The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, April 01, 1919, Image 4

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' t
Seven out of Ten
Need Glasses
An eye that Is the merest frncllon
"lv? lof nn Inch too long, or too short, or
$ '.. ' j uneven on the surface, lias to uorlc
i- , oxtru hard to focus Helit raysoften
cannot secure n focus, In which case
sight Is not as sfod as It should he.
This oxtrn work causes strain, which
hard on the oyes mid on heultli.
itwriv iifi'nl I'lnnwlii; i iwl the strain.
4 I i,,i,lti.r.Mnii utimt'ti sievnn out. (if ten
jioojilc Mould he benefited In sight and
health by wearing glasses.
You can hate your eyes tested In the
west scientific manner at Clinton's.
It Is a good thing to have done.
Jeweler and
At the Sign of the Hlg King.
Is your
losing It's Power?
Graduate Dml'sl
OHice over the McDonald
State Bunk.
There can be no half
way point about the
condition of your
- battery
Let Us Take Care of
' It For You.
Official Service Station
McDonald Bank Building.
Phone 731
Mrs. Joseph Morsch is reported scr
lously 111 with the ilu.
James Dixon returned Friday from
a business trip to Omaha.
Mrs. Addlo Likens, of Paxton, vis
ited friends in town over the week end.
Mrs. Geo. Trexlor has accepted a
position with the Wilcox Department
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Souser left Sun
day for Clarks, Neb., to visit their
Frank Herrod of Ogalalla, visited
his mother, Mrs. Reglna Herrod, over
the week end.
Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Thompson, of
Hershoy, spent Friday in town visit
ing friends.
Dr. L. J. Krauso, Dentist, room 3
McDonald Bank building.
William Davis, who is in the S. A. T.
C. at Ames college, is home on a ten
day furlough.
Joe Kopf is home on a six months'
leave of absence Ho Is on the ship
Von Stuphen.
II. R. Smith, who was with the
Standard Oil Co. at Sidney, has been
transferred to this city.
Hurry Dixon & Son, Eyesight Spe
cialists. Mrs. A. II. Turpon has returned
from Grand Island whero sho spent a
week visiting her parents.
Misses Villa Whlttakor and Florence
Stamp wont to Omaha Saturday night
to attend Omaha's Dross-Up week.
Another carload of Dodge Drothors
cars on tho way, have you got yours
ordered yet? J. V. UomiRh. dealer,
Miss Florence Stack wont to Lexing
ton Saturday for nn oxtonded visit
with her sister, Mrs. Wilfred Stuart
Wantod Woman to work by day,
steady employment. Mrs. J. S. Slmms,
103 south Sycnmore.
Miss Julia Gloason, who has been
visiting her slstors, tho Mlssos Mar
garet and Viola Glenson, returned to
Chappoll Saturday.
King Rhlley, the well known auto
driver, has brokon into politics and is
a candldato for alderman in Oshkosh,
his homo town.
Dr. H. C. Brock. Dentist. X-Ray
Diagnosis. Reynolds Bldg. Phono 148
Nina Spitlor will bo olected city
clork of Sidnoy today. Sho op
position, although all tho other can
dldatcs have opponents.
Will havo tho now Chandler four
door Sedan In early this week, also
somo of tho Kluo-blrds, tho little
four passenger dreams. J. V. Romlgh
Mrs. A. W. Brown, accompanied by
Mr. Brown, Mrs. Powers and Dr. Van
diver, was tnkon to Omaha tho latter
part of last week to receive medical
Wanted to buy Light stock hogs
and sopic brood sows. Phono 797F031
Tho ladles' aid socloty of tho Pros
bytorlan church will moot In tho
church parlors Thursday afternoon
ontortnlned by Mosdames Grndy, Rob
inson and LaRuo.
For Rent 80 acres of Irrigated
land sovon mllos west of North Platte;
33 acres in alfalfa; no buildings. In
qulro of A, M. Scharman, G south
Maplo street. 23tf
Gothenburg is again undergoing an
other soigo of tho ilu, Thero has been
n number of deaths tho past ton days
a ban has boon placed on all public
gatherings and a strict quarantine is
in force
For Kent ono uniurnisucu room
301 cast Fifth strOot.
Tho first of tho sixty dollar bonus
cnecKB to sounors nnu sailors were ro
eelved Saturday. Tho total amount to
bo distributed in Lincoln county from
this Bourco will exceed fifty thousand
For Salo Vacant lot and gnrngo nt
020 wost 11th. Apply at tho nrem
lsos, 22-4
Win Balloy, of Brady, who died at
tho Pulver hospital In this city Mon
day night of lust week, had
boon a resldont of tho county for
many yours, and is said to havo fig
urod in tho Toxasi cattle drives which
woro mado into Ogalalla prior to 1880
For Trado- 10 Acres land and town
lot In Lako View, Orogon, for auto
mobile, Address 2 South Mnplo stroot,
North Platto. tflO
Will Ilulld Hub House., t.
Members of the Country Club hold a
meeting Friday evening and accopted
the tentative plans for a olub house
on the tract of land owned north, of
town. The plans call for a- building
that will cot about seven thousand
::o:: - r
Hoys Lose, (Jlrls Win.
In the ame of bahket ball at the
Franklin auditorium Friday ovoninp
the agricultural school team of Cur-,
tis defeated the high school taam in a ;
swiftly played game by a score of trtx-1
teen to thirteen.
The North Platte girls' taunt played
the girls team at Ogalalla th Mum;
evening and won by a jeore of twenty-three
to eleven. i
r. P. Officials Re-enter Sen Ice.
Siriit. Woodruff and Master Mechan
ic Hlghlemun, of the Wyoming divi
sion, who had been in servtee over
seas, arrived home n few days ago.'and
today re-enter the service of the Union
Pacific on tho Wyoming division. Supt.
McDuffy. who lias, liau cnargo. pt tin
Wyoming division during the ab
sence of Supt Woodrun, -ill go bnrk
to the Wostorn district with head
quarters at Rawlins.
.Men Quit rniou Pacific
Today nine men who had been mem
bers of the car repair gang during the
winter, quit the service of tho Union
Pacific and will return to farm work.
About a dozen Jap and Mexican labor
ers have also given up their positions
with tho company to go to work In
tho beet fields and nt other farm labor.
District Foreman McGraw says he
experienced no trouble in filling the
places of tho men who quit, as ho
had on file more applications than ne
cessary to fill tho places vacated.
There generally is a waiting list of
common laborers, but tho number
o'f mechanics applying for work is ex
ceptionally light.
Run Down by Car.
A three year old child of Iko Curtis,
of Hershoy, was run down by a car
driven by Mrs. D. M. Leypoldt Satur
day afternoon at tho corner of Sixth
and Dewey, but fortunately the little
ono was but slightly injured. No blame
is "attached to Mrs. Leypoldt, as she
was driving very slowly and had her ,
car under control. The child was at I
tho edge of the sidewalk with Its !
mother and ran directly In front of
tho car when it was so close to her !
that Mrs. Leypoldt did not have time
oven to swerve tho car. The child was
knocked down and a front wheel
passed ovar both legs. Mrs. Leypoldt
picked the child up and conveyed, it to
the General Hospital where an ex
amination disclosed no broken bones
and on'y very slight bruises.
: :o: :
It has just come to my notice, that
never having made any wonderful
claims, but being satisfied with the
facts of performance and cndurati'
of Chandler Motor Cars, after having
thoroughly tested them myself, that
somo of the secret of tho nower ofttlili
car Is due to a comparison of Its V
horsepower to wolght, Tho Chandler
motor dovolops 72 h. p. and the DIs-patch-passonger
model weighs 2840
pounds. More than 1 h. p. for every
40 pounds, of weight. Compare this
vith some of the widely
i mm
School Children's Day
North Platte Night
Visitors Day
Farmer Day
2:30-5:30 Thursday
Admitted free
- - - Thursday Night
Friday Afternoon and Night
Saturday Afternoon .
Soldiers "and Sailors and Canteen in uniform free Saturday Night
Truck and Tractor Exhibit in Street
Orchestra Music afternoon and evening.
Peerless Trio, Singers, Dancers, Instrumentalists, every
afternoon and evening. i
Special quartettes every evening.
dmisson 35 and
North Platte Auto Dealers Ass'n
Xo Apology to 3Inlic.
Whether the candidate endorsed
hv Tim Tribune is first or fourth in
vaunted the race, no apologies will bo offered.
claims as advertised, or with the pow- Kir- pizer's platform covered tho
phases of the city's needs, anu tins,
backed by tho belief that ho Would
make good the promises therein con
tained, support was given him.
In advanco ot tno resuu 01 to
day's contest, Tho Tribuna promises
that it will align itself with and give
its most hearty support to, tho suc
cessful candidate in his efforts to
make a cleaner and better, a bigger
and more progressive North Platte.
Tho future welfare of North Platto is
of trreater importance to Tho Trib
une than the political ambitions of any
or to weight of any stock car pro
ducod, regnrdles of price. And tho
touring 7 passongor model weighs but
2985. Seventy-two horse power ought
to give this light staunch car lots of
action and really It does. Try ono out
somo time, with no obligation to buy,
but meroly to know. At your service.
J. V. ROMIGH, Dealer.
Tho Ideal Bakery will bo run on a
strictly cash basis after April 1st.
A. & J. O HARE.
: :o: :
K. V. Attention
All members of Mazeppa Lodge No.
115 JC. P., aro requested to be present
at a meting to bo held Wednesdny,
April Oth, 1919, at K. P. hall. Matters
of very important business will be
transacted. S. M. SOUDER,
22-2 K. R. S.
In order to avoid a collision with an
other car on north Locust street Sat
urday night, Charley Macomber ran his
car into tho silent policeman. Tho force
of tho impact overturned the car with
Charley underneath, but ho escaped
with slight bruises . The car was
somewhat damaged and tho post
knocked from its foundation. ,
:o: :
One 100 egg Old Trusty Incubator;
ono 100 egg Poultry Leader incubator,
both in good condition.
19-4 1305 North Locust St.
My 5C0 aero ranch, well improved,
4 miles southeast of Tryon, jncrner
son county. Will tako good city
nronertv in nart payment.
R. A. McFARLAND, Phono Red 732
North Platto. Neb. ltr
I'llilWII Will 1 1 II lill III III i' III1 1 1 IK II MHHI imm BIIHIIMil
gfTho undersigned will sell at public salo on his farm at Blgnell, Neb.,
tho following described property on
Friday, April 4th, 1919
Commencing at 1 o'clock p. m., as follows:
Consisting of 1 sorrel mnro 0 six years old, weight 1,200; 1 bay gelding
six years old, weight 1,200; 1 two year old sorrel colt; one yearling
mnro colt.
Consisting of one 3 year old heifer, four 2 year old Hereford heifers, 1
yoarllng steer calf, 1 yearling heifer calf, 2 coming yenrling calves,
3 suckling calves.
Qonslsting of six brood sows, about ready to farrow, 1 barrow weight
about 200.
Consisting of ono 14 Inch walking plow, 1 Emerson riding plow
with breaking attachments, 1 manure spreader, 1 eight foot McCor
mlck binder, C foot Decriug mowor, 12 foot Deorlng rako. Deorlng corn
blndor, two G shovo cultlvntors. 7 foot Koystono disc, 2 row drill plant
or, 3 box grnln wagon, 9 foot John Dooro diso, truck wngon with hay
rack, 3 section harrow, now Deero lister, wagon with hog rack, a lot of
boo suppllos, Monitor gasolne engino, 2 horse power Fairbanks en
gin both In good repair, DcLnvul separtor, beet plow, cutlvator and
beet drill.'somo good seed outs, 50 bushels of cano seed, 3 sets doublo
work harness, 1 set light doublo harness, set single harness, range
cook stovo, kitchon cabinet, china cabinet, and many other articles
too numerous to mention.
TERMS OF SALE All sums of $10.00 and undor cash. Over that,
amount eight months time will be given, purchasor giving note bear
ing 8 per cont interest with approved security,
H. P. Stevens, Owner.
It. 1U S1IAP1T.LL, Auctioneer. LESSLEY R. PRIOR, Clerk.
"How's business, Bill?" inquired tho
reporter of W. J. Hendy yesterday.
'Rushed to death," replied Hendy.
"Wo never had so much. Fords sell
ing as fast or faster than wo can get
them and the same is true of Fordson
Miss Bertha Thoelecke, of Omaha,
was in town yesterday on her way to
Arthur to look after her farm and
live stock.
Two yearling Holstein bulls. A.
Coolldgo, North Platte. 21-4
Of North Platte, Nebraska.
This Association is prepared to make Loans:
On Improved City Property or to Improve Same.
Toassist in the purchase of City Property
To pay off existing mortgages on City Property.
These loans are repaid in small monthly payments
just like rent. Borrowers in the Home Association
It repay their loans with a saving of from 20 to 30 per
$ cent over that of any competing Association.
In Standard Custom Garments of Chicago
is now in and ready for your inspection. We
will be pleased to take your order now.
We also make Uniforms for Conductors and
Brakemen from $26 up. Call on us and
see our new line of goods Yours truly,
Over Hlrschfold Clothing Store. CARL GE!RIjE