A Mild Flirtation O7 ALI80IT LED (Copyright, 1010, by Weitro Newipajer Union.) For fully twelve months Alvln Downey, lmclielor, used thirty-five, had been wooing Mnrcln Foster, six yenr8 his Junior. She wns nn orderly, good looking lndy with hoiiio resources, wns really nttrncted by the honest, open wny In which he proffered his petition ns n cliilniiint to her hand, and was worth the winning of any sensible man. "Olvo me time, Alvln," she had said. "I esteem you greatly, hut I want to ho sure (hat I shall not later regret nn Impulsive step." So, meekly, patiently, Alvln Downey continued his semi-weekly calls until nn Invalid brother sent for him from n city n thousand miles away. Mnrcln told 1dm she would miss him, and he went away feeling sanguine Hint ab sence would only make the heart fond er, and determined to bring affairs to n definite Issue upon Ids return. It was only after n dull week thnt Marcla begun to appreciate the pust companionship of Downey. Sho missed the auto rides, the weekly the ater and movie shows. Then one day something transpired that broke tho routine of her loneliness, and camo very nearly wrecking the fond hopes of Alvln Downey. She wns seated on tho veranda when 11 young man came up the rose-llncd walk, removed his hat and made an obeisance thnt would have done credit to a llcau Urunnnel. He had dark, curly locks and "a love of a mustache," any Impressionable young lady would have expressed It, bright, magnetic eyes and n most graceful bearing. Ho dashed all features of romance, how ever, by announcing that ho hnd a polishing compound in sell. Marcla listened patiently to his ex- ordlum as to the merits of his wares, and good-nnturcdly purchased n pack age of the polish. She went Into the housu to get her purse, and when sho returned fancied ho looked weary, Invited him to n sent, doubled her orlg Inal order nnd was quite touched by tho nppeallpg wny In which the hand some fellow expressed his gratitude. "It may bo tho hnrd times, or poo- pie generally don't want polish," he ventured to remark. "You have given me quite a lift, and I thank you. I am not used to this lino of work, and per haps that Is why I am not making n success of It." Miss Foster wns sympathetic arA always Inclined to be helpful. She unmed a number of neighbors, and told her visitor that he might tell them that she hnd directed him to them, His bright, thoughtful gluuco in re sponse to her kindness really thrilled her. Without apparent purposo tho young man drifted Into the story ot his life. Ho was tho younger son of a foreign duke, he modestly claimed, had struck out for himself In a new country, hud made an Injudicious In vestment and was stranded. What followed thnt eventful day wns a kind of a dream, a da.e to Miss Fos tor after it was all over. Quito Inci dentally, It appeared he met tho hand some polish vendor on tho street n day or two later. lie was limping, and In response to her Inquiries, In formed hot that he had been lnfd up since his call at her homo with sprained ankle. Delicately she brought tho situation to 11 point where tho young .man acknowledged that ho was completely out of funds and she In sisted on loaning him his needs until he got on his feet again Sho repented her action nt tho re sentful look that camo Into his face. It expressed pride, humiliation, the 8enso of n deep affront. Miss Foster tried to atone for her Impetuous nc tlon, nnd then Wllberford Heresford ns ho called himself, appeared to rec ognize her gentle kind-heartedness nnd tenrs camo Into his eyes, lie ad vised her how she could assist him There was a small, well-paying bust ncss, n stationery and book business in the town for sale. The owner was willing to take $1,000 for the same, Now Mnrcln hud been previously uwnru of the fact, nnd tlds cuused her to give credence to other detnlls presented by the wily schemer. Ho did not wish to borrow tho money without security. After nn exhibition of shame-faced ncss ho produced a pawn ticket cnlled for $800, nnd for that amount Beresford claimed to have pledged a crented ring of his noblo house set with soveral thousand dollars' worth of diamonds. If sho would ndvunco tho money, lie would send for the Jew elry, and it would bo ample security for tho amount of tho pledgo and the business Investment. "You will bo perfectly safe," ho de clared, "for I can get money from homo within n month. I would not sell the ring. I have often thought It shall only bo parted with when I wed tho woman I love," and his ardent eyes mndo the fluttering Marcla blush nnd drop her eyes. "I will have the money here for you ns soon as the bank opens," prom lsed tho deluded spinster rendlly, but sho novcr saw Wllberford Reresford again. An ofllccr from nnotber city arrested 111 tit that night for bigamy ami forg ery. Marcla Foster shrank from the chnsm Into which sho had so nenrlj fallen. Sho banished the swindler from her thought with u shudder, and when Alvln Downey came homo bei welcoming greeting told htm that he would soon win u lovlnp bride. UNITED STATES GOT BARGAIN Purchase of Florida From Spain for $6,000,000 Was Decidedly Good Stroke of Business. More thnn $0,000,000 wns paid by the United States to Spain one hun dred years agf- for Florida. In 1810. on the anniversary of tho birth of the nation's llrst president, there was concluded between John Qulney Adams, then secretary of state, anil I.uls I)e Onls, minister plenipoten tiary of the king of Spain, an agree ment and treaty whereby the United States became owner of what were then known as the provinces of Fast nnd West Florida. This territory Included not only nil of the present stute of Florida, but part of what Is now Oeorgla and Al abama, and It wns bought for 95.000, 000 nnd the sell lenient of some claims which amounted to $l,02i,7-I1.41, n total of $0,021,7-11.M. The language of the rcinnrknble document between the two nations Is I clear and precise nnd differs from other treaties to a marked extent. The two men who drew it up were pnst musters In statesmanship, politics and diplomacy; also, each was the most! ..... - .. . . I advanced thinker of the country he represented. Spnln wanted to get rid of her American possessions before they were taken awuy from her. She wns proud, but recognized the fuct thnt she wus In no position to wnge a long and pos sibly unsuccessful warfare to hold her colonies. America wanted the land in this continent held by Spnln, but wns will ing to acquire It by purchase rather than conquest, and with both sides ably represented by the best talent, It was not long before a satisfactory con clusion was reached. WILL MODEL ALLIED LEADERS American Sculptor In France Has Been Given the Task of Putting History Into Clay. Joe Davidson, the American sculp tor, now In France, Is engaged on a most Interesting commission, accord ing to the Manchester Guardian. Ho Is modeling a series of bronze busts of the chief allied military and politi cal leaders. Muny have already sat for him, ami many, including Halg and Lloyd George, have yet to give sittings. One of the sculptor's recent successes was a bust of Marshal Foch, done In clay, from which the bronze work will bo completed. Only two periods of time, totaling five hours, were uvallable for Davidson. Rut that proved sutllclent. Half wny through, the marshal Inspected what had been done and smilingly re marked: "Sculpture Is not so dltllcult. after nil." He also recalled with some pride that Gustavo Dore's Illustrations to Poe's works were mnde In his (Foch's) house. lie wns only a cap tain then. The sculptor's description of his sitter Is Interesting: Foch's brond, high forehead Indlcntes a man of philosophic rather than purely mill tnry type, hut the deep set. piercing eyes and strong though nowise brutal mouth, nose nnd chin show thnt the thinker Is equully n mun of nctlon and decision. From the point of view of physiognomy, a subject of absorb ing Interest. Famous Old Tavern Closed. The rising tide of prohibition hns swept away another ancient hostelry, the Rlue Anchor, at Front and Dock streets, Philadelphia, claimed to bo tho oldest tavern In Pennsylvania, nnd one of the two or three oldest In Amer ica. Tho Rlue Anchor Is one of the land marks of the city. Its walls bear tho Inscription that tho Inn was founded In 10S2, shortly after tho landing of William Penn, when Dock street wns Dock creek. As a tavern and bnr the building on this site has been op erated continuously for 2.17 years. Chroniclers of Dock street say that the original building wns burned in the later years of tho eighteenth cen tury, and that the present building dates from about 1781). Tho inu wus long known for Its fish dinners. Herolo Preacher. In n lit tlu euvo on a hillside, also under shell lire, a war correspondent found a preacher secretary tending his llttlo group of wounded. The men hnd fnlten too. fast that dny for tho ambu lances to carry them all. and so he had picked up a dozen of them, one by one, nnd curried them hack across tho shell boles to bis little cave In tho hill, whero ho thought thoy would be safe. All ! nK,lt Um& wnll Ks roared, he made his lonesome Journeys out, bring Ing in new wounded and carrying wa ter to those who cried out for it. Red Gross Magazine. Crops Worth Billions. The cereal crops of the United Stntes wero worth over $7,000,000,000 to tho farmers who raised them In 1018. The product of these crops, nil together, wns n llttlo under the total for 1017, but, while tho prices of some of tho ceroids were lower in 1018 thnn In 1017. the prices of others were sufil ! clently higher to mnko tho total vnluo of tho cereals grwiter in 1018 by more than u quarter of a billion dollars. Bubonic Plague In Argentina. A report from Ruonos Aires stntes thnt the government of thnt country Is sending a commission to tho prov ince of Jujuy for the purpose of fight ing the epidemic of bubonic plnguo, which Is reported to be serious. The Snntlngo dispensary reports 005 cases of typhus fever and IS deaths. Proving His Valor By OTILLIA FRANCES PFEIFFER (Ooprrlght, 1919, br Wetern Newpaper Union.) When Ernest Druse enmo bnck from the war, bearing tho scars of several wounds, a record for exceptional bravery nnd two honor decorations, tho girls of Rockton went fairly wild over Ho was hero, Idol, mid petted and feted favorite, while stay-at-homea beenme buck numbers, for tho time nt least. "He mnkes me tired I" observed Vnl Newcomb to a coterie of friends. "He's a monopolizer so far as tlu company and attentions of the Indies are concerned; that Is sure," remark ed one of the group. "Valor, courage und nil thnt sort oi stutrl "'"'H. he hl!d won lie war nil by himself 1" Jeered Vnl. "Hlf Inst cnptlvntlon is Esther Wilde Seems to think all tie has to do Is to look at n girl and she is his own spe- I'lnl property." "TT111 t Knur i: 'Unit Sour grapes, eh?" wns sug gested, which Vnl took with manifest Ill-nature and walked awny muttering to himself. "I've got to devise some kind of 0 move to make myself solid with the girls," ho soliloquized, sourly. "It was fair sailing with Esther until thai khaki wonder put in an appearance. J don't mind the general lot, but Esthei Is the pick of them nil, has money, beauty and social position, and I'm not going to give up my hopes and dreams so easily. I'm going to set my thinking machinery nt work and sec If I cnti'l devise somo scheme to get the upper hand of this audacious military mar vel." It was two dnys later when Val vis ited a drinking plnco In the slum por tion of tho town, nnd wus engnged In nn enrnest, low-toned conversntiou wltlyi rough nppenrlng denizen of tlu place for somo time. "Think you can curry out the pro gram?" wns his final Interrogation ot him of low brows and furtive, evil eyes. "Trust me for stnglng the uct ac cording to rule," was the confident re ply. "All right. Don't disappoint me Tuesdny night from eleven to twelve." Now Vnl hud Invited Esther to a lo cal entertainment for Tuesday eve ning nnd had prevailed upon her to ac company hlni. At the close of the entertainment they sauntered homeward slowly. It was nn exquisitely perfect Juno night und Vnl kept his eye out closely, scan ning tree nnd bush for the lurker he expected to help him "stage a real act of valor." He was simply courteous to Esther and did not seek to press bis atten Hons, for which Esther wns truly grateful, but nil tho time be wns con- grutulntlng himself over the Inevitable homnge nnd admiration that would be due him when the net was consum mated. There was a precious heirloom in the Wilde fnnilly, with which nil Rock- ton was familiar. It was a diamond sunburst, which Esther always wore on important occasions. Val made sure that it was in plucc upon this par tieular evening. Its vnluo was very considerable and he knew that its loss would be deeply mourned by the fall girl he hoped to make bis bride. "Oil, dear!" suddenly exclulmed Es ther, shrinking back in terror. A man. wearing a lialf-inask over his face, had sprung from behind a tree. In twinkling he had despoiled Esther of the Jeweled ornament. "Stop, you rulllan 1" shouted Val, dls engaging Esther's arm, leaping upon the audacious robber and Hinging hlni to the ground. "Go easy, mister 1" snnrled the lat ter, and, leveling n revolver, he strug gled to his feet. "Bo careful 1" quavered Esther. "He Is going to shoot." Tho footpad did shoot. Two sharp reports rang out. The highwayman turned nnd fled. "I will restore your property if 1 have to follow that miscreant to tlu ends of the enrth I" vaunted Val. "Don't risk your life " began Es ther, but with an injunction to hurry home to safety Vnl dashed in hot pur suit of tho thief, nnd both wero lost to sight. Esther did not enter the house when she reached it, but stood at the garden gate, peering nnxlously down the street. Sho was quite solicitous ns to tho welfnre of her courageous chum plon, although not 0110 whit perturbed nt the loss of the ornament. Then sli expressed n sigh of relief. At the end of half an hour Val camo Into view Ills uttlro was all awry, his collar torn out of place. "A deadly struggle nnd n desperntt villain I" amiouncod Vnl. "Ho escaped me, but not until I had wrested from hlni your precious property," and Val extended the sunburst. "Precious I" repeated Esther, with a slight smile. "Oh, Mr. Newcomb I WI13 did you so foolishly risk Injury for 0 mero triflo? Tills Is only a substitute pasto imitation which I have been wcurlng whllo the real ornament Is bo Ing reset." Vnl Newcomb wilted. All tho snuu ho felt he must bnvo demonstrated a bravery Esther could not fall to ud nilro. She gave him full meed oi pralso until bis bribed emissary, while under the Influence of liquor, let out tho details of the secret compact. Then Val Newcomb quietly left town for tho engagement of Esther und Ern est hud been announced that sumo day FOR SALE. My GCO aero ranch, well Improved, 4 miles southeast of Tryon, McPhor son county. Will tnko good city proporty In part payment. It. A. Mc FAR LAND, Phono Red 732 North Plntto, Nob. IStf ::o:: Cnttlo Minted For summer pnsture. can handlo n thousand head of steers and 700 cows or heifers. Plenty of grass, salt nnd water. Price per senson from $4 to SG. For further particulars address. S. A. THOMAS. Sutherland. Neb. Reference: Farmers' State Hank. Sutherland, Nob. 23tf BR. L. K. VANDIVER Physician anil Surgeon Rooms 5-G McDonald Bank Bldg., North Platte, Neb. mi. TWINE Jf HOSPITAL For Medical, Surgical, Mat ernity and convalescent pati ents. Successful operation on Appendix, when necessary Gall bladder Hemorrhoids Tonsils Adenoids Hospital Phone 110 Office Phone 183 Residence Phone 283 1008 West Fourth Street North Platte, Neb. W. E. FLYNN ATTORN'EY-AT-LAW Office over McDonald Dank. Office Phone 1136 Res. Phono 1120 GEO. B. DENT, Phsylclnn and Surgeon. Special Attention Given to Surgery nu( Obstrotrics. Office: Building & Loan Building Phones: Office 130, Residence 116 Office phone 241. Res. phone 217 L. C . D RO S T, Osteopathic Physician. North Platte, - - Nebraska. Knights of ColumbUB Building. Phone 308 ALBERT A. LANE, Dentist Rooms 1 and 2 Bclton Building North Platte, Nebraska. DOCTOR 1). T. QUIGLET Practice Limited to Surgery and Radium Thernpj 728 City National Rank Building. Omaha, Nebraska. ED KIERIG, Auctioneer. General Farm Sulos a Specialty. References and Pares nt First Na tional Bnnk, North Platte, Nob. Phono 1000. FOR A REAL AUCTIONEER GET R. I. Shappell, SUTHERLAND, NEB. Dales can bo mndo at Platto Valley Stnto Bank. ..I nlwnys tnko stock buyers with mo. L. M. McCLARA, Auctioneer. 3Iy 0110 best reference I'm always dated ahead Phono nt my expouso lor (lines 0GALALLA, NEBRASKA Hospital Phono Block 633 Houso Phone Black G33 W. T. PRITCHAR1), Graduate Vetcrlnnrlon Eliht years a Government Veterinar ian. Hospital 218, south Locust St one-half block southwest of the Court Houso. DEKBYBERRY & FORBES, Licensed Embamera Undertakers and Funeral Dlroctorg Dny phone 41 Night phono Black 5SS THE FARMERS' AUCTIONEER H. M JOHANSEN North Platte, Nebraska PHONE 018. By cnllng this nutnbor you enn as cortnln where I am. NORTH PLATTE ..General Hospital.. (Incorporated) One Hall Block North ol Postoftice. Phone 58 A modarn institution for the cientific treatment of medical, urgical and confinement caaei. Completoly equipped X-Ray and diagnostic Uboratorlen. Staff: Geo. B. Dent. M. D. V. lias, M. D. J. B. Re-jyiM.D. J. S. SIMMS, M.D. Office Phono 340 Res. Black 376 DR. SHAFFER, Osteopathic Physician Belton Bldg. North Platto, Nob. Phono for Appointments. NOTICE FOR PUHMCATION. Dctiiirtmrnt of (lie Interior. U. S. Lnnd Olllco nt Broken How. Ne- ornskn, .March 27, 1919. Notice In hereby given that John A. Scott, of Dickens, Nebrnskn, who, on i-onruary iu, uiti, made Homestead en try North Platto 0G312. Broken How. No. 011885, for Sb Section 26, Township 12 North, Rnngo 32 West, Gth i-rincipni .Meridian, has tiled notice ot intention to tnnko three year proof, to establish claim to the land nbove des cribed, before Win. II. C. Woodhurst, U. o. uommtssloner nt North Platte, Ne braska, on the 15th day of May, 1919. Claimant names as witnesses: L. T. Brodcr, of North Plntte, Nebraska, Win. Fackn, of Dickens. Nebraska. W. W. Sulton, of Dickens, Nebraska, Wendell aicerum, or DicitciiB, .Nouranka. MACK C. WARRINGTON. almO Register. Order of Ilenrinir on Flnnl Spttl -till n ff . Tho Stnto of Nebraskn, Lincoln Coun ty, s. In the County Court: In the matter of the Estate of Ooonrn W. Rose, Deceased. To the creditors, heirs, legatees and others Interested in tho estate of George W. Rose Take notice that Marv A. Rns hns filed In the county court n renort of hnr doing" as executrix of said estate nnd It Is ordered thnt the same stand for hearing the 26th day of April, A. D. 1919, before the court at the hour of 10 o'clock n. 111., nt which time nny por son interested may appear and except to and contest the same. Notice of this nroceeillnir nml Hm hearing thereof is ordered given to all persons Interested In snid mntter by publishing a copy of this order In the North Platto Tribune, a soml-weekly newspaper printed in said county for three consecutive weeks prior to said date of hearing. Dated March 15th. 1919. WM. H. C. WOODHURST, mlS-3 County Judge. Notice- of Attachment. State of NoUraska. Countv of Lin coln, SS. A. M. Blunic, first nnd real name un known, will take notice that on the 12th day of March, 1919, I. L. Mllton bcrger, n Justico of the peace of Lin coln county, Nebraskn, Issued nn or der of nttnehment for tho sum of $25.18 in nn action nendlnir before him wherein Derry berry & Forbes, Inc., Is plaintiff and A. M. Blume. first nnd real namo unknown, is defendant; thnt property of tho defendant consisting of moneys in the hands of the Masonic Lpdge or North Plntte, Nebraska, has been attached under said order. Said ordor Is continued to the 8th dny cf April, 1919, nt 2 o'clock p. m. UliillKXlilSKItY : l-ORUES, Inc.. ml4-3 Plaintiffs. NOTICE OF INCORPORATION. Notice is hereby trlven that tho un dersigned, In pursuance of the Stntutes of tho State of Nebraskn, do nssoctnte ineinseives in business ns n body cor pornted In tho mnnner nnd for the pur poses hereinnfter mentioned. 1. The name of the corporation shall be Stnr Bottling nnd Mercnntlle Company. 'i. Tho principal plnco of transact ing this business shnll be In tho city of North Plntte, Nebrnskn. 3. The general nature of the busi ness to bo transacted by said corpora tion sunn he the mnnuracture, pur chase and sale of carbonated bover- nges nnd cldors, nnd to buy nnd sell nt wnolesnle, crushed fruits, syrups.frult. groceries, cignrs nnd tobneco, nnd such otnor goods nnu merchandise as Bald corporation may, by a resolution of tho board of directors from time de cide to handle, nnd snid corporation may do such other business as Is neces sary to carry out the main purposo of this corporation, and ror thnt purposo said corporation shall have the power to buy, sell nnd convey, lense, sub lcnso nnd let such real estate nnd buildings nnd appurtenances as may be necessary and incidental to tho proper and profitable conducting of said business, nnd mny do and per form such other acts ana things ns may be Incidental and necessary to tho main powers of the corporation. 4. Tho date of the commencement of tho business of said corporation shnll be April 1, 1919, and It shall terminate business on the 1st day of April, 1969. 5. The amount of capital stock au thorized Is $75,000.00, $40,000.00 of which Is fully paid in, the bnlanco to bo paid In as the Directors see lit to Issue., 6. The- highest amount or indebt edness to which this corporation shall nt nny time subject Itself, shnll not ex ceed two-thirds of its paid up capital stock. 7. The affairs nnd business or tho corporation shall be conducted by a Board of Directors, President, Vice President, General Manager, Secretary and Treasurer. Dated March 17, 1919. JULIUS VVAFAl. RAY C. LANCKORD. HARRY M. PORTER. J. J .HALLIGAN. M18A11 ORDER FIXING OI.AI.M DAYS EHtllte No. Kill:. In tho Matter of the Estate of Earl E. Butler, Deceased. Now on this 12th day of March, 1919, It is ordered by tho Court that tho Ad ministrator be allowed ono year from this date in which to settle said Estate, nnd creditors will be nllowed until the 24th dny of Sept., 1919 to fllo their clnlms, nfter said date, claims will bo forever barred. That on the 24th dny of June, 1919, nnd tho 24th dny of Sept,, 1919, nt 10 o'clock A. M. of ench of said days, the court nnd tho administrator will attend at the county court room In said county, to receive, examine, hear, nllow, nnd ndjust claims. That notice of this ordor be given creditors and nil persons interested in snid Es tate by publication of n notice for four successive weeks immediately preced ing thu 24th dny of June, 1919, in tho North Platte Tribune, a lognl semi weekly newspnpor printed nnd pub lished In Lincoln county, Nebraska. WM. II. C. WOODHURST. M18A8 County Judge. Highest Cash Prices Paid for Hides and Junk. L. LIPSHITZ. NOTICE (iotlienlmrg South Side Irrigation Com linn)", (iotlirnlitirg. I). I', lllnkler. (iotlienliurg, nnd nil other Interent rd. You and each of you are hereby no tified that a hearing will be held at tho State Engineer's office, located at 410 State Capitol building In Lincoln, Lancaster County. State of Nebraska, on the 18th day of April, 1919, at two ociock l'. M., for the purposo or de claring cancelled nnd forfeited nil pre tended claim or rights purporting to have been granted under water appro priation Docket No. 631, dated Oc tobor 26, 1S94; loented In wntor division No. 1-A; the point of division being. un tno soutn onnK or tno strenm in tho NWW of Section 30, Township 12, Range 26 West of tho Gth P. M. in Lincoln County. Nebraska." and tho land covered by said appropriation is described ns follows: Pnrts of Sections 5, 4. 3, 9, 10, 11, 1G. 15. 14. 13. 22. 23. 24. 26 nnd 25, Township 11, North Range 26; parts of Sections 19, 20, 30, 29, 28, 31, 32, 33, A nnd 35, Township 11, North Range 25; Parts of Sections 5. 4, 3, 2, 1, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 nnd 24, Township 10, North Rnngo .15, Parts of Sections 6, 7, 8, 9, 18, 17, 1G, 15, 14, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 25. 2G, 27. 28, 29, 30, 33, 34, 35 and 36, Township 10, North Rnngo 24, nnd parts ot Sections 1 nnd- 2, Township 9, North Range 24, nil west of the Gth P. M. In Lincoln nnd Dawson Counties, Nebras ka, or those portions of the legal sub divisions of tho land above enumerated not covered or claimed by other irrlgn flon works entitled to prior appropri ation for the Irrigation thereof, amounting In nil to nbout twenty live thousnnd ncres. You and each of you are hereby no tified to apear at said henrlng nnd show cause why said npproprintlon hereinbefore specifically described should not be forfeited and cancelled. STATE HOARD OF IRRIGATION, HIGHWAYS AND DRAINAGE, By GEO. E. JOHNSON, State Engineer, Secretary. Dated this 11th day of Mnrch, 1919. (SEAL) ml4A12 SHERIFF'S SALE By virtue of an order of sale Issued from tho District Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska, upon n decree of foreclosure rendered in said Court wherein Occidental Building and Loan Association, a Corporntlon, Is plaintiff, and Leon Geo Hess, et al are defend ants, and to mo directed, I will on the 19th day of April, 1919, at 2 o'clock P. M., nt the east front door of tho court House in North Platto, Lincoln County, Nebraska, sell at Public Auction to tho highest bidder for cash, to satisfy said decree, Interest nnd costs, the fol lowing described property, to-wit: Lot six (6), Block soventy-soven (77) In the original town of North Platte as surveyed, platted and re corded. Dated North Platte, Neb., March 15th 1919. A. J. SALISBURY, M18A15 Sheriff. Notice of Incorporation of J. S. DavlM Auto Company. Notice Is hereby given that tho un dersigned, have formed a corporation under the name of J. S. Davis Auto Company, with Its principal place of business In the City of North Plntte, Lincoln County, Nebraska, and the general nature of the business to bo transacted being tho carrying on of a genorad wholesale and retail mer chandising business, the wholesale nnd retailing of machlnrey, automobiles repairs and accesosries, the operation of machine and repair shops nnd all necessary things incident thereto, and also the buying and selling of real nnd personal property nnd to do all things Incident thereto. The amount of the cnpltnl stock of said corporation Is in tho sum of Seventy-five thous nnd 00.000 ($75,000.00) Dollars, divid ed Into shares of One Hundred 00.100 ($100.00) Dollars each, the same to b epald for In cash or In property as may be determined by the Board of Directors. The time of tho commence ment of said business to bo on tho 1st day of .Innunry, 1919, and continue for a period of fifty years. The high est amount indebtedness to which aid Corporation shall at any time subject Itself shall not bo more than Fifty Thousand 00.100 ($50,000.00) Dol lars. The nffnlrs of the corporation shnll be conducted by a Board of Di rectors, consisting of three persons. Said Board of Directors to elect the President. Vice-President, Treasurer and Secretary. untetl this 13th dny or January, 1919. J. S. DAVIS. MARY E. DAVIS. J. J. CRAWFORD. W. J. TILEY. J. E. FILLION. J. R LAIN NOTICE FOIt lTIlMCATION Department of the Interior. U. S. Lnnd Olllco at Broken Bow, Ne braska, Mnrch 18, 1919. Notice Is hereby given that Oliver C. Lucas, of North Platto, Nebraska, who, on November 29, 1915, mnde homestead entry, North Platto No. 0G271, Broken Bow No. 011865, for tho W SW, Sec tion 2, Township 15 North, Range 30 West of tho Gth Principal Meridian, has filed notice of Intention to mnko threo yonr proof, to establish clnlm to the land above described, boforo William H. C. Woodhurst, U. S. Commissioner, nt North 'Plntte, Nebrnskn, on tho 9th day of May, 1919. Claimant names as witnesses: Frank Eberly, John Weldon, John Saunders, Frank Hood, all of North Plntte, Ne braska. , MACK C. WARRINGTON, m25m2 Register. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Scaled bids will bo received nt the olllco of the County Clerk of Lincoln County, until 3 p. in., on Saturday, April 19. 1019. at North Platte, Nebras ka, for grndlng, surfacing, nnd Inci dental work on tho North Platto-Suth-orland Project No. 10, Federal Aid Road. Bids will bo opened nt tho office of the Board of County Commissioners of Lincoln County, nt their olllco In the Court House, North Platto, Nebraska, promptly after the time for receiving bids has closed. The proposed work consists of con structing nppromlmately 19.1 miles of earth road, with stretches of gravel surfacing. , The npproxlmato quantities are: 98,171 cu. yds. of enrth excavation. 4,652 cu. yds. mile hauling gravol. Certified check 5 per cent of amount of hid. Plnns nnd speclflcntlons for the work may be seen and Information may bo secured nt tho above olllce,- or nt the olllco of tho State Engineer, Lincoln, Nebraskn. Tho State and County re serve tho right to waive all technical ities, and to reject any nnd nil bids. A. S. ALLEN. County Clerk. GEO. E. JOHNSON.Stnte Engineer. Estrny Notico Taken up on section 31, township 12, range 30, on or about the 9th day of March, 1919, by tho undersigned, who there resides a team of geldings, one n dark brown Uio other a light brown, ono with blazed face and wire cut on right front foot, no brands or collar marks. Botli animals about five years old. Owner call, provo property and take nnimals away. E. B. CAMP, m25m2 North Platto.