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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 2, 1919)
wleehln NORTH PLATTE 1 NEB., MAY 2, 1919. TIIIRTY-FIFni YEAR. Of IMME.NSK THMhNG ATTENDS 31 AW l'AKTY LAST KVU.NIMi That the Knglneora' May Pnrty lins lost none of its attractiveness for both duncors and spectators was evidenced by the attendance last evening at the thirty-seventh nnnual recurrence of this social function. Few it any ot theso parties have been more largely attended, in fact tlio attendance last night was limited only by tho capacity ' Subscription! to Louir are Slow. A Washington dispatch dated "Wodj nesday night said: The victory liber ty loan campaign was one-half over tonight with only one-quarter of tho total officially roported subscribed, ltoports to the treasury up to tonight showed subscriptions of $1,130,.GD7,OOQ If tho victory loan Is to bo floated successfully subscriptions of $375,000 000 must be gathered daily until tho campaign's end, May 10th. . At tho closo of tho ninth day of the fourth of tho hall, this as regards both Ubcrty lofm campaign, tho time cor-i dancers and spectators. Not only ro8pondng t0 the present In the vie-J worn thn irnllprli nnckad linvond ... ti i I . . . I. 1. lory nrivot uiu iiuuuu uuti iiu&uriucu seating, capacity, but the stage was 51,591.550,000, or $4G1.000,000 more also filled, the side dm rs illled, and Umn lm8 becn BUbscribed so far to the entranco crowded I with those who tho vlctory ,0ttn, Tho perContago of could not find scats. The dancers filled, thc ?(f,o0O,O0O,OOO total of the fourth the floor densely; movements wcro loan sub8crlbed waB 2G.52 per cent jumpered, but whatever inconyen- ng comparoU wIth 05.12 per cent of ence this might involve it seemed oot u t , to detract from thn enjoyment of tho participants. During tho evening cer talnly not less than 1,000 persons were present at ono poriod or another. Tho hall presented a very pretty ap $100.00 JtKWAHI). Some thief entered Derryberry & Fjorbes hardware store Jsome. time pearance, for tho decorations for the 1 during tho day Tuesday and stole auto show had not been removed or , thoir note file out of their safe, disarranged, and these with the my-! This Is a largo leather file and con riad of lights added brilliancy to the 'tains nothing of value to anyone ex scene, cept Derryborry & Forbes, and they Stamp's orchestra furnished the mu-' feci thnt as soon as the thief realizes sic; it was of high class, and that it, It Is of no value to him he will throw was appreciated was shown by the fact , It away. that during tho early part of tho night j They will pay $100.00 reward for the each dance was encored fro.m two to return of tho file containing tho notes. four times. As a little act of courtesy j ::o:: each dancer was given a carnation. j The Lutheran Brotherhood was en Viowed from nil angles tho thirty- tertalned last Monday evening by Mr. seventh annual May Party was a pro- and Mrs. V. F. Deck nt their .homo on nounced success. j west Fifth street. An unusually ln- ::o.. treating program of music had been What a precious word it Is the prepared, participated in by Walter word "mother." It Is as old as the world, and has always been associated with tho lovllest things in tho world Thompson, Charles Thompson, Dr Cresslor, Victor Beck and Miss Mildred Cresslor. There was nlso singing by A wonderful story has been built, the Brotherhood. At the conclusion around the word "Mother" a story, of the program, Mrs. Beck served a that will bring homo. to every man and delicious lunch. woman tho poetry of motherhood. This' we have something now. .The New story Is "The Call of the Soul" and ( Edison is a musical instrument, not a with Gladys Brockwell it will be talking machine. Cdmo in and ono shown at the Keoth tonight. In ad-reCord will convince you. Harry anion to revealing tne sacrqa joys on Dixon motherhood it settles an important problem which should be of interest to every alert citizen. It is the problem of sex inequality. Women's. and misses finest man tailored suits, tho manufacturers' laU est models,- are being 'sold at one fourth off the regular season's prices at Tho Leader Mercantile. Co.'s. Frank J. Sullivan was called! to Michigan Wednesday -evening by- a telegram announcing ;no death of hit. father. CO. COfcXinSHnO Sl'KINOKK nKCOJUjftsA JiEX EDICT That the unexpected happens in this old world was denloriStrnted last ev onlng whon County Commissioner E H. Springer became a benedict. Mr. Springer had so long lived a bacholoi that few suspected that tho dart of Cupid would ever reach him, but tho shaft from the bow struck, and laot evening, Mrs.. Pulllam, for a number of years a resident of Brady, became Mrs. Edward H. Springer. The core mony was performed by County Judge Woodhurst, and the attendants were Mr. and Mrs. Springer, of Philadelphia, who had journeyed to Nebraska for the express purpose of witnessing tho ceremony that ended the bachelor life of their brother. Following the cere mony a wedding supper for four was served at a local cafe and later tho party returned to Brady In the Spring er car In which the trip to this city had been made. Mr. Springer, by reason of having filled tho position of commissioner for sovoral terms, is one of the most wide ly known men of tho county and his friends in all sections will bo ready to heartily congratulate him when they meet him. Mrs. Pulllam Is a splendid woman and will make a home for "Ed" that will prove a veritable oasis after his years of travel over the sands of bachelordom. Best wishes are extended. LOCAL AND I'ERSONAL -::o: The Home Builders' Association, with Mossrs. Sebastian, Temple, and Hollirinn as tho main promoters has been incorporated with a capital stock, of .$25,000. The object or tho associa tion is to assist people of limited moans in securing homes. The plans of the association will be given In more detail later. The. nipst. wonderful and cleverest women's newest suits are being sold at one-fourth off tho regular soiling 1 prices at The Loader Mercantile Co.'s. A dancing number, one of the many to he seen In Iticlmnl Carle's grcntcst musical comedy success, "Furs and Frills," nt the Keith theutrc 011 3rmday night, May 5th. Curtain at S:!50 p. m. , Architect Beck has completed In do tall tho plans for thc house which tho Country Club will erect on its tract of land north of the city. The com plete plans call for a building costing botween $8,000 and $10,000, but the club may decide not to complete tho plans in detail at this time, expending at present about $7,000. House dresses on snlo at The Lead er Mercantile Co.'s. at $1.45, ' $1.95, $2.45 and $2.95 . C. J. Bowen, who has conducted tho livery barn on Vino street for a num ber of years, has retired from tho business. Thc building has been leased for a term of five years, by Der ryberry & Forbes who will use it for storage purposes. Every suit, cape or dollman arriv u uo avou obs ims puu EOO PLOCK'S. Lloyd Askwig returned yesterday from Kearney where he has been at tending the Kearney Military Acad emy. Lloyd's instructors presented him with a beautifu gold pencil as a reward for being the best student throughout theyear,'' , ' All orders for ovei' $5 delivered free. We pay cash for butter and eggs. K. G. Stegemann, North Side' Grocer, phone 212. . Mrs. Walter O'Connor left last night for Lincoln to attend a banquet given ! by a sorority of which she is a mem ber. I Bungalow aprons on sale at The ' Leader Mercantile Co. s. at 95c, $1.45 $1.95, $2.45 and up. 1 E. C. Hardonbrook, who had been i employed In the express office, loft ! last night for Cheyenno where he will 1 accept a position as car checker. 1 Entire stock of new spring suits at a discount of 20 off regular prices at BLOCK'S. The J. F. F. club will meet Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. Andy McGovern 510 east Fourth street. Mrs. Harry Murrln returned Wed nesday from Kearney where she spont a i"v days. um Block, ot Fremont, spout last Sunday .with his brothor II. I. Block ot this city. Entire stock of nw spring suits nt a discount of 20 oft rogular price nt BLOCK'S. W. R. Malonoy left yostordny for Omaha, whore ha transact business for h few days. Claude Dclaney, who had boon in Excelsior Springs for some time, has returned home. Mrs. C. F. Ilowon, of Boulder, Col. arrived Thursday for a visit with ker sister, Mrs M. F. Hosier. For Kent IIouso on west Third stret-t. Inquire at Martl's meat mtw ket. W. A. Henderson of Gerlng, spent last night with Ills cousin George Frater. Mr. Henderson is driving n fruck through from Omaha. Mrs. H. N. Jacobs will return to morrow to her homo at Denver aftor a two month's visit hero with her par onts Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Stuart. The meeting to organize a ball team announced for tonight has been post poned until Monday night. Tho meet ing will bo held nt the firemon's hall. If you are still to buy your new spring suit, cape or dollman, don't fall to take advantage of the big bargains now offered at the May coat and suit sale now on at BLOCK'S. Victory Note l'urclinsers. Scott Reynolds $1000.00 Thos. Bumoy ldO.OO Thos. Cnrtor - 100.00 R. F. Cottorall G0.00 J. W. Dugnn 200.00 J. H. BrtmUtn 200.00 Jag. Flynn 50.00 E ,S. Fromnn , 100.00 ! Gus Gundorson 500.00 Mrs. C. F. Koch 100.00 Walter S. Leon 100.00 Llork-Sandall Co; . - 500.00 L. M. Mogenson 100.00 W. J. O'Connor 500.00 H. A. Rhodes 50.00 Mrs, Dott Roborts 50.00 H. L. Schrlvor 500.00 M. E. Watts 500.00 Geo. A. Austin 200.00 Henry Clausen 60.00 Chas. E. Ell 100.00 Jos. Gamble , 50.00 Emlln D. Hensolt 100.00 A. L. Mlschko 200.00 Mrs. P. A. Norton 100.00 Mrs. J. C. Rnynor 50,00 Aug Splntor ,- 50.00 S. W. Trockmorton 50.00 C. T. Whchm 500.00 Villn Whltlnkor r 50.00 Jas. W. Baggott 50.00 Mrs. W. C. Buckner 50.00 Vera L. Brotornitz 50.00 Albert Doebkes 50.00 Josso E. Davis 250.00 Leon Dunwoody 50.00 C. G. Emnlck 50.00 F. Erlckson 50.00 H. McDonald, who hnd been THE UNIVERSAL CAR The Ford Sedan, always a handsome car of refinement and comfort, is more than ever the car for social life, in city and country. Delivery reasonably prompt. Sedan, $775; Coupe, $650; Touring Car, $525; Runabout $500; Truck Chasis, $550. These prices are f. o. b. Detroit. We will be pleased to take your order and make as quick delivery as possible. Normal production at the factory has not yet been reached, so it is suggested that the sooner you leave your order, the sooner you will get your -car, HENDY-OGIER AUTO Ford Authorized Sales and Service. The Ford Sedan You can't afford to Invest in a phonograph until you Investigate the merits of tho new Edlson.DIxon's Harold Duke arrived at Now York Monday, after nine months In overseas service. Ho is n member of tho 31st Engineering Corps, one of tho first regiments to be sent across. .Maxwell business men have sub scribed $160 for placing a ball team lh the field. Joe Leach will be cap tnin of tho team, Ira Sage mnnager and J. W. Elliott treasurer. The members of tho Grand Army of the Republic are requested to meet with the Woman's Relief Corps at Odd Fellows' hall tomorrow afternoon at which time araugements will bo made for the proper observance of Me morial day. Nothing resorvod, any) spring, suit in the store now offered at a discount of 20 off regular price at BLOCK'S. Nothing reserved, any spring suit in tho store now offered at a discount of V off regular price at BLOCK'S. ' At a meeting of the directors of the" McDonald State Bank held April 2Cth W. H. McDonald was elected presi dent to succeed his father, tho late Charles McDonald, and J. B. McDonald was elected vice-president to sue ceed W filling the latter position. The D. A. R. will meet Monday night with Mrs. L. R. Duke, S02 east Fifth street. The program will bo: Music; The Red Cross, Mrs. B. Field; The Y. M. C. A. and Kindred Oganlzations. Mrs. E. N. Plummer; D. A. R. Maga zine, Mrs, F. G. Hoxlo; Roll call, My War Garden; election of officers. If you are still to buy your now spring suit, cape or dollman, don't fall to take advantage of the big bargains now offered at the May coat and suit sale now on at BLOCK'S. ; :o:: Goes to Kansas Cily. B. L. Lambert left last night for Kansas City to meet his sBn Jim who arrived last Sunday from overseas service and is enroute to Camp Fun ston for demobilization. Jim came over on tho transport of which his brother Bert Lambert Is lieutenant-commander, and the meet ing of the two brothers on board tho vessel was tho first time they had seen each other In five years. : :o: : April Weather The lowest tcmporaturo last raoijth was twenty-four degrees, tho highest eighty-four, the greatest dally range forty-two, and tho mean for the month forty-eight. Tho total precipitation was 2.21 inches, as compared with tho average of 2.15 Indies for tho month Last year tho April rainfall wns 2.01 Inches. Slnco January wo havo an ac cumulated excess of twenty one-hun dredths of an Inch as compared with tho normal for tho first four months of tho year. During tho month there wero but nine clear days, and ten days on which more or less rnln fell. These figures are takon from tho monthly summary Issued by Observer Shilling. Help For Tired Eyes An, ordinary day's work ought not to tiro your eyes. If II does, that Is n bln, of trouble which should be nt U.itk-il to. Come to Clinton's optometrist. lie win test your vision and lit you with (finises which will rest jour eyes and dike uwny the tdraln. ThrNu glasses will bo north a' great deal more, than the very reasonable No: 2 , ' 11 ' I 1 "'" Bruco Eshom ... - .50.00 Y. A. HInman lOO.OO Dlok Hayes -.c.--j. ' 50.00 J. J.' Johnson 50,00 Mrs. Annie Johnson ..... 50.00 Wm. Kaldlng 50.00 Josso Long . 200i00 Tom Lymbor . 50.00 J. II. Mnthlcson 100.00 Jas Mackrls . . 50.00 J. G. Mollvaln 200.00 T. H. Miyoshl - 50.00 Elmer Owens . 100.00 L. II. OUon 50.00 D. A. Russell 100.00 Chas. -Roasch 100.00 Arthur Rush 300.00 Jno. T. Stuart . . 100.00 M. A. Saleclttl .... 50.00 Carl T. Skaggs 1 . 100.00 R. J. Sullivan - 100.00 J. K. Strlckler lOO.OO C. F. Tracy i 200.00 W. J. Thomas 200.00 C. E. Vernon 50.00 Mrs. Cv E. Vernon 50.00 Roy Wilson . 50.00 M. R. McGraw '. 50.00 Hugh Songor , 50.00 J. A. Hood 50.00 Hnrvo Calhoun 50.00 Bort Phelps j. 50.00 ; to; ; i Tho protracted period of cloudy, cool and glooniy weather camo to an end Wednesday and wo are now hav ing tho bright days which brings cheerfulness to bur souls and makes the flowers bloom. WANTED A MOTHER A little girl stretches out her hands in vain longing. All those women who bend over her smilingly are strangers. Does she find a mother at last? GLADYS BROCKWELL in "The Call of the Soul" Will Tell You. Also the SENNET COMEDY: Keith Theatre v TONIGHT ONLY Keith Theatre SATURDAY WALLACE REID IN "Too Many Millions 99 FROM THE STORY "SOMEONE AND SOMEBODY"' Parson's Comedy, "THE BIG IDEA." TOM MOORE IN Go West, Young Man" Horace Greeley's advice followed to the letter. The adventures of a silk-lined prodigal son. Crystal Theatre Saturday and Monday T P R ESTIGE BUILDING FOOTWEAR 'his is one of a type of shoes "John Kelly" made that has built a prestige and reputation "for splendid values and exclusive fashions. This smart tan calf oxford in the season's new shade of brown is a stunning model and a remarkable value. One of a line of shoes that for beauty, fit and service cannot be equalled. THE WINDOW IS ATTRACT- , t , . IVE WITH THE NEW "JOHN KELLY" SPRING STYLES. E. TRAMP 8c SONS, prlct wejisk for them. C. S, CLINTON Jeweler and OPTICIAN. At the Sign of tho lllg lUng. HOE STORE tarxncwnxxraari