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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 2, 1919)
T IllA L BABE, Editor nnd Publisher SUBSCRIPTION HATES: ' fcOno i'cnr by Stall, Jn ndvnncc. .$f.75 Ono Year by Carrier, In ndrnnco, $2.00 Entered at tho North Platto, Nebraska Postofflco as Second Class Matter. I'M BAY, 31 AY 2, 1010. Bangalore, India January 3rd, 1919. To the I'ord Auto Company, potrolt, Mich. Pear Sirs:- I was reading a few advortlieinents or difforont papors on autoa, pertain ing to what they have dono In this war, but nothing of our little Ford. So I'm writing you a few facta, which are as follows: In France 700 cars out of 1,000 Plot to Spread Terror. woro Fords. Dlscovory In New York Wednesday i Jn Italy S50 cars out of 1,000 were of slxtcon bombs each put together by i Fords. exports, resulted In a general warning In Egypt 990 cars out of 1,000 wero to govornmont employes to bo on watch Fords. for what authorities bollovo to bo an I In Mono, 999 cars out of 1,000 were anarchist plot to spread terror through Fords. tho country. I Under British capture, tho first car While stops wero talton Immediately j In Bagdad was a Fdrd. to deal with tho situation, postofflco The first car to cross tho Persian department officials frankly admitted mountains was a Ford. THE FORI) CAK IN THE UENULVE GARDEN OF EI) EX. thnt thoro was absolutely no means of tolling oxnetly how many bombs might havo boon deposited in the mails. Because of tho character of the mon to whom tho packages wero addressed tho ono thought of tho authorities cen tered In tho motive. In a goneral Way tho attempt on tho lives of cabinet mombors, a justice of the supremo court of tho United States a governor, a mayor and others, was linked up with recont agitation and discussion of tho question of after-tho-war Immi gration. But tho authorities could not nltogothor agree on this ns tho reason bohlnd tho wholesule attempts at de struction of life. ::o:: COMMISSIONERS' 1 Tho first car In tho genuine Garden of Eden was a Ford. Tho first car in the Holyland was a Ford. Linos of communication contained Fords by the hundreds from Bagdad to tho Black sea. I havo seen Fords used as tank, nr. mored moving forts, oloctrlc Unlit I i . . . 1 ........... n .ittt.a In .1 nna 11 1. I piUIllH, WUUJI IUIII1, UillllUiUliLKa. ,-ni- nly cars and lots of other thlnK. nnu they were always ready for anything at anytime. Those statements aro facts as I have served In action all through tjie nrn trlos named, and I name the Ford tho best nuto In the world. Tho-Iron-Mule-WIth-a-Klck. I remain, Your Friend, BOSUN GILBERT, 313331 W. R. I. W. T. R. -E., a British Amrlcan, Ban galore, India. P. S. Also when wo captured Kut Deputies Endorse Orlando. Italian officials approvo of the ac tion takon by Premier Orlando, at Paris, In breaking away from tho neaco conference. A voto of confidence waB given tho premier by tho chamber ! tho first thing we landed was a Ford of deputies, when tho matter was with nothing left of It but Its undor brought up. Tlio ondorsomcnt was framo, wheels, and engine. For carried on a voto of 382 for and 40ty-ftv minutes afterwards, Mr. Ford acalhst. .Thoso onnoscd renrosentcd was manned by a machine gun, and tho socialist members. New and Powerful E:plc3lve. For mnny years mercury fulminate has lcld Its place as a detonating Substance superior to nil others. Of recent yen is, however, Its place 1ms been threatened by other coinpounjils which bid .fnlr to replace It. One of the most promising of these Is lead azldc, a salt of hydronltrlc acid. This ncld forms a great number of salts, ns mercury azlile, silver azlde and so dium nzldd. Largo crystals of load azlde and mercury nzlrto have been found to be very sensitive to mechani cal shock, says the Scientific Ameri can, the sensitiveness Increasing with tho size of the crystuls. Even (lie breaking of a single )nrir crystal Is said to brTiig about explosion. Crys tals as large as !1 mm. In length, when dry, often explode wMien brushed with n feather. Contrivance) Deflco Germs. ' ' A Baltimore woman, Miss CorncllH Flske, has devised n simple scheme to provont the possibility of eontamlna-1 tlon when making uso of a common drinking glass. It consists of a ffquaro of rather stiff waxed paper, fqlttyil, -through the center, and when desjrfng n thirst quencher of any kind the paper Is placed over tho edge of the glass and tho lips then can not come in con -'tact with the glnsn and therefore thoro "is noexohango of girms. A supply of these papers can lie curried .conveni ently In tho purse' or pocket, or they may. bo made nioro substantially of eel lulplli or Millie 'other' equally suitable muterlal and one of the Hp protectors mndp to do a prolonged term of duty. ;:o: Dr, L. J. Krauso, Dontlst, room 3 -MoDonald Bank building. was on tho chase or tho retreating Turks and the Cobra Huri. Snmo Record. Tho above tolls Its own story. Wo ho,vo not added to, or detracted from it, ono word or syljablo, and It Is doubtful If a higher trlbuto could be paid to the storllng merits nnd all nround dependability of a motor car than that coming to tho Ford enr through this simple letter from a sol dier, who would not havo tho opinion ho has of tho Ford car If ho had not soon It deliver a service unequalled not only in the history of war, but in tho history of peace. IIENDY-OGIER AUTO CO., , Ford Sales and Service. '. ::o:: Thoso who go to tho Keith Theatro May, 5 to see Rlshard Carlo in "Furs and Frills" will not only see Amer ica's foremost comedian, but in Mac Tarvlsh, tho rolo played by him, thoy will soo ono of tho most amusing stage, characters over written. Many men and women will contrib ute to tho now luxury rovouue tox which became effcctlvo yesterday. This tax Is ten, per cent on tho retail prlco of many articles sold In excess of certain sums. For instance you can purchase an umbrella up to $4.00 without paying tho extra tax, but nbovo that sum ton per cent will bo added, fans costing above $1.00 will bii taxed, men's hats in excess of $5.00, women'j auk stockings in excess of $2,00 and men's socks in excess of $1. There are dozens of other articles which will como in under the tax. This tax will bo paid by tho consumer. Merchants wll be required to render returns of tho tax collected, thus In volvlng more or loss book-keeping. : :o: : . It is a rare treat In anticipation to think of tho coming of the Inimitable comedian, Richard Carle, In a now and tremendously successful musical comedy "Furs and Frills to the Keith Theatre, May 5. O c t) l PROCEEDINGS!? Anftl oo inm Board met pursuant to adJourntnffolC prosoni ivocn, xieriiunBuuuBuu una county clork. Claims wero allowed as follow L. A. Cambrel, salary and cash Items 177.50. . , ' A. S. Allen, salary, $137.50. Anna ARndorson, care of Emma An derson, $35.00. Essie Wossburg, salary, $75.00. Fayo Eldor, salary, $G5.00. Alleen Cochran, salary, $133.33. Alleon Cochrnn, visiting schools, $142.G0. I Alleon Cochran, office expenses,! $32.15. Sundry persons, road dragging I $92.90. I A. Abcrcromblo, scrapers, $100.00. j A. S. Allen, offlco expenses, $30.78. : E. II. Springer, salary, $81.25. Sundry persons, surveying, $30.25. E. Llndblad, blacksmithlng, $1S.G5. I F. W. Hormlnghausen, salnry, ' $85.70. I S. J. Koch, salary, $05.00. Wesley Gocklo, dragging, $18.25. C. A. Robinson, road work, $2G,00. Fred McClymont, dragging, $23.05. I Harry Scharmann, dragging, $22.50.' aunury person, vital siaiisucs, ?3U. Win, Cross, dragging, $34.50. Tim Sullivan, salary, $100.00. A. J. Salisbury, salary, $145.80. Sundry persons, road work, $120.30. Honry Hasklns, dragging, $29.00. Harry Scharmann, dragging, $9.00. Adjourned to May 5, 1919. ::o:: A fertile comedy field has been pro vided for "Furs and Frills," which comes to the Keith theatro next Mon day with Richard Carlo ns tho comcdlan-star and a supporting cast of tho best musical comedy talent. The plot Is built around a valuable Rus sian sable coat, which has many amusing adventures. Mr. Carlo is at his best in this new vehicle of his. "Furs and Frills" has already had a New York hearing and In that hard to please city tho critics and public was more than flattering in their praise of both play and star. too:: Serious For Grain Growers Prof. "W. W. J3urr of the agronomy department, stato farm, has received a number of reports concerning the con dition of winter wheat that Indicates a rather serious situation, due to the lack of sunshine. A week of damp, cloudy weather ,has done damage! The grain has been growing so rapidly that it has been falling to the grounii and matting. Tho result, of course. would bo a very light crop unless this condition can be remedied. One fourteen-acro plat at the state farm wns In such condition near the end of last week that it was demed host to mow it. An examination of this plat indicated that tho proper height for mowing tho grain was about four Inchs above tho ground. The Idea is to cut the stem abovo tho center joint. If this Is done tho. plant grows up straight again and will produce a crop. If the plant is mowed below' th'ctin- ter joint it is Killed. Lincoln Journal. bsJ Jr C3 JL&L RINE Matter What Motor No -matter what motor is under the hoodnor hqyv fast or slow shfe's working nor how high engine temperature rises Polar-, ine Oil satisfactorily solves the lubrication problem of your car. The reasons are many. Here are just three. Polarin6 burns up clean, plugs power leaks, and runs free and even at all times. Team Polarine Oil up with Red Crowii Gasoline for utmost satisfaction. Just look for the sign when you need oil or gas. STANDARD OIL COMPANY j m r-'VTSTis's j V - Omaha ' REMEMBER 5r Tl it I VU7UAU5.H flu fl1 JltAraAJlD Oil, COS.TVVHY a 1HE SIGN jjB Strayed or Stolen One brown pony with roached mane and tail; has hole in loft, side of neck, white spot on right hip. One sorrel alt 1 year old, white faceynoso cover with warts. One- dark iron groy colt 1 year pld, white face. Both colts manes wero roached. Liberal reward. ,' A. L. Reichstein, Route B, North Platto. Neb. 30-3 j ALWAYS USE COW BRAND FLOUR NORTH PLATTE ? sfo ksBSBm B8a , VBESTI & ' WORTH PLATTI.KIr IT MAKES BETTER BREAD PATRONIZE NORTH PLATTE INDUSTRIES S au.M i N g STATE UPERVISION KIAW & ERLANQER AND GEORGE O. TYLER O Present Tito Season's Notablo Succoss "POLL Y AN NA" -. THP GLAD PLAY. At tho Keith Theatre, North Platte,, one night only, Wednesday, May 7th. Curtain at 8:30. How to Rate Your Home Town: When a stranger conies to this city with the ; idea of entering business or investing in real .'!' estate, he will rate the community on live points: 1. Municipal Improvements; 2. Bank deposits; ' jV' ' - 3. Churches; ""V 4. Schools; ' ' ' " 5. The Advertising in the local papers. - v That our city may always take a high rating our duties towards our community are plain and well defined. Let tis all get behind every municipal better ment; support our churches and schools to the limit; advertise our businsses liberally, efficient ly; buy in our home markets and the results, including bank deposits, will reflect oredit upon North Platte wherever it is mentioned. Platte Valley State Bank, NORTH PLATTE, NEB. Doposits GuaratvteGci Urtdet? Hiatus of this StpAe KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS, MAZEPPA LODGE No. 115. Meeting Nights Second and Fourth Wednesdays of each Month. K, P. Hall, 602 t Dewey, Phone Black 720. Harry B. York, C. C, phono Black 425, 502 South PJne. 0. E. Elder, V. C, phono Ited 242 214 South Sycamore. 1). M. Hogsett, I., phono Bed C03 G21 West Fifth. C. L. Raskins, 31. W., phdno04, 'Building & Loan Building. S. 31. Souder, K. R. S., phone Bed 425, C01 South Dowey. J. E. Sebastian, 31. l phono Red 348, 911 Enst Second.. Boy Mehliunun, 31. E., phono Black, GS4, 209 South Locust. C. 31. Austin, 31. A phono Black 112S, 410 West Second. J. W. Rowland, I. G phono Bod 497, 220 Enst E. W. E. Starr, O. G plione 577, 320 West Fifth. Make this Secure That was Marshal Foch's message not many days ago nnd Foch knows the danger , of Teutonic treachery as it is given to but few men to know. Is Peace certain ? "'t be too sure," says Foch. Butt to make it secui, let's finish th buy to your limit I I Victory Liberty Loan Committee Tn'i wpace contributed by e job fi