" XX"Z!PESm
..," " n'oiuiii" unit
nnifZu.'u ::v." "V ."Puris or mx
13U. IIinlflrAa n..A.l.. . .
fi..iVr .Vi-.ti.. ,U8urprs 10 oiiicers of Ir
htii uiaiuvis un request.
131 MtnlA luir.1 ...ti.i
'nkrBr lockout aV'qurof
im 1., An.., ...... .
Iiroflnnla Af . "icuwii uvhiu iu 1
?i4B. in- . .....
i ,; , " ; "". u niei ucpuiy
clerk of court In Douglas county to 13.000.
.. .. 1 . .... .... j ut WIIIUIU
and police and ammuld rltv nhnrinr
-110. mcreaseu sni.irv nt nmnio n
Jw; 'r0VI?lntr '"corporation for se
cret, fraternal and other societies.
152. Increased nennltlAn tn in.tunt
153. Annrnnrlnitt. , i. . . .
and one-half mill tax lew to inn vnrlmis
activities of the Stato University, of
fl, ,u 1,1 Kwnuitit iiiiimiunHnce,
m i i i permanent improve
160,000, Curtis Agricultural School 165,000,
iiorin i-iaiio station 168,000, Scottsbluft
Ktatlon JS.nnn. Vnlnniln. bi,i., tit r.nn
mi . . . ' ? ... nui.iuii f.iiiiuv.
Til Infill M ll.n.ih 1 1.. , n , .nn rtnn ..
" r, .v ,i,ovvivuv uiiuu-
165. Awards attorney fee to plaintiff
Wlin rnnf outlnn- Ib. u... tL ....
and securing favorable verdict.
niauim lu i ... . . l. v uuiii l
h ,,n,n ;T.t2:ri, .,.L-.t"""' ,'8? ?.0. It
1 .I.. ...... .....
i.i . itetmii oiiitruB in
cities five to twenty-five thousand limited
"", '"raio nmiis,
i., wi iiruitit uuuiun in
porate limits. "
i7fi t-.u,iin,i v. .,
PltlflQ nf llrvt nlnaa 1IIA,1 u M
porate limits.
i, i. .luiiauiuitun oi nenun noaras in
CltlPM Of matronnlltnn rln. tn It,, nnr.
, ....... . . .
porate limits.
172. Jurisdiction of health boards in ?ACS, ""ft'11 0 eminent domain to estab
lllagcs limited to the corporate limits. llsh Public utilities.
17-1. fnt inn 1ttnlr tml 382. Annrnnrlntaa r tnn r
to be marked with u-pIV.. t ui7 otn
175. County clerk of Douglas county
uiaiuuu ui mo couniy assessor to mane
11 n uonocenr'a Knn1ia
::.L . .
no. vuinunzes uougias county attor-
oy to employ detective.
ww. u.inn. irirni tiauiuiy iur
tnVftxA ItllarArl nr. 1 . 1 . 1. 1. . . .. 1
claim Is made within one yean
ioi. wtmiiBes lee cuargeu tor examina-
examination1' Per",US mre rretuent
186. Increased penalties for obstructing 416. Increase In school tax levy Lln
dltches nlonir rjuhl n h trhwnvn coin A str nt tn ntt.. S.n, lcvy ljln
187. Prohibits deduction of U. S. bonds
from taxablo value of a bank's capital
-ico. ror me control, supresslon ana
l,.Qlm.nt nt . . . . I .1 1 . ...
lull. mrrflnaaa r i in nun , n n v i ...... ..
...j will...... ...MAI ... Kill DbllUUI
cvj. tiuni u iu d per ceni.
192. Cities of second class may buy
nr e.ll inn) llnhf o.l ,, .
another municipality.
-lao. .upprupriaies saztj ror tne reuer or
f ,-o i t iii ,. ,, .... 1
IAI f . AHAja a. . . a. a a
dent at Kearney industrial school.
oi wivicaaca iiiiiAiiiiuiu levy lor puu-
lie library expenses from three to five
, ii ii i ....... .. ..I . i . i
mills. Iteduces library board to flvo mem
I. . ... nH T..1.. ...
"cm uii duty ibi.
w.. xv.iv.uqio Dtliujtes IU UUIIWIIUO
when school is closed owing to epidemic
1 (1Q W.nk.... ...!...!. . . .1
200. Pmhlhlln nill.lln rlnnn.. nn Qitn.
y- ,
203. Increases salary of water commls-
nilPP In n 1 1 1 n O nt aannnrl nlnn. nnrl .,11.
iiiLicuaca nuiuij ut Wilier CUIIIIIUH
sloner In cities of second class and vll
Inn-Ad rr ... nun . -t inn
uhvr. f ,UUU IU ,l,tVVi
204. InTAflqAfl rv rtt
from S3 to S4 ner dav
&ww r"ii- tiiv- uipiuinmiiuii ui
000 to enforce prohibitory law to April 1.
?Dfi- AnnrAnplntAfl t ftftft, tn cnvnlnl n rv
fllnl tn anv H-tlnt.H '
Uiiu 1U OMIO JJi lit LCI .
207. Lincoln school board to pay Inter
est annually on building warrants.
9(V). Prnntna rlnnu t n Yah....
countv attorney at H.ROo nlnrv.
210. Creates county board of health
consisting of sherirr. siinprintnniiont nmi I
" rf I
nivininn .
213. Eliminate tho nH.
spirituous and vinous IlquoFs" from . the
mis-uranuinir sentmn nr th nun. fnmi
mt nmn ibi. .
F.!r 5"l.j:.b"nd a.n?.,"ed. t0 W u wmu up us anairs.
-Tf IV a?'.'!?.V.m c520i.L8Y?r !n..-.ncn
inmcu in ito inula utt ou per ceni voio, uu-
thor zes additional tax for new buildings;
bond Issue of 30 Der cent of nssnsseil v.iin.
ation of the district.
w,A. TrV--" :
220. inoi'nnsn mavlmnm .Inlr. nnll In.
f lfimfim nai,i with Si'AI
iv. ' '
997. TnrrAflAr1 nn nt nnimhi nU.lra 1
i,i .r; "J i,iv,t,"t.,.'.r,X
v.. - "vm.hj juub,0t uu.0:u vii
230. Amending fish and came law .is
to the open and closed season. Increaso
number of deputy game wardens to six.
on .un, nnnt, i. ,
Stitutlons UIldr the stain honnl nf Vnn.
- - I
u ui.
.WW. iiv-n im,u ouiai j (ui ucpuiy CICC
tlon conunfasloner of Douclas countv.
99K T rinrnil Pail aalnmi ah .1 -.1..
, V niucuoci Miiirj mr puuuc ae-
fender In Douglas county and extends
236. increaHcd salary for public de
239. Increase maximum death benefits
ui iiMictiiui wiouiniiLU ntJUlOllCB. XjHIICII
clary may assign disability policy to se
rir-n eiinnnrt
246. Increases salary of county super-
tntotirlAntn lint-r1 nn nnnnlntlin
" . . . r-r"..-...
2&U. liisiaoimnes college or dentistry
nnd business administration at State Unl-
vnivllir I
251. Increases salary of county com-,
niUulnnnr from XI tn tR nr Anv HTn..
mum yearly amount to be paid, based on
t'UUIil lIUIIi
254. Funds received from U. S. as aid
In alr( InnlltntlnM i.l.n II . .
IU OiatD IllOklkUilUll OiltAll UQ piliu
direct ana not 10 tne governor as for
" . . , .
25B. Amends nnd Interprets procedure
in unU nf mill ..tnln fnr
for sale of real estate for delinquent
260. rrohlblts appointment of near
relative to oince where salary received
exceeds 1800 per annum.
261. Provides for examination of the
hooks oi nn cnuniy oiiicers unuer aireo
lll'll Vt QtltlV HUUIlVIl
mi v. "".
3r3. Annrnnrlaten 1.111 fnr slrlnwnlks
along stnte property at Kearney.
267. Irrigation dlstrlt may vote as sin-
B.e precinct In Irrigation elections.
268. Special instructor of normal train-
ul- Mubiects aooronrlatlon raised to 11.000
per annum.
270. County Judge receive 25 cents for r.",rou'?n,. or. a !PS district is re
ea.h certltlcate sent state board of health. 3!i,.r.,...t.?.Iurnllih ele.ctrlc current for Its
560. Uniform nroerdur tn nnlnt tltln
ncn iT.,u., 1 . i. .i.i.
291, Forbids display of red or black
,t. . - .. a .......... . I . , 1 .1 I I
iiilK DAUVl'i nn uuniMioiiiini slKllul,
293. Establishes vocational schools and
appropriates 1100,000 to match oqual gift
hv feilnrnl covernment.
293. Provides division of cost of line
. '296. County to buy grasshoppor poison
nn nrtttlon of 25 ner cent of Ihn vntnra.
297. License for sale of tobacco and
permits wtm ut v;tKtotiHD tu pvrouns uver
21 years of age.
298. Designates 4.200 miles of roads to
, ...... . , .
xvaiitii.ttcii ti.uu iinicn ut ruiiun in I
'?i n "latnlM 111 ivliurn vu" Miil,l.f In I
ue Known as "siaie nignways- suujeci to
i. ....... .im. .n.i i.ii.h.1 I
....H.u,....... -
" uvv inn int. i ctiaiiih lev tu i
510 and up. Transfers administration to
30. Appropriates three mills tax levy
to road improvement. Total rund of ap-
proximately 13,000,000 produced by this
bill at.4 II. H. 299.
301. Hepoals obsolete law relating to
health department.
1 ..." . .
.ma. Atinronrlates 12S.fi00 to nnvn Htrent
fmm Itpatilco to state institution for
feeble minded nnd additional state pav
nir e sewnero. Total iiuu.uuu.
310. Authorizing live mill special levy
by county boards to take up floating
road warrants.
316. Appropriating 1100,000 for sanltar
linn for Soldfeis Home nt .Mllford.
31fi. rmlif, l,n. ......1 ,.tt-.
f I r fll.n KiMI nH. . .. . 1 .. . . . .... ...
: iiu tiu uunacu neni couniir
itoard may . levy one and one- f mills
lor county jail without petition.
321. Minimum bond for school dis
trict treasurers 11.000.
pa lMSf &SWS
3Z2. Increasing tn 9K.nnn n mminr nf
J lL,?iaBa clt- without a voto of th.
L.uM,c?.yon.n ?e.f Bdontlon
i .isiii 11 un concemeu Know of the
1 Jda. Aiiihori-. r.ui.. ., .1
nnil ..III- i " wtltcu UI HCCOnO C1U5S
ana villages to construct sewer systems.
nmniii.' ir.flesu a,ary of cl,lef Probation
BUIIH Illfl llflllOA ! A . I ..
tr.iwi.,1 lu "ses in-
w urea ton Mtnt. tunA ,fAtrnMA w..
Arti " , ,""imm nouuio uu'
vu.u. aui ronr niA nr. nnn
345. Cltvna r,v.- .....
cianons tori vi ece of innmimpahin in
i7. -y immoia uuuuoraiivo n.aao
inPi,1!1? compilation of session
" " volume.
I 356. AnthnH-n. lt.. , .. . -
. - --.w.... ut BCUUIIU CI.1B3 lu
I milt fl r ... I. . .
i - . i""'ui;ij uwneu gas or eiec-
trie plant and minraio B
. J5.9- -Appropriates fees collected by den
I tal lionnl tr, ,Vi .... . . 3 u" '
i - i " . . i ua.'n ui ill.' nnnm
3C2. Appropriates li.noo . nnv tn.
Soi nV5. " pcy iincaster
Jo,m3r6 - to have
I uRian couniy COUrt I10US6
antJ PaJ' rent.
-joe. Douglas county commissioners to
i '"""ucs nuineu in 11, K, Jbo,
aflPs n -.'""ca lu r mcreaseu sal
I ilie t . ... .
use of the sta'tn ii tn'"
In ni.lhl., iuici
i ,, '""iiirai oi mieen state institu
I 381. Gives seennrt mh.. ..n.
son, injured at iCnnrnnv vrrini nv.nAi
L.W; Appropriation of $287,900 to cover
I itOA T..uit ...... ....
tvnriT. ...."? cou"i' exhibit of school
viuumy expense,
393. Appropriates 12.500 for fish hatch
1 - tuuniy.
I AM , .. .. . ... .
todiai farm Tnd ntorStyKril
-Appropriates 14,000 for Kucene
schoof5 lnJUred at Kearney "inUMtfla"
a,?,?, Providing for Investigation and
statistics of tenantry In town and country.
,f4.23- Increased salaries for ofHcers of
"vo " lllB econa class.
I AOA A ...I .
-".-t. Jiuiiionzes organization of co
"I'.-i ..... n i r c.i i r nv.nn ni nnn
I HouvviHUUI ni
appropriates 175,000 to secure
;f1a,. appropriation Tor eradication of
I Cattle tubercillnel. u
429. Authorizes stnte game commix
" ",lu""!, sn ana game reserva
I tlons. 1
I N I I 1 ii rn nriTn lill.U
433. Validating excess county brldre
i i.iiiii i i'i n .n t . . . . .... -
I i uuuuttry i, iiii
437. Appropriating 125,934 for the blen
i, -' . hiik ior me men-
h "Tm.JR.iSI?"'.1! r?derftl appropriation
,, 'V6 tiluaei, ireaiment and pre
ventlon of venornl,. K
appropriating 11.600 for Katherine;.-'V. ."".uul went operation at
v. iiiuucutu nospuai.
yrnana notels may dispose o
uaBe arising on their own premises.
I 447. Tin r-r. r. .1 . ., ... .
, nriJKLhi ?ieJ.l may dl8P?e ot car
447. .Vnnrnnrlat.a ti r.nn .... ....
.i.,. T...r " ."v. u" ,ul siaie
u.uvu siuivcib association.
, 456. Amends parmaclsts licensing law
.11 n mum ... ot .. . . ... " . .
m viuauncations
461. Ttnvl.lnn nt . In. .
inn- ii... V cream test
lines the same "eW stanaards de
467. Vnmaa nt ....11.1. . .
,j ' "uiuaio ior presiaent
mnV'S u"l.,.?.n- D.e. P'ceti on prl-
each of the congressional districts of the
4 J. itPOnirA nnnli-ole V..- i i .
r47n3n 5!?.Vilres analysis by stato chemist
of all fertilizers sold n state and l Seh
rnntninn- , t ana eacn
t uD wuieu wun same.
JnnJPlnlairy. Inspection
Ing regulations "eW Rnaar--nch
. .. . .
i J3;AP.P. .PM 5.00? for additional
ol"-l,J ior aependent chll-
481. Revised law eov.rnln nt
tatlon dairy products --.
482. Revision of law relating t (an..
nra welchtH nnd tnnnn,,.. X
changes Tgovernfnif m7n5 He Pr.a8t 0
b Governing many lines of busl-
. ,
. ".uitiutliy m in.
"""co supervision rrom statu atnlltnr tn
'""J"!" '??. Gives Ineuranii
"""tuiiiiy 10 testify in certa n
n .
.-,a.u-'.."ePeal8 w creating state council
ut ueiensc.
lil hwn v. . V.T """".ca ,"W improve
town. "i six miles from
B22 R(,n.w,, , . , ,
uJzT' ".?5? of B?.h.l land lease' to
mpnf V,.nV V- tn Wn8n ImPVe
Tvu fci AUJ C.
being rntearil n. n
.compile list of Nebraska soldier
and sailors and give each a eartinpSK
"nS0."1?"8, of Nebraska soldiers
of service. Appropriate. S2f!.onn
il?.38, Increased pay for officers and em
ployees of the legislature.
549. Authorizes township or precinct "vemlll P.vy for
?:, Auuiorizes cities to order pnn
KK1 Aullm.l... .in..
"irucuon or railroad subways at proYJ
'ngs. yo al cr03S
r- n n. . .
. .t w" i uiuui i-ri ri
ooo. i-mces aairy herds at stntn in
stitutlons under dairy section of coll p
Of airrlcillMiro Dcv-"u" l college
of agriculture.
Jh ?e,r'niJI" ch??i d'Bt-Ict to Issue
tinn B,u ol assessed valua-
B61. Pir.vl.l-. . .,
, T iJrtlv,u.0 PU"c ownership of such Alii
trlcts by bond Issues and the taxation ni
nrOOArtV tn flnnnn. . . . Aii'J.n OI
iiruuertv 10 nnnnnA mnti nMi.... .... "
iver tn ni, n.nin-''c.u": wnen-
hntri.; nt ; : " resiaent free-
..-.vv.- iiiuuuu aisirict nle netl-
tlon with rnnntv nt "r ,m
m6 ,WU,e th question of .,rga"
i!'"fi-.!'strl(:t t'J?uoh distribution anil
r.TJv i , u "treciors snail be sub-
inikcu, iiiujuiiij voio oi electors to gov
ern. Members of board to receive actual
urn. .ueinuers or uoara to receive actual
expenses and such other comn.n.oH,,. n.'
electors may authorise til TT Aeetlnf
Ized by electors, to construct and nnr.rai.
distrlbutlni? nvtm. .l,,v
ducer of light, heat and power, with fine
uinttiuuiiuii oymetii uiraies cnarged other
fu,tt una ik utattb i-ajmuuy is aaequate,
662. PrOVlil.- fnr rlfrrnnl..ll .
llml Tn.i7rVnV Anl""':""'"1
utttcr man lire
and prescribes their operation.
576. Unnnrnnlx..! I..,lln... .
added to ndjolnlng county by majority
S77. fiAnnnil Mnlnrl.. Kill a.. i .
and employees for two years.
578. Deficiency appropriation bill. An-
pronriaies w.uuu to pay deficiencies in
vuuuua ucfui luteins
,.,0 riim ., . .
579. Claims appropriation hill Ann.n
prlates ,21iB91 -tt -pay -mlsceHaiieou;
.itHiuq Mbaiuai uiv BUtlC,
EOrt , , A.
fioVT Sta, ,ns"'-
58l. General maintenance nnnroDrla-
tlon. Totals 11.251.160 for general ex-
jonfe f the state Bovernment exclusive
?,f schools, penal and charltnh e Institu-
Hons, permanent Improvement u
. ow.iv,..., ami t.-iiurtitinie in!
lions, permanent Improvements, etc.
682. novernnr'fi hill nnnrnt.,i. i
000 tn wnlnnni nnil n..l.i .rF.
soldiers landing from overseas' at New
Ul PL,
585. rSnvprnnr'ti fit 1 1 iinfhm.uin. ... - .
ni nlilhltlnn rtnV.o tr. nl,n, ... . ?iai0
and oo-opemte with county omclala In
6y Mary (ffaham Bonnet' i
Whistle, whistle, whistle." said Mr.
"Whistle, whistle, whistle.' snkl
Mrs. Uluejny.
"Have you hnd any luck todny?"
nsked Mr. Uluejny.
"Hnve you?" nsked Mrs. Bluolnv.
. "Whnt do you mean by nsklnir me
wlll'll Will linvn llinl civ In vmir
.... . - - . - . . . . V If... ....... ... J .
eyesi. Mrs. Kluojny?" nsked Mr. Blue-'
"Well, you mnv hnve been ur to thn
sanio tblncs ns I hnve." said Mrs. Ulue
"Then VOU hnve linil IiipW." nnM Mr
"I have," she nnswered. "How about
"1 hnve. too," snld Mr. Bluejny.
And they both whistled and screamed
nnd snld:
"How cood It Is to be n bluolnv nnil
not be so good we can't steal. Ah.
we're thieves, we're robbers."
"Well," snld Nutty Chum, the snnlr-
tel, who was near by, "so you ndmlt -Hint
you stenl, do you? Now. I know
who took my nuts. You like to tret
nuts nnd keen them so when von nr
short of food you will have something
hidden awny."
"Thnt's u good thlnir to do." said
Mr. Bluejny. "It shows a snvlnir dis
"It's not so fine to save." snld Nuttv
Chum, "when you have to stenl first.
You should go without things nnd
save In that wny. Be unsolfish."
"My dear Nutty Chum." said Mrs.
Bluejuy, "If I were you I would prac
tice what I preached. You steal, too. ,
So do your friends, Chippy Chappy,
"Now I Know Who Took My Nuts.
the squirrel, and Brlcht Eves, nnnther
"You are robbers nnd thieves."
"Well, so are you." snld Nuttv
"We'd be friendly." said Mr. Blue-
Jay, "If we didn't stenl from each
"Yes," snld Nutty Chum, "we could
go Into partnership. Everythlne you
steni you could clve to us nnd overv-
tiung we steal we could keen for our
"That's a fine sort of n nnrtnershln."
said Mr. Bluejay.
"Tho kind of a partnershln I would
suggest," said Mrs. Bluejay. "would
ne a Kind where wo took evervthinc
we stole ourselves nnd called ourselves
the heads of the firm."
i guess," said Nutty Chum, "wo
won't agree on the heads of the firm,
so we had better not go into nartner-
"We'd better not." said Mr. Blue.
Jay, "unless you come to terms nml
give us nil you steal."
"I most certainly won't." said Nuttv
Chum. "And the very Idea of suttirest.
Ing such a thing. Why, you're more
man robbers. You're imnertlnont.
"So are you," said Mr. JJluelav. nnd
his voice sounded n little like the
scolding voice of Nuttv Chum, for Mr.
Bluejay was fond of making fun of
Nutty Chum went away after awhile.
ror no round that tho bluejays would
tell him nothing and would clve him
nothing to eat, and ho couldn't stenl
irom them when they were rlcht there
f,l CAA 111,,
ISO ne told his friends. RHHit W.vbm
and Chlnnv Chnnnv. nhmit th ninn.
j Jays, and said he thought they had
just had tt very successful robbery, so
ttiey had better see what they could do
later on. "gft
"I've stolen birds' eggs, straw' from
a nest and twigs." said Mrs. Bluejay.
"I'm going to nest In that young pine
tree, over there, and lay four blue
green eggs with brown specks."
"I've stolen eggs, too," said Mr.
Bluejay. i
"We're robbers, all right," said Mrs.
"Yes," said Ir. Bluejay, "we are,
but we are handsome robbers. We're
beautiful birds, too."
"That's so, we are," said Mrs. Blue
Jay. "But I don't suppose It Is any
comfort to the creatures wo steal
from to know that beautiful birds
stole from them. They think we're
ugly, because we're robbers."
"Well, I don't know that I blnme
them when I think about It," said Mr.
Bluejay. "It's not much comfort to
think that those who robbed them
were beautiful, and It. Is said that wo
are so naughty."
"Snd." snld Mrs. Bluejny. "but what
are we going to do about It?"
"We'll always be naughty," winked
Mr. Bluejny.
"And we'll" alwnys be robbers, too,"
shrieked Mm Bluejay