The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, April 01, 1919, Image 3

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Out of Pain to Comfort!
Proved Safe by Millions!
in ip II )UmLP "w
vvNet Contents 15Pluid P-aohriyj
similatingUicFood tyRcjJula-8
111 -ft SOMJ "I" ' aM
Utecrfulncss ana ucsuwuia--neither
Oplum.Morphlne nor
ilincral. Not WAnou i
Junptin Stnt
rrJciuic;s ana
resulting thercfromMnlntanv-
Exact, Copy of Wrapper.
)! 2T "I-. ' . J.T.r rl
t. ZZ M
The Deal Scheduled for Last
November, Which Was Post
poned on Account of the Influ
enza Epidemic, Is Now Rein
stated Good During tho
Month of March.
It Is with pride that we announce
Co the drug trade thnt the shortage of
Vick's VapoRub, which has lasted since
last October, Is now overcome. Since
January 1st, wo have been running our
laboratory twenty-three and a half
hours out of every twenty-four. Last
week we shipped the last of our back
orders, and retail druggists, therefore,
are no longer requested to order In
mall quantities ouly.
I This deal, which we had expected to
put on last November und which had to
1 be postponed on account of the short
, age of Vapollub, Is reinstated for tho
month of March. This allows a dis
count of 10 on shipments from Job
bers' stock of quantities of from 1 to
4 gross. C of this discount is allowed
by the Jobber and fi by us.
We advise tho retail druggists to
place their orders immediately, so that
the Jobbers will be able to got prompt
shipment to them.
The thanks of the American public
are certainly duo the entire drug trade
retail, wholesale and manufacturing
for what they accomplished during
tho recent Jnfluenza epidemic. The
war caused a shortage of physiclans--nurses
woro almost Impossible to ob
" tain the demand on the drug trade
was unexpected and overwhelming,
and to this demand they responded
nobly. Retail druggists kept open day
and night and slept where they drop
ped behind the prescription counter.
Wholesale druggists called their sales
men off tho road to help fill orders
hundreds wired us to ship Vick's Vapo
Rub by the quickest route, regardless
of ernen?e.
DftTEJMTQ Wotlnn 15. Coleman,
r S3 I Klin 1 I'atont Lawyer, Washington,
r UaSU U J D-0i Advice and tiuoks free.
Kaiei isaaonablo. Highest rel ersnces. liestwrvlots.
How io Relieve
lalenca has at Ut devised a remarkable Instrument
or the treatment of Deaf net. Just a fen minutes'
ipplleatlon In yonrown home each da j la required,
Tiers tesUfy to wonderful restoration of bearing,
( yon hare hem noises-It too are on It slightly
lard of be&rlncor almost totally deaf, donx delay
ho Auraaago iny be the means of bringing back
ficr bearing. Wonderful Nott Method. The
arasaga cans Into play the dormant organs of the
tar, strengthens tbeia byeierclte and breaks down
IbecalArro congestion which causes of all deaf
leas. Try ibe Jtnraaage ten days free In yonr own
iocdo wltbont A penny In advance we gladly send
t to yon by prepaid parcel post no ooet to yon If It
alls to belp your bearing. Write today for valnablo
Goslet ana oar great FHHH oOarot the new W Tune
ears liar Phone. Address
lpt, 8, 4f W. 84tli tit. New York City
Colds Crow Better
lorpriilnelr ooo, throat Inflammation disap
pears, irntatloa is relieved and throat tick
Una; stops, when you tu reliable, tlme-tuted
For Infants and OMIdron.
Mothers Know That
Genuine Gastoria
Bears the
In this emergency we tridd to do our
part. We scoured the country for raw
materials our Traillc Manager spent
his days riding freight cars Inwe
shipped raw materials In carload lots
by express and pleaded with manufac
turers to increase their deliveries to us,
But It was a slow process. Some of
our raw materials are produced only
in Japan supplies In this country
were low and shipments required three
months to come from the Far East.
Then We had to recruit and train
skilled labor. We brought our sales
men Into the factory and trained them
as foremen. We Invented new ma
chinery, and managed to Install It on
Christmas Day, so as not to Interfere
with our daily production,
By January 1st we had everything
ready to put on our night shift, and
since then our laboratory has been
running day and night. To feed our
automatic machines, which drop out
one hundred and forty-three Jars of
VapoRub a minute or one million and
eighty thousand weekly, has required
a force of 500 people. Our Cafe De
partment, created for tho benefit of
these workers, served 7,000 meals dur
ing the month of January alone.
An idea of the work we have ac
complished this fall muy be given
by our production figures 13,028,970
Jars of VapoRub manufactured uud
distributed since last October one Jar
for every two families in tho entire
United States.
During the Influenza epidemic Vick's
VapoRub was used as an external ap
plication in connection with the physi
cian's treatment, and thousands of peo
ple, unable to obtain a doctor, relied
on Vick's almost exclusively.
Literally millions of families all over
the country, from Cali
fornia to Maine, and
from the Great Lakes
to the Gulf, have found
Vick's VapoRub the
Ideal home remedy for
croup and cold trou
bles. Egoism.
"BUgglns seemed exceedingly thank
ful yesterday."
"Yes, But he somehow manages to
make his gratitude sound like sheer
personal boasting."
The Cutlcura Toilet Trio
Having cleared your skin keep it clear
by making Cutlcura your every-duy
toilet preparations. The soap to cleanse
und purify, the Ointment to soothe and
heal, tho Talcum to powder uud per
fume. No toilet 4ublo is complete
without them. 25c everywhere. Adv.
German Gas.
"Tell me about mustard gas. What
sort of stuff Is it?" "Well, It's not
exactly a relish."
---A Wholesome, Clemslog,
U fill I It Kelroshlng noil Ueallig
M. LPWIM Lollon Murine for Red-
ness, Soreness, Granula
tion, Itching and Burning
of the Eves or Eyelids:
"1 DroDa" After tha Movies. Motorinff or Golf
will win your confidence. Ask Your Druggist
for Murine when your Eye Need Care. U U
Marino Ey Itamody Co,, Chicago
ft 'B
X Use
VX For Over
Thirty Years
Nest Should Be In Some Quiet Place
Where She Won't Be Disturbed
Handle Carefully.
U'roparett by tho United Statca Depart
ment ot Afrricuuuro.)
The first sign of a hen being broody
(wanting to set) is that Bho stnya
longer on the nest when laying, nnd
on being upproached will quite likely
remain and make n clucking noise,
ruflle her feathers and peck at tho in
truder. When It Is noted that a heu
nets on a nest from two to three
nights in succession nnd that the
feathers are disappearing from hci
breast which Bhould feel hot to tho
hand, she Is ready to be transferred
for sotting to u nest which has pro-
Well-Selected Flock of Young Hens of
Uniform Size.
vlously been prepared. The normal
temperature of a hen Is from 100 to
J07 degrees P., which varies slightly
during Incubation.
The nest should be in some quiet,
out-of-the-way place, where the sit
ting hen will not bo disturbed. Movo
her from the regular laying nest at
night and handle her carefully in do
ing so. Put a china egg or two in the
nest where she Is to sit and place a
board over the opening so that she
cannot get off.
Toward the evening of the second
day quietly go In where she is sitting,
leave some feed nnd water, remove
tho board from the front or top of tho
nest, nnd let the hen come off when
she Is ready. Should she return to
the nest after feeding remove tho
chlnn egg or eggs and put under thoso
that are to be incubated. If the nests
are slightly darkened the hens ore less
likely to become restless.
At hatching time they should be con
fined and not be disturbed until the
hatch Is completed, unless they become
restless, when it may be best to re
move the chicks that are hatched first.
In cool weather It Is best not to put
more than ten eggs under a hen, while
later In tho spring one can put twelve
to fifteen, according to the n&o of the
Dust the hen thoroughly with insect
powder, and in applying the powdei
hold the hen by the feet, the head
down, working the powder well lntc
the feathers, giving special attention
to regions around the vent and under
tho wings. The powder should also bo
sprinkled in the nest.
Guineas, like geese and pigeons, pali
when the number of mnles and females
Is equal. !
The turkey does not fully mature
until two years old, und is at its best
at three years.
Sometimes the old hens of tho heavy ,
breeds will not need fattening, ns they
Jinve a tendency to tnke on fat with
The poultry house should have no
draughts; It should he eleun and kept
clean and no damp Hours should he
A fowl consumes about three ounces
of mush in the morning, two ounces
of grain ut noon, and four ounces of
grain ut tho evening feed.
Proper equipment in tho poultry
house often Is tho deciding factor in
successful poultry keeping and should
be given duo consideration.
Hens lay best In dump weather, even
during winter. It will be noticed that
they are more prolific during showery
spoils thnn they are when It Is dry.
The theory Is that moisture produces
expansion and growth, whereas dry,
cold or dry warmth contracts.
A small bottle of "Danderino"
makes hair thick, glossy
and wavy.
Removes all dandruff, stops itch
ing scalp and falling
To be possessed of a head of heavy,
beautiful hair; soft, lustrous, Huffy,
wavy aud free from dandruff Is merely
a mutter of using a little Danderine.
It Is easy nnd Inexpensive to havo
nice, soft hair and lots of It. Just get a
small bottle of Knowlton'" Danderino
now It costs but a few cents all drug
stores recommend it apply a little ns
directed and within ten minutes there
will be an appearance of nbundance,
freshness, ilulllness and an incompara
ble gloss and lustre, and try ns you
will you cannot find a trace of dandruff
or falling hair; but your real surprise
will be after about two weeks' use,
when yqu will see new hair fine and
downy nt first yes but really new
hair sprouting out all over your scalp
Danderine is, we believe, the only
sure hair grower, destroyer of dan
druff and cure for itchy scalp, nnd it
never falls to stop falling hair at once.
If you want to prove how pretty and
soft your hair really Is, moisten a cloth
with a little Danderine nnd carefully
draw It through your hair taking one
small strand at n time. Your hair will
bo soft, glossy and beautiful in Just
a few moments a delightful surprise
awaits everyone who tries this. Adv.
He Had Had His Medicine.
Ma There's a good little hoy. Take
your medicine like father does.
Jlmmle Aw shucks I When fnther
lakes his he always says that word you
licked me once for saylu'.
Bed Cross Ball Blue should be used
In every home. It makes clothes whlto
ns snow nnd never Injures the fabric.
AH good grocers, 5c.
Downtrodden Aristocracy.
"Jinks is walking on his uppers."
"What I Has ho Joined the Bolshe
vik I?"
More and more, thoughtful women are de
creasing the cost of living by increasing the
variety of their , home baking. They have
learned to bake the Royal way with fewer
eggs. They have found that more baked
foods mean less meat They have further
discovered that their baking keeps fresh
longer when made with
Absolutely Pure
In many recipes, only half as many eggs are required, in
some none at all, if an additional quantity of Royal Baking
Powder is used, about a teaspoonftil in place of each
egg omitted.
Try it with your favorite recipes
Royal Contains No Alum
Leaves No Bitter Taste
' ,1, M
For Pain
f A
Adults Take one of two "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" wltH
water. If necessary, repeat dose three times a day, after meals,
Ask for and Insist Upon
"Bayer Tablets of Aspirin"
American owned Entirely!
E0 cent Bayer packages also larger Bayer packogwj
Buy Bayci packngca only Oct original package.
Aspirin Is the trade mark ut Dayer Matiuiicture ot Monoacetlcaddester of SiHcrtltada ,
Snapping It Back.
"Ueyl You, there, with the sorrel
top!" snarled a customer In tho rapid
fire restaurant. "My order's been In
twenty minutes, and I don't want to
wait nil day for It. See?"
"What you want ain't whnt you
need I" retorted Claudlnc, the wait
ress. "You need n book on etiquette.
If manners had been raining down
from Heaven forty days and nights
you'd still he n rube. Try that on
your canary 1" Kansas City Star.
Lives 200 Years!
For more than 200 years. Haarlem Oil,
the famous national remedy of Holland,
has been recognized as an infallible relic!
from all forms of kidney aud bladder dis
orders. Its very ago is proof that it must
have unusual merit.
If you .are troubled with pains or aches
:n it..' ri nA :n ,1,.
headaches, indigestion, insomnia, painful
or too frcijucnt passago of urine, irritation
or stone in the bladder, you will almost
certainly find relief in GOLD MEDAL
Haarlem Oil Capsules. This is the good
old remedy that has stood the test for
hundreds of years, prepared in the proper
Quantity and convenient form to take,
t is imported direct from Holland lab
oratories, and you can get it at any
drug store. It is a standard, old-time
home remedy and needs no introduction.
Each capsule contains one dose of fivo
drops and is pleasant and easy to take.
They will quickly relieve those stiffened
to get the genuine GOLD MEDAL brand.
In Dozes, three sizes. Adv.
Dollttle's Obsession.
Muggins I never knew any ono to
be such a stickler for the little nice
ties of social form as Dollttle.
Buggins Yes; Dollttle wouldn't
even go to work unless ho had received
nn engraved Invitation. 1'hlludelphln
More married couples would bo hap
py If the husband was deaf and Uie
wlfo blind.
Sin has ninny, tools, but a Ho 1b tho
handle that fits them all. Oliver Wen
dell Holmes.
joints, that, uacknctie, rncumatism, lum
bago, sciatica, gall stones, gravel, "brick
dust." etc. lour money promptly refund
ed if tln-v do not relieve von. But bo sure
Bake More
Save More
r !
Stiff Neck
Joint Pains
Two very pretty girls met on th
street and kissed each other raptur
ously. Two young men wntched the
mooting. "There's another of thoso
things that are so unfair," said one.
"What is that?" asked his friend.
He pointed to tho sccno: "Women
doing men's work." Lndlcs' Horn
Journal. '
Don't sufferl Go about your duties
Relief comes the moment you
Apply "St Jacobs Liniment"
Don't stay crippled I Rub this sootb
lng, penetrating liniment right Into tha
sprain, uche or strain, nnd out comes
pain, soreness, stiffness and swelling.
Nothing else penetrates, heals and
strengthens tho injured muscles,
nerves, tendons nnd ligaments so
promptly. It doesn't burn or discolor
the skin und enn not cause Injury.
Don't sufferl Get a small trial bottle
from nny drug Btore now limber up I
Bub tho misery right out. A moment
nfter "St. Jacobs Liniment" Is applied
you can not feel tho slightest pnln or
soreness, nnd you can go about your
regular duties.
"St. Jacobs Liniment" enquers pnln.
It has been used effectively for'spralna.
strains, soreness and stiffness for 00
years six gold medal awards. Adv,
She What do you think? A bat
nearly got in my head lust night
He You're lucky. Mlno always ct
In my feet
It takes Congress to settlo a strike
but nn unruly stomach is subdued bj
Garfield Tea. Adv.
Usually n Dig man Is too busy run
ning his own business to bother about
other people's.
Rep your Uvrr active, your bowels eleaa by
taking Dr. Pierce's rieanant Telleta and yoo'O
keep healthy, wealthy and wise. Adv.
Many a man works overtlmo trying
to convince himself that he Is honest
Powder ,