The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, April 08, 1919, Image 4

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The Junior
(Oopjrlght, 1310, by Western New.ptper Colon.)
It was summer dullness In the law
courts unci I was lolling In n cluilr nt
the ofllco window, trying to decide
upon a brief vnentlon away from the
dust nnd din of the city. I hnd been
in prnctlco f6r n year nnd had done
moderately well In n money way. I
turned from my Idle survey of the
street as I heard a footstep In the hall
outside. A lad of about fourteen stood
reading the Inscription on my door:
".Robert Lane, Attorney at Law."
"If you please, sir," ho said, advanc
ing timorously, "are you Mr. Lane?"
"That's my name," I replied, notic
ing that the boy was very palo and
necmcd laboring under some unusual
strain of agitation.
"Then I would like to ask your ad
vice. I havo Just been discharged
from employment. They accuse mo of
Bomethlng I never did stcnllng. They
paid me and I have ten dollars In my
pocket. How much of It would you
want to tell mo what I am to do?"
Ills eyes were fearless, his nttlre
neat, his whole presentation that of an
Intelligent nnd honest youth. I noted
how much ho tried to control the quiv
ering Hp and malntnln the open manli
ness that seemed natural to hlro.
"We won't tnlk of a fee, my lad, at
this stage of the ense," I said. "What
is the trouble?"
Ilrlcfly he told me. Ho was Hal
Barton, and had been working for two
months In the wholesale Jewelry estab
lishment of Morse & Co. Kor somo
tlmo past It was current talk that the
house was missing various articles
from their stock. They had made a
search of the desks of the various em
ployees. 'In his own, they claimed,
they had found n watch and chain
dona up In a handkerchief.
"I never saw It before, and the hand
kerchief wns not mine," explained the
lad. "Tho manager was cross and ob
Btlnnte. no simply told mo to draw
my pay and leave. I think It very un
just. It spoils my chances of other
work, and If my sister Inez doubts my
innocencu It will break my heart.
Won't you help me with your advice?"
I rather greeted this sensational
break upon my loneliness as a panacea
for ennui and proceeded promptly to
Interrogate my youthful client. At the
end of half an hour I was fully con
vinced that Hnl IJnrton was Just what
ho purported to be nnd a victim of un
toward circumstances. Ho was nverse
to going homo with his doleful story.
Ho and his sister, Inez, were orphnns,
both working for a living, and I dis
cerned that the lad had been brought
up In the right way. I determined on
Immediate action. I went promptly to
tho store of Morse & Co. hnd was soon
closeted with the manager.
The latter admitted that ho had
ncted rather harshly with Hal, but put
up tho plaint that their mysterious"
losses were becoming nn Item that wnf
serious. Ho showed mo llnl's deik
and the watch and chain and the hand
kerchief. He stared nt mo strnngely
ns I asked permission to retidn the lat
ter article.
"Going to do some detective work?"
ho Insinuated.
"I am, If It will prove tho Innocence
of a lad you have wronged," I nn
swered gravely. "I ask n week to net
In thnt cnpaclty, but at no charge to
Then I went back to tho olllcc nnd
offered to go home with Hal. He was
overjoyed at the proffer. Wo found
his sister working on a dress. The
first glimpse I h -1 of thnt lovely, In
genuous face a new Interest came Into
the case for me. I told uy story and
that of Hal. Not for an Instant did
Inez Hnrlon doubt the Innocence of
her brother, nnd both seemed relieved
nnd glnd that I extended my friendly
aid. I asked Hal to call at my ofllco
tho next morning.
"Do you recall anyone with Morse
& Co. who Is given to the use of per
fumery?" I asked Hnl, " a man, for
this Is a man's hnndkcrchlcf. And his
name, according to the Initial, begins
with C."
"C? Cn-r-r-Carrl Oh, Mr. Lane,"
instantly cried Hal, "ho Is our Inven
tory clerk. Ho wouldn't stenl I"
"I didn't say thnt he would, Hal," 1
replied. "The handkerchief suggests
him, though, It seems. Never mind
forgot that. Tell your sister I will re
port progress In a day or two," and
my mind as full of Inez ns of my self
imposed mission, I took up tho trail of
Walter Carr forthwith, learning from
nnl sufficient of htii routine to map
out my plan of action.
I brought Joy nnd relief to the
humble Ilarton homo the last clay of
thnt week. With yes bedewed with
grateful tears Inez Ilarton listened to
my story. It was a simple one. Every
day Walter Cnrr went for his lunch to
tho same restaurant. Every day he
was met by a youn? man. Every day
they hung their hats on the same
hooks, unci one d.iy I noticed that
when the meal was finished Carr took
tho hat of his confrere, both of the
snmo size and make, and another day
I managed to make off with tho Carr
hat, and nestling under Its Inner band
were two fine gold chains.
It wns not at nil easy to forget the
Bartons. After tho complete vindi
cation of Hal and the recovering of a
large amount of plunder from Cnrr'fl
accomplice, I remembered them so
well that I continued my visits to their
pleasant home, and in June Inez was
oil my own.
Wonderful Slot Machine.
Most people are famlllnr with the
mnehlnes which sell chocolnta and
chewing gum. An Interesting develop
ment In this field Is n largo npparatu
that dispenses bottled beverages, sand
wlehes and chewing gum. Us coollm:
chamber has space for the accommo
dation of Hfl bottles, while a preconi
Ing compartment. In which bottles nr.
chilled by Immersion In tho water thnt
drains from the Ire. lias an equal -.i
parity. In order to encourage patron
to return empty bottles to tho tun
chine a stick or gum Is discharged
when n bottle Is placed in the receive :
provided for It. A counterfeit detec
tor rejects spurious coins. A complete
record of all transactions Is kept by n
sales-registering mechanism. The onl
attention the machine requires Is that
Involved In stocking and Icing It.
Untasted Emergency Ration.
A correspondent, writing from the
front before the fighting ciUne to an
end, said that the emergency ration
supplied to our soldiers still rcmnlned
n mystery to them. Few Indeed hnv.
even tnsted this scientific life-saver -t
which the army boards are so proud
It looks like ground oatmeal ; but It
Is said to be the lost word In conceit
trntcd calories and protein. It con
tnlns the Juices and sustaining parts of
all meats and vegetables known to man.
with a little gluten thrown In. Most sol
diers have not dared to taste It. A court
martial threatens nnyonc who ents the
emergency ration unnecessarily, ami
almost never, so they say, did njiy sol
dier find It necessary. Hot menls
from rolling kitchens were vlrtunllj
always to bo had. Youth's Companion.
-: :o:
Indian Runner ducks and eggs for
snlo or trado for chickens. Phono
nod :t4 or call at 703 west Eleventh
street. 23-2
Farm Products by Parcel Post.
Wilmington. Del., Is to receive farm
products by parcel post truck service.
The service between thnt city and
Salisbury, Md began recently, two
large army trucks hearing eggs, but
ter, fish, oysters, crabs, berries and
such direct from Innd or sea to the
consumer. Stops are made at ever
town nlong the route which enn claim
a post olllce. Provision tins nlso been
made for acceptance of parcel post
material for New York, transfers to be
made at Chester; and through truck
service from Wilmington to Philadel
phia will be established.
A Littles Learning.
"Do yon subscribe to the theory that
a little learning is a dangerous thing?"
"Yes," replied (Jndspur. "I thought
I knew enough about ' my automobile
to take It apart and put It together
again, but tills bill of 1.14.17 from a
repair shop proves that I didn't." Bir
mingham AgeJIerald.
: :o: :
Dull, lifeless oyes.colorlcss Hps, sal
low, yellow cheeks, glvo a girl little
chance for a "man" those days. Don't
lose heart, Just take Holllster's Rocky
Mountain Tea helpe to make you at
tractive and fair. Don't delay, begin
today. J. O. Patterson
Allied IWa
9 ;
eierasis .
Hilary Bam
Sens of Guns.
Mr. 'HAS. I'. WAItll, lCiillillniiKkT.
Forty Musicians Who Went Over The Top.
APRIL 18th.
The Kilties Band Con
cert and Entertainment.
Watch f Jr the Street Parade
Thursday at 4 P.
You are Interested in
Fair Telephone Earnings'
When you have money to lend you naturally seek' that investment
which promises the highest return with the same degree of safety. So
do other people.
Because all investors do this, it is necessary that the earnings of the
telephon companies he such as will promote confidence rather than dis
courage the investment of money in their securities.
.Telephone companies when privately operated have no guarantee
against losses, nor are they assured any specific rate of return upon
their investment.
The rates of telephone companies must he such as will produce suf
ficient revenue to pay their employees fair wages, maintain and operate
their property in a manner that will insure good service, and pay the
investors a reasonable return on their money.
The destruction or serious impairment of public confidence in the
securities of telephone 'companies by too low rates or too exacting public
regulation would discourage investment in the telephone business.
And extensions and improvements necessary to meet the constantly
expanding need of the public for telephone service can only be made
through the investment of new money in the business.
Nebraska Telephone Company
Strike Spreading in Germany
Tho general strike is spreading
throughout Germany. Clashes be
tween government troops and tho
worklngmen have taken place in sev
eral cities and many casualties have
resulted. Tho uprising Is said to have
been instigated by the Spartacans
for tho purpose of weakening the gov
ernment as the first step in a third
great revolution.
The government was fully aware of
tho impending strike and is taking
measures to deal drastically with the
uprising. Tho entire Rhlneland, where
fifty thousand miners are on strike,
has been placed in a state of seige by
tho government, thus cutting off food
shipments and coal supply from tho
rest of Germany.
It Is stated that this action may In
terfere with the payments made to tho
allies for food shipped Into Germany.
Tho miners are stubbornly maintain
ing their positions and preparing to
fight for their cause.
: :o: :
Analyses of a number of white com
mercial sugars have been mado by the
United States Dureau of Standnrds re
cently to determine their contents In
sugar, moisture and reducing sugars.
These analyses havo developed the
fact that many manufacturers are pro
ducing sugars of such purity that tho
highest sensibility of measurements
is required to distinguish them from
perfectly pure sugar. In order to pro
vide for a need emphasized by these
cases, now methods of color deter
mination are being developed which
will lie more dellcato and nccurnto
than those now in use. In connection
with theso analyses the Interesting
fact appears that beet sugars are of
equal purity to cane sugars.
: :o: :
Statement of Ownership
(Required by Act of Congress of Aug
ust 24. 1912.)
I, Ira L. Daro, do solcmly swear thnt
I am tho editor, publisher and solo
owner of tho North Platte Semi
Weekly Tribune, published at North
Tlatte, Neb., that said paper and
printing plant Is owned and controlled
solely by me, that there aro no bond
holders or mortgagees or others hold
ing any Interest whatever In snld
newspaper and printing plant.
Sworn to nnd subscribed beforo me
this 5th day of April, 1919.
W T T 1f rTVirmn
11. Jit 4l KJ J lJ At,
Notary Public.
: :o: :
Admission Prices 75c. $1 $150.
B j
Implements for Sale .
I havo one riding John Deero lister
almost now, ono McCormlck G-foot
mower, ono 8-foot disc harrow, ono
neary now grind stone. Theso Im
plements enn be seen nt tho Sodlcott
placo on east Front street.
The Percheron Stallion
"Lord Birdwood"
iWlll make tho season of 1010 nt tho
c,T. 1. Smith farm nt the linker school
'houso four miles Most of North l'latte.
"Lord ltlrdwood" was foaled June
15, 191(r, bred nnd raised by 1. A.
Goodrich, of Rellovue, Neb., weighs
19(10, perfectly sound and Is recorded
by the .l'ereheron Society of America
under the record number of 01 802.
SERVICE FEU $12.50 to Insure the
mare with foal.
Care will bo taken to nrevent ucel-
I dents but should any occur tho owner
of the horso will not bo responsible.
Although tho debt of the United
States after four years of civil war
was $2,075,000,000, or less than half
one of our five Liberty Loans, tho
wages, profits and wealth of the coun
try have giown so enormously since
then that the larger Indebtedness of
the present moment Is easier for tho
country to pay than the two billions
of 1SC5.
While it la true that our war debt
Is eleven times greater than our obli
gations of the Civil War, it has also
been roughly estimated that our pres
ent wealth Is eleven times greater, al
though tho population is but five-fold
larger. If our taxes were to bo calcu
lated relatively to the Civil War they
should be over five billions a year, and
our Liberty Loans should bo forty bil
lions, instead of about half that, de
ducting our loans to our allies. Tho
gross debt of the United States at the
present time represents only eight
per cent of tho national wealth.
Barn 16x20 In good condition, new
ly pointed. Would make a good four
room house. Also double sheds. In
quiro at Now Method Tiro Shop.
north rLvm! I
?- b&m &?d -
THE AULTMAN & TAYLOR is an old reliable" thresh
er and tractor Company. Three sixes in tractors, 30-60,
22-45 and 15-30. If you nre going to buy a traetor we in
vite you to investigate the AULTMAN-TAYLOR. For
Prices and Terms Inquire of