THE SEMI WrriUY TRIBUNE. NORTH PLATTE. NEBRASKA 7 F Atptrln It the trade malic of Hirer Manufacture of Monoaeetiearldetter of SalierlteacM DANDRUF IKES ESauer -Tablets m OF o a U&tLa. -A-PX- Mr. B. W. D. Baraei, of Warrea County, Measures tin to Rpnairrrarnli. W HIS LIFE A STIRRING ONE Always in robust health, 13. W. D. Barnes could rldo, shoot and get his man. Ho was everything a sheriff in Warren Co., Tennessee, should bo until overtaken by a complication oz catarrhal troubles that fell but put him down. i the stomach, bowels or other Here to the Btory told In his own 1 organs, Dr. Hartman'a Famous words: "I hurt throat trouble from I Peruna Tonio has boon a standard which no relief seemed po. "V. Myl household remedy for Xorty-flve health was gone. Finally 1 aecldel to try Peruna. and was entirely cured by four bottles. That was three years ago. I am now as well an ever; able to ride all the time. Thanks to Peruna." Like Sheriff Barnes, thousands owe their present health to Peruna. For catarrh of the head, nose and throat, catarrhal Inflammation of Vonra. If you are sick and suffering, write The Peruna Company, DepL A, Columbus. Ohio, for Dr. Hart man's Health Book. ' It is free. Your dealer has Peruna In both tablet and liquid form. If you want health, insist upon having1. Peruna. Your dealer will give you a Peruna, Almanac THE RIGHT WAY. MR In all cases ot Distemper, Pinkeye, Influ enza, Colds, etc.- ' Wtii i of &U horses, brood mares, colts, stallions. Is to "SPOHN THEM" Oa tholr tonguo or In tho fcea put Bpohn's Liquid Compound. Give tho remedy to all of them. It acts on tho blood and glands. It routs the disease by expelling tho disease germs. It wards off tho trouble no matter how they arc "exposed." Absolutely free from any thing Injurious. A child can safely tako . aoia oy druggists, harness dealers, r seni express paia oy the manu Cacturera. Special Aceata Wasted. SPOHN MEDICAL CO., GOSHEN, IND., U. S. A. REMARKABLE TEST OF LOVE KEEP THEIR MONEY AT HOME Surely Any Woman Would Be Satis fied With Proof That Was Offered Mrs. Newlywed. For a while, as they walked along, neither spoho. The silence became quite strained. At last she said In a bard, tense voice: "You don't care whether I'm happy or not, do you? We've been married eearly n week, and now you don't care whether I'm happy or not." "My angel, I do," he said miserably. "But I simply cannot permit you to do that. It Is asking too much." Two tears rolled down her cheeks ono for each check. "You don't 1 You don't I" sho cried, biting her Hp tearfully. "You don't car whether I'm happy or not I" It was more thnn his tender, lov ing heart could stand. Ho gulped guiltily. "Oh, very well, go ahead If you like," he said gruffly. And while she took out her powder puff and powdered her nose and vi cinity right on the crowded pavement, he turned his back and looked Into the abow windows of a piano shop so no one would know ho was with her. Rigid Economy. Mr. PeBter You've been downtown pending money again after I told you we'd have to be careful. His Wife I think you'ro perfectly horrid. I took a car to the city to mail a letter to mother 'cause I could mall it there for two cents when It cost three out here. The Decision. "Is she good at pyrography?" "Well, her apple pies ain't much, but she's great on the mince ones." Some men ure like telescopes. You draw them out see through them, and then shut them up. Many People In England Evidently Will Not Entrust Savings to the Care of Banks. ' A vast amount of money still lies uninvested In the country, declares the London Mall. In a Yorkshire village there Is a fisherman who is known to. have live thousand dollars In notes In his thlrty-dollnr-a-year cottage. He wears clothes which cost about ten dollars before tho wur. nnd owns a fishing boat worth one thousand or fif teen hundred dollars. In the same vil lage a short time ago a fisherman bought his cottage, and when tho own er called for a deposit he counted out fifteen hundred dollars In gold, the full purchase price. In a neighboring town there Is at least one fisherman who has five thousand dollars or nioro In notes In his little house, but he can not be Induced to Invest any of It. When he hns been urged to do so he has snld that he "preferred to have It near him ns It Is safer I" A woman In a Yorkshire country town one morning walked Into a lawyer's ofllce and pro duced a handbag containing two thou sand half-sovereigns which she had collected In thirty years. After asking advice on Investing the money sho stated that at night sho took the hand bag up to her bedroom. When sho traveled she took tho handbag with her, and on one occasion left It on tho rack In' the train. Sho remembered her treasure before she left tho station nnd recovered It. The Alternative. Hubby I will not stnnd these shop ping bills of yours any longer. WJfle I don't 'lure whether you stand them or not as long as you foot them. Heaven nnd homo begin with the same letter, and heaven or tho op posite place begins at home. ! There's a rich, I satisfying old I I time flavor to The Original POSTUM CEREAL that no substitute can ever equal. A healthful drink that leaves no trace of harm, a beverage grateful to the stomach, that never upsets nerves, heart or. digestion as does sometimes coffee. Boil just like coffee Boil thoroughly (15 minutes after boiling begins) make it rich and dark and you havo something that makes your meal doubly enjoyable. "There's a Reason At Grocers two sizes 15c & 25c 9$ GOOD CARE FOR SETTING HEN Attention Given Fowl Plays Important Part on Number and Condi tion of Chicks. (Prepared by the United States Depart meat of Agriculture.) The kind of care nml attention glv ,en a setting hen during tho process of hatching eggs plays an Important pnrt on the number and condition ol the chicks when hatched. See that tho lions arc made comfortable on tho nest, allow them to come oft only oncf a day to receive feed and water. If there are any that do not desire to come oft themselves, they should be taken oft, liens usually return tc $sr A Good Type to Select for Laying. their nests before there Is any dun ger of tho eggs chilling, hut If thej do not go back In half an hour in or dinary weather, thoy should bo put 011 the nest. Where n large number ol Bitters are kept in one room It is ad vlsnble to let thein off In groups ol from four to six at a time. The egga and nests should be examined and cleaned, removing all broken eggs and washing those that are soiled; in tho latter case the soiled nesting material should be removed and clenn straw added. Nests containing broken eggs that the hen Is allowed to sit on soor become Infested with mites and lice, which cause the hens to become un cusy and leave the nest, often causing the loss of valuable sittings of eggs In mite-Infested nests, the hen, If fast ened in, will often be found standing over rather than sitting on the eggs. Many eggs that are laid In tho late winter and early spring are Infertile. For this reason It Is advisable to set several hens at the same time. Aftei the eggs have been under the hens from live to seven days, the time de pending somewhat on the color and thickness of the shells white-shelled eggs being easier to test than those having brown shells they should be tested, the Infertile eggs and dead germs removed, and tho fertile eggs put buck under the hen. In this way It is often possible to put nil the eggs that several hens originally started to sit on under fewer hens and reset tho others. For example, 30 eggs aro set under three hens at the snme time, ten under each. At the end of seven days wo find on testing the eggs from all tho hens that ten are Infertile, which leaves us 20 eggs to reset, which we do by putting them under two hens, and have the remaining hen sit over ngaln after sho has set only seven days. Iri this way considerable time can be saved in one's hatching operations. The pullets and the year-old hen? are tho best egg producers. Market all cockerels not wanted as breeders at us early a date as pos slble. A "chicken" Is a young fowl, usuully under six months of age. It becomes j a "fowl" after that period. One pound of feathers can bo se cured from five ordinary fowls, or from ten ducks, or from four geese. . Whole corn Is the proper food fen sitting hens. They should have greei food, grit, and pure drinking water Eggs for hatching should ho care fully selected, well-formed, with goo! shells, and kept In a temperature, ' 50 degrees to CO degrees F. ' Tho chick worth having Is tho chlcK ! thnt releases itself from the shell wltb 1 rtgor, life nnd vitality; that comes j jumping, as It were, Into life. I A time-saving plan Is to set heii Ih pairs, nnd giving the chicks hutched from both to ono hen, allowing the other hen to go back to laying. In salting the mash dissolve suffi cient salt In the water with which the mash Is to bo moistened. In this way the salt will ho more evenly dlstrlbn ted. An ounce of Halt Is about right for 100 fowls. FALL OUT small bottle of "Danderino" keeps hair thick, strong, beautiful. Girls! Try thisl Doubles beauty of your hair in a few moments. ' jmP" -JBssstt hmhI Within ten minutes after nn appli cation of Danderino you can not find a single trace of dandruff or falling hair nnd your scnlp will not Itch, but what will please you most will be after a few weeks' use, when you see new hair, flno and downy at first yes but really new hair growing all over the scalp. A little Danderino immediately dou bles the beauty of your hair. No dif ference how dull, faded, brittle nnd scraggy, just moisten a cloth with Dan derino nnd carefully draw It through your hair, taking one small strand at a time. Tho effect Is nmazlng your hair will be light, fluffy nnd wavy, and have an appearance of abundance; an In comparable lustre, softness nnd luxu rlnnce. Get a small bottle of Knowlton's Danderino for n few cents at any drug store or tollot counter, nnd prove thnt your hair Is as pretty and soft as any that It has been neglected or injured by careless treatment thnt's all you surely can have beautiful hair and Iota of it If you will just try a little Dan derino. Adv. World League of Women. The group of 100 French girls sent over recently to American colleges for their cducntlon, and tho deputations of representative French and English women who arc bringing messages of gratitude and Inspiration for us, arc" only n few Indications of tho growing feeling of oneness nmong tho womeu of the world. People who have nothing to do but visit are the worst kind of bores. For tale, alfalfa 19; afreet olorer $10 per bu. John Alulball, Sioux City, Iowa. Probably the most dlillcult uscent Is getting up n subscription. pirin The'Bayer Cross"on Genuine Tablets "A Blessing for Humanity in Pain!" For Headache Neuralgia Toothache Achy Gums Eirache Rheumatism Lame Back Lumbago Joint Pains Sciatica Gout Neuritis Colds Grippe Influenzal Colds Stiff Neck Distress Painl Pain! Proved Safe by Millions! American Owned! Adults Take one or two "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" with water. If necessary, repeat dose three times a day, after meah 20 cent Bayer packages alto larger Bayer package. Buy t Bayer packages only Get original package, The Biggest Show. For about an hour Aunt Mlrnndy's thrco dusky offspring had been "pes tering" her to take them to tho cir cus. The big tents had Just been pitched three or four blocks nwny, und there was great excitement in the neighborhood. "Now, you nil go on nwny," com manded Aunt Mlrnndy. "I gottn work to buy yo' grub an' yo' clo's. I uln't got no time to tnko yo nowhercs." " "Den ask pappy to toko us," plead ed ono of the youngsters. "Huh I Yo' pa uln't got no lntrus' In no circus a-tall, a-tall. No, suhl" Then, after u pause, she added con temptuously: "He ain't got do sllghtes' ambition for no circus since he done hud be delirious trembles." Now York Globe. Typical Pessimist. Representative Each was defending bin bill for tho unscrambling of tha railroads. "I bellevo In tho railroads," ho raid, "1 am an optimist. Pessimists, you'll find, aro poor stuff all around. "A preacher said to n posBlmlsti "How dnro you rail at Provldenc like that? How daro you sny you hnv nothing to be thankful for? Why, man, look at your neighbor Curtis. His wlft has Just been carried off by tho grlp " 'Well,' snarled tho pessimist, 'what good does that do mo? I ain't Ou tls.' " Poor Cholly. Cholly "Fish Is a wonderful brain food, thoy Bay." Miss Kavvstlck l noticed you weren't eating any." His sntanlc . majesty smiles every A man without a country Is one wbt time ho sees a stingy man. lives In a town. IT'S NOT YOUR HEART; IT'S YOUR KIDNEYS Kidney disease is no respecter of per sons. A majority of the Ills afflicting Eeople today can bo traced back to the Idney trouble. The kidneys aro tho moat important organs of tho body. Thoy aro tho ftl terors of your blood. If tho poisons which are swept irom tho tissues by tho blood are not eliminated through tho kidneys, dlscaso of ono form or another will claim you as a victim. Kidney (fiaeaso is usually indicated by weariness, sleeplessness, nervousness, despondency, backache, stomach trou ble, pain in loins and lower abdomen. Kail stones, gravel, rheumatism, sciatica All theso derangements aro nature tenala that thri IMneva need helot You should use GOLD MEDAL Haar lem Oil Capsules immediately. Tn soothing, healing oil stimulates tha kidneys, relloves inflammation and de stroys tno germs wnicn nave causeu u Go to your drugRUt today and get a box of GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules. In twenty-four hours you suouia ieei ncaitn ana vigor returning. After you feel somewhat improved continue to take one or two capsules each day, so as to keep the first-class condition and ward off tho danger ol other attacks. Ask for the original Imported GOLD MEDAL brand. Three alaes. Money re funded it they do not help you. Jlmmlo Knew. Jlmmle had mado somo boastful re marks as to his progress In grammar, by tho way of offsetting his short comings In tho science of numbers. "Well, what Is a pronoun Jlmmle?" asked pa. "A pronoun Is a word that stands for another word," replied James. "Give me somo examples of a' word that .stands for another word," sug gested pa. "Well, there's dcrn an' darn an' blame an doggone," said James. One Deficiency. "That woman Is a perfect talking machine." "No ; a perfect machlno hns an exhaust." Filling Him Full. "I haven't had a blto 'to cat slna yesterday morning, nnd " whined thi measly mendicant. '"Indeed I Well, then ' returned Tennyson J. Daft, tho versatile verslO cutlonlBt, beginning to paw through his pockets. "H'ml h'ml Where did I put it? Ah, hero it is a poetical de scrlptlon of a Babylonian feast, whlck I dashed off last night. I will read U to you. I'm sure you will appreciate It" Kansas City Star. A receipted bill 1b always consid ered a good certificate of honesty. A well-rend man lsp't always ths pink of perfection. The singer Is seldom worried until Lots of men know how to cut tho understudy tackles It hams, but am unable to pro-cure them, "Yes, I tried it, but I went back to RoyaL" This is the experience of most women , who have been tempted to try so called cheaper baking powders which almost always contain alum and often leave a bitter taste. Royal Baking Powder r Absolutely Pure Made from Cream of Tartar derived from grapes Royal Contains No Alum Leaves No Bitter Taste