The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, April 22, 1919, Image 8

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    Semt'pteckly Sxtbune.
UtA L RARI', Editor nnd Pnlillslior
One Ycnr by 3fnll, In ndmnco..$1.7i
Ono Xcnr hy Carrier, In ndvnnce, $2.00
Entered at tho North IMatto, Nebraska
PostoMco aa Second-Class Mattor.
TUESDAY, Al'JHL 22, 1010.
Horshcy, Nob., Apl. lGth.
Editor Trlbuno: In looking over your
Tuesday's Issue I boo whore the
county has accepted tho offer of $1,250
from tho Great Western Sugar Co,
means to add a llko amount to
build a boulevard north of the beet
fliunn fit O'Pnllfinn. Klirn It itt to thn
inforont nf Mm Biiirnr nnmnnnv. but
what about roads In tho other parts dom In Italy, sho kept him long cn
ot tho county? Twclvo hundred nnd thralled, and when her victim finally
fifty plus ?1,250 makes $2,500 for a. sailed away, burned heraeir to death
road that only a few peoplo ubo. Thoro boforo her subjects,
aro placos south of Horshey where Tho baleful treachery of the "do
fences an? down nnd peoplo with cars stroylng angel" Is strikingly Illustrnt
ns woll ns teams must go through cd by tho Btory of Jezebel, of Holy
fields or got a ferry boat to cross la- Writ. Falling, ns tho wife of King
mnnn If timv wnnt to cnt to town with Ahah of Judoa, to gnln control of Na-
thclr butter andcggs to trade for to- both's vlnoynrd, sho had Naboth nr
bacco and coffee. Now $1,250 would rested for treason, convicted by false
fill a lot of said lagoons nnd moro witnesses und condemned to doatn.
farmers would smllo Instead of saying Then tho ruthless Queon ,selzed the
things mat wouiu not iook won in
print. Wo all havo our faults,
some nro different.
1 ' 0
0. A. II.' Attention.
Department Encampmont meets nt
York May 10 to 21. Department Com
mander Hoagland has secured n rate
of 2c a mllo. This rato Is glvon mem
bers of O. A. R. and allied organiza
tions whether dologatcs or not, but Is
not open to tho gonoral public. The
faro for tho round trip will bo approxi
mately $7,50. In order to secure a
ticket at the reduced rato It will bo
necessary to got a certificate from tho
Adjutant. ThlB will bo a flno thro
.day ouUng to ono of tho neirt towis
In tho state. Camp fires, bands, con
certs, etc., all froo. Tho war Is over,
our boys arc returning home, tho O. A.
.R. has n special nrlde In lo splendid
record mado by Nebraska soldlcrB and
tho loyalty of nil our peoplo for tho
common good of our freo country. Tho
world now Knows what the United,
States can do whon action Is neces
sary. A big delegation should accom
pany Dopnrtmont Commander Hoag
land to tho encampment.
Post AdJt
::o: i..
' Thoro Is an ordinance which pro-
,.!:. i,,,.,V..., l,u Inwn nUnn nirn1
and oUur,iBh Urto tho street
ditches, and I am instructed by the;
r, .n n,nt ti.o nniinnnm in nn.
aii nn,,rv nu,nnr, nn.i inn '
of this ordinance, ns complaints will Mondny, Wednesday and Saturday nf
bo filed in court against vlolatora. Itorncron. '28-4
w ii QATrcmiTuv tto::
Street Commissioner.
Don't forget tho special ealo on j
suits and coats. E. U. Tramp & Sons.
Tho Royal Neighbor social club will
meet at tho homo of Mrs. J. F. Schmal-
zrlcd, 504 Dewey, Wednesday aftor-j
noon. Assisting tho hostess aro Mrs.'
Elinor Owens, Dr. Mario Ames and
Mrs. E. M. York.
Tho five big meat packers of tho
country assured tho United States
labor commission last Thursday that
no roductlon In tho wages ot their om
ployes would bo made within ono year
from th signing of tho ponco torms.
Tjieso flvo packora employ In ono way
and nnothor about 300,000 men and
women. This would indlcato that tho
price of hogs will remain closoly to
tho prosont prlco for tho next year.
At the Old Stock Ynrds.
1 Metal windmill towor, 2 wood !
towers, lot ot old lutnbor, big assort
ment of nntlvo qodar poBts different
lengths, kindling wood Btovo length, 1
Emerson mowor.noarly now, buggy,
polo, shafts, node yoke, 2 sots hnnioss,
2 sdddlos, 3 head work, horsos, 3
marcs, 1 cultivator, 2 hoc. harrow,
lister, plow. Used wlro, barb audi
wovon. 2C-4
::o:: I
Dull, llfoleau oyos.colorlosa Hps, sal-i"
low, yQllow chooks, give a girl Uttlo;
ohanco for n "man" thoso dayB. Don't '
loso heart, Just tako Holllstor's Rocky !
Mountain Tea holpo to make you nt-
tractlvo and fair. Don't delay, begin
today. J. O. Pattoraon.
New Century Thresher
Is built in sizes to meet your needs.
This thresher is noted for its simplicity, durability, and
and its ability to get tho grain out of the straw, which by
the Way is no small item with wheat at $2.25 per bushel.
VWefer yOU 0 men that have had vork done by tho
Catalogue free.
Phone 784F2 North 'Platte, Neb
And now comoa Salomo, latest ot
tho sirens of tho sorcon! Thcda Dara
Introduces her to us today for the first
tlmo In gelatine form at tho Sun.
Slnco mother Eve lured Adam to cat
of the fruit of tho Troo of Life, woman
hart played upon tho heartstrings of
man as tho wind upon an Aeolian
Who does not know of Helen of
Troy, tho'woman who caused tho Tro
jan war? Although tho wife of King
Agamemnon of tho Greeks, alio en
snared Paris, son of tho Trojan King,
wltll her Jnllamlng beauty, and was
homo by tho Infatuated Prince to tho
Cltadol of Troy, Then camo ten lont,
year of blood and strife and the un
timely deaths of countless heroes.
And Dido, ravishing Queen of
Ancient Carthago! Luring Aeneas
from his mission to found a now king
dead man's property a- crimo for
which sho was cursed by the Prophet
Elijah and her namo made an evil by
word forever.
Whon woman's evil genius In af
fairs of state Is mentioned, the mind
leaps to Lucrctia Borgia, beautiful
plotter of Medloval Rome.
And thoro Is Clcopartra, Queen or
Egypt, and a dozen moro of com
paratively modorn days.
But of all slrons, ancient or modem,
Salomo, of tho Scrlpturos, stands
nlone. Sho Is a peculiar typo, and
never, often as alio has been sung
about nnd written of, has she been In
terpreted so convincingly as sho Is on
tho scroen by Theda Bara, according
to reportB from tho oast. Today we
Bhall again feel her fascination.
At tho Sun Theatro tonight, Wed
nesday nnd Thursday ovonlngs and
matinees Wednesday and Thursday at
Red Cross Notes.
Tho need for used clothing In tho
dovastcd regions of Europe Is bo
great that tho campaign for second
hand clothing and shoes has. been ex-
, tended to May 1st. Send what you
i can sparo to tho Franklin school. If
'10 clotu 's Bd, ovon If thoro is a
(hub win guiuiy iniiKO wium over ior
cllI"ron , , , , . ,
W l"VO llUndredB Of Children's
skirts aprons and dresses cut out and
WoUld p B,ad f the ladlea could como
and get a few to sow on nt homo. Our
work rooms aro open every afternoon,
and tho knUtinir room is open every
ino Harrington mer. uo. win ouy
I your Hay and Grain. Obtain
priced boforo you soil.
For Medical, Surgical, Mat
ernity and convalescent pati
Successful operation on
Appendix, when necessary
Gall bladder
Hospital Phone 110
Office Phone 183
Residence Phone 283
1008 West Fourth Street .
North Platte, Neb.
rhsylclan and Surgeon.
Special Attention GItoii to Surgery
ami Obstrotrlcs.
Offlco: Building & Loan Building
Phones: Offlco 130, Residence 115
Physician nnd Surgeon
Rooms 5-G McDonald Bank Bldg.,
North Platte. Nob.
..General Hospital::
One Hall Block North ot Posloflice.
Phone 58
A modern institution for th
Bciantific treatment of medical,
surgical and confinement cases.
Completely equipped X-Ray
und diagnostic laboratories.
Geo. B. Dent. M. D. V. Locas, M.',D.
J.B. Red5e!d.M.D. J. S. SIMMS, M.D.
Offlco over McDonald Hank.
Offlco Phono 1130 lies. Phono 1120
Office phone 241. Res. phone 217
Osteopathic Physician.
North Platte, - - Nebraska.
Knights ot Columbus Building.
g service
. ft .
Service g
I Ford Repair Shop
722 N. Locust. Phone 152.
A Trial Will Convince You,
mi. ItEDFIELl)
ritysician, Obstetrletan
Surgeon, X-ltay
Calls Promptly Answered Night or Day
Phone Offlco (112 Rcsldcnco U7(t
Licensed Embamera
Undortakora and Funeral Directors
Day phono '11
Night phono Black CSS
Estate No. 1018 of Mary M. Evarts, le
ceusou, in ins jouniy i ourt of Lin
coln County, Nebraska.
The Stato of Nebraska, To all per
sons lntcrostod In said ostato tako
notice that a petition has been filed for
tho probato of an Instrument purport
ing to bo the lust will and testament of
Mary E. Evnrts and tho appointment of
John A. EvnrtH as Executor of said es
tate, which has hoen set for hearing on
May 17. 1919 at 9 o'clock n. m.
Dated April 19, 1919.
a22m9 County Judge.
Greater Telephone
Revenues are Required.
High Costs Have Increased ' Operating Expenses.
Since the European war began there has been a steady- increase in the price of
. t nearly everything we use. There has not been a corresponding increase in telephone
' "i " ' -
In order to meet the high post of telephone operation, a revenue in just propor
tion "to the expense must be obtained.
"r ' ' '
The necesity for more telephone' revenue is easily understood. ,
"The cost of telepone operation has steadily advanced both because of the increased
cost of material to the telephone company and the increased living expenses of em
ployes. The consumer has realized the necessity of paying more for rent, for food, for cloth
ing and for transportation. The telephone industy has been affected by the same con
ditions which, have produced higher prices in all of the necessities of life.
If thin Company Is to continue to furnish
; :i obtain such rates as will produce n. revenue
Nebraska Telephone Company
Office Phone 340 Rea. Black 37fi
Osteopathic Physician
Belton kldg. North Platte, Neb.
Phono for Appointments.
. Practice Limited to
Surgery and Jlndium Therapy
728 City Nnflonul Bank Building.
Omaha, Nebraska.
The Percheron Stallion
"Lord BirdwootT
Will make the season of 1019 nt the
J. T. Smith farm nt tho Baker school
house four miles west of North l'lnttc.
"Lord llirdwood" M'ns foaled June
1R, 1910, bred nnd raised by I). A.
Goodrich, of Hellenic, Nob., weighs
1900, perfectly sound nnd Is recorded
by tho Percheron Society of America
under tho record number of Ulb02.
SERVICE FEE $12.50 to insure the
mnre with fonl.
Care will bo taken to prevent uccl
dents but should any occur tho owner
of the horse will not bo responsible.
NOTICH TO ounniTous
Eatato No. 1C24 of Walter G. afcNeol
deceased, In the County Court of
Lincoln County. Nebraska.
The State of Nebraska, ss: Creditors
of said estate will take notice that the
time limited for presentation and nl
inr of clnims acninst said estate is
August 10, 1919, nnd for settlement of
said estate is aiarcn 7. luzo: that i win
sit at tho county court room in said
county, on May 16. 1919, at 9 o'clock a
in., anu on August iu. ivi. nt u o ciook
a. in., to receive oxamlno hoar, allow,
or adjust all claims and objections
duly Hied.
al5m9 County Judge.
Depiirtiueiit of the Interior.
U. S. Land OHlco at Broken Bow. Ne
braska, March 27, 1919.
Notice Is hereby given that John A.
Scott, of Dickens, Nebraska, who,' on
February 10. 191C. made homestead en
try North Platte 06312, Broken Bow,
No. 011885, for SV4 Si Section 26,
Township 12 NorihTRange 32 West. 6ul
Principal Meridian, has filed notice of
Intention to make three year proof, to
establish claim to tho. land above, des
cribed, boforo Win. H. C. Woodhurst. U.
S. Commissioner at North Platte, Ne
braska, on tho 15th day of May, 1919.
Claimant names as wltnosses: L. T.
Brodor, of North Platte, Nebraska, Wm.
Facka, of Dickens, Nebraska, W, W.
"r"' Xt iTiv'J" mLTo.T;; WvL;,in
McCru'm, of Dickons, Nebraska.
MAPir r wATinivr.Tfiv
nimn Register decree naming the Bole holrs at law of
1 said deceased person under the laws of
NOTIOH Vint I'IMIMC.VTION (this State, together with their nges and
Department of the Interior. places of residence, and that this Court
U. S. Land Olllco at nroken Bow, No- har all .claims against said estate,
braska, March 18. 1919. ! IT IS HEREBV ORDERED that tho
Notice Is heroby given that Ollvor C. , said petition be hoard bofore the
Luoas, of North Platte, Nebraska, who,! County Court In the Courthouse In tho
nn vnvamhnp fi- 19115. iiiniln homestend City of North Platte. County of Lincoln
entry, North Platto No. 06271, Broken
Bow No. 01JS65, for the W SV, Sec-
tlon 2, Township id isortn, uange au
West pf thff'Oth Prlnolpal Meridian, has
filed notice of intention to maKo three-
vanr nrnof. to establish claim to tho
land abovo described, before William
H. C. Woodhurst, U. S. Commissioner,
at North Platto, Nobraska, on tho 9th
day of May, 1019.
mi. Tnlm WAl.Inn .Tnlin Kminilnrn
Claimant names ua wmeoua; rruint
1UUU1 I, , VJ 1 1 ' .. v.. .'.. i - - - . .
Frank Hood, all of North Platte, Ne -
brnslta. .
ni2Sniz hckihiti
telephone service to the public it
sufficient to cover the cost of providing
Phone 308 .
Rooms 1 and 2 Belton Building
North Platte, Nobraaka.
George V. E. Hanson havlnir made
and presented to said court'a verified
petition showing that Robert Hanson
departed this life on February 10, 1903,
intestate. Doing an lnhnmtant of this
statu and a resident of Burt county,
fseirasKa, and ueing seized and pos
sessed of the following described real
eBtato in Lincoln county, Nebraska,
All of tho Northeast Quarter fNE
of Section Thirty-five (35) In Town
ship Thirteen (13) North of Range
Thirty. one (31) west Cth P. M.
And showing that said Robert Han
son, deceased, left him surviving as his
sole heirs at law and next of kin the
following named persons whose ages
and places of residence nro stated after
their names to-wlt: Sophia Hanson.
widow of said Robert Hanson, who Is ,
now ot ino ago or uy years and whose
residence Is Oakland, Nebraska: Wil-1
iiam it uanson, a son ot said Robert 1
Hanson, who is now of the ago of 46!
years and whoso resldonce is Ludlow,
S. D.; Silas P.Hnnson, a son of Robert ,
Hanson, who is now of the age of 42
years and whose residence is Atkinson,
Nebraska; Anna E. Burns, a daughter
of said Robert Hanson, who Is now of
tho ago of 40 years and whose resi
dence Is Oakland, Nebraska; George L.
E. Hanson, a son of said Robert Hanson
who is ifow of the age of 38 years and
whose residence Is Newcnstle, Nebras
ka; Mary A. Weavor, a daughter of said
Robert Hanson, who Is now of the nge
of 36 years and whose residence Is
Oakland, Nebraska; Jeanette P. Gunder
a, daughter of Bald Robert Hanson, who
1b now of the ago of 33 years nnd
whose resilience is 917 San Antonio
St., Los Angeles, California; Robert L.
Hanson, a son of said Robert Hanson,
who is now of tho ago of 32 years and
whoso resldonce Is 3200 Ask St., Dqh
vor, Colorado; Harry S. Hanson, a on
of said Robert Hanson who is now of
tho age of 30 yoars and whoso residence
Is Newcastle. Nebraska: and Katlierlne
R. Hanson, a daughter of said llobert
Hanson who Is now of the ago of 25
yoars and whose residence Is Qfikland,
Nebraska, and thnt said decesed por
Bon left nn estate of Inheritance In
the ronl estate ahovo d'escrlyed. being
tho title In fee thereto, and that tho
said rcol -estate Is wholly ox'emut from
attachment, execution or other mesne
Pro mVJ-I,0
the regular administration v aid om
tato and make and enter its f rulings
of fact, upon tho allegations of :ald pe
tltlon. showing the name of snid de
ceased person, the dnto of his death,
the fact of his intestncy.the names of
all his heirs nt law, a correct descrlp -
tlon of tho property loft by said de
P.0"!6!1.' ,nmJ th? clinrncter thereof, and
that this Court mako and entor a final
and Stato of Nebraska, on the 3rd.dny
. of May, 1919, at 9 o'clock, A. M., and
, mm any unu nn persons interested in
said matter shall appear at said ttme
anu pinoe anu snow cause if any tnare
do wny me prayer or said petition
should not be granted, and that this
order be published for three successive
weoks prior to said hearing in the
North Platte Seml-Weokly .Tribune,
a legal newspaper nublishad In said
I Pnimtv
. .
1 Dated
I April 11
i .urmvu hi uriii
a ...
Platte, Nebraska,
I April 11, 1919.
WM. H. C. WOODHURST, County Judge
nioa " uy isssio wessuurg, Cleric,
Highest Cash Prices
Paid for ,
Hides and Junk.
Notice to Non-Hcsldent Uefendnutu
Jessie Wilcox, nee Crocker, Ralph
Wilcox, her husband, Richard Crocker,
Mrs. Richard Crfackor, his wife, real
name unknown, Mary Crocker, single,
and Paul Crocker, single, defendants,
take notice that .on the 4th day of
April, 1919. G. J. Stewart, plaintiff, in
an action wherein the said G. J. Stew
art is plaintiff, and you and each of
you are defendants, filed his petition
In tho District Court of Lincoln County,
Nebraska, against said defendants and
each of you, the object and prayer .of
plaintiff's petition is to quiet his title
to the NE of Section 9, Township 10,
Range 32, Lincoln County, Nebraska.
Tho plaintiff alleges In his petition
that tho defendants claim some right
to said real estate by virtue of their
being the heirs of F. R. Crocker, de
ceased, and by virtue Of the fact that
the said F. R. Crocker at one time held
u mortgage upon said real estate and
also at one time had a conveyance by
quu-cmim ueeu to said real estate.
Plaintiff further alleges that the In-
ueuteuness secured uy said mortgage
has been paid and that any cause of
action thereon Is barred by tho Statute
of Limitations of the State of Nebras-
ica; inai piaintui nas been in the open,
ndverso possession of said land for
more than ten years last past, and that
the defendants and each of them to
this action now have no right, title or
Interest In and to said real estate.
Plaintiff asks that his title be quieted
as against the claims of all the defend
ants In nnd to said real estate. You
nre further notified that you are re
quired to answer said petition on or
before tho 19th day of May, 1919, or
Judgment will bo rendered against you.
Dated this 4th day of April. 1919.
G. J. STEWART. Plaintiff.
R. H. BEATTY, His Attorney.
Thndeus J. Folev. Jennie S. Folnv.
Josoph II. McConnell, Mrs. Joseph H.
McConnell, his wife, real namo un
known, William H. Hamolton, Mrs.
William H. Hamolton, his -wife,, real
name unknown. Isaac Kt niiltwnnri.
Mrs. Isaac Chitwood. hit wife, real
namo unknown, Marshall V. Barry,
Amanda Barry his wlfrrtVnna S. Mur
phy, Hazel Turpie amrNeJal Turplo, her
iiuauunu, jjHuiricoriumii), and JvrnnK
Turpie, her liuslwaid, JVanita Longley
and J. Rhode XongloyAhor husband,
Emory W. MuBphy, Jr., and Mary Mur-
pny, his wiry; Waugh S. lurphy and
heirs, dovisees, legatees, an personal
representatives of each and all of Bald
defendants who may be deceased, and
any and all persons who have
or may claim to havo' any
right, title or interest in and
to tho North West Quarter of .the
South East Quarter and Wost Half of
North East Quarter and North East
Quarter of North Wost Quarter of Sec
tion 29, Township 9, Range 29, In Lin
coln County, Nebraska, will take notice
that on tho 7th day of April, 1919,
Abraham C, Barry, plaintiff herein,
filed his petition in the District Court
of Lincoln County Nebraska, against
said defendants, the object nnd prayer
of which are to remove certain clouds
therefrom nnd qulot nnd confirm the
title of the plaintiff In and to tho foU
lowing described real estate, to-wit;
The Northwest Quarter of the South
East Quarter and West Half of North
East Quarter and North East Quarter
of North West Quartor of Section 29
Township 9, Range 29, In Lincoln Coun
ty, Nebraska.
You and each of you are required to
answor said petition on or before the
19th day of May, 1919.
Dated this 7th day of April. 1919
A SMC His Attorneys.