THE 8EMI.WEEKLY TRIBUNE. NORTH PLATTE. NEBRA8KA. GERMAN NATIONAL ASSEMBLY IN SESSION 1 Thirty American submarine chasers lenvlng Plymouth, England, for hiimi 2 An American soldier standing Kiutrd ut n warehouse In Archangel, KuhhIii, where n lot of oatmeal Is being unloaded. 3 Girl workers ut the Auierl cm i salvage plant at Tours, Franco; thousands of Oernutn prisoners are kept busy there. - --i. i- - - i . ... - ' ' ii. i i - '' ' i i , ... SCENES DURING THE HUNGARIAN REVOLUTION These photograph" of the recent revolution in Hungary which resulted In the proclamation of a republic, with Count Karolyl as president, show an automnbllo loaded with revolutionists dashing through the greets of Budapest and Count Karolyl and Johau Hock addressing a crowd In front of the parliament building. DURING THE BIG ARGENTINE STRIKE HEROIC NURSE DECORATED This photograph, taken during the strike started In the Argentine by tho EnarchlHts, shows a scene In front of the Vasena Iron works Just after a light elween the strikers and llremen. The body of one of the killed lies In tho ftreet. GERMANS GIVE UP ROLLING STOCK Secretary Baker pinning the United States Distinguished Service Cross on Miss Bentrlco MncDonnld of tho re serve nurse army corps. Miss Mac Donald was decorated for extraor dinary heroism on duty with tho sur glcnl team at British casualty clear ing station No. 01, British area. Dur ing a German night nlr raid she con tinued at her post until she was wounded by' a bomb, thereby losing an eye. This Is the first phofograpl. to arrive In this country showing the nntlonnl constituent assembly In session in the theater at Wohtuir, Germany. Frledrlch Ebert, newly elected president of the German republic, Is shown delivering his address. i FOR REHABILITATION OF DISABLED SOLDIERS Members of an International committee on methods of rehabilitation of the disabled soldiers, In front of the Bed Cross Institute for Crippled Men in New York. Left to right: Andre Treves, Belgium; Vlthorle Puttl, Itnly; Dr. Maurice Bourlllon, France; Louis Alletnan, Belgium ; Douglas C. McMurtle, America; Grace Harper, America, aud Kdmoud Dronsnrt, France. POPULAR HOSPITAL VISITOR NAVAL TRANSPORT AFIRE AT HOBOKEN Put Character Into Your Work. Those who reach tho highest and best In any sphere of life must seek It. Whatever the work they have to perforin, they must put earnestness and energy Into It. Character counts, and the Individual who achieves tho highest must put personality In his ef forts. When asked to mention ono thlnu 1 above all otlurs that had contributed to his success, n leading merchant said : "Whether working for myself or toe others, I always took an Interest In my work, nnd tried to put part of myself Into It." Girl's Companion. The naval transport Slxaola sunk nt her pier ut Iloboken, N. J. The vessel caught tiro while being loaded with supplies for Franco nnd It was decided to sink her. Lieut. K. II. Foster and Chief Boatswain's Mate Frank Kramer went below to open the seacocks and were trapped by the inrush of wnter and drowned. BULLOCK PENSIONED BY GREAT BRITAIN After many delays and futile protests the Germans have at last sur metered tho rolling stock demanded under tho terms of the armistice. This jiho'ogrnpU shows ono of tho locomotives and Its crew aftor Its surrender to tint French otllcluls In occupied Germauy. What Every Boy Should Do Every Day 1. Drink a pint of hot water and take a dozen deep breaths before breakfast, ii. Say "good morning" to at least one-half dozen people. 51. Smile. i. Walk nt least two miles.' fi. Whistle at least a dozen tunes. 0. Do somo hqlpful thing around home that you havu not beeu told to do. 7. Be prompt. 8. Be as kind and holpful to your own mother nnd sisters as to other hoys' mothers and sisters. The Chronicle. Mrs. John Jacob Boger. wife of i Congressman Rogers of Massachusetts, Is said to be the most popular warn vidinr nt winter Keen iiosiiuai. nsn- lagton. She has beeu serving wounded soldlors sluco the llrst one camo from tho other side. Studying, for the. Screen. "I hoard from Unison last week." "What Is- ho doing?" . "Attending some kind of a school la Now York." "Getting on all right?" "Broke an arm last week, he told me." "Whee I" "And tho week beforo that he hprainod nn ankle." "Well." "Ono day bo nearly lost nn eye." "I never did bcllcvo In too much school athletics." "This Is dlfforent." In what way?" "I asked Unison what ho monnt by that kind of conduct, and ho snld If ho holds out long enough he Is going to ho a inovlng-plcturo actor." mm m" wtur t"- t- - Lit rii.Lt f' r fitt This bullock saved a big gun from the Turku in ihe British cuuv tho Tigris. For this the Hrltlsn government has ulloted It cents per day for life. two