The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, April 04, 1919, Image 1

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No. 24
afiiyor-elect Stroltz will bo Inducted
into offlco next Tuesday ovonlng at
the regular seini-nionthly mooting of
the council, Councilman E. G Coates
and C. L. Buskins also taking their
seats at that.tlmo.
Mr. Streitz has not publicly inti
mated his selections for city attorney,
city physician and members of the po
lice force.
It is probable that iulto a number
of citizens will attend this meeting to
witness the induction of the now may
or and to wish him a successful ad
ministration. Ho will assumo the Uu
tles of tho office under somewhat try-
jut; uuiiuiuons, ror tne moro radical of
his supporters will no doubt make
cortaln demands of him that are un
reasonable and impossible to fulfill.
Eggs for setting. Plymoth Rock.
$1.00 for fifteen. Phono 783P3.
The Dellghlful Screen Sinr
Edith Roberts
will mako you say "well dono"
when you see her in her latest
When she came to tho city from
her mountain home her only
clothes wero her grandmoth
er's her only friend a pet pig.
But when the call of tho wild
drew her back again, no one
wanted her to go. You'll know
why when you see delightful
Edith Roberts in this pretty
and thrilling picture.
C. F. Temple cqunty chairman ot
tho Liberty loans committeo received
the following telegram yostorday:
Omaha, Neb., April 3, 1919.
C. P.. Temple. North Platto!
Six thousand pound tank on special
train accompanied by tank crow and
victory loan speaker will arrive in
North Platte April 19th, for all day
victory loart demonsctration. Tank
will unload and operate on its own
power through the streets. Will nd
viso you of further development.
E. F. FOLDA. Secy.
Tim nnpolnl Irnln with tlin tnnk will
arrive Saturday mowing, April 19th.
TIiIb war tank which is supposed to
havo soon service in tho battles over
Rf.iH. will ns sttitnil In tlin tolocrnm.
bo operated by a regular tank crow.
Not only will it be run through the
streets, but Chairman Temple, ns nd
vlsod In Oninlm n slinrt tlmp nun. will
I erect a barricade of railroad tlos and
i have trenches dug In order to demon-
strato just what these tanks can do
anu nave none in aciuai war
fare in overcoming obstructions to
their progress. If any property own
er around town has an old delapidatetl
building which he desires torn down,
Chairman Temple will be glad to have
tho tank do the work and he guaran
tees that tho destruction of the build
ing will be complete.
Lincoln county residents have read
of tho work of these tanks, have seen
them pictured, and now on April 19th
will have an oportunlty to see them In
A big oan drive meeting wirt be
held in the evening following the dem
onstration. ::o:: j
Monroe Salisbury
The master of emotional pho
to play in his powerful
dramatic triumph
"The-Light of Victory"
taken from Geo. Hulls story
"Breathes There a Man," run
in Scnbners Magazine and
T0T0 fn his lalest comedy, BUSY DAY
Enifineprs Will Hold Mnv I'nriv.
Division 88. Brotherhood nf Tnon-
motive Engineers, met this wppk .ami
decided to give their annual May par
ty on Thursday, May first. Frank
Moore was appointed chairman of the
arrangement committee and ho has
secured tho Lloyd opera house for tho
party, tins being tho only building in
town large enough to accommodate
tho crowds which for over a third of
a century havo yearly attended this
social function.
The manngomont of tho Auto Show,
which comprises the North Platte
Auto (Dealers' Association havo se
cured tho services of O. S. Popojov
as manager of the auto show, 'lib
informs us tlmt tlm u
" ,- "V v i
jiousc is ueing cleared up, lloors clean
ed and everything In readiness for
tho Burgoss-Xash decorator who ar
rives Saturday from Omnha with tho
decorations and electrical equipment
to make tho old opera house resemhlo
a palm garden. He brings with lijm
much of tho decorations and equip
ment used in tho Omaha auto show.
All of the musical orchestras havo
been secured for afternoon and even
ing. In the ovenlng there will be spe-
wui quartettes together with the Peer
less Trio of Sioux- VMv.
are informed that tho management
Jias secured the musical Walkers
with their $1,000 worth of musical In.
struments. Theso nre in addition to
wnat wore formerly secured which
now guarantees that something will
be doing every minute.
Some of tho automobiles which will
be on exhibition at tho show arc ar
riving in town nnd everything will bo
in readiness for tho grand opening at
2:3Q Thursday afternoon. Do not
forget that Thursday from 2:30 to
5:30. tho school children nro admit
ted froe. Thursday night is North
Platto night. Friday is everybody's
day and evening. Saturday farmers'
day. Saturday oven!
night. Do not miss seeing tho .flying
machine. Everybody invited. Watch
for tho parade Thursday at 12 o'clock.
: to: :
:o: :
Cattle Hrlng Good Price.
Scott Reynolds, living six miles
southeast of town, a fnw rf
sold sixty head of coming three, year.
oiu steers to iPeter Peets. of SIdnev.
for S17Q.50 ,a head. While 'this se'enis
a big price for cattle, the condition of
the steers fully warranted tho sum
A few doslrabln KPinni1.lnitui Vnnk
at Uio right prices. Hemly-Oglcr Auto
Bo sure to attend tho Pfinpprf In
tho Men's Glee Club of "n
logo, given Ullder tho aiinnlina nf Mia
Junior 'clasB, Monday evening, April
7th, at S o'clock. Admission 50c.
Every day's express from Now York
brings In newer styles in women's
suits, coats dolmans, capes and dross
es. Don't fail to see them at Tho
Leader 'Mercantile Co.'s.
Christian Science service Sunday 11
a. m. Sunday school 12 m. Wednesday
ovenlng meetings every week at 8:00
o'clock. cordial invitation Is extend
ed to all to attend theso services.
Building & Loan building, room 25.
Stout suits in a big variety of styles,
prices from $35 to $fio. Wn rnn fit
them all. E. T. Tramn & Sons.
B. O. CoafOs and Dr.' L. C. Drost
drove. to Kovstonn 'Lint. nltht
they were called lv tlin snrlnuq tlinnaa
of Mr. Coates,' son-in-law. H. A.
NoW novel Ideas cnmlni In nnnli fin.
fn suits and coats: if VOll nrn Intnr-
ested do not miss them. E. T. Tmnm
& Sons.
Superiority in Workmanship niitl
Perfection in Fit is what makes the
Printess garments different. We
are making special prices this sea
son on our garments, consequently
' we are able to please you in every
Each and every Printzess model
is an expression of the newest Paris
thought and yet the style is lasting
and dependable. Compare quality
and you will find better tail
oring, better material, then look at
the lining and you will be more than
satisfied that it is real merchandise.
IMiy u Printzess garment and you
will not regret your purchase.
Prompt service in getting your gar
ment right out.
Jfe'Tl r
Jntne- Ware, of Blair, has boon
spondlhK this wcok in ,town.
Mr. .,..! Mrs. T. C. Pattorson will
return i ,i8 ovening rrom a two weeks'
visit in i ho east.
Mrfl. V II. llnv1 . lira rw
Miss M.i. Doyd, of Ogalalla. visited
lriunuK in town yestordav.
It. L. Maker, nnn nf!.
booster spont Tuesday in town while
uniuuif iiomo irom a business trip to
ItVtlhio to plant pansloB, asparagus
roots ami rhubarb, and we have good
ones. , Tho North Platto Floral Co.,
1 IlUllti J '-0.
Thot, i iost wohdorful collection of
IMDllill MIHS. Ilmaa .Inl.iini.u
n 1 1.1
"" " jou ever saw nre now on
display and sale at BLOCK'S.
Bo sun to attend the concert by the
Men s, Oi.-o Club of Doano College,
given under tho auspices of tho Junior
class, Monday evening April 7th, at 8
o clock. Admission 50 cents.
Tho Guidon Ruin rMnc,
IPresbyttrlan church will meet with
IV. VV ,JasKs. -02 west Eighth,
this aftornoon at three o'clock. A
full attendance is desired. Hofrosh
ments will be served.
Tho women's foreign missionary
society of tho jVl. R. oim
with Mrs Walter Crook. 215 Locust
Huooi, mis aitornoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Mnsnn.
route homo from California. ' stopped
u.ui ui yesterday to visit their
niece, Mrs. Millard Hosier.
It. O. Palmer, nmnlnvoil nMm tn,,-..
er bowling alley; was arraigned be
fore U. , S OnimiilsHlniiiar. rn,ii..,-i
. . w .. v, . KUUUUUIOt
Wednesday on tho charge of sending
obsceno llteraturo through tho malls
His hearing was set for April 14th,.
License to wed was issued Wed
nesday la Prnnlr r..i it i
Barnett, ,both of Horshoy, and to How
ard Marshal, of this city and Ethel
Ogg, of Keystone. Yesterday Judgo
oodhurst united in marriage A. T.
iiunier, oi L,isco nnd Hazel Bonn,
of Lacon.
Palestine nmnmnnilnrv
Templar, elected tho following of-
ncers" Wednesday ovening: Eminent
commander. Harrv Dl
T; Brock; captain general, J.
o. nwiium; treasurer, Chas. McDon
ald; recordor. A. v. s.roi. ,Dor.
. P. Stre tz. '
Dont fluend tliii tlmA nti.i ,.
make dresses for'
ouy-tnem better than mnt
make. On snle now, the Mary Now
ton gingham dressns at nKr. i at
$1.95, $2.45 and $2.95.. at Tho'lador
Morcantilo Co.'s. ,
This has been tho greatest suit sea
son over known. Wo are getting in
now suits OVOrV dav tn nnmilv M.r.
great demand. You aro sure to find
hero the kind of a suit you may want
whether It may bo a box suit, blouse
suit, or plain tailored suit. BLOCK
has thorn.
Easter gloves In French kid qr the
Niagara Maid silk dnvea tn n m,
wanted shades at BLOCK'S.
1110 J A. It. Will lllOOt nt till! l.r.,r,r.
.tlJ 1 Wilt l
Ol iIrs. ( . jr. Snnnrnr. finj
Street on Monday ovening at 7:. ID. Tho
snowing program will bo given: Mu
sic, D. A. It. ounrtotto V.rrnnt r.r
War Upon Music. AtrH P t? nrr,r...
A musical Medley, Chapter.' Holi
viiu. My favorite Song. Itoport of
Nebraska State Conference, Mrs.
in all tho now materials, such as
satin, ete may he seen at BLOCK'S
The largest and most beautiful as
sortment In the city of Easter skirts
in all the now materials, such as fan
tasio, kumslo kumso, baronotto satin,
etc., mm be seen at BLOCK'S.
vim SALU
White Plymouth Bock eggs for sot
tlng at $1 50 for 15. Phono Black 920.
Turner In Had Again.
Charloy Turnoiv colored,, was ar
rested Wodnosdaynilght on tho charge
of illegal possession of liquor, Shor
iff Salisbury having unearthed twolvo
pints of whisky at tho Turner homo.
He wni taken to Jail but was released
from custody by furnishing a $500
bond. Ho Will hnvo a tiri.tliiilimi.v
hearing baforo .TtulL'n
Tuesday. This Is Turner's second of
fense under tho latest liquor law.
In tho wrestling match Wednesday
ovening at tho dromon's hall, Nollis
took two falls out of Ityan of Grand
Inland,, securing the first fall in twen
tytwo minutes nnd tho third in six
minutes, while ltyan got tho second
fall In forty minutes. In tho pre
liminaries Joo Thomas took two falls
out of Hex A.'nold nnd Jack Wright
bested Pat Buff In two straight falls.
Tonight Anderson, a mat man from
Dos Moines, will attempt to throw
both Nollis ami iivn
-... 'mini iiitrty
You'll 1)0 nloasod with mil Tntlllnnt
up to the mlmitn ntvl HQ nf (t.lnrtn .
- j .... ii inn in
suit your nursm. n'hta
Tho Leader Mercantile Co. in charge
- '" Mill iv
Memorlnl Service
Tlioro will bo a memorial sorvlco
hold at tho Maxwell Baptist chfirch
on Sunday afternoon, April G, nt four
: o uiock, now tinio, ror isimor Shaner,
who was killed in action Jn Franco.
I Ho was tho son of Mr. and Mrs. O. D.
Shnnor, of Maxwell, and a brothor of
juMrs. Norman Connelly of this city.
jui returned soldiers nnd sailors arc
especially invited to nttond.
Chicken Dinner mid Supper.
The ladles of tho Christian church
will servo n chicken dinner nnd sup- "
por in tho church bascmont Friday,
April llth. Visitors to tho nuto show
aro Invited to take advantngo of this
opportunity to got a good dinner or
supper or both.
First Lutheran Church.
Mornim: worshl
joct, "I am tho Vlnoj" evening Wor
ship 8:15 o'clock, subject, "Light In
the Dark
iay school at ono o'clock. You aro
cordially invited to worship with us
REV. C. F. KOCH, Pastor. '
Boys' blouses, wash suits, and romp
era nnd creepers for tho little tots at
i no meaner Morcantilo Co.'s.
Keith Theatre Friday and Saturday
Fatty Arbuckle in "The Sheriff"
'tiff&fcr"'-shootin' in
FRIDAY, George Walsh in "NEVER SAY QUIT '
. How a submarine chaser captured a shipload of modern piratea.
SATURDAY, Wallace Reid in "The Man From Funeral Range"
tojrowit18 onethinfitobe innocent and quite another thing
PRICES; Adults 25c, Children 15c, Inclnding War Tax.
in. iu:irrEi,i)
IMisician, Olisfolrk'lan
Surireon, X-Ilay
Calls Pn.iuptly Answered Sight or Day
. Phone Office (till ltesldence CHI
tl Service
Ford Repair Shop
722 N. Locust. Phone 152.
S Trial Will Convince You,
BltSi'lJ4!!t!!,IS-iMi.i..M.MM.w. .....?
' '"''WwW.VmWwWi.W.iiiWm'i'.
Hnn Wlk?9 Willi
Not a picture of fancy but of fact. The.dirty Work of spies and
sT Z nCh-ytU hrnv? realof i3 " visible from plotTdeed
See the cunning of the Hun-snakes.'and then rejoice in that
Keith Theatre MmJnvr A T.J
x'jlvuuuj auu lUCoUay
Latest tn oxfords in Salin,
Patent, Black' Brown and
White soft kid, witlh the
newest Louis XII heels,
high arch and snug fitting
around the ankles, priced
ro $5 to $8
Latest Eastern style pumps,
in Satin, Patent, black
Kid, and white Kid, dres
sy heels, high arch and
snug fitting around.. the
top, priced from
$4.50 to $8
hates styles in the new medium low military heels in .ox
fords and pumps, in black, dark browns and white kid
and canvas, priced from A .
$4.50 to $8.00
Our line of Children's Shoes and Slippers is complete
and we have a large line to select from at
Aoril rr ll-l?
" 1 i