The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, April 18, 1919, Image 5

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5 '
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Lose the Use i
Your Car.
Look Out
For the Battery.
Official Service Station
McDonald Dank Building.
Phone 317
Helen Smith is quite ill with an at
tack of tonsllltls.
John tPoulos returned yesterday
morning from a buslnoss trip to Oma
ha. C. P. Tomplo has beon transacting
business in Qerlng and surrounding
gection for several days.
For Sale Sevonty egg incubator in
good condition. 1C23 west Fourth
street, phono Red 8351
Leo Tlgho will arrive this evening
from Lincoln to spend Easter with
the homo folks.
Miss M. Sleman, steuui baths and
Swedish Massage, ladles and gentle
men. Phono 897. Brodbock bldtr 85tf
Mrs. W. A. Buchtlnch and her sister,
Mrs. Mayme Gorham loft yesterday
for Grand Island to visit their moth
er. Mrs. W. V. Hoagland returned Tues
day from Lincoln. Sonator Hoagland
expects to arrive home some time
next week.
For Sale rDavonport and bed. 100
south Locust. Phono Dlack 492. 25-4
J. E. Sebastian returned yesterday
from the west part of the state where
he had been transacting business for
several days.
General Superintendent P. H. Ham
el of Omaha and Division Superintend
ent A. W. Woodruff were looking after
company business hero Wednesday.
Wanted Contracts for plowing. Call
nt 075 No. Locust. Phone lied 556. 22
Potted plants, geraniums and white
and yellow daisies will be offered for
sale by the Episcopal ladies in the
basement of the church next Tuesday
Dr. H. C. Brock left yesterday foi
St. Paul, .Minneapolis and Chicago to
spend five weeks in post graduato
work. His offices are to be remod
eled during his absence.
Wanted to buy, a single driving
horse. Inquire at this office. 27-2
Frederich Bowers who appears next
Tuesday evening at the Keith in "I'm
So Happy," will be remembered as the
star in "His Bridal Night," which was
presented to a iNorth Platte audience
last season.
A. L. Mische has sold his property
at the west end of Second street to
Jesse Kunkle for a consideration of
?5,500. Mr. Kunkle, who has been
living southwest of town will move in
so as to give his children school ad
vantage. For Sal(j Eggs for settings from
pure bred Barred Rocks and single
comb Rhode Island Reds, $1.00 per
setting. L. I. Tucker, phone Red 1003.
R. V. Anderson of Vancouver, Wash.,
has been suffering for the past seven
days with the sleeping sickness. Word
received yesterday by his father, G.
W. Anderson, of this city, stated that
although they had not yet been "able
to rouse him, the physicians pro
nounced him Improved.
Judge Woodhurst was released from
the hospital' Tuesday and has since
been at his office, though he has not
altogether regained his normal con
dition. It was roported in Omaha Mon
day that Judge Woodhurst had passed
away. Using the language of Mark
Twain, the Judge says such a report
was "greatly exaggerated."
For Sale Four year old registered
White Face bull, also about 15 tons of
hay. Address Frank Hood, Motor
Route A, North Platte. 25-4
A trainload of 200 sailor boys wore
served at the Canteen Wednesday ev
ening. The boys were enroute to San
Francisco there to bo assigned to
dhty in Asiatic waters. Scarcely a
boy in the outfit was eighteen years of
age, and some were as young as four
teen. The officers in charge stated
that practcally all the boys were or
phans. For Sale Thoroughbred White Leg
horn eggs, $5.00 per hundred. Also
Buff Orphington eggs. Phone 760F011,
or write Mrs. Lee Case, Route 3, North
With lumber experts claiming that
lumber will advance rather than de
crease in price, and with but little
prospects of labor becoming cheap
er, the man who is deferring building
a homeuntil it costs less to build, is
simply "denying himself the comforts
of a house he feels he needs. A good
friend of ours who has investigated
the matter thoroughly 'sees no hope
of cheaper houses within the next five
For Sale Five room cottage, mod
ern except heat, two blocks from pav
ing. Phone Black 1159. 25-4p
Ono of the boys served at the Can
teen yesterday was Chas. W. Bur
ney, who" has received his dischargo
from the 15th Now York regiment
Fighting Bill Hayward's colored
troops. Prlvato Burney wore tho
French Croix de Guerre, received for
bravery during the battle of the Ar
gonno woods when he together with
21 of his companions armed with hand
grenades, stormed a machine gun nest
held by 12G Huns and captured the
five machine guns. Private Burney,
who, before his enlistment, was a
porter on the Union Pacific through
here, was wounded during tho fight
and carries an aluminum pinto in tho
back of his skull as a souvenir.
Wanted Middle aged woman, or
mart and wife without children to
work on ranch. Phone 782F12. 24-5
The registering committee of the
Welcomo Homo committee urge all
boys who have not registered or turn
ed In their registration cards which
they filled out upon returning to please
do so at once. Tho committee has
been requested by Major R. E. Frith,
recruiting officer at Omaha, to sup
ply him with a complete roster of all
returned soldiers in order that all
men who havo been unable to secure
positions may receive aid from that of
fice in finding employment. Leave
cards at tho Canteen station.
Chairman of Registering Com.
For Snle
Light Ford truck, suitable for do-
livery or light farm work. Good condl
tion and cheap at $276.00. Phono or
address R. Kunkle, North Platte. 27-3
"The Ponograph With A Soul."
Our store will be the meccn, for
music lover3 of North Platte and
neighboring communities at all
times. Money or efforts will not be
spared to introduce the favorite
invention of the master of inventors,
Thomas A. Edison.
The New Ellison is not a "talking
machine." In order clearly to distin
guish the life-like Re-Creations of
the New Edison from the,, lifeless
mechanical reproductions of ordin
ary "talking machines," the music
critics have coined a new expression,
Music's Re-Creation, a now art, the
secrets of which are known only to
Mr. Edison and his most trusted
We could tell you that more than
one million music lovers and the
music critics of over one thousand
papers have publicly acknowledged
their inability to distinguish be
tween the voices of living artists and
the New Edison's Re-Creation of
them when heard side by side.
Thirty Edison artists (great singers
and instrumentalists) have! partici
pated in tests which have convinced
these music critics that the New
Edison is truly the "Phonograph
with a Soul."
Official Laboratory Modcl
Chippciidnlc Design.
Wo could write entire pages about
Music's Re-Creation in an effort to
convince you that no other sound
reproducing invention can possibly
compare with tho New Edison, but
one sweet note of the voice of Anna
Case singing "Depuis le jour" or one
ripplo of molody from tho bow of
Albert Spalding playing "Tho Med
itation from Thais" would convince
you as no printed words ever could.
We could tell you that The New
stylus reproducer (no needles to
change). We could tell you that Edi
son and Edison Re-Creations are
almost unwearable and unbreakable.
We could tell you many other re
markable things about the New
Edison and Edison Re-Creations
but the New Edison itself can tell
you far better in its music-language
just what we are trying to impress
upon you here that it is an instru
ment by means of which Thomas A.
Edison has given to the world a
new art Music's Re-Creation.
You owe it to your love of music
to visit our store and acquaint your
self with Music's Re-Creation.
Wm. G. McAdoo, ex-secretary of tho
treasury and ex-dlrector general of
railroads, passed east in a special car
attached to tho first section of train
No. G which reached this terminal at
10:35 yesterday morning. Tho com
ing of Mr. McAdoo and that ho would
make a short address had been pre
viously announced, and tho depot
plaform was packed with tho people.
Introduced hy District Chairman
Moonoy, of tho Liberty Loan organ
ization, Mr. McAdoo spoko for about
ten minutes in tho interest of the
coming loan. He paid special Btrcss
on the fact that 70,000 American boys
had made the supreme sacrifice and
sleep beneath the sod in Franco, while
200,000 more wore maimed by loss of
a leg, an arm, or an eye, whllo still
others had .their health impaired for
life. These were tho real sacrifices
that tho American boys mado; shouTO
wo who staid at homo falter when ask
ed to buy bonds? Wo had shown our
patriotism in past loan drives, wo
should bo equally patriotic in the
coming drive; tho boys over there had
helped lick the Kaiser, and mado the
world safe from other possible wars,
should we not consider it a privilege,
rather than a burden, to buy bonds?
Mr. McAdoo endorsed the plan for a
leaguo of nations, through which pos
sible wars may be averted, and strong
ly advised his hearers not to let poli
tics bias their minds as to tho needs
of such a leaguo.
Mr. McAdoo Is a read talker, wastes
no words In presenting his thoughts
and it is regretted that ho did not
have a longer period In which to
: :o: :
There will bo special music for tho
Easter mass at St. Patrck's church.
(Tho choir which is under tho direction
of Mr. Doucet, will bo assisted by a
four piece orchestra.
Wo write Life Insurance In Old
Hanker of Lincoln, Neb. "WTo write
Accident nnd Health Insurant. Wo
vvrlto Fire, Tornado nnd Hnil Insur
ance. Wo write nny kind of Insur
ance that can bo had in nny ngoncy in
tho world. Call on us, wo have been
in tho business twcnty.fivo years.
Woodhurst's Insurance Agency, Itooin
8, lloynolds lluildiiif,', 3Irs. Kelso,
Manager. 20-1
to the
Wednesday and Thursday
April 23 and 24
"One Woman"
Guarantee Repair Work.
vTho Buskirk Bros., who had been in
th,( army service, and during their ab
sence had given a lease for tho Over
land garage, havo again assumed tho
ownership and management. In tak
lngover the plant, they retain tho ser
vices df Ira LoMasters as shop fore
man, who is assisted by competent
mechanics. Mr. LoMasters has the
reputation of being an export auto me
chanician and his work in the past lias
fully sustained tho claim that few me
chanics more thoroughly understand
the mechanism of all makes and mod
els of cars. With Mr. LoMasters as
foreman tho Messrs. Buskirk will pay
special attention to repair work on all
makes of cars, and .having a well
equipped shop and competent me
chanics, they feel confident that thoy
can please and satisfy all who leave
with them cars for repair work in
fact thoy are so confldont of their
ability that thoy have no hesitancy
In guaranteeing all work doho at their
Thoy will continue to handle tho
Overland cars nd havo now on their
floor a completo lino of tho different
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Fonwlck returned
Wednesday from California whore
they have spent tho last two years vis
iting their children.
Glen Lindsoy returned homo yes
terday after six months service over
seas. Ho received his discharge at
Camp Dodge.
10 acre homo at west end of Second
street. Phono Black 1123, P. O. Box
475. 25tf
Donald Graham Saves Her From Them
In New World Picture,. "The
Grouch," Starring 3Inii(ugii Love
Flouretto.wns a beautiful girl of the,
swamps. "Slife was coveted by the '
chief of the band of desperadoes with
whom she had lived and when she ran
away from him and wns aided in her
escape by Donald Graham, more ex
citement enmo Into her lifo than sho
had ever experienced before.
Fleurotto and Donald Graham are
tho principal charactors In "Tho
3rouch," the now World Picture star
ring Montagu Love, which on Sat
urday will bo shown at tho Sun the
atre. Mr. Love, of course, is scon
1 tho role of Graham. Miss Dorothy
'Jreon plays the part of Fleurotto.
It is ovident that tho brief outline
ven above of tho part of a story
of "The Grouch," that it offers won
Jorful opportunities for sconic offoctH.
A.11 of thoso opportunities havo boon
mado tho most of. Tho entiro com
pany went to 'North Carolina where
first three reels of tho story wero
filmed nmld surroundings of wondor
ful natural beauty. Thoso scones aro
-mong the most beautiful over thrown
on a screen.
Tho story was written by Forest
Halsoy, tho famous author, of many
novels and short stories, and it is pno
of tho most engrossing sort of talcs.
Suportlng Mr. Lovo is an excellent
'iv includnlg a largo' number
of screen favorites.
Dr. H. C. Brock. Dentist. X-Ray
Olagnopls. Reynolds Bide. Phono 148
Church of Our Saviour Episcopal.
Dlvlno servicos for Easter Sunday.
Holy communion, 7:30 a. m.
Morning prayer and sermon 11.
Sunday school rally for North nnd
South Side Sunday schools 4 p. in.
Evening prayer and sermon 7.
R. O. MACKINTOSH, Rector.'
1 1 , ::o:: :
Mrs. G. W. Roberts and daughters."
Mrs. Ira Sage and Miss Mildred Rob
borts, of Maxwell, visited friends In
town yesterday.
Homo grown elm trcos. 215 cast
12th street, phono Red 958. , 20tf
Wrist Watches
for the Graduates.
A girl graduate who has no bracelet'
watch would rathor recoivo ono than1'
almost any other present that sho can .
think of.
CllntonJs stock of bracelet watches
offers 'exceptional opportunities to'
purchasers. Wo havo different patterns
In solid gold and gold filled watches.
Movements aro tho best American
and Swiss makes guaranteed tlmo- N
keepers. Values aro extra good. v
$10.0(Jf to $15.00 x
At tho Sign of tho Big Iliug.
mntm imi fiimi nni Mini m imi i i r " iii, iMm v mtjmntmn MMmn i mi nn wmibi inwnmii i mmm i iiiniiMJrw'iti im mm m
A few o! the Silk Stocking Choruo with Frederick V. Bowers in 'Tm So Happy"
at the Keith Theatre TueBday, April 22d.