wfat 1 swi It. WO NORTH PLATTE; .frEli., APRIL 11, 1919. THIRTY-FIFTH YEAR. No. 6 mra-p p- ; TUB J)ENTAL OFFICE WITH A LOFTY IDEA THE AUTO SHOW OPENS AUSPICIOUSLY LAST EVENING. LOCAL AJfD I'ISRSOXAL I established my office with tho Idea ot uniting unusual donttil olflcloncy with modern business methods. I hnvo have not sought to clioapon dentistry, but to lower the actual cost of it. My work is guaranteed against any defect of materials or workmanship. I have successfully practiced dentistry In North Platto for ten years and served hundreds of people to their entire sat isfaction. With the long experience I havo had and tho dlvorslty of cases I havo handled, you can readily see that you would secure much bettor than Ordinary JDontnl Sorvlco. I specialize in making and sotting any sfze bridge the same day. Office over Rexall Drug Store; Lady asslstaiit. Phcmo 272. DR. WALTER CROOK. Dentist. : :o: : Dinner Today. Tho ladles of the Christian church will serve a dinner and suppor at tho church today. Dlnnor will bo served from 12 to 2 and supper from G to 7. Tho ladles aro noted for tho good dinners thoy servo and-the public Is invited. r::o:: Model 25 Bulck car In good condi tion for salo cheap if taken at onco. Phono Black 843 or call 1009 wost Tenth street. v Easter millinery sale at The Leador Mercantile Co.'s. Miss Littlo in charge. Tho next County Teachers Exam ination will bo hold Saturday, April 19, 1919, at tho usual places. AILEEN GANTT COCHRAN, County Superintendent. Keith Theatre Saturday SHIRLEY MASON in "Seed-Bye Smiling Bill Parsons Comedy "BILL'S FORTUNE" in which he inherits 5 Belgian orphans. He sure invents the Rock of Ages, CRYSTAL aturday and Monday MADGE KENNEDY in 6A Perf eel Lady9 Do you help spread scandal? See what happened to the scandal mongers and you may be care ful of younutterances. North Platte's first auto show open ed last evonlng auspiciously, notwith standing tho counter attraction at tho Koith thoatjo, and the auto doalors demonstrated beyond nuostlon tholr ability to put on a show that Is not only crodltable to themselves but to North Platto. The attendance was really larger than had been anticipated, and ther"e was not a visitor present who did not express satisfaction with what! ho or she saw and many compliments were heard relative to the decorations and the ehtortalnment given by tho sevoral aggregations of talont. The doors of tho show were thrown open yostorday afternoon to tho school children and they wore admitted froo. Hundreds of children took advantage of this coutesy extended them by the management. Tho decorative appointments sur pass anything ever attempted In North (Platte, In fact the otherwise barren hall has been transformed into a dreamand.l The ceilng, the sidewalls and the stage have boon covered with crepe paper of illuminated designs, there is not a squaro Inch of wood work noticeable to the eye. Domas handsomely decorated and studded with myriads of electric lights aro susponded from the celling, original dreamland. The ceiling, tile sidewalls walls and the balcony, and at inter vals aro decorated newel posts sur mounted by frosted .electric globes Hidden beneath decorations are elec tric lights which bring forth more clearly the decorative design, and look where you will, in nook or in corner you will discover somo littlo unltiuo decoration that only tho master mind. or an artistic decorator could con celve and ensemble. It was the prom ise of tho managers that tho hall would be a dreamland, and that prom ise has been fulfilled. Those splendid decorations were designed and exe cuted by. Mr. Retinger, pf Omaha, an sisted by Guy Popojoy of this city. Both tho floor and stage, tho settings of the latter having boon removed, ara used for display purposes, and every Inch is filed with cars that smno re splendontly in tholr newness, and to the auto "prospect" must certainly look alluring and make him feel that ho really needs a new car, or if he never possessed ono that he should bo the owner of ono. In tho exhibit are represented many makes and many models from tho Ford runabout to tho medium priced Maxwell, Chevrolet, Overland and Dqdgo and the higher omcod Bulck,01dsinobllo. Eaigd, Nash MitCheil, Steams-Knight, Chandler and other makes. And then. In ad dition are the trucks, both Inside and outsldojthe hall, a splendid, variety of the machines that aro sotfapldly solv Ing the transportation prdblom for the farmer and others. Occupying the center of the floor Is the flying machine, tho handiwork of L. O. McGraw, of this city. This is an exact reproduction of tho De Havlland plane, which is equipped vwith a 400 horse power motor. The miniature model is perfect in every detail, tho motor actually runs, and visitors to the show will find Mr. McGraw ready to expaln In 'detail thq workings ot the piano. In tho entertainment line there are the Poerless Trio of Sioux City, the Musical walkers and an orchestra these furnishing a program that woll worth the price of admission. In fact very visitor to the shdw is givon his money's worth by the manage mcnt. : :o: ; Church of Our Saviour Episcopal Holy communfon 7:30 a. m. Sunday school 9:45 a. m. . Morning prayer and service 11:00. Evening prayer and service 7:00. Sunday school In St. Paul's chapel north side, 3 p. m. R. O. MACKINTOSH, Rector. Wanted Girl for general house work. Mrs. J. J. Ilalligan, 304 west I Hocond street. Keith Theatre One Night Only. Tuesday, April 22 SCHOOL KNTKltTAlXaiUNT TO J 111! GIVUX THIS KYKMXG. FREDERICK V. BOWERS Last season's star in "His Bridal Nighl" in Im So A Big Musical Comedy with a Silk Stocking Chorus 3 Adts 3 20 Song Hits 20 This is a positively guaranteed attraction and MR. FREDERICK V. BOWERS (himself) is appearing in "I'm So Happy" Company only this season with same castas plays the large "cities, ' . , Prices $100 and $150 Plus War Tax Scats on Sale Saturday, April 19 Mr,, and Mrs. Bferl Drownftold, of llershoy, are visitors in town todffy. M198 Mary Gelsert has resigned hor position and returned to her homo in Ogalalla. Mrs. Geo. N. Glbbs Is enjoying it Islt from her mother and slittr. whose home is In York. Fred Plerson, of Sutherland, spoilt esterday in town transacting busi ness and visiting friends. City mall carrier Clyde Frteto re turned to work yesterday after an ill liQss of ten days due to a threatened attack of pneumonia. "Tho Prloe of Poaco," a great war film, will be given at a matinee at Ui Keith theatfo April 39th. Tho all mission will bo free. Miss Mabel McVlcker, of Lexington, Is spending a few days in town attend ing tho auto shoiv and assisting at tho 'McVlcker millinery oponlng. Chris Drodbock moved Wednesday Into the house on west Fourth street which ho purchased of Chas. Ell. Mr. and Mrs. Ell ' havo taken apartmont In the Reynolds terrace. Messrs. Curtis and 'Walker, Union Pacltlc passenger agents of Omaha, are In town onroute homo from Greon Rlvor, whero they accompanied a sol dier train. Dr. C. C. Walllngford, formerly a practicing physician of this city, who has been in service overseas in the hospital corps, Is expected to. roach Ogalalla somo tlmo this month. Tho Harrington Mer. Co. will buy your Hay and Grain. Obtain our prices boforo you soli. tf Tho special train bearing tho army war tank will arrive at this terminal tho night of April 18th, and remain here all day Saturday, leaving that night for Ogalalla, whero it will bo exhibited Sundny. Ernest McGrew, of Hastings, is spending today in town interesting merchants in his line of goods. Ho says when- he left Grand Island Wed nesday the snow was eight inches deep. Ready for you to buy all the smart styles in women's and misses' suitB, coats, capes and dolmans at Tho Mercantile Co. While cleaning up. North Platto, mcrnUy and sanitarily, why not clean up about 429 taxless, homeless nud owrierloss dogs?,. Dogs of UMs class nrav becoming aosplontlful" that they arc; a uqciftcju nuisaujas. iU . . Dr. L. J. Krause, Dentist, room 3 McDonald Bank building. .Another wresting match has been' staged for tho firemen's hall this, ev ening. The maltr go will bo between Nollls and a wrostlcr from Chappell and as preliminaries Potter and Ar nold and Wright and Cdleman will try conclusions. "Tho Country Cousin" was present ed to a capacity house at the Keith last evening and the play gave general and' excollent satisfaction. Alexandra Carlisle Is a very clover actress and 1 swell, supported by a company of capable players. "Jack" Palmer, an old-time cattle man of Arthur county, Is In town to day attending the auto show. For many years Jack rodo cow ponies, but several years ago he relegated the bronk to the rear and uses an auto as his moans of transportation. For Sale Baby buggy. Apply at 714 west Third street. Chief Mecombor issued his instruc tions to cigar storo ovnors yostorday relative to card games. Theso games may bo played for cigars or mor ohandise checks', but playing for mon ey or stakos Is strictly prohibited and .111 not be tolerated. Tho Twentieth Century club will meet Tuesday afternoon at tho home of Mrs. Wilson Tout, (.21 wost Third street with Mrs. T. L. Thompson as" as sisting hostess. Tho civics depart ment will have charge of the pro gram. Few responded to the meeting called Tuesday evening for the organization of a Boy Scouts council which it is proposed to organize in order to fur ther the Scout movement in North Platte, At the meeting, however, a committee was appointed to select a council of twenty-five business men and others. Floyd Ilalverson, living at Keystone, was arrested yesterday on the charge 'of Issuing a check against funds In tho Keystone bank which did not ox ifet and having Louis Peterson cash the check. He made good the $10 check and paid the costs amounting to $o.bu anil was released. We are ready to supply you with' your Easter wearing apparel. The styles and quality at tho price you wish to pay, at Tho Leader Mercantile Co.'s. County Chairman Temple, of tho Liberty Loan organization, 1b laying plans for a big day in North Platto, April 19th, tho day on which the G.000 pound war tank will bo horo for exhibition purposos. Mr. Tcrmplo has not yet fully outlined his plans, but ho hopes to put on a program that will attract tho prosonce of many county residents. If tho people of this city are so well pleased with the way the schools are at present being conducted, why is It that there is so much knocking about tho managers and somo of tho teachers? Why don't the people HjieaK me iruin, not uso so much cam ouflage? I am for modern, up to date schools and better paid teachers, with shorter hours. a READER. The pupils of tho North Platte olty schools will hold nt tho Franklin Aud itorium at 8 o'clock this ovcnlng tholr HOARD OF KMJCATJO; ORGANIZED LAST M'liNING The Board of Education met In ses sion last evening and the nowly oloctod mombers, Mrs. Harry Cramer mill Mrs. Tlnv Rnvilnr tnnlt tlmli ami In first all-school ontortnlnment. Tho , The board organized by tho election pupils havo worked hard on this font- 0f the following offlcors: urc and It should provo to bo an event President. O. E. Elder. well worth nttondln Tho program follows ommuntty Singing accompanied by Vice-president, Edmund Dickey, Secretary, Mrs. Harry Cramer. Tho board thon adjourned to moot ,1i ton piece orchostra from tiip Sflnlor tomoiVow evonlng when touchers' np- Hii-'i school. This Is the first public yipr irnnce of this orchestra and the tmidionce Is requwted to do somo Strom; singing. Thrco numbers from the Wnahlnc- iOn school. Song. "The Rod Cross iro" by 12 pupils of the Third ndo. "Tho Flower Show" by 19 iiplls of tho Fourth and Fifth grades. oik Game. "Tho Vineyard" by 12 nu- &lls of the Fifth and Sixth grades. Planolog "Sassy Faced Sophia" by Allele LoDIoyt of the Senior High loliool. . Three numbers from the Lincoln chool. Playlet, "My Country," by 30 Uttptls of tho Fifth and Sixth grados. IfpJk Dance from tho Dutch by 12 flUpils of tho Third grade. "Homo Ajfaln" Lincoln school gloo cub com posed of SO pupils, ten from onch room. T1ip March of Domocracy" by 8 $rls from tho Junior High school. "iree numbers from tho Jofforson aiQUpol. "GoQHoy-Goosoy-Gandor" and "Tfte Teddy Bears" byl8 pupils from tlie Beginning class. "Tho Ovorall Boys" songs and marches by 25 boys from tho First grade "Tho Birds' MU." a playlet by 14 pupils from tho Third grado. Selected from tho Junior High school. Heading, "In tho Morning" and "Angelina" by Beatrice Ward of tho Savior High school. Two poems in nagro dlaect. Collection This collection will bo usjd to dofray tho oxponsos of organ issyig and promoting a numbor of Boj1 Scout troops, a numbor of Omnpflro Girls, a Boys' Band and Young People s orchestra. "Sing," the Initial appoaranco of tho junior nigh School Girls' Glee Club will close tho program. The admission Is frco. Tho program boglns at 8 o'clock. : :o: : Bungalow aprons at Tho Lnnifor Marcantllo Co.'s at 95c, $1.25, $1.45 U1U up plications will be considered and prub ably a numbor of teachers elected. At a mooting held a month or so ago Supt. Tout was ro-olocted for the year 1918-20 nt a salary of $2,.G00. ::o:: - Knights Templar Entertain Visitors. Fifteon members of Mt. Hebron Com mandery, Knights Templur, of Kear ney, wero guosts last evening of Pales tine Commandery. The visitors ar rived on train No. 7, were met at the depot by members of tho local com mandery and escorted to tho Masonic tomple where a banquet was spread. Following tho banquet the visitors wero taken to the auto sljow, and up on roturnlng to tho temple the degree work wns.oxompllflod by tho visiting team. A number of non-rosldont mom bors of. Palostlno commandery living at Ogalalla, Gothenburg and olsowhoro wero prosont. The vlsltorg returnod homo on u night train. ::o:: Fordson for Economy. Mr. Mntson, n man pf long experi ence with tho big tractors, who Is In charge of tho farming of tho Pawnoo Ranch, or the old Kfclth Rnnoh, cast of North Platto, makes a statomont In r.egard to tho two Fordson tractors' ho Is using on the ranch to do his farm worli. Mr. Mataon says that ho is running his two tractors from four o'clock in tho morning until olght In tho 'ovcnlng, nt a running oxponso (korosono and oil) of $1.08 oaoh while his big tractor runs for tho samo longth of tlmo at a running expense of $32.00 per day. Ho also states that the two Fordsons Will do the samo amount of work flint his big outfit enn do when running "at its host, being an olght plow outfit. ::0:; Geo. N. Glbbs is transacting logal business In Ogalalla today. A wonderful lino of Enstor drosses at The Loador Mercantllo Co.'s. Miss Fayo Elddr wont to Konrnoy this morning to spend the week end with frlonds. Fred Kuser went to Cozal this morning to spend tho day In tho trans action of buslnoss. D. M. Collins, of Choycnno, division' ngont for tho Union Pnclfic, 'Is In tho city today on buslnoss. ; Women's and missos' houso drosses'!; on salo at $1.45, $1.CG, $1.95 and up tit'' Tho Loador Mercantllo Co.'s. , i Card of Thanks Wo wish to oxtond our thanks to all our friends nnd neigh bors, tho Elks and Knights of Colum bus, for tholr kindness and beautiful floral gifts, In our late boroavomont. Signed: -Mrs. Holon G. Tlgho, Mr. and Mrs. John Tlgho nnd family, Mrs. Lillian Glcason. ::o:: Last evonlng while tho occupants of aliouso in tho southeast nan of town .woro attending tho auto show, a scorb or more boys ranging In age from ton to sixteen broko Into tho housb and created consldorablo datnngo In over turning furniture, throwing mud on tho bod coverings and doing other acts. Chief Mecombor visited the houso this morning, noticed tho dam age and obtained tho names of a dozen or more of tho boys. Tho Presbyterian aid socloty will hold a parcoF post salo In connection with tho regular meeting to be held Thursday afternoon of next week. For Roht Lot on Sixth street for garden purposes. Phono Black 229 Mian Vnra CnHrm name un f romi " hoartfoltinntlinnliiirt' TlinrHtlav to visit friends W. W-- W.. Q ...... ' and attond tho nuto show. 1 Mrs. Hans Johnson recolved a tel- ogram Saturday tolling of tho deaths of a Blstor at Hooposton,. 111., but oh. account of hor rocont Illness did not 1 fool ablo to go, . , . -i Chas. Ell has tho distinction of be ing in point ot continuous sorvlg6( tho , oldost engineer on tho Union Pacific; system. Mr. Ell ontorod tho sorvlco)! ' tho company In December, 1870. ;,v; Tho first car sold at tho nuto showj yestei'day was, a Roo. bought by .Mrs,; Wm. Slebold find sold by W. F. Mayf nard, who la, with tho A. H. Jones -Co., of Hastings, stato distributors for, tho Roo. Fred' Lou Is local agent' for tho . Roo. t 11 I 0 1 1 ' Stock Sule. ' V James Shoup. living a short distance oast ot Sutherland, will havo a salo of 200 hoad of cattlo, a number of horsos and a lot of farm machlnory on April 16th. - I T 7 Show SECTION NO. 5. Mew Ford Enclosed Cars With Built in Starter Liberty THE ALL PURPOSE FORD TOURING AND ROADSTER Touring $528.00 Roadster $800.00 Coupe - $S0.00 I: Vs.' With Starter $75,00 Extra 77S.00 With Starter $75.00 Extra The Ford One Ton Truck Outside in Parking1 $550.00 N ALL THESE PRICES F. O. B. FACTORY Fordson racier Equipped for Every Purpose Also iri Section 5 Hermoline, the guaranteed oil and all parts for your iuspection. Tractor and Plows $1085.00 this point Heidy-Ogier Auto Co. We Never Close 207-211 E. Fourth Street II wm I i