.' LOCAL AND PERSONAL Miss Effie Christ wdnt to Stnpleton Saturday to visit her 'sister. ! ' Miss Cecelia Hilgert spent Sunday in Kimball with her paronts. Mrs. Hattlo Hlrstcad, of Paxton, Vis ited friends In town yesterday. Mrs. S. M.. Solictor loft last wook for a visit with relative's In Missouri. D. Hhecdy Is prepared to do all .kinds of garden work. Phone Red 589. Georgette cropo waists In all shades, 'prices ranging from $(5 to $10.50. E. snip & Sons 1 1 '" r 1 Miss Violet Nation, of Wallace, was visiting friends In town yesterday. Mrs. Albort Kopf returned F.-iday from a visit with friends In Lincoln. Miss Thorosa Tlgho .has accepted n position with the Fidelity Ilosorvc Co. Have you soon tlie Jersey bloomers indies? E. T. Tramp & Sons. Mr. and Mrs. ,Boii Borden, of Chap poll, visited friends' In town Sunday. Mrs. O. W. Sprigg, of Kansas City; is visiting her sister, Miss Julia Nolan. Now Is your opportunity to save many dolnrs on a suit or coat. E. T. Tramp & Sons- Miss Dorothy Hlnmari returned qs torday morning from a visit In Oma ha. Miss Syble Wilson, of dothoriburg, spent Saturday In town visiting with friends. For SaleGood Enough sulky plow with breaking ntta1m.rnts. J..G. J.cs ter, Phone 797F3. J .C. Hollman returned ..Saturdny ifrom a business trip to Omaha and Lincoln. . White Lochorn ecus for Bale, lln- i cubator lots at $0.00 per 100. Inquire i at HodKors' harness shop. 24-C Misses Cora, Helen and Ethel SouSor spent Sunday in Clarks- with, tholi brother. Mrs. Elmer Burke and daughtor left Saturday for a visit with relatives in Holdrcge. For Salo or Trades A rsglstered Perchoron stallion. Louis Rofior, North Platte, Phone 785F3. 23-4 Leo Tlgho arrived from Lincoln Saturday to spend Easter with the homo folks. Wanted Middle aged woman, or man and wife without children to work on ranch. Phone 782F12. 24-5 Mrs. John Plelstlcker and daughtor, of Wallace, are visiting at the F. C. Plelstlcker home. Regina Nolan arrived from Lincoln yesterday for n short visit with the home folks. Beginning Thursday, April 24th, wo will give a 20 discount on all suits and coats. E. T. Tramp & Sons. William Growlfck and Edward Clay ton of Schuyler, spent the weok end In town visiting friends. A few desirable second-linnd Fords nt tlio right prices. Hcndy-Ofjfcr Auto 1 Comnniir. The Knights Templar attended in a tody Easier services at the Episcopal church Sunday forenoon. Henry Hansen, the north sldo stock man, returned Saturday from a busi ness trip to Omaha. For Sale Five room cottage, mod ern except heat, two blocks from pav ing. Phone Black 1159. 25-4p The Willing Workers club met with Mrs. Frank Kroehler last Wednesday. The nftornoon was spent In Bowing for the Belgian relief. Dr. L. J. Krause, Dontlst, room 3 McDonald Bank building. "My- star that turned to gold when my r ' - ' ' v ft '"'.t'.? ., boy laid! down his life to defend his mother, ad-all mothers My golden star that my old eyes will always see shining ia God's sky And al way r when I lift my face to ask the Heavenly Father for Vjj strength to bear my burden, I see my boy's face smiling back to me1 across the grave "He 'did his duty! And how I prayed - God that he might ' be strong even to the end." V . - ' : Oh Americans, make sure,, by your self-sacrifice, that rthat boy, and those other thousands, shall' not haveN died" in vain Do your duty, too, in an overwhelming subscription to ;the Victory Liberty Loan . Victory ' Liberty Loan Committee I This space co ntributed by