The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, April 08, 1919, Image 1

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No. 25
Thcro arrived on train No. 19 yes
terday morning a motor truck load of
decorations for tho North Platte auto
show, and with them arrived the Oma
ha decorator who will transform tho
Lloyd opera house into a dreamland
of olectrical effects. Assisting the
Omaha decorator is Guy S. I'opojoy,
who has been selected as manager of
tho auto show, and who is an artistic
decorator himself, and these two nro
assisted by a number of others. A di
agram of the hall had been sent the
decorator, and ho had worked out hie
decorative schemes prior to his ar
rival, and within flfteeu minutes after
The annual meeting of the Baptist
church was held Friday evening with
over two hundred and twenty-live
mombers present. The Ladies' Auxil
iary served a delicious chicken dinner
and music was furnished by tho Loln
inger quartette by and Mr. and Mrs.
A. II. Jones with violin and vocal solos
Mayor-elect Streltz gavo an address
emphasizing the necessity of co-operation
by nil churches for moral
ends and Insisting that while tho city
is due for a moral clean up, it is es
pecially Incumbent upon the churches
to look after tho wholesome entor-
talnmont and occupation of the time
reaching here ho was at work. The of the growing young people
decorations promise to exceed in Officers elected were: Deacons,
beauty anything over Been in tho state Jo,in Mnng and J. K. Drowning; trus
outsldo of Omaha or Lincoln. i toes Wesley Rose, J. K. Browning and
The North Platte dealers, under. Lewis Jorgensen; treasuror, N. E.
who3o ausnlces the show is nlvnn. Loudon; financial secretary, E.4 K.
Murphy; president of ladlos' .auxili
ary, Mrs. E. Garrison; superintendent
of the Sunday school, Mrs. J. L.Lou
don; president of tho B. Y. P. U.,'
Joe C. Miller.
The financial reports showed all
current expense, bills and iloatlng
Indebtedness paid and a balance in
the treasury. For all local purposos
$4,250.00 have been raised and paid In
and for benevolences, Including tho
special subscription for the Grand
Island college, $2,877.00 have been
raised, making a total of over $7,000
for all purposes raised during the
A budget providing for a substan
tial advance In every line of work was
adopted for the ensuing year. A $300
Increase In salary was voted the pas
tor. In spite of flu conditions, Inroads by
death and absences of many yoUng
men In tho army there has been sus
tained an increasing spiritual and
church life and several have been
added by conversion and baptism. .
The Mary Nowton school dresses to
fit girls In ages 4 to 14 years, tho
best- that's made, on sale by Tho
Leader Mercantile Co at 95c, $1.45,
$1.95, $2.45, $2.95. It don't pay to
bother making your own.
Following the' rain, snow and sleot
yesterday the temperature dropped
several degrees below tho freezing
We are nreDared to show vnn mi." Point last night. Vegetation was not
tuentlc now styles in hats for Easter. rar enougn advanced to do mucu uam
Smart flower and tailor trims. Aisn ago.
a splendid assortment in every newi Tho lltt1 creepers, rompers and
handed hat. Villa 'Whittaker at wash suts for llttl tot from (5 months
mock s. up, to i years on saie at oc, yoc,
TO . . , .... I and up at The Leader Mercantile. Co.'s.
,S!?sc1h,staffi! vr;lHTSrcn':c,1 deUvcry "-
reached Oshkosll-on - Us1 rroturn trlp'Horrod G?,cery' 4
last evening It encountered snow ' cr?m :it'nVmitn "
drifts -that It could not negotiate and Tents "g""1 nl Cotg
was forced to tie up for the night. ! s J0T8ou CoS iSS? fES
Wanted Girl for general house- ture, Hardware and a clean stock of
work. Mrs. J. J. Halllgan,-304 west Groceries. ECHELBERRY,
Second street. ' 104 East Front.
have received all tho now models of
tho make of cars they handle, and tho
exhibit of cars, as woll as trucks, will
bo exceptionally largo. Low priced,
medium priced and high priced cars
will be on exhibition, and the man or
woman who plans buying a car will
have an opportunity of seeing many
models and of having tho good points
of each fully explained.
The evening entertainments provid
ed for attendants at the show will bo
put on by high class talent, Including
tho Musical Walkers, the Peerless
Trio of Sioux City, the orchestras of
tho city and special vocal quartettes,
tho whole forming a program more
than worth the price of admission.
The management of tho show has
received word from surrounding clt
ios that big delegations will bo pres
ent, and farmers In tho country trib
utary to tho city have announced their
intention of spending at least one day
at the show. Tho management is
thorefore confident that the attend
ance of out-of-town people will bo
very large.
Tho grand opening of tho show will
bo at 2:30 next Thursday afternoon
when schoof children, will bo admit
ted free. Thursday night is North
Platte night, Friday is everybody's
day and evening and Saturday will br
farmers' day. The show will close
Saturday evening.
Frnnk Haynes formerly connected
with tho Commercial Hotel In this city
who was arrested m Illinois by Ar
thur Hoaghuul on tho chargo of for
gery and escaped from Hoaglnnd by
jumping from a moving train whllo
passing through Iowa, Is now In a
jail in a Kansas town. Such at least
is the Information imparted in a let-,
ter received Inst night by Chiof of
T II t mi 1 ii i . 1
(i-oiico joues. ino icuer was lurnuu
over to Sheriff Salisbury who will
mnke an Investigation. Tho letter
stated that Haynes, whoso real name
Is Cox, attomptcd to escape from a
Kansas officer, was shot and slightly
wounded, captured and placed in Jail.
Tho charge on which ho was arrested
was not stated In tho letter. Tho let
ter also stated that when Haynes mar
ried his wife she was worth fifty
thousand dollars, practically all of
which ho has squandered. Tho wlfo
and threo children, one born slnco
Haynes left town, are now living
with relatives In Illinois.
pecial Attraction for Auto Show Visitors.
Sun TliaQtv-A Thursday and Fri
Ull inediie day of this week.
Matinee Both days at 2:30. Night at 7:30 Sharp.
"just like a man"
"I want you to play for both of us," ho had told her. "I am not tho
least bit jealous, and will glory in your social triumphs."
Then ho left her in their palatial New York homo and" went
away to Colorado for a year.
and Owen Johnson's powerful Novel
" Virtuous Wives "
First Published in Cosmopolitan Magazine and now dono
In a magnificent photoplay by
Anita Stewart
Provides a wonderful evening's entertainment plus food
for thought.
The Cast Includes Five Stars.
Anita Stewart, Edwin Arden, Mrs. DoWolt Hopper, Conway
Tearle and William Boyd. Directed by George Loano
Memorial Trees.
The Twentieth Century club voted
at a recent meeting to plant troos
along tho Lincoln Highway on Ar
bor Day, April 22d, us a memorial for
each Lincoln county boy who lost his
life In tho service. Bolow Is n list of
names so far as wo have been ablo
to get them, and It Is incomplete. Will
tho parents anjl frlonds of these boys,
whether they were In service in this
country, or sent over seas, pleaBO
notify tho committee at once, giving
name and rank, so that wo may not
fall to honor every boy who made tho ,
supromo sacrifice for his country.'
Noel Donogan, Coulter Elder, Lee
Bird. Harry Burgncr, Al Carrol,
Georgo Patterson, Churchill, Don1
Duckworth, Archie DIscoo, Otto John
son, Paul Martin, Elmer Shaner,
Beck. MRS. B. J. FRATER,
Chairman Committee
Miss Hiinan Slurried.
Miss Elizabeth Hlnman and Llou
tenant Earl Layton Ford were mar
ried at Cleveland Ohio, on Sunday,
March 30th. The young couple loft at
once on a motor trip through the
eastern states to New York, Philadel
phia, Gettysburg and other places of
Interest. At the conclusion of their
trip they expect to return hero for a
short visit with the bride's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Y. A. Hlnman. This Is
another romance which grew out of
the world war. Miss Hlnman went to
Washington, D, C, at America's en
trance into the war, to do war work.
Lieutenant Ford was statlonod at
Camp Meade, just out of Washington.
The young: couple have not yet de
cided whether to rdturn to Richmond,
Va., where Lieutenant Ford practiced
law boforo his enlistment, or to seek
some new location.
Miss Almn Wnltemath entertained a
dozen frlonds nt bridgo yostcrdny af
ternoon. For Salo FIvo room cottage, mod
orn' except heat, two blocks from pav
inV. Phono Black 1159. 25-4p
Con Scharmann, of .tho postofflco
.forefc. Is expected homo today from nJ
trip fo tho Goshen Holo country In
Wyoming. ,
Herp's hoping that wo may see you
at Tho Lcador Mercantile Co.'s during
tho: auto show. You arc suroly com
ing. Mr and Mrs. Wilber Martin," who
had been visiting tholr daughter,
Mre, E. E. Clark, left for their homo
in Beatrice this morning.
Rev and Mrs. J. H. Curry and Mrs.
Mary Elder loft this morning for
Litchfield to attend .a mooting of tho
Kearney Presbytery.
Special showing of Millinery for
auto show vlstors. Miss Little In
charge of tho millinery department at
Tho Leader Morcantllo Co.'s.
Rovenuo Agent Olson, of Omaha,
has been In town for a couplo of days
looking after matters pertaining to
tho incomo tax and lending assistance
to corporations In innklng rcturnB
where such, Is needed. Accompanied
by E. F. Seoberger, Mr. Olson went to
iHershey yesterday to assist In making
returns for tho banks.
Tho Roynl Neighbors will hold a,
regular motlug at tho K. P. hall atj
3 p. m. Wednesday. I
Hero's hoping that wo may see you
nt Tho Lcador Morcantllo Co.'s during
tho auto show. You aro suroly com
ing. Thcro aro yet a fow casos of IlU In ,
town, but physicians no longor ro
port thorn and no attempt is made
to quarantine them. Tho dlscaso
caused a grcator toll In North Platto
than any disease wo havo aver had.
Tho auto show visitors nro asked
to not fall to vlst tho ready-to-wear
department of Tho Leader Morcantllo
Co. All tho latest creations in wom
en's nnd misses' suits, coats, dolmans,
capes, drosses, skirts and waists.
You will find your stylo at tho price
you wish to pay.
It is a sourco of rcgrot that thcro
will bo a conflict or attractions on
tho opening night of tho nuto show,
though this conflict can to a cer
tain extent bo avoided it thoso who
expect to atend "Tho Country Cous
in" at tho Keith visit tho auto show
boforo going to tho theatre Thursday
night Is North Platto night nt tho auto
show and tho manngomont hopes to
sco a big attondanco of town people
Extra Rooms Wanted
Extra rooms nro needed to nccom
modntOVl8tors to tho auto' show. Thoso
havlng'rooins to rent for this purposo
will plonso phono tho Hotol McCabo.
Heavy property damage, but fow '
personal Injuries of consequence ro
sulted from tho vicious tornndo that
swept across the western resldcnco
suction of OmnliU Sunday evening
shortly after 8 o'clock. Dundoo and
Clifton Hill Buffered tho greatest loss
es, many homes being unroofed and In
somo cases practically rulnod.
It Is remarkable that this twister
swooped down upon tho city at al
most tho snmo hour of tho day of tho
week ns the moro disastrous storm of
Easter Sunday, 1913, nnd nearly six
years aftorward.
Moreover, Sundny night's tornado
entered Omaha at oxnetly tho samo
spot as did Its doadllor predecessor
and In general followed tho snmo path
for a considerable dlstanco. v,..
About thlrty-flvo dwellings wcro do
stroyod or damaged. Tho worst of
tho storm visited tho city between
Contor and Leavenworth nnd Forty
nluth and Fifty-sixth strcots.
Pnssongors woro shnkon up and ex
cited when a street car was lifted
from tho tracks by tho terrific wind
nt Sorty-nlnth and Dodgo streets. No
ono was injured badly.
"Como, Smllo With Us" during tho
groat auto show. We're all glad to sco
you at Tho Leader Morcantllo Co.'s.
"Como, Smllo With Us" during tho
groat nuto show. Wo'ro all glad to boo
you at Tho Leader Morcantllo Co.'s.
-: :o:
Itnv Senilis Cmmetl
A number of citizens interested in i
tho Boy Scout movement in North
Platte have called a mass meeting)
of men at tho Franklin auditorium at
8:30 this evening for tho purposo of
forming a local council of twenty-five
men which will represent every phase !
f life and interest. This council v j
have entire charge of tho Boy Scout'
work In North Platto. It Is desired, to !
organize at least six troops of Scouts
with from twenty to thirty boys In
each troop.
All men Interested In the welfare of
tho boys are urged to attend this meet
ing this ovenlng.
: :o; ; .
.ii in. jxiivi ftl'UM I. inc. I
Mrs. Albert Abel, wlin nnnnnil tlin 1
McCabe Cafo several weeks ago, sold
tho furnishings this morning to the
Popojoy Brothers, who will at once
take . chargo and conduct the busi
ness. . Mrs. Abel onlnvfvl n Hhnml nslrnn.
ago, but found that tho business wns
noi 10 nor iiicing.
-: :o: :
Kearney Knights Coming.
Tho members of Mt. Hebron com
mandory. Knights Templar, of Kear
ney, will upon Invitation, pay a social
visit to Palestine commandery of this
city next Thursday evening. Tho vis
iting Knights will arrive on train No
7 and roturn on a night train. The
local Knights will tondor their guests
a banquet.
: :o:
Fnriners, Attention!
For Sale a John Deero corn lister,
almost now, used ono season, left with
mo to sell at a bargain.
Loador Merc. Co
1 : :o::
For Sale Davenport and bed. 10"
l south Locust. Phono Black 492. 25 4
See Us at the Auto Show
New Ford Enclosed Cars With Liberty
Built in Starter
Touring $525.00
Roadster $500.00
Coupe - $650.00
With Starter $75.00 Extra
Sedan - $775.00
With Starter $75.00 Extra
The Ford One Ton Truck Outside in Parking $550.00
Fordson Tractor
Equipped for Every Purpose Also in Section 5
Hermoline, the guaranteed oil, and all parts for your iuspection. -
Tractor and Plows $1085.00 this point
Hendy-Ogier Auto Co.
We Never Close
207-211 E. Fourth Street.
iSi JS iHwrI
April I