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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 8, 1919)
THE SEMI.WEEKLY TRIBUNE, NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. "Bayer Tablets "Bayer Cross" on .Tablets. DOSE! & .Adults can take m M M .one or two genuine "Bayer Tablets of As Dlrin" with water. If nee essary, repeat dose three times a day, after meals. it t f r f Hp 5A Trovea bate by Minions r Buy only the original "Bayer 20 cent package also larger 'Ask for and Insist Upon Only Genuine "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin Owned by Americans Entirely. Aspirin U the trade tnatk of Bayer Manufacture a( Monoaceticacidetter of Selling Newspapers. Mint Newsboy Dens ain't no news In de papers nny more. Second Newsboy No. I'm selllnB dom now, by hollering de headlines of do advertisements. Judge. Final. "What is tho best test of realism In play?" "The real money It druws at the box office." Here it the highett prictd cow in the My8P GOLDEN ROD THAT "LAST STRAW" AGAIN This Time It Meant Real Tragedy In the Lives of Two Young and Loving Mortals. "It's the Inst straw 1! she exclaimed bitterly. She tapped on the floor with her right toe, nlwnys, with her, n sign of repressed passion. "The last straw I" sho repeated. Be shuffled his feet In embarrass ment Angrily she shrugged herself to her feet "I'm going 1" sho cried. "I would not ttny here another second, even for a moment." And sho swept out, and there was nothing loft for htm to do but follow. "I didn't know It was tho Inst straw, or I wouldn't have taken It," he apol ogized miserably. And she, who had never sipped a lemonade without n straw In her life, and never Intended to, sniffed scornful ly, without replying, and refrained from inviting him in when they reach ed her house. As It Is In the City. Jean was romping with her dog In front of the house under the watchful care of her mother. A woman passing asked her if she knew where a cer tain woman lived. Jean was over heard to say, "Yes, she lives over there tn the third layer." Billy's Slogan, it was a week before Billy was five rears old. One day ho pinned n sign on his door, rending: "Birthday Is eomlng. Give till It hurts." g,AAAAAAAM AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAftAi; No Table DrinK Has Ever Taken The Place Of The Original POSTUM CEREAL Bo3 just like coffee 15 minutes after boiling begins. Its delicious flavor, rich seal brown color and fine aroma make it such a satisfying cup that Postum is the ideal drink with meals for both children and grown people. Used in place of coffee it provides a real health drink. Contains no drugs, no caffein as does coffee; doesn't make you nervous, sleepless or fretful. "There's a At Grocers two of Aspirin" For Pain Neuralgia Earache Toothache Colds Grippe Rheumatism 1 Lame Back Sm Neuritis packages." Bayer packages. His 785 .Suits. Prof. Albert Bushnell Hart of Har vard snld In Boston the other day: "The kaiser was nlwnys unbalanced. Look at the way ho wps continually ripping himself out In different unl forms nnd costumes. Why, the man actually had 784 suits." Professor Hart smiled. "ISxclusIve," ho added, "of his go-Ing-away suit." world. She it worth over $iS0,000. For practical use a3 one nl an put it "There are Just two kinds of cows: cows that make more than they eat and cows that eat more than they make." There are two kinds of markets: one which satisfies and one which is just a place to dis pose of your cream. 4 Reasons Why Our Market Satieties Highest Prices Better Service Less Shipping Cost Bigger Checks We can't make you ahip, but can make you satisfied If you ship. Let us prove it. The least you can do: the most we ask. CREAMERY ffiSS SPEECH APPEALED TO HIM More or Less Good Reason Why List ener Considered It Great Oratorical Effort. They are telling a god Joke on Will TJpshnw. IJe was up the other day, and wns the Interesting center of sev eral groups of members who had heard of tho "Prohibition Cyclone" of Georgia. While talking in the lobby to one of these groups of forthcoming as sociates, Congressman Garrett of Hous ton, Tex., passed, after salutations. "Did you ever'henr Gnrrett speak?" asked Upshaw of the members of his group. "Yes," they all chimed In. "The most mnsterly address, tho most beautiful, soul-stlrrlng address I ever heard In all my life of asso ciation with great orators, fell from the Hps of that great Texnn nnd statesman one night ut Dallas," said Upshaw. "On what subject was Garrett spenk Ing?" queried one of the party, rather Interested. "He wns .Introducing me," replied Upshaw solemnly. Atlanta Constitu tion. Cute Is the Word. Ever wntch a young thing trying to be dignified while wearing a new spring sklrtV Awfully cute tho way she has to swing one little tootsle nround nnd get It directly In front of the other one In order to advance eight Inches. Florldn Times-Union. Mnn may be made of dust but ho always wants a little bit more. Reason sizes 1 5c & 25c. AIR So many ko1s, So many creeds, 80 tnnny ways that wind nnd wind, While Just the art of belnK kind In till tills sad world need. -Wilcox. SOMETHING TO EAT. Tho attractiveness of food largely deVemls upon Its apponrance. When It satisfies the eye It must further satisfy the palate to make food worth while. Chicken Consomme. Disjoint n well dressed fowl and cut In pieces four pounds of venl from the fortMiuarter. Put In a kettle with one onion. two stalks of celery, eight slices of carrot, one teaspoonful of pepper corns, one-half bay leaf, four cloves, two sprigs of thyme nnd two sprigs of pnrsley. Cook slowly four hours, removing the fowl as soon as tender. Add salt, strain, cook and clear. Coffee Frappe. Heat the white of one egg slightly,- add one-half cupful of cold water and boll one minute; mix with half a cupful of ground cof fee, turn Into scalding coffee pot with four cupfuls of boiling water and boll one minute; let stand on the back range ten minutes, strain, 'add one cupful of sugar, cool and freeze. Serve In sherbet cups with whipped cream, sweetened nnd flavored. , Corn Toast. Cook one-fourth of a tablespoonful of finely chopped onion and one-half tablespoonful of butter, two minutes, stirring constantly. Add one cupful of canned corn, one pint of heavy cream, one-half teaspoonful of salt ami one-fourth teaspoonful of paprika. Bring to the boiling point and let simmer for live minutes. Serve poured over buttered toast and gar nish with tonst points. Walnut Deceits. Work n ten-cent cream cheese until smooth, add one fourth of a cupful of olives, stoned nnd chopped, one-half teaspoonful salt and a few dashes of paprika. Shape In balls, roll In sifted crumbs, flatten nnd decorate with halves of walnuts opposite each other on each piece. Arrange on plates covered with n lace dolly. Coconut Custard. Heat five eggs slightly, add one-half cupful of sugar and one-fourth teaspoonful of salt; pour on slowly four cupfuls of milk and strnln. Add one-half cupful of shredded .coconut and turn Into a mold set In hot water. Hake In a slowoven until firm. That best portion of a good man's life, His little nameless unromembercd acts of kindness and of love. AVordsworth. SIMPLE INEXPENSIVE DISHES. The chief business of the house mother Is to see that her family Is well nourished and happy. A most tasty salad mny often be prepared with but a few small hits of fruit. Cut one banana, add a diced ap ple, a hnndful of dates or rnlsins and u few sections of orange or grape fruit and serve with Huntington Dressing. Heat two eggs very light and add gradually, beating constantly, three tablespoon fuls of melted butter, three tablespoon fuls of lemon Juice and one-half tea spoonful of salt. Cook over hot water, stirring constantly until the mixture thickens. Cool, add one cup of heavy cream beaten stiff, one-fourth of a cup of powdered sugar, one-half tea spoonful of celery salt, one-half tea spoonful of vanilla, a few drops of onion Juice and a dash of paprika. Cream Cheese With Jelly. Cream cheese may be used for this, but cot tage choose Is even better. Season cottage cheese well with cream, make Into small balls, llatten In the center and fill with bright red Jelly. Serve as a salad with crackers r as a des sert with coffee. Carlton Salad. Separate French en dive, wnsh and drain, then chill. Cut cold cooked beets In quarter-Inch slice-, and slice in rings or fancy shapes. Ar range on crisp lettuce leaves, putting the endive In the best rings. Serve with l'Yonch dressing to which has been added three tahlespoonfuls of chopped walnut meats, Oats Bread. Add two cupfuls of boiling water to one cupful of rolled onts nnd let stand one hour; add one hnlf cup of molasses, niu half table spoonful of salt, one-half yeast cuke dissolved In one-half eupfiil of luke warm water and four and three-fourths cupfuls of flour; let rise, beat Ihor nughly. turn Into buttered bread pans let rise again and bake. Chocolate Bread Pudding. Add one cupful of soft bread crumbs, one ami one-hnlf squares of grated chocolate one cupful of sugar and one-half cupful of cold milk. Cook twelve minutes In n double boiler. Beat the yolks of three eggs, cupful' of milk two talilespoonfuls of butter and n dash of salt. Stir Into the hot mix ture nnd cook until thick. Turn Into n pudding dish and bnke rwenty inln ute". Cool, cover with n meringue and bake eight minutes. Iff Moaned nre they who have th Rift of milking friends, for It Is one of ird'n best gifts. It Involves mnny hiiiRs, but above nil. (tin power of go. k out of one's self, nnd npprcclntltift u'liitevor Is noble nnd loving In no "thor -Thomns Hughes. SEASONABLE DISHES. A nice way to use left-over chick en is to serve It on your table a Chicken Holland- siw iJP. alse. Cook two tahlespoonfuls of butter nnd one ten- MJti spoonful of llnelj AJt3?iKfrii ehonneil onion flvt? tXTx JLM m,l,u,,,s m,l, ,wtt flrdM)wMo( tahlespoonfuls of cornstarcn nnti auu gni.iually one cupful of chicken stock. Bring to the boiling point and add one teaspoonful of lemon Juice, one-half-teaspoonful of salt, one-fourth teaspoonful of paprika, and one and oiie-ihird cupfuls of cold cooked chick en : when well heated add the yolk of one egg slightly beaten, ami cook one minute. Bread and Butter Pudding. Cut stale loaf in half-Inch slices and spread eneii slice generously with butter and nmiiige In a pudding dish, buttered side down. Beat three eggs slightly, add one-half cupful of sugar, one fourth teaspoonful of salt and one quiirt of milk; strain, nnd pour over tlie bread; let stand 110 minutes. Bake one hour In a slow oven, covering the first half hour of baking. Servo with hard sauce. Hominy, Southern Style. Mix one cupful of boiling water with a tea spoonful of salt and add gradually while stirring constantly three-fourths cupful of fine hominy. Bring to boll lug point and let boll two minutes. Then cook In double boiler until witter Is absorbed. Add one cupful of milk, stirring thoroughly, nnd cook one hour. Remove from the boat and ndd, one-fourth cupful of butter, one table spoonful of sugar, one egg slightly beaten and one cupful of milk. Turn Into a buttered dish and bake In a slow oven one hour. Caraway Seed Cookies. Cream one cupful of shortening and add gradu ally one cupful of sugar. Add on? egg. beaten well, nnd continue beating', then add one-fourth of u tenspoonful of soda dissolved In two tablespoon' fuls of milk, a half tenspoonful salt HVvo-cupfuls of flour and one tnblo spoonful of caraway seeds. Toss on a floured board and roll out very thin Bake In n moderate oven. Fried Spanish Onions. Ueinove tin skins from four Spanish onions, cut In thin slices and put In an omelet pan with one and one-half tablespoon fuls of butter. Cook until brown, oe caslonally shaking the pun. or stlri-lntf litem with a fori:. Sprinkle with sal Just before taking tip. Let us never forget thirt nn net of goodness is of ltsol' nn act of happiness. No rowurd coming after tho event can compare with tho sweot reward that went with It. Maurice Mne.terllnck. HELPFUL SUGGESTIONS. To fry oysters de luxe they shoulu be drained and dried on e towel, then dipped In beaten egg ami rolled In cracker crumbs and dropped Into hot fat as usual, but left In the fat only long enough for a pale brown color to develop, when they are removed and drained on u piece , of brown paper. When all the oysters are cooked, begin all over again and cook them until brown. They will puff up to twice their normal sl.e. To conserve the table linen: In 1 these days of high prices U behooves every housewife to look carefully ', after her linen. Small service cloths or top cloths i are a wonderful saving in laundry and wear of linen. When a soiled spof appears near the plate cover with u small cloth, repeat until the cloth lx soiled, then cover with a top cloth, one that Just covers the top of the table. In this way a table cloth does ; not need such frequent laundering and i the small cloths are not hard to laun der. The frequent folding of table linen In the same creases will cause worn places In the folds. When the doth begins to break, cut off a portion of It to chnnge the wear and then fold in a different manner. ' If linen when being made needs to be trimmed, save all the pieces to use as raveled threads for darning. A thin spot on a cloth may lie darned i without leaving a noticeable place while a patch is seen at once, unless very neatly done. A broken zinc on the washboard or a rough projection In the washing ma chine may ruin nice table linen. Linen which Is turning yellow can be blenched by soaking In a bowl of sour buttermilk. liven the company cloths should be laundered often enough to keep them from becoming yellow. 1 All foods are flavored to make them palatable. All smoking tobaccos are treated with some flavoring for the same reason. But there is a big difference in the Quality and kind of tobacco flavorings. Tuxedo, the finest of properly aged burley tobacco, uses the purest, most wholesome 'and Try Thu Test: Rub a little Tuxedo briskly in the palm of your hand to bring out its full aroma. Then smell it deep its delicious, puro fragranco will convince you. Try this test with any other tobacco and we will let Tuxedo stand or fall on your judgment. "Your Nose Knows" The Perfect Tobacco ) . Guaranteed by INOOH POWATBD Tho grent troublo Is that the peoplo who resolvo to do or die don't do either. in weartm uanaaa Sheep and Hoga brines certain success. It's easy to prosper where you can raise 20 to 45 bu. of wheat to the aero and buy on easy terms. Land at $15 to $30 Per Aero Good Grazing Land at Much Loss. Railway and La&d Comoanira offer unuaunl Inducement, to horns. neelter. tcinettlo In Wrllpra for tlie purchase of stock or other The Governments of the Dominion and Provinces of Manitoba, Snakntche wnn and Alberta extend every encouragement to the farmer and ranchman. You can obtain excellent land at low prices on easy terms, and set high prices lor your urain, came, suecp ana uohs tow taxes inone on Improvements), cood markets and shipping facilities, free schools, churches, splendid climate and sure crops. Bukatchtwan and Alberta. rtduMd railroad rata, of lmmlgTaUan. Ottawa, Canada, or W. V. BENNETT, Room 4, Bee Building, OMAHA, NEB. Canadian Government 1 M"ll Nebraska BEST BUYERS-SELLERS cattix I HOGSsHEEP STOCK YARDS'OHAHAil Let Us Make I Hew Car Out of Your Auto Tfa bolld to order a solid Victoria top wttn bareled plate claaaea on aides and raan or Coupe llody, Sedan, Sport or Uoadtter Ilodr. l'alntlnir, Slip Ootcis, ato. Onr paint department pnta 18 paint operaUona on a caw paint Job. Uqual to the beat factory work. Write Department Ko. t. "Win. lf elfTer Auto & Carriage Works tlUtlll. AUi,.Kk8t., Oa,Ea,.ti. rkl Trie 101 Alto build Cabi and Track Bodies If Not Already Represented We Wan Dealer in Your Town for Cream of oil ICE CREAM llOX O, OMAHA A Dash -of Chocolate Your Nose Knows" delicious of all flavorings chocolate! That is why "Your Nose Knows" Tuxedo from all other tobaccos by its delicious pare fragance. TEED TO SATtsr OA YOUR MONEY BACK I for Pipe T t 1. , . . - some, but it's Just plain "Jazz" to a lot of us. USB L 6;. 11 Wg&iemx Canada is as profitable as Grain Growinq urain urn wins la a nroiir maker. Kfliamtr Larue. Canada and eniov her nrnsnrritv. Loans mad. farming requirementa can be had at low interest. ate.. aDDlr to EowrlnUfdani Agent Directory FILMS DEVELOPED FREE When Prints Are Ordered Prints 2Mx3U. 8 cents f SKx4M, cental postal card alie, 0 cents, postpaid. Beaton Photo Supply Co. 16th & Fernam St. Oraaba, Neb, GET HIGHEST PRICE9 for Your Live Stock Ship to WOOD BROTHER Omaha, Chicago, So. St Paul, Sioux City STOCKERS AND FEEDERS BOUGHT OH ORDERS We Want Your Cream You will always rocotv the highest marHet pr" Ship Direut to Ua Omaha Cold Storage Co. Omaha, Neb. Good Teeth Will Add to Your Appearances TO YOUR EFFICIENCY. BaTley Dentistry, throu8h Its tf ?f.d,.ltJ,Kspeci!5t wlU 80lve yur t00th problem once and : .r "LI,.. V "ioi.i, rrcai uecay, reDuua Droken or mUahirvaa i1TriilAmltfTr ew maOntrtehpr tooth rotyalircl bul!clS nSr.,M,'.efih.?L?7.f!irur.t Wends cannot diinrS efficlcr and .parancel. auKI7 m mtertaU..' your perse! BAILEY THE DENTIST Br.fcw.a.iwi Office! 1 704.714 City Ntt. BufaBldf., OauJta Dr. C. D. 5U,UA