The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, April 01, 1919, Image 5

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    Invest Your Money!
North Hatte's Only Modern Exclusive Women's Shop,
he Mew Things for Spring are Seess at Their Best
I Where
r Buy V
The war in Europe liafc stopped the cutting and ship
ment o all kinds o gems.
I you have any spare money, we can offer yciu a splendid
bargain stock just received from abroad.
Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Buckley returned
Sunday morning from a ten-day visit
in Omaha and Chicago.
"Whitman's and Johnson's fresh
candies at the Nyall.
Miss Aita. Derryberry, a student at
the Kearney State Normal, spent the
week end with the home folks.
Miss M. Sieman, steam baths ami
Swedish Massage, lr.dles and gentlo
men. Phone 897. Erodbeck bide. 85tf
Henry Schuff. of Grand Island, vis
ited with friends in town yesterday,
while enroute on a business trip to"
Scotts Bluff.
Passenger Conductor James Dor
ram, who had been on .a main line
run, was transferred yesterday to the
North River branch run.
For Sale Piano good as new for
$250. Phone Red 470. 22-2
The Ogalalla Round-Up will be held
July 3d, 4th arid 5th. A contract
has been made with Messrs. Taylor
-and Cogger for the wild west stunts.
The prize money will total $2,000.
A few desirable second-hand Fords
at the right prices., Hcndy-Ofc'Icr Auto
Carl Florine, who recently came
here from Omaha to write insurance,
has been unable to secure office rooms
and has taken temporary quarters at
the Lyman plumbing shop on Locust
Wanted Girl for general house
work. Good wages for experienced
girl. Phone 283, Mrs. J. S. Twinem.
Jesse Smith left this morning for'
Cheyenne to take up his duties as
state agent for Wyoming for the Lin
coln Accident and Health Insurance
Co. He had not decided as to which
Wyoming town he would select as
his headquarters.
Capt. T. J Kerr, who had been in
the hospital corps and stationed at a
southern cantonment, returned to the
city Saturday accompanied by Mrs.
Kerr, who met him in Omaha last
week and wenti with him to Tipton,
Iowa, to visit his mother.
For Sale Vacant lot northeast cor
ner Fifth and Oak streets. Dr. H. C.
Brock. 15-tf
The agency ror the E. J. Reefer
chicken remedies Ready Relief,
iMore Eggs, etc., has been taken over
by Mrs. J. C. Raynor, 408 east, 11th.
Phono Black 1132.
Perry SItton, a former resident, but
now located in Rawlins, sends us a
newspaper clipping which states that
Albany county, of which Laramie is
the county seat, will vote on tho
proposition to issue $200,000 bonds
for a now court house. Tho taxable
value of this Wyoming county is about
one-half of Lincoln county.
II....... It!...... C. C... T.,.t..l.J
The school census of tho North
Platte' district for tho year 1918
showed 1983 children of school ago,
sixty-three of whom were in the sec
tion tributary . to tho Baker school.
Of .the total ,1004 were boys and N979
girls. The increase each year for tho
past few years has been about 150,
so we may expect tho 1919 census to
show a total of practically 2,150.
For Sale or Trade A registered
Porcheron stallion. Louis Reflor,
'North Platte, Phono 785F3. 23-4
In the district declamatory contest
, at Kearney Thursday evening, in
j which North Platte was represented
I by Miss Elsie Waltemath, first prize
in the dramatic section went to Ruby
I Morris of Kearney, and second prizo
I to Olive Hansen of Clny Center. In
the humorous clnss Clarence Giddings
of Superior won first and Ida Martin
of Broken Bow second.
Eggs for setting, Plymoth Rock.
1.00 for fifteen. Phono 783F3.
C. M. Trotter and F. L. Mooney re
turned Saturday afternoon from Hol
drego where they attended tho auto
show put on by tho dealers of that
city. They spent Friday evening at
the show, which was hold in a build
ing somewhat larger than the Lloyd
opera house and tho attendance that
evening was. 1500. Both gentlemen
returned feeling very much enthused
over auto shows and predict that tho
North Platte show April 10-12 will bo
a great success.
A train load of tho 37th Engineers
onroutc to Camp Lewis for demobili
zation, passed through Sunday after
noon. The boys had been overseas for
oight months, and saw real fighting
around Chateau Thierry. Following
the cessation of tho war they were
sent to the Rhino. Many of tho boys
wore the German iron crosses which
they purchased at stores for $2 each.
Later an order Svas issued prohibiting
purchasing them.
Mrs. E. Kunkle is reported to be
convalescing after a very serious illness.
as Agam
(Reprint Omaha Dally Bee, March 20, 1919.
West Point, Neb., March 25. (Special) A very
exciting sporting event took place Sunday afternoon
when Lester. Weisner, driving a Dodge Brothers car,
won a two and a half mile race around West Point's
half mile race track, beating Arthur Wendt, driving
a Nash. The time of two minutes and 22 seconds was
remarkably fast considering the short length of the
track, Wefser taking the turns at top speed. Hand
ling his car in a skillful manner, he experienced not a
single mishap, and the Dodge was as lit after the race
as before. The race was for a purse of $50 and was
the first auto race on the West Point track for a num
ber of years.
These Dodge Brothers cars have shown wonder
ful power to pull, a bit of speed, when needed, even
too much for many of the sixes, and withal are very
economical on gas, oil and tires. Isn't this about the
sort of a car you need? Remember the U. S. govern
ment tested them for you
Spring '19
1 Skirts
Spring 19
Small Girls
and Junior
Cotton and
Costs and
In offering the new Spring Garments we wish to point out that we have been unusual
ly successful in getting apparel of striking attractiveness and still very moderately priced.
The New Suits
are surely beautiful and our
great assortment will satisfy
the most exacting demand.
Here you will find Suits in
the new distinctive box coat
effects, with novelty .vestees
of tricolette and satin belted
styles and straight line tail
ored models that simply teem
with individuality, in almost
every desirable new fabric
and shade.
Capes and
Now the vogue are shown
here in an endless variety, in
short and long lengths with
wonderous collars, belted
coat fronts, as well as the
loose and fiary back models.
The materials are serges,
Gabardines, tricotinines, sil
vertones, Poiret Twills, crys
tal cords and tweeds; colors
navy, rookie, tan Pekin,
green, Poch blue, etc.
Dresses and
Afternoon Frocks
Fashioned of satins, taffetas
georgette and fantasie, which
are expressing all the new
tendencies that make these
frocks distinctive and differ
ent from ordinary models
shown elsewhere. Hundreds
of the newest spring models
in all the wanted shades are
lere ready for your inspection;
New Skirts
Portray clever designing,
very youthful styles, design
ed purposely to meet the
present requirements of par
ticular women, are shown In
wool plaid and the new fan
tasie and Kumsio, Kumso
silk materials, in all the loud
spring .shades as wellJas the
more conservative colors.
New Blouses in Smart Spring Models, Costume Waists of Georgette, French Voile and Crepe de Chine
in clcud blue, victory red, bisque, flesh and white, slip over or button front and back models. All priced
very reasonably,,
Carl Florino spent tho week end
in Ogalalla.
DIsbro Buckel, of Paxton, Is visiting
his sister, Mrs. Will Lanln.
Paul Harrington returned Monday
from Omaha whore ho spent the week
Whitman's and Johnson's fresh
candles at tho Nyall.
Frank and Elizabeth Vandory, of
Ogalalla, visited friends In town over
Wanted Salesman, man who win
sell Dodge and Chandler cars, good
proposition. J..V. Romlgh garage.
C. M. Newton left Sunday for Lin
coln to attend the state convention of
tho Maccabees.
Harry Dixon & Son, Eyesight Spe
cialists. Mr. Malonoy came up from Grand
Island Sunday to visit his son W. H.
Mrs. Margaret Christ and daughter
Miss Kffle returned Saturday from
Stapleton whore they had been visit
ing relatives.
Tho Harrington Mer. Co. will buy
your Hay and Grain. Obtain our
prices before you soil. tf
Miss Catherine Tatum loft Sunday
for a visit with relatives In Denver.
Mrs. Mary Dunn, of Grand Island, Is
visiting Mrs. Hayes.
Mrs. E. C. Gllnes, who has been 111
for some time following an attack of
tho flu, was taken to Lincoln Sunday
to Green Gables sanitarium for an
Whitman's and Johnson's fresh
candles at tho Nyall.
Mr. and Mrs. James DIenor, who
have boon vlstlng tho former's father,
Wm. DIener, returned Saturday to
their ranch near Dello Fourcho, S. D.
Wanted Contracts for plowing. Call
at 075 No. LocUBt. Phono Red 55G. 22
Ray Sanson, who has been em
ployed as watchmaker at Clinton's
Jowory store for some time past, has
Jowolry storo for somo time past, has
homo In Missouri.
Dr. Morrill, Denttst. Office over
Wilcox lfepartment Storo.
Word has been received that Mrs.
A. W. Brown, who undorwent a sorl
ous operation at St. Joseph's hospital
In Omaha Saturday, ia somewhat Im
proved. Allen Waugh nnd Luclon O'Brien
went to Choyenno Monday to take tho
examination for railroad onglneors.
J. E. Hart, of Maxwell, was a busi
ness visitor In town Saturday.
Shows Theodore Koose ell's Career n
Hoy, Youth and Man Famous
Men Fori rayed.
When you seo "The Fighting Hooso
velts" at tho Sun theatre Tuesday and
Wednesday,, as tho authorized ver
sion of tho life and works of Colonel
Tlieodoro Roosevelt, you will witness
a Hfo' history enacted with surprising
fidelity to facts, and portrayed by act
ors whosfe likenesses to the famous
men of Roosevelt's political life are
Ktartllngly rcallstlc
Such celebrated Americans as Pres
ident McKlnlcy, Mr. Roosevelt of tho
dnys when ho was New York's Police
Commissioner when ho was a mem
ber of tho iNew York State Legisla
ture, and later as Assistant Secretary
of tho Navy, and finally as President,
Admiral Sims In the days when ho was
u junior Hcntdnant In tho Navy, Gen
eral John J. Pershing at tho time
uhon ho ranked only as a Captain,
Major General Leonard Wood In his
arly military career, and many other
men whose names aro written large
in tho political and military life of tho
country, aro represented by actors
whoso resemblanco to their prototypes
an- almost Indistinguishable from tho
original - charactor themselves.
Exhaustive Search for Types
Thcatro patrons will havo no means
of learning, from the completed pro
duction of "Tho Fighting Roosovelts,"
th" great amount of search and pa
tience that were required to locato
actors who were qualified physically
and In ability to enact tho royU as
signed them. Weoks of investigation
were necessary bofore William Nigh,
w lio directed tho picture found a man
to play tho part of Mr. Roosevelt as
(iovornor of Now York and ns tho
President. An actor with a sufficient
ly strong resomblanco to William Mc
Kinley was discovered only after tho
director and his staff had about given
up all hope of success.
::o:: j
Sonic Price for Hay
Burklund Bros, sold a car of liny lust
v 'ok to Bon Nannan of Princeton. Ne-1
braska, that brought them $59G.50 on ,
track at Sutherland, an averago of(
$1 15 per balo. If tho price was then j
now It would havo brought JG50.25. ,
Three years ago the same car load
would havo brought only $G0. Who;
says there If) no mo- y in making
liny?- Sutherland Courier.
Home grown oltn trees. 215 east 1
l-'th street, phone Red 958. 20tf!
The Catholic ladles will hold an ex
change nt tho Malonoy storo next Sat
urday. All tho records of the military regis
tration office were crated Saturday
and shipped to Washington, D. C.
Mrs. P. H. Lonergan, who had been
vlstlng friends In town for ten days,
returned to Boulder, Col., Saturday
Henry Jopsen of Kimball and Mario
Smith, of Nebraska City woro united
In nmrrlago by County Judge Wood
.hurst Saturday evening.
Bob Wright, who took tho railway
onglnc'ors examination nt Omaha last
week, has received word that ho hud
There will be no Combination
Sale next Saturday but we
will have a
o Household Goods across from
the Postoffice
Saturday, April- 5th, 1919