CO-OPERATION "The First Principle of Success" All Union Men and Women, your Friends and Families are requested to be CONSISTENT, PATRONIZE HONE INDUSTRY BOOST FOR NORTH FLATTE and demand tthe UNIUPJ iiABEij on an commomuos you purciiaae - whenever possible. The following BUSINESS INTERESTS of your city solicit the niinnort of ORGANIZED LABOR and are recom mended by the NORTH PLATTE CENTRAL UNION. LABOR AMUSEMENTS Sun Tlietitre. Kollli anil Crystal Theatres. AUTOMOBILE COMPANIES J. S. Davis Auto-Co. North PIntto Jtutck Co. HANKS Tho PIntto Ynlley Stato Bank. The First National Hank. The McDonald Stato Hank. HAKEltS Tlio 3Iodcl Bakery. It. It. Dickey. Ideal Hakery, A. & J. O'Hare. HOOTS AND SHOES The Shoo Mnrket. Trump & Sons. Edwards-Roynolds Co. Tho Star. Hlrschfcld's. J. C. Penny Co. UTILITY PLANTS North Platte light and "Power Go. BUILDING St LOAN ASSOCIATIONS Mutual Building & Xoan Associa tion f North Platte. CHIROPRACTORS Dr. L. D. Smith. POOL HOOMS Tho Brunswick. PRODUCE HOUSES North Platte Produce Co. CLOAKS AND SUITS Block's. E. T. Tramp & Sons. FURNACES Simon Brothers. TI1UST COMPANIES Goodman-Buckley Trust Co. HOTELS The Timmcrman. CONFECTIONERY DEALERS The Oasis. R. R. Dickey's. CONTRACTORS McMIchacl Brothers. CREAMERIES North Platte Creamery Co. DRUGGISTS J. II. Stone. The Rexnll. The Nyal. , Geo. Fratcr. Gumnierc.Dent. I DRY CLEANERS The C. 0. D. Best Xnundry. . -, BOTTLING COMPANIES CJiOTHlNG DEALERS , Samuelsou. The Hub. Edwards-Reynolds Co. -J. C. Penney Co. The Star Clothing Co. Tho Leader Mercantile Co. r, AND 10 CENT STORES , " AV. ,. O'Connor. FURNITURE DEALERS W. R. Malonoy. ' Herryherry & Forbes. GRAIN COMPANIES Leypoldt & Pennington. ! GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS Llcrk-Sandall Co. F. D. Wcstcnfcld & Sons. Rush Mercantile Co. John Hcrrod. HARDWARE DEALERS W. It. Maloney. D. J. Antonldcs. Dcrrybcrry & Forbes. INSURANCE COMPANIES AND REAL ESTATE . Tho H. & S. Agency. 0. II. Thoclecke. Brntt, Goodman & Buckley. Sebastian & Temple. JEWELERS C. M. Austin. Hnrry Dixon & Son. LAUNDRIES, Dickey's Snnltnry Laundry. Best Laundry. LUMBER COMPANIES W. W. BIrgc, Lumber. Waltcmnth Lumber Co. North PIntto Lumber Co. Contcs Lumber nnd Coal Co. MEAT MARKETS I. L. Stebbins' Cash Market. II. Simon & Son. .North Meat Market. Brodbeck & Sons, City Meat Mar kct. Fred Marti. MERCANTILE COMPANIES Stacy Mercantile Co. Rush Mercantile Co; Stnr Bottling and Mercantile Co. MUSIC STORES Walker Music Co. OPTICIANS ! Harry Dixon i& Son. ' PAINT. OILS AND WALL PAPER L. R. Duke..'-' -. J. II. Stone. SHEET,, METAL WORKERS Minou iirotncrs Side Victory loan workers, both men nntl ,-..., nt illulrlnt lTl11inflnd of Llncoln.Keith.DeUol.Gardjjji. MoPflsH son and Logan oountles, met in con forence in this city Wednesday Kiul listened to addresses by. State Chalrmnn Byrne nnd Stato Sec retary Folda. This confuronco was held In ' tho Pnclilo IIotl dining room following a "luncheon which was served to tho oufc-of-town mon and women and to local Won and women who have been closely nasocla- ted with tho work in past bond drlvon. District chairman Moonoy provided at tho conforenco rind first intro duced Stato .Chairman Byrno who gnvo sa very interesting talk of thirty minutes duration, touching on tno various phasoa of the war, tho need of the coming loan, nnd in nnsworing those who criticized tho governmoni for its apparent profligate oxpondl turc of monoy. nroduced figures to show that had not tho monoy in nro dlglous sums boen UBed tho wnr would not have come so (illicitly to a. oloso that by seemingly oxtravuganco wo quickly forced upon tho Hun a rocog' nitlon of our wonderful resources of mon, money nnd munitions that forced him to concludo that further continua tion of the strugglo was a waato of man-power. Wo had shown our pa trlotlsm in past Liberty loans; a con-J tinuation of that patriotism in tho coming loan was Just as ossontlal; tho money is needed and we must ninko good. Stato Secretary Folda upon being introduced devoted his talk lnrgoly to tho financial part of tho loan, and laid particular stress upon tho fact that while Nebraska had nurchasod $180.' 000,000 worth of bonds, tho Btato had been benefited financially many times that amount by tho Increased prices In wheat, corn, cattle and hogs for which the war was responsible. Ho had lit tie patlenco for tho farmer who be nVbancd that tho $100 bond ho pur chased had depreciated sovon dollars while at tho samo time the govern ment had guaranteed him a price for wheat nearly double that ho would now obtain had not that guarantee been made; to not mention tho in crease In price of cattle, hogs, corn etc. And this likewise applied to the mechanic nnd laboring man wjio were tno oenenciaries or increased wages Short addresses wore also mndo by Miss Kramph, Mr. Crosby and others The national colors were prominent ly displayed in the dining room, nnd the luncheon menu of several courses was nicely prepared and efficiently Served, Manager Dodd deserving cred it for this phase of tho conference. :o: : Wo write Life Insurance in Old Banker of Lincoln, Neb. Vila write Accident nnd Health Insurnnc Wo Rending by Ear. V nW Itrftntlon for the blind en- them tg rend with their enrsj, It n mnciune cnupu an ocicipiumQ, ny miis oC;Wht-h tlnshto of lllrlit from tlv letttr ns th nro. printed cause rt!aiii qunl. mully dlattiignlKhnble , tho Initiated. Tln sounds vary with the shapes "f he letter, nnd very high reslstttnco '. Humes trnsmlt these to the ear tho blind iiorxnti. "rending" trlth hlulily satisfactory rsstllts. Barly Rising. 'Ho ynu remember how wo used tol n .loan nnout ovorsieeping noioro wont Into tho army?" said IMrs. CoratoMcl. 'Yes," replied the, f armor; "that's why wo can't sny a word when ho'gota up at dnybrenk and accompanies the roosters on his comet. Warmthv Increases Oil Flow. An electrical method of carrying wiirmth to the bottom of oil wells has bron found In ninny cases greatly to In rouse the How of oil. The boating process snys Popular Mechanics Maga zine, decreases tho viscidity of tho oil, tiMially occasioned by tho admission of air to the well and the cooling of the lock bed. Minute crevices and capil lary channels which afford easy pass- use to warm, thin oil become quite lm- passable If tho oil gums. Tho electric boating method not only thins tho oil but often generates gas whoso pressure helps the oil to the surface, Tho sys tem found military use In tho aban doned oil Holds of Itoumanla and Oallela. Fordson Sets Bad Example Police Jones HJ' Fordson must stRy off the pavement as It will set a bnd example for the big tractor which play havoc with tne pavement. Al though Jones saya It could not hurt anything as he could see. However the farmers often complain that trac tors aro too heavy to run over their nloely made soetl bed, which Ib truo with tho average farm tractor, while the Fordson Is being highly commend ed because It does no harm to tho seed beds whllo In operation. :o:: Hinngcllstlc Meetings. Tho evangelistic moetings that wore to have been held during the month of March at tho Christian church, but woro postponed until May, will bogln on Sunday, May 1th. At tho last moot ing of tho official church bonrd a half dozon committees wore appointed to arrange nnd have charge of tho dlf foront phases of work. Religious ser vices will bo conducted ns a basis of personal work. Mr. II. G. Knowlos and Mr. Wnllaco Tuttlo will lmvo chargovof tho meetings, which will last nt least four weeks. Mortgage Filings and Releases." Tho aggregnto sum of mortgages filed In the county dark's office dur ing March was tho greatest in tho history of tho county. This wad duo to .tho unusual volumo of ronl ostato tranHfers negotiated during tho fall and winter nnd which wore closed March 1st. The tilings and reloanofl weto: TOrm mortmtgen Filed $700,080 50; roiotised f2js.-ii3.pri. City mortgages Filed $48,734; re leased ?96,13G... ,. ' Chattel mortgngos Filed $143,103.- 43; released not tabulated. Owen O'Neill Dies. Owen O'Nolil. at ono timo foreman of tho Union Pacific coal chutes, lator living on a fann west of town, and for a couple of years past living at Qreon Rlvor, Wye, died Mondny of this wook. Death was duo principally to kidney trouble, though ho hnd othor physical allmontB. - -What's In a Nanie7 Most readers are familiar with tho story of the German bank In a United States city which, (hiding Its nnme un popular, changed It to the "Sherman bank." Hero Is another example on the same lines: A popular New York city German restaurant was called the Klostcr Glockc (Cloister Hell), arid ts front was decorated with a large bell as a sign. The name has been changed to the "Liberty Hell," and tho bell of the old monastery now! does duty ns a replica of the one which rang out Independence to the colonies. ::o: FOR SALE. Homo grown olm trees. 12th street, phono Red 958. 215 oast 20tf ANDY WANTS TO KNOW How do YOU spoil tho word EQUIPPPED. FOR SALE Two yearling Holstoln bulls. A. Coolldge, North PIntto. 21-4 Star Bottling nnd Mercantile Co. SOFT DRINK PARLORS CAFES, CAFETERIAS AND RES TAURANTS The Palace. The Oasis. CIGARS AND TOBACCO The Brunswick. C. T Whelan. FLORISTS C. J. Pass. C. T .Whclnn. STATIONERY AND SUPPLIES Geo. Fratcr. C. M. Newton. i UNDERTAKING W. R. Mnloney Co. Derryberry & Forbes. MILLS Tho North Platte Electric Mills. 11 u j,t i.t ti j.t i.t t.t .t Jt :.t i.i i.t j.: if t.t i.t i.t j.; :.: :.: .: j.t i.t i.t i.i i.t j.t i.i :.t i.t i.t i.t CLIMATIC ;PA J, Stands This Climate Best For Houses and General Exterior Use DR. 0. H. CRESSLER. Graduate Dentist Oflice over the McDonald State Bank. write Fire, Tornado nnd Hail Insur ance, lie write any Kinu or insur ance that can bo had in nny agency in the world, tall on us, wo have been in the business twcnty-tlvo yenrs. "Woodhurst's Insurance Agency, Room 8, Reynolusv Building, Mrs. Kelso. Manager. -2G-1 Mayor Streitz Appoints Police. .Mayor Streitz, following his induc tion Into office Tuesday evening ap pointed the following as members of the police force: Chief, S. C. Mecom-l ber; patrolman, George Walker; of ficer for the Fourth ward, Nathaniel Walker., Chief Mecombor is an cx-pasenger conductor on the Union Pacific, a man who has made his homo in town for a quarter of a century and ono who has stood high in railroad circles, a prominent Mason and is regarded as one of our best citizens. Ho Is a determined sort of a man nnd when he gives an order there is no question but that he will expect it to be obeyed to tho letter. Patrolman Rodgors for eleven years was engineer at tho va Paint Dp Your Building Now Neglect to paint means loss by decay and depreciation. Your proporty Is moro valuablo now than over before. Don't put off paint ing. Economy demands that you keep your property protected -with good paint. LINCOLN CLIMATIC PAINT Lincoln Cllmntlc Paint will give tho best nnd most economical protection. It wll wear longer than ordlnnry paint, becauso it is made especially to withstand this climate. Let us estlmnto tho amount re quired, and show you suitable color combinations for your houso, ' whether you buy or not. ' Doubts Mechanical Skill. A "prominent business man" hns offered $o0,000 for the privilege of ..being carried as mechnnlc on the first (rnnsntlnntlc flight made In an nlr .plnne. If this offer Is accepted, It Is to be hoped that his mechanical nblllty equnls his enthusiasm. Spring field Republican. : :o: ; Cattlo Wanted i For summer pasture, can handle a lor he'lfers. Plenty' of grass, salt and ,water. Price per season from $4to $6. , For" further particulars address; S. A. THOMAS, 1 1 . - Sutherland, Neb. it Sutherland Nob 3tf K't'.'..'.v'.'.v.v.'.v.v..-..'.. '...'............... ......'. it i.t i.t $ i.t it it 11 it it i.t It i.t i.t i. i.t i.i i.t i.t i.t i.t i.t i.t i.t i.t i.t i.t i.t i.t i.t if if i.t it it it i.t i.t i.t if if i.t if H i.t t.t Derryberry ' &jfForbe$. CITY AND COUNTY NEWS. Miss Dorothy Hinman went to Om aha yesterday to spend the week end. R. B. Smith of Lexington was look ing after business in the city Wednes day. Miss Fern Llppencot, of Oskosh, has been visiting friends in town this week. Rov. Ives camo down from Sidney Tuesday for a few days visit with friends. For clean up-to-dato groceries go to "Dick Stccemann's store, 815 norm Locust street. Phono 212. 25-2 Darrel Healy camo up from Omaha yesterday to visit friends and take in tho auto show, J. H. Fonda, who is taking treatment at Hot Springs, Ark., is reported to oo very seriously III. A. P. Wblto, who had spent tho greater part of tho winter In Omaha, has returned Homo. A few dcsirablo sccond-hnnd Fords nt tho right prices. Hcndy-Ogicr Auto Comimny wm Kle.ten and W. M. Williams havo boon visiting at tho E. S. Davis homo for tho past week. Miss Margaret Gannon is visiting at tho M. Hayos homo whllo enrouto Mrs. Edward Kroehler arrived the first of the week from Sheridan, Wyo., to join her husband who has been working here for some time. Dr. Morrill, Dentflst. Office over Wilcox Pepartmont Store Lieut. Claude Solby, who has been in tho hospital service overseas, will tor plant and two years ago accepted reach Now York April 15th and will employment In tho U. P. shops. His reach homo shortly thereafter. general reputation for honesty In- A girl baby was born Tuesday to surcs that his work will bo consclen- Mr. and Mrs. Barrett who recently tlous and that Ho cannot be lntiuenceu camo hero from Ocdcn. Mrs. Bar- by any clique. Mr. Walker is an old rett was formerly Miss Amv Lansrford. time resident and in making his ap For Sale Vacant lot northeast cor- Plication ior uic posiuon presenieu a nor Fifth and Oak streets. Dr. H. C. Petition signed ny a majority oi mo iirank mon and womon ot tno i' ourtu warn , , . . .. , Jovidonco that they havo raltli in nis Earl Barrett, who is stntloned at n,.n,tv tn . nrform Mm duties of , ' - tho position. Camp Funstop, was called here Wed nesday by tlio serious Injuries sus tained by his father when run over by a team T. F. Healey came up from Omaha Tuesday ovonlng to attend the auto show and to look after business mat ters. Ho will probably rema'ln for several weeks. For Sale Gas stove in good condi tion, kitchen cabinet, baby buggy, baby bed with mattressf 714 west Third street. Phono B. 289. 25-2p Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Elliott of Council Bluffs arrived In Maxwell Monday to mako their homo with Mrs. Daisy : :o: : Spring Bnrgnlns Tents. Auto Covers, Camp Cots, Stools, Wagon Covers, Bows, Furni ture, Ilardwaro and a clean stock or Groceries. ECHEXjUERRY 101 East Front. : :o: : New City Administration. Tho regular meeting of tho city council was held Tuesday evenlne, and nfter cleaning up somo ponding matters, Mayor Waltomath Btepi"d out and Mayor Stroitz stopped in For members of tho pollco force Bakor. Mr. and Mrs. Elliott formerly Mayor Streitz named S, C. Mecomb-T, resided in North Platto. Gcorgo Rogers and Nathaniel Wnlk'-r, iwrn i,na rnivo,i i,ia ,iiH. w. u. Salisbury lor street commission- I . Veterans' a - . ' MM.. ' Itory Band i Mr. CIIAS. F. WARD, Geo. Rnnnle for city onglnoor. Nomi nations for city physician and plinnh- ing Inspector wore not made . E. C. Coatos and C. L. Baskins, n w from DonVor to hor homo in Victor. Ia. months past has been employed as a UUUU 11UU11U Lfjr tllU BUUU, iitin Ul Will resign that position and will- run a tractor for a county grading outfit ed a position In San Francisco. Ho had boon stationed at tho Maro Isl and navy yard sinco last summer. i"or baio or i ratio a registered irfpmi,orH nf iin pnnnoii. tnnk tiwlr PorcllOron Stallion. Louis Rofior, L,ont na dlil nlsn Pnrl Slmnn imil H It. .orin riawo, ruonu (ooru. -"' McMichaol. who woro ro-olocted to A. B. Hoagland, who for a couple of succeed thomsolves :o C. T. Whelan and Neil Turpio, wuu had boon transacting business in Oma ha, roturned homo Wcdnosday morn ing. For clonn up-to-date grocorics go to (Dick Stogomann's store, 81G north Locust stjreet. Phono 212. 25-2 Mrs. Chas. McNamara has returned from Omaha where for six weeks sho had boon confined in the home of hor paronts by an attack 01 tno nu. Taxi day and night service. Phono 918 or Black 398. Herb Hamilton. For Salo Lots 7 and 8, Block 13, Cody addition. Phono black 494 202 My rosldonco proporty Is for sale, Also thrco good mares; or will trade m, nntnmnbllo If in suitable con dition. Wm. AUbee, 1021 north Pino street. FOR SAIiR At Hie Old Stock Yards. 1 Metal windmill towor, 2 v Franklin C. Snnfnrd. who had boon towora, lot OI Old lumber, Dig assort visiting friends and rolatlvos in town, mont of nativo,cedar posts differ, nt loft the oarlv nart ot the week for lensuw, Kimuing woou siovo iongn 24-4 a Camp Dodgo whoro ho has been sta tioned tho past eight months as a me chanic. For Salo Four year old registered White Faco bull, also about 15 tons of hay. Addross Frank Hood, Motor Route A. North Platto. 25-4 S. Goodman, of Donver, superin tendent of tho Holy Cross gold mine, has boen looking after business In- Holllstor's Rocky Mountain terests in tho city this week. Quite Helps purify the blood, drives out the a number or North riatto people aro germs of Winter, gets you hust' i g stockholders in tno company or wiucn bustling, full of life and energy. he Is superintendent. Tea or tablets. Georgo Fratcr Emorson mowor.noarly now, bur-y pole, shaft, nook yoke, 2 sets harn 2 snddlos, 3 bond work horses. mares, 1 cultivator, 2 sec. harrow llstor, plow. Used wire, barb ,.d woven. ::o:: You foel different the minute u tnko It a gontlo,soothlng warmth t Us the system. It's a nleasuro to ' ko The Figfatioj Bandmaster. r $ s s BIG WAR ORGANIZATION Forty Musicians Who Went Over The Top. KEITH THEATRE s s s s s 1 THURSDAY, The Kilties Band Con cert and Esitertainmeiito Watch for the Street Parade Thursday at 4 'P. M. Admission Prices 75c,;$l, $150.