IRA L HAKE, Editor and Pulillslior 0e day last week a Union Pacific , 1 engine started n fire on the rlght-o- SUBSCRIPTION HATES: j ?? WoTo r?' lW" Wh,h Ono 1'cnr by Stall, In iuItimico. .$1.75 a abort time afterward the maln Ono Year by Carrier, In ndtunce, $2.00 talner of this placo discovered the - ''hiding place of a quanlty of boozo- Entered nt tho North Platte, Nebraska , forty or fifty pints had boon lost by Postofflco as Second Class Matter, .tho heat but thero still remained about. . . . '35 pliits. Tho mnttor was brought bo- TUESDAY, JHAJtCII '-'.", 'f01-0 tUo county oITIoIbIb who had the . booze placed In the court house for Pnvfnn- fur IVnen ,B,lfo doping. . ....A??.1??. ... A check book and detioMt slips wore inc victory i-auuny uu.iu, iu uu oi- forcd by the "l 1.. R!OI25,0L f",0" TCS country Is to pay for the victory which " 1 "l iruo ,uvu, "L ,,u; arty, Is to Insure permanent peace Ur"f? ia ll ! ,, ? "!?, ?L ,D , "u ",u f, a, It is agreed among tho Allies that the war was brought to a sudden (and to the enemy an Ignominious) wl Inn Vntfrtmhnf liv tlin II nil n tl tit nil .wiu, i i,.v . , .... ........ spir t, the gallantry and In ropldl y of tho Amorlcan fighters on tho field of battlo. i nut more was Bomcining more man- UI"V ,, , i i Tho enemy well know we mobilized and were training e"oB" of tho samo kind of soldiers to doublo ' our iignting lorce in Europe y spring. Tnoy Know we were urouu- facturlng guhs, shells, gas, airplanes and tanks; that wo were producing ioou to sustain our minions 01 me. . t pomaloi of the same splendid along tho battle front; and they know , broealllg wUll calvoB at foot and rc wc i were building ships to transport L T, , , clmnc0 for ouiu iiiuii uiiu uipiu uuBO i.'u '" lantlc as fast as wo could use them Tho Germans know this meant not only dofeat but annihilation. All this is history now. Tho fight ing is ovor and tho boys aro coming homo. They aro coming homo proud "l " "7 " back into civilian life and to enjoy i "Mfo HIipIv nnil flu, iiiirRiilt nf liannl-' nosB" guaranteed to all American clt izons, but which would havo ben des , , : , A. " ," iaoo" friinftntrtnil t nil Atnorlpnn nil troyed had the Germans won. Our boys ovor thero on tho battlo II 11 1 41 1 iinua vn Know uiu iuhm ul iiuiiiuii nic, tho sufferings of tho wounded, and the hardships the war had cost They wont ovor thero to win and would willingly havo stuck by tho Job an other year If necessary to win a vlq ....! tory for peace, and poaco was it.... ... i ..1. . 1 .. l ""'..,,HA"iul- . inonuoro uioyaro in i , 1 nuuv ..ut Uu.UaU H. sparcu, now muoii i . .V "u",l,n "uu, "" buvcu oy nio wiiiinuK ui inu wur in November, 1918, nlstead of In May, 1919, Tho Victory Llborty Loan 1b for Tinnnn nvwl lu ilin tirfnn Wi nrn in nnv for peace. Tho least all who share In th blessings of that pcaco can do is to back tho boys who won tho victory, by londlng tho Govornmont nt good In terest tho dollars It will take to fqot ttirt lill I a nvirl arttm t tne iin n rtnnlinr :'o:: (3 OY EHNM ENT MXTR AVAG AN ()E. - a . i,.t,i 'on the flnnclBl plan of tho United Hna mVrnmont wnnl.l l.n lmnlrrnnl- In nVuf u.Mlt(1 Tl, nnlv fl.ln., M,i :- . m it.,.;.,,! States from bankruptcy Is tho willing- ness of tho pooplo to submit to any burden of taxation which Congress unn n imun T M.n ti,nV aro willing, of course, to make allow- nncos for emorgonclos and .for hnsto and for a great deal or unavoidable wasto, but In poaco times they aro on- titled to protection and somebody Is going to make tho protest strong enough and loud enough presently to comfol the adoption of tho budget Nothing will contribute more to the mri,in, c M, ,.n,.i i n,ir L'ovornmont than tho adontlon of bus!- ness principle... In tho spending of thnlr n,nn . v. Tho limn n.,l ,n,n and soon, when tho different branches .., 1, . l , Ul II1U KUVBI IllUUlU YU1 I11UKO up 111 UUr vance and submit to scrutiny estl- mates of their needs, and will bo con- fined to such allowances as tho pooplo ought to bo required to furnish ami nnnn.ilh,rn in von win i .lonii oxpondltures In excess will bo dealt .1.1. .... - ..... vmi un Yiumiiuiin 111 inu law, 1 ::o:: I SALESMAN WANTED Jlcsponslblo man to soil and sot monumonts. Extra, good pay. Com- AddroBB Box IS. rd Oltjs-Kan '184 Shou BOO tha't tUo .holo famlly tftko -! So: lnt least 3 or 4 doses of a thoro, pur FOR SALE Jfylnir, system cleaning, medicine this Throe good roaldonco lota on west 'spring. Now Is tho time. Tho fnm Flfth, In 1300 block. Kor further par- ,ny wil bo healthier, happier, nnd get tlculars inquire 1210 west Fourth or ' nlonff hotter u the blood Is given a phono Rod -170. 19-4 thoro purfylng, tho stomach and bow- -'o:; j0j8 cleanod out, and the germs of Irregular bowel inovomonts should ( winter, accumulated In tho system, bo corrected, ns thoy lead to chronic driven away. Hamster's Hooky Moun constlpatlon. Tako a doso of Prickly tain Toa Is one of tho best and surest Ash Bitters at bcdtlino. You will get Spring medicines to tnke. Get It nnd ita benollclal offoc. after breakfast 'soo tho difference in tho whole family, tho next morning. It ctnptlos tho stom-i Their color will be bettor, they'll feel ach and bowols and makes you fool lit' fine and bo well and happy. J. O. Pat- for thp day s work. uummoro-Dont Drug Co., Special Agents. THE FARMERS' AUCTIONEER H. M. JOHANSEN North Platte, Nebraska PHONE 018. callng this number you can as certain whoro I abi. WliK REVEALS HIDING PLACE OF QUANTITY' OF BOOZE . k . .. ,.., .i. n..,, hi,ow1iik that iSoon!nS Ari& about $150.00 in currency the same gliorlff ,)0, out of town Mr DcPrlest was appointed special doputy t L t t, r of Ul0J chock ,))oU who" was alleged to be enjoying a game of pool when iMr. DoPriost wont after . . 1 Ar,ii.,., n,. i.ut in. formut,on at lmnd, Mp .Nrmnn was t , , , , f t f u offlcer 1 - . t j managed to make an easy get (Ilwny.KoW Count y News. ' . ;oj. Dispersion Sale' of Hcrefords rUc John McConncll dispersion sale of Beau Mischief Anxiety -1th Herc- fordfl to be hoid at Cambridge, Neb., Aril i8t affords an opportunity which , , offorC(, outBl(lo Ul0 MoUfoi IlroH world.rccor(1 8ai0 to so- curo somo of thcao rmoU8 bloodlines, 2B , 3 of wh,ch ar(J rcal hord ,)Ulls d cho,co herd.llcador pro8- breeders especially to secure founda tlon stock which will place them on tho map as breeders from the start. ROBERT MOUSBL, Manager. :o: Birthday Surprise. CJI trt i fl m i nt trlt (rU fl 9 ll f ftfitl ll U til nf at tho homo of Mrs. Cauffman Friday ... , . . , ,,, ",t'" i Homo or u nas. j. uornwou on tno oc- . . ..... . caslon of his birth anniversary. Mr, Jako Mang In a few appropriate words presented the guest of honor with a V., .:,.,. if"i.. ..'i. "r"..V KUIU tVUlUJl UIIU fcWIU III inu(nia t r t w nnr,nvnA nn tho ch!inn To say Mr CornwoI1 wa8 r, , t, , , ' blrt'hdliy glft from his friends would bo putting It mildly A muslcnl program was rendered games of all kinds wcro played, and at ,12 o'clock splendid refreshments wore served. Tho ho8toBg wa8 a88lBted In serving ,)y Marioa Richards, Gladys Comwell Laum Urotzori Tholmft Brownell and June Perkins. Tho girls wore red ,,.u ...,.1 i.i,... ,i.u ..-..u T,m evonn ft vcry onjoy. able ono nnd all left wishing the host many more happy birthdays. WII(IJAM FAHMLH IS PECUIilARLY FITTED BY BHVIX AND BRAWN , , ,, m I)rumilUc . Art Required In Role of Gypsy. Fow actorB, granting that they pos sessed tho roaulsito histrionic talent ' f,on ' l, 1 d J?rn?l Ranlol Esmond, William I'amUmS ro' tllO Wlllaill FOX photoplay IIUIS torpleco, "Tho Broken Law." Till "'"P?" ? ! Jn.tu. J a,a .. ., 1 H,u utJf.1'" "l " I , " T , r a","':UHlt "kii?dn ? romantic acting. That Is not all, hojvovo r, for It makes ono other re ' " , v V ' , Woro not Karnum tho physical cul ture enthusiast that ho Is, he would nover havo survived tho fight scene In "Tho Broken Law." The play Is cast J1'1 l,Ftw? fum ?, Tta J E'5 ftm . n 185- "i0 Rht io- J).ar- wl'o also aspires to be chief of tho clitii, Is with baro fists, In accord- anco w,tl ? boxing rules theii In or?- tUo "R,lt eal-t hrlll- Hlgly rCal-Ill SO far aB tllO Weight of Ul ' ow ,s concerned. While Farnunrs nhvs cnl nrowoss 1 , ,, , , . , , , J 90 ca,lc! lnt? w,'on ,l0, reHC"0H ! e?.th.U.a . trm 1 rV'n,,"K' U'.c, photoplay makes Its principal appeal tnrou8h ,ts tonder, underlying lovi W- At the Sun, Thursday and Frl day. :o: For Salo Vacant lot northeast cor ner Fifth nnd Oak streets. Dr. II. C. Brook. 15-tf toraon, agent. ;;o:: F.strny Notlro Taken up on section 31, township 12, range 30, on or about tho Oth day of March, 1919, by tho undersigned, who thoro resides n tcauf of geldings, ono a dark brown tho othor a light brown, ono with blazed faco and wlro cut on right front foot, no brands or collar marks. Doth animals about flvo years old. Owner call, provo proporty "id lako anlmnlB away. E. II. CAR! P. in2Gm2 North Platto. NOTIOK KOll ITIIMCATIOV Dritnrtiiirnt nt tlie Interior. U. 8. Land Ollloe at Hroken How, No- nrnHitn, .Mnrun in, luiy. Notice Ir horoby given that Oliver Lucas,' of North Platto, Nebraska, wi.o, on ."sovoniner itv, iyu, nintle Homestead entry. North Platto No. 00271. Hroken How No. 011866, for tho W4 SW, Soc tlon 2, Township IS North, Hango 30 West of the Cth Principal Meridian, has filed notice of Intention to make three yonr proof, to establish claim to the land above described, beforo "William II.C. Woodhurst, U. S. Commissioner, at North Platte, Nebraska; on the 9th day of May, 1919. Claimant names as witnesses: Frank l.berly, John "NVoldon, John Saunders, Frank Hood, all of North Platto, No- . urasKu. , ' MAOIC C. WARRINGTON. m2Cm2 Register ----- fs Card of Thanks We oxpress oifr sincere tlianks to friends and neighbors nnd to membors of tho 13. of L. K. and Yooinen for their kindness during the lllnpti and fol owlne the doatn or tno lato Mrs. It. M. Dean and for the beautiful' flor- nl tributes. HUSH M. DEAN and FAMILY. MRS. W. E. MILLER. For Sale Oonulno Red River Early Ohio seed Potatoes. Any amount, 51.40 por.bu- shol, l O. B. Grand Island, Nebraska. J. II. DAVIS PHODlK-'i'J t;o. OIUND ISLAND, iNEDR. Phone Red 17C0. 21-2 i :o: : FOR SALE. Homo grown elm troos. 215 east 12th street, phono- Red 95S. 20tf LOOK Simply Bhclf room! This is my sowing room when I'm not sowing. I tako it out nnd put It back Just llko a hat box. It's bo con venient and handy that I find myself doing lots of odd sowing that previously went undone beforo I had my Attached to any lamp socket or outlet. Perfect speed con trol by tho foot. Leavea full attention to tho work. It pays for Itself many times over! Wnnt to try ono nt your home I Won't cost you n cent! NORTH PLATTE LIGHT AND POWER- CO. NOTIOK TO CO.VrilACTOIlN Sealed bids will bo received nt the olllco of tho County Clerk of Lincoln County, until 3 p. m., on Saturday, April SO, 1919, at North Platte, Nebras ka, for grading, mirfacing, and inci dental work on tho North Platte-Suth crland Projoct No. 10, Federal Aid Hoad. Ulda will bo opened nt tho office of tho Hoard of County CommlHsionerH of Lincoln county, nt tholr olllco In the Court House, North Platto. Nebraska. promptly after tho time for receiving mciH ikih cioped. Tho proposed work consists of con structlng npproinlmntoly 19.1 miles of earth road, with stretches of gravel suriacing. , The approximate quantities arc- 98,171 cu. yds. of earth excavation 4,(iG2 cu. yds. mile hauling gravel. Certified check 5 per cent of amount of bid. Plans nnd specifications for the work may be seen and Information may bo secured at tho abovo allien, or nt tho olllco of tho Stato Engineer, Lincoln, Nnbrnskn. Tho Stato and County re servo tho right to waive all technical ities, and to reject any nnd nil bids. A. S. ALLKN, County Clerk. 0120. K. JOIINSON.Stato Knglneor. NOTIOI3 OK HMCC'I'ION" Notico Is hereby given that on Tuesday, the llrst day of April, 1919, a general election will bo held in tho city of "North Platte, Lincoln comity, Nobrnska, between tho hours of 9 o'clock a. in. and 7 o'clock p. m. Tho voting placo In tho First ward w 111 be at tho Durbln Gnrnge at Oth nnd Dewey street; In tho Second ward nt tho commissioners' room In the court housoTIn tho Third ward nt the Klro Station at Front and Vino streets: and In the Fourth ward at tho Hulek Oar age at Locust nnd Ktglith stroot. At which oleotlou there will bo elected: One mayor for tho term of two years. On olork for tho term of two years. One city treasurer for tho term of two years. Ono wator commissioner for the term of two years. uno councilman trom tno First ward for tho torm of two years. uno councilman from the Second ward for tho torm of two years. Ono councilman from the Third ward for tho torm or two years. Oho councilman from tho Fourth ward for the term of two years. Two members or tho board or educa tion for tho school district of the city of North Platte, county of Lincoln, state of Nebraska, for the term of three yenrs. tVntl whereas more tnnn isu u-gnl resident votors of the city of North Platto. Nebraska, havo filed a Petition with tho mayor and city council of tho City of North Platto. Nebraska, nrnv lug for the submission of the question of tho operation of picture shows to bo operated on Sunday and by virtue thoreof said question is hereby sub mltted to said electors. The ballots used at tho election shall have printed, tnoreou: , FOR nllowlng tho operation of mo tion picture show's on Sunday in the City of North Platte, Nebraska, and AGAINST tho operation of motion picture shows on Sunday in the city of North Platte, Nebraska. Those voting in favor of the oper ation of motion picture shows on sun day Bhnll mark their liRllots with an X opposite the paragraph beginning: FOR oporatlng motion picture shows on mtnuaunii the city or North Platte, Nebraskut' Nebraskut' Thosapotlng against Bald propra tlon HjHill mark tholr ballots with rosl- nii X opfoKlte the paragraph beginning AGAINST the oporntlon of motion pic ture shows on Huudny In the City -of North Platte, Nebraska. Signed this 17th day of March, 1919. Attest: H1CNRY WALTKMATII, O. 13. ELD Hit. Mayor. City Clerk. so-3 " U !'"'-' - ,1- f )7'T' lillll , & . DR. L. E. VANIHVElt riiystclan nnd Surgeon Rooms G-C McDonald Bank Bldg., North Platte, Neb. Office Phone 340 Rc3. Black 37fi DR. SHAFFER, Oslcopnthlc Physician Bolton tildg. North Platte, Nob. Phono for Appointments. Order or Ilenrliiir on J"!ii:il Sellloiuent. The Htnte'of Nebraska, Lincoln Coun ty, KS. In tho County Court: In tho matter of the Estate of aeorge W. IIoho, Decennotl. To the creditors, heirs, leKnteus and otlttrs Intoi'cntcil In the estate of Oeorgo W. Hose. Take notice that Mary A. Rose has (Hod In tho county court n report of her doings as executrix of said estate nnd It Ih ordered that tho sumo stand for hearing the 26th day of April, A. D. t 111 0, before the court at the hour of 10 o clock n. 111., at which time any per Hon IntoreHtud may appear and except to nnd contest the Hume. Notice of this proceeding nnd tho hearing thereof is ordered given to all persons Interested In said matter by PUIhihiihik a copy or this order in tho North Platte Tribune, a rioml-weckly newspaper printed In said county for three consecutive weeks nrlor to aald dato of hearing. Dated March loth. 191!). w.M, 11. c. wooimtmsT, mlS-3 County Judge. rVollrc of Attnclunent. State of Nebraska. County of Lin coln, SS. A. Al. Illume, flrst nnd real nnme un known, will take notice that on the 12th day of March. 1919. I. L. Milton- berger, a Justice of the peace of Lin coln county, Nobrnskn, Issued an or der of attachment for the sum of I2G.18 in an action pending before him wherein Dorryberry & Korbes, Inc., Is plaintiff and A. M. Illume, flrst nnd real namo unknown, Is defendant; that property of tho defendant consisting of moneys In the hands of the Masonic Lodge of North Platte, Nobrnska, has Deen attnenca under said order. Said order is cont nued to tho 8th dny of April, 1919, at 2 o'clock p. m. uKiiitvumiKY & lamiiHs, inc., ml4-3 Plaintiffs. xotici: or incoupouation. VnMp, 11 liAfnltv clvon tlinf Mf 1111 . derslgned, in pursuance of the Statutes of the Stnte of Nebraska, do associate themselves in business as a body cor porated In tho manner nnd for the pur poses hereinafter mentioned. 1 . The name or the corporation shall be Star liottllng nnd Mercantile Company. s. The principal place of transact ing this business shnll be In the city of North Platte, Nebraska. .1. The general nature or tno busi ness to bo transacted by said corpora tion shall bo the manufneture, pur ehnso nnd salo of carbonated bever ages and ciders, and to buy and sell at Wholesale, crushed rruits, syrups.iruit, groceries, cigars and tobacco, and such other goods and merchandise as said corporation may, by a resolution of tho bonrd of directors from time de cide to handle, nnd said corporation may do such. other business as Is neces sary to carry out the main purpose of this corporation, and for that purpose said corporation shall havo tho power to nuy, sell and convoy, lease, sub lease and lot such real estate and buildings and appurtenances as may be necessary and Incidental to tho proper and profitable conducting of said business, and may do and per form such other acts and things as may bo Incidental and necessary to tho main powers of the corporation. 4. Tho dato of tho commencement of the business of said corporation shall bo April 1, 1919, and It shall terminate business on the 1st day of April, 19C9. &. The amount of capital stock au thorlzed is $75,000.00, $40,000.00 of which is fully paid In, the balance to bo paid In ns the Directors see tit to issue., 0. Tho highest amount of Indebt edness to which this corporation shall at any time subject Itself, shall not ex ceed two-thirds of its paid up capital stock. 7. Tho affairs nfTd business of the corporation shnll bo conducted by a Hoard of Directors. Pros dent. Vice- President, General Manager, Secretary ana Treasurer. Dated March 17, 1919. JULIUS PIZEK. HAY C. LANG FORD. IIAItHY M. POUTER. J. J .HALLIGAN. M1SA11 OltllKU FIXIM; CLAIM DAYS Hxtutc No. 101 H. In tho Matter of the Estato of Earl E Hutior, Deceased. Now on this 12th dnv of Atnreh. 1910 It Is ordered bv the Court that the Ail- mlnlstrntor be allowed ono yenr from this date In which to sottlo said Estate, nnd creditors will be allowed until tho sun nay or wept., 1U19 to file their clnims, nfter said date, claims will be rorevcr barred. That on tho 21th day of Juno. 1919. nnd the 24th dav of Sent.. 1919. at 10 o'clock A. M. of wich nf snlil days, the court and tho administrator win attend at tho county court room in said county, to recelvo, examine hoar, allow, and adjust clnims. That notice of this order bo given creditors ana an persons Interested In said Es tate ny publication of a notice for four successive weeks Immediately preced in mo --iin day ot .nine, lyiu, in the .orin riatte Tribune, a legal semi weekly newspnner nrtnted nnd nub iiHiicn in lyiiicom county, Nebraska. WM. II. C. WOODHUHST, MIS AS Countv Judce NOTIOH Cothciilinrg South Side Irrigation Com imny, liollinilmrtr. It. F. Illnkley Cotlienliiirg, nnd nil other Intercut !. You and each of you aro hereby no titled that a hearing will bo held at tno state Engineer's office, locnted al 410 State Capitol buildlnc In Lincoln Lancastor County. Stato of Nebraskn. on the lath day of April, 1919, at two o'clock P. M for tho purpose of do- ciuring cancelled and rprrelted nil pre tended claim or rights purporting ti have been grnnted under water appro priatlon Docket No. C81. dated Oc tobor 2G, 1894; located in wator division No. l-A; the point of division being "On tho South bank of tho stream In tho NWli of Section 30, Township 12 unnge sti. west of tho Oth P. M. 1 Lincoln County, Nebraska," and tho land covered by said appropriation i described as follows: Parts of Sections C, 4 3, 9, 10, 11 16, 16, 14, 13. 22, 23, 24, 26 and 25 Township 11, North Range 26: parts o Sections 19, 20, 30, 29, 28, 31. 32, 33, 31 and 35. Townshln 11. North Hnnge 25 tnriB or sections f. 4. 3. 2. l. 10. ll. 1L' 13, 14 and 24, Township 10, North llange 25, Parts of Sections C. 7, IS, 17, 10, 15. 14, 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 25 26, 27, 28, 29. 30, 33, 34, 35 nnd 36 Township 10, North Hango 24. and part of Sections 1 and 2, Township 9. North iinngo S4, an west of the cth P. M. In l.mcoin ana Dawson t'ountios, Nenrns an, or inoso portions or the legal sub divisions of the land abovo rnumeratei not covered or olalmod by othor Irrlga lion worKSonwien to prior appropri ation for the Irrigation thereof, amounting li all to about twonty tlvo thousand acres. You and onoh of you are horoby no tified to apear at snld bearing and show cause why said appropriation hereinbefore specifically described should not bo forfeited nnd cancolled. STATE HOARD OF IRRIGATION, HIGHWAYS AND DRAINAGE, By GEO. E. JOHNSON, Stnte Engineer, Secrotnry. unied tins inn nay or .Marcn, ii- ml4A12 NORTH PLATTE r ..General Hospital.. (Incorporated) One Hall Block North ot Postoflice. Phone 58 A modern Institution for the pciuntific treatment of medical, surgical and confinement case. Completely equipped X-Rny and diagnostic laboratories. Staff: Geo. B. Dent. M. D. V. Lucas, M. D. J.B. Redfield, M. D. J. S. SIMMS, M.D. Dll. TWINEK" HOSPITAL For Medical, Surgical, Mat ernity and convalescent pati ents. Successful operation on Appendix, when necessary Gall bladder Hemorrhoids Tonsils Adenoids Hospital Phone 13.0 Office Phone 183 Residence Phone 283 1008 West Fourth Street North Platte, Neb. , W. E. FLYNN ATTORNEY-AT-LAD Office oVer McDonald Bank. Offlco Hione 113 Res. Phono 1120 GEO. B. DENT, Phsylclan and Surgeon. Special Attention Given to Surgery and Obstretrlcs. Office: Building & Loan Building Phones: Offlco 130, Residence 115 Office phone 241. Rea. phone 217 L. C . DROST, Osteopathic Physician. North Platte, - - Nebraska. Knights ot Columbus Building. Phone 30U ALBERT A. LANE, Dentist Rooms 1 and 2 Belton Building North Platto, Nebraska. ED. KIERIG, Auctioneer. General Farm Sales a Specialty. References and Dares nt First Na tional Bank, North Platto, Neb. Phono 1000. SALE DATES: Henry Bergman, March 20th. Fred Kuscr, March 18th. FOR A REAL AUCTIONEER GET R. I. Shappell, SUTHERLAND, NEB. Dates can he inndo at Platte Valley Stnto Bonk. ..I always tako stock buyers with mo. L. M. Mc CLARA, Auctioneer. My ono best roferonco I'm always dated ahead Phono nt my expense for dales OGALALLA, NEBRASKA Hospital Phone Black 633 House Phone Black G33 Y. t. rjtiTciiARD, Graduate Veterinarian Eiht years a Government Veterinar ian. Hospital 218, south Locust St. one-half block southwest ot the Court House. DERRYBERRY & FORBES, Licensed Embamors Undertakers and Funeral Directors Day phone 41 Night phono Black 5S8 Highest Cash Prices Paid for Hides and Junk. L. LIPSHITZ. By virtue of an order of sale issued from the District Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska, upon a decree of foreclosure rendered In said Court wherein Occidental Building and Loan Association, a Corporation, Is plaintiff, and Leon uee Hess, ot nl are defend ants, and to me directed, I will on the 19th day of April, 1919, at 2 o'clock P. M.. at tho earn front door of the court House in North Platto, Lincoln County, Nebraska, sell at Public Auction to tho highest bidder for cash, to satisfy said docree, intereBt-ana costs, tne 101 lowing described property, to-wlt: Lot six (G), Block seventy-seven (77) in tho original town, of North Platto as surveyed, platted and re corded. Dated North Platte, Neb., March 15th 1919. At J. SAL1SHUIH, M18A10 Shorlff. DOCTOR 1). T. 0DIOLEX Practice Limited to Surgery and lladium Therapy 729 Cliy National Dank Mulldlag. Omaha, fteurask. Notice of Incoriiorntlon of J, S. Dnvln Auto Company. Notice Is hereby Klvon that the un dersigned, havo formed a corporation under tlie name ot J. s. uavis auio Company, with its principal place of business In the City of North Platte, Lincoln county, iseurasKa, ana tne general nature of the business to be transacted being the carrying on of a tronerad wholesale nnd retail mer chandising business, the wholesale and retailing of maclilnrcy, automobiles repairs and accesosrlos, tho oporatlon of machlno and repair shops and all necessary things Incident thereto, and also the buying and selling of real and personal property and to do all things Incident thereto. The amount of the capital stock of said corporation Is In the sum or seventy-uve thous and 00.000 ($75,000.00) Dollars, divid ed Into shares of Ono Hundred 00.100 ($100.00) Dollars each, tho same to b epald for In cash or In proporty as may lie uetermineu oy ino uoaru oi Directors, The timo of the commence ment of said business to be on the 1st day of January, 1919, and continue for a period of flfty years. The high est amount Indebetcdness to which said Corporation shall at any timo subject Itself shall not be more than Fifty Thousand 00,100 ($50,000.00) Dol lars. The affairs of the corporation shall bo conducted by a Board of Di rectors, consisting of threo persons. Said ' Board of Directors to elect the President, Vice-President, Treasurer and Secretary. Dated this 13th uay or January, ijlj. J. S. DAVIS. . MAItY E. DAVIS. N J. J. CRAWFORD. W. J. TIL.EY. J. E. MILLION. J. R. LIN. Auction of Improvement. Nntlcn Is hereby trlveh that on tho 19th dav of March 1919. at 1 o'clock P. M., at tho ofllce of the (County Trcas- urer ot jLjmcuui vuuuiy, .bui ubi.i, mo nommlsaioner of Public Lands and Buildings, or his authorized represent atives, will sail at public auction all tho movame jmprovcmenis locaieu up on the following described school lands: ' South Half of the North East Quar ter rs,KEl: the East Half of tho North Vest Quarter (EN'W'J); the Knst Hair or tne woiun wosi wuaner (EVjSW'i), and tho South East Quar ter (SE) of Section 1C, Township 9, Range 30. of Lincoln County. Dated March 4th, 1919. DAN SWANSON, Commissioner of Public Lands m4m21 and Buildings. Order of Hearing on Final Settlement, State of Nebraska, Lincoln County ,ss. In the County Court In the Matter of the Estate of Jere miah Snyder, Deceased. To tho creditors, heirs, legatees and others interested in the Estate of Jere miah Snyder. Take Notice, That the Executor has (filed in the County Court, a report of tills doings as Executor of said estato, and it is ordered that the same stand for hearing the 1st day of April, A. D., 1919, before the Court at the hour of 9 o'clock A. M., at which time any per son interested may appear to contest the same. Notico of this proceeding and the hearing thereof is ordered given to all persons interested in said matter by publishing a copy of this order in the North Platto Tribune, a semi-weekly nowspaper printed in said county, fr threo consecutive weeks prior to said date of hearing. Dated March 10th, 1919. WM. H. C. WOODHURST, Mll-25 County Judges. NOTICE OF REFEREE'S SALE Notico Is hereby given that by vir tue of an order issued to mo by tho District Court In and for Lincoln county, Nebraska, on the 19tli day of February, 1919, in an action wherein Prank Greenwood is plaintiff and Pat rick Greenwood, Kate Fletcher, John Greenwood, Jr., John Shaffer, Ruth Muller, Jane Shaffer, Pinkie Wnite, Charles Shaffer, a minor and George Taylor, guardian of Charles Shaffer, are defendants, I will on tho 29th day of March, 1919, at tho hour of two o'clock P. M. of said dato at the east front door of the Court House in the city of North Platte, Lincoln Coun ty, Nebraska, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash tho fol lowing described real estate, to-wlt: East HalffEV.) of Section Thirty (30), Northwest Quarter (NWtt).of Sec tion Twenty-nine (29), Southeast Quarter (SE4) of Section Nineteen (19), and South Half of Southwest Quarter (SY2 of SW14) of Section Nineteen (19), all in Township Ten (10), Range Twenty-nine (29), west of tho Gth P. M., Lincoln County, Ne braska, also Lot Eight (8), 'in Block Six (G) of Ponlston's Addition to the city of North Platte, Lincoln county, Nebraska, said land to be sold as a whole or In separato tracts. Dated this 24th day of February, 1919: O. E. ELDER, F25-M2S Referee. NOTICE OF HEARING To all Persons Interested In the Es tate of woodward B. Yohc, Deceased. You are hereby notified that on the 17th day of Fobruary, 1919. J. E. Hall filed his petition in tho district court of Lincoln county, Nebraska, tno object anu prayor or which aro to obtain a decreo authorizing and di recting Nettio It. Youe, executrix of said estate, to oxecute and deliver to him a deed containing full convey ance of warranty to tho following de scribed real estate, to-wit: The Northeast one-fourth and tho North ono hundred acres of the Northwest ono-fourth in Section Thirty-five, Township Nine, North, of Range Thirty-one, west of tho Gth P. M., Lincoln county, Nebraska. In pur Buanco with tho terms of a certain written contract botvveen said Wood ward R. Yoho, now deceased, and J. E. Hall, said petition will be heard at Chambers at the court houso in the City of North Platte, Nobraska, on tho Gth day of April, 1919, at tho hour of 10 o'clock a. m. It is further ordered that notice of tho pendency of this petition and of the time and placo fixed for tho hear ing thereon bo given by publication for six successive weeks In tho North Platto Semi-Weekly Tribune, n legal newspaper published twice a week at North Platte, in Lincoln county, in tho state of Nebraska. Dated this 17th day of February, 1919. 11. M. UKIMES, District Judgo. flS-al