THE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE, NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. Genuine "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" Always marked with "Bayer Cross" CALLUS CORNS LIFT RIGHT OFF for Colds, Catarrh or Influenza For Pain Headache Toothache Earache Rheumatism Lumbago f A Colds Grippe Stiff Neck Joint Pains Out of Pain To Comfort! Proved Safe By Millions! Adults Take one or two "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" wlffi vater. If necessary, repeat dose three times a day, after meals. Ask for and Insist Upon it Bayer Tablets of Aspirin " American owned Entirely! 20 cent Bayer packages also larger Bayer package But Bayer packages only Get original package. AjpMn a th trad mark of Dayer Manufacture of UonoicctlcaeldttUr of KalterHeaeJJ NOTHING NEW IN WARFARE 'Methods Employed During Great Con flict Merely Copies of Those In Use Long Ago. By the use of trenches In the grent war the opposing forces adopted means of offense and defense that 3ong antedate the Invention of fire arms. The Bteel helmet reappeared after more than 200 years of disuse, -and many a soldier owes ills life to the fact thnt the curved surface of :hls head-covering deflected a bullet. The trench periscope Is au adaptation of a device that was Invented nearly three centuries ago. The barbed wire entanglement Is only another form of the ancient abatis, and the fact that it Is now often painted green to make it less easy to see Is a link that joins It even more Intimately to Its proto type. The pits with sharp spikes nt the bottom and the caltrops four pointed Iron Instruments that always -OIU1JU Willi UUU LIUMll I11IWIUU HUW- ever they may fall, nrc survivals of medieval warfare. (The catnpult of the Romans that once threw stones recently cast explosive grenades from trench to trench. The German flame projector goes back to the days when armies deluged each other with burn ing oil nnd burning pitch, and the use of poisonous gases was anticipated by the Chinese, who for centuries used "stinkpots." Tea Via the Mississippi. Tea, 8,000 tons of It, reached Mem iphts, Tenn., following a trip that be an In Ghlnn, nnd which will end on the Mississippi river nt St. Louis. The cargo arrived on the government. tmrgo line nnd 2f0 cases were unload ed at the Memphis municipal terminal for use there. The tea was brought from China through the Panama canal, across the gulf of Mexico nnd was londed on the government barges at New Orleans STlve barges were In the tow. Mem jjhls Commercial Appeal. Monkeys Die of Flu. Monkeys are the latest victims of the Spanish Influenza scourge which has been sweeping the world, according to a letter received by a resident of Al bany, Ore., from a relative who Is a banker in a South African city. Thou sands of monkeys hnvc perished In the forests of South Africa from Influenza, the letter declares. Moreover the plague Is prevalent among the white and black population, with high mor tality. Kidding Himself. "That fellow Jones Is plumb crazy kidding himself." "How's that?" "Why making excuses for himself bolstering himself with pretense. For Instnnce, the other night ho enmo In nt 12 o'clock. lie didn't want to lie to his wife, so ho turned the hall clock over on its side to make It look like a quarter of nine, and went to bed conscientiously." "Cold In the Head" is an acute attack of Nasal Catarrh. Per. sons who are subject to frequent "colds In the head" will nnd that the uss of HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE Will build up the System, cleanse the Blood and render them less liable to colds. Repeated attacks of Acute Catarrh may lead to Chronic Cntarrh. . HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE Is tak on Internally and acts through the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of tho System. All Druirelntn 7Ee. Testimonials free. $100.00 for any case of catarrh that HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE will not cure. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio. Airplanes to Subdue Head Hunters. The next Japanese budget of the governor general of Formosa will oon tain an item of $91,500 for a Hying corps to subdue flic head-hunting nbo ligincs of thnt Island. Mr. Shimomurn chief of civil administration of For mosa, says: "Probably four airplanes will be used in the first yenr, and op eratlons will be started as soon as the formal sanction of the diet Is obtained. If It Is difficult to secure the necessary nvlaton. we shall ask the army to send their nlrmen We mny also ask the army to train new aviators specially to meet our re qulrements. There Is nothing like nlrplanes for awing Formosnn natives; experience shows thnt this weapon Is one of the best for subjugating them. No economic exploitation of Arl, Dal- bu, Niltake and other unsubjugnted places can be undertaken until after the savage aborigines nre subdued." Poachers Kill Off Big Game. PIsirah forest. United States irovern ment preserve nnd one of the few re- malnlng big gnme sections of the country is nbout to be denuded of Its game by poachers, according to state ments by Rudolph Dlffenbach. forest supervisor. Poachers, usually under cover of night, drive the deer out Into tho open or off the preserves and then kill them. Tho number slain Is reach ing alarming proportions. I could hardly feel much confidence In n man who had never been lm posed upon. Guesses nt Truth.. The symbols of the Invisible are the loveliest of whnt Is visible. Byron 'AAAArWWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAJAVAAAAAAAA Dissatisfaction in the Qtiality ov Price . of Coffee r is easily remedied by changing your table drink to THE ORIGINAL Postum Cereal Boiled just like coffee 15 minutei after boiling begins you ore certain of uniform quality. The price doesn't fluctuate from one month to the next And besides there's only oner grade the best. You get it in every package. There's a greater reason however why you should drink Postum HEALTH. No upset to stomach, heart or nerves the pen alty many pay for coffee drinking follows tho use of Postum. It's a rich, healthful, invigorating drink, and There's a Reason' oAAAAfil S5BHB The highest culture U to speak no 111; The best roformer Is the man whose eyes . Are quick to see nil beauty and all worth; And by his own discreet, well-ordered life, Alone rcprovos tho errlnjf, Kiln W. Wilcox. SEASONABLE DISHES. As strawberries become more plen tiful they may be used In various des serts. The follow ing Is one which Is universally liked : S t rawberry Cream. Wash and hull two quarts afll f r,,w lWr'S two cupfuls of su gar; cover nnd let stand two nours, then squeeze through a double thick ness of cheesecloth. Add three pints of thin cream nnd n few grains of salt. Freeze, using three pnrts Ice to one of rock salt. Serve In sherbet cups and gnrnfth with .selected strawberries. Manhattan Pudding. Pick over one quart of berries; sprinkle witn cupful of sugar and lot stand two hours. Squeeze through n cheese cloth and add one cupful of water and lemon juice 'to taste. Turn the mixture Into a mold. Beat one pint of cream until stiff, add one-half cupful of powdered sugar, one-hnlf tablespoonful of vanilla and two-thirds of a cupful of rolled maea- oons. Pour over the fruit mixture to overflow the mold. Cover and let stand packed In Ice nnd salt (one part salt to four parts Ice) for three hours. Milk Sherbet. Mix the juice of three lemons nnd one and one-nair cupfuls of sugar, stirring constantly while adding four cupfuls of milk. Freeze and pack to ripen. The mixture mny curdle while mixing, but It will freeze smooth and velvety. Ham Mousce. Dissolve one table- spoonful of grnnulnted gelntlnc In one- hnlf cupful of hot water; add two cup fuls of cold boiled ham, which has been nounded In a mortar. Season with one teaspoonful of mixed mustard and n few grains of cayenne. Add one-hnlf cupful of heavy cream beaten until stiff, nnd turn Into a mold which has been dipped In cold wnter. Chili, re move from tho mold nnd garnish with parsley. Cucumber Sauce to Serve With Fish. Wash, peel and grate one or two cucumbers ; senson with salt, grat ed onion, vinegar and pepper. "Worry Is the most popular form of sulrldo. Worry Impairs appetite, dis turbs sleep, spoils digestion, Irritates disposition, warps character, weakens mind, stimulates dlscuso and naps bod ily health. Worry Is mental poison; work Is mental food." WAYS WITH MEATS. An unusual but very tasty meat dish Is the meat sandwich. Tnko two slices of veal, small sleaks. Betwecr them lay n slice of ham cut threc-qunr-.tors of an Inch thick; fasten to gether with skew ers and bake until well done. Cut lu strips nnd serve with n well-seasoned gravy. Potted Ham. When a ham Is boiled there Is often much waste of the small pieces which do not make a presenta ble slice. Mince until line, then rub to a smooth paste, using one-third fat. Senson well with salt and pepper, boat thoroughly and pack while hot in small Jnrs. Spiced Meat. Take two pounds eacU of veal and pork, three pounds of fine ly chopped beef, eight milk crackers rolled fine, four eggs well henten, ono teaspoonful of pepper, ono tablespoon ful of chopped parsley, one teaspoon ful of summer snvory, one-half ten spoonful of ground nutmeg nnd onfl teaspoonful of cinnamon and one-half teaspoonful of cloves. Mix well and bnke In a slow oven for five hours.. Let stand In the dish In which It was baked several hours before serving. Scalloped Chicken. Shred the chick en left from Sundny dinner. Cover the bottom of tho baking dish with the chicken, then with bread crumbs, not too dry; repeat with nnother layer of chicken and crumbs, dot with bits of butter, season with salt and pepper and cover with enough milk to moisten well. Hake until well heated. Veal Loaf. Take two pounds of cooked .veal, two pounds of chopped pork, six cupfuls of cracVcr crumbs, one cupful of tomato, two large onions, chopped, four eggs and seasoning to taste. Mix all together with the hands until It holds Its shape, then roll nnd cover with crumbs. Bake slowly two hours. Baked Ham. Take a thick cut ot ham from the center, nbout four Inches thick. Cover with a thick layer of! brown .sugar, add water nnd bnko one to two hours. Haste during the baking very frequently. "Simplicity Is restful contempt for the non-esontlals ot life. It Is restless hunger for tho non-osscjntlals that Is the secret of most of tho discontent of tho world." THINGS TO REMEMBER VEGETABLES. ACOUT Onions nre rich In sulphur, ono of the valuable minerals needed m tne body. T w o to three grains nre needed each day for body activi ties. Onions dis solve uric acid and absorb poi sons. They are a tonic for herv o u s troubles. They Induce sleep. Nervous prostra tion Is helped by a diet of onions. In somnia Is cured by a two-mile walk and a supper of baked onions nnd bread and butter. Onion sirup may be made by cook ing In the oven a plateful of sliced onions sprinkled generously with sugar. This will cure the worst cough, also good for croup. A chopped onion poultlco Is a most effective remedy for bronchial or lung trouble. Renew when dry. Carrots are rich In Iron, Increase the red blood cells, are a good spring tonh-, clear the complexion, are rich In phospljoric acid. The tender lenves are rich In this same mineral; they should be eaten as salad. Carrots are good for nervous people and thoso suf fering from asthma. Lettuce Is good for nervousness; will induce sleep. Celery also Is good for nervousness, serviceable In counteracting conditions which lead to neuralgia and rheuma tism. Tomntoes nre a fine liver stimulant. Tho acid when fresh Is especially cool ing to the blood. v Heans, spinach, raw cabbage and as paragus arc all rich In iron nnd phos phorus, which are good for anemic people. Spinach and dandelion are rich In Iron and act directly upon the kidneys. Asparagus Is another kidney stlmu lnnt. Water cress, found In many brooks In quantities, Is rich In tonic proper tics and should be used freely In the spring. Servo with a dash of salt or with a slmplo French dressing. Fruits of vnrlous kinds are also rich In mineral salts nnd acids; good for tho system. Lemons are for liver trouble nnd rheumatism. An orange at night .relieves constlpntlon. A teaspoonful or two given often to tho bnby be tween milk feeding will keep its di gestive apparatus In good working or der. Tho npplo Is one of the most vnlun bio of fruits, eaten fresh or baked. "An apple a day keeps tho doctor away," Doesn't hurt to lift them off with fingers Don't suffer I A tiny bottle of Freezonc costs but n few cents at any drug store. Apply a few drops on tho corns, calluses nnd "hard skin" on bot tom of feet, then lift them off. When Frcezono removes corns from tho toes or calluses from the bottom of tho feet, the skin beneath Is left pink nnd healthy and never sore or tender. Cinch. "How enn I be sure thnt I am tho only woman you ever loved?" "That's easy. Until I met you I didn't know whnt love wns."-T-Loulsvlllo Courier-Journal. Don't Forget Cutlcura Talcum When adding to your toilet requisites. An exquisitely scented face, skin, bnby and dusting powder and perfume, ren dering , other perfumes superfluous. You may rely on it becnuso one of tho Cutlcura Trio (Soap, Ointment nnd Talcum). 25c each everywhere. Adv. Easily Done. "How can you prove ho Is a man of loose habits?" "I can do It from Uvo way ho gets drunk." Do your best, then take what cornea without flinching. Every experience can be turned to good account. Do you feci weak and unequal to ttf work ahead of you? Do you still cough a little, or docs your noso bother youT Are you pale? Is your blood thin and watery? Better put your body into shape. Build strong! An old, reliable blood-maker and herbal tonlo made from wild roots and barks, is Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. This "nature remedy" comes in tablet or liquid form. It will build up your body, cure your cold, and protect you from disease gorms which lurk every where. Ono of the activo ingredients of this temperance alterative and tonlo is wild cherry bark with stillingia, which is so good for the lungs and fort coughs; also Oregon grape root, blood root, stono root, Queen's root, all skilfully combined in tho Medical Discovery. These roots havo a direct action on tns stomach, improving digestion and assimi lation. Thcso herbal extracts in ths "Discovery" aid in blood-making, and are best for scrofula. By improving tha blood they aid in throwing oil an attack of influenza. Catarrh should be treated, first, asT blood disease, with this alterative. Then, in addition, tho nose should bo washed daily with Dr. Sago's Catarrh Remedy. Send lOo for trial pkg. of Medical Dis covcry Tablots or Catarrh Tablets to Dr. Pierce. Invalids' Hotel Buffalo, N. Y. LIBERTY BONDS $47.75 for $50 3d Liberty Bond with 3 coupons; $47 for 4th bond with 4 coupons, Send bonds by registered mail. H. M. HOWE, 522 S. Western Ave., Chicago, 111 Fitting. IIIx "I hear they'ro refloorlng the country club gurngo." Dlx "With parquet, I suppose." Cartoons Mnga zinc. "The power of self control Is ono of the great qualities that differentiates man from the lower animals. He Is tho only animal capnblo of a moral struggle or a moral conquest." GOOD HOMELY DISHES. When making bread save a cupful of sponge for n Bread Cake. Take one cupful ol sugar, one-hnlf cupful of shortening, one cupful oi Hour, one cupful of bread. sponge, one egg and spice, and raisins to taste. Put to rise after beating well and when well risen bake In a moderate oven. Dried Apple Cake.- Stew two cupfuls of dried apples until soft enough to chop, then add two cup fuls of molasses, with spices to taste, and boll with the drained chopped ap ples. Drain and reservu all the liquor; mix with one cupful of soui milk, one cupful of shortening, four cupfuls of Hour, two tenspoonfnls of soda and mix well, then add the chopped ai- ples at the last. Bake In a slow oven, Scalloped Tomatoes, Corn and Onions. Butter a baking dish sultablu fur the table, put In a layer of corn, season with salt and pepper, add a few bits of butter, then a layer ot to mato pulp with no Juice and a very thin layer of thinly sliced onions, then repent the layers. Cover and let cook mm hour or until the onion Is tender. Itemnve the cover, spread over the top ;i half cupful of buttered crumbs and hake until the crumbs aro browned. Hamburg Cakes. Put n pound of meat from the top of the round through n meat grinder, add a tea spoonful of nnlnn pulp, a teaspoonful of salt, n half cupful of broth or cold water. Mix thoroughly, then pat Into cakes and cook In a well-greased broil er. Whon moisture Is seen on the top of the cakes, turn tind cook on the oth er side. The meat may be broiled In ii thick sllco If preferred, hut Is equal ly delicious cooked before a coal fire In smnll cakes. Deviled Salmon. Take ono pint of cream sauce, add a teaspoonful of Worcestershire sauce, tho Juice of ono lemon, salt, pepper and a can of sal mon. Mix well and fill shells or rame kins. Cover with buttered crumbs rati bnko until the crumbs nre brown. Rough on Old Clothes Men. Seven hundred and forty million pounds of wool, grease qulvnlent, were used by Manufacturers 'in the United states during 1018. Much of this wool went Into clothes for soldiers, while the old clothes man called If. vain for the shiny and patched garments worn iy civilians at home. A "Close-Up" I Swift & Company's Profit of 2.04 I I I cents on each dollar of sales J I I OTIM2IKP ill 12.96 aw oil I I V Expenses J JJ ' O i I I ' I I Expenses Jflj I I 1 The diagram at the top shows the distribution j I 3 11 average Swift dollar received from sales I 1 11 of beef, pork and mutton, and their by-products, j B I III! during 1918. The magnifying glass brings H I III out the distribution of the 2.04 cents profit 1 11 par dollar of sales: ' J III! .94 of one per cent goes to pay interest I I on borrowed money, taxes, etc. l 3 .50 of one per cent goes to pay divi- j IIH! dends to shareholders. 1 1!! .60 of one per cent remains in the l III II business to help in improving and I S financing the business. ' 1 Total 2.04 percent 1 N I 1019 Year Book or interesting and 1 1 U 1 11 Instructive facts sent on request, j ll Address Swift Ac Company I Union Stock Yards, Chicago, Illinois I I Swift & Company, U. S; A.' I