The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, April 01, 1919, Image 7

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There are
record of
tusea a family of eight la her story
remarkable. Thousands of families
are larger. The history of tho Koch
family la unique In that tho mother.
with all her loving: care, pinned her
faith to a simple homo remedy and
never had a doctor for her children.
Here Is what oho Bays: "Peruna has
done my children cood. I have a
family of eight and never had a
doctor, only your medicine. We all
think Peruna a splendid tonic."
So far as vr have learned, Pe
runa is the only known remedy for
which such a wonderful claim can
be made. Like Mrs. Koch, there
are thousands upon thousands Of
mothers who place their entire de
pendence upon Peruna.
That Peruna has merited this
confidence is attested by tho words
You can prevent this loathsome disease from running
through your stable and euro all tho colts suffering with
it when you begin the treatment. No matter how young,
SI'OIIN'S COMPOUND is safe to use on nny colt. It is
wonderful how It prevents all distempers, no matter how
tho colts or horses at any age arc "exposed." SI'OIIN'S
is sold by your druggist. ,
SI'OIIN MEDICAL CO., Sole Mfrn., Goahen, Intl.
Natural Procedure.
"Wlint do you think of that now
os scheme?" "Oh, everybody Is mak
ing light of it."
flow Is the Tim to Get Rid of These Ugl Spoti
There's no longer th llhtest need of feellnj
ashamed ot your freckles, an Olliino doable
-atrencth Is guaranteed to remote these homely
Simply set an ounce of Othlne double
trength from your druggist, and apply a Utile
f It night and morning and you should soon se
that eten the worst freckles hare begun to dis
appear, while the lighter jncs hare Tanlshed en
tirely. It Is seldom that more than one ounce
4 needed to completely clear the skin and sain
beautiful clear complexion.
Be sure to ask for tbo double strength Othtne,
as this' la sold under guarantee of money Lack
At It falls to remote freckles. Adr.
On Himself.
Novelist Booth Tnrklngtoii tells with
.gusto this story ngulnst himself:
"I was strolling round an artists'
Ited Cross fair when two pretty dap
pers of sixteen or so came up and
asked me for my autograph.
U,I haven't got a fountain pen,' I
wild, much Ilattered. 'Will pencil do?'
"'Yes,' replied the older flapper,
and so I took out a pencil nnd signed
tny name In the morocco hound book
that she had given me.
"The flapper studied my signature
with a frown. Then she looked up and
aald :
'"Aren't you Itohert W. Chambers?'
" 'No,' said I. 'I'm Booth Turklng
ton.' "The flapper turned to her friend
with 11 shrug of disgust. .
M 'Lend me your rubber, May,' she
Quite So.
Three little girls were discussing
the clubs their fathers belong to. "My
father belongs to the Mnoses," said
"My dad belongs to the Elks," said
"My papa must belong to the ele
phants. He's so fat and big," re
marked Lenore.
And mother, who was listening, hud
to leave the room to Inugh.
Terrible Suggestion.
"We have a duck of a doctor."
"Great Scott 1 You don't mean to
nay hf's a quack?"
The Same Delicious
' Satisfying Drink
Used for years instead of coffee by
families who value health
The Original
Boiled just liKe coffee
15 minutes after boiling begins..
Rich in aroma. Pleasing in flavor.
Economical. No table drink has
ever taken the place of Postum.
"There's a
Get it at grocers. Two sizes 1 5c & 25c.
ad a Doctor
Reared Her Family
Americas Mother Beats Them All
few families in which th
Mrs. Gustavo Koch, Box 24,
ivewicK, jn.eoKUK uounty, lowa, has been
Not in the fact that sho
from such mothers as Mrs. Gustavo
Koch. Long life to herl Peruna Is
indicated for coughs, colds, catarrh
of tho head, noso and throat, or dis
order of tho stomach, bowels on
other organs duo to catarrhal In
flammation of tho mucous linings.
If you are sick and suffering,
write tho Peruna Company, Dept.
S-80, Columbus, Ohio, for Dr. Hart
man's Health Book. It Is freo and
you may find that Peruna is what
you need. Dr. Hartman'a "World Fa
mous Peruna Tonic comes in either
liquid or tablet form. Ask your
dealer. If you are seeking health,
do not accept "something Just as
good." Insist upon Peruna. Your
dealer will give you a Peruna Al
manac. A man carries domestic economy to
extremes when ho stops the clock at
night to snvo time.
Has been used for nil ailments that
are caused .by a disordered stonnich
nud inactive liver, such as sick head
ache, constipation, sour stomach,
nervous indigestion, fermentation of
food, palpitation of the heart caused by
gases In the stomach. August Flower
is a gentle Inxatlve, regulates digestion
both in stomuch and Intestines, cleans
and sweetens tho stomach and alimen
tary canal, stimulates the liver to se
crete the bile and Impurities from tho
blood. Sold In all civilized countries.
-"ve It n trial. Adv.
Wild Horses a Problem.
France has courteously but Hrraly
refused to consider the -strjngy meat
of the bony Montana wild range horse.
Washington , dispatches declare that
United States Senator T. .1. Walsh of
.Montana, who took the matter up with
the French high commission, was told
that France was not In the market
for Montana horse meat on any terms.
Sale of the range horse for food
has long been agitated, as be devours
the rnnge. He Is worthless as a horse
and to round him up, slay and bury
him would cost loo much money. Ho
Is too numerous to kill and let lie,
since be might start a plague. Va
rious projects to can him have been
gently scorned by Amerlcnn meat
packers, and the solution of tho prob
lem, It would seem, is not yet.
Some Don't Know It.
Hero's a registration yarn which,
though late, still has Its laugh:
Louis Yvyno was born In sunny
Italy. When he registered he was re
quired to All out an Information slip
giving name antl other personal facts,
lie wns a bright boy and made no
mistakes until he came to the lino
marked "born," followed by a blank
space. In this Ixnils wrote down very
neatly the one word, "Yes."
Her Occupation.
"What kind of u woman Is his wife,
Amanda?" "1 think she Is what you
call a mandatory."
Be pleasant until 10 o'clock In the
momlnc; and the rest ot tho day will
tnko care of Itself.
There nrc persons so radiant, so ko'
lal, so kind, so plensuro-bearlnir, that
you Instinctively feel In their presence
that they do you Rood, whoso coming
Into n room Is like tbo bringing ot a
lamp there. Henry W. needier.
Fish, when it Is ohtnlncd fresh, is
one of our most Important foods. It
ndds variety to the
diet nnd Is almost
unlvcrsnlly liked.
Oysters Loulsane.
Clean and par
boll one quart of
oysters ; r e s e r v o
the liquor; add wa
ter to make one
n'ld one-half cupfuls. Cook three
rablespoonfuls of butter with two
tnblespoonfuls of chopped red pepper
antl one-half tnhlespoonful of chopped
shallot live minutes. Add four table
spoonfuls of flour, and the oyster
liquor. Ilrlng to the boiling point and
s.-ason with one-half teaspoonful of
'alt. a few dashes of paprika, cayenne
and one tablespoonful of acid fruit
Juice Arrange In buttered shells, pour
over the sauce and sprinkle with
grnted I'armesan cheoso.
Crab Meat Tlmbales. Melt three
lablespoonfuls of butter; ndd three
vrblospoonfuls of flour nnd stir until
well blended; then pour on gradually,
stirring constantly, three-fourths of a
cupful of milk and the same amount
of cream. Ilring to the boiling point,
season with threg-fourths of a tea
spoonful of salt, ndd one-hnlf pound of
crab meat, one-fourth of a pound of
mushrooms, sauted In a little butter,
and one canned pimento, cut in long
strips. Fill tlmbnle cases with the
mixture and serve.
Fillets of Halibut. Wipe two
three-fourths'-pnund slices of hnlibut
and cut Into eight Allots. Itoll each
nnd fasten with wooden skewers. Ar
range six thin slices of fat snlt pork In
a pan, cover with one sliced onion, one
half a bay leaf, broken in bits, and
place the fillets over this. Cream to
gether three tnblespoonfuls of butter
nnd ndd the same amount of flour.
Cover the Allots, with the mixture nnd
sprinkle with buttered cracker crumbs.
Hake In a hot oven.
Sardine Cocktails. Skin, bone and
separate Into smalt pieces one box of
sardines. Mix a cupful of tomato
catchup, two teaspoonfuls of
Worcestershire sauce, one-half tea
spoonful of tabasco sauce, the juice of
u lemon; add the sardines and season
with salt. Chill thoroughly and serve
In scallop shells on crushed Ice.
A happy man or woman Is a better
thing to find than a five-pound noto
they practically demonstrate tho
theorem of tho ltvabloness of life
It. L. Stevenson.
A few slices of side pork, cooked un
til brown, nnd a gravy mnde by using
two tnblespoonfuls of
the fnt with two table
spoonfuls of flour, well
blended, makes a nice
dish to serve with baked
Fried Salt Pork, Coun
try Style. Cut salt pork
In thin slices and gash
each rind several times. Dip In corn
meal nnd flour, using two pnrts corn
nienl to one of flour. Fry In a hot fry
ing pnn until crisp and brown. Itc
move from Hie pun nnd strain the fnt;
to two tnblespoonfuls of fat ndd three
trtblespoonfuls of flour nnd, when well
blended, add a cupful of milk, salt nnd
pepper to taste, and one nnd one-luilf
cupfuls of hot bof ed potato cubes.
Chicken Gumbo. Cook one onion,
llnely chopped, In four tnblespoonfiiN
of butter Ave minutes, stirring vim
stiuitly. Add one quart of chicken
stock and one-half can of okra. two
teaspoonfuls of salt, one-half a green
pepper, chopped, and paprika to taste.
Hring to the boiling point ami simmer
10 minutes.
Prune Pie. Wash one-half pound f
prunes and soak In water to 'cover.
Cook In the same water until soft. It'
move the stones, cut the prunes In
quarters nnd mix with half a cupful f
sugar and a tablespoonful of Iimikhi
Juice. Line a plo plate with pnste,
cover with prunes, pour over tho liquor
(one and a half tnblespoonfuls), lt
with bits of butter and dredge wi'h
one tablespoonful of flour. Hake with
a top crust.
Cream of Spinach Soup. Cook two
quarts of spinach 110 minutes In three
cupfuls of boiling water. Drain, chop
mnd rub through a sieve; add four nii
fuls of chicken stock, heat to boiling
point, bind with four tablespoonfuls of
buttes and u third of n cupful of flour,
cooked together; then add two cupfuls
of milk. Season with salt and pepper.
Pimento Potatoes. Season thn e
cupfuls of hot rleetl potatoes wltr tln'
tnblespoonfuls of butter, one-half u n
fud of cream, apd suit to taste. Heat -'-
orously Ave minutes. Add one and i
half canned pimentos cut In lilts ir "I
forced through a strainer: lu-at in il
well blended Hellcat uud nlle on a
I hot senilis dish
Hack of tho loaf Is tho snowy flour,
And back ot tbo Hour Is the mill:
Back of the mill Is tbo wheat and the
And tho sun nnd the Father's will.
Soup Is nlways a good beginning f
fho ordinary dinner, nnd the following
will be round a tasty
one :
Celery Soup. Chop
live stalks of celery nnd
pound In n mortar. Cook
in a double boiler with
two slices of union and
four cupfuls of milk !!0
minutes. Melt three
lablespoonfuls of butter, add three
tablesnoonfuls of flour nnd cook one
minute; thou pour on gradually the
hot milk, stlrrlni: constantly. Season
villi salt nnd tipiinor. ndd one-hnlf cup
nl of cream, strain Into a tiueen and
serve at once.
Potatoes en Casserole. Wash and
pare eight smooth, round potatoes of
uniform size. Cover with cold water
and let stand two hours. Drain, put
!n n casserole, sprinkle with snlt, add
a little butter, allowhn: a teaspoonful
for each potato. Cover and bake until
soft, about -15 minutes. Turn every
15 minutes.
Dinner Rolls. Add two tablespoon
fuls of butter, one-half tablespoonful
of sugar, three-fourths of a teaspoon
ful of salt to one nnd one-half cup
fuls of milk scalded. When warm add
one yeast cake dissolved In two table--poonfuls
of lukc-warm wntei, and
three cunfuls of flour. Heat, cover and
let rise. Cut down, ndd one-half cupful
of flour and beat. Cover nnd let rise
nenln. Toss on a board and knead
thoroughly. Shape In biscuits and roll
Into balls. Arrange on buttered sheets
and let rise: then bake.
Brussels Sprouts With Chestnuts.
Druln and saute one quart of boiled
sprouts In three tablespoonruis oi out
ter. Cook one-fourth of u cupful of but
ter with two teasnoonfuis of sugar tin
til browned ; then ndd the sprouts, one-
third of a cunful of brown stock, one
half tensnoonful of beef extract, one
half teaspoonful of salt, a few grains
of cayenne and two tnblespoonfuls ot
fruit lulce.
Turnins With Parsley. Cook turnips'
cut In cubes until tender; add butter,
chopped parsley, salt and paprika for
Whether tho world Is blue or rosy
depends upon tho kind of Bpcctneles
wo wear; 'tis our K'aBsos, not tho world
that needs attention.
Some of the dishes that were com
man a generation ago may be revived
and will find great wel
come. One of these is
Washington Pie,
Cream one-fourth cup
ful of butter, ndd one
cupful of sugar gradu
ally, two eggs, well beat'
en and one-half cupful ol
milk. Then ndd one nn.
two-thirds cupfuls of flour mixed nil')
sifted with two nnd one-hnlf teaspoon
fills of linking powder. Hake In round
layer tins and put sweetened nnd fln
vored whipped cream ns a filling nnJ
on top. Raspberry Jam may be used
In place of the cream If preferred.
Tomato Soup. Cook one can of to
mntoes, two cupfuls of water, two
slices of onion. 12 pepper corns. fou
cloves, a bit of bay leaf, and two ten
spoonfuls of sugar, 20 minutes. Forc
through a sieve, add n tonspoonful ol
snlt and one-eighth of n tenspoonfu.
rtf cfwlu Mulr tun tnlilouTirifinf nlw nl
, butter, ndd three tubR'spoonfuls ol
flour, nnd stir until well blended ; ther
pour on gradually while stirring the
hot liquid. Hrlng to u boiling poim
nnd strain.
Baked Halibut, Arrange six sllcei
of fat salt pork In a dripping pnn
Cover with one sliced onion nnd n hi'
of bay leaf. Wipe n two-pound sllei
of halibut and plnee over the pork and
onion. Mask with three tablespoon
fuls of flour mixed with three of hut
ter. Cover with three-fourths cupfu
of buttered crumbs. Hnke f0 minutes
Servo with n sauce made from tho fn'
In the pan. Thicken with flour nn!
adding milk.
Boston Brown Bread. Mix nnd slf'
one cupful of rye meal, one cupful oi
cornmeal, one cupful of grnliam flour
one teaspoonful of suit, three
fourths of a cupful of molasses nni
,vn cupfuls of sour milk. Stir untl'
well mixed, turn Into a buttered mold
nnd steam three and one-hnlf hours
Kill (he mold two-thirds full nnd covet
Brown bread mny bo dipped In
ter nnd heated in a hot oven, innklna
the bread as fresh us If Just steamed.
Modern Modes.
Long, looso sleeves of transparent
material button from top to bottom oq
the Inside seam. Short coats feature
double pockets and sleeves sewed InK
the nriuholes without fullness. Kvc
iilug gowns ore trimmed with inch
jitle two-faced satin ribbon uppllee
In rows and rows on tullo. On frock
of satin or tiicoletio uppi.qued I'm
fubrl('K( also nppHquetl velvet, make
excellent trimming.
Look out for Span
ish Influenza.
At the first sign of
a cold take
Btaadarrl cold remedy for 30 rears In tablst
form tale, sure, no opiate breaks up cold
In 34 hour relieve! (rip In 3 days. Money
back Itlt fall. Thsgenulne box ha sited top
tlth Mt. Hlll'a picture. At All Drua Btorts.
Skin Tortured
Babies Sleep
After Cuticura
All drarzlits: SoapU-Olntmenf tSaixlBA.TalemaES.
oampia rftcn in ox - viiicwra, , eviiaa.--
The sooner n man shufllcs off this
mortal coll the sooner his good qual
ities will be recognized.
Catarrhal Deafness Cannot Dc Cured
by local applications as they cannot reach
C-i diseased portion of tho ear. There is
only one way to cure Catarrhal Deafrff
and that ts by a constitutional remedy.
through the Dlood on the Mucous Surfaces
of the System. Catarrhal Deafness Is
caused by an Inflamed condition of the
mucous llntnp of the Eustachian Tube.
When this tube la inflamed you have a
rumbllnfr sound or Imperfect hearing, and
when It Is entirely closed, Deafness ts the
result. Unless the Inflammation can be re
duced and this tube restored to Its nor
mal condition, hearlntr may be destroyed
forever. Many cases of Doafness are'
caused by catarrn, wmcn is an innamoa
condition of the Mucous Surfaces.
case of Catarrhal Deafness that cannot
be cured by HALL'S CATARRH
All Druggists 7Sc. Circulars free.
P. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo. Ohio.
When the cat's away tho neighbors
get Insomnia.
Oh! My Face
Pcoplo who
havo impure or
blood should
bo careful to
tako only a
remedy mado
of wild roata
and barks sitcli
as Dr. Picrco'a
Golden Medi
cal Discoyery
is and has been
for nearly 60
years. Ingro
dicnta printed
on wrapper.
Tho first day you start to tako this
reliable medicine, impure germs and
accumulation begin to separate in tho
blood and aro then expelled through the
climinative organs.
In place of tho impurities, tho arteries
and veins gradually get fresh vitalized
blood and the action of this good blood
on the Bkin means that pimples, boils,
carbuncles, eczema, rash, acne and all
skin blemishes will disappear. Then yon
must remember that when tho blood is
right, the liver, stomach, bowels and
kidneys becomo healthy, active and
vigorous and you will havo no mora
trouble with indigestion, backache, head
ache Get Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis
covery to-day at any medicine dealers,
in tablet or liquid form, or send lOo for
trial paclcago to Dr. Pierce's Invalids'
uotel, uuiialo, N. x.
Occasionally one should "clean house"
with castor oil or tiny pills mndo up of
tho May-apple, leaves of aloe and root of
jalap, first nut up by Dr. Pierce and now
sold by almost all druggists in this
country . as Doctor Pierce's Pleasant
PelleU. Always convenient to take.
W. N. U OMAHA, NO. 12.-1919.
Nebraska Directory
Omaha Auto Tinners
Expert Radiator Repairers
2107 Firnim Street, Omiht, Ntb.
Prompt attention to
out of town shipments.
Highest Price
for Cream
Shlo direct to manufacturer end eliminate the mid
dlemen. Ship any day ai vre will el'o you benefit
of all raises In price while cream is In transit. We
juarantoa service and good satisfaction.
Send for Catalogue on the 1919
Harley-Davidson Motorcycles
Also llbt of
we are
offering at
big bargains
"The Cycle Mau"
27014)34)3 Leavenworth St., Omaha, Neb.
Largest Motorcycle House In tbe Middle West.
lopcKdJaaiaiOlTgai 100 ROOMS
iu.,w'SahUtaUy K0 ICOHOMY
30 YEARS IN OMAHA. Painless Dontal Work ruaranteed 1 0 years.
Fillines, Crowns, Bridce-work, Plates and Extracting-. Homo treatment
for Gum Diseases, tightens teeth and preserves health. It will pay you
to come for this Quality Work. Send for Booklet.
Save MG Money by Having Clothes, Hats, Rugs,
, Most modern plant Guaranteed work.
Dresners pay express References, anybody In Omaha, Nebraska
or Parcel Post one DRESHER BROS.. Cleaners and Dyers
Way on any shipment. Dresner Bldg., 22nd and Farnam Otrasta, Omaha. Neb.
Nebraska Directory
Omiha. Nebnika
Rooms from $1.00 up single, TBcents up doable.
Guaranteed Exchange Cars
One 1919 Maxwell Tonrlne tTOLW
One 1911 Maxwell Toorlne 400.00
One 1SK Maxwell ToutlDr S2&.U
One ISIS franklin KJUt
221G-1B Farnam Street Omaha, Nebratlta
LartMt (tttnat.t Rw 4 Cm4 iter ' OBm tlilar Imh ,
UUlllfl. nt OC4tpf Otr tl,QOO Bqtaft IMl
S.W.Cor. llthand Douilaa Sta Omaha, Nafc.
Pbone DoDglaa 171. AU w ak ta a ehanea to bid.
SSS Old Tires Re-Treaded 8S2T
Wa make cord tlrra good as naw, New ribbed traaa.
tin mi,,.. ndw
Mir lau HUH n.oj
hit! ii.eo Mit nit
Unaranteed I.S00 mllea.
1B10 Davenport St.. OMAHA Douilaa 1241
iH.IS i.P.TPJ.IIIH Il-II.M J IAiPtitllJ-tJia
- II I fl 1 1 ITTMaMM
Have Your Old Tires Rebuilt
Utj Cure Proeeaa. All Non-Bkld Typa.
HUH Ml M fllllrulMd.
Aitenla Wan tod
lBlOUaveuportHt, Omaha, Nb
BtAndnxd equipment. Ample power. Inresu.
goto thla enr before buying. Write or call for
catalog and our proposition to dealers.
8107 Farnam Htroet Omaha
One ton
Amea Unit
for Fords and
Universal can
Winter Tops
Territory Open
O'Rourke-Gbldstrom Auto Co.
Distributors of
Ames-Bin Touring and Commercial Bodies
370 S. 24th St. Phone South 399
For every business. Tim Ven-Drown Worm drive
and Timken bearings throughout. Price llOSfl.
T. O. II., Detroit. Mld-Clly Motor & Supply Cft,
Distributor. 2216 Farnam St.. Omaha. Nabraslia.
Write for special prices on army
material left from cancelled gov
ernment contracts.
Scott-Omaha Tent & Awning Co.
I5th and Howard Sts. Omaha, Neb,
Tho Master Truck
Matter of thm Load
on Any Road
The beat automobile truck made at a price within
the reach of all. Dealers Waslel Write or call on us
If you want a truck or our agency proposition.
for Nebraska, Wrrttra low tod Southern Se. Dsists
1310 Jacluon Street. OMAHA. NEB.
Our crude oil requirements are
permanently provided; thafs why
Deep Rock products can be
depended upon because you
know you can get them the same
uniform quality always assured.