The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, March 21, 1919, Image 8

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    - . .
SgmHBcridy Ezibmt.
IRA L HAKE, Editor nml Publisher
Ono l'cnr by Mull, in advance. .$1 .7i
One Year by Carrier, In advance, $2.00
Entorcd' at tho North Platto, Nebraska
Poslofflco as Second ClaaH Matter,
FRIDAY, MARCH 21h1, 11.
Tlie Need of Support
On the first duy of next month the
voter' of North Platto will elect as
their chlof executive either Julius Pi
zer, A. I". Streltr., J. II. Stono or A.
M. Lock. Those four men are roput
ahlo citizens, possess good buslnoss
ability, three of tho four have- largo
invWtiionts In city property, and tho
kSon Intorost of each In the moral, so
alal and commercial, wolfnro of the
city cannot, be questioned. Today
tho demand Is for a cleaner North
Platto; we have too much bootleg
ging, too much gambling, too many
women of tho scarlet huo. Hy this It
Is not meant that North Platte is a
v holl-holo of Iniquity, for moral condi
tions aro not worse here than in Kenr
noy, Grand Island or other towns of
similar size, yet the fact Is patent thut
thoro aro conditions which, whllo Im
possible to wholy eradicate, 'can and
shoufd bo controlled.
Will you help control thoin?
You will elect ono of tho four can
didates as mayor and having done this
will you fold your arms and say: "Wo
liavo olectod you mayor, now see that
that the town is cleaned up," or will
you as a roprosontatlvo of tho higher
, class of cltizonshlp say t othe nowly
olectod mayor: "I am with you heart
' and hand in ovory action that you tako
to ltnprovo moral conditions."
And having given this promise will
you, us n good citizen, fulfill it?
No Mayor, no city council, no pollco
forcq can make, material Improve
ment's In moral' conditions unless they
aro supported by tho pcoplo, and so
far as this wrltor can remember In a
porlod of thirty years that support has
NEVER BEEN GIVEN to a mayor or
to a police force. Instead of being
a help to tho onforcoment of stuto laws
and city ordkmnefcs, wo havo boon tho
rovorso; wo stand on tho street cor
ners and laugh or Jeer at attoinpts
that aro made to Improve conditions;
wo conclude, without Investigation,
that such attempts are lnslncero; wo
domand that certain things ho done
and If thoy ura dono wo crltlclzo tho
officer doing it b'oeauso it was not dono
in somo other way. Wo novor havo a
good word for tho mayor or his po-
- lico, no matter who tho mayor or tho
pollco may bo or how slncoro their de
sire to do good. As citizens wo fault
tho administration for moral con
ditions, whorcas If wo wore honest wo
would fault ourselves for our lack of
courago in doing, or nsslstlng to do,
those things which tho right standard
, of cltizoiiBhlp requires of us. If wo
are sincere in our demand for a clean-
' or town wo should do our part, and
not loavo it wholly to tho mayor or the
pollco force. Tho fact is wo are too
cowardly to do our duty and use tho
mayor and pollco to screen our cow
ardice Wo contont ourselves by say
ing it Is not our duty to see that laws
nro enforced; wo dolegato that work
to tho men who aro paid for doing it;
yet wo nil know that as good citizens
, wo should file complaints against
those whom wo aro certain havo vio
lated a law or fractured a city or
dinance, without rolylng on tho po
llco, and yet who of us over do so?
Let us as individual citizens pledge
ourselves to support tho now mayor
and tho pollco force, whoovor thoy
may bo; let us cease continually and
Infernally belittling thorn, and by so
doing wo can rost asured that moral
conditions in North Platto will bo aB
' nearly porfoct as it Is posslblo to
havo them.
-: :o: :
Cigarette .Kill Passes.
Tho logisluturo has at last arranged
to take tho ban off tho selling of
cigarettes oxcopt to minors. Whllo
passing this bill tho sonato tacked on
a few umondmonts that will glvo somo
consolation to tho foes of tho coffin
nail. After tho hill becomes u law
along In tho mlddlo of tho surnmor It
will bp unlawful to smoko clgarettos
In public eating plaoos. Tho adver
tising of cigarettes in publlo places,
oxcept newspapers, is forbidden. Tho
law nmco alms lit tho drugging of tho
tobacco and popor used In clgarettto
My GG0 aero ranch, woll Improved,
I mllos southeast of Tryon, MoPher
son county. Will luko good city
property Lii part paymont.
Also fruit and forORt troos and
R. A. McFARLAND, Phono Rod 732
worm l'latto. .Nob. 18tf
Tux! Lirtry
To any pluco at any time Day or
.Night. Phono 181. Clair Lomon.
North Platte, Nebraska
l'JIONH 018.
By callng this number you can as
certain whoro I am.
Ilurlnl of Private Raymond Jliirfrner.
GDIS Gormantown Avonuo,
Philadelphia, Pa.
My dear Friend:
II am writing you this letter because
r happon to have had tho sad duty of
burying, at Evacuation Hospital No. 1)
In Franco, Prlvato Raymond Hurgnor,
who died of pneumonia and was burled
October 21, 1918, In grave No. 200.
Thoro is little that I can tell you,
but I Imagine that every detail Is of
Interest, and In anj case I want to
send you my slncerest sympathy In
your boreavomont.
You have probably learned before
this considerable about his death. Ho
was brought to our hospital at Vaubo
court, which was directly behind the
Argonno Forest, wlmro, I can nssuro
you, lie received tn uesi possible mcu
Ical attention. Ho far ns I was able, I
tried to minister to the many brave
soldiers that wore brought to us dur
ing the sad days of October. I rogrot I
was able to do so little for him, but
can nt least give you the consolation of
knowing that ho had a decent Chris
tian burial and thut his body lies In a
lovely, quiet little cemetery on tho top
of u hill overlooking the town of
Notjong ago while addressing tho
American troops. Ulshop Urent said
thoro was no decoration so high as
tho wooden cross placed at the head
of a -man's grnve, and you happen to
have that distinction In your family,
with what comfort It may bring.
Although I realize very ketmly how
lnttdcquato any words of mine arc to
bring comfort to you, may 'I close In
once more assuring you that If thoro
Is any way that I can bo of further
sorvlco to you I would consider It a
Vory sincorely yours,
Aviator Will Cross Atlantic.
A British tmns-Atlantlc airplane
tho building of which has boon kopt o,
secret until tho present time, will be
shipped to Now Brunswick within a
fow dayB to attempt a flight from
Now Brunswick to Irolnnd, according
to a statement made by tho London
Mall. Tho Mail has offered a
fifty thousand dollar prize to the first
machine successfully making tho
truns-Atluntic flight, with an .addition
al fifty thousand If tho successful
plane' Is of British make. Three Brit
ish and three American aviators have
ontored the lists.
Tho piano just completed Is a three
hundred und sovonty-flvo horse poWor
machine and will probably have tho
votorun aviator, Harry G. Hawkor. of
Australia, at tho wheel when It makes
ub llight. Commandor MucKonzio
Glvo will bo sent along ns navigator
Issues another Real Estato Bullqtln
April ist. ir you arc interested in
owning or building a homo, turn, in
your namo und nddreKs at onco so you
win reccivo tho Bulletin regularly
Phono Red or Black 012, giving ub
your nomo. 15K3
: :o: :
Church of Our Saviour Episcopal.
Divine sorvlcos for Sundays and
Lonton week days:
Sundays Holy Communion 7:30 a
m, Sunday school 9:45 a. m. Morn
ing prnyer and sermon 11 n. m. Even
ing prayer and sormon 7 p.'m.
week days In Lent Litany nnd
meditation, Wednesdays 4:30 p. m. and
iTiuays at 7:30 p. m.
St. Paul's church North SIdo Sun
day school 3:00 p. m. Lonton services
ovory Thursday at 7:30 p. m.
My rosldonco property: five room
house nnd two good lots with fruit
bonrlng bushes and troos. Bnrn and
other outbuildings. Also GOO bush-
ols Kershon oats; good for scod.
18-3 1021 North Pino Street.
: :o: :
True Copy Will Be Accepted
Regulations governing tho paymont
of $00 bonus to honorably discharged
soldiers woro amonded by tho war de
partment to permit tho acccptanco by
disbursing olflclals of u "truo copy"
of discharge certificates. Heretofore
tho original cortldcatcs woro required
but it was found that many soldiers
roitiBod to part with tho papers, pre
ferring to lose tho bonus rather than
risk tho loss of official ovldonco of
their honornblo roloaso.
All copies submitted under the
nmondmont authorized must bo cortl
llod by tho army recruiting offlco'r
noarost tho soldier s rosldonce.
' :o: :
Responslblo man to soil and sot
monuments. Extra good pay. Com
mission. No territory rostrlctlons.
Addross Box 12, Bird City, Kan 184
irregular bowel movements should
be corrected, ns thoy load to ohronlc
constipation. Tnko a doso of Prickly
Ash BIttorB at bedtime. You will got
Us uonollclnl offoct aftor breakfast
tho next morning. It ompttos tho stom
ach and bowels and mukos you fool fit
tor tho day's work. Gummeru-Dont
Drug Co., Special Agonts.
Senlod bids will bo rooolvtd nt th
olllco ot tho County dork of I, In iin
county, until a i. m., on HnttiMi-y,
npru mm. at iNorui run to, oir s
km for ir railing, aurfaoinir. and in i
dental work on the North Ilntto-Su"i-
erinnti Project .No. 10, Fodernl Aid
11 ds will bo 01)0110(1 at the office of
tno Hoard or county commissioners
Lincoln county, nt their olllco In i'ie
Court House. North IMatto. Noliriml
prmnptly nftor tho time for roceivln;
diiih mis OIOSOII.
The nroposod work consists of con
struotlng annroinlniatoly 19.1 ihIIoh u
earth road, with stretches of jtrnvu'
Tho approximate quantities aro:
U8.171 cu. yds. of oartb oxonvntlon
4. 052 cu. viIh. mile hauling gravel.
Certlilod chock 6 per cent of amount
or bid.
I'lniiB aiid spoclllcatlonH for the work
may bo Boon and Information may be
sucuroa ai tno aoovo oiuca, or at the
olllco of tho Htato Knglnoer, Iilncoln
Nobrasun. mo tstato una county re
serve tho right to wulvo nil toobnlonl
itlou, aim to reject any ami all bids.
A. S, ALLtfN. County Clork.
OKO. H. JOHNSON.Htate Kuglneer.
March 17f 1919.
Board of county commissioners met,
prosont Koch, IlermlnghauBon and
Snrlnccr and county clork.
I Tho following claims wore allowed:
C. Devlno, road work, $9.00.
F. D. Wostonfeld, mdso. county poor,
F. B. Mnrr, house rent for county
poor, $19.00.
W. H. Wntson, mdse. county poor.
Carl Fletcher, road work, $11.00.
Everett Sawyer, bridge work, $3.00
Frank Bothwell. bridge work $0,00
Rolllo Robinson, brhlgo work, $17. 95
John Battle, bridge work, 72.00.
Wnltor Hllson, road work, $105.43.
Adjourned to meet March 20, 1919.
'n: :
Issues another Real Estate Bulletin
April 1st. If you are Inlorostod In
owning or building a home, turn in
your namo and address at onco so you
will rccelvo tho Bulletin regularly.
Phono Rod or BInck 012, giving us
your nomo. 18-3
Should see that tho whole family take
at lenst 3 or 4 doges of a thoro, pur
ifying, system cleaning, medicine HiIh
spring. Now is the time. Tho fnm
lly will be healthier, happier, and get
along bottor If the blood Is gtvon a
thoro purfylng, the stomach and bow
els cleaned out, and tho germs of
Winter, accumulated In the system,
driven away. Holllster's Hocky Moun
tain Tea Is one of the host and surest
Spring medicines to take Oct It and
see tho difference In tho whole family.
Tholr color' will be better, they'll feel
fine and bo well and happy. J. O. Pat
terson, agent.
Simply shelf room! This Is
my sewing room when I'm
not sowing.
. I tnko 'It out and put it back
Just llko a hat box. It's so con-'
vonlcnt and handy that I find
myself doing lots of odd sowing
that previously wont undone
beforo I had my
Attached to any lamp socket
or outlet. Porfect Bpeed con
trol by tho foot. Loaves full
attontlon to tho work. It pays
for itsolf many times over!
Wunt to try
ono at
Won't cost you a cent!
rsotico is lioronv irlvim on
Tuosdny. tho llrst day of Anrll. 1D10
a general election will bo held in the
city or jsorth l'latte, Lincoln county
ci)rusjn, ueiweeu me Hours of
o'clook n. in. nnd 7 o'clock p. m Tho
voting plnco In tho Iflrst ward will bo
at the Uurbln Oardgo at 5th and
Dewey street: In tho Second ward nt
tno commissioners room in the pour
house fin tho Third ward at the Flra
istatlon at Front nnd Vine strootH. and
In tho Fourth ward at tho Hulck Car-
age nt Locust and utgiitii street.
At which election there will be
Ono mayor for tho term of two years.
tin clork for tho term of two ye;irs.
uno city treasurer tor the term o
two years.
one water commissioner for the term
or two years.
one councilman rrom the First
ward ror tno torm or two years.
uno councilman rrom the Second
ward ror the term or two years.
uno counoiinmn rrom tho Third
warn ror tno term or two years
one councilman rrom the Fourth-
warn ror tno torm or two years.
Two momuors or the board of educa
tlon for the school district of the city
or .-serin riaue, county or Lincoln
state of Nebraska, for the term of throo
And whereas more man 130 legal
rosmont voters or mo oity or .ortn
Plntte. Nebraska, have Hied a petltlo
with tno mayor ana city council of th
City of North Platto. Nebrnskn. nrny
ing tor mo sunmission or tne duestiou
or tno operation or picture snows to i
oporntod on Sunday and by virtue
thereof said (mention Is hereby sub
mlttod to said electors. The ballots
usod nt the election shall have printed
thereon: ,
YOU allowing tho operation or mo
tion picture shows oil Sunday in the
City of North Plntto, Nebrnskn.
AGAINST the operation of motion
picture shows on Sunday In the city ot
North Plntte, NVbrnska.
Those voting In favor of the oner-
atlon of motion picture shows on SunH
day sirau mm k their ballots with nn
X oppostto the pnrngraph beginning:
FOK operating motion picture shows
on Sunday in tho City of North l'latto,
Those voting against said proposi
tion shnll mark tholr ballots with nn
X opposite the paragraph beginning
AOAINST tho oporntlou of motion pic
ture shows on Sunday In the City of
North Platte, Nebraska.
Signed this 17th day of March, 1019.
O. 13. KL1JUH. Mayor.
City Clerk 20-3
Physician nnd Surgeon
Rooms 5-G McDonald Bank Bldg.,
North Plntte, Neb.
Office Phono 340
Res. Black 370
Osteopathic Physician
Bolton Bldg. North Platto, Neb.
Phono for Appointments.
uriiiT ui iirnnng on. riiuil Xe tlrinriit.
Tho Stnte of Nebraska, Lincoln Coun
ty, SS.
In the County Court:
In the nintter of the Katate of George
V. Hose, Deceased.
To tho creditors, heirs, legateus and
others interested In tho estate of
uoorgo. v. uose.
Take notice that Mary A. Itoso has
filed In tho county court a report of her
doings as executrix of said estato and
It Is ordered that tho samo stand for
hearlnir the 26th dnv of Anrll. A. r.
1910. before tho court at tho hour of
in n'lldnl, . 1 . I I . . I
mm Liwvu rv. hi., m which nine any per
son interested may appear nnd except
to and contest the same.
Notice of this nroceedlnr nnil thn
nenring inereor is ordered given to all
persons Interested In said matter bv
iiuDUMiiuig a copy or mis order in the
North IMatto Tribune, ti semi-weekly
newspaper printed in said oountv for
mreo consecimvo woeKs prior to said
naie oe noaring.
JJated larcll lotlu 19X0.
nilS-3 County Judge.
Notice of AUiicliiiiiMit.
State of Nebraska. Countv of Lin
coln, as.
A. .M. lilunio, first nnd ronl name un-
nown. will take notice that on tho
2th day of March, 1019, I. L. Mllton-
ierger. a just cc or tlie pence nf T. In.
coin county. Nebrnskn. Issued nn nr.
dor of attachment for the sum of in an action nenil nz beforo him
.'heroin Uerryherrv & Forbos. Tnp.. r
piaiuiiiL iimi a. m. uiume, lirst nnd
real name unknown. Is defendant: that
property of tho defendant consisting
ii moneys in me nanus or tno Alnsonlc
Adgo of North Plntte. Nebrnskn. hns
ueen niuicneu unuer snld order.
HaUL order Is continued to tho Sth
iiy ui prn, iv iv, ni o cjock p. m.
lilSKKV FOItUES, inc.,
mH-3 Plaintiffs.
Notice is hereby irlven thnt tlm un
dersigned. In pursunnce of the Statutes
of tho State of Nebraska, do nssoclate
ineinscives in ouslncss ns a body cor
poratod In tho manner and for the pur-
iiuues nereinnner mentioned.
1. Tho name of the corporation
shall bo Star Ilottllnir and Mercantile
Tho nrlnc nal place of transact
ing this business shall be In the cltv of
forui i-iaiio. mcurnsita.
3. The general nature of tho busl
ness to be transacted by said corpora
tlon sluill be tho mnnufneture. nur
cliaso and sale of carbonated bover-
nges and ciders, nnd to buy and sell at
wnoiosnic, crushed rruits, syrups.frult,
groceries, cigars nnd tobacco, and such
other goods anil merchandise ns said
corporation mny, by n resolution of
the board of directors from tlmo de
cide to handle, and snld corporation
may do such other business as Is neces
sary to carry out the main purpose of
this corporation, and for that purpose
said corporation shall havo tho power
to buy, son ana convoy, lease, sub
lease nnd lot such real estate and
buildings and appurtenances as may
uo necessary and Incidental to tho
proper arid profitable conducting of
said business, and may do nnd per
form such other nets and things ns
mny no incidental nnd necessary to tho
main powers of the corporation.
4. Tno onto ot tlie commencement or
the business of said corporation shnll
bo April 1. 1919. nnd It shnll terminate
business on the 1st day of April. 1969.
u. tho nmount or cnpitnl stock au
thorized is $715,000.00. S10.000.00 of
wnicn Is fully paid In, the balnnce to
ue paid in as the directors see tit to
fo. Tho highest nmount of lnrleht
ednesa to which this corporation shall
nt any tlmo subject Itself, shall not ox
ceed two-thirds of Its paid up cnpltal
7. Tho affairs and business of tho
corporation shnll bo conducted by n
Hoard of Directors. President. Vlcn
President. General Mnnacer. Secretary
aim ironsurer.
Dated March 17, 1919.
In the Mattor of the Estato of Earl E,
tiiitler, Deceased.
Now Oll'thls 12th dnv of M.irnli. mi!)
It Is ordered bv the Court thnt thi Ad
ministrator bo allowed onn venr from
tills date in which to settle said Estate,
and creditors will bo allowed until tho
zun iny or Sept., 1919 to filo their
claims, after said date, clnlms will bo
forever barred. Thnt on tlm 24th ilnv
ui .nine, uuy, and tlie :Mtli day of Sept,,
IV IV. Ill 1U O ClOCIC A. M. Of ni' I of snlil
days, tho coint nnd tho administrator
win uuoim at tno county court room
in snm county, to receive, exnmlne.
lienr, nllow. and adjust claims. That
notice Of this order be crlven prnilltnrn
aim an persons Interested In said Es-
tato by publication of a notice for four
successive woeKs Immediately preced
ing me Z4in uny or Juno, 1U19, in the
jNortn i-iiute Tribune, a legal seml-
weeuiy newspaper printed and pub-
uHiien in i.incoin county, Nebrnskn.
M1SAS Countv Judtre.
(MitliiMiliiirK- youth Side Irrigation Com.
puny, (Iiitlit'iiliiirur. I. i. lllnklrv.
iiotlit'iiliiirg, mid all oIIutn liiterest-
u and ench of you nre hereby no-
tilled that a hearlnir will lin linld nt
tho Stnto Engineer's office, located at
iiu niuio unpitoi minding in Lincoln,
Lancaster County, Stato of Nebraska,
on the 18th day of April, 1919, nt two
u ciocic 1 , .11.. tor tho purpose of de
claring cancelled and forfeited nil pro
tended claim or rights purporting to
hnvo been granted under water nppro-
iiruiiiuu uocKei io. tisi, uatcd Oc
tober 2fi. 1S9I: located In water division
No. l-A; the point of division belnir
"On tho South bnnk of tho strenm In
the NWVi of Section 30, Township 12,
Ran urn 2(1 Wrist nf tlm fith r Ar In
Lincoln County, Nebrnskn." nnd tho
land covered by said appropriation is
uescriiieu as follows:
I'nrts of Sect ons G. 4 3. 9. 10. 11.
lfl. IB. 14. 13. 22. 23. 24. 2fi nnd 2B.
Township 11, North Hango 26; parts of
Sections 19, 20, 30, 29. 2S, 31, 32, 33, 34
and 35. Township 11, North Range 25;
l-aris or sections 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 10, 11, 12,
ia. ji ami z. Towns iin 10. North
Haniro 2B, Parts of Soctlons C, 7, S, 9,
IB, II, 11), lii, n, id, -u, zi, a, 23, Zlt,
2C. 27. 2S. 29. 30. 33. 31. 35 and 30.
Township 10, North Rnngo 21, and parts
ot (sections 1 ami 2, Townsiup 11, North
Range 24. all west of the fith I. M. in
Lincoln and Dawson Counties, Nobrns-
kn, or those portions of tho lognl sub-
divisions qf the land abovo enumerated
not covered or claimed by other irrlga-
tion works, entitled to prior nppropri-
ntion for tlie Irrigation thereof,
amountlnir in nil to about twenty-
nvo inousanii ncres.
You and each of you are hereby no.
titled to npenr at said hearing and
snow cause wny said appropriation
neroinuetoro specincauy descrinea
should not be .forfeited nnd cancelled.
1 Ry GI30. 13. JOHNSON.
State Kpgineer, Secretary.
Dated this 11th day of March. 1919.
(SISAL) ml4A12
..General Hospital..
One Hall Block North ot Postoftice.
Phone 58 )
A modern Institution for ths
iciantific treatment of medical,
surgical und confinement cases.
Completely equipped X-Rny
nd diagnostic laboratories.
Geo. B-Dent, M: D. V. Lucas, M. D.
J. B. Redfie!d.M.D. J. S. SIMMS, M.D.
For Medical, Surgical, Mat
ernity and convalescent pati
ents. Successful operation on
Appendix, when necessary
Gall bladder
Hospital Phone 110
Office Phone 183
Residence Phone 283
1008 West Fourth Street
. North Platte, Neb.
Office over McDonald Hunk.
Office Phono 113C lies. Phono 1120
Phsylcinn and Surgeon.
Special Attontlon Given to Surgery
nnd Obstrotrlcs.
Office: Building & Loan Building
Phonos: Office 130, Residence 115
Office phone 241. Res. phone 217
Osteopathic Physician.
North Platte, - - Nebraska.
Knights of ColumbuB Building.
Phone 308
Rooms, i nml 2 rtuHnn TliillHIne
"00mS 1 al,U ' Helton Building
wortn Platto, isenrasKft,
General Farm Sales a Snccltflty.
References nnd Dnrcs at First Na
tional Ilnnk, North IMatto, Neb.
Phono 1000.
Henry Ilorgiiiaii, March 20th.
Fred Kuscr, March 18tlu
R. I. Shappell,
Hates can bo niiulo at Platto Valley
I always tako stock buyers with
.My ono best reference I'm always
tinted ulicml Phone nt my exnonse
for dates
Hospital Phone Black 633.
House Phone Black 633 ,
Graduate VoterJnarian
Eiht years a Government Veterinar
ian. Hospital 218, south Locust St.
one-half block southwest of the
Court House.
Licensed Embamors
Undertakers and Funeral Directora
Day phono 11
Night phono Black 0S8
Highest Cash Prices
Paid for
Hides and Junk.
Hy virtue ofan order of sale Issued
ifom tne uisirict court or Lincoln
County. Nebraska, upon a decree of
foreclosure rendered In snld Court
wherein occidental Building and Loan
Association, a Corporation, Is plaintiff,
ana L,eon ueo hobs, et al aro dolend-
ants, ana to 1110 directed, l will on tne
19th day of April, 1919, at 2 o'clock P.
I SI., at the east front door of the court
iiouse 111 monu i-iane, ijincoin county,
Nobraska, soil nt Publlo Auction to
the highest blddor for cash, to satisfy
saw uocree, lnioroBi nnn costs, tno-101
lowing uescriDou proporty, to-wit:
Lot six (6), Hlook seventy-seven
(77) In the original town of North
l'latto ns surveyed, platted and re
Dated North Platte. Neb.. March 15th
isiy. a. J. KALisuruv,
M1SA15 Sheriff.
Practice Limited to
Surporj- and itndlum Thorupj
728 City National Itnnk HulldluK.
Omaha. Nebrnshn.
Notice of Incorporation of J, M. Dnvls
Auto Co in i any.
Notice Is hereby given that the un
dersigned, havo formed a corporation
under the nnmo or J. a. Davis Auto
Company, with Its principal place of
business in the City of North Plntte,
Lincoln county, Neorasica, nnu tno
general nature of the business to be
transacted boliiK the carrying on of a
conerad wholesale and retail mer
chandising business, the wholesalo and
retailing of mnchlnrey, automobiles
repairs ana nccososries, the operation
of machlno and repair shops and all
necessary thlnRH Incident thereto, and
also the buylnrr and selling1 of real
and personal proporty and to do all
tliincs incident thoreto. Tho amount
of the capital stock of said corporation
is in tho sum or eventy-nvo tnous
and 00.000 (S7G.O00.00) Dollars, divid
ed Into shares of Ono Hundred 00.100
($100.00) Dollars each, tho samo to
b cpald for In cash or In proporty as
may bo determined by tho Hoard of
Directors. Tho tlmo of tho commence
ment of said business to be on the
1st dny of Jnnuary, 1919, and contlnuo
for iv period of fifty years. The high-1
ost amount lndebetedness to which
snld Corporation shall nt any tlmo
subject Itself shall not bo moro than
Fifty Thousand 00.100 ($50,000.00) Dol
lars. Tho affairs of the corporation
shall bo conducted by a Board of Di
rectors, consisting of tbreo persons.
Said Board of Directors to elect tho
President. Vlco-Presidont, Treasurer
and Secretary.
Datod this 13th day of January, 1919.
Auction of Improvement.
Notice is hereby given that on tho
19th day of Marcfi. 1919, at 1 o'clock P.
M., at the ollico of tho County Treas
urer of Lincoln County, Nebrnskn, the
Commissioner of Public Lands and
Buildings, or his aiithorlzed represent
atives, will sell at public nuctlon nil
tho movable Improvements located up
on the following described school
South Half of tho North East Quar
ter (SNE); tho Enst Half of tho
North West Quart- (E,4NW); tho
East Half of the South Weft Quarter
(E14SWV1), and th South East Quar
ter (SEVi) of Section JC, Township 9,
Range 30, of Lincoln County.
Dated March 4th, 1919.
Commissioner of Public Lands
ni4m21 and Buildings.
Order of Hearing: on Final Settlement,
State of Nebraska, Lincoln County ,ss.
In tho County Court
In tho Matter of the Estate of Jere
miah Snyder, Deceased.
To tho creditors, heirs, legatees and
others interested in tho Estate of Jere
miah Snyder.
Take Notice, That the Executor has
filed in the County Court, a report of
his doings as Executor of said estato,
and it is ordered tliat the samo stand
for hearing the 1st day of April, A. D
1919, before the Court at tho hour of 9
o'clock A. M., at which time any per
son interested may appear to contest
tho samo.
Notice of this proceeding and the
hearing thereof is ordered given to all
persons interested In stild matter by
publishing a copy of this order in the
North Platte Tribune, a semi-weekly
nowspapor printed in said county, U
three consecutivo weeks prior to said
date of hearing.
Dated March 10th, 1919.
Mll-25 County Judges.
Notice is hereby given that by vir
tue of an order issued to me by tho
District Court in and for Lincoln
county, Nebraska, on the 19th day of
February, 1919, in an action wherein
Frank Greenwood is plaintiff and Pat
rick Greenwood, Kato Fletcher, John
Greenwood. Jr., John Shaffer, Ruth
Muller, Jane Shaffer, Pinkie White,
Charles Shaffer, a minor and George
Taylor, guardian ot Charles Shaffer,
aro defendants, I will on the 29th day
of March, 1919, at the hour of two
o'clock P. M. of said date at the east
front door of tho Court House in the
city of North Platte, Lincoln Coun
ty, Nebraska, sell at public auction
to tho highest bidder for cash the fol
lowing described real estate, to-wlt:
East Half(E) of Section Thirty. (30),
Northwest Quarter (NWW) of Sec
tion Twenty-nine (29), Southeast
Quarter (SE14) of Section Nineteen
(19), and South Half of Southwest
Quarter (SVj of SWV1) of Section
Ninoteen (19), all in Township Ten
(10), Range Twenty-nino (29), west of
the Gth P. M.. Lincoln County. Ne
braska, also Lot Eight (S), in Block
Six (R) of Penlston's Addition to the
city of North Platto, Lincoln county,
Nobraska, said land to bo sold as a
wholo or In soparato tracts.
Dated this 24th day of February,
F25-M2S Roforee.
To nil Persons Interested la the Es
tate of Woodward B. Yohe,
You aro lieroby notified that on tho
17th day of February, 1919. J. E.
Hnll filed his petition in tho district
court of Lincoln county, Nobraska,
tho object and prayer of which aro to
obtain a decroo authorizing and di
recting Nettie R. Yohe, executrix of
said ostate, to execute and deliver to
him a deed containing full convey
nnco ot warranty to tlio following de
scribed real ostnte, to-wit: The
Northeast ono-fourth and the North
onp hundred acres of tho Northwest
ono-fourth In Section Thirty-five,
Township Nine, North, of Range
Thirty-one. west of tho 0th P. M.,
Lincoln county, Nobraska. In pur
suanco with tho tonus of a certnin
written contract between said Wood
ward R. Yoho, now deceased, and J.
E. Hall, said petition will bo heard at
Chambers at the court house in tlie
City of North Platto, Nebraska, on
the 5th day of April, 1919, at tho hour
of 10 o'clock a. in.
It is furthor ordorod that notice of
tho pondency of this petition nnd of
the tlmo and place fixed for tho hear
ing thereon bo given by publication
for six successive weeks In tho North
Platto Soml-Wookly Tribune, a legal
newspaper published twlco a wook
at North Platto, in Lincoln county,
In tho stato of Nebraska.
Datod this 17th day of February,
1919. H. M. ormircs
District Judge.