ii a Signs of Eye Strain. Eyo strain is muscular strain. A net work of tiny muscles enables tho eyo to contract or expand, let In. much or llttlo light, and to focus that light.' A defect In tho shape of tho eyo may causo those muscles to work extra hard and undor constant strain, this will causo tired, weary, aching, tear ing eyes, headache, norvousnoss and oxhaustlon. iProporly ground glasses, such as you securo at Clinton's, end strain and the troubles it causes. C, S, CLINTON JEWELER AXD OPTICIAN. At tho Sign" of tlfo Big Bins. The Women's florae Missionary So citey of the M. E. church will moot with Mrs.. Antontdos on west Sixth street Friday afternoon. Quite a numhor of farmers came to town Saturday for tho purpose of see ing the tank. They had not learned of the mishap to tho tank. LOtAL AND PERSONAL Al Tift returned yesterday from Iowa and will remain fop some tlmb looklng'aftor bUBlnoss mattors. Attorney T. P. Ryan, of Grand Is land, was. In town yosterday on busi ness beforo tho county commissioners and loft in tho ovoning for Sldnoy and to make Victory Lonn au- Tho Overland Garage loports the sale of Willys-Knight enrs last weok ! Alliance to C. E. Drown and Curt Hinnmn.both ' drosses. residents of this city. The dining room of tho now Palaco For Sale Washing machino in good Hotel was thrown open to tho public condition; can bo operated olthor by1 last week, though It will bo ton days hand or motor. North Platte Light & bofore all tho ground floor rooms aro Power Co. 23-2 Mrs. Albert Muldoon came down from Ognlalla to spond Easter with friends and while here was itho guest of Mrs. II. M. Grimes. Al Johnson, of Pueblo, a former North Platte resident, was the guost of Mr. and Mrs. C.. W. Buskins Sun day whilo enroute to Iowa. For Sale Eggs for setting from pure brad Barred Rooks and single comb Rmxle Island Reds, $1.00 per setting, L. I. Tucker, phone Red" 1003. DR. 0. H. C&SSLFR, Graduate Dfnt'st Offieb over the McDonald State Bunk. Leslie Itaro. who Is wWi departm finished. Tho second and third floois will bo ready for occupancy ns soon as delnycd rugs aro received. T. F. Bishop, of Council Bluffs, has boen spomllngji few days in town on business. For "several years prloi to 1890 Mr. Bishop was foreman at tho Union Pacific ico houses and will bo remcmberod by many of our people. The fire department was called to the Wyllov Walker home at 914 wast Fourth street to extinguish a fire originating among some old olothos in an outbuilding. Moral send your F. J. Shell and family, of- Suther land, visited friends in town Saturday ani! Sunday. Now is your opportunity to buy a suit or coat or both at an oxtromely discount, do not fall to seo us. E T. Tramp & Sons. J. B. McDonald, of'Omahawacall cd horo Saturday by tiio iUnossof lib father. I havo' two registered Horoford bulla. Wish to soil one fqr cash and trade tho othor for a registered bull. E. Sodorman. 29-4 Goorglna McKay camo down from 'SuU'iorlnnirio Sp6nar thtJ Week-end with tho homo(fqH8.(. , .. t F6r Trade- JO Acres laiia" and' town lot in Lako Vlow, Oregon, for auto mobile AddrosB 2 South Maplo street, North Platto. tf!9 f CUT AND COUNTX NEWS. RC JL. Oravs, of Omaha, spent the jveek end In town visiting friends while enroute to Denver. " Mifffi Gertrude 'Scott . accompanied Ruth Loan from Denver to spend the Easter vacation cere, Pacific valuation department, came i down from Cheyenne Saturday to spend Easter with the home folks. W. L. Cary, of Omaha, spent Satur day in town, coming here to be pre sent at the opening of bids for the construction of the state aid road. Hall Insurance on Growing Crops in best companies.. Woodlntrsi's Insur Hnce Ageitcy, Koom S. Reynolds build ing, Jlrs. Kelso, 3IanttM". 26-1 Comity Treasurer SoMder, who re cently sold hlf residence in the south east part of town, Is erecting a five room modern cottage near the site of the house he sold. . Frank Ericsson ' -and brother, of Gothenburg, were in-town yesterday transacting business, and visiting the Union 1 0u clothes to the Red Cross te be shipped to, the Belgians. We visited the Pass greenhouses the other day and found the stock of bed ding plants the best we have teen there for several years.. .Chaa.Pass, Sr.. has been looking after the Inside work for nearly a year past and this largely accounts MV the splendid condition of the flowers and plants. .Owing to a re-arrangement of book-Ito-ts "The One Woman" will be shown at the Keith theatre Wednesday Mid Thursday, April 80 and May 1, instead of this week aa was formerly adver tised. It will be worth your waiting for though, so please kep the dates In An auto in the Durbin garage- be (Sp ared Saturday evening, 'termed. Jflle gasoline and grease on tho ei and resulted In the Are department ing summoned. Employes of th ane, however, quenched the A- -; - . . ir: Lieut. Cody BoftI and. Mrs. Boal leit J Mends. Frank landed In North Platte yosterday morning for Cody, Wyo., to! n 1S7B and later located in OhWtlln Vinit Mrs. W. R Cody. j preoinot. The PMinW nwnn ninU will meat Call ohoue 212 and. vou will bo In r . ..iti, mm um with iho Ktunmt hm.i owktwrv with a Pvrenc extinauiaher before Unrke, 814 east Third street. ., ' ' Btore in the cltyvA trial, order meanD I Are .truck .arrived. The damage p Vm M aJetaaV steam- baths and a customer, im sttgemann. ; Hignt. , , . ZhnTm k(mr'V. 27-2, The ruling that packages, lor trig u.on Phojif 897. Erodheck bldg Bf.tf. Pc tBifster McEvoy is now at Jars overseas must be accomnawM ,t.iji r,.. t-w n,.. i llceHostfir, AUTOi.. nntvitiK an -etamin- oy a written reucBi sigm-u ur?,', J.,iU ii' ..v f"11 , inn. N.,:, 1-D1 Tir.1.1 n nkvtv'nt thn K. C ' lie jl a ' j v,.- y - -r - - n 11 11 DC 1L 11 11 1 i w&zn T If tesss Chronic CositipatioM. . n nerves Implored nt thoslsou? n aubluxated vertebra: BRAIN EARS NOSH -A THROAT ARMS I1EARV ; LUNGS LIVER STOMACH PANCREAS SPLEEN KIDNEYS SMALL BOWEL. larce nnwmr. RENrrAL ORCANB THIGHS LSQ6 OF, MA? (Health Talk No. 1 by Dr. States, Chiropractor.) Where constipation Is chronic; and the suf ferer must resort to artificial methods daily, tho caiiBe, Invariably, lies In nerve interference. llio nerves that impart vfgdv to tho lower bowols leave the backbone between certain jolts In the small of the back. - When by jar, accident 6r strain Uicbo joints become out of alignment, it pinches the nerves and a sluggish condition or partial paralysis of the lower bowels results. Hundreds of sufferers from chronic cdnstl pation and all the ills it brings, have found spinal adjustments removed the cause. FREE Call for a free consultation and learn what this new science can Wo for you. v D Nei'er Feels A Paiii Now n For ten years I suffered from chronic constipation am one winter bid muscular and inflammatory rheumatism, being utterly unablfc to walk or help myetf. ' I trietj patent medicines, prescriptiotts and artesian baths with only temporary re lief, thejn commenced taking Chiropractic adjustments, In fourteen adjustments my rheumatism left me and my constipation was ended. There has been no return oi either. , Ask about Case No. 1002. - osmoi 1C 1L 3EZ3C rtipri w.'stip for tho cause of Rtomach ! saneiior officer has been Clone 6' .... ... . t d .... j . . lu. Mrs. U. (J. Cmigdon loft the Jatrj part o' Lrfweek for a vfslt with hr ' son G'.y -i?d family ih riiicafro. i.irp for -en , seven pevnds nuiyjiow-.be ent. ixputv Stato Engineer Cochran' 1se' Wn entered tlto-G- C" ,1.' ,-i;;r-it J.o 1viUi Mrn Cocbrftn. He tion. John Wth; -wiio" in' town for 'a week jor more, left yes3 Taiilay art! nirM urvif.e. -Trronft 918 Of' itiack 293. -Ht"-b IlnmllUm, f Dtlst. X-Ray The 18th Engineers, v.hich wore anions tho nrKc nair, to ije-yent ove lil raihofirt aoJicitine committee 'foi-tAt'tii -njin a:-.a win, arrive m aww tho Victory loan were from W. :clTpvk May l.-t. Ib thi unit nr .Will- roid. C. Brock. whore tlie former ha a eaa in. court, i " tZ6ffL t Mlk''3 Reynolds Bid. Phone 448 Umoii tlculirr:oe3WI bftrfesf 4n tojsu, t- f,,f Uscrlbing m thousand dollkfs. - I .criner nom i-mub ooy waovww: T Ceoro--Bak-ki3. of Wll!ialnn6i i . orfi'a at tho- tiaM from MI.I( Wk a n..Jttvtvo1iu .fear VlS'lBSf.afV' ' H ' A e'ry ttns.ve Jino of SUUS nrffe.fl' rh it "wts .To fierecr -from foias. on imi , flhi n 1' 1,1 week. . :P; Mi V meeting illlo hld at the ei g nn,uu' ,T , . , . fociocx lowwro t.u irons ir iije yur - fte pn the fthtln lin? aod lPavJBf for thrt Tififw Samrdiy. r-:'-K: : Mr. E. ft. Plusiiaer tvlahos 1 rv. 1-a.vjM., a.i i1ounoi! that he ia ready to tali- r V CI ill r. . i w " rvv , y t i!ntfl H-iiiirjm .with tht vie Stedobakcr car and ficora ai array o!' or-QUpation,' ha-, bew sip- jiroro of horsey dlflpvpa agq-:. Rlanr-he nointeO ma-or of the -to ,n in Vhicb V; Unlor, 4m!les t-aat of ExpoHni.'nt, hp is kieatprt. Station. " 2S-2 Indhir. Runner ,-diTCktj nnd oggs for1 ; ;o: : f.Me or trade for chickens Thoao Krd " ,v FOR SAM :;i or ".:i Rt 70 wuot Eleventh i A rc?fifltcr Preach Draft Stallion. ,ireet. 28-5, foaled Ap'il 21, '1915, Bire Beau- IV.il ruder date ofjmauoir 2t741 5387); dam Dolly Writing rom .irrders for Taylor's California fruii br.nd r-iclc r' and V'xtid pared. J?hon Keel 4S1. 1 1 South Sycn more. 2S-. 'An e?.act duplicate o' the taoiou .T,r) Gaf thiwgh v.;ics Oenev: ' Allenby and the British forces feeen ly' marched Into Jerusalem is one of the newest technical, acbievemoflta ecrcen. Tls gate is notavroftl.v arroni? the scores of 'spectacular s m: LATEST AMI GREATEST (1LLI0 HOLLAR 1'IUTUKK ' t the Sun. Tasatre touixht will be gi ; ii three-jfight engagement of the. niu-h heralded "8alome," toujted s tti ' latest abd greatest "million dollar let uro." Matinees wiihbe given Wd ft. 'ay an Thursday at 2:80. A i i?lve an idea of tho tensely dra tr. !c plot of "Salomo," tho stry iij b Is -h "re With" given. . id An'tinai tetrareh of Galileo Paraea, la tnore interested in V. a:.taoa entertainment than in tlie ' , re of Ms peQjtle. Ho 1 falling d uor aad deeper iuto moral, degro L'' on. , - L . ' hi-a ,,como8 John tho Baptiat, Sc'.uhlng th3 coming pfa new king-. . i. warning the sinful to .repent, Sag Horod arl hla ambitious v?ftrd loino, his eil IhRplration, wjth mds ol .flro. Hfl Is hailflfl b th,f 4 H aa h. "8iind Eiitelf The ir cBle JftlfewivMni. oiQl$h' in .hi? ;.OJtl tWBlr iiatoa rnpa. gotss' to naaet Mja ises uer arts on nitn.i Jonn. by Salomo'sf entieerhents, her Imtfod Ififht. Herodi fa' the m1det,of h livbaSich,. calls upon the beautiful Salome p dance beforo his throno. JflJO-, OOnwa in renponie to his call ana Ia4iMW ill wild abandon. , 0ep in v ine ana bliuded by her 4euUQU appeal. Herod rashly offers !ier,.fc- rti'il. 'oven unto half of my kingdom' Salome thereupon nialteh aor rftucst tor the head of John tho. BaBtftt "In a charger." Her vish is- granted, -and with it eonsummation ends one of the moat moving tragiidles that the world ha wwufuown -i;o:: n-.rf.li 2ftth. Tjeonard -Rtidmoiid eain hflM4ie. Full rfKHtrauoit wm oo snovn;Um .i,.h.i eioi ' " . f it , . i lui iuwv j J it jevuv I'V ' A onlU leave Maren SIBt On me nrsi leg ' to mieresieu parue. .hhuioi vau in.rtu1.ir ThMa Itara rirodueiinh tanli. l 4U ----- -v- , .I, rim kuu theatre, .ueyona tae gr. of tho journey home. It ia jjrobable won at ray farm' half mile east of the; . , FOR SALE. 'aftiftiO" grown elm trjees, Uth, street,' phone Hed 216 east '20tt tluit be is, now on the ocean home ward bound. , BplteV school house. C7-" W. J. THOMAS. A - CHUNAIVIEL DExIONSTATSOr Come and see the demonstrationW Chi-Namel at our store on' 'Mes given befow and learn tbeueauty and economy of Chi i$iicl Products fqr home decoration. '.' c yjru tef an old ditty softwood or previously' painted floor, try 'your hand at rainiag atc see lor yoorseu now iascwiaung ana cssy ir toqcbo bub w rain ) rm 5 miStcs. - j FAOKTORY EXPERT WILL" DEMONSTRATE J, matter what yoiMesire to refinlsb new or old, hard or soft wood floors, fnr iture, woodwork, waKs, doors, fixtures, picture frames, screen, screen doors; v-.diatore, bnca-brac, autss, carringes or wood, metal, plaster, cement, brick 0 tonc, we want to show yotthe Chi-Namel Product-best fitted for that partic ular purpose and easiest for amateurs to apply without laps or brush marks. i lil-Namel Finishes are the highest qua'.i : f products possible to produce. They rubody a different and better principle ot manufacture employing a remarkable WATERPROOF, SELF-LEVELING ClUNCSE OIL which is imported at great cxpenee and subjected to many expensive secret processes to produce Chi-Namel. Come and bring your friends we. cordially invite everybody. THIS COUPON WORTH 20 cents upon the purchase of one quart or more of Chi-Namel Varnish during the CHI-NAMEL DEMONSTRATION. (Dates given below) Name. Address. CHI-NAMEL DEMONSTRATION, STONE'S DRUG STORE, APRIL 24lh, 25th AND 26th p-vo io ancient buildings ana-stjtei le&rtins; up to tho' palace of i Herod .".th central lower of , whi rlre more than 150 feet. On eith side of the tower are wings. 20 fc long, mafetng' the building Itself ' fet in lonieth. , In the distance I acres of plcturenque homes., We write Mfe Insnrnnco In 0 ' Banker of Lincoln, Tifh. W wri "Accident and HcaHii Insnranc. V- f write Fire, Tornado and Hall Inst ance. Yo, write any kind of Insu -auee that can be bad in any sgeney i the world. Call on us, we hare bei ;i In the business twMtty-frre yesi Woodhnrsts Insurance Agency,- B 8c Keynolds Bnlldlng, Mrs.' Kel- Manager. . 0c . Paul SchwslRer In a letter to t home folfca writes that ho is bf from Germany- nd now 'at Tom France, and at tho time of writing b ' been transferred to waiter in the ' fleers' mess. He 'ho traveled ab' quit a lot slfloe going overseas, a' has visited Verdun, Met; To Rheims; and some of the smal' towns, as well as- having seen r country devasted by the, big batt; From what he has -seen of the Frc people he 1b inclined to bellevo t' the charge of general immorn among them is sustained. Travel into Germany as far as Cbbleitz. pronounces that country much f looking than France. FOB SALK A1'' few Registered Hereford Bi These bulls are grandsons of Mon the great Beau Mischief, and are g ' Individuals. Phone 75J8F4. Fr ! McClyinont, two miles, east of '" farm.. L"' i ' ::o:: FOK SATiR. "My B60 sere ranch, well improv"l, 4 miles southeast of Tryon, McPIkt son county. "Will take good city property In part pnyment. R. A. MoFARLAND. Phono Red TA2 North Platte, Neb. 18tf ; :o: : You feel different tho mlnuto "' take it a gentlo.soothlng wanntlr fills the system. It's a pleasure to tUe Holllster's Rooky Mountain Ta. Helps purify tho blood, drives out tlie gorms of Winter, get you huntll i. tw-tllnjT, full of life and energy. I Tea or tiblet1? GorRo FratT. Sk. life? A CAVALIERI in iTwoBrMes" Jjraneas itjiayseem there ' is but one bridegroom. Bet l)t(iome and ce how il is 'niariuged. .CRYSTAL Thursday & Friday .iiB9Hawsifiriiffiw 'Arrange for your Gas be" fore tlie spring rush is on- Ranges from $27 to $80 - NORTH PLATTE LIGHT & POWER COMPANY K, P KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS, ,f ; ' HAZEPPA LOtCl3 M?. . i Mting Higlit9 Second and Foiivtii Wedaesdays 0! oech Month. Halt, 602 )i Dcwty, ' . Plwbtl Harry B. York, . i plieae Black 485, 503 South Pine, V 0. K.. Elder, V. "., phone itwl SJ43, 211 Houth. MyeMf, D. M. Hogsettr )fn ptoae im 08 621 West Fifth. ' i L. Baskins, M. W., yaono Oi. Buildlny Loan Blldflq H. M. Sender, K. B. 8, phone Bed 45, fiOl South D-v ? . Jf. . Seba-iUan, M. l phone Bed 849, 911 East ?( n,1. Bey Mohlirfunn, If. F phoadf Black, mi, m Houl". . .: ML'. M. Austin,- M. X phen B!ak W West f."ui!. J, W. Rowland, I. 0., pliuoo Bod Ml? tSO Kat l'. t IV. E. Starr, Oi G phone G7t, m Wtl fifth. USE pW BRAND FLOUR IT MAKES BETTER BREAD PATKON1ZS NORTH PLATTE. iMOVSTKISS INCORPCRATrE'V1887. Mutual Building and Laan Association,. Qf North Platte, Nebrak V ' RESOURCES OVER 01 KILLION DOLLARS. The Assotatiorjiiaa unluiiitcd. funds at its c'onuuiit4 assis'io the btliWing ot purchase of horoeff for the popi&of North-Platte. If you ar interested, the officers of this Association will render iwery assistance and sliow ypjp how. easy il is to acquire your own home. T. C, PATTERSON, t&ESSIE F. SALISBURY, President. Secretary. Ii SPRING AND SUMMER ASSORTMENT OF STY1ES. 0 In Standard Custom Garments o! Chicago is now in and ready for your inspection. We will be pleased to take your order now. We also make Uniforms for Conductors and s Urakcmen from $26 up. Call on us and see our new line of goods Yours truly, Over Illrscufold Clothing Storo. CARL GrERXjiE !! i !