The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, April 29, 1919, Image 1

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Witt Mtttth
No. 31
, ,f ... i-u
Tho Tribune Is requested to an
nounce that a meeting will bo held at
tho Franklin auditorium at eight
p'clock Thursday evening for the
purposoi of organizing a camp of the
American Legion and to request the
attendance of all soldiers and sailors
of Lincoln county. All soldiers and
sailors who have been in tho service
overseas or in homo camps are eligi
ble to membership. In tho Legion and
are urged to be present at tho meet
ing. Camps of tho Legion aro now
being formed by tho boys overseas as
well as by thoso in tho larger towns
and tho cities hero at homo and tho
camp at Omaha has requested an or
ganization in this county as well as
in every county in tho state. Aftei
tho counties aro organized delegates
will be sent to a general meeting to bo
hold at Omaha or some other point
whore a state department will bo or
ganized. Every state in the union
will l)o organized and the general
plan of formation will probably be
along the lino "of tho Grand Army of
tho Republic, the membership of
which was composed of tho survivors
of tho northern army in the civil
war. The O. A. It. before its ranks
were decimated by deaths due to ad
vanced age of the members, was tho
most powerful organization this coun
try has ever known and did more to
keep alive tho spirit of patriotism for
country than any other" agency. Tho
American Legion can, and no. doubt
will, prove Just as beneficial to the
ilt is hoped that overy returned sol
dier and sailor will make a special
effort to bo present at the meeting
at tho auditorium Wednesday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Mungcr and
daughter Mary Jane will leave Sunday
for Omaha. Mr. Munger has been
drawn as a federal grand juror and
while ho serves as such Mrs. Munger
and daughter will visit relatives and
by Thomas Dixon, author of "The Birth of a Nation." A
picture with as timely a theme as "the Nation" and one
that will reach into perhaps as many homes.
keith theatre Wsduesday and Thursday
Crystal Theatre Tonight and Tomorrbw
Leopard skins and flowing hair vs. high heeled slippers
and trains. The Savage Woman submits for a while and
then but see the results. $
For the greater protection of owners of Ford cars, that they may receive
the largest possible service from their cars, the Ford Motor Company has
adopted the liberal policy of selling to any responsible Qarage throughout the
United States, the genuine Ford Parts, upon such Garages- agreeing to give
the real Ford service.
This accomplishes two splendid res ults. First, the widest possible satisfac
tory service to the owners of Ford cars; Second, a larger and more profitable
businessifor every Garage.
The millions of Ford cars in daily operation mean a larger volume of ser
vice business throughout the country. The number of authorized Ford dealers
is not sufficient to care for this immense volume of service trade, but now,
wherever the Ford owner may drive, in any directipn, in any state or territory,
he will be within arm's reach of reliable service with the benefits which come
from the use of genuine Ford Parts. There is now no reason why .every Ford
owner may not demand and insist upo n genuine, Ford Parts being used when
his car requires attention.
We will be pleased o supply any reliable Garage in our territory with the
genuine Ford Parts promptly.
Ford Authorized Sales nnd Service.
l3p to last evening subscriptions to
tho Victory loan notes in Lincoln jpoun
ty so far as reported amounted to less
than ono hundred thousand dollars,
more than four-fltfhs of which had
been subscribed in the city. This rep
resents tho subscriptions up to last
Saturday evening, and to say tho least"
is not very encouraging noi1 docs-ii
lndlcato that Lincoln county will
raise its quota, tl is true that hero in
town tho soliciting has not been com
pleted, but so far as. It has gono, tho
returns have not been as satisfac
tory as expected. Not many aro re
fusing to subscribe, but tho amount
! they take is so much loss than In
former campaigns that the total does
I not mount rapidly.
I Returns from tho banks In the coun
jty outside of North Platto lndlcato
j that tho campaign is also progressing
, slowly in tho county precincts, those.
I returns to date averaging nbout one-
tenth of the quota that was allotted to
tho respective banks.
Chairman Temple felt rather dis
appointed yesterday over tho manner
in which Lincoln county people wero
subscribing. They had done so well
in previous campaigns that ho was led
to bellcvo that the same onthuslaBni
would be shown in the present drive,
extra effort will be made this week to
induce the people-to buy and to influ
ence those "who have already bought
to buy more.
: :o: :
The Elks hold a regular meeting
last evening and initiated Paul Nolan",
L. C. Dasklns, Harris Stuart and C.
C. Worden, a bam cashier of Oga
lallff. Nine applications for member
ship received official action.
Tho aid society of the M. E. church
will meet Thursday afternoon in the
church parlors.
The Women'B Foreign Missionary so
ciety of tho M. E. church will meet
Friday afternoon at the homo of Mrs.
W. E. Starr.
tlulisctlpllcno to Victory, Lonn
Lincoln County, Neb.,. $1000
J. J. Halllgan 1000
Mrs. D. L. Ryan 1000
uay u. ijangiora .... --j.
Mrs. Rny C. Lnngford
Chas. Scyferth .'- 500
O. M. Trotter 600
Mrs. John llratt 500
A. E. Tlmmorman 500
Wm. C. Haaso 500
F. W. Herminghnusen 500
Mrs. II. W. Bird - 300
Q. W. Smith i.l 300
II. M. Grimes 250
D. W. Macomber 200
Olo. Rasmussen .... 200
Mrs. C. M. Trotter ... 200
R. L. Murdock , 1 200
S. G. Anderson - . 200
C. C. Long 2Q0
P, A. Norton 200
A. J. Salisbury 200
Chas. Vallln 150
D. C. Whalcy 150
R. E. Marshall r 15P
J. 13. Jeter 150
Fred Wendcborn 100
W. F. Crook 100
W. H. Munger 100
W. L. Reynolds 100
Riloy Warren . 100
Alma Tollllon ' 100
F. F. Overman 100
J. Ai Peters , ., 100
Robert Dean . 100
E. A. Duvall 100
T. Elrdam 100
L. Llpshitz 100
Earl Stamp .: 100
Fred II. Thompson 100
E. W. Cross . u.L 1 100
G. D. Chamberlain 100
O. E. Elder 4 100
Faye Elder 100
H6raco Frazler 100
Louis Grulko 100
A. J. Glado .1 106
Mrs. A. J. Glado l60
Esther R. Hlrschfield 100
Mrs. R. F.- Cotterell 50
J. K Frederlci 50
Thca Hansen ' 50
A. C. Howard , 50
Mrs. A. C. Howard
... 50
Grace E. Burke
Thomas Brlggs
Clyde Chapel j 50
Mrs. L. R. Duke
Daniel Greeley
G. Gutherless .
Mildred McKeown -50
J. K. Ottenstein
Henry Olcson
Emma Pulver .
Nels Rasmussen
Mrs. Earl Stamp 50
E. M. Schatz 50
Harvey Smith 50
John States. ..-i-..?:-""50
Alex Allen - 50
Ed a Wendeborn . 50
A. R. Cummings 50
Mrs. A. R. Cummings 50
F. W. Kornruff 50
E. Lindblad 50
C. R. Morey ; 50
P. C. Peterson ' 50
James Ormond r 50
Otto Anderson I 50
Eora M. Balzer ' 50
R. J. Clabaugh 50
Mrs. John B. Edwards and two of
tho children will leavo In a few days
for a protracted visit In tho south. The
family has been occupying tho Munger
house, but tho furnishings are now
being packed for storage.
Why not save $10 or $15? You can
by buying your suit at E. T. Tramp &
City wklfAiIMkeaouk is
(jetting a (30(h) start
Tho welfaro program la KcttliiR n
Bplemlld start toward its -organization.
Dr. Hanson, of tho National Welfare
League, spoko to a capacity house
Sunday ovoning nnd to a good house
last evening. This nftornoon ho will
speak to womon and tonight on tho im
portant subject of a "Socjnl Con
science." This Welfaro Loaguo has a splendid
program for bbth state and municipal
wefare work. It proposes a city or
dinance that- will place all wolfaro
work In tho hands of a board of llvo.
This committee is to bo appointed by
mo mayor from candidates selected
by various organizations of tho city.
Ten candidates will bo appointed nnd
from these tho Mayor Bolects five. This
board will havo sunorvlslon of all mu
nicipal welfaro work.
Last evening a welfare committee of
nbout twenty-five was selected. This
cominittoo consists of tho following:
Mayor A. F. Stroltz, Elmor Coatos, C.
L." Raskins, C. Simon. Mrs. M. E,
Scott Miss Ireno Crane. Leslie Zook.
F. 'R. Elliott, A. A. Craig, Mrs. J. J.
Crawford, E. T. Tramp, W. R. Malpnoy.
a. lost, Mrs. Cramer. A.VW. Sill line.
It. D. Blrgo, Mrs. Blalock, Mrs. A. Sal
Tills committee selected J. II. Van
Cleae as chairman and Miss Laura
Murray secretary.
J, G. Beelor, R. D. Blrgo and Will
Hondy was appointed a commltteo to
draft a proposed ordlnnncc providing
rorjn wefaro board and will meet to
day;, with Dr. Hnnson.
Dave Young arrived Saturday for a
visit with his sister Mrs. E. H. Yates.
Mr.' Young who had been In the ser
vice overseas for tho past sovci.
months, was released from tho hospi
tal about two weeks ago and given
his discharge. While acting as a run.
ner messenger near the front' lines ho
was, taken prisoner and spent three
months in a German prison camp.
About tho middle of September he re
ceived two serious flesh wounds and
was In tho hospital from that time
until ho received his discharge. Ho
was accompanied hero by his sister
Miss Vlrglo Young, of Pokin. 111., who
win spend several months in town.
Manufactures' lino of finest tailor
ed suits Bold to us at a discount of
one-fourth off tho regular prico just
arrived this morning and wjll bo
placed on salq with our own stock
and sold to you at a discount of one
fourth off tho regular selling price.
These suits will' all go in a few days,
Lpc-!Wmo. early and select your 'suit at
The Leader Mercantile Co.'s.
Jit. .
The Spanish War Veterans havo in
vited tho members of the W. R. C. and
the G. A. R, to be present at tho sup
per to bo served at tho flromen's hall
at eight o'clock this evening. Those
two organizations havo requested Tho
Tribune to ask the general member
ship to accept the invitation so cour
teously extended.
"Furs and Frills,'' besides Its splon
dld company and roaring comedy olo
ment, is filled with bright and catchy
melodies and a number of tunoful song
hits. Thero is tho usual attractlvo
Carlo chorus of pretty girls, beauti
ful scenery and(costumo3 and superb
Tho smartest things in Women's and
misses' ready-to-wear you will find
hero. Now garments aro coming In
every day. Wo invito your Inspection
and comparison. Sale on suits now
011 at The Leader Mercantile Co.'s.
Wanted Girl or woman for general
housework. Good wages. Phone Red
2SS, tf.
Wanted Contracts for plowing. Call
at 075 No. Locust. Phono Red 550. 22
Special Discount Sale on Suits and Coats
Mrs. S. M: Soudors returned hist
night from a visit with rolntlvos in
Frnnk Turplo returned this morning
from a business trip to tho cast -part
of tho state.
Mrs. Walter Hazoticamn. MIsh .Tr-
enlllllO Robb nnd MIsh Mvrtdi snnnt
Sunday in Gothonhurg.
Thoy aro hero nunln: clover new
SUitS that tillKlo With tfninrtnts mi
sale at Tho Leader Mercantile Co.'s,
After a residence nf nnrlv ilftv
years In North Plntto. Mr. nml m
Snml. Goozco will loavo during tho
tore part or May ror Omaha to make
tholr futuro homo.
Keith Theatre, Wednesday, May 7
. J&Y Catherine ChisholM Cushing
Uased on the Book of the Same Name by Eleanor H.fbrta
ACbmedy-forGrowEtlos ThafVoung Folks Enjoy
PRICES SI.OO, $1.50 AND $2.00
Under Snmo Management as Country Cousin Co. Curtain nt 8:,'t0 p. in.
Richard Carle and a few of his dancing girls in the
delightful musical comedy. Furs and Frills, at the 'Keith
Theatre oa Monday night, May 5th. Curtain 8:30
We ate giving-the people the benefit of an
early Discount Sale on Suits and Coats. We
still have a big showing of just the very best
garments of the season, and only dependable
merchandise shown. There is much satisfac
tion in knowing you are buying merchandise
that has a brand and that you are getting
value received for every dollar you are pay
ing. Not only do we show quality, but style
is in evidence in every garment.
In' Jurying a Suit or Coat during this
20 Percent
can save you many dollars.
Gono Crook, who has boon receiving
treatment at Rochester, Minn., for sev
eral weeks, Is expected homo in a
fow days. 1 .
D. M. Loypoldt. A. C. Wright and
Attorney Cnrr returned Sunday from
tho north part of the state where thoy
wont last week to attend a suit in tho
district court.
Tho lato Charles McDonald -having
loft no will, a petition hns been filed
In tho county court asking for tho np
polntniont of threo oxecutors. In tho
petition tho estate is estimated at
?350.000, of which $150,000 is real es
tate and $200,000 porsonal proporty.
R. J. Brown, who has been visiting
his brothers P. II. Sullivan and J. S.
Monroo, returned yostcrday to his
homo In Now York. - . '
Piesent fc '.
OlLc1.c( JX3