The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, April 18, 1919, Image 10

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For Your Information,
Latest styles la Oxfords and
Tuiaps, ia Patent, Satin, brown
black and while kid and can
vas, with Louis XIV heels, high
arch and snug HtUiifr around
tons, priced from
$450 to $8:00
Longfellow could take a piece of paper, write a poem on it and make
it worth $G5,000. THAT'S GENIUS.
The United States can take an ounce and a quarter of gold and, make
Latest styles in the new medium low, military heels in Oxfords and Pumps, in black,
" ... .a. 11 I 1 ...l.tit.H .v v-. 1
it or rn rniT a rives srnMiv 'auM.' t
brown and white Km aim canvas, an sizes aim wiuum, imueu uum
$4.00 to 88.
Our line of Men's Shoes and Oxfords in black and tan soft leathers, durable and the
latest styles, priced from
$4,00 to
Misses Shoes and Slippers
White tops, black and tan, on
the now English last, patent and
soft kid slippers.. A big assortment.
at the
Boy's Shoes $
Mack and tan, narrow, and wide
toes, priced from
$2.25 to $4.Q0
IIU L II A It K, Editor and i'uullshor
jOho i"cnr by Mnll, In advance. .$1.76
Olio Year by Carrlor, In adranco, $2.00
Past Fl'stlvjtlcs
Tho neighbors and friends of tlio
Fourth Ward to tho number of forty-
flvo gathered at tho homo of Mr. and
Mrs. L. F. Cauffman on Tenth streot
and at 8.30 o'clock prococded In a
body to tho Booth rcsldnco on west
Elovcnth street and surprised Mr. Wm.
Booth Inst Monday ovonlng, tho oc
casion being his birth anniversary.
Entered at tho North Platto, Nebraska l C. J. Cornwoll led In community
singing. I'tano solos by Marion iucn
ards and Gladys Cornwoll. Juno Por
klns Mnblo Mang, Olndys Cornwoll
and Marlon Richards sang "Till Wo
,Meot Again", and "Thoro's a Long
VOLUNTEER LEAGUE OP NATIONS Long Trail." Games of all kinds were
North Platto, Neb., April 17, 1919. ' Played nnd Mrs. Walter Eshelman pro
Editor Tribune sontcd tho first prizes to Mrs. Luther
"Lcaguo of Nations" Tho nrst' Owens. Mrs. Geo. Mang and Mrs. Imo
league waB a volunteer league at tho Cool "tinol, and' tho booby prize, to
tine nn ncr of tho Wor d War. Its vumwuu. m u iu uppi upi
April 14, 1919
Postofflco aa Second Class Mattor.
FRIDAY .APRIL 18, 1019.
Board of county
mot, present Koch,
and county clerk.
Claims woro allowed as follows:
J. F. Snyder, road work, $163.00.
R. II. Stock, road work, $6.00.
Henry Washburn, road work, $10.00.
B. J. Guyman, road work, $34.50.
Claus Anderson, dragging, $21.00.
frrank England, roadwork, $12.00.
Mrs. John Bcal, services In county
Judges' office, $60.00
Alvin Ball, care of Tuff, $18.00
Sundry persons, road work, Dlst.
15, $92.40,
A merchant can take an article costing seventyifive cents and sell'it,
for one dollar. THAT'S BUSINESS.
Some men can take a blank piece of paper, write some figures on it
and make it worth a million dollars. THAT'S CAPITAL.
If any clothing merchant in the "World' tells you that he gives you
better values for your money thanwe do, THAT'S NERVE.
If we tell you that we give you the limit in Service, Quality, Standard
made Merchandise, and Courteous treatment, THAT'S THE TRUTH. -
If you are not a Customer of ours, THAT'S TOO BAD. y
Yours for a "Better Acquaintance,".
Star Clothing House.
i "
, .
nHm.H wnr iinlirinm. flrnnt Hrttian. words Luther Owons presonted Mr,
Frnnco, Italy, United States and ja-. Booth with a suit case and as ho Is an
pan. Each pledged tholr financial re-! engineer on tho U. P. it will come In
Bourccs and man power to fight tho handy to carry to and from his work.
Germans, and tho volunteer lcaguo 'Ho in turn thanked his neighbors for
won tho war. It soomB that tho loaguo ' tholr kindness in remembering him.
i.mvn.1 onnnMn tn whin (hn Huns. Splendid refreshments woro served.
Nmv Hint nnmn United States Sena- Assisting tho hostess in serving wero
tors havo been Bpocch making against ' Mrs, Albert James, Mrs. C. J. Cornwoll,
tho Leaguo of Nations, yet not one of I Mrs. John Guyman, Juno Pcfc-klns and
tho sonators offered any other plan topidys Cornwall. At a lato hour all
mnintnin wni-i.i pnnrn- whv wnuMn't ' loft wishing tho host many moro
it bo a good plan to contluuo tho Vol- lMy birthdays. Guest.
untoor Leaguo that won tho war and I ::o::
invito all neutrals who, deslro tp Join I'rcslijtcrlnn Clmrclj.
tho loaguo for tholr own safoty, pro-' Tho Easter Borvlces will consist of
vldcd thoy nssumo tho responsibility tho rccoptlon of members nnd tho
In proportion to tholrabillty, and as-. christening of chlldron, togothor with
slBt in maintaining World Poaco in tho
future Hurrah! for tho Voluntoor
Leaguo of-Nations.
Peace Is Near.
London. Anril 16. Tho allied rep
resentatives in Paris havo arrived at
a completo understanding on tho great
fundamental questions tliat wouia ei
for.t noaco with Germany Premier
Lloyd George declared In addressing
Mm Houao of Commons today. Tho
allies had formulated their demands,
P. D. Westonfeld, mdse county poor, ami ij0 hoped that by the end of next
F. B. Marr, houso rent, $9.00.
Sundry persons, surveying, $13.00
Thos. Kelly, road work, $36.38.
S. J. Koch, freight and repairs,
Ream Bros., road work, $28.86.
Carl Lunkwltz, dragging, $56.00.
John Mulrhead, dragging, $18.75.
Will Mabe, road work, $15.00.
John Schram, road work, $30.00.
Mrs. Geo. Williams, mdse- county
poor, $3.00.
Bond of Ailcen Gantt Cochran,
county superintendent, approved
Bond of Don -Molton, assessor Wil
low precinct npproved.
S. M. Soudcr, redemption of taxes
on 8 E 30-16-28, $53.31.
Adjourned to April 19, 4919.
: :o: :
To Farmers Needing Help.
a very lino program of Easter music To tho Farmers of Lincoln County: Tea or tablets,
week they would bo presented.
Tho Dremler made a vigorous ai
tack upon those who had "attempted
tn row dlssonslon. distrust ana sus-
nlcion between the nations whose
"cordiality and good will toward each
other was essontlal." Ho could not
concelvo of a worse crime, ho do
Glared, at a tlmo when nothing could
sayo tho world but keeping tuo na
tloris together
Taxi day and night service. Phone
918 or Black 398. Horb Hamilton
1 ( u -
You feel different the minute you
tako It a gentlo.soothlng warmth fills
tho svstem. It's a pleasure to take
Holllster's Rocky Mountain Tea,
Helps' purify tho blood, drives out the
germs of Winter, gets you hustling,
bustling, full of life and energy. 35c,
George Frater.
by tho choir at 8 p. m. Tho sormon
subject will bo "Tho Resurrection and
Its Meaning to tho World."
Doings nt School.
Robert Iloldenwu pponod tho sea
son by catching a llvp'tUrtlo last week
and taking it to school for a naturo
study losson. Miss Karlson used it
for a conversation losson and tho pu
pils woro 'much Interested.
Mrs. William Dealclns visited tho
Washington school last week, tho only
visitor lor the week.
Mario Schwalger, student assistant
In tho cooking dopartmont appeared
boforo tho normal training class In
geography rocontly and gavo a talk on
th manufacture of cream of tartar
from grapes, the process of making
patontcd (lour and othor food prod
s nets. Sho used tho oxhtbllts from the
housohold arts dopartmont nnd made
tho talk practical as woll as inter
esting. 4 Diagraming tho Latin sontonces ac
cording to tho most approved Bystoinl
of English diagrams Is not commonly
.being dono, but Miss Edith Pattorson
has perfectod this work until It has
becoino a vnlunblo part of her courso
in Latin. It Is a test of tho pupil's
.knoWledgo of tho word relations of n
taontonco if ho can mako a correct di
agram. ' Wednesday of last week C. O. Woln-
gnnd -and ,J. Q. Wilcox vlsltod tho
Junior High school for an hour in
tho afternoon.
Word was received from Chicago'
last week that FranclB Loudon and
Lucy Mathowson havo been awarded
flnnl certificates by tho Pnlmor pen
manship people. Thoy aro pupils of
Miss Gortrudo Hnkor In tho Junior
High Bchool. Evolyn Wilcox and Ruth
samo kind of a certificate.
A health exhibit on tho houso fly
Doty havo already boon awnrded tho
i 1b bolng used In tho Lincoln school
this wook and will go tho rounds of
nil tho schools In tlmo. It tells of tho
filth and dangor carried by tho fly
and glvos remedies for tho nuisance
Tho city election waa colobrntod In
a numbor of schools by holding an
election nmong tho pupils. Quito dif
ferent results woro socured in somo
: rooms from what tho voters register
od. but tho part that intorostod tho
school wns tho process of voting.
Cattlo Wanted
i For nummor pasture, can handle a
. thousand head of steers and 700 cows
or hoifors. Plenty of grass, salt and
wator, Prlco per season from $4 to $0.
FoKfurthor particulars address,
. , . Sutherland. Nob.
Roforonco;A .FarniprBV Stato Bank,
Suthorland. Nob. 23tf
A register French Draft Stallion,
foaled April 21, 1915, Biro Beau-
we call your attention to the re
opening of tho employment service
Tho work, Is in chnrgo of a tempor
ary secretary, offico room 327, fed-
oral building, North Platto.
Wo will bo pleased to havo you list
your positions with us, as in many
manolr 24741 (53678): dnm Dolly Instances wo can put you In touch
14919. Full registration will bo shown , with a returned soldier or sailor who
to intorostod partios. Anlmnl can bo Is soeklnc employment on tho farm.
soon at my farm half mile cast of tho I Address, Secrotary Employment Ser-
Bakcr school houso. vice, room 327, Federal Building, or
My 500 aero ranch, woll improvod,
4 mllos southeast of Tryon, McPher
son county. Will tako good city
proporty in part payment.
R. A. McFARLAND, Phono Red 732
North Platto. Nob. 18tf
call phono Black 319.
:o: :
Spring Bargains
Tents, Auto Covers, Camp Cots
Stools, Wagon Covers, Bows, Furnl
ture, Hardware and a clean stock of
Groceries. ECHELBERRY,
104 East Front,
United Doctors'
' Monday, April 21, '19
) (supervision! (
Hours 10 A. 3L to 8 1. 31.
Remarkable Success of These Tnlcnt-
ed Physicians in (he Treatment
of Chronic Diseases.
Farmers Interests are our Interests.
This bank ia interested in fanners In,
more ways than simply taking care of
the financial eml of their business.
We want to see them continue to pros
per to make a fair profit for their work in
peacetime as well as in wartime.
We want to see them get a square-deal
on every hand and to help make their posi
tion In the industrial world more generally
understood and appreciated.
To this end wo shall continue to advanco
tholr interests in every way possible at
cvory opportunity.
Platte Valley State Bank,
Doposilg GuarattlgGd "CltidGg Lriu7g . of this
Tho diagnostician or tho United
Doctors, licensed by tho stato of Neb
raska for tho treatment of chronic
diseases of men, women and children,
offer to all who call on this visit, con
sultation, examination and advlco free.
Tlioy havo a system and method of
treatments that are suro and certain
In tholr results.
Thcso doctors aro experts in tho
i treatment of chronic diseases of tho
blood, liver, stonlach, lntostinos, heart,
kidneys or bladder, (rheumatism,
sciatica, dropsy, log ulcors, weak
lungs, and those afflicted with long
standing, deep seated, chronic dlseas
cs, that havo baffled tho skill of other
physicians should not fall to call.
According to their system no more
onoratlon for nppondlcltls, gall stones.
goiter, plies, etc., as all cases accopted
will bo treated without oporation or
hypodermic injection, u you navo kiu
ney or bladder troublo bring a 4-ounce
bottlo of your urlno for citomicni an
alysls and microscopic examination
Worn-out and run-down men ana
womon, no mnttor what your aliment
mnv bo. no matter what you havo been
told, or tho oxporlenco you havo had
with othonphyplclans, sottio it rorover
in your minn. n your cuao i inuumuiu
thoy will toll you so. Consult them
upon this visit. It will cost you noth-
iiiR for oxamlnntlon.
Romombor, this froo otter is for tins
visit only.
Married ladles tust como witn their
husbands nnd minors witn their par
We wish to announce that we have pur-,
chased the L. D. Smith office and equipment
and are now ready to take care of any one
who needs and wants Chiropractic Spinal
Adjustments. We are graduates of the Pal
mer School of Chiropractic, Davenport,
Office hours, (itffto 12 a. m.; 1:30 to 5 and
7 tp 8 p. m.; other hours and Sunday by
appointment only. Consultation free. ,
Drs. States & States,
5, 6 and 7, Building & Loan Building, North
Platte, Nebraska.
Fop Dependable Power
Keep Lubrication Correct
Farm tractors present a special problem in
lubrication. Their operating heat is nor
mally somewhat higher than automobiles
considerably higher where kerosene is
the fuel.
Tractor 031
is manufactured to mcot tractor engine re
quirements. It ia enJcrccd for this service
by leading tractor manufacturers. It coats,
cushions and protects the engine's vitals
pistons, cylinders, valves and bearing
ngainst destructive friction. Keeps engine
power at par the year round.
Ask your desler far this oil
or write us for information
Standard Oil Company
Omaha V-T- 'Mvim
'''' ' ' ' '
In Standard Custom Garments of Chicago
is now in and ready for your inspection. We
will be pleased to take your order now.
We also make Uniforms for Conductors and
Brakemen from $26 up. Call on us and
see our new line of goods Yours truly,
Over Hirschfold Clothing Store. CJLRIi GrERIjEi