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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 8, 1919)
1 1 Think Before You Buy Your Car 1 I ' OF THESE THINGS 1 tffJ : LiL . : : - "5l "Service for Our Owners." n?earisepair Parts' in slock for the cars we sell, it means mechanics and equipment to keep, your car the everyday utility and convenience you expected when you bought it. "Only Good Can; Sold" means tried, tested, old established makes of cars, built by factories of large resources with the idea of quality and long life uppermost, with large production and rea sonable prices, and but one unchanged standard model. I offer you this service and these good Dodge Brothers and Chandler Motor cars, with the idea that they will return to you full value for the price you pay. Motor 35 "Service First for SIXTH AND LOCUT STREETS DR. 0. !!. CRESSLER, Graduate Dentist Ofiico over the McDonald State Dunk. CITY, AM) COUNT NEWS. ,,Dr. Q. B. Dont was called to Suth erland for professional Horvlco yes terday. Dr. J. B. Redflold was called to Ulff, Col., Friday night to 'perform an j 'operation for nppondlcltls. For Sale Iowa Dont Seed Corn and "Early Ohio Seed I'otatoes. Phono 787F14. 25-2 ;? Dr. L". D. Smith is ono of tho latest to invest In a Nash car, having in ado tho purchase tho latter part of last .woek, ? Wanted to buy Light Btock hogs nnd Homo brood sows. Phono 797F031. A. E. Boll transacted buslnoss In . "Omaha tho latter part of last weak. "iSglngor Frank Mooro spent the lat ter part of last wool: In Omaha com 'blulnc biiHlncBs with pleasure. Wanted Woman to work by day, '"steady employment. Mrs. J. S. Slmms, 403 south Sycamore. ,"- J. E. Evans, who purchased tho L. "' 13. Roach houoo on wost Tliird stroot tjvo yearB ago, sold tho property to 'Georgo W. Anderson Baturday for a consideration of $3,000. Wanted Expoiioncod housokeopor. Good wages. Phono 309. 24-2 - t Mrs. Will Artz, of Donver, writes a 'Jriond that ono of tholr children was t badly burned April 1st and It was .itCnecossary to removo It to a hospital, j.'fho child wns very badly burned from rf'liead to foot. Piano for Sale or will consider trado on a Ford car. Call at C01 .J.cast Third street. Dr. L. D. Smith, chiropractor, with offices In tho B. & L. building, has sold ; ills practice to States & States, of Al " Hance. Dr. Smith and family will go 'to Worthlngton, Minn., whero he Is . interested In a sanitarium. NORMA TALMADGE IN "Her Only Way" You will love her as tho small-town girl who loves the man with a Ford. Norma never failed you vet and she won't this time. fiyltal.lheatre Tonight and Tomorrow Sdh6eBr,qther5 horse power. Wheel base TOR Zh Timken Bearings Throughout. Body Finish Dodge Brothers Upholstering Real Outside Leather. Top Neverleak , Speed 3. to 50 Miles Gas Mileage 20 or Better Tire Mileage G to 10,000 Miles MODELS Touring 5 Passenger, , Speedster 4 Passenger Roadster 2 Passenger Coupe 3 Passenger 4 Door Sedan 5 Passenger -Light Truck 1000 to 1500 lbs. Capacity. PRICES Open Cars and Business Cars $10S5 Factory Coupe .$150 Factory Sedan $1750 Factory I John Polth, of Los Angolcs, has boon visiting frlonds and transacting busi ness in town for soveral days. I Advance Easter models, In hats April 10th, 11th and 12th ahovttrby McVlck or Millinery. Ml Trainmaster Sholver wenUto Sidney yostorday morning, calletlMlicro by tho delay In traffic causeafcby tho storm. " Clnronco Jones writes that ho Is linnlf t lrnnprt mill la nttnmltnfr .in uriiiy DUHinuMa couugo in wiucu inert! i are thirty thousand students. Miss M. aiemnn, stuaui baths and Swedish Massage, lndlos und gentle men. Phone 89". Brodbeck bide S5tf Clinton E. Potter and family loft Saturday for Milton, Oro., whero thoy will make their futuro home. A change of cllfnato was necessary on account of Mrs. Poltor's hoalth. Bert Barbor, who has beon homo on a furlough, will return tho lttcr part of this week to a Texas aviation Held. IIo hopes to securo his dlsclmrgo soon after reaching thoro. For Trade- 10 Acres land nnd town lot In Lako Vlow, Oregon, for auto mobile Address 2 South Maplo stroot, North Platto. tfl9 E. H. Evans and Albln Sandall, who aro on tho battleship Toxas, now In Cuban wntors, expect to reach Now York April 15th. and thoy aro among thoso who aro slated to bo discharged nt that time. Whlto Leghorn eggs for sale. In cubator lots' at $0.00 per 100. Inquire at Hodgers' harness shop. 24-6 Showers Sunday and yesterday add ed morp anoisturo to a well soaked soli and Insures a rapid germination of sprlifj-whoat imd. oats that wns puf In' last week. Tho acrca'go of sprlilg wheat Is reported to bo unusally largo. For Salo Vacant lot and garago at G20 west 11th. Apply at tho prom ises. 22-4 A dozon farmors who woro lntor rouated Saturday said tho condition of winter wheat, gonorally speaking Is flno. Tho abundance of moisture in tho irrntind Insures a rapid growth Harry Dixon returned this morning from Omaha, where no nnu ooon vis iting his dnughter for a couplo of days. f. ."On 114 inches n J. V. ROMIGH SPACE ONE AT THE AUTO SHOW the ' f SUIttiT. LEONAIII) ROBINSON WILL SOON UK H03IE Under tho heading of "Nobraskand In Now York," the Sunday Stato Jour nal published the following: Sorgt. Leonard Robinson, of North Plattu visited at tho Nebraska room In tho Hall of States Wednesday after noon. Sergeant Robinson arrived In Now York March 8. After two days at Grand Central hospital ho was transferred to tho hospital at Ellis Is land from which ho was released Mon day. He wont overseas with tho first American troops and was with ono of tho four regInonts reviewed by King GeOrgo. Ho was assigned with tho Thirteenth engineers, troop C, of tho sixth cavalry. North Platto Is ono of tho few cities which gavo a father and a son for service. Tho youngor Mr. Robinson, Leonard M., Is with the Thirty-second aero squadron arriving In New York this week, Ho and his father met In Issoudon last November for the first tlnio slnco thoy enlisted. Through tho Nobraska headquarters Sergeant Rqb- Inson received tho glad news that tho Thirty-second aero squadron would arrive In Now York April 3. "And I'll bo thoro when tho boat comes In," was his comment. When tho name of an- othor North Platto man, Chns. Hnzon, wbh seen on tho Nebraska register, as a hospital patient at D. II. No. 3, Sor- i geant Robinson wont at onco to call upon him, but Mr. Hazon had loft tho , hospital In tho morning for Camp Dodgo. While In Now Yor sergeant Robinson, who Is also a .Spanish war votoran, received nn invitation from Lincoln to nttond a meeting or tlio Eu ropean war veterans. Ho left Ellis Is land Thursday' for Camp Morrltt and oxpects to bo released from service within tho noxt two weeks. -: :o: J. V. Romlgh announces that tho Light Six to bo marketed by tho Chan dler organization has-been tested and roflned for two yearsvand will bo on tho market toward tho mlddlo of this Bummer. Tho car Is said to look liko a smaller Chandler, with medium Blzod body and lots of onglno, llko tho parent Chandler, and will soil for un der $1200, factory. It cortalnly should bo a snappy little car and a wonderful sales proposition. Inqulro furthor If Interested. J. V. ROMIGH, Chandler dealer. a? Robt. Armstrong loft yesterday for Portland, Oro.. to mako his futuro homo. Mr. Armstrong and family spout tho past summor In Portland hnd liked It bo woll that thoy decided 10 innKo u moir pormanont homo. Holon Aldon and Hnzol Barbor, who have t "on spondlng tho spring vaca tion at homo, returned to tho stato unlvorslty at Lincoln Sunday. Wanted Mlddlo nged woman, or man nnu wiro without children to work on ranch. Phono 782F12. 24-5 FOR SALE 10 aero homo nt WOHt. mill nt Knrrvrwl street. Phono Black 1123, P. O. Box Motor 72 Horse Power Bodies Beautiful "Fisher built." Top Pantasote. ,t -4. at: V , f J S t : : SRoadster PRICES - LLOYD AND NELLIS TIE IN THE MOTORCYCLE RACE In the motorcycle race to Gothen burg and return, staged Sunday by John Null, tho Locust street motor cycle and bicycle dealer, Archie Lloyd and Art Nellls tied for first place, each making a perfect score within tho sped schedule of twenty-flvo miles an hour. Dick Carroll took second place, twelve minutes late, and Nel son Blood reached home fourth. Gor don Lovo reached Brady on the re turn trip but had trouble with the gas connection. Bob Davis and "Dutch" Ellas reached Gothenburg, but had so much trouble that they did not at tempt the return trip. There were thirteen entries and eleven starters in tho race. Tho start ers not mentioned above had trouble in the early part of tho raco and went down nnd out. Tho .round trip distance is eighty six miles. In J. V. Romlgh's spaco number one at tho auto show, will be shown ono. of tho highest priced cars that ever came to North Platte It being, a new -1-door Chandlor Sedan. There will also bo presented tho Chnndle Dispatch, tho 4-passonger specdstor with tho robin egg bluo color which has caused so much favalIo comment at all tho tilxqvyjf' It was with difficulty that thp'lars woro obtained for tho sVlV" fr thoro Is a real shortago of Chandler cars this year. Mr. Romlgh will also show models of his over pop ular .Dodgo Brothers lino, but was un able to obtain ono of tho now 4-door Dodge Sedans, dollvery on these be ing delayed until tho last of April. With two feet of snow nt Sidney and a greater dopth from that place west to Cheyenne, snow plows were brought out by tho Union Pacific yes terday morning to clear tho track for traffic. During yesterday forenoon no attempt was mado to ntovo freight traffic either out of SIdnoy or Chey onno. Train No. G arrived at this tormlnal on tlmo yesterday morn-1 Ing, having pased through tho storm j bolt boforo conditions reached tho height. Other passongor trains were,' howovor, somowhnt belated. An oxchango will bo hold by tho Sammy Girls on Saturday, April 19th, j at Dorryberry & Forbes' store. Tho proceeds from this oxchango will go Into tho general fund which provides el o von dozon doughnuts dally for the Red Cross Canteon. 23tf( Wanted Girl for gonoral house-1 work.' Good wages for experienced girl. Phono 283, Mrs. J. S. Twlnom. Ed Thompson roturned to Lincoln Sunday to resumo his studies at tho dental college nftor spondlng tho spring vacation with his parents. FOR SALE. Your choice of our two Registered Iloroford Herd Bulls. Ono of thoso, a four year old, and weighing ovor a ton, Is tho making of a big bull, 24F4 H. & II. ICERR. Brady, Neb. CHANDLER SIX MOTOR CARS Wheel Base Upholstering No. 1 Hand Buffed. !lgnition Bosch High Tension Magneto l Ja ' ' Spml 2 to 60 Miles Gas Mileage 15 or Better Riding and driving qualities are unusual in any, car of "any price. ' . s MODELS Touring 7 Passenger Speedster Dispatch 4 Pass. - -Coupe 4 Pass. Sedan 7 Pass. , ft . 4 Pass. Limousine 7 Pass. ; Touring and Roadster $1795 Factory . Dispatch T... $1S75 Factory ;t Coupe .' $2395 Factory t Sedan ; . . $2495 Factory .Limousine '. $3095 Factory Good Cars I Sell." NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. nJ Anderson Defeated Twice Art Nellls, the local wrestler, won additional honors Friday evening when In four minutes' time ho pinned to tho mat Anderson, a mat artlst from Des Moines. Anderson came here last week and offered to throw both Ryan of' Grand Island, and Nellls, of this city In thirty minutes. He tackled Ryan first and con sumed twenty-five minutes in getting a fall. He then tackled Nellls, but mado no headway in the remaining five minutes of his time. A one-fall match for $25 waB then arranged be tween Anderson and Nellls and the latter secured the fall in four min utes. Dick Steggman Buys Business Dick Steggmnn, for ten years with the Rush Mercantile Cp. as a clerk, has purchased of tho Preston estate tho grocery and' confectionery store on north IjOcust street, taking pos session last week. Mr. Stccgman's years of (fxpprlence In the grocery Kuadinxtt nssurps thn mihlln. cnnrl merchandise, fair prices and courte ous treatment. He will appreciate a share of your patronage. : For Salo Seven vroom modern house with ono and one-half lots. Phono Black 920. 24-3 :o::- Wnnted Contracts for plowing. Call, at 075 No. Locust. Phone Red 55G. 22 I KEITH THEATRE ONE NIGHT Thursday, April 10 COAST TO COAST TRIUMPH W G6 OR G6C. TYLER, J" x HUfH ' ' Not a No. 2 road show hut the genuine New York com pany and production. Smart satire on society not a ural drama. PRICES ST. S1.50 ANb $2,-Plus WaTax" Seal Sale Tuesday, April 8tb, 2:00 "p. m. at Box Oflice. 123 inches Firemen Elect Officers. The annual election of the North iPlatte fire department was held last Thursday evening with tho following result: Cyrus Russell chief, I. Brooks president, Fred Anderson vice-president, John Southwell secretary. Ch"rf., Hes3 treasurer, and S. C. Antfrson and Wm. Heyse fire police. Notice to Witter Consumers. Water bills 'or January, February and March aro now ready and If paid on or before April 20th, 1919, a dis count of. one cent per thousand gal lons will be given. WATER OFFICE HAS BEEN MOV ED TO NEW FIRE STATION, COR NER OF FRONT AND VINE STREETS. HERSHEY S. WELCH, 25-2 Water Commissioner. -ft- - War Band Coming H. L. Leavitt, advance agent for the Allied War Veterans Military Band, spent Saturday In town making ar rangements for tho apperanco of tho organization at tho Keith April 17th. This band, which consists of forty-two members, and Includes men of the al lied nations, has been making a tour of tho United States and everywhero have been given a hearty reception The band will give a parade at four o'clock in tho afternoon of tho day on which they visit North Platto. AUTO SHOW NIGHT , autiuri eireets ALFRED TuNT and exceptional cast- IN 25tf