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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 8, 1919)
THE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE, NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. WITH FINGERS! CORNS LIFT OUT 'it Frcczone is magic! Corns and calluses lift right off ' Doesn't hurt a bit A few cents buys a tiny bottle of tho innglc Freezono at any drug store Apply n few drops of Freezono upon a tender, aching corn or a callus. In stantly that troublcoomo corn or callui stops hurting, then shortly you lift It out, root and all, without any pain, eoreness or Irritation. Theso little bot tles of Freezono contain Just enough to rid tho feet of every hard corn, soft corn, corn between tho toes and the calluses on bottom of feet. So easy I 'Uo simple. Why wait? No humbug I Just Like a Woman. A young American soldier, who wa married Just before sailing, was so fired with patriotism thut he was cer tain ho would havo an opportunity to do something heroic before tho war catno to an end. He mentioned this In a letter to wifey, and told hor he hoped to bring her tho Croix do Guerre from France. Hut the youthful patriot received this reyiy from his better .half: "It's so sweet of you, dear, to offer to bring mo tho Crolz de Guerre you mentioned, but If it's Just tho same to you, I'd rather have a hut from Paris I" ! Not Us. An old man, rich In this world' goods, who had accumulated ninety elx ypars of age to his credit, went to a fortune teller to see what tho future held for him. "Sir," said tho soothsayer, as she ( grasped his palm nnd looked Into It wrinkled mysteries, "I predict for you . n long life." Then sho added ,as he In hla exubernnco of Joy banded her a yellowback of largo denomination, "With plenty of money." Now who would gnlhsny that each had received tho worth of tho old man's money! ? . Cutlcura for Pimply Paces. To removo pimples nnd blackheads mnenr them with Cutlcura Ointment Wash off In five minutes with Cut! cura Soap and hot water. Once clear keep your skin clear by using them for dally toilet purposes. Don't fall to In clude Cutlcurn Talcum. Adv. Her Preterenco. Stella Docs sho want matrimonial bonds? Delia No, matrimonial short-terni notes. "O Happy Day" sang tho laundrew as she hung tho Bnowy wash on tho line. It wna a "happy day" because' sho used Hod Cross Hall Bluo. The Addition. "Ib It true thut Mrs. Hasty's tem per broke up tho family?" "Yes, and most of the crockery." It takes Congress to settle a strike but an unruly stomach Is subdued by Garfield Tea. Adv. It Is wrong to sorrow, without ceas tag. For sale, alfalfa W; tweet olorer (10 pax bo. Joan Mu)btll,.8Ioux City, Iowa. Never forget tho high cost of wor rying. COULD NOT SLEEP Mr. Schlcusner in Misery From Kidney Complaint. Doan's Gave Complete Relief. epmpliint," says Wm. Bchleusner, (M03 Suburban Ave., Wellston, Mo. "One morning when shoeing a horse I was taken with a sudden pain in my back uu icu uni on me noor. 11 l had been hit with a trip ham mer, I couldn't have iuf fered more. I stayed in the house for five weeks and the pain was wearing the life out of me. At times, I couldn't get a wink of sleep because of the misery and I had to get up every (ew moments M. to Dais the secretion that uu. uuur, uucu wiiu turnery sediment and terribly scalding. My bladder felt as though it were afire. The pain brought stupor and a reeling sensation In my head; the torture of it cannot IW flfU-riluit. If T (TAt nnln f . T couldn't walk but felt dizzy and all in a flutter and everything would turn black. My head ached so It seemed as though my eyes were being dragged Out. T nattier Tlnim'tr rFitltttut Pills and I was soon rid of all the i-nnlilf. " Bubtcribed and ttoorn to before TTM3. O. II. COGQESIIALL, Notary Public. Gat Doan's at An Store, fiOc at Bos DOAN'S """is FOSTER-MILBURN CO BUFFALO. N. Y. W. N. U., OMAHA, NO. 13-1019. TORPEDOED Torpedoed by u Hun submarine .luly transport Covington Immediately began listing heavily, it short time before the HORATIUS HAD NOTHING ON HIM Tony Hold Mountain Pass When Austrian Hordes At tacked It. BODIES IN HEAPS ABOUT HIM Stood All Atone Working Sputtering Machine Gun Until Italian Army Arrived Another Chicago Ital ian Wins Medal for Valor. Now York. Out on Sixty-third Btroot, Chicago, Tony Hruno used to wrnp hot towels about men's faces nnd soliloquize about the benefits of a hair singe. Thnt wus four years ago, writes C. V. Jullnn In the Chicago Tribune. When Austrian hordes were bcntlng against a certain mountain pass in the Trcntlno on the holding of which depended the fate of an Italian battalion, there stood, all alone In the pass, working n sputtering Itnllan ma chine gun, Tony Hruno, Ittirber on Sixty-third street, Chicago. Tony wondered whether the Italian army was ever coming up to help him, and If It didn't well, Tony wondered who was going to buy macaroni and cheese for the four little llrunos at f28 West Twenty-eighth street. His Mind Relieved. Four hours later when Austrlun bod ies lay In heaps about Tony his mind was 'relieved. The Italian army ar rived., And pow he's on IiIb way home, f "Why, ydutro n regular Iloratlus," said some one on the pier, who had learned tho story of Tony and the mountain pass. "Aw, naw," said Tony. "I'm Just a barber." , About the time thnt there Is a won drous home-coming at the Hruno home, domestic cheer will also reign at 1028 West Polk street, where little Ulnniln Tells Court He Wants "That Copy in Hurry" """"""" N New York. Izzy, a brand new twelve-year-old otllce boy of a local news association, was told speed was his Job. When he was sent to tho federal court to "hustle that copy to the olllco quick," he dusted Hroadway. Izzy dived Into Judge Mayer's court beneath the arms of an olllcer. Seymour Stedman was addressing tho Jury. The asso ciation reporter was writing. So wns the judge. Izzy brushed past half a dozen 0 lawyers and marched up tho steps to the bench, lie was reaching out to touch the Judge's arm when Court Clerk Leary grabbed him. "What do you want?" asked Leary "I want that copy, quick," re- t torted the boy. ' Judge Mayer glanced up, took t In the situation and laughed. iKzy was steered to tho proper place, dashed out and the trial was resumed. IN THE SAME OLD HUN Vichy, Franco. The following as tonishing communication was received hero by Mr. Leo Shlppey, Y. M. C. A., from American prisoners who havo Just arrived there from tho. Vllllngen camp. They and other prisoners from the camp at Itastatt have little faith In the change of tone of the Germans and treat tho communication us sim ply another Insincere and treacherous piece of propaganda. It consists of a message of the commander of the prisoners' camp of Vllllngen, Haden, to the American olllcers on their de parture to Franco, on Tuesday, No vember "(I. and Is ns follows: "Sooner than you expected, your day of liberation has arrived. In n short tlmo you will bo back again with your own dear people In Ameri ca. Tell them that tho German peo ple has no more grievance against them. Germany does not consider It self as conquered but ns conquering, as yon can see by the troops coming back from the front, because It bus TRANSPORT COVINGTON while she was uhout 100 miles oil' lirest hound for the United States, the to sink. This unusual photograph, taken the next day, shows the Covington end tunic. Iteall, aged seven, will sec her daddy for the llrst time In four years. Cor poral Mike Houll came buck Svearlng the Italian silver military Uiedal for valor, the Itnllun war cross and two wound stripes. Wins War Cross. I.Ike Sergeant Hruno, Corporal He all left his wife and family In Chicago and hastened to repel the Austrlnns who threatened Italy in 1015. lie won tin- war cross a year later, when, nf ter having his right leg broken by shrapnel, he walked ten miles to fio liver a message with which lie had been charged. Corporal Henli captured an Austrl- Clergy Murdered By the Bolsheviki London. Murders of clergymen constitute the latest feature of bol shevik terror In Itussia, says Prof. Peter Struvo. a distinguished Russian economist, who has escaped from Itus slu nnd arrived In England after hid ing from the bolsheviki for months In Moscow and after a long Journey on foot to reach safety In Finland. He was compelled to disguise him self to escape death at the hands of the adherents of Lcnlne and Trotzky. Professor Strove was representative from I'etrog.'ud in the second dumn, nnd a menibtr of the nssembly coiif voiced by Alexander F. Kerensky. J Ten Bishops Shot "Altogether ten bishops had been shot and many priests murdered nnd tho dean of Kaznn cathedral and his two sons were drowned in the Neva by the red' soldiers," said Professor Struve. "Near Kotlas, all the monks in ono monastery were shot to death. Professor Kartasheff, minister of roll glon In Kerensky's government, who has escaped Into Finland, says that the present persecution of the church In Petrogrnd Is only "ompnrnble with the persecution of the early Chris- j tlans. i "In Moscow all tho shootings take place at night, but In Petrogrnd the ' victims of the bolsheviki are shot In the afternoon In the courtyard of the ! headquarters of the executive connnls-1 slon and In order to drown the noise, ' It Is usual to start up tho engines of the motorcnr3 which are wultlng In the vicinity. "At the beginning of tho bolshevik movement I publicly expressed the opinion that not even a German would hold converse with n bolshevik. As a Itusslan constitutionalist it Is com pletely Inexplicable to mo how any al lied government can contemplate dis cussion of any sort. In any clrcum- I stances or at any place, with anyone who calls himself a bolshevik. Complete Tyranny, Those who imagine that there can i i( ,my pact between the forces of clv- lllzatlon and bolshevlsm have no con- motion of tho real state of affairs In Russia. Tho "lost moderate form of restoration of order and liberty In Itussia would make the tcclstence of bolshevlsm Impossible. "Holshovlsm is complete tyranny. now Its own liberty. "Now It Is your turn to give tho German people a Just peace In the peace terms which will clvu them lil- erty, to live Justly and peacefully with tne world at large. "Wo hope that you will reach vour home safely and tlnd everyone In good health. "I again request you not to part from Germany 'with lint red aualnst im and to Inlluenco your people to look upon Germany as it Is now, not as It has been Judged, perhaps Justly, up to thu present time. "The new Germany has the desire to live In perfect peace with Its recent HO enemies, but In the sumo manner claims an honorable pence which will give her the possibility to live us promised by President Wilson. "Again nnpy returns home." Tho stars that may be seen by the naked eye In both hemispheres number about 0.000. SINKING tin machine gun single-handed, nftet many of the men in his platoon had been killed, by leaping Into the pit nnd i bombing the crew with some of their own hand grenados, which he seized from n pile near by. War Losses of France Put at $24,000,000,000 Paris. The budget committee of the chamber of deputies has drawn up a report fixing the damages caused by the war In France, the total reaching $2-1,-000,000,000. Of this amount $20,000,000,000 Is entailed by di rect damages and' $4 ,000,000.000 by Indirect dnmoge through loss of Income or the Impossibility of carrying on work. which Is absolutely Incompatible with any form of ordered liberty nnd con stitutional government. It Is entirely false to say that bolshevlsm is n popu lar form of government. If Trotzky would walk a -Verst through Moscow lie would be killed. N'o czar lived In greater terror of his subjects than the chiefs of the bolshevik government. Therft wns more law and justice under serfdom than under the bc'shevlkl." TWELVE-FINGERED CROOK When (Jerado (Jlublano was ar raigned nt police headquarters Ir New York Xor stealing a wrist watch he wns found guilty and sent to havt bis finger prints made. Then It win discovered thnt his deftness of lingers was due to the fact that he bad llv perfectly formed fingers on ench hnnd, and a thumb, making six fingers or each hand. Further Investigation showed that he also had six toes on each foot. It Is the llrst time In tlx police department records that such a case has presented Itself, Gerndo proudly displays his fingers which un fortunately for him, proved his undo ing. OIL ENRICHES WOUNDED YANK Curtis Boyle Returns From France to Find Gushing Well on His Farm. Junction City. Kan. -Unfitted' lj wounds to follow his pre-war pursul of farming, Curtis Hoyle. n soldier Ir two armies, returned from France to find thnt during his absence nn oil veil has been drilled on his farm neni Peabody, Kan., yielding (500 barrels n day. Hoylo purchased th land sev eral years ago fo, $x an acre. The soldier" oll-niagnnte, who Is now In the Fort Riley Reconstruction bos. pltnl. sustained 28 bullet nnd shrap nel wounds during his military sorv. Ice, In addition to being gassed and burned by liquid fire. He enlisted In the Third Canndlan Infantry late In 1014 and wns trans ferred to tho American forces Inst yonr. serving with the Thirty-fifth and Seventy-seventh divisions. Hoyle ho. silver plates In his arm, leg and collar hone and is mlnn1 his ribs nnd lung on the right side. Illr legitimate quotu of wound stripes runs from wrist u etinulder. 'Pi TIME TO FEED YOUNG CHICKS Mashes Mixed With Milk Are of Con. sidcrable Value In Giving Young sters Good Start. (Prepared by the United States Depart ment of ARriculture.) Toting chicks tuny be fed nny tlmo after they nre thirty-six to forty-eight hours old whether they are with a hen or in n brooder. Some good feeds for the first feeding nro moistened hard boiled eggs, johnnycakc, stale bread, oatmeal or rolled oats, which may bo fed separately or In combination Mashes mixed with milk nro of con siderable value In giving the chicks n good start. The mixture should be ted In n crumbly mush and not in n sloppy condition. JohnnycKKo composed bf the following Ingredients in tho pro portion named Is a very good feed for yrtung chicks : Ono dozen Infertile eggs or ono pound of sifted beef scraps to ten pounds of cornmenl ; add enough milk to make a pasty mash and ono tnblespopnful of baking soda and bake until done. Dry bread crumbs mny be' mixed with hard-boiled eggs, making about one-fourtli of tho mixture eggs, or rolled oats may bo used In place of bread crumbs. It Is n good plan to give theso feeds about five times dally for the first week, then gradually substitute for one or two of these feeds n mlxturo of finely, cracked grains of equal .parts by weight of cracked wheat and finely cracked corn nnd plnhead oatmeal or hulled oats, to which about f per cent of cracked peas or broken rice nnd 2 per cent of charcoal or millet or rape seed may be added. A commercial chick feed may be substituted If de sired. This ration may be fed until the chicks are two weeks old, when they should be placed on grain nnd n dry or wet mnsh mixture. Young chickens should bo fed froui three to five times dally, but If care is given not to overfeed chicks will grow faster when fed live times per tiny. Young chicks should be fed not more than bnrely enough to satisfy heir appetites nnd to keep them ex- Young Chicks Just Out. erclsing except at the evening or last meal, when they should be given all they will eat. There Is danger In over- reeding, purticuinriy ir tne young chicks are confined and do not have access to free range, as too much feed under such conditions Is apt to cause leg weakness. GRIT NECESSARY FOR FOWLS Hopper Feeding Saves Labor and Fur nishes Desirable Supplementary Feed for Hens. Ground feeds are necessary for most efficient digestion In poultry. Hopper feeding saves labor and furnishes tho necessary supplementary feed nt all times. There is no danger of poultry overeating on ground feeds fed dry In a hopper. The University of Missouri college of agriculture Is recommend ing the hopper as u labor saver In the poultry yard. Limestone grit or oyster shell is also necessary 'for laying hens. A laying hen requires large quantities of shell- making material. Nearly all of this must como from tho grit nnd shell she ents. It Is poor economy not to keep a liberal supply accessible. One ex tra egg n year will pay tho bill. It returns the money Invested a hundred fold. Chickens raised on range can be pro duced much more economically than those kept closely confined around tho farm buildings. Not only, Is less feed required, but the danger from disease Is reduced. The edge of tho cornfield makes an Ideal poultry range. Chick ens grow best on plowed ground nnd the corn furnishes shnde, which Is es sential during the summer. Under such condition's, a pound of chicken can be produced from threo to four pounds nf grain. I POULTRY NOTES Skint milk Is good for tho chickens. Pumpkin Is of vnluo la tho cold weather poultry ration. Wheat, oats and corn nro good grains to feed tho laying hen. Ducks nro among tho most profit able of nil domesticated fowls. Parent turkeys should bo full grown and n'ature. If tho gobbler Is re lated to tho hens, get a new one. 1 11 X : : li A Feeling of Security You naturally feel secure when yon know that the medicine you are about to take is absolutely pure and contains no- harmful or hnbit producing drugs. Such a medicine is Dr. Kilmer's Swamp- Root, kidney, liver and bladder remedy. The tame standard of purity, strength- and excellence is maintained in every bottle of Swamp-Root. It is scientifically compounded froto vegetable herbs. It is not a stimulant and la taken is teaspoonful doses. It is not recommended for everything. It is nature's great helper in relieving. and overcoming kidney, liver and blad der troubles. A sworn statement of purity is witb every bottle of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp- Root. If you need a medicine, you should' have the best. On sale at all drug store hi bottles of two sizes, medium and largo. However, if you wish first to try this- great preparation send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer Sc. Co.. Hinehamton. N. Y.. for sample bottle. When writing bo sure aa4 mention this paper. Adv. Why Spell It at All? "Why not spell Germany with t small G hereafter," queries Superin tendent Shlels. "Surely sho has earn ed the distinction. "The old wldesprendlng, pot-bellied capital Q Is typical of German typ of other years, but the small g that re sembles a whipped dog, with It down-hanging tall between Its legs. Is In keeping now." Los Angelef Times. END INDIGESTION. EAT ONE TABLET PAPE'S DIAPEPSIN IN8TANTLV RELIEVES ANY DISTRESSED, UPSET STOMACH. Lumps of undigested food causing pain. When your stomach is acid, gas sy, sour, or you havo flatulence, heart burn, here Is Instant reUef, No wait ing I Just as soon ns yon eat a tablet or two of Pope's Dlapepsln all that dys pepsia, Indigestion and stomach dis tress ends. These pleasant, nannies tablets of Pope's Dlapepsln never fall to make sick, upset stomachs feel flno at once, and they cost very little at drug stores. Adv. Same Thing. "So this private Is the breadwinner of the family?" "Sure; he's their doughboy." Warning as to Our Waning Vitality (Bt Leb Herbert Surra, M. D.) Every man should take stock of hh physical condition just as frequently a he takes stock of his financial condition, thereby learning his weak spots and tak ing measures to repair them before it i too lato. In the winter or spring la tho best- time to tako stock of one's condition. If tho blood is thin and watery, faco pale or pimply, generally weak, tirod and listless, ono should take a tonio. Ono that will do the spring 'Taouso-cleaning," an old-fashioned herbal remedy that waa used by everybody nearly 50 years ago is still safo and sano because it contains- no alcohol or narcotic This blood tonio extracted from wild roota and barlta, was first put out by Dr. Pierce in ready- to-uso form and sinco then has boon sold by tho million bottles aa Dr. Pierce'c- Golden Medical Discovery. It's always efficacioU3 in tho winter or spring when tho blood is run down and you need ft wholesomo tonio. This ia nature's tonio, which restores the tone of the stomach, activity of tho liver and steadiness to th nerves, strengthening tho whole system. Bend 10c to Dr. Pierce's Invalids Hotel,. Buffalo, N. Y., for trial package of tablets. Then to keep tho liver and bowok regular and to carry away tho poison within, it is best to tako castor oil or a vegetable pill, made up of May-apple, aloes, Jalap, and sugar-coated, to be had at most drug stores, known as Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. Farm Opportunities in United States If TOO in lnurrutod, wrtu to Um IIonMotfect Biiwi, V. a. ntllroid ACnlnslrtuloa, Wubiar tos, for (re Information, nanlnf Mm MU Um 4tuiUm of whleh too dotdr to laTMllfato, aa flrluff fall parUonlari aooat roar rcqnliw atoata. Ttia DonMMken' Bnraaa U ItOT aalUac ra. itt. IU mlttloa U to farnUa daxBdabla data- ttat regarding' land ybIdm, arodneUoa, atarkau, oUmata, ichoolt, ehnrobM. roadi, ota. to Uwh who wlh to tow la fanalBf , tooa railing dairying, sardaniof and klndrad partolu. X litur will bring a f re bookUt wkiah mar ba la aolvlng jonr problem of Urlag. Addratt J. L. EDWARDS, Maaatar, Room 1000, Agricultural Section, U. S. KaUraat AWaitraUoa, Waihinalom. D. C. ICE MACHINES For making ice and refrigeration for all purposes. Manufactured by BAKER ICE MACHINE CO. tfill Nickolaa SL Omaha, N.k LIBERTY BONDS $48 for $50 3d Liberty Bond with 3 coupons; $47.25 for 4th bond with 4 coupons, Send bonds by registered mail. H. M. HOWE, S22 S. Western Ave., Chicago, I1L